I can’t go to the contact page. I can not go to "Classmates": reasons and options for resolving problems

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Inodi koristuvachi Vkontakte is aware of the difficulties with the entrance to the special site www.vkontakte.ru. Why often use the phone or laptop? This can be linked to both Internet connection problems and blocking access to the vk.com website. It is not easy to access from a PC, as well as access from mobile supplements VK for iOS and Android.

As soon as you have opened your account for the first time, you have passed, there may be problems at the entrance.

Sometimes there are interruptions in the robotic servers, in the course of which, the social grid may be unavailable. Be in the mood, the situation will be corrected by the next hour. As of today, it has been updated for all the praiseworthiness of VKontakte.

Often, it’s a problem when entering, you can be seen on the side of a koristuvach, but there’s a fallout, if it doesn’t bring results, then the social services itself. On VKontakte, inodi "lie".

You can let it go down, so that you can be more skinny є we have registered the koristuvach in the social network "VKontakte". And if it’s unwise to go to any site, it’s better for everything not to see and go to "VK". Most often, there is a lack of information about the problem, which does not worry about the security of your PC and finding the viruses in the fancy. For reasons you cannot go to the popular social site. If only, then the next recommendation to appear in the edge is brown.

Otzhe, a reversal of problems, such as re-entering the site:

  1. On the very cob, get over it in the visibility of the output to the net and in the correctness of the adjustment of the Internet connection. For someone, just try to go to some kind of site, either in Skype, or ICQ. As far as you are concerned, there are no problems with access to the Internet.
  2. Your personal side is frozen. There are a number of reasons for this: there was a violation of the rules of the site, an evil side. Visiting the food is easy to eat. All you need to do is to confirm your account by entering your alias and code, sending it to your mobile phone.
  3. Invalid password. As soon as you enter the site, you will be prompted with “incorrect or incorrect password”, which means that for some reason they made a pardon (yes, for CapsLock inclusions), or that the side was tampered with and changed the data. In such a case, know the phrase "Forgot your password?"
  4. Reverse, if your browser has access to the Internet, you will be able to use a proxy server or a firewall for your PC.
  5. It’s unacceptable, if Vkontakte is “logged in” only from a vlasny computer, at that time, if there is such a problem when logging in from a phone or a PC. There will be a solution here. The speed for everything, if you have grabbed viruses, you will need to add antivirus (download or buy), install it, convert the computer to shkidliv programs and, in a cool bag, re-install it.

But this procedure did not help, for the next step:

  • go to "My computer";
  • Local drive C :;
  • folder "Windows";
  • give the folder "System32";
  • folder "drivers" і "etc";
  • joke the "hosts" file and display it through notepad.

Let me wonder what it is in the files of the rows under the names of the sites vk.com, vkontakte.ru, etc. You know, you know! Not just a few rows, on the cob of which there is a # sign. All changes in the documents zberigaєmo.

Крім Цієї procedures, it is also recommended to go to Windows buzz i in "Start". Type the word "vkontakte.exe" for a joke. As soon as the phrase yes results is given, then it is inaccurate to see the know. Also, you can’t set up a video of all the new informal programs for contact. Then just re-install your computer and wish you success!

Remember, do not get caught up in the misunderstanding, go to the 18+ site, go for the day of your antivirus, do not run up and install a lot of programs, including home for contact, but also try to avoid the little ones. to the "Spam" folder.

