Tele2 contact center telephone. Tele2 commanders: important USSD power and combination.

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USSD commands Tele2 is a superb tool for rejecting pre-existing information and managing available options. In addition to short service numbers, it is possible to display the posture by the Internet access zone without a frame.

USSD-powering for keruvannya options

Reversal of surplus for rakhunka

Z'yasuvannya your mobile number

Package parameters, scho dіє

Naming an active package

Information about the "Beep" service

Dovіdkovі danі of the option "Mayachok"

Dani shodo of the option "General payment"

Disclaimer of information from the option "Popovni my rakhunok"

Tariffs for roaming Tele2

Aktivuwati pay card

card code

Power supply for connection Tele2-gu

Information on the option " Mobile transfer»

Activation of the "Black List" option

Subscriber number

Deactivation of the "Beep" option

Control of paid options

Manually set up WAP / GPRS / MMS

Corinth numbers and commands

Information about restoring the package

Call to operator from Tele2 number

Calls to the attendance service from the numbers of the largest operators (payment is decent tariff)

Uncategorized numbers

Activuvati SIM card

Rewrite information about traffic adjustment

Activuvati internet package

Dovidkova information for updating and replacing the SIM card

You can do it pay

Vidomosty about the services of a comfortable spilkuvannya

Otrimannya dovіdki during grave transfers

Change of new parameters

Information on how to reject Dovirchikh payments

Mind the option "Connect with light"

Mind the option "New number"

Information about Internet packages

For the "Chornykh" line of tariffs and packages with Tele2 traffic, information about the surplus of unused chilin is sent through the command:

Is it important to name the tariff for the telephone? Quickly enough without a stem power supply and specify all parameters:.

Traffic packet management

Internet from mobile attachment:

  • Option activation - via power supply * 155 * 151 #.
  • Blocking the service through the power supply * 155 * 150 #.
  • Reconsideration of the status of the option and the surplus of the plain Internet (in MB) via the power supply * 155 * 15 #.

Internet package:

  • Option activation - via power supply * 155 * 191 #.
  • Blocking the service through the power supply * 155 * 190 #.
  • Reconsideration of the status of the option and the surplus of the plain Internet (in MB) via the power supply * 155 * 19 #.


  • Option activation - via power supply * 155 * 0201 #.
  • Blocking services via power supply * 155 * 0200 #
  • Reconstruction of the status of the option and the surplus of the plain Internet (in MB) via the power supply * 155 * 020 #.


  • Option activation - via power supply * 155 * 0211 #.
  • Blocking services via power supply * 155 * 0210 #.
  • Reconstruction of the status of the option and the surplus of the plain Internet (in MB) via the power supply * 155 * 021 #.

If there is a power supply, which traffic is active on the Tele2 number, it is necessary to use the service power supply as soon as possible: * 153 #. The non-cash team allows for the use of the package and the surplus of high-speed traffic.

Pislya zd_ysnennya will be fed with a stretch of 2-3 min. Nadeyde SMS-promulgation from information about the surplus of non-corrosive sickness on Tele2 telephones and other subscribers, surplus SMS and MB (for the line "Chornyh" tariffs) or non-corrosive packet traffic (for the Internet).

SMS will be sent to the online mode, at the time of the update the message will be written about the service. All options are available, including a package of additional options in the assets.

When choosing a number for a number, it is recommended to choose a simple option "Dodati shvidkist". The servant is activated for the help of the command * 155 * 181 # that dіє with a stretch to finish. The package includes 500 Mb of Internet at the maximum speed of 3G or LTE for Tele2. Vimknennya optsії: * 155 * 180 #. Balance reversal: * 155 * 18 #.


The subscriber's interaction with the Tele2 operator signifies goodbye for the help of deeds simple commands... Commands are entered from the keyboard on the phone, when the wikklik button is pressed on the screen and the necessary information is displayed. Also, information can be obtained from SMS messages when the power supply is entered. With USSD commands, you can manage your tariff, services, and learn about the balance for the rakhunka.

