When Windows 7 was installed, the screen parameters changed. Adjustment of different buildings for Windows

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The screen image is stored in pixels. Vono size fixes by width and height. Standard values: 640 480; 800 × 600; 1024 × 768; 1280 × 1024; 1600 × 1200 etc. Besides the standard values, there are also many video cards that can be adapted to other industrial values, for example, 1152 × 864, 1280 × 960, etc.

The vibration of a specific type of building should be stored in the first place in the monitor size (measured in inches by diagonal) and the size of the monitor. For monitors with a living class, the following values ​​are recommended.

The size of the monitor by diagonal is inches. Construction of the display - pixels:

17 inches 1024 × 768
19 inches 1024 etc.

The meaning, indicated, can be changed for one gap, or, at the same time, it will be added to the picture, but the standard elements of the image (icons, buttons, signatures and writing) can be added to the other. In addition, the separate building of the screen is not the only parameter that can be tuned, and its envy can negatively mean that it is not the best to set the parameters in the best possible way.

Windows XP and Windows 7. Rozdіlna zdatnіst screen vstanovlyuyut dvigunom - Region ekranu (dialed), changing between the extreme positions Menshe - Bilshe (low - high). At the first, the closest vibrate the separate building, go from the size of the monitor screen. After adjusting these parameters, you can turn around and wonder if you do not want to see it.

Vibrated to separate the building, harden it to the onslaught of the button - (zastosuvati) - OK. As long as it’s hoping to re-enable the computer, it’s not necessary.

A change to permission from a bik zbіlšennya is an operation of a friend. Є Imovability, but the video of the power system cannot be correctly processed in the distribution of buildings - you do not display the smart image on the screen, and apparently, you cannot change the zvorotny bik... Tom operation Windows system live visits to insurance. The change in the distribution of buildings is displayed for 15 seconds; Even after an hour it wasn’t necessary to confirm, but everything went wrong, then the system was installed, but the operation didn’t take long, and it was automatically updated in advance. I think that all the main moments in the whole of the project, but I still want to fix it on the adjusted color distribution of the building.

Adjustment of color distribution of buildings

The number of different buildings (won glybina koloru, won kolorova palіtra) is available, and pictures of colors can be instantly displayed on the screen. One vimir: the number of colors, the number of colors.

True Color - 24 bit 16.7 million

True Color 24-bit palette є sufficient for perforated storage. The number of people possessed with a wide range of colors depends on the abilities of the organisms of the people. For professional robots, it’s worthwhile to pick up the pallets with a size of 32, 40, 48 bits, and it’s not about the development of a number of small colors, but about the acquisition of additional information about colors, brown for information

Pick up power supply:

- What is the best way to release video cards with 512 MB, 1024 MB or more?

Tse of special video cards, which can be used for video editing. trivial graphics, in front of computers igor Oh. Smells of improved visuals will serve to obtain the results of industrial calculations and prepared textures. I will welcome the robot of the computer igor, and in the sense of the various buildings, the screen and the glybin color.

It is possible that V set up the maximum amount of glybin colora.

The envy of the tsy parameter doesn’t mean anything on the productivity of the computer, so don’t blame it. Confirm the adjustment with the OK button. As soon as the request to re-enable the computer appears, you should be prompted. However, the video cards do not allow the image to be displayed as a re-engagement when the color changes - because nothing is done. Re-pre-mailingєmos ...)

In the ts_y statty, it was selected by those: adjusting the distribution of buildings to the screen that adjustment of color distribution of buildings.

P.S. I want to know how to experiment with the topics of the work table:

As a rule, the maximum dose happy monitors perevischuє standard 1920x1080, Yakscho takі Je Volodar velikoї dіagonalі ekranu (od 25 "i bіlshe). Monіtori of slim abo serednoyu dіagonallyu this function the bіlsh old pokolіnnya mozhut pіdtrimuvati standardized 1600h1024, 1140h900, 1366h40h10h10, Rozdіlna zdatnіst neobhіdno nobility dwellers uniknuti problems Zi vstanovlennyam nepіdtrimuvanogo him value The maximum flexibility in the size of the screen space is included in the instructions for monitors and laptops. Windows screen listed as recommended.

Don't start the video driver automatically optimal call to the screen. In such cases, without manual input for setting the required permissions in the adjusted systems, or with the help of the video driver manager - as a rule, or Catalyst control Center, or "Nvidia Control Panel" - you can’t do it.