Social fringes can easily be called a small part of the life of a practical skin people in our land. Spilkuvannya, access to multimedia files, distribution of powerful photos and video - everything has become everyday and everyday. Ale periodically, bagatokh koristuvachіv winyk has a problem linked to access to home resources - "VKontakte" and "Odnoklassniki". At the ts_y statty mi the most wider reasons, as well as ways of usuneniya these problems, are discernible.

shkіdlivі programs

As a rule, it is important for an underexamined koristuvach to know the way out of such a situation. So, the computer turns on, works without malfunctions, or problems are repaired when starting the Internet. For example, it’s possible to hang up on the screen from the suggestion of an onoviti browser, or to the operating system, send sms, so that you can correct access to the site and so far. All lie in the fantasies of the shahraivs, as they obey the unwritten koristuvachiv. And they call out thunder and blinks on the "antediluvian zalizo" system blocks... Too much, very, very much, but don't you want to take anger with some rank? Not varto lamati computer. Do not enter the "Contact" koristuvach call not to blame the uninhabitable car. All on the right in robotic Trojan programs. At the same time, the antivirus does not kill infected files, so it just will change the data, but the virus is not in the middle. You can help here just reinstalling the browser or operating systems.

Reasons for daily access to social mesh

Also, since I cannot go to "Contact" or "Classmates", I need to visit a number of steps:

    1. It may also be that the shpigunska program blocked your antivirus, in case you need to install this version. Ale most often, it's a pity that the problem is not viral, if you want a couple of viruses, you still need to put it down
    2. Overhaul access to the Internet. Frequently the computer will show the connection to the net, but without the need to redo the access to the other sites, if it’s in the presence, then let it go. When you are on the Internet, you need to know the problem.

  1. If there are any viruses or messages, if you do not have access to the websites, you need to reconfigure. Do not forget to turn on the show before the tsim prikhovanih files... You can view hosts with a notepad. Then, look at all the rows and see them, and deduce the name of the social framing.
  2. If you don’t want to go to “Contact” from a working computer, then, better for everything, the robot teacher has blocked access, so that the sprobers didn’t accept any of their obligations. You can't have any kind of growth.
  3. Reinstall your browser, so that your robot may be damaged. At bagatokh vipadkah it is simpler to innovate the program, nіzh to shukati pardon.
  4. Buvah and so, well, it’s okay, everything’s okay, but the lama’s head and it’s impossible to see why not to enter the "Contact". Do not expect a problem with viruses and malfunctions in the operating system. Most of the adminstration is just in the "Contact". Who are you going to be into a whole lot of vipad? As soon as it is meant that it’s time-consuming, and if you can turn off the access, then follow the instructions. You can also update the page, fill in the questionnaire, and update the feed. For a number of procedures, as a rule, access is rotated. Why should I block the sidelines? If you didn’t sell the requested item, but they didn’t sell the goods, then, shvidshe for all of you, they simply messed with you. So, when you turn the access, you will need to change the password.
  5. Yaksho we have read to the whole story, which means that we haven’t yet entered the social fringe. Let's try to go to the Russian site. The price is necessary in order to convert the quality of the provider's robot. You can also go to bed, because of this blame, access to a part of the Internet resources, including Russian ones, is blocked. If you have a private access, then go to the provider and find out the reasons for the nasty Internet.

in the browser

Otzhe, I still cannot get in touch, I want access to the other sites in the presence. At the end of the day, clear the cache in the browser. For tsyogo need to go to nalashtuvannya. For “chrome”, you can complete the vicorist combination of hot keys Ctrl + Shift + Delete by vibrating the tab “View values ​​of items” - “For the whole period” - “Clear cache” - take all the checkboxes - “Clear history”.

Do you have Mozilla? Check the following: "Instruments" - "Erase history" - but "Kesh" put a tick - "Clear at once". Restart your browser when finished.

At "Opera" everything is also easy: "Instruments" - "Vidaliti specialties of the data" - "Installation" - "Clear the cache" - "Vidaliti".

If I can't go to "Contact" or "Classmates" for a reason, then the problem will be violated. Ні - shukaєmo іnshiy vikhіd from the situation.

Skoda dodatkovyh utilit

Reverse what you guess, you have not installed any plugins and additions recently, VkSaver. Bagato utilities can destroy the browser robot. If you talk about guessing the program, then you often block access to VKontakte. In such a rank, the retailers pinned the jumping content from the hem. If you are the master of the dodatka, then you don't want to turn on / see it, and the problem will be seen. It’s obvious that you will know to manually erase the files, which are located behind the address: C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Application Data. If you don't see the stench, then change it, rewrite the computer and write it down.

