Diznaєmos, yak to switch to the "Chorniy" vigid tariff on Tele2. Tariff "Chorniy" from Tele2

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Price universal tariff від stylist operator Tele2, yaky nadaє great number universal options and functions for your subscribers.

In this hour, even more tariffs have been expanded for the package of singing options, for example, gigabytes of traffic per month, 100 and more gigabytes of non-standard calls and a lot of money. One of the most popular tariffs is “Chorniy”. As soon as you see it, you can also quickly read the sentence, then read it respectfully, how to enable or disable the Chorniy tariff on Tele2. Also, the material has introduced the basic rules for providing service for all subscribers.

Tariff "Chorniy" from Tele2: a package of services that you can expect

It’s just that you’re sure you’re going to be able to use the "Chorniy" option on your own mobile phone, koristuvach is guilty of analyzing, as packages and functions are included in the list of the tariff. Below is presented redescribe that price:

  • The subscriber will rely on an exchange of traffic per month at a size of 1.5 gigabytes. Yakshko koristuvach turn the tsei obsyag earlier, less than 30 days, the speed of the Internet automatically drops to 64 kb.
  • On the number of Tele2 subscribers in the home region, the dvinks are free of charge. If you call on the other stylistic operators in the home region, then the price for 1 piece of stock is 0.75 rubles.
  • The number of calls on the Tele2 number in the Russian warehouse is 2 rubles per hilin, and on the sieve of numbers at 9 rubles per hilin.
  • Supervision over time - 1.5 rubles for the number of stylistic operators in your region 2.5 across Russia.
  • The part of the oversight of MMS-occasionally becomes 6 rubles for one occasion.
  • You will be able to get calls for the cordon, the quantity of hilini in the SND warehouse is 25 rubles, in Europe - 45 rubles, the telephone call - 240 rubles (from the list of operators).

Yak switch on tariff Chorniy on Tele2

If you have already decided to switch to the "Chorniy" tariff, you can connect it in a number of ways:

  • USSD command. Dial * 630 * 1 # on your mobile phone and press the link key. By passing a few quills to your phone, you will be prompted with the status of the connected option. Zhodnykh dodatkovyh komisіy for connection do not shrink! You pay less than 90 rubles.
  • Special Cabinet... Go to the official portal of the Tele2 company - www.tele2.ru and look at the upper right codeb of the tab "Special Cabinet". Log in with your by recording... As soon as you have a dumb one, I'll write it down, start one. In a special cabinet go to the tab "Tariffs and services", in the list, know the item "Chorniy" and activate the tariff. System switch on the yogi by pulling 1-5 chilin.
  • Service center. You can call the phone number 611 or press 0, then call the operator. Ask for the connection of the vibration tariff. For children, special tributes are required.
  • Selling points. If you buy a new SIM-card, at the sales centers of the Tele2 company you can add a SIM-card immediately with the "Chorniy" tariff. There will not be any additional additional options from the connection of the robot. A standard card activation procedure is required.
  • Okremiy number of the option. For connecting to the “Chorniy” tariff є okremiy number - 630 UAH. Winnless for all regions, as well as links to come from the Tele2 sym-picture. Call for the specified number and touch the system prompts.

Yak enable tariff "Chorniy" on Tele2

As a demonstration of the practice, the subscribers of the singing period need to switch on the tariff, they do not know how to visit the official website! We need a new list many ways enable this option:

  • Special cabinet. On the current day, the simplest way of using keruvati functions, as a bi-stylistic operator, didn’t use them. You don’t need to spend an hour for a joke and the input of commands. Go to the official Tele2 website, at the upper part of the site, wrap the tab "Special Cabinet" and log in with a regional record. Then go to the item "Tariff and services". In front of you, you will see a second change of connected options to the number. Viber will be required and vimknit її.
  • Company office. You can at your place look over the list of official Tele2 points, de specials bezel-less enable you any tariff, option, package and advice.
  • Service center. Call 611 and check, if you are aware of any kind of operator. For zamovchuvannyam pratsyuє automatic system y tone mode. Check with the operator, press 0.

Uwaga! We recommend you one more alternative way connection to the "Chorniy" tariff through a special cabinet. If in the first place we talked about the included option, then you can simply switch on the first tariff, and "Black" will be switched on in automatic mode.

Krim chorny tariff, є less option from the price of the line. You can read the detailed information on the official website, having covered your region in advance.

The tele2 operator gives its subscribers the opportunity to connect inexpensively, to receive tsikavi suggestions, such as turn on hilin on calls, SMS messages, as well as the Internet. These are packages that are insured for active subscribers. The very same і black package from TV2. It allows subscribers to have internal interconnection without limitation, as well as a small number of Internet connections.

Features and characteristics of the package

For a cob of varto say, what a proposition I need to have enough universal functions that option for their koristuvachiv. However, it’s for sure that you can connect to the tele2 option, the skin subscriber is guilty of the nobility of the specialness of the black package:

  • the subscriber has the right to use traffic in the amount of 1.5 GB per month;
  • calls to the number of a subscriber in the home region are absolutely uncountable, although some operators are charged 0.75 rubles per kilo;
  • The territory of the country of communication will cost 2 rubles for khvili, for those operators - 9 rubles;
  • If you would like to pay 1.5 rubles for the number of stylish operators in your home region, and 2.5 rubles for the whole territory of Russia;
  • one mms-povіdomlennya kostє 6 rubles;
  • Calls for the cordon - 25 rubles for hilin, to Europe - 45 rubles, and if there will be a call, then the price becomes even 240 rubles.