1. Correct and wrong ways of setting up individual buildings on the screen

I called the screen with zasob operating systems You can customize it by clicking on the context menu on the work table and selecting the item "Screen health" for Windows 7 and 8.1.

For Windows 10, the context menu needs to select "Screen parameters", then - "Additional screen parameters".

Right there, in the context menu on the work table, as a rule, there is a command to launch the video driver manager. Your window needs to set up a tab for the installation of a separate building screen.

There is no difference in the size of the screen only in the adjusted systems and in the middle of the video driver manager. І not for the help of third-party programs that can transfer this kind of power. When the Windows screen was set up, and so at the warehouse manager of the video driver, the value of the screen unattended by the monitor of the separate building was stolen from the storage device (a new version of the screen could be tested for a while in the middle of the last seconds).

third-party programs and new ones can be used immediately, without prior testing. And inodі navіt ya without drinking koristuvach. I will be stuck in non-readjustments by the monitor or the display of the laptop, the building is different - it’s back, but it’s too low, as a result, we can see a dark screen with the words “Pose by range”, “Out Of Range”, " Input Not Supported ”anyway, albeit this sutta itself. Experimenting with separate building screens on windows for the video driver manager, such an inconsistency can be eliminated: as soon as an unaddressed separate building is installed, and the screen is turned on, after a few seconds, it turns to the front of the window.

The installation of separate buildings can also be a lot of insight into a virus computer.
So what's the problem, what's wrong with the screen, what's wrong with the monitor?

2. The fate of another display

Virishiti the problem ourselves easy way It’s more than a good idea to have two monitors connected to the computer, or a monitor and a TV set. It should be possible to connect a monitor or a TV viewer to a laptop, which is periodically connected (apparently, earlier than set up in the system). The problem is as simple as trying to navigate behind the mind, when the separate building of the main display is set, and not the pre-installed display. It should be noted that the image on the other screen is not duplicated, but expanded. What needs to be done? On the empty working table of another screen, the context menu is selected, and the item "Screen parameters" for Windows 10 and "Screen construction" for system versions 7 and 8.1 is selected.

Nayimovirnishe, in the systemic adjustment of the screen to see on the main monitor with impenetrable darkness. At such a pressure, press + Shift + Right / Left arrow to move the window to the other screen. I will install it for the main monitor to receive it.

Yaksho do system unit If only one monitor is switched on, if only one monitor is connected, or the other monitor or a TV set, which, if possible, if a separate screen is installed, the problem can be solved by the other. Everything that is required to update - switch on the replacement of the flow monitor and the clock display. First of all, you need to set up the screen size requirements. Much more quickly, but a modern TV viewer can fit into a separate building, as for the main monitor it appeared overwhelmingly high. І, navpaki, є ymvіrnіst, tо kіneskopnі TVіsory, plugged in an additional cable S-Video (for old video cards) or in addition to a special adapter for a cable VGA (naturally, because of the obviousness of this), you can see an inferior image 600

As well as the іnshy display-ryatіvnika is not a lot, for this also will not be problematic for the separate building of the screen, but it’s a pity to get in to "dance with a tambourine". Especially in Windows 8.1 and 10.

3. Vidalennya vіdeodriver in the bezelny modeі Windows

If you turn back the screen dialing, to start using the monitor, you need to lock Windows in safe mode, de the system works with the basic screen layout, without starting the video driver. In the safe mode, the video card driver can be seen. Then, having started up in the same mode of the robotic system, the video driver needs to be set up again.

3.1. Bezel-less mode for Windows 7

In Windows 7, the process will go through easier through the ease of entering bakeless mode... It is necessary to re-enable the hardware for the additional button Hard resetі when starting the computer, press the F8 key. After eating before the menu additional options zavantazhennya, it is required to vibrate the option "Non-oven mode".

3.2. Bezelny mode for Windows 8.1 and 10 thanks to the participation of the installer

For Windows 8.1 and 10, the F8 key is not practical, as in most cases it is not an analogue - by pressing Shift + F8 - after an hour the system starts up. Consume in the safe mode in all versions of the system, you can not have anything in front of you, you can use the installer's support if you want Windows 8.1, if you want Windows 10. You can re-install the system with the help of the Hard Reset button, you will need to install it before the BIOS from a DVD-disk or a flash drive. On the first step Windows installations onslaught with the Shift + F10 keys to start the command row. At її вікні it is entered:

bcdedit / set (default) safeboot minimal

Tisnemo Enter. First check on the success of the operation.

The command row window is closed. At the start of the Windows installation, "Dal" is stamped.

Onslaught "System update".

Then vibrate "Prodvzhiti".

For a restart Windows computer zavantazhivayutsya already at the safe mode.

3.3. Bezelny mode for Windows 8.1 and 10 for the role of the update disk

Yakshcho earlier the opening disc Windows update, you can vikoristovuvati as it is, like a disk or a USB flash drive installation. Having locked up the update disk from the disk and vibrated the keyboard layout,

it is necessary to vibrate "Poshuk and usunennya inconsistencies" (the whole menu option can also be called "Diagnostics"),

potim - "Additional parameters",

and then start command line.

At її вікні, a command is entered and the Enter command is entered.

3.4. Safe mode for Windows 8.1 and 10 naoslip

There’s no need for an installer to run Windows 8.1 or 10, or an update disk, as there’s no other computer, for the help of which it’s possible to organize it, because it’s just that it’s easy to get around in invisible mode, in a trouble-free the system can be tried to get out of the way. But in the end, it is necessary to respectfully introduce the value, like the nobility, as with my own bullet, the keyboard is laid out before the experiment with the separate building of the screen, and also to Windows middleware, and not all the middle 3D-programs (not all games can be burned when the + D keys are pressed). Otzhe, how do you need to increase the amount of money?

Croc 1: as the distribution of the bullet is not English, we change it on some keys + probil.

Croc 2: launching the command line from the name of the administrator after the last attacks of the keys + Q, cmd, Ctrl + Shift + Enter.

Croc 3: how to work the speakers, the sound system sounds UAC; embossed arrow left, then Enter.

Croc 4: the command of the command line is entered for the game

The low quality of the matrices in the monitors of the mass segment is used by the monitors to accurately display the details and colors on the signs, hand-made models and images. Ale everything is not so hopeless. Not obov'yazkovo bagti in the store for a new one. Yak nalashtuvati monitor, how to paint the image?

Nasamper, it is necessary to vrahovuvati, we are talking about a welcoming pidhid. Professionals take care of their skills and abilities. That and vimogi they see from by-by. The decision of professionals to get serious vitrates, which is unlikely to be true, because of the image quality, your earnings cannot be stuck.

Need a monitor?

The monitor can be kind or disgusting, or more often it appears incorrectly set up. Bagato hto with us, referring to the rise of quotes on his TV view and at the fathers' friends.

It is also a matter of intelligence - people have individual specialties, so the image of everyone is perceived in a reasonable way. Among the features of the zoru of the people themselves, the slid vrahovuvati nalashtuvannya monitors.

The parameters of the computer for the promotion, standard drivers, registration of inconsistent color profiles, standard cords or incorrect screening are all of the same value. Tom does not have to indulge in deprivation of images in the Internet.

Photographers often show potential clients portfolio on their laptops, on which installations are updated. Ale on the іnshomu monitors of photographs can see the pictures. It’s not a good idea to use a monitor to assess the quality of signs. One way for a universal conversion of quality can be used in different photographs.

Yak correctly set up the monitor - why do you need it?

Before adjusting the monitor, you need to arrange for a normal transfer of the color (with a maximum of output for the monitor) and a new color recovery. Now, next to the development of "monik" at the mice, there will be no transfer at the view of third-party illumination. Look around in the room - it’s optimal, the vibranium didn’t have a glass, the light of the lamp didn’t fall off without a break.

Designers can also use special curtains, which allow them to be interleaved with blinkers and bichne svychennya. For extravagant koristuvachіv, such curtains can be overwhelmed, or you might want to space on the table so that the light is not consumed on the screen.

The image is clearly visible, specially designed for assessing the quality of the image on the monitor. Also, the image of revenge 2 halves - bea and chorna. The numbers 1-5 are indicated on the skin half. As soon as the matrix is ​​finished, it is well adjusted, you can add all the numbers to the list. Vlasniki of the monitors of the middle rivnya can bachiti numbers 1-3. As far as you can see only the number 1-2, for the call is not going into it, the problem must be violated - our statute is designated for this.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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