For some people, I can’t go to “Contact” through a reloaded site. There may also be problems with the provider, which must be unreliable in the quality of the Internet connection. You can also drink a lot, you just need to drink. Well, with a stretch, the problem was not visible, follow the instructions, pointing it out in the statistics.

disrespect of the koristuvach

Previously, you visited a similar domain, for example, vkonlakte.ru or vkk.com. Without thinking about the retribution, Koristuvach pomilkovo introduce his own tribute, having given them to the shahrays. From the sidelines, spam can be sent, and all groups are delivered. The developers are quick to block evil regional records, but they have been in trouble. As well as being repeated more than once, it is a complete imovirny pre-existing ban. Get started new side.

When the login and password were entered, it was announced: “Do not pass authorization on the stolen data”, then it is necessary to update the browser. Of course, in some cases, always try to go to the site through the program. Everyone has a handful of Explorer posts, so speed it up.

Yak to secure computers from viruses

Apparently, it’s not a matter of saving the system of spygun programs;

  • When the computer is turned on, the browser is also to blame for the launches.
  • Install a good antivirus, update it regularly and run a system upgrade.
  • Do not set up a set of programs and do not go to third-party resources, zokrema from the "VKontakte" stock.
  • Do not go over to see if you can see friends and relatives until quiet times, do not misunderstand, as if the stench sent you a message.
  • Create two accounts on computers: Administrator and Coristuvach, and go to others. The problem is that it’s more important for us to go in as an administrator, but we can see all the activities. In such a rank, if there are viral attacks, then whether the program is easy to carry out all the manipulations. In that case, if you go into the system yak koristuvach, your rights are surrounded. The first program is not able to change the data in the register, restore your safety or paralyze the system to the robot.

The "Enter" page has appeared, but I can not go to the "Contact". How robiti?

  1. Reverse the correctness of the entered data, the layout and the inclusion / connection of the CapsLock keys. But you may have changed your password, and now you need to update it.
  2. Reverse the systemic yearbook. Bagato sites override access, which is not synchronized for an hour.
  3. If there are any problems, I don’t have time to put food on those that I cannot go to Contact. One of the first my diy polagaє in reversal nalashtuvan Cookies. Any browser is guilty of using the "Accept Zavzhdi" item. You can also clear your cookies and re-enable your browser.

Password update

For some people, for koristuvachіv it is impossible to get in touch through those who have forgotten their password. So I’m going to have a chance to see you. The procedure was given to fill the ball with the help of rosrobniki, schob over the edge of the evil side. As a show of practice, the shahrai knew the best ways to deny access to other people's accounts, and the wicked koristuvachams are now more likely to turn their sideways.

Otzhe, since I can’t go to "Contact" because of the password, as if I had forgotten about the changes made by the koristuvach, then there would be a number of viconates.

Password renewal linked to a mobile phone number

Go to the fields for entering the data "Forgot the password". If your side is tied to the phone, then things will be like this:

  • Enter the phone number;
  • the system can power your apology, which is necessary for safety;
  • confirm the data;
  • system nadishle sms with a code that you need to enter;
  • come up with New passwordі Confirm yo (only do not select the date of birth);
  • you will be sent a new one on your phone again, if a new password will be specified;
  • log in, vikoristovuchi novі danі.

Password renewal without phone number

When there is no connection to the mobile phone, I respect the power down below, as I will put on the Danish factor. Having changed according to them, you deny the Viconati's proposition a number of days:

  • enter the old phone number and the new one;
  • development and direction of photographs for approval of an individual;
  • memorize the data presented by the salespeople;
  • clean up and unblock the side.

If you don’t remember the authenticity of the deyakie tributes (you don’t remember what the phone number or e-mail recorded in the settings), then do not use it more beautifully. Having memorized the questionnaire, please submit її. Please remember that the image is guilty but good quality... Most often, the system will supply a scan of your passport (the first and the other side). Are you wary of submitting such information? So, get a new account, a few bits of the new password renewal method, and then, and access to the old side is dumb.

