Programmers for microcontrollers AVR (USB, COM, LPT). USB ISP programmer for AVR: More one croc for bik from arduinonizatsii Universal programmer for avr studio

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Fig. 1 AVR ISP

Programmers who work with keruvans and other amateur programs are even simpler. However, most of them cannot preserve such functionality, such as the volume of forms in the boxes. One of the most popular Atmel programmers is the AVR ISP (the name of the viewer is shown in Fig. 1). With the help of the AVR ISP, you can program any microcontroller from the AVR core through the last SPI interface. The programmer is connected via a COM-port and is used for working with keruvans.

The design and the software for the protection of AVR ISP is shown as a criterion for development. Kozhen can independently take over the analogue and spare a penny on the purchase of the programmer from the firm-virobnik. Moreover, there are no lazy amateur retail outlets based on the AVR ISP, which can provide additional flexibility and ease of use.

Fig. 2 Analogue programmer AVR ISP

Figure 2 shows an important diagram of the author's version of the AVR ISP. On the basis of its own prototype, one microcontroller should be replaced by the functions themselves. The ATmega8535 (AT90S8535) model has an ATmega16 microcontroller in the basic version. There is a large amount of memory of the program and donations, and it is possible to get a copy from the ATmega8535 for the designation of the visitor and the internal annex. Recording this update to DD2 is done through the boot-loader program, which is a vicorist for the entire self-programming of AVR microcontrollers. By means of additional software tools, it is also possible to use robots for the ATmega8535 with the addressable space of the ATmega16 and the TOV0 switch for the SB1 button and control the PD7, PC0 ... PC6 lines.

The programmer is connected to any available COM port in the system through the X1 rose. Power supply 9 ... 15 to be fed to rose X2 from the surrounding area. Rose X3 is used for internal circuit programming or for an hour of programming on the next panel.
On the Vivedenny X3 there are direct current pulses with a frequency of 1.8432 MHz. You can choose to use a microcontroller for setting up a robot with a quartz resonator or a clock generator. Here, an impulse is sent to the XTAL1 input. Attachments, as long as they don’t lose power, can be powered directly from the programmer via the 2 X3 vivedennya (the internal circuitry of the attachments for the smaller ones, can be done before the breakdown!). Activation of the fence of clock pulses on the 2 X3 viven, as well as the presence of the 5 viven on the 7 X3, can be adjusted with the SB1 button.

At the walk of the robot, the LED HL3 will inform you about the function of the programmer. HL1 will be displayed before the hour of microcontroller programming, and HL2 will signal the presence of a spill and clock pulses (changes 2 and 7 X3 are available).

Before the cob of robots in DD2, it is necessary to enter the program, which is located in the BootISP.hex file (the output text in the BootISP.asm file) for the help of any manual programmer. FUSE-beats at all times are like this:
CKSEL0 = 0 SUT0 = 1 BOOTRST = 0 EESAVE = 1
CKSEL1 = 0 SUT1 = 0 BOOTSZ0 = 0 CKOPT = 1

Fig. 3 Programming process

In addition, as a programmer of downloads and connections to a computer, you can start up to a locked-down stream version of the programs that you manage. Pressing the SB1 button (!), Supply live to the rose X2. I am guilty of sleeping off the HL1 svitlodiod, which indicates that the software has been transferred to the update mode. To start AVR Studio via the Tools -> AVR Prog menu, display the update of the AVR ISP firmware. You will need to go to the end of the file, which is due to the disclosure of C: Program files Atmel AVR Tools STK500 STK500.ebn, and you can read the program by pressing the Flash -> Program button on the screen (shown in Fig. 3). For example, it is necessary to take a short while for the operation, so that the programmer will be ready before the date. The connection is connected through the Tools -> Program AVR -> Auto Connect menu. The view of the AVR ISP runtime program is shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4 View of the window by the AVR ISP programs

The interface of programs is even simpler and vimag of lecture notes. Here it is necessary to respect a few important details. In the list of add-ons on the Program contributions at the Device window, except for microcontrollers with an AVR core (ATmega, ATtiny, AT90x and other), there are some models of the MCS-51 family (call me repaired from AT89S). Programming the AT89S via SPI is fundamentally not related to any kind of operation of the AVR microcontrollers, with the blame of one word of development. RESET signal from MCS-51 (on the view of AVR) is very active. Therefore, when the AT89S models are programmed, the resistor R2, which will prevent the start of the AVR microcontrollers, must be connected to the programmer's bus.

