In skype I feel myself tidy up. Usunennya background noise in the program Skype

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For a long time already, I have been migrating into the life of wealthy Internet-koristuvachiv, helping to keep in touch with relatives and friends, as if they are far away, conduct business negotiations without the need to pay thousands of kilometers to travel and learn to learn remotely. However, those who only touch the basics of computer science often blame the how to chat on skype. We will try it as simply as possible and available at any time.

What is required to communicate via Skype?

Also, in order to start the compilation it is necessary, when installing programs on the computer, the presence of upcoming warehouses:

  • decent internet access;
  • webcams;
  • microphone;
  • speakers (or headphones).

Pokrokov's instruction

Chatting in Skype is easy, However, for the cob it is necessary to win a series of diy, so that it is possible to win the given program in full:

  • connect three more attachments to the computer and install drivers for them at different times;
  • download the program from the official website, select the version, select your OS, and install it on your computer;
  • vikonati launch skype i by clicking on the button " Register a new koristuvach”, Go through the necessary procedure;
  • log in to Skype, work out the necessary settings (for example, change the movie) and test the connection. Tse can be robiti, having made a call on Echo/Sound Test Service, And then we will analyze the data to the extent of the connection, according to the way you see the insets. In times of obviousness, whether there are any problems with the possession of a recognition, the methods of their virishennia are possible from the cerebration for the clarity of the link;
  • find friends for help a number of ask and add them to your list of contacts for help pushing the button " Add a contact". After that, as a person confirms the request, you can fully communicate with him. If you have a Facebook account, you can also import friends from this account into Skype.

Also, for the help of Skype, you can send calls to the phone number phone numbers, Why is there a special button in the program. However, for calling calls to Skype subscribers, without any fees, for calls to telephone numbers you will have to pay a penny soum (tariffs should be left at the end of the subscriber), for which it is necessary in advance

One of the most widespread sound defects in Skype, the same as any other IP-telephony program, is the lunar effect. Win is characterized by the fact that you can speak to yourself through the dynamics. Naturally, it is not easy to negotiate in such a mode. Let's figure out how to put the sun in Skype software.

The most common reason for the effect of the harrier in Skype is that the loudspeakers and the microphone are close to the speaker. In this way, whatever you say, from the speakers, I catch the microphone of the other subscriber, and transfer it via Skype back to your speakers.

In this way, with a single exit, I am glad to the speaker to put the speakers in the microphone, or change their volume. In any case, if there is a difference between them, they can be no less than 20 cm. Ale, an ideal option is to use both earphones of a special headset, headphone jacks. This is especially true for short-term laptops, which have technical reasons it is impossible to increase the distance between the receiver and the sound without connecting additional accessories.

Programs for making sound

Also, the effect of moonlight can be in your speakers, as you have installed a third-party program for adjusting the sound. Similar programs call polypshity sound, ale with victoria wrong setting you can only move to the right. So, if you have a similar add-on installed, then try turning on yoga, or rummage through the tweaks. Possibly, the "Effect of the moon" function is turned on there.

reinstalling drivers

One of the main options, which can cause a lunar effect during negotiations in Skype, is the presence of standard Windows drivers for sound card, Deputy of the original drivers of the virobnik. To reconsider, go to the Control Panel through the Start menu.

I, nareshti, move to the subdivision "Attendance manager".

Vіdkryte razdіl "Sound, video and іgrovі pstroї". Select a change in the name of your sound card. Click on it with the right mouse button, and in the menu select the “Power” parameter.

Go to the "Driver" authority tab.

If the name of the driver will be changed according to the name of the sound card picker, for example, if the standard driver like Microsoft is installed, then you need to see the driver through the Device Manager.

You will need to install the original sound card driver, which you can download from your official website.

Like Bachimo, there can be three main reasons for looney in Skype: incorrect microphone and speaker setup, installation of third-party audio add-ons, and incorrect drivers. It is recommended that you fix these problems yourself in that order.

Today, the Skype program is being launched by millions of people today. Htos vikoristovuє її on the job, and htos - for intercourse with loved ones. But some coristuvachs are stuck with such a problem, like the presence of sound. It’s great to drink wine and smell the spy, but the axis of that one doesn’t smell anything. Obviously, the sense of such a thing is being used again and again. That's why it's necessary for a yakomoga to solve this problem more quickly. Fortunately, in most cases it’s awkward.