There is a lot of power supply from koristuvachiv: why can't I go to VK. The reasons for this inappropriateness can be very useful: technical problems on the site, a viral attack, the loss of a login or a password. Skin problems are clearly discernible and we know how to solve problems.

Systemic troubles are not a matter of social problems on VKontakte. Since the site is used by millions of people, the system is to blame for a great number of information. Not surprisingly, all bugs, malfunctions and malfunctions are periodically brought up. good, technical service the social network is clear to the robot and the system quickly assimilates any problems.

Uwaga! As soon as I enter the account of the unhappy through a systemic outbreak, the problem cannot be independently resolved. It’s too late to check, if the access to the profile will be renewed by the social networks.

viral attack

It’s a systemic change of errors, and problems with access to an account are prevented from being deprived of a particular koristuvach - his computer can be converted to the appearance of viruses. At the moment, a great number of scannable utilities and anti-viruses have been broken up, up to the number of which there is a tandem DrWeb Cureit + AVZ. Offended programs can be added to the official websites of rozrobniki without any credit, so that they are accessible to absolutely large people. For additional donations, the program can thoroughly reconsider attitudes for more threats and often times.

  • It is seen from the installation of mature software security. Rizni "keys" to the program, the intruders and smittya are practically 100% infected with viruses. You can use the programs only on the official websites of the retail stores, de-guaranteeing the absolute purity of the software.
  • Gradually adapt your antivirus in the workstation: install the update, follow the new versions, etc.
  • Ignore the information about the update of the FLASH-player, if the stench comes from poorly known or suspicious sites.
  • yaksho automatic update Windows will be turned on, so that the system is regularly reconfigured and the required plug-ins are installed in manual control mode.

All the same, you can help to secure the computer from a harsh invasion and save the possibility of unrestricted entry into social fences.

Hosts file problems

It is not easy to get lost in the situation, if you enter the social network Vkontakte of the blocking as a result of the malicious actions that changed the Hosts file. Smell to shy away in order that you didn’t just have to waste your time on an oblivious note, but go to a special school site.

Dovidka! Hosts is a special file on a PC that can be used as an operating system for setting the IP address and name of a university. In such a rank, vin is the mechanism of service of the system, which will prevent the addressing of the universities in the computer network.

Yak come in such vipadki? In the first place, you need to get up to see the file Hosts be-like snakes. For the whole it is necessary:

  • Go for% system-disk%: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc.
  • Replace characters in "% system-disk%" write a letter hard disk, The Windows operating system is installed on any bule.
  • Know the Hosts file and display it in a notebook.

Uwaga! pochatkove zm_st given to the file to lay down according to the type of operating system, which is victorious on a specific annex.

As long as the file is in revenge for all the data, then, better for everything, it will be changed by the evil ones. So it is necessary to turn it to the cob value. When copying and pasting the correct text, there will inevitably be problems with the right of access. For the ear, it is necessary to recognize the status of the owner of the given file, and only when the copy is made. However, it is costly to complete the price for an hour and a lot. Є the way to get it simpler:

  • Start the AVZ scanner, in the menu, click the "File" tab. Vibrate the item "System update".

  • Please refer to the "Cleared Hosts file" column. Click on the button "Viconation for the Operations".

For all access to the VK account, the booty is guilty.

Vimoga send SMS

Viral attacks can lead to such inappropriateness, such as blocking the VK profile by sending paid SMS messages. Tsia situation means that koristuvach having spent on the site of the shahraiv, and yogo pristіy is infected awesome programs... The decision is here only one:

  • Never send SMS or enter data from your side.
  • Clean your computer from viruses (instructions given to you).
  • Update the Hosts file.