Rahunk management

If you need to know the balance, or to transfer a penny from your rakhunku to your subscriber, you will be given the following commands:

  • * 105 # - rejection of information about the balance.
  • * 122 # - a tip about, with the help of which day you can improve the balance of "borg" from the operator.
  • * 123 # - Information about the service "Pop up my rakhunok", which allows you to ask the other subscriber to change the balance.
  • * 106 * card number # - activation of the Tele2 payment card.
  • * 145 # - allow you to edit the message about the service "Mobile transfer", you can still send a message to your subscriber.

Information and service management

Check the surplus traffic, enable and disable services, keruvati options are available for the help of the offensive teams:

  • * 107 # - learn about the parameters of your tariff.
  • * 108 # - I will know the name of your tariff.
  • * 146 # - Learn about the tariffs for an hour when you transfer to roaming.
  • * 115 # - a clue about the "Beep" service (information will come as soon as possible).
  • *115*0# - .
  • * 118 # - additional information about Mayachka.
  • * 220 * 1 * subscriber number #- Connection to the Black List.
  • * 111 # - Tele2-Guid, mobile portal.
  • * 153 # - mobile phone control paid services.

On tariffs and options from before paying with traffic, the surplus will be changed for the additional help of such USSD commands:

  • * 155 * 15 # - option "Internet from phone".
  • * 155 * 19 # - "Internet Package" option.
  • * 155 * 200 # - option "Portfolio to the Internet".
  • * 155 * 201 # - option "Valiza to Internet".
  • * 155 * 0 # - information about the surplus of hilin, traffic and SMS on tariffs by subscription fee lines "Chorniy" from Tele2.

Інші korisnі commands

  • Check out your Tele2 number, as soon as you got stuck, you can command * 201 # for help.
  • To edit the manual WAP / GPRS / MMS setup for the phone, you can also use the * 202 # command.
  • You can translate the USSD service into Cyrillic or Latin characters using the commands * 120 # and * 120 * 1 #.

Corinth service numbers Tele2

The limit of USSD commands from the Tele2 operator is a number of no less than the usual short numbers, by calling the phone you can also use a tariff or remove information about services and balance.

  • 611 - subscriber service.
  • 630 - change the tariff plan.
  • 693 - Make a note about the tariff for the mobile Internet.
  • 655 - Information about the services of the spilkuvannya.
  • 688 - Information about roaming and tariffs.
  • 691 - Operator's novelties and events will be held in the present moment promotions.
  • 692 - a clue about how to improve rakhunka.
  • 600 - Voice of the post, listening to the occasion of that keruvannya.
  • 679 - otrimannya automatic nalashtuvan for the Internet.

Information about servants can be read off by additional numbers:

  • 637 - "Ob_tsyaniy payment".
  • 629 - "Mobile transfer".
  • 678 - "Black List".

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Bezkoshtovnі servants Tele 2 Service and servants of Tele2

Stylish operator Tele2 has provided its customers with absolutely no-shit services for a quick splash and rozvag. For a complete list of yours, you can check out the following section.

  • For the help of koshtovnoy service, you can enjoy yourself from the clever advertising campaigns.
  • What do you want to see if you want to get a call to the Tele2 office? Carry all your services, tariff options and the other parameters of your number - let us know the Tele2 subscriber. Cei service It is absolutely free of charge (the change to the tariff, the connection of services and the replacement of details are paid according to the tariffs for the service).
  • Any subscriber of "Tele2 Russia" can do it without a kiosk. Just speed up with a quick service on the official website and send a penny to the outgoing SMS.
  • Tele2 subscribers will continue to benefit from zero balance. If you want to keep going, it’s coming up and stretching out the whole month, so that the surplus on the rakhunka reaches zero. Service "Vkidnі for the zero balance" dіє deprived of service in the home region.
  • Have you lost your Tele2 SIM card? Not bida! SIM renewal is possible at any salon of the company's service. If a duplicate is rejected, it is necessary to deprive the payment of 50 rubles, will be added to your marketplace after activation. More details about that rejection.
  • Nabridlo to pay dragon comics upon payment mobile phone? without a commotion with the additional special Internet service Tele2. Learn more about all methods.
    • If you don’t want to change the rakhunka, set up the service and the system by placing pennies on your phone when the minimum threshold is reached. Servant bezadayutsya bezkoshtovno that without a subscription fee.
    • Do you want to send the subscriber a TV picture or a melody? For the additional Internet service, MMS sending is out of stock.
    • Bezkoshtovna servant will be cinnamon in vipadku, if your number has run out of pennies, but it is necessary to talk about kimos. When you ask for a phone call or send SMS from a number that ended up with a number, the addressee will send an SMS message about the phone number assigned to it. In case of calls before the call, you can send a request for help.
    • The service allows you not to miss the phone call to move for an hour with your subscriber. It is connected to all Tele2 subscribers without a credit card, and it is based on the changes.
    • Having set up a phone for a robot with a service, you will be in the course of missed calls, if the phone has been displayed, if the phone is displayed, or if you are in the position of the zone of the net. Zvychano, absolutely koshtovno.
    • Still one bezkoshtovna service to inform all subscribers, who called, if the phone was opened or unavailable, about those who know in the fancy.

