At skype, I feel myself tidy up. Fixing the background noise in the Skype program

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help for fevers, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

For a long time already, I have been migrating from the life of wealthy Internet-koristuvachiv, helping to keep in touch with relatives and friends, as if they were far away, conduct business negotiations without the need to pay thousands of kilometers to fly and learn to read remotely. However, those who only touch the basics of computer science often blame the how to chat on skype. We will try it as simply as possible and it is accessible to you.

What is required for calling via Skype?

Also, in order to start the compilation, it is necessary to install programs on a computer, the presence of upcoming warehouses:

  • decent accessibility to the Internet;
  • webcams;
  • microphone;
  • speakers (or headphones).

Pokrokov's instruction

Chatting in Skype is easy, however, it is necessary to start a series of dіy on the back, so as to allow the program to be vindicated completely:

  • Connect three more devices to the computer, you need to install drivers for them;
  • download the program from the official site, select the version that suits your OS, and install it on your computer;
  • vikonati launch skype ta by clicking on the button " Register a new koristuvach", go through the necessary procedure;
  • go to Skype, work on the bazhanі nalashtuvannya (for example, changing the language) and conduct a test of the connected possession. Tse can be robiti, having made a call on Echo/Sound Test Service and then we analyzed the data to the extent of the connection, according to the curves of the insets. In times of obviousness of any problems with the possession of a recognition, the methods of their virishennia are possible from a curiosity to a coherent link;
  • know friends for help a row of ask and add them to your list of contacts for help pushing the button " Add a contact". After that, as a person confirms the request, you can fully communicate with her. For the visibility of a facebook post on Facebook, you can import friends from the network into Skype.

Also, for the help of Skype, you can send calls to the phone number telephone numbers, Why is there a special button in the program. Once, on Vіdmіn Vіd Dzvіkvіv Mіzh subscribers Skype, Yakі є a loaf, for Dzvіnka on the phone number to bring the sparway singer Sumi (Tarii to seal the foundation of the country's subscriber), for whom it is necessary

Go to "Tools -> Options -> General Settings" and opposite the "Set program language to" item, select "Russian (Russian)" from the list. If you didn't know the Russian language there, then you need to download the program again and reinstall it.

In the program Skype it is possible to collect calls from people who have not been added to contacts. For this, it is necessary to select "Instruments" in the main menu, then click on the "Settings" command and in the "Safety" group, in the "Setting security" tab, check the box next to the item "Receive calls and only information from people in my contact list".

In order to change the font in the chat, you need to go to the main menu "Tools -> Settings ->" then you need to go to the "Chat and SMS" group and select the "Visual Chat Design" tab, after which click the "Change Font" button.

Open the "Tools -> Settings" menu, go to the "Sounds" group and select the "Sounds" tab, then click the "Get Sound Files" button and select the number of new audio files that you want to associate with some of the sounds in Skype. Keep in mind that you can only add WAV files. If your melodies are saved in a different format, you can easily convert them using other programs. Also, care should be taken that the skin melody is perfect for the skin. To change the sound that accompanies the sound, just select the sound itself from the list "Select sounds for the sound" sound file", it is necessary to enter the bazhan melody. If you want to see the added sounds in the "My sounds" list, then see inappropriate sound and press the "Del" button on the keyboard.


current swedish internet gives wide opportunities for communication, as if there were no common interchanges. It's a pity, but there can be some inaccuracies here. When vikoristanny is rich, someone can get stuck with a problem, if one spymaster does not feel anything else. At the same time, we will try to resolve the situation with an unacceptable situation.

For the cob of the cob, insert who has the problem. Basically, there are two options here - either there are problems with the sound of the one who does not hear the sound, or with the recording of the other. As practice shows, most of the time it is not possible to predict further, from which there will be problems in the skin of an individual. Let's try to sort out in all order.

Pochnemo іz I will attach a vision to the sound. For the cob, read over, chi pratsyuє vono vzagali. Pidide be some third-party way - turn on the music, go to the group, and so on. Cover, as if Rozmov had a chance to speak out simply to the one who had a vibrating sound in the speakers, isn't it? Yakshko skrіz, krіm Skype, sound є, slid pratsyuvati already in the program itself.

For the cob, it is necessary to call the phone to the service to test the link - this contact is for locking the skin overlay, and wear it "Echo/Sound Test Service".

As if the coristuvach after the sound was not heard, the next thing was to change the adjustment of the sound.

I will add visualization to the sound

For whom it will be necessary to reconsider, what is the correct attachment to the victorist program as the main one for sound reproduction.

Other ways of cherry

Even though it didn't solve the problem, I turned the audio on to the computer better. Possible solutions I can become:

Rechecking the sound recording

Let's assume that all the revisions have been passed, the sound is insanely correct for good. Another option is left - problems with the sound recording device at the speaker. To solve the problem, you also need to call the Echo contact and protest your microphone.