Pislya qih diy the problem is to blame for the bug;

Forgot login and password

Deyaki koristuvachi can't go to their side in VK, so they forgot their login and / or password. Ale їkh can be updated. Axis, yak tse zrobiti:

  • With the form of entering the login and password, click on the "Forgot password" button.

  • Enter the phone number before you bind the account. Push on the "Progress" button.

  • On the new side, you will be prompted to enter the code, which will come in SMS-notifications. As soon as possible, it will be trimmed, the combination of letters and numbers must be transferred to the whole field without permission. Remember about those who are the term for the code of the encirclement.

  • When you enter a new password for your profile, save it and go to the side.

Yaksho koristuvach for reasons having lost access to the phone number linked to the account, it will be quicker to get things done quickly. In cich vipadkah, it is necessary as follows:

  • For the form of entering the login and password, know the "Forgot password" button. Attack her.

  • Click on the link "My side is not tied to a phone number."

  • At the entrance to the deposit, enter all the relevant information, including the email address. Push the button "Dali".
  • Enter the authorization code at the special window.
  • At vіknі, enter your nickname, as it appears on the shukanoy side.
  • At the formed list of accounts, vibrate is required.

  • Send e-mail and click on permission to update access to your VKontakte account.
  • Come up with a new password before the end, and then go to the regional record.

Evil side

If you do not enter the VK profile through the links, then you can follow the instructions described in the instructions for updating the password. As a rule, if the shahrai did not change the phone number or the e-mail address linked to the profile, they are not guilty of any problems with the rejection of the new password. However, as long as all the tribute to the bullet changes, you can register a new side and write a message to the technical support service. Such a problem can be solved by the appearance of only fahivtsi social fences.

Yearly call it quickly, if it is difficult to update access to your side in the social network of VK. Viral attacks, changing the Hosts file, by an evil account, or the loss of a username / password with non-overwhelming passcodes for virtual communication with friends, relatives and colleagues. To deliver vivchit all the best instructions, so you know the solution for skin problems.

As soon as the site is not displayed on your computer for no reason at all. If there is a breakdown on the site itself, just check it out. As long as the site does not appear only on your computer, problems with the computer or with the net. Such a problem can be tackled quickly in a number of ways, or for others to have to work hard. You can, you know, to convert the system to the presence of viruses in either high-profile programs, or to change the adjustment of the browser or DNS.


Part 1

Main events

    Try to open the site on the іnshiy attachment or in the іnshіy framing (as well as possible, pick up the stylized fencing). Try to view the website on your phone or your computer. As soon as the site is seen, the problem is in your computer. Even on this extension, the site may not appear, the problem is with the link, or with the site itself.

    • As much as possible, try to view the website on the annex connected to your hedge, and then on the annex connected to the last hedge. For example, open a website on your phone, which connects to the same grids, as well as a computer; then log in from childless hedgehog Try to open the site by connecting to fathoms... So see if there is a problem with the link or the website.
    • As the site does not appear on any annex or in a net, it is better for everything, the site itself is not. The price can be revised through the online service iidrn.com.
  1. Restart your computer. Without them, it is possible to put down simple computer re-provisioning. Reload your computer and try to open the site.

    Try to open the site in your browser. It may be that the parameters of your browser are set incorrectly. Then try to open the site in your browser.

    • If there is no other browser on the computer, download and install one of the popular and non-kostetny browsers, for example, Firefox, Chrome or Opera.
  2. For an hour anti-virus program. Mozhlivo, anti-virus programmatically secure blocking of singing websites. Try to enable antivirus, and then open the site.

    • In the system tray, use the right mouse button on the antivirus icon and in the menu, vibrate "Enter" or "Wihid". It is possible to see a window of warning when the antivirus is turned on to put the system under threat.
    • Please try to view the site Obov'yazkovo to add antivirus.
  3. Re-install the modem and router. The traffic to the website can be blocked by a modem or a router. Re-pre-install ci attachments, trim access to the site.