Cho robiti in Persh Cherga

For the cob varto signify - what is the actual problem on your side? Perhaps, at the speaker’s column, the columns were cracking, or else they incorrectly set the volume in the program. It is easy to carry out a similar review.

  1. Launch Skype;
  2. Open the "Tools" menu, go to the item "Adjustment", and then - "Adjustment of the sound";
  3. I’ll write “Microphone” - the menu, in which the victorious extension is indicated. And the indicator “Guchnist” was installed, which shows the strength of the sound. If you speak into the microphone (guilty or into a laptop or a webcam), the scale should turn green. When the loudness of the voice rises, smuga is painted over more strongly.

As the scale reacts normally to the promotion, it means everything is in order from your side - the breakage must be fixed by the spymaster himself. In a different light, read the article below.

Get to know your Skype settings

Do not hurry to close the window early. Check that the program allows you to automatically set up your microphone - check the box next to the checkbox. In addition, turn over what is chosen by the same attachment that you victorious. Sometimes, when setting the value for locking, the microphone may not work. Choose from the suggested list the very model you are looking for.

If you want to repeat the reverb - do not necessarily call the caller, you can again speed up the Echo123 function to reverify the soundness. Often times you allow yourself to solve a problem.

Perevirka nalashtuvan sound

Listen to the recording, for help Echo123. Even if there is no sound, but the voice is ice sensitive, you can override other attachments that are included in the list of microphones. Choose them according to your needs and make a test call. If the problem is solved in this way - fine. Well, no, it means that the problem is not in the Skype program, but in the owner of the Windows OS. Let's take a look at the options in more detail.

Re-verification of possession

To turn over the cob, make sure the microphone is connected correctly and sit firmly in the nest. If you see a webcam or a laptop microphone, such a breakdown is disabled. In another moment, you can get out of your mother's place. The most common jack for connecting a microphone is painted in horn color.

On laptops, there is no color indication, but there are ports for displaying images. For reliability, unplug the plug from the socket and insert again.

Vlasniki often insert the plug not to the end. When the wines are connected, the ice is to be seen as a smart clatter and drink in the nest on the surface. Reconsider that the connection is correct and repeat the reversal.

Windows patching

The problem of virishity did not go away? Can the program be installed and work perfectly, and when the microphone was connected, no pardons were allowed? As much as possible, what is on the right in operating system. The biggest expansion in the world different versions Windows OS. Let's take a look at the improvement of the audio equipment in them.

Windows XP

Press the "Start" button, and then - "Control Panel". At the vіknі, choose "Sounds and audio setup". Here select the "Audio" tab and flip the microphone. Select a suitable attachment from the beginning, and then click on the "Guchnist" button.

Reconsider that in one of the fields "Enabled" is not a check mark, but the slider is not set below the middle. If one of these wrecks was revealed, then you, better for everything, already knew and solved the problem. I'm changing the ability to move through Echo123.

Windows 7, 8, 10

In the 64-bit version of the popular OS, the setting can be changed a little more.

  1. Press the "Start" button;
  2. Go to the "Control Panel";
  3. Select the "Sound" icon;
  4. Go to the "Record" tab.

After choosing the power of the microphone. Change your mind, what is attached. Go to the tab "Zagalni", turn over, what an attachment is won. Nareshti, at the “Rivnі” depositor, reverse the insertions of the runners on the “Guchnist” scale. On the right is the speaker icon. To call respect - not to sing the wines for inclusion?

Like this, just click on the new bear and the problem will be solved.

Like the problem is not solved

For more vipadkiv qi, please help to solve the problem. If you didn’t get far enough, you are left with only a few options.

The simplest of them is that your computer won't accept headphones without drivers. need to install required drivers, Based on the latest versions, so that I can solve the problem.

Hirshe, that's the problem with the microphone. It is not uncommon for a trivial victorious or incorrect saving of the darts to simply falter. I fully understood what it would take to blame such problems. Benefits of attachments are often much more expensive than buying new ones. So hurry up with a good microphone and turn it over, the problem is not solved. The same can be said about the vipadki, if the webcam is victorious. Yakshcho you koristuetsya internal microphone but with a webcam, the problem is more complicated - it's not so easy to replace. A laptop or a computer will have to be carried to fahіvtsya repair and maintenance of office equipment.

