Mykola Mrochkovskiy99 tools for sale. Effective methods of rejecting arrival

Zharoznizhuvalny for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconvenient help for feverish women, if the children are in need of giving innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and constipation of fever-lowering drugs. How can you give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

Bagato koristuvachiv actively create Excel for the generation of events, the latest editorial board. For a visual glance of information and rejection of the complete control for the hour of the operation of the data in the process of the robot with the program.

Zovnishny viglyad work area program - table. And the relational database gives the structure and information in the rows of the same. Uninvolved on those who use the standard MS Office package, I will use Microsoft Access to open the database, I will actively use Microsoft Access. Microsoft Excel for qix tsіley. Also, we can give you a zmog with programs: sortuvati; formatuwati; filterruvati; redaguvati; systematize that structure and information.

That is all those that are required for robots with data bases. One nuance: the Excel program is a universal analytical tool, which is the most suitable for folding rosters, enumeration, sorting and navigation for saving structured data, but only in small tables of money.

Base danih structure - Excel spreadsheet

The base of the tribute is a collection of tributes, arranged in order of tune, that is for a manual trick, systematization and editing. How to create a database for Excel?

All information from the base of the data is to be found in the records and in the fields.

A record is a row at the base of data (DB), which includes information about one object.

The field is one hundred percent in the database, so revenge the same type of data about all objects.

The records and fields of the database are displayed in rows and in hundreds of standard tables in Microsoft Excel.

If you are in the presence of simple tables, then it is not difficult to open the database.

Basi danih in Excel: pokrokova instructions

Pokrokove base bazi danih Excel. Before us there is a zavdannya formulate a database database. For a few rockets of robots, the company has gotten more than a dozen permanent clients. It is necessary to provide the terms of the agreements, in direct communication. Know the contact persons, give a call too.

How to open the database of these clients in Excel:

The main robot is the introduction of information to the database - Viconano. To get information about it, you need to check it out by hand, you need to see what you need, see it, see it.

Yak maintain a database of clients in Excel

Just forgive the trick at the base, order їkh. For the whole pіdіide іnstrument "Sortuvannya".

The data of the tables were distributed according to the terms of the agreement.

Now the manager is back, for an hour to relocate the contract. And with the yaky companies we will sell our products.

The DB in the process of performance grows up to the name of the system. To know the information is needed. To know a specific text or numbers, you can speed up one of the following ways:

For help filtration of tributes the program gives you all the information, but don’t trick the koristuvach. Dani zalishayutsya at the table, or invisible. It is possible to be updated.

Have Excel programs most often 2 filters are frozen:

  • Autofilter;
  • filter of the visible range.

The autofilter proposes the filter to vibrate the filter parameter from the ready-made list.

Experimentally with filtration of given visions in mid-range. Albeit, we need to list in the tables deprived of those companies, which are used by Bilorus.

As soon as the database has financial information, you can know the amount for the different parameters:

  • soum (pidsumovuvati dani);
  • rakhunok (p_drahuvati the number of alternatives iz numerical data);
  • mean value (pidrahuvati is arithmetic mean);
  • maximum and minimum value in the visible range;
  • tvir (result of multiple tributes);
  • the standard is the visualization and dispersion of the vibration.

The order of the robot with the financial information at the database:

The tools on the Dani deposit allow you to segment the database. Group information with a glance of relevance with a name. The view of groups of buyers of services and goods in addition to the marketing of the goods.

Prepare templates for maintaining customer base segments.

Templates can be pidlashtovuvati "for yourself", quickly, expand and redaguvati.

Advancing the efficiency of the sale for 50 days Ryazantsev Oleksiy

Template package for calls

Template package for calls

1. Sound from activity

At the beginning of the activity, there are only a lot of events, as the managers stayed throughout the day, and to navigate the bags of the day. The table is entered:

Misyats, date that day;

Zapiznennya, in hilines;

Number of new cold connections;

Number of visits to the individual, as the decision maker (decision maker);

Number of over-the-top commercial propositions (CP);

Number of repeated calls;

Number of effective connections;

Number of signs of the devices;

Number of performances;

Number of displayed rakhunks;

Sum of payments, in rubles;

A message should be posted to the one that the journal of dvinks (of the coming day) is memorized and sent to the kernel for the sale of EPR (Table 5.2).