    • Connect the cables to the modem and router (because the smell є small attachments) І Check it out closely.
    • Connect the power cable and turn on the modem.
    • Plug in the power cable and make sure the router is turned on.
    • Try to view the website.
  4. Change the date and time of the computer. If the date or the hour was set incorrectly, the (https: //) website will not be visible. Reverse computer settings abo mobile annex Please change the date and time correctly.

    Cross over, scho function father's control enabled. Inclusions of the Batkiv control can block access to the singing websites. As much as possible, introduce the system function or the program, so that the father's control is not guaranteed, and try to open the website. The process of enabling the Batkiv control is stored in programs.

    Install a smart antivirus. Having seen the old anti-virus program, you will need to install the anti-virus. The onset of secured anti-virus programs are highly valued by professionals in the field of cyber-security protection and do not overwrite blocked websites:

    • Avast!
    • BitDefender
    • AntiVir
    • Microsoft Windows Defender
  5. Perekonayte, only one anti-virus program is installed on the computer. Some of the installed anti-viruses will be one-on-one, which can lead to blocking access to certain websites. Fill in the anti-virus, and you will see it.

    • Read the tsyu article, just to get rid of the information about those who can see the programs. Instructions for viewing specific anti-virus programs can be found at wikiHow.com.

part 3

Browser redesign
  1. Change over to include JavaScript. As long as there are JavaScript inclusions, there will be no more popular sites and will not be displayed. Change your browser settings and change your browser for JavaScript inclusions.

    • V Internet Explorer natisnit "Servis" or click on the icon at the view of the gear and in the menu select "Vlastivosti oglyadach". Go to the "Security" tab and click on the "Inshy". Know the section "Scenes" and in the section "Active scripts" put a forerunner next to the "Turn on" option.
    • Chrome has a "Menu" - "Nalashtuvannya". Near the lower part of the side of the street there is dodatkovі nalashtuvannya", And then in the section" Osobistі danі "natisnіt" Nalashtuvannya content ". Put your clerk at the option "Allow all sites to run JavaScript".
    • In Firefox, enter about: config and confirm your solution in the address bar. In a row, enter javascript.enabled. Cross, scho in the hundred "Value" of the affixes the parameter "true".
    • For Safari, print "Safari" or "Edit" and select "Nalashtuvannya". Go to the "Security" tab and put a guardian next to the "Enable JavaScript" option.
  2. I saw no expansion. Expanded songs can be the reason for the diagnosis of problems in the browser robot. Recognize or see unavailable or unused expansion. Remember, for a normal browser robot, the extension is not required, so be sure to enable it.

    • In Internet Explorer, click on the "Service" or click on the icon at the cogwheel or in the menu, select "Supervision Management". The list has expanded and expanded "Connect".
    • Chrome has a "Menu" - "Advanced Tools" - "Expanded". For non-dermal enlargement, tidy up the forerunner from the "Enabled" option.
    • Firefox has a "Menu" - "Add-ons". At the liv_y panel of the natisn_t "Rozsherennya". Handrail with non-useable skin extensions to press "Connect".
    • For Safari, print "Safari" or "Edit" and select "Nalashtuvannya". Go to the tab "Expansion", and then, for the skin unnecessary expansion, tidy up the forerunner from the "Turn on" option.
  3. invert hem settings browser. As long as the browser is set up for the robot through the proxy server, the site will not be blocked. Open the browser settings and enable the proxy server, and then try to open the site.