With different webcams and microphones, the problem may be in nests. Inaccurately, as often as vikoristannya can harm them. And in this situation, there is also only one decision - to carry it to fahіvtsіv, how to assess the complexity of the repair. Obviously, for the sake of these problems, as well as other problems, you can be helped by the copyprinter company's facsimiles. The firm is not the first river and has managed to earn an unbelievable reputation among customers.

Go to "Tools -> Options -> General Settings" and opposite the "Set program language to" item, select "Russian (Russian)" from the drop-down list. If you don't know Russian language there, then you will need to download the program again and reinstall it.

In the program Skype you can take calls from people who have not been added to the contacts. For this it is necessary to select "Instruments" in the main menu, then click on the "Setup" command and in the "Safety" group at the tab "Setting up security" check the box next to the item "Accept calls and notifications only of people in my contact list".

In order to change the font in the chat, you need to go to the main menu "Tools -> Settings ->" then you need to go to the "Chats and SMS" group and select the "Visual Chat Design" tab, then click on the "Change Font" button.

Open the "Tools -> Settings" menu, go to the "Information" group and select the "Sounds" tab, then click on the "Get Sound Files" button and select the number of new audio files you want to associate with any Skype sound. Keep in mind that you can only upload WAV files. If your melodies are saved in a different format, you can easily convert them using other programs. Also, care should be taken that the skin melody is tuned well for the skin tone. To change the sound that accompanies the sound of a podia, simply select the podia itself in the "Select sounds for the podia" list and in the list that appears opposite, under the name "Choose sound file", It is necessary to enter a melody for the Bazhan. If you want to see the added sounds in the "My sounds" list, then see inappropriate sound and press the "Del" button on the keyboard.

Under the hour of moving in the Skype program, you can often feel the background, and other third-party noise. Tobto, to you, and to your companion, a little bit rozmov, ale and be some noise in the room of another subscriber. As soon as another sound shifts to the next, then the rozmov’s fire turns into a rolling. Let's figure out how to clean up the background noise, and other sound transfers to Skype.

First of all, in order to minimize the negative influx of third-party noises, it is necessary to follow the singing rules of roaming. In case of this, their guilt is to endanger the insults of the spivrezmovniki, otherwise the efficiency of the work is sharply reduced. Check out the upcoming recommendations:

  • If possible, expand the microphone near the speakers;
  • You yourself change the yakomog closer to the microphone;
  • At this moment, do not trim the microphone to the lowest level of noise;
  • To make the sound of the speakers quieter: what is not louder, lower is necessary in order to be a little spy;
  • As far as possible, sleep on all the noise;
  • As a matter of fact, don't use earphones and speakers, but connect a special headset.

Skype regulation

Together with tim, for minimization infusion background noise, It is possible to adjust the program itself. Step by step through the menu items Skype additions- "Tools" and "Nalashtuvannya ...".

Here we will work with the settings in the “Microphone” block. On the right, in the one behind the lock in Skype, the automatic setting of the microphone volume is set. Tse means that if you start to speak more quietly, the loudness of the microphone will increase, if the voice is louder - it will change, if you close it - the loudness of the microphone will reach the maximum, and then you will begin to catch all the third-party noise, like it will remind your room. To that, we tick off the checkbox “Allow automatically adjusted microphone ", and we translate the volume control as necessary for you. It is recommended to install yoga approximately in the center.

reinstalling drivers

If your speakers are constantly complaining about the download noise, then you should try to reinstall the driver of the recording device. If so, it is necessary to install only the microphone pickup driver. On the right, in the fact that sometimes, especially often when the system is updated, the driver of the compiler can be replaced by standard Windows drivers, І tse dosit negatively sign up for robots outbuildings.

The original drivers can be installed from installation disk I’ll add it (like you’ve run out of wine), or get it from the official site of the picker.

As you follow all of the above recommendations, you will be guaranteed to accept a reduction in background noise. Ale, don’t forget that the fault of the sound can be caused by problems on the side of the other subscriber. Zocrema, the new one may have faulty speakers, or blame problems with the computer's sound card drivers.

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