    Krim bezel-less services and additional services, all Tele2 subscribers can be quicker with attractive paid services, as they surely get the best vigid tariffs. Top list you know at the razdіlі.

USSD-commanders - a lot of short combinations of numbers, which allow you to work with different modes and services mobile operator Tele 2. Such combinations are entered on the keypad of the mobile phone and transmitted to the operator for an additional key. All necessary information is displayed on the phone screen. We have posted a list of the main USSD feeds, which can be known for the Tele2 skin subscriber, from the publication.

Rahunk management

Nobles of USSD-commanders, for the help of which to see a rakhunk keruvannya, it is necessary for a skin corystuvachevichi Tele2. The following are presented the main combinations:

*105# - Otrimannya dovidki about the camp of the mobile rakhunka. The team will allow you to learn about the surplus on the balance sheet, which is especially important for subscribers who contribute subscription fee for the tariff chi services.

*122*1# - Connecting the option "General payment". Vaughn will stand in nagodі in quiet vipadki, if koristuvach forgetting to improve the balance. Pislya nadsilannya zapitu on rakhunok will be insured " dovirchiy payment”, And once again you can connect to the Internet and connect to the Internet at the Tele2.

* 123 * number #- Connected option "Popovni my rakhunok". If the subscriber will supply such a message, the number of any instructions from the combination will be canceled by the SMS message with the text "Be a weasel, be my sweetheart".

*145# - A clue about the "Mobile transfer" option, with the help of which you can improve the balance of any Tele2 subscriber. For the schob cross penny kosty on the rakhunok of the іnshiy koristuvach, it is necessary to enter an offensive combination: * 145 * number of the winning player * sum to transfer # and press the wiklik.

Dovidka about the tariff and services

The upcoming USSD commands will help you learn important information about your tariff and connection services.

*108# - If you send such a power supply on the screen of the phone, the name of the tariff plan will appear.

*107# - Dovidka about the parameters of the tariff. If you send a message to the phone screen, you will receive information about the number of Internet traffic, the availability of services and SMS messages about your tariff package.

*146# - a tip about the tariff for the international and internal roaming Tele2.

*153# - such a team allows you to control all connections for paid propositions. If you send a message to the phone screen, you will receive information about all connected paid functions (including "Black List", "Gudok", "AntiAON").

*115# - A clue about the "Beep" option. For the additional help of such a combination, you can find out all the necessary information about the melody, installed as a beep on your phone, as well as its part.

*117# - a clue about the service "Anti-validation of the number", which allows you to use the telephone number before the hour of the outgoing calls. You can enable the option by using the additional USSD command * 117 * 1 #.

* 220 * subscriber's number #- a team that will allow you to enter the number of the іnshiy koristuvach to the Chorny list. If the subscriber is not able to receive a call and send you SMS notifications.

*111# - Connected to automatic pre-service"Tele2 Guid". The whole portal allows you to quickly review all the necessary information about all the operator's propositions.

Information about Internet traffic

Please note that the available Internet traffic at the connected tariff is possible with the help of special USSD power supplies.

*155*0# - Information about the availability of cashless chilin, SMS-related traffic at the tariffs of the Chornyh line (Chorniy, Duzhe Chorniy, Naichornishy, ​​Nadchorniy).

*155*15# - surplus traffic when connecting the Internet function from the phone.

*155*19# - The amount of available traffic in the "Internet Package" option.

*155*200# - for the help of such a command, you can learn about traffic from the post "Portfolio to the Internet".

*155*201# - A clue about non-fouling traffic when connecting the "Valiza to the Internet" option.

