Yak koristuvatisya contactless card svit. MIR cards will soon be available for payment from smartphones

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Controlled by the Central Bank The National System of Payment Cards (NSPK) has been busy with the distribution of a payment supplement, allowing comrades and services to be paid for with Mir cards from a mobile phone - for help NFC technologies... To pay for purchases from smartphones, if the owners are guilty, they will add additional funds to the NSPK in Apple Payі Google play... A small project of a complete mobile supplement will be launched until the end of 2016. As for Izvestia, it has grown dzherelo, close to the NSPK. The press service of the NSPK has confirmed a number of information.

NFC (Near Field Communication) technology will transform mobile phone to the virtual bank card. To pay for the purchase, the smartphone will be applied to the terminal, the purchase amount will be debited from the customer's bank card. This is how the payment by cards itself is considered. contactless technology Visa PayWave і MasterCard PayPass.

smartphone s pidtrimkoyu NFC vdvіchі dear zvychanykh. The main plus of the NFC field is that you can pay for an additional smartphone instead of removing a card from a gamman. Riziki at NFC also, like in case of victorian pictures, and in some cases, navigate lower. For example, if you use a contactless card (the principle of payment is the same, if you don’t have a smartphone with NFC), if there’s a positive surplus, you can hurry up to pay for goods or services for a sum of up to 1 thousand rubles. Ruble (no PIN required). With the phone, such a reception cannot be passed, for that, like a smartphone with a password hijacking - access to information on a new security. If I do not want to send a message to my phone - the evil ones need to enter secret code in addition, which is also not seen by you.

The mobile phone has become a universal tool for making payments without payment, - they commented in the press services of the NSPK. - Payments to victors stylistic phone You can visit koristuvachi yak in various stores (NFC payments), so you can see it with programs mobile annex So called in-app payments. The solution of the powerful mobile payment supplement is relevant for any modern payment system, І PS "Mir" is not a blame;

According to the official representatives of the NSPK, it will be necessary to test and implement the technology of the "Mir" payment system. In addition, behind the words of spyrozmovniks, on contactless payments, as in other payment systems, there is a limitation for valid transactions: the purchase amount without entering the PIN code is not to blame for the card holder's signature. Ruble

If you are the master of the "Mir" card, you can get on your phone mobile supplement Independently of the fact that a bank has a copy of the card, it is possible to expand the number of cards by this service (just the middle of the cards "Svit"), - the head of the processing center of the Binbank group, Kirilo Dyachkov, comments. - By the way, the client will have a vibir: for quick mobile bank bank (de also it is possible to carry out operations on the "World" cards), or to establish an okremiy dodatok.

On the thought of the director of the department of payment systems of the SMP-bank Olena Bindusova, the innovation is important from the point of view of the NSPK's handling of all the functionality provided by the Ministry of Railways.

Ale representative of Binbank zvertaє uvagu, bank supplement the customer is able to bachiti and manage all of his cards (not only the payment system "Mir") and rakhunks, so that in the "non-bank" add-ons, those rakhunks will not be available to you.

And from the point of view of the very function of contactless payment for an additional smartphone - there are no sales, - Kirilo Dyachkov will say. - As only the NSPK prohibit this opportunity, it will be possible to implement it on the basis of bank mobile supplements.

However, the effectiveness of the novelty from the NSPK will be rich in what lies in the fact that the NFC module in Russian smartphones will not just be simple, but practical. Pay only for Android phones with NFC. NFC-chips in Russia are equipped with smartphones based on the operational Android system And also iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus from Apple based on IOS. Yak wrote "Izvestia" in kvіtnі, the owners of "Yabluk" can pay by phones in the end of 2016 - the ear of 2017, todі in Russia Apple Pay is banned (payment Apple system Pay, the settings for the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus function to enable NFC modules). Tse bit by bit, having confirmed in the same way the Vice President of Apple Jennifer Bile.