It should be done in such a way that the first time, without reaching into the distance, install the programmer's bell from the attachment. Not to take the pardon for the installation and improper installation of FUSE-bits, but to fence the SPI robot (SPIEN, DWEN and RSTDISBL), there is also a problem of polarity in the high frequency of clock pulses on the SCK line. And here it is necessary to change the speed of the last interface. The price can be changed manually behind the additional Board tab (ISP Freq window). The SPI module of the inserted microcontroller cannot operate at frequencies that override F clk / 4.

The programmer of buv transformations for robots with versions 4.12 ... 4.16 with different types of microcontrollers. No pardons have been given for the first time.

List of radio elements

Designation A type Nominal Quantity NoteScoreMy notepad
DD1 ІС RS-232 interface


1 Have a notepad
DD2 MK AVR 8-bit


1 Have a notepad
DA1 Line regulator


1 Have a notepad
VD1 Vyryamny diode


1 Have a notepad
R1, R2 Resistor

10 rooms

2 Have a notepad
R3 Resistor

4.7 rooms

1 Have a notepad
R4 Resistor

510 Ohm

1 Have a notepad
R5 Resistor

6.8 rooms

1 Have a notepad
R6 Resistor

3.3 rooms

1 Have a notepad
R7-R9 Resistor

1 room

3 Have a notepad
C1, C5 470 uF 16 V2 Have a notepad
C2, C3, C6, C7 Electrolytic capacitor1 uF 16 V4 Have a notepad
C4, C8, C11 Capacitor0.1 uF3 Have a notepad
C9, C10 Capacitor30 pF2 Have a notepad
ZQ1 Quartz3.6864 MHz1 Have a notepad
HL1 Svitlodiod

USBASP programmer

It is easy to understand, without special vitrates, and quickly, if you program any AVR microcontroller, it will accept the mode of the last program (ISP interface) via the USB port of your computer. Yak programmer, we will be victorious, even simpler і popular programmer USBASP, and yak program - AVRdude_Prog V3.3 yaka is designated for the MK AVR program.

USBASP programmer

In order to program the microcontroller, you need two speeches:
- Programmer
- on the basis of the security software for recording the tribute at the MK
One of the simplest, most popular and miniature AVR programmers є USBASP programmer, opened by Thomas Fischl
There are a lot of different circuitry solutions for the programmer, the programmer can be bought by yourself or bought (part - 2-3 dollars). In case of self-selection, the selection of the programmer will need to be flashed with a third-party programmer.

We can understand the best version of the programmer:

Programmer characteristics:
- practical work with development operating systems - Linux, Mac OC, Windows (for the operating system Windows, for the robot programmer you need to install the driver - archives in the statistics)
- program speed up to (program speed can be set by yourself, for example AVRDUDE_PROG) 375 (5) kb / s
- can use 10-pin ISP interface (conforms to ICSP standard with 10-pin connectors)
- accept two power supplies of the programmer - 5V and 3.3V (not all USB ports of the PC work at 5 Volts)
- to live from the USB port of the computer, the device can be wired by the strum (zapobizhnik, scho self-updates, at 500 mA)

Jumpers assigned:
rose'єm JP1- indications for flashing the microcontroller of the programmer (for flashing it is necessary to close the contacts)
rose'єm JP2- programmer's life force - 5 Volts or 3.3 Volts (for replacement - 5 Volts, as in the photo). Programming the microcontroller, or the design, in any case of installations, with a power supply of 300-400 mA, it can be powered from the programmer, for which it is on the rosette є output + 5V (VCC).
rose'єm JP3- Initially, the frequency of the clock cycle of the SCK: open - temporal frequency (375 kHz), short circuits - low frequency (8 kHz)
Report on roses JP3
Jumper JP3 for the change in performance will be written down by the microcontroller. As soon as the microcontroller has a clock frequency of more than 1.5 MHz, the jumper can be opened, given the speed of the visok's program. If the clock frequency is less than 1.5 MHz, it is necessary to short-circuit the jumper - to reduce the speed of the program, in order to program the microcontroller it will not work. For example, as a programmable microcontroller ATmega8 (in principle, practically all AVR MCUs are set to a clock frequency of 1 MHz for inputs), for which a clock frequency for a 1 MHz input is More beautifully, melodiously, the trimming jumper is permanently closed, so, having forgotten about it, do not worry about food, which the microcontroller does not need to flash.

If you are okay, you will be on the site, then you can forget about the switch

The programmer accepts such software security:
- AVRdude
- AVRdude_Prog
- Bascom-AVR
- Khazama AVR Prog
- eXtreme Burner AVR

It’s even simpler to start with such a programmer - read the programmer’s windows with a microcontroller, connect the programmer to the USB port of the computer - the programmer is ready for robotics.
Spinning 10-pin USBASP programmer cable :

1 - MOSI - send tribute for the last program
2 - VCC - output +5 (+3.3) Volt for the live programmed microcontroller or programmed payment from the USB port of the computer (maximum strum 200 mA - do not burn the USB port)
3 - NC - don't be vicious
4 - GND - external wire (minus live)
5 - RST - connect until RESET of the microcontroller
6 - GND
7 - SCK - vihіd tactuvannya danih
8 - GND
9 - MISO - input data for the last program
10 - GND

Installing drivers for USBASP

Driver installation for USBASB programmer is simpler:
- connect the programmer to the USB port of the computer, when a new attachment “USBasp” appears in the attachment manager, we will use the tricycle and a sign of the hail in the middle, which means that the driver has not been installed
- zip and unzip the file "USBasp-win-driver-x86-x64-ia64-v3.0.7"
- run the "InstallDriver" file - the driver for the programmer will be automatically installed
- change the attachment manager - zhovty trikutnik is guilty of knowing (like ni, click the right button on the attachment "USBasp" and select the item "Onoviti"
- Programmer ready to robot

FUSE-beats with USBASP AVR software:

Archiv "usbasp.2011-05-28" place folders:
= BIN:
- win-driver - drivers for the programmer
- firmware - firmware for microcontrollers Mega8, Mega88, Mega48
= circuit - a diagram of a simple programmer in PDF and Cadsoft Eagle

When reflashing a Chinese programmer, I recommend installing FUSE-bit CKOPT. CKOPT interconnections from the boundary clock frequency. Due to the CKOPT features, a stable microcontroller robot of the programmer, when the quartz resonator is locked, can be deprived of up to a frequency of 8 MHz (and the MK programmer works at a frequency of 12 MHz). Setting the FUSE-bit CKOPT to a higher maximum frequency up to 16 MHz. The Chinese do not use FUSE-bit, but they often create the programmer to the programmer (call the system not to the programmer).

Archiv "USBasp-win-driver-x86-x64-ia64-v3.0.7" indications for the installation of drivers, as stated in the stat

(518.9 KiB, 13 188 hits)

(10.9 MiB, 24942 hits)

Descriptions in the statti USBASP programmer, flashed with the last version of the program, transformations in the robot, because of the installation of jumpers and switches, you can go to the online store "MirMK-SHOP"

Well, the axis і instruct us to create a USB programmer for an hour. I didn’t miss the chance, as a bi-programmer to welcome us. Vibrating for the criteria of simplicity of design and efficiency of robots with them, ale not befitting. Vibrate programmer dopomig vipadok. Vіrnіshe, I didn’t pick it up - I didn’t pick it myself!

And on the right is Bula Taka. Since then, we have chosen to re-convert USB to UART on ATtiny2313 (and we have changed the board). Even when choosing a reworking scheme, I plan on its basis (for the addition of filling in new firmware), trimming the attachment of a different designation. Todi I didn’t guess, so it’s possible to re-make it better, but it’s better than it’s. Having smashed the USB programmer circuit - USBtiny on ATtiny2313, I am astonished, so I am already a ready-made programmer!

Marveling at the circuit, broken before, re-converting USB to UART(Home side)

that USB programmer circuit USBTiny(Home side)

can you beat me up not one and the same scheme... Insignificant indications - from the daytime signal light diode and resistor block. In order to transform it into a USB programmer, you just need to flash the microcontroller with a new firmware and create a cable for connection.

Now the mustache is on the go.
1 For a cob, you need to re-convert(Tse yakshho Vi yogo was not taken yet).
The axis of the little ones of the drukovo pay to revert:
Yaksho tsikavo is an axis.
At the selected viglyad, the viglyad is re-created as follows:

2 Descho modification fee
In order to secure all the necessary signals for the program, I can supply the resistor with a nominal of 100 Ohm at the line 12, 16, 17, 18, 19 (the nominal is not critical - it can be varied).

3 Now you need to flash the microcontroller.
Lines for the programmer of vivedenia on the gallant rose 'm pay (crim skidannya - varto okremo).

To flash the microcontroller, you need a programmer. Our widget can be taken and stitched for help.

The loop diagram is simple.

Three specialties - I win an indicator light and a ballast resistor for a new one for a fee on a rose - so that you can buy a fee without rewiring for other attachments (well, it's so cool - a light bulb) right in the rose :) In addition, the Vcc line is driven from a zalny rose - the price of a drop-off, as the programming of the attachment is not powered from USB, but from its own dzherel (well, in principle, bazhano). Signal lines (SCK, MISO, MOSI) bazhano ekranuvati (for example, signal lines and earth lines near the loop). Dovzhin's train is not great - up to 50 cm, not more. If you need a program to add-on attachments, you can always use a USB podovzhuvach - so it’s good. Axis my ready lace:

5 The programmer itself is ready, now you need to install the driver in order for Windows to be able to work with it (for Mac OS X & Linux, for some reason, the driver is not required). Everything is simple here:

5.1 Vikachuєmo driver, rozarchivєmo yogo.
Sidebar with drivers

5.2 Insert our programmer into the USB port.

5.3 At the third time it will be announced that a new setting has been found.

5.4 Start the new possession master.

5.5 It is possible to see the folder with the driver in the window "quick message".

5.6 Go through the driver installation process. Appear at the end, when you see about those who are the driver of the installation. To reconsider what was installed there, we go to "My computer / Authority / Ownership / Attachment manager" and we know our programmer there

Vіnda podachila new pristіy she is ready to work with him.

USBtiny programmer for AVRDude And tse means that there will be a lot of software middlewares with him, without problems. Another challenge for robots with AVRDude are those that are for robots with AVRDude, the simple, unbeatable GUI shells, for which you can vibrate as soon as possible for you (albeit in the coming article).

I haven’t worked with USBTiny, but I’ve heard about it in a positive pattern (I’m looking for a quick program) - my firmware tests have been approved. ATtiny2313 can be flashed in 10 seconds (all at once due to inversion). The microcontroller will start and program properly - there will be no mercy for the hour of my tests. Take the programmer from Vikoristan!

Files before statti:
- Tiny handy pay UART-USB on ATtiny2313
- USBtiny firmware for ATtiny2313 programmer
- Fuse-beats ATtiny2313 for USBtiny
- Diagram of the cable for USBtiny programmer

At the end of the video clip, I tell you about the AVR programmer, which I bought on ebay. Costuu programmer avr usb 3 $. Price programmer avr microcontroller. I will show them how to turn on, install the driver, which is for a new software, for a new software, that is not that kind of software, as I showed it in the video about the AVR910 programmer, before the speech, the video about the AVR910 programmer was sent exactly You will have a video clip in the end of the video, you can finish the end of the video, click on them and go to the video of the pro t AVR910 programmer.

Having bought the usbasp avr programmer, I bought the same video from the AVR910 programmer, it is even more popular, and I put even more power supply, put yak at comments, and in a personal. For comments, put a little power, for a personal, put a little more power. I’m krystuyuchis nogodu, wanting to ask you, if you have є food, specifically to those, like I'm tucking into this video, write me, be-weasel in the comments to the whole video. I will give you all the comments on occasion, and I will inform you about it. I ask, to me in a personal, as a rule, to put the same food. I think on them, if I do not supply power and if I put it on. If you fed me less in the comments, and I saw it, then I read more for all the people, I read the commentary for everything, and in the new one, as well as the food, as if in some other way, I also supplied me in the comments, and I saw my messages. On the comments, I will be able to read the message.
I’m on ebay and choose the most affordable AVR programmer. Tse programmer for $ 3. If it’s okay, then the AVR910 programmer's part, as we have in Moldova, is a microcircuit AtMega8 cost $ 2, USB mini slot $ 0.4, quartz can also cost $ 0.35-0.40. Zagalom, here you can get yakraz for $ 3. Maybe three less, maybe three more, but more details.

You still need to change the board, solder everything. I used the programmer AVR910, I was robbed of purely sports interest. I got a lot of tsikavo, the last few probes of SMD components, I didn't have much more time, since I’m a student, and I’m taking care of him in my satisfaction, I’m looking for a programmer (AVR910), with a microcontroller. An intelligent programmer, you can program the microcontroller in the AVR910 programmer.
Well, let's talk about the usbasp avr programmer. Perche, I'll tell you - buy two of them. Chi don't bathe one, buy two. Let me explain why, the zrobleniy vin myako speak Chinese. I’m wondering, you’ll beat me, there’s a lot of details to stand crookedly, solder, say, well zhakhliv - nothing to say. Do not open the solder, so it’s okay, it’s a bit more like that ... It can be seen that the repetition is even worse, є there is a great amount of money, which, from them, may not be successful.

Having checked everything, I inserted it into the USB and the stench starts like a programmer, so that the part is entered exactly right. I am a single programmer who has mastered the program, wines the program, reshta, I did not mix it up, but I think that the stench will be really good.
Tsey programmer can, even more importantly, zapobizhnik, how to self-update, so that if you close the lanterns of life on your super-mega device, then you do not burn your USB port beyond the great imovirnistu, but you can use the AVR9 software.

So, I forgot to say that I bought a programmer not AVR910, maybe for AVR, or a USBasp programmer. The programmer has a viable access, the whole comrade is from Nimechchin and who has broken it out, є diagrams, є documentation on the new one. I will receive a given video on my article, in which there will be a gift on the software, on the author's project. Ale Chinese syudi added a stabilizer, so that the trochs modernized USBasp. Here is the standard ISP10 roses. With the programmer, I found such a string, I already opened it and connected it to the microcontroller. I just took a look at the video, and I went to the microcontroller to dart. The Danish programmer USBasp can be used to vibrate the circuit, so I can vibrate to the programmed circuit, but I myself want to, so that I can not live from the programmer to the circuit without putting the jumper, otherwise I can vibrate the live from 5 to USB,

For the axis by putting the jumper i on the programmed circuit from 3.3 to USB via a Danish stabilizer.

ISP10 connection scheme (keys for improvement):

More information about the AVR programmer, just plug it into the USB port. Infections are feared, as they are, it is put on a new driver, and I will show with programs, with the help of which program is possible. In the AVR910 I have shown the AVRosp program, which can be used to program the AVR 910 programmer. AVRosp cannot be victorious for USBasp software security. On my site, you will add the archives, in which you will know a number of folders, a driver folder, that software folder. The father has a driver є driver for the whole programmer (UABasp). I like to put it closer to the C drive, so it's easier to put it. I am copying it to disk C. Now, in the attachment dispatcher, I use the right button to select "onoviti drivers", win, squeaky, you can't know, it's a loud noise, it's a show of a sound of noise. I want a CD with shukati. Tisnemo Dal. I have to have Windows 7 x64 at a time. The image of the original disk, no packs, clean windows. They don't have anything, everything is in favor. I don't say everything before that the AVR910 doesn’t want to work, more precisely, the driver doesn’t have a digital signature and windows їх blocking. AVR910 is not working in 64 bit windows 7. I have known the video, having known 32 bit Windows, I have two systems. That's it, USBasp can be used for Windows 32.

More applications are still needed, so they can be done with the usbasp avr programmer. The soft folder is displayed.

For me, avrdudeprog, a graphical interface to the AVR dude console program, will be added. The program will adapt to the AVR910 programmer, and USBasp. Prior to the speech, the program is avrdudeprog when the programmer is victorian 910, but it’s developed more quickly for shvidkistyu, below the standard ARVRosp, which I’ve shown in the video. So, I recommend that you go to avrdudeprog, if you have the AVR910 programmer.

Our attachment is key. After starting, vibrate AtMega 16 and erase everything. The microcontroller is clean, like bacimo, it is really clean, so I can't see anything on the display.
Dali vibrate, which I want to program, the same embossed program. Zvernit respect, yak shvidko ytime programuvannya. The information is displayed, so be thrown off, the flash is cleared before the firmware. The flush is programmed, and then the flash is read and the program is flashing, so it’s inverted, there’s no pardon. Tobto was verified. Well, yak bachimo, I started running.
Chim me avrdudeprog does not befit, so tse fuse. On the right, in the fact that fuse is even worse and even more complicated in AVR, on the right, in that for the datasheet of fuse programming, 0 is used. but 1. I programs are so rich, programs for programs are even more abundant, I want to see the one written in the datasheet, but I want to see the one that is more beautiful. Is the check mark programmed, or is the check mark not programmed? At the adjusted ones, you can vibrate the straight lines, and the check marks change. Have the cich fuse the cob 200% get lost. Navit 300%, so that you can lock your own little bit of microcontroller. To that, I will also submit a few other programs for the program. Beastly respect, but avrdudeprog right away, there is no need to install it, just run the exe file, you can navigate to the workstyle of the exe file, so that you can open the shortcut and see it.
Є More two more tsіkavі programs. Me like myself through the fuse of beats. For me it should be more like avrdudeprog, but for the first time I would recommend eXtreme Burner, I will get up there as well as special programs, nothing in the whole foldable German, just write it out, just give it some time The eXtreme Burner program will be sent for re-engaging, but I don’t want a lot of work, and without restarting the process. Vibiraєmo is our microcontroller. It doesn’t befit me, but in some of them there are no AutoDetect buttons at AVRosp, pressing on the yak, the program reads from the signature microcontroller and immediately visually, but the same for the connection microcontroller. Hand-picked fuse. The eXtreme Burner has a few tabs, flach, eeprom, that fuse, you get it.

Onslaught to read everything, the program used fuse from the microcontroller. I can, by pressing the "details" button, remember the fuse. The eXtreme Burner program has a lot of unreasonable checkboxes, but one thing is written, not programmed, programmed. It is broken exactly like that in the AVR specifics, so it is programmed - 0. Only one, below me befits eXtreme Burner, so we can skip fuse for suggestions. In the tsy program, everything may not be easy.
More fuse with the Khazama AVR Programmer. The axis is such a simple program, vibrate AtMega 16. In this program, you can constantly drive a trick.

It’s not a little scary, and at once I’ll explain who you’ll see. On the right is the AVR910 programmer, as you remember, wipe, put the jumper, and the programmer will lower the frequency. On the right, in the case of 1.5 MHz, and if you put the jumper, the frequency will decrease by 4 times. So, like a USBasp programmer of such a rank, you can use the Arduino, you can change the frequency by yourself, you can change the frequency, and the Khazama AVR Programmer, you can also flash the controllers. AVR910 I AtMega as clocked at a frequency of 1 MHz, I also cannot program without a jumper, in order to lower the frequency in order to program the microcontroller. USBasp itself is a frequency change and there is no need to set a jumper of any kind. Along with the specifics, the AVR programmer is a program that sends a clock signal to the programmer with a clock signal, that is, the frequency. In the given program, you can vibrate the frequency, but if I have already said that we can summarize the programmer of destruction from the arduino, then I will no longer accept commands. First, a pardon is given to that permanently. Vaughn will work hard, ale vona vartu that. Requires a lot of development onslaught OK, OK, OK. Ale zvernit respect, how you can vibrate, how you want. Pochatk_vtsyu tse duzhe hand. For example, frequency. The axis is wondering, it is required to change the frequency of the processor - that for God's sake, you want to be minded. At avrdudeprog, you need to sit and select the checkboxes, so that, for good reason, you will need to read the datasheet, and then change the frequency fuse, as you need it. It is obvious, easy to pardon and you can make a mess. That's all є. Alle, it is necessary to constantly push OK. fuse is read in the number of times it is received, which requires a lot of onslaught. As soon as I cheat the flash, then I only need to press OK once. For those who use it, I recommend this program, so don't screw it up with fuse, so that you can use fuse even more smoothly. I will send on the programs at my own article, I will be given the video.
I vvazhayu, that buying a programmer usbasp avr is a worthwhile purchase, for that there are no copies, about a style, a few copies from scratch, so for a variety of components. Pratsyu programmer is kind, but one shkutilgau - culture virobnitstva, as I have already said - everything is crooked, the microcircuit is sealed to the devices, I recommend buying two such programmers. Really, lads, stink of a copy of the same delivery, buy two, one will be a reserve one. All in all, if only one of them appears unworkable, I let it go. More beautifully, the vitratity of $ 3 above, ale, spare a month for an hour, if you have a different one with a rapt. The purchase, on my thought, is even more and more obvious, and I recommend you price.
Well, from and everything, I am grateful, so the video will be good for you, please, please, if you are honored, subscribe to the channel, if you haven’t been signed yet, I bless you all the best, all the best to you. Good luck.

In the Internet there are a lot of microcontroller programmer circuits. I present a version of an internal circuit universal USB programmer with the ability to add value, which I am sorry for. You can grab the programmer with your own hands.

The basis of the programmer is the FT2232D microcircuit. It is a reversal of USB at two UART ports. The peculiarity of the field is that the "upper" channel can be used in the JTAG, SPI and I 2 C modes, which is necessary for the programming of microcontrollers, different memory microcircuits, etc.

The development of the USB-programmer is carried out on computers from the library of the library from the FTDI Chip company.

Live attachment to USB-interface. When properly folded, the circuit does not require tuning. The function of the annex is to store it from the main source of software security. Resistors R8, R9, R12, R13, R14, R15, R16 are interleaved in case of incorrect connection from the attachment, apparently, the attachment of the programmed attachment is not guilty because it is connected with other elements in the circuit, in case of malfunctioning they didn’t use it for logical reasons. The microcircuit U1 is victorious for saving the adjustment of the koristuvach.

Visnovka U2 (channel A):
24 - ADBUS0 - go to JTAG TCK mode, in SPI SK mode;
23 - ADBUS1 - output for JTAG TDI mode, for SPI DO mode;
22 - ADBUS2 - enter into JTAG TDO mode, in SPI DI mode;
21 - ADBUS3 - go to JTAG TMS mode, in SPI mode as an additional signal (CS);
20 - ADBUS4 - for JTAG mode input / output, for SPI mode additional output. Tsei visnovok vikoristovutsya for giving a signal RESET microcontroller;
15 - ACBUS0 - for programming input / output for all modes (optionally for submitting live input for programming settings);
13 - ACBUS1 - freely programmable input / output for all modes.

The principle of the price setting is rich in functionality. Їх behavior starts with a vibrating mode before the hour is displayed to the port.

The channel is victorious for the improvement of the programmed annex. For the whole, it is necessary to deprive the mother of the unconnected UART port of the microcontroller. Dalі on the right of technology. In the microcontroller program, the required ones have a victorious function of the formatted printf ().

40 -BDBUS0 - output to UART TXD modes;
39 -BDBUS1 - input for UART RXD modes;
28 - BCBUS2 - enter into UART LED-indicator mode (it will light up before the hour of data transmission via USB);
27 - BCBUS3 - switch to UART LED-indicator mode (it will light up when receiving data via USB).

The programmer board is pointed at the bottom.

On the current day, the universal programmer will adapt the AVR microcontroller for JTAG and SPI interfaces. Moreover, the speed of the Atmega64 firmware by JTAG is not more than 5 seconds, by SPI not more than 8 seconds. Importantly, it is possible to flash microcontrollers, up to which the specifics for the programmer can be expanded. The infection, for example, is underway to distribute NEC microcontrollers.

The working form is divided into two parts: the evil tables for the robot from FLASH (above) and EEPROM (below), where you can open files or add firmware from the microcontroller, process verification, edit in the middle of the memory; right-handed text is a field for goodness, where you can see data from the channel, you can also enter text there, which is to go to the port (functionally analogue of HyperTerminal). Development is carried out on the platform Visual C # for Windows. There is also the possibility of breaking up with other movs. The programmer can be used for Linux.

Vikoristovuvan literature:
1. A.V. Evstignev "Microcontrollers AVR of Tiny and Mega families ATMEL", M. Vidavnichy dim "Dodeca-XXI", 2005.
2. Future Technology Devices International Ltd. "FT2232D Dual USB UART / FIFO I.C." , Datasheet, 2006.
3. Future Technology Devices International Ltd. "Software Application Development D2XX Programmer" s Guide, Document, 2009.
4. Future Technology Devices International Ltd. “Programmers Guide for High Speed ​​FTCJTAG DLL”, Application note AN_110, 2009.
5. Future Technology Devices International Ltd. “Programmers Guide for High Speed ​​FTCSPI DLL”, Application note AN_111, 2009.
6. Andrew Troelsen "C # and .NET platform" M., C-P. Peter, 2007.

Customize the selected programs and the board for the format you can use below

Borisov Oleksiy () metro Sizran, Samarska region

List of radio elements

Designation A type Nominal Quantity NoteScoreMy notepad
U1 MicrocircuitAT93C46D-8S1 Have a notepad
U2 MicrocircuitFT2232D1 Have a notepad
VT1 MOSFET transistor


1 Have a notepad
Z 1 Capacitor0.01 μF1 Have a notepad
C2, C3 Capacitor27 pF2 Have a notepad
C4, C5, C7, C9, C10 Capacitor0.1 uF5 Have a notepad
C6 Capacitor0.033 uF1 Have a notepad
C8 Electrolytic capacitor10 μF1 Have a notepad
R1 Resistor

2.2 rooms

1 0.05W Have a notepad
R2 Resistor

10 rooms

1 0.05W Have a notepad
R3, R4 Resistor

27 Ohm

2 0.05W Have a notepad
R5 Resistor

470 Ohm

1 0.05W Have a notepad
R6, R7 Resistor

1.5 rooms

2 0.05W Have a notepad
R8-R16 Resistor
Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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