The most important commanders

*201# - for the additional help of such a power supply, you can learn about your mobile number.

*202# - having indicated the operator such a power supply, you will receive the information for manual adjustment for telephony services WAP / GPRS / MMS.

*144# - this is the command to allow you to carry your cheruvati before payments at the Tele2 net.

*159# - The team will open access to the portal of payment for goods and services from the mobile store.

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Corinth USSD-Commanders Tele2

Tele2 provides its subscribers with a wide range of services, for example, a subscriber can cheruvati for vlast bazhanny. For the whole, it is not necessary to call a hot line, or to vikoristovuvati the company's website, rather quickly with the power supply from the phone of the owner of the SIM card. USSD commanders - tse naybilsh shvidky way Learn the necessary information and keruvati with a card. No need to remember everything korisny commanders, oskіlki їkh bezlіch. The pooped life can get by without a few of them.

Balance management

USSD-powered, tied with vitrate control, most popular. It is practical to use them for the skin day of a Tele2 subscriber. The axis is not big, it’s like a stun in the middle of a statistically average sim-picture:

  • Balance reversal * 105 #.
  • Dovidka about chinne tariff plan with roztsіnkami * 107 #, and information only about the name of the tariff can be edited after the power supply * 108 #.
  • Check payment * 122 #.
  • Applied to the top-up rakhunok * 123 * the subscriber's number, which is to be assisted by the top-up rakhunok #.
  • Transfer of pennies from a vlasny rakhunka to іnshom koristuvachevі Tele2 * 145 * number of the owner * sum #.
  • Primary access to the portal with a great number of commands, using the code * 159 #. On the portal, you can get an idea of ​​the actual power supply for robots with a balance: transferring pennies from rakhunka to rakhunok, replenishing from cards and so far.

Tsikh has supplied enough power, just to the sound. Beast to respect, drink yourself є bezel-less, protest servant, yaku nada operator mobile phone call, you can write off the singing bag yak com_s_yu. Likewise, the success of the command will be indicated by a flush message on the screen of the phone or SMS notifications. Most often SMS will be sent from number 1024.

Service control

At another point for popularity, there is a Tele2 service number for the service of a mobile phone call.

  • Setting up for connecting to the Internet or for sending MMS * 202 #.
  • Reversal of surplus traffic for packet offers Internet package * 155 * 19 #, Portfolio - * 155 * 200 #, Valiza * 155 * 201 #, in the other types of packages you need to quickly combine * 155 * 15 #.
  • Reconsideration of the surplus of hilin and the number of incidents at the tariff * 155 * 0 #.
  • Information about tariffs per hour when traveling to roaming in Russia or beyond the cordon * 146 #.
  • Learn about the explicitness paid up-payments at Tele2 and їх parosti * 153 #.

To complete a small rendition of the code necessary for the removal of time-consuming information about the most important functions of the picture. Such reconciliations can be carried out every day, so that you can control the victorious calls. Apart from that, having instantly learned about the picking up of bezkoshtovnyh khiliin or the Internet, it is possible to hurry up to the continuation of the service as soon as possible, or to replenish the rakhunok in advance of the vitrat.

Інші commands

It is not possible to power it up in one single idea and directly, because of the USSD stick, you will get a bronze spot among the most popular teams.

  • The "Beep" service on Tele2 is an option for replacing the standard beeps with a melody - * 115 # for connecting and * 130 #, for a paid option.
  • An entry to the black list, before which subscriber numbers are entered, whose calls from Tele2 customers do not bazha otrimuvati - * 220 non-requested subscriber's number #.

Guided commands include various combinations of numbers, however, all types of cards have an ear and end. This option is used by all USSD commands on Tele2. However, in addition to them, there are short numbers, which can also reach the number of subscribers requested.

  • 611 - number hot line, an operator who can help you absolutely from any food service for a Tele2 number.
  • 630 will be in our team, who would like to change the tariff and hear information about such things.
  • 691 - short number dignified actionsі bonus programs... Cei service is an indispensable companion for quiet people who want to spare a mobile call.

The redistributions of the numbers are not unique. When you need it, you can know the numbers, and the commanders, the protestors do not play so often. You can learn more about the change of teams on the Tele2 website, a more detailed way of indicating a skin tariff, special offers.

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