Some gadgets based on Android OS, which are more popular in Russia, now you can buy offline and online for additional help Android add-ons Pay, "linking" the card to the phone. The production of physical "plastic" is not required. Before Russia, the service arrived immediately after Belgium, and for the first time earned money in the USA in 2015. All of the most popular banks in Russia have already announced about the support of the Google child.

It is possible to connect Visa and MasterCard cards to contactless services at once, but "Mir", which will soon be rejected by all state employees and pensioners, is not possible. At the press service of the NSPK (operator "Mir"), the "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" issued a decision to allow the owners of the "Mir" cards to use a mobile phone payment cards", Will be promoted in the other half of 2017.

On view of similar Samsung Pay and Apple Pay, launched in Russia last autumn, payment service From Android, you can choose to use smartphones of any brands, or NFC (contactless transmission of data module), smut, if they were running the Android OS version Kitkat and Vishche. Well, competitors have their own pluses. For example, Samsung Pay uses terminals, and not only with those, which accept contactless payment (PayPass / PayWave). Such annexes are guaranteed to stand only in the shops of great trade fences, but they are practically stored in the store - depriving them of food for an hour.

Only in 2016 more than five million smartphones with an NFC chip were sold. Android Pay, Director of Operational Marketing "M. Video" Anton Volodkin. As soon as possible for smartphones in Russia, you may be able to get paid services on Android, in Google you have seen "Rossiyskaya Gazeta".

The function of contactless payment for skin sales in Russia smartphone

In sales of a large number of smartphones (today - a week), a part of smartphones with NFC will become 22 points, while the growth rate is still at an insignificant rate (by 1 million points generously). However, for the assessment of the experts, the attachments with the NFC chip, which are obvious in the hands of people, are even more, lower in sales.

With all the love to new technologies, the Bank of Russia did not see contactless payments in the statistics of unprecedented payments, it is clear that even a small part of this region is small: to navigate the cards of the most popular banks, there are a lot of such payments in one or two rubles. However, the popularity of contactless payment methods will grow rapidly. For the help of gadgets, young people are ready to pay in the main, and a priceless customer for trading fenders.

There will not be any additional circulation of cards, alas, there will be no more long-term cards of contactless payments from smartphones and " smart years"To pass for 10 per cent of turnover on cards, the head of the Association" Electronic penny "Viktor Dostov." Tsei sposib maє zrozumіlі perevagi - fast, no need to go into the swarm for potatoes, without baking, "- say Vin.

Payments for contactless payment services are so safe, as for wives bank cards, Introduced in the NSPK. On contactless payments by the bank, there can be decisions made for the operation - the amount of purchase without entering the PIN-code or the signature of the card holder, as a rule, is not guilty of transferring a thousand rubles.

The national picture "World" with contactless technology of payment for goods and services will appear in 2017. About the "Izvestia" rozpovilo dzherelo, close to the Central Bank. At the central bank's control, the National System of Payment Cards (NSPK), Izvestia received the information, clarifying that in 2017 there will be a mass issue of such cards, and the projects will be launched until the end of 2016.

Payment scheme for purchases with contactless cards "Mir" Visa cards(PayWave) і MasterCard (PayPass): the national "plastic" is applied to the PoS-terminal, the purchase amount is debited from the picture. also contactless card Mir can pay for the metro ride.

Technologies of contactless payment for goods sold by American payment systems Visa (PayWave) and MasterCard (PayPass) for accelerating and facilitating free payments for purchases. Card with PayPass technology to release 43 greats Russian banks, Carty with PayWave - 16. technologies PayPassі PayWave will be stuck on cards with a chip and a magnetic blush. When using such a card, it is not necessary to enter a PIN-code, and also to put a signature on the check, as the purchase amount is small (up to 1 thousand rubles). For Zecurion's assessments, a picture with contactless payment technology є at 2 million Russian rubles. It is stated that in Russia more than 30 thousand. To the point of acceptance of PayPass: transport enterprises, trade, services.

