Like the word has 2 tables. Submitted information blocks

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How to close the table at Vordi, cover instruction, please use the method.

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Practically leathery, which works with the text, sooner or later it sticks to food, as if I had broken the table in Vordi. Today you know sprat, especially current methods z'ednannya table. So, I will destroy the food about those, how to divide the table into two and more parts.

Honestly, the Word program is one of the most favorite programs. I have written a few articles dedicated to the work of Vordi, and I am sure that the stench will be beautiful for you.

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Close the table at the Word

Situations are often trapped, if it is necessary to open a table, but not all coristuvachi know how to make it right. Іsnuyut a lot of ways to create rozіrvanih tables, and want one of them to help you in any situation.

Seeing non-lethal symbols

Crimea is quiet symbols and letters, which are used by the Word program, there are more symbols, hidden in our eye. The number of symbols are assigned to the program itself and the correct work.

The stench is a kind of hints that tell the programs, which can be accessed, having opened the text and so on. To create a rozirvano table, you should see the following, which is important for the association.


On the top panel, open the "Head" tab and click on the sign symbol. All the symbols in the document will become visible at a glance. You pobachite mizh table, yak bazhaєte poednati, a paragraph sign. Just see it and click on the button - Delete.

Crim the sign of the paragraph, between the tables there can be another icon, for example - opening the tables. Yogo is also visible. After the removal of illegitimate symbols, the table will be immediately glued together to one table.

Sometimes there may be a situation, if the symbols do not want to be seen. The reasons for those, which may be impersonal, I cannot see them today. Let's say that the Ordovian file with extensions doc (docx) is not so common.

Vidalennya signs that are not seen.

What is noteworthy, the icon, which is not visible, zavazhet z'ednannyu tables. How to fix this situation? There are a few ways, and it is impossible to say from the best, which of them will work for your mood.

Nasampered, you can try to stop the change of signs. We see a stuck sign, which does not mean to get out of our own place, we gave it through the correction and change it to an empty one. Tobto, at the field, it is necessary to indicate on what the change is to be made, we set the cursor and nothing is entered.

If you don't try this way, just try to see another part of the table, copy it to the clipboard (Ctrl + C). Place the cursor next to the first part of the table and press - paste (Ctrl + V). The table is glued together, and the sign, which is not visible, and all the rest is replaced lower.

After that, grab the icon at once from the lower part of the table and delete it.

Even if it didn’t work, then the rest of the method is left behind, the truth is, it’s a little bit “dovgy”, but it’s singsongly. Nasampered, growing up to the rose table one row at a time. In the first half - at the bottom of the table, in the other half - in the mountains.

Then we see rows together with us in the middle of tables and we see them.

Create empty rows of rows in order not to waste the entries in the data table.


Like a bachite, in order to close a table in Word, you need to see all the signs between the tables. As a result, it will stick together automatically. I have described to you all the ways to see. And you choose which one of them suits your fancy.

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The office program Word from the Microsoft company is able to work not only with a great text, but also with tables, giving wide possibilities for creating and editing. Here you can create different tables, change them according to your needs, or save as a template for a far-fetched koristuvannya.

It is logical that the table of this program may have more than one, and in some cases it may be necessary to combine them. In these articles, we will tell you about those, as there are two tables in the Word.

Note: The instruction described below can be updated to all versions of the product in MS Word. Vikoristovuyuchi її, you can combine tables in Word 2007 - 2016, as well as in older versions of the program.

Otzhe, we have two similar tables, which are necessary, which are called to communicate with each other, and it is possible to do everything in a kilka clicks and push.

1. I should again see a table (not її in place) for a friend, pressing on a small square near the upper right fold.

2. Change this table by clicking "Ctrl+X" or button "Virizati" on the group's panel "Clipboard".

3. Place the cursor right next to the first table, on the first column.

4. Press "Ctrl+V" otherwise win the team "Paste".

5. The table will be added, and її stovptsі and rows will be virіvnіnі for rozmіr, navіt yakshcho to tsgogo stink vіdznyalis.

Note: If you have a row or a row, which is repeated in both tables (for example, a header), you can see it and see it by pressing the key "DELETE".

on the this butt We have shown how to join two tables vertically, so that one line has been drawn up. So it is possible to vikonate and horizontally close the tables.

1. See a table and view table for a friend by clicking on the key combination or the button on the navigation panel.

2. Place the cursor next to the first table there, deleting the first row.

3. Insert a virizana (friend) table.

4. Offensive tables will be combined horizontally, as it is necessary to see a row that is duplicated, or stovpets.

Merging tables: another method

Another, more simple method that allows you to combine tables in Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2016 and in other versions of the product.

1. At the contributor "Head" press on the pictogram to display the symbols of the paragraph.

2. At the document, it is possible to see the steps between the tables, and also try between the words or numbers in the middle of the tables.

3. View all entries between tables: for which place the cursor on the paragraph icon and press the key "DELETE" or "back space" stilki razіv, skіlki tse necessary.

4. Tables will be united among themselves.

5. As necessary, remove the entry rows and/or the columns.

On why you now know everything, how Vordi united two and navit more tables, moreover, both vertically and horizontally. We wish you productivity at work and more than a positive result.

office Microsoft program Word offers a wide range of functions. Among them - dії z tables. Irrespective of those who make the program interface simple, problems are often blamed on the movement of the tables themselves.

rich coristuwacham Microsoft The Word knows the situation, if dragging the tables in one meeting broke the whole structure of the text. Even more food is blamed, if it is necessary for a few tables to grow one. Wrapped up below report instruction How to combine two tables in the "Word" into a kilka diy.

Vertical connection

The first instruction will be about those, how to get two tables in "Word" in order. Seemingly simpler, link the table below. First of all, check that in both tables there is the same number of columns. If it’s not so, then everything will be united, but then we’ll get a long time and tediously direct the table into a divine sight.

  1. See the entire lower table (no less than її in place) for an additional badge at the left coddle.
  2. View the table using the help key Ctrl+X or right-click on the mouse and command "View".
  3. Place the mouse cursor on the row under the first column of the upper table.
  4. Paste a table to a friend for help Ctrl+V or the "Paste" command.
  5. The tables are united, and the columns and rows are reversed.

For help

There is one more way to combine two tables in Word. Another instruction is to follow the horizontal line for additional steps.

  1. Find the "Display all characters" button on the "Paragraph" panel or Ctrl+*.
  2. Any gaps and openings in the document will be marked with tabs.
  3. Now it is necessary to take the steps between the tables. To do this, press the BackSpace or Delete key until there are empty rows between tables.
  4. The tables will move vertically.

The method with steps is less suitable for vertical table rows.

Horizontally connected

If you need to add a table not from the bottom, but from the side, they will be three things different. I want the principle of unification not to change.

The third instruction explains how to use two tables in "Word" according to the texts. Remember: if the number of rows is changed, then the data in the middle can be changed. Therefore, it’s better to add the same number of rows in both tables.

  • I saw the table, I used to bind the right-hander.
  • Edit the table to be bound.
  • Place the mouse cursor right-handed in the table, which is left out on the first row. It is important to put the cursor in the right corner between the tables, without spaces. Otherwise, the tables do not come together.
  • Please insert an abstract fragment.

  • Tables will be combined horizontally.

Note: it is not possible to add a table of gold, only right-handed. Do not confuse that, as the table itself needs to be spread right-handed.

How to tidy up the middles?

Maybe you need to see the file after you have combined the two tables. Word 2010 will have the following algorithm:

  1. To see the region, it is necessary to see: a stovpets, a row or a commissary.
  2. For the "Robot with tables" tab, select "Layout".
  3. Press the button "Vidalennya" and select the required command.
  4. Enter or repeat the middle ones are gone.

In this rank, you take a new one, I competently folded the table, in which all the necessary data were placed.

Working with tables in the text editor Word often blames the need to separate the tables. With a mean sound, the problems are not blamed, the oscalls for the Word procedure have been transferred to the button. Ale, it’s not rare to set tables together dosvіdchenih koristuvachіv at a deaf kut. The stench cannot know the button, as if it were supposed to be for its function, and obviously not to know what to work. For this material, we can see at once two ways, like combining tables in Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

Method No. 1. Viewing all symbols between tables.

The easiest way to combine tables in Word is to simply see all the symbols between two tables. With whom it is necessary to see as visible symbols, so they are not visible (not different). To do this, insert a cursor between tables and delete all existing characters between them (including spaces) behind the Backspace help key.

Since all characters between the two tables will be deleted, press the Delete key. You see, you can’t see the transfer of a row between tables, and the stench automatically disappears.

If you don’t understand, it’s necessary to press the Delete key, then on the “Head” tab there is a button “ Display all characters". As soon as you press it, all symbols are displayed in the document.

Allow me to understand that you need to combine the table and that we can see the onslaught of the Delete key.

Method number 2. View the table to a friend and insert її under the first one.

Another way to combine tables in Word is to transfer the functions "View" and "Insert" (Ctrl-X and Ctrl-V). Perevagoyu given method those that you do not need to see text between tables. After merging tables, the text is simply moved down.

In order to speed up in this way, you need to use the mouse to see the lower part of the table and view it for the additional key combination Ctrl-X or for the additional “View” function in the context menu.

The next time you need to insert the cursor right after the first table (before the text between tables).

І insert a virizan table after the additional key combination Ctrl-V.

As a result, you will see tables. In this case, the text, which was earlier between the tables, is not vyyshov, but simply shifted down the combined tables.

Addition. How to add tables.

Also, guess about the table below. In order to split tables earlier, it is necessary to insert the cursor in the table on the row, for which the other table is to blame. If necessary, go to the tab " Spreadsheet Robot - Layout» and press the button « Divide tables". You can also split tables using the additional key combination Ctrl-Shift-Enter.

If you have Word 2003, then for the bottom of the combined tables, you need to open the "Table" menu at the top of the window and select the "Split Table" item there.

The Word software solution, presented by Microsoft Corporation, can work in conjunction with a simple text that looks like a table with elements. You can work differently at this middle ground, change them for the needs and save a little more work.

Joint tables

Obviously, the table in this software package can be two or more, and in any situation you will need to change their number. Your publication will tell you how to take one out of two tables.

Note: Methods, as will be described, will be completed before different versions package Microsoft software words. Zastosovuchi їх, you can get tabular data for versions 2007-2016.

Method 1: Vertical aggregation

We may have two tables, which are necessary to join at the same time, it is possible to vikonate in a sprat of simple diy.

Note: As soon as there are no duplications of the middle, remove it for the help key "DELETE".

Method 2: Horizontally merged

Method 3: Association for help.

The Danish way is more easy to forgive and quick. Allows you to move tables in all versions of MS Word.


Well, everything, having become familiar with this material, you will be able to combine the tables in the software package Microsoft Word.

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