    • In Internet Explorer, click on the "Service" or click on the icon at the cogwheel or in the "Vlastivosti oglyadach" menu. Go to the "Connected" tab, and then click on "Nalashtuvannya fingering". Put the ensign at the option " automatically assigned parameters "and keep a forerunner at the option" Vikoristovuvati proxy server for local connections ".
    • Chrome has a "Menu" - "Nalashtuvannya". At the lower part of the side there is a story “Show additional adjustments”, and then, in the “Merezh” section, there is a point “Change proxy server adjustment”. Natisnіt "Nalashtuvannya festi". Put a forerunner at the option "Automatic setting of parameters" and set up a forerunner at the option "Vikoristovuvati proxy server for local connections".
    • Firefox has a "Menu" - "Nalashtuvannya". Viber "Dodatkovi" and go to the tab "Merezha". Natisnit "Nalashtuvati" and vibrate "Without proxy" or "Vikoristovuvati set up proxies".
    • For Safari, print "Safari" or "Edit" and select "Nalashtuvannya". Go to the "Datasheet" tab and click on the "Change settings" tab. Take advantage of all the options connected to the proxy server.
  4. Remove your browser settings. As long as the site still does not open, discard the browser settings. Dani, sberіgayuyutsya in the browser, will be visible, and the settings will be turned to adjust for the changes.

part 4

Scanning the system for the presence of high-quality programs

    Download AdwCleaner. tse kosteless program, Yaka scanned the computer for the presence of high-quality and irrelevant programs. AdwCleaner can be downloaded from toolslib.net/downloads/viewdownload/1-adwcleaner/.

    Run AdwCleaner. If you want to start the program, you need to add additional files that are necessary for scanning. The whole process of borrowing all kilka khilin.

    Natisnіt "Scanuvati", then start the scanning process. AdwCleaner will scan my computer, it’s about 15-20 minutes on it.

    Upon completion of the scan, draw "Cleanse". AdwCleaner will see all files that are detected during the scan process.

    Download and install a hostless version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. Bezkoshtovna version with programs of a main-functional scanner, which can be used on home computers. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware can be downloaded from malwarebytes.org/.

    • Having blocked the installer file, run it, then install Anti-Malware. During installation, vibrate without a credit card(Yaksho will be proponated).
    • A simple version for Mac OS, like a streaming version of AdwareMedic (only one of the best shrinking programs to fight with awesome programs for Mac OS).
  1. Launch Anti-Malware and read "Revision Update". The program is to block the available updates, as it allows you to know the best files.

    Natisnit "Launch the reversal", schob scan the computer. The whole loan process takes more than an hour, not the process of scanning with the AdwCleaner program.

    Upon completion of the scan, print "In quarantine". Tseprezvedenya to the visibility of all emerging files.

    Restart your computer and try to open the website. As soon as the program was not designed to block access to the singing sites, now such sites will be open.

part 5

Zmіna nalashtuvan DNS
  1. Remove the DNS settings. DNS (Domain Name System - system of domain names) - the whole service domain name in IP-addresses, you can connect to websites. yaksho local files DNS is displayed, web sites are not visible and not visible. Pid hour skidannya nalashtuvan DNS is local DNS information will be visible and a new copy of DNS will be installed.

    • Windows has it ⊞ Win + R Enter cmd command line... Enter ipconfig / flushdns and press ↵ Enter... Show up about those with DNS cleansing cache; Close the command row window.
    • For Mac OS, open the Terminal (from the Programs folder). Enter dscacheutil -flushcache and load ⏎ Return... Then enter sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder ⏎ Return Restart the DNS service. The system prompts you to enter the administrator password.
  2. Know a new DNS server that you can connect to. As a rule, they connect to the DNS server of the Internet provider, but they do not have any options. For some people it is possible to connect to the Internet more quickly. For a poshukovik, enter a "list of non-kosted DNS servers" (without legs), so that you know the current list of bezel-less servers. Most of these lists provide information about the connection speed to the latest servers.

    • As a rule, koristuvach will deny two addresses: first and second. On this stage it is necessary to know offensive addresses.
    • Zvernit respect, but public DNS servers do not provide access to all sites. It is recommended to use Google or OpenDNS to guarantee access to as many sites as possible.

Why should the system not log into VK and how to correct the situation? I would like to eat such food once in my life. And it’s not surprising, even more and more than an hour is spent on the Internet, and I want to spend more than an hour on a weekly basis. For those who are quiet, who cannot go to their side, it is clear that there are a few options for resolving the problem.