The national picture "Peace" follows the same principle in 2017, - the announcement of "Izvestia" dzherelo, close to the Central Bank. - Apparently, banks - participants of the "Mir" payment system, re-use their PoS-terms, so that customers can make contactless payments for purchases.

In the words of the official representatives of the NSPK, "the first efficient design of Mir maps with contactless technology is planned to be launched before the end of 2016, and the mass of victors will be honored in the offensive".

Banks-receivers will need personnel to seize such pictures, banks-ekvirer - set in their terms the settings in software secured for robots with contactless Mir cards, - said the NSPK.

І clarified that the difference between the availability of contact and contactless cards with the newest minds clock frequency etc.) in the warehouse for a total of 10-20 cents.

Behind the words of the bank card holder for card products of the Binbank Mikiti Ignatenko group, in order to issue cards with contactless payment, the bank needs to go through certification and update the internal systems for such a person.

The terms and conditions in the provision of contactless payment in whole and in turn will be based on technologies and technologies, on which NSPKs to launch a contactless payment method, - explains Mikita Ignatenko. - Judging from the evidence of international systems, contactless pictures are more expensive for banks in the middle by 20% (protest on clients is not recognized).

According to the assessments of Andriy Lyushin, the patron of the head of Loko-Bank, the vitrati on the vvadzhennya of smart cards are twice as large as the vitrati to the vvadzhennya of cards from the magnetic smog.

If you take for a butt of vitrati for issuance and servicing by holding out the first million of smart cards, then you will store the stink, for the obviousness of the few ATMs, close to $ 1.9-2.5 million - as the defender of the head of Loko-Bank. - For cards with magnetic smog, the price will be $ 1-1.2 million, but at the same time there will be a lot of money about the mines, connected with the adaptive magnetic technology, and in the case of magnetic cards, there will be a risk of growth of growths and overgrowth through 2-3 on vprovadzhennya cards with a chip.

However, the vitrati of banks may not be correct. On the thought of the head of the International Confederation of Partnerships with the help of Dmitry Yanin, leave the acceptance of MIR cards from all ATMs and bank terminals in Russia, the population is unlikely to come from national "plastic"

Є Sumnivi, for the mass release of the Mir cards in 2016-2017, people will be called their own salary cards, - vvazhaє Dmitro Yanin. - Poki vprovadzhennya national maps and a purely administrative way. Rock through five - due to the obviousness of the general infrastructure - the "World" cards will be actively used. Importantly, you can pay with "plastic" behind the cordon. Poky the picture "Peace" to be victorious only for the nobility of the got_vka nebagatma clients of banks.

Protest, for the words of the representative of Binbank, contactless payment in bagatokh vipadkah it is more safe, there is no payment by contact method: for example, you can give a picture for an additional skiming attachment.

For Shakhraysk operations for additional RFID-readers, it is necessary that the card was even close to the reader, so it would be practically unwise to pay through the swarm or the bag, like Mikita Ignatenko.

According to estimates from a Binbank representative, a part of operations in Russia for Mir cards in 2017 can be increased by 20% with proper development of infrastructure. On the thought of Andriya Lyushin, NSPK can spend up to 15% on the market of smart cards in Russia until 2018.

As a result of the Central Bank's donations, 24 banks from 76 NSPK participants have already successfully completed the testing of Mir cards, nine of them (including Gazprombank, MDM Bank (integrate with Binbank), Krimsky RNKB, SMP-Bank) have started to release the national plastic ". 20 yew. ATMs and 40 thousand. Payment terms will also accept a national card, and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry will launch a project on the development of transport add-ons for the "plastic" of the NSPK, for a picture and as a "social" add-on. Oleg Perestenko, meaning that the companies "Megafon" and "Aeroflot" have joined the project for the release of the national picture.

Behind the righteous legislation, the picture "Peace" is guilty of the vipuskati for state employees in the general order. On the national "plastic" will be paid salaries, pensions, scholarships.

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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