Avtovidpovidach ask to say something else sound signal so that the system could record and output back like a sound. As a koristuvach after the stage of listening, you hear your voice exactly like that, having said it to the point, it means that the application is correct. And if not, then you should control the re-verification of your microphone.

Rewiring the microphone in Windows

On the back of the next protest yogo wild practice. For whom do you want to be a program for recording sound. Also, there are wet tools for testing outbuildings.

Microphone adjustment in Skype

As far as it was possible to check and install that the recording was correct, the next step was to fix it in Skype itself.

It may be so, that the attachment is correct, Skype Yoga for some reason does not show and does not suggest for installation as standard microphone. In such a situation, reinstall the attachments, restart the computer, and also install the program itself.

Well, vershti-resht, next to add, that even if nothing is said above, it doesn’t help, then you can always lose the rest movirna problem- Technical. The computer may have some bugs or work incorrectly with the jacks for audio devices, and that stink may just be bad. In this situation, the next step is to get food in the first place - go to the service or replace the bad guys.

The situation, if don't feel like a spy on Skypeє dosit unacceptable. As a rule, it is necessary to open the door for an hour through opening the link, and then everything is confirmed. But sometimes the sound comes from the very beginning of the conversation, and the banal restart of the program does not help. How can you work in such a situation with Skype? Let's take a look at these foods.

Problem Solving

Let's turn it over, what sound is being created on the computer. Just run any audio file. If nothing appears, then the problem is either in the speakers / headphones, or in the system settings. Otherwise - on the right side of the program parameters. Let's look at the insults of the vipadkas, it is recommended to get to know them.

Option 1: System problems

For the cob, switch the headphones to a different rose, or change them to a different attachment, which is such a possibility. Restart PC. Let's go to the sound settings. For whom, in the tray, find the icon with a horn, right-click on it and select "Attachments for the creation".Here you can find speakers/headphones for locks and visit their authorities. Reconsider, that the thickness is put on the required level, let it be strengthened and improved.

Option 2: Skype problems

“No sound in Skype. Why can't I smell a spy? - wider nutrition among the core programs. Sometimes the problem is not in the system parameters, but in the sound extension, but directly in the settings. Exit from the situation - їх change.

Spend up to the parameters of different victories old program see through the menu "Tools".
Immediately go to the sound tab. Here perekonaytes, scho put the correct attachment "Dynamics", turn on auto-adjustment of accuracy and set the bell to the maximum (right-handed to the end). Let's push "Save" that .

And the axis for the new Skype procedure is as follows:

Well, if the descriptions did not give the desired result, then let your spymaster get to know

you need

  • - Vminnya practice with your sound manager.
  • - Learn how to use sound recording software for Windows or other OS.
  • - Change the sound on skype.
  • - Navichka perevіrka nalashtuvan sound in the middle of your operating system.


The first reason is the lack of Internet access.

Although you don’t need to press the link to the hard channel, all the same, it’s possible for you to see those for the software you need to see the “” Internet. The only thing that can be done here is to change the provider or switch to a different tariff.

Another reason is the wrong possession (physical injustice).

Flip the microphone on a fault. Victory whether it be a sound recording program and listen to what happened on the way out.

Can you speed up standard procedures systems. For example, in Windows XP, the way to the sound recording program looks like this: “Start” - “All programs” - “Standard” - “Rozvagi” - “Sound recording”.

In Windows 7, it is easier to know the sound recording program - open the "Start" panel and enter the word "" in the field for the joke. Having made a joke, you will quickly know qiu Korisnu utility.

If there is a little noise on the recording, or a creaking, then you need to deal with the microphone itself. As for now, there is no chance to replace yoga with a reference one, try covering the microphone with foam rubber or putting it on a new hooded bag (like with video reporters).

Also, keep an eye on them, so that the microphone, when rozmovі roztashovuvavsya in the form of your company, did not go beyond the zone of your sensitivity. For example, move the microphone a little too far away, then you can blame the change for any occasion. Somebody dosit strong.

The third reason is the failure of software security.

If the microphone is correct, but the quality of the sound is still not up to par, try reinstalling the driver. sound card, what to go with the kit with drivers for maternity pay. Hiba little.

If you have a Realtek driver (this company will sound in more vipades), then select the "Microphone" tab in the sound control panel, try "Smothering noise" and "Smothering moon" in the sound control panel. You yourself can ask your interlocutor to tell you that you can hear the noise from your side.

You can also try lowering the sensitivity of your microphone. You can use Skype in this way. Go to the menu item "Tools" - "Settings" - "Sound Settings". At the vіknі you click on the “Microphone” item. Flip it, so that the thickness of the bula was installed in reasonable boundaries. Or check the box "Allow automatically adjusted microphone". Try to speak to the microphone. Opposite the field "Guchnist" you can see the results of the microphone.

You can also change the quality of the recording in the improved sound for your video card. To access the Realtek drivers, go to the "Mixer" tab and change the sound level for the "Record" tab.

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