# 1 Connected traffic abo zby

As for the food about those “why I can't go to VK”, it’s the same, but before the service it’s clear, there’s no way for all the global problems. To rewrite the system and check the next steps:

  1. Try a little hilin sprinkle - you can, on the right in the systemic zboї samoї sots. hedgehogs;
  2. See what kind of resource is there. If you are not bored - it means you have a daily connection to the Internet. As a rule, on the screen you will see the information, as on the pictures below or with similar text.

How can you zrobiti, how can I get access to the fancy? Try it:

  • Reload the router;
  • Go to the fencing management center by gated access on your PC and report the problem.
  • Perevirta, we paid off the services of the provider.

As soon as the food did not help, why not go to the VKontakte site from the computer, it is still relevant, then it’s all the internal problems of the robot. Whether the resource can be connected from the rewired server, and for now, the developers will quickly see such problems. That, you can just check out a ten hour. Prior to the speech, in such a kind of problem, you will be spared not only from you, but from your friends. So, power it up, and everything is in order with the input. If it’s dumb, then it’s melodiously chekati, if the representatives of the social welfare feed.

# 2 Browser problems

“I can’t go to Contact from my computer, but I’m afraid” - it’s a pity, this is not a problem, especially for quiet, who sit in social media through a browser. Have you already tried descriptions of other options, but have you not reached success? Todi try viconati c kroki:

  • Open your browser;
  • Go to nalashtuvan;
  • Clear cache and cookies;

Wait, come in again, did you not help? Todi install any browser and try to log into VK. Take it, that the site is no longer displayed in one specific browser.

I didn’t see the problem, but it’s clear any reason malfunctions і cleared, why not log into VK.

# 3 Fence access

"I can not go into Contact from the computer" - tse frequent problem, I like to stick around, because I don’t get separated from social welfare on robots, but I’ll see them in the country. On the right, in some cases, access to the social framing can be directly connected. As a rule, it should be taken into account for the coming reasons:

  1. on the territory of the initial mortgage (school);
  2. Access was blocked by the robot teacher, so that the spy workers were not allowed to see the visitor of the work plant;
  3. Social framing VK is not available to residents of singing regions - for example, Ukraine. Legislative fence is imposed on vicoristannya.

As soon as one of the tsikh situations about you, then the food: whoever is uncomfortable to go to VK, can be closed. І go before you robiti.

  • Try to go from mobile phone- only local framing is blocked;
  • Add VPN-extended on your PC or smartphone, so that you can bypass the interconnection and connect to the net, or just use proxies for the browser.

# 4 Nevirni Dani

There is one more reason why it is not possible to log into VK for the season - because of the introduction of invalid tributes for the entrance:

  1. Perekonayte, wіklyucheniyu introduced CAPS LOCK;
  2. Go over the correct positioning.

It was not possible to enter a valid password to the one who was left behind with the combination, or your side was tampered with? Only the axis can be updated access:

  • Find the icon "Forgot your password?" by the form of authorization;
  • Accept captcha for confirmation. Enter її as respectfully as possible, only because the captcha doesn’t allow you to log into VK;
  • Give a name to your side;
  • Confirm that your part is yours;
  • On a smartphone, you need a digital code - enter it in a special window and press the "Change" button;
  • Come up with a new password, repeat your two.

Why can't I go to VK to my side on the phone or on a computer, if the password is valid? Check the correctness of the entered captcha:

  1. Renewal of babies, schooled symbols;
  2. Reverse the layout.

# 5 Shakhraiski diy

For the reason why there was a meal "I can not go to my side of VKontakte, scho robiti" - check the transfer pennies, We will protect Varto buti as much as possible.

Do not in any case do not send the occasion - in such situations, you will spend a lot of pennies!

You need to protect yourself, it is necessary:

  • Install or update the anti-virus program;
  • Run system scan;
  • Activate the poke;
  • I knew the file - I’ll see it from my computer for help special programs(For example, CCleaner).

Edit the host file:

  • Go to the address C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc;

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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