If you all go and if you want to change your package to black type tele2, then we'll talk about the three below about those, how you can switch on the option.

Yak enable black tariff plan for tele2

Simple method of installation tariff plan on the phone. The first of them is to dial a combination of numbers on your telephone - * 630 * 1 * #. In a dozen hour, you will come to your mobile phone as soon as you receive the required package. Service fee - 90 rubles per month.

Another option for a service plan is a special cabinet. It is necessary to go to the official website of the tele2 operator, and then at the right corner press the button "Special Cabinet". At the office, it is necessary to insist on the "tariff and service", so that the list should know the item from the name of the required package and the activation of that. Through the kilka khvilyn system, enable the service and let you know about the process.

If you don’t have to go through the plug-ins on your own, then you must be able to get help service center... For a complete visit from your passport and boldly send it to the operator's office. Dosvidcheni consultants will quickly help you with your problem.

There is also a miraculous method to switch to the whole plan from tele2 - by telephone at 611, and then at the end of 0. Then switch you to an operator. Vikladit your pobozhanya and through the kilkin package will be active on your phone. Chain є in a quick way change the tariff plan for the mobile phone

Another phone number, where you can turn for help, - 630. Tsey numberє absolutely bezkoshtovno literally for all regions. If you have sent a phone call from your operator, follow the system prompts. Besides, a call from the operator can be worth a penny.

As soon as your service center has no service center, you will need an option to help you at the point of sale. In addition, you can not connect to the connection, but immediately buy a SIM card, if the package is installed. There will be no additional robotic options available. The standard procedure for activating a self-SIM card is required. As long as you don’t go, then you can remember him for being.

Choose a method for yourself to change the tariff plan and evaluate all of your changes.

One of the giants of the stylist industry most hour We will complete the commercial proposition with a further walk, as if I would have mastered more of the koristuvachiv. I axis in 2016 rotsi in svit viyshov tariff "Chorniy" Tele2. Lingering to get to know him closer, get to know his positive and possible negative sides.

TP description: Chorniy

As soon as we were thinking about the limitless integration in the middle of the home region, as well as the possibility of entering the global border with stylistic phone, then the tse is the optimal option. Usogo for 90 rubles per month or 99 rubles (the price of storing it from the RF subscriber and the editorial board of the TP) in front of the subscriber will see an endless space for mobile and with Tele2 clients and 1.5 GB of traffic for easy visualization.

Sered spіvrozmovnikіv є koristuvachі alternative operators? Dzvinok їm cost 0.75 rubles / min. And if you want to pamper with friends, as you live outside the boundaries of your home region, then be ready to pay 2 rubles. for khilina rozmovi with a Tele2 subscriber and 9 rubles. with a sieve of sp_vrozmovnik_v. The price for incoming SMS in the middle of a sub-unit of the Russian Federation is 1.5 rubles, and for that between them - 2.5 rubles, for MMC - 6 rubles.

Іnshі roztsіnki maє tariff plan "Chorniy_10". First hour of the international call:

  • 20 rubles / min. on telephones SND;
  • 35 rubles / min. at the number of the European Territories and the Baltic States;
  • 65 rubles / min. on the contacts of the largest foreign regions.

One of the leading parameters here - global hedge... Її lіmіt of interconnection and dorіvnyuє 1.5 GB. If Koristuvach is actively using the traffic, and if you need an Internet package, then a skin supplement of 500 MB will cost 50 rubles. For reversing the surplus of cable-free traffic, use the USSD power supply * 155 * 0 # dzvynok. It is a pity that the tariff is not widened in the same way in the whole region of the Russian Federation. Їх change is not great і to take revenge for less 11 sub'єktsіv, as well as actions of the place, for example: Komi, Novosibirsk, Izhevsk, Voronezh, Chelyabinsk and іnshi. Top list representations on the official website of the company. Varto respect that the subscription fee is familiar with the rakhunku generally from the hour to the transition automatically to the ear of the year. To that, follow the balance, in order to make it possible for you to lose without a touch.

Connection to TP "Chorniy"

If the subscriber has new parameters for the "Chorniy_10" tariff, he will be faster with them. Pochinaє shukati options, yak switch to tariff. The best way to get started:

  1. Nayposhirenish - by phone to a short number 630 s mobile annex that bezpomilkovo viconati all the commands, like the proponent of the autoinformer.
  2. Most recent - log in or register on the official website www.my.tele2.ru. After selecting the Tele2 menu of a special cabinet, activating that TP, which twist is the most optimal.
  3. Nyunyversalny - send the USDD command to * 630 * 1 # to send the wiklik. On the screen to hang up the TP "Cherniy_10".
  4. Found available - go to the office and switch to a new tariff plan or add a SIM card.

Be sure that TP may be in the archives and inaccessible for activation. Joden from the ways not spratsuvav? The phone call was made from the stylist to the Call-center number 611. Here the qualified sportsmen of the company will give an opinion on all meals, including how to switch on the “Chorniy” tariff on Tele2.

View from TP

If you don’t mind the commercial propositions, you don’t satisