Display coordinates of the touch screen in Windows 7

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The statistic will tell you how it is possible to display the monitor from operating system Windows 7/8 є basic functions, wired into the operating system.

If the monitor is able to visualize any color, then, for example, with the correction of photographs, you cannot adequately assess the result. There is one reason why the other monitors of photography, or the robots, are not looking like they were looking at them. Something like this. Evil is shown, like a sign on a displayed monitor, a right-handed person - on a non-calibrated monitor.

Preparation before calibrating the monitor

1. Install the newest versions of the video card and monitor drivers that are smart in Windows 7. Right away with the driver, a number profile will be installed, so the most accurate display technical characteristics a monitor of the same possibilities of color development.

2. Install a separate building of the screen, if you are comfortable with it. To change the partition of the screen, click the right button on the screen vіlnuy mіsciu on a workman Windows tables 7 and in the context menu, select the item Construction of the screen.

3. Read the documentation to your monitor, to know the designation of the buttons on the monitor (call the smell on the front panel), the items on the screen menu that are important to the changes that you call "factory" ones. For the additional buttons on the front panel of the monitor, discard the parameters for color, brightness, contrast. (as in the screen menu of the monitor є the Reset item, speed it up).

4. As soon as you have already installed the monitor, we recommend that you install text document and record all the settings in the OSD menu before the cob calibrations. Tse allow you to innovate front alignment monitors in the same way, as the result of calibrating you will not be overwhelmed.

5. Revise the appearance of the calibrating programs on the CD, which was supplied with the monitor, joke with such programs on the website of the monitor's virobnik.
- If the monitor's virobnik has given the program to calibrate the screen, then speed up with it.
- If the monitor is virobnik without pushing the program for adjusting the display, then speed up by calibrating Windows screen 7.

6. If you professionally work with the color, then speed up the monitor calibrator and see software security, please, trim the best results.

Windows 7 screen calibrations

To run the screen calibrate Windows 7, open the Start menu, enter slick row dccw and pressure Introduction.

Keruyuchis lectures You can adjust the calibrations by adjusting such parameters, such as contrast, brightness, gamma, color balance. Schob go to the offensive stage of calibrating, press the Dal button. Turn until the front edge, press the Turn button until the front edge.

In the process of calibrating, you will be changing the software and the equipment to adjust the color. Software adjustment - the price of adjusting the monitor driver. Stink if you see messages for help calibrating the Windows 7 screen for help for Misha. At reinstalling Windows that when the monitor is connected to the system unit software adjusted will be thrown off. Hardware adjustment - the whole internal adjustment of the monitor. Smell change, if you adjust the monitor for the additional on-screen menu for the additional buttons on the monitor case. When installing Windows and connecting the monitor to the other computer, the hardware has been adjusted.

The process of calibrating can be done by pressing the Scasuvati button. At the end of the day, all the changes in the software adjustments will be skewed, but the hardware adjustment will not be skewed by you for the additional buttons on the monitor. To scan the device settings, you need to wipe the menu screen for additional buttons on the monitor and turn the cobs on the value of the changed parameters, otherwise the Reset function of the screen menu will be set up quickly.

Establishment of the main parameters of the colors

1. For the additional buttons on the monitor, the screen menu is displayed.

2. On the OSD menu, know the Color setting and set to sRGB mode. If there is no such parameter in the mode, then set the Color temperature parameter to equal D65 (or 6500).

3. If the Gamma parameter is in the monitor's on-screen menu, then set this value to 2.2 (for options).

4. While there are no parameters on the screen menu of the monitor, try to find the Reset item in the on-screen menu to set the monitor settings for replacement. If you can't throw off the monitor's adjustment, just push the distance, then go to the onset of the calibrating crook.

Nalashtuvannya gami

Gamma - the whole mathematical description of the values ​​of the red, green and blue colors, which are transmitted to the monitor, as well as the intensity of light, which is used by the monitor.

With the help of a pozunka, adjust the image test so that the points in the center of the keel are spread.

Adjustment of yaskravosti

Yaskravіst Visnachaє, like on the screen of the monitor, you can see those and dark colors. For this high yaskravosti black color will appear as a siry. If there is a low quality of the image, it will be dark, and some and other dark details on the dark smudge will not be visible.

1. Before adjusting the brightness, know the contrast buttons on the monitor (like the smell є) or open the screen menu and go to the submenu Contrast.
- Yaksho vi kalibrute RK-monitor, discard the contrast settings, setting the value for the settings ("factory adjustments").
- Yaksho vi kalibrute EPT-monitor, then set the contrast to maximum.

2. Be amazed at the image test, set the optimal adjustment of the image in the on-screen menu behind the additional buttons on the monitor (on the test image, the shirt is not to blame for being angry with the suit, and the letter X is to blame for the ice).

Adjusting contrast

Contrast - the price of displaying the most beautiful parts of the image, as well as the growth of the number of images. If there is a high contrast of light colors, it will appear like beads and will be inviolable on a white person. With a low contrast, all colors look blurry.

Be amazed at the image test, set the optimal contrast adjustment in the on-screen menu behind the additional buttons on the monitor (on the test image, you can clearly see the folds on the screen, while the color is bright).

Adjusting the color balance

Color balance - the same intensity of the image of all three main colors - red, green and blue. In the destruction of the color balance, one of the colors is overloaded, or it seems to be insufficiently intensive, through which the colors are produced.

For help, you can arrange optimal performance colorev (with a good color balance, the image can be displayed as dark and light as in gray, without the house of the coloreds).

Calibruvannya completed.

If you want to calibrate the monitor, visually check the adjustment of the smooth fonts for the ClearType technology.

Surprise respectfully at the screen of your monitor. Are there enough contrast and yaskraviy? Chi is correct? І vzagalі, what are the indications of wіn? As soon as it is held for hours in front of the monitor, it will be shown again and again. The price is not easy, but it’s going to be awakened and ready to go.

Gamma, brightness, contrast

Schob rozpochaty calibruvannya in Windows 7, enter the row of the Start menu (Start) key word"dccw" and select from the list of results given by "dccw.exe" (small A).

Display Color Calibrator interface is not very pleasant, but functional (small B).

Malunok B. Sasib "Calibrovannya koloriv screen".

At the first stage, you will be prompted to customize the factory parameters for the color (Fig. C). There is a lot of stinks and so entangled, so there can be nothing to do with it, but simply push "Dal" (Next).

Figure C. Renovation of factory paintwork.

A spate of overturning and setting up din. Utilita "Calibrating colors to the screen" I will explain how and how to adjust the color (small D), and then I will give you the help (small E).

Malunok D. Sho take gama.

Malunok E. Nalashtuvannya gami.

On the offensive stage, the brightness and contrast are changed (Fig. F).

Igor (Administrator)

The season is easy to create with megapixel photographs and videos with improved readability. I don’t be astonished by those who can’t all get away with the barvy description of the style of “good photography from the popular photographer X” / “only we have it with a high readiness”, all the “price” may not be true to the bit. if you are not tuned in to calibrate color.

See if you are wondering at the photograph of the lake land on the screen with 16 squares. Wait, all the effects, yak naklav photographer for the help of the editor(so, often when you go to sleep, all photographs to go through processing), do not wipe out any of your emotsies. That very picture will be very important to evaluate.

Note: Unimportant to those who bring the butt to the absolute, the sense of being lost by ourselves. Incorrectly set colors on the screen can transform a masterpiece into a school viroba.

In Windows 7 є to finish off the misters calibruvannya koloriv screen. The maister will guide you croc by croc to adjust such parameters as gamma, brightness, contrast, color balance and other parameters. Leather croc such an instrument is not explained, so it will be awkward to be vivid, so it will be given croci... If you do not see it "ideally" if you do not see it "ideally", then do not get worried. In a nutshell, the "ideal" settings are simply not intuitive. In other words, if you don’t get too excited about it (don’t look as bright as possible, because you’re looking good) and after reading the recommendations, then the image on the screen can be slightly painted.

You can start the maister by going to the "Control Panel" -> "Design and Personnel" -> "Screen" -> Zlyva vibrate "Calibruvannya koloriv". Abo, if you find a perevag vikoristannyu klaviaturi, then you can enter "dccw" (without paws) at the field of the Start menu and press Enter. For utilities suggestions, you can use the screen-by-screen mode, but you can change the size of the screen.

Note: When adjusting colors, it is recommended to vikoristovuvati per-screen mode oskіlki tse tied with the special feature of the picture of the ochima. There are no lucid factors, which can lead to a negative role in calibrating. For example, if you are astonished at the plaque of the image at the barvy aphids, then it will become more bloody. That is, when you adjust in a small window, there is a great deal of value, but as a result you will not see the best of the image, you do not want it.

Note: On the karttsi vikoristovuyutsya zhornutiy viglyad vіkna for demonstration and not more.

If you have a video card from the Nvidia virobniks installed on your computer or ATI, then invite them to receive special Mystery adjustments from the virobniks themselves (or you can add them to the external drivers). Such basic calibrations allow you to customize more parameters and customize design, not a Windows master.

Note: Tim is not the least, I’m not okay, I’m still okay, I’m still a Windows master, so when developing their own programs, video card softwares often rozrakhoyuyut itself on additional and middle corystuvachіv. If you don’t want to see the file utilities, it’s recommended to you before you start downloading the documentation from the official sites.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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