One of the most useful tools in the list of sales. Having done it, you can improve the productivity of the team, and the managers will repair the job less than the price. In addition, you can control how to check the managers, and how to change the conversion and sum of payments.

Hour of memorized call: 10 khvili.

2. Work log

A work log is one of the main working tools of a sales manager. We are getting ready for a working day of the coming day. Do not pry pins for torkan. On the start of a working day of memorization, a work journal will be issued to a standard sales report e-mail- if the system is not configured with documents or CRM.

Yakі danі be entered before the work log.


Ім'я decision maker.

Phone and e-mail.

The result of the link.

Dzherelo to the collection of contacts (yet the managers did not take away the unreliable bases on their own) (Table 5.3).

Table 5.2. Journal dzvinkiv

Table 5.3. Butt of a working magazine

This tool will help you to quickly connect to the robot and communicate in a block for two or three years, and not one at a time in Internet contacts. The average level of a manager will have five contacts for a year. And I can find a work log, people come to the robot and call me at once for ready contacts.

Since the list is not broken up in the evening, you can start singing, for a manager that is easy to assign to an important process the whole I spend half the day.

3. Checklist "Delivery of the day" (tables 5.4, 5.5)

Table 5.4. Sales manager checklist

It is important that the robot at the end of the bullet is prompted by blocks: one block - two or three years, within the framework of which one type of robot is displayed (it is important). Connect your managers to the problem of tasks - and you can improve your productivity in two and a half times. Don't you? Sign the test month and cross yourself.

At the end of the day, they brought us that our brain needs close to 30 chilins, to get to the peak of productivity and to get away to the stream. And then go to the right, turn for 30 seconds. It is important to think about it. It is not possible to give managers the opportunity to phone all day long. They have got a block of dzvinkiv. So it’s a sieve.

Another plus here is the psychological aspect: if you put yourself on the clock for an hour, you will be able to see it more, if you don't have a strong power for an hour to be realized.

4. Base for the compression of warm clients

The base on the basis of the clients' inquiry is necessary in order not to waste potential clients, who called you - they sent the commercial proposition, maybe they made a show, but before the sale did not work. Our statistics say about those, on this stage, 20-30% pleases - it is less than that, about the clients they just missed, encouraging them to start smelling and call themselves. It is the fault of the robot being carried out by warm clients, but the date of the onset of the connection is due to please (Table 5.6).

When the base manager is set up, he makes a list on his calendar and puts the naduvannya on the phone. For remembering your Google calendar and setting up a new SMS message. It’s douchey.

5. Sound about entertainment

Sound about the performance of the spyprobatniki memorize the performance. At the newest, the subject of construction, the main housekeeping and the date of the offensive torkannya.

It sounds important, for that reason you can control the actual performance of the organization and the efficiency.

Table 5.5. Checklist for a quote for sale

Table 5.6. Sales base

Often there is a problem, if managers put their own devices, and themselves go to their right.

Sound about the manager's alarm for sale

Date _______________ F. І. O. manager _________________

Naming a company ________________________________

Contact person _______________________________________

Manager's notes:

The result of the device:

For more details:

Podalshі dії from the side of the client:

6. Validity of the quote for the sale

You can follow the results of sales in the form of a copy of the report and the opportunity to the director of the enterprise to control the performance of sales in the background and the results of the skin manager (Tables 5.7, 5.8).

You can add some indicators, for example, the number of additional sales, sales of partner goods only.

Table 5.7. Svіt vіddіlu sale

Table 5.8. It sounds like the sale of a specific manager

7. Audit of the customer base

The audit of the customer base should be carried out once per month / quarter. For the auditor's bags, I remember the table-zvit (Table 5.9).

Table 5.9. Customer base audit (with ABC-segmentation)

8. The name of the sales representative (merchandiser)

Vikoristovutsya control on the ob'yzd retail outlets assigned to the sales representative (table. 5.10).

Table 5.10. Shchedenny call of a sales representative

9. Database of key clients

Importantly, the managers were leading the core of the key clients. In addition, with them, it is necessary to adapt the communication of the best quality. On this part of your base, business is trimmed and it is even more important to add gratitude to your system.

З books Psychological priyomy and management the author Liberman Devid J

Strategy 3: a small package of pleasures Inodi rudeness to disguise, fill up a small package of unsuccessful pleasures. We will accept such pleasure. Just see your soul, help such a lover for his penetration and calmly promote your right,

3 Books Specific PR - 2 the author Maslennikov Roman Mikhailovich

PR-package "dyetichny" - "to freeze the worm" PR-package of a small level of intensity to try to show what the robot of a PR agency can use. Most of the time, there is a presentational character, but in extreme cases, it’s possible to contract a lot.

З books Sell texts. Yak convert the reader into a purchase the author Bernadsky Sergiy

PR-package "average" - to satisfy hunger Denmark Take PR-package if you want a good meal, but you don't need to get overwhelmed because you are afraid to pay "back"; For those who have gone to the house about the lower rate of the "Short PR-subscription" for the small number of services.

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From the Dream Team book. Yak to meet the mriya team the author Sinyakin Oleg

Package for Presy Press folder Press folder - a whole set of PR-texts, which you will be victorious at the calls of your company or hand it over with the knowledge of a new journalist. In the ideal, the won can add up to the offensive documents: background or history

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Go bootie. Ale everything is in-іnshomu! Another turning point in organizing was the out-of-date consolidated message about sales, which is now a common day, and it became clear to everyone that the situation is current. Until then, we will key it into the sound, show it

3 books of Project Management for "teapots" the author Kravets Stenli I.

Compensation package Mati Garne is aware of the nature and the structure of payment for pratsi so most importantly, as and learn about the "robot formula" in front of him, how to negotiate the salary with the interpreter. Salary is less than one part of the compensation package. So the very yak chotiri

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Stagnation of templates The template of the structural scheme was called earlier, the scheme of such a project was broken down, the structure of the robot is analogous to yours. Victory in front of the information

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Yak clearly appreciate the people. Manager's book for personnel author Tibilova T.M.

6. Social package and social assets At any given moment, it is time to negotiate a social package for the one that is in ma buti. One of the first things injected into sportsmen is unsuccessful, not the way they were ochikuvali. They are selected from the function, as they do not have a social

3 books of the author

2.4.1. Query Manipulation Package What Manipulation? Tse of prikhovykh pouring on a ludin or a group of people to reach their own. For example, to spend in life as a solution is often unpopular. Manipulation is possible through

3 books of the author

2.4.3. Social package and loyalty to the staff Social package for administration of administrative constituencies, navpaki, to lay down to "gingerbread". In principle, it is important to find a package instead of a package (payment for a permit, a decree only. Bud.), And the fact itself is that, a social package, isnu.

3 books of the author

Motivational package Know about the minimum, maximum and optimal salaries, as the company is ready to pay. Understand what is the structure of the pay, what is the bonus, what is it who is rejected, what is the penalty sanctions, what is transferred

Niny is still important to systematize her work process. The mother will be informed on the right with the great informational round. To simplify all operations, as well as to expand the picture, it is necessary for the mother to have her own ordered structured information about her purchases.


The base of clients is to take revenge on their own information about all the people who are here to please the organization. Some of the lists є all the information is needed about the sub-units, as in the case of the maybut may become the buyers of the company. As a rule, for the selection of the base of clients, the system is victorious.

Klієntska base is one of the most effective tools, which allows keruvati sales of the company. If you are familiar with the available information, you can predict how efficiently and optimally you can think about organizing your business with buyers.

The implementation of such an effective instrument is carried out in two ways: spontaneously and directly.

The base is spontaneously turned off, which is not very effective; Moreover, the majority of people do not bring income. Managers focus on the number, not the quality of the customer. For the best solutions if there are any number of deputies.

With such an approach, it can be efficiently keruvati danimi, as vicarious to deny the arrival of the company. It is important to clearly distribute the data:

  • Country names for the client: name, name, address, requisites too;
  • Specific: the sphere of storing purchased products, business development, etc.

The correct selection of information is a consummation of success. Importantly, take away the required data. Too much space can make it difficult for the robot to use the base. It is important to periodically review the data, analyze the selection of material, but the most important candidates and the vision are quiet, it is not obvious from whom it is clear.

Who is the manager for the sale? Legs and everything base of clients. I would add ROSUM, which is honestly. Without a rosum and legs, you don't know where to carry, and you can't find a base for Pributkov. Go, rozum on the first mіsci, kієntska base on another, well, and spry legs on the third, but not on the last mіsci.

Who are the current difficulties in robotics since the beginning of the client base? Zvisno, maliy business. Have great business The whole of the robot, in the main, is also prompted, the cloud of clients is carried out in the superior CRM systems, and the responsibility of the managers is made to analyze and plan.

I will come from 5-7 years ago: I form an ad sale from an advertising company branch. For everything about everything - one low-volume computer at once becomes intelligent, and it will be difficult for the clients to manage. Ale, as it seems, the need to be cunning at a glance, and for him, to roam managers with clients, and navpaki - clients with managers, brought them to great and happy evenings, if the leaves from the managers were laid down by the managers. Axis hour buv ...

Take a ready-made template - CLIENTIV BASE

Nice, the company created for the athletes and for me, gave the opportunity for the corporate program to close and open the company for the manager. Tse allowed the uniqueness of traditional scandals through clientele. I know that it’s not all companies from the kitchen at once. To that reason, for the bagatokh oblik of clients and the base of the base is the head bil. Trim as a gift from me - add a template for maintaining a client base and a robot's image:

I think that it’s a good option for the power of the bagatokh - for the call of potential clients there is an optimal number of hundred points, I would like, for sure, you can visually change the table in view of the legal sphere.

So, since I had not been able to correct the professional CRM systems, I wanted to use the programs from the Internet and propose the most optimal options for my readers. So, it was done manually for the managers and the clerks for the sale.

It is no secret that the current Internet gives a miraculous opportunity to practice in real time for people. It has become possible, without the establishment software security Virishuvati is a great number of buildings. For the whole archives, it is important to have continuous and reliable access to the Internet, a web browser and knowledge.

Online service from the beginning of the base of clients

Online service keruyut! Service from the maintenance of the customer base to cope well with the management of potential customers. Our zavdannya vibrate that, which is the most optimal to meet our employees and allow automatization of even more laborious process.

Let's marvel at the service "Online CRM system"... Deliver tsikaviy, and I will be helped. I will overwhelm perevagi:

It can be done without kosuvati. At a non-koshtovny tariff, there can be 2 sportsmen at once. So few. I'll wait. Ale, in order to try it out, as it’s not on one computer, it’s a great time.

  1. As long as you don't have a lot of sportsmen and the option of a non-cash rate, you can start the whole hour without a card.
  2. Surprised by the demo version, I was astonished that it was easy to see it here and enter the data of the clients. Simplicity and brilliance are important.
  3. Access to the base of the clients is positioned by the walls of the office - at the office, for example, or at home.
  4. A good look at the relationship with the clients: history of communication, negotiations and manager.
  5. Nepoganiy oglyad, payments and bribes.
  6. Robot statistics! - tse those who are not listed in the list of clerks of sales. It’s not an hour to call the monitor screen.
  7. Check the nagaduvati about the days of the people of the clients and the spirits, the supervision of the nagaduvan by SMS and e-mail.
  8. Є the ability to manage masovi rosilki lists for the address base.
  9. For the sake of safety, data can be vivantazhuvati in Excel. It’s even more important, so pіkluvatisya about the safety of the given is necessary for any kind of vipad.

Well, how about a list of rewires for you? Enemy? Me so! Especially those who can go by the mother's hand the whole history of interaction with clients and not be afraid, if the manager is a Chergovy manager, his history of robots with clients on the basis of the same may not be a matter of renewal.

I think I have already drawn you, and you will also be able to use the service independently. Wine is light and simple in keruvanna. Do not forget, do not forget, your client base is tse yak student: a lot of pratsyush on her, and then get pratsyu on you. Ale about those, yak protsyuvati with the base, I raspovim in the offensive articles. Please don't waste important information.

Yaksho Vi got lost on the site - you will be amazed that you will wrap up those that are tricky to you. I wish you success!

Infection can be marveled at a short video about those that can be ON.CRM

How do you control the indicators for sales?

For sales, an eye is required. Who is robiti, what is the eye not vistachaє? Call for help for the help! Ale only such, as vmyut the price is easy and beautiful. Yakbi taki service, yak it was about 5 years ago, at that hour, if I actively promoted sales, then, without a hint, I would protest at my own sales.

By the way, the clerks see that the robot for the production of the current results should be repaired, since the managers go home, some of them will be needed since the years of production of the data in the index and the correct transfer of the data to the whole company.

And the yakby axis is for me POLYTELL, then all the processes went from the table to the eksele at the same value on the monitor screen of the phone. I didn’t manage to get to the office all the time, but in the real hour mode, the robot was sent to the managers.

To maintain the base of customers from our company by the method of testing the pledges, we chose Exiland Assistant. The idea of ​​the implementation of the system and our visualization of sales, showing positive dynamics, the team felt more effective, less earlier. The liquidity of the filler has grown by 22%, we have removed garniy vidguk from our clients.

The sales manager is a tsikava that is not a private profession, you can master it as a student, professor, musician. However, reach the success at tsіi nіshі it is far from all. The success of the manager is to lay down yak from special qualities, talent to sell, so i from volodinnya accumulated client base... The very same managers are going to be too crazy about it.

Matty by hand structuring a list of contacts with addresses, please give a quick shout after them, the nobility should follow the telephoning of the year - the basis of a successful sale.

Navigate if you have little organization, even at the same time follow up on the correct selection and update of contacts in enterprises and people.

Vedennya bazi kliєntіv maє buti we will forgive

Vibir to tool - important croc

We need it, Well, the program is simple, but in the first day of the day, there is a new sportsman Because of the fact that managers have not been able to hire an adequate teacher. Until then, vynikla gostra posoba add all the clients into one database All the sportsmen of the companies from their computers were able to help with her.

For the field of clients and in the base of the contacts, the necessary simple, simple and functional software tool - this is the name of the CRM-system (the system is in charge of customers). But, unfortunately, it’s a pity that CRM can handle a lot of it and it’s not handy, it’s so expensive.

Poshuk with ideal programs pidtyagnuvsya ...

As a rule, that is, if only you fix your business, you keep a list in Excel, it is not a pity to keep a list of clients in Excel. To Excel, they did not start looking at the database of the data (DB).

They whispered about the upcoming program in the midst of those who were freelancers for a lot of organizers, and for all managers. Online organizers do not fit us - stink I take the data on the site of the post-master of the service, as I don’t take into account the required value of the donation... Until then, the stench is not very functional.

At WinOrganizer, you can only have a list of friends, you know (and that's it, if the base grows a lot), but you don't allow the base on the enterprises.

Outlook appeared to fill up with a thunderous, nadto strong galmuval. Also, Outlook does not have bookmarks, it is not easy to implement filtering, but I will speed up the sound of a specific record. For the people, as the price of this hour is unacceptable, we have seen that we are seen and continue the buzz with more coming programs.

Microsoft Access became an offensive candidate. As a result of the establishment, there was no simplicity and intuitive intelligence. Ї mi shvidko rejected, so for effective robots With it, it is necessary, as a minimum, in the Visual Basic program, but we know the basics of designing databases and the nobility of SQL. The realities of the current business are such, whether a manager is early enough, but what a new spyrobot needs to know about the robots with Microsoft Access is a minimum of a few absolutely unacceptable for companies in the minds of hard competition.

The jokes pidtyaglsya ... However, we didn’t give up, and once having downloaded the organizer on the official site, we were surprised that they knew who were making such jokes. With the help of the program, the fancy organizer Exiland Assistant Enterprise has appeared. All analogs are displayed. For example, in LeaderTask, the contact field does not have a row for Skype, social media, telephones and telephones are not divided into home, stylistic and work-related ones, information about clients cannot be entered before it, because the function has not been transferred. І взалі, LeaderTask - tse more manager tasks, nіzh program for managing clients.

And in Exiland Assistant є everything we need. You can also expand the structure of the tribute - add your own fields, as the program has been transferred insufficiently. Dani save from a stolen file on one PC v local framing enterprises, and not here at Khmari.

Robot with a client base in Exiland Assistant

Organizer Exiland Assistant is driven by simplicity and handy to think of kerivniks as a result of sales of low-level Russian companies. Klієntska base, accumulated from the Exiland Assistant program, є an effective resource for the sale process.

Organizer allow structure and contact keeping yak lists physical aspects, and organization. For all in the program there are sections "Contacts" and "Organizations".

Why should the program be stored?

Bezkostovna program Exiland Assistant Free

The organizer program can find 6 main distributions:

  • Contacts
  • Organizatsii
  • Zavdannya
  • notatki
  • Posilannya
  • Podії

At the first two razdіlakh you can open the electronic card index of people and enterprises. For leading a group of people and organizing the most interesting wikklyayut first 2 partitions + partitions "Podii" call results for leafing.

Yak not to miss the good shopping?

Plan, please with a client on a bookmark A trip to a card of a people chi organizing - a young man guessing about a trip a long time ago, well, you didn’t bother to get in touch with a potential client, tell him about his replacement, send a message to the knowledge. When you are ready to write down the result of the call / setup. Before the speech, the admissible list of types of pods and results you can adjust independently in the menu Service / Adjustment on the tab "Pods" as per your requirements.

Distribution of promotions, price lists, commercial offers to customers by e-mail

Viyshov new price list? Have you launched an action? Do not forget to zrobiti automatic e-mail distribution to potential customers right from Exiland Assistant. For the whole of it, once fold the text of the sheet (template), vibrate from your contacts, enter your screen, from whatever plan you want to use and launch the power tool. All prices can be set up, vikoristovuchi menu Service / E-mail rosilki in versions of Personal and Enterprise ( the function is given vidday in the Free version - in the boxless organizer, you can deprive the user of the plug-in and send the test sheet to the specified screen, to convert it, in which case it will be delivered).

Better functionality and simplicity

First, he immediately rushed to see her, since the Exiland Assistant was speeding up the first time - all the power and simplicity of the victorian. Already on the coming day, all managers in the company could, in a new practice, maintain a database of their clients. Let’s take a moment that the visually seeing a young man from all of them, was the opportunity for us:

  • Dodavati new, rename new name the fields for your consumption
  • Possibility of e-mail distribution of promotions from the base of contacts, price-lists, suggestions from books according to a predefined template with automatic pre-installation of data from the database in the required template.
  • Automatic formulation of any documents in Word with pre-installation of data from the client base.

We downloaded some of them and tried the free-of-charge version of the organizer, and having installed the server version of the Enterprise organizer, we simply could not have bothered - all fellow workers could make changes to their computers, and all changes were automatically made in the database automatically. 'appeared on all computers.

Three of them, having tweaked the program, we remembered one more special feature: having set up a specific visitor's office, who had just applied to their computer and did not bother with the robots.

Surely not being unfounded, I will direct a specific butt: Exiland Assistant is stored in six main distributions: Contacts, Organizatsii, Zavdannya, Notatki, Possibilities to the Internet, Proceedings... Oskіlki our company cіkavlyat over important distribution "Organizatsії" and "Zavdannya", then we will report on them. Rozdil "Kontakti" ( and "Notatki" we got used to (through Service / Nalashtuvannya / Interface), having attached the program itself for their own company. Rozdil "Organizatsii", they demeaned to maintain the base of organizing, renamed to "Klinti".

The skin manager has his own group of contacts (for a skin-type person, they set up a separate subgroup on their name), moreover, the clients, as it can be seen, are located in the small places in different places. Come to the robot, the manager will work individually with his group, and only be angry with the help of a quick joke from some of the other managers (do not make a mistake in your database of someone else's client).

What are the programs?

Zagalom has three editions of the Exiland Assistant programs:

  • Free (odnokoristuvalna bezkoshtovna, scho there is a basic set of functions). Made important for home koristuvachiv;
  • Personal (a paid one-piece set with a wider set of features);
  • Enterprise. Rozovana for a robot in the office. Allows you to keep the database of clients and the plant behind the projects of the group of koristuvachiv (dermal koristuvach can mother your rights).

Your zavdannya, in pershu cherga, intelligence, as the editorial office of Exiland Assistant: fancy or odnokoristuvatska you pidijde for organizing customer base.

As soon as you have already registered with the version, you can download the database of clients (Free or Demo version of Enterprise) from the official side of the link and install it, if you have access to the simple structure of the file readme.txt

If you switch between versions of transfers, you can easily switch, for example, from the demo version to the rest without spending any tribute.

Free version Free (local one-piece)

The program for maintaining the client base can be downloaded without a box - the Free version. Vona has a basic set of possibilities and more for the house.

Prior to distribution, information is introduced about those who receive the goods via telephone. Rozdіl posilannya on the site so it is more convenient to go for the sizing of sites in the suppliers and competitors, so that we are allowed to be in the course last change and more promptly respond to them.

Personal version (local one-piece)

I sleep also Personal organizer Exiland Assistant Personal- odnokoristuvatska, pidijde yak for home victorian, and for a small office for maintaining a base danikh okremim spіvrobitnik.

We don't want to distribute "Contacts" and "Notes" on robots in a vicious way; For example, at the "Contacts" section you can get information about your friends, know, colleagues, relatives. It is enough to look at a person in a table, as all the necessary information about a person is displayed right there on the normal panel (detail panel):

  • Svitlina;
  • add a call (telephones, e-mail addresses, messages from social media);
  • registration address that residence;
  • vik;
  • hobi;
  • that іnsha detailed information about the person;

For making homemade victorious programs, you can use "Organizatsiyi" and іnshi. At the notes, you can save a rapta dumka, a recipe for a pie, or be it if you need information and then, if necessary, you can quickly know that it’s a smart or detailed joke.

Enterprise version for maintaining the base of clients

In order to open the database for the entire enterprise, it is necessary to install a server part on the supplementary server part, which is called Exiland Assistant Server, and it is delivered without a cable from the Enterprise version. Enterprise version- For keeping up-to-date client databases in the organization, de necessary access from any machine to a local grid. Exiland Assistant Server - tse okrema program, as it is possible to stand on an okremiy computer or the computer of one of the keys, as most often it is available on the local net. Її recognition - synchronization of tributes from the client PC from the central tribute base. Program Story

Yak rozpochati robot with the program?

Blackmail bezel-less version Free, if you have enough one-piece version or a Demo-version of Enterprise, if you plan to start working with a client base in a local grid, one hour at a time with a group of karystuvach_v.

Unpack the zip file. Show up a folder, in which you know the readme.txt file from idle time cover instruction s vstanovleniya that nalashtuvannya. Installed to complete the simple and rozrahovani on the poorly confirmed koristuvach PC.

A special feature can be called the explicitness of the module program to import data from Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice Calc, as well as from csv files... If you keep a list of people in Excel, then you can import it to Exiland Assistant without any problems. do not re-dial manually.

Pidbivaєmo pidsbag

Exiland Assistant is a universal tool, which is a wonderful way to go for a large building and a customer for a manager for sale, whether it be a sphere of activity or a service for a home victorian. Until then replace one thing a little program: book of contacts, zberigach posilan that notatok, zberigach passwords, organizer (planuvlik zavdan), program for zberigannya contacts, schodennik dumok tosho.

For a skin adolescent, a lucky person, I have pleased the bi miracle with the organizer program for Windows і for special victories, і for maintaining the base of clients and managing projects.

Exiland Assistant in one go helpless people in robotic functions and at the same time, the simplicity of mastering and victoriousness is ensured. You can get cold calls directly from the programs (+ Excel integration with Skype), distribute lists according to your base of potential clients, send them to printers, sortuvati, filter, send HTML data to Microsoft Outlook, send messages to Microsoft Outlook , Word, Excel, txt, etc. - just a short turn of additional service capabilities to improve the performance of the robot from the database.

Exiland Assistant is simple and effective and in general for small business young companies on the market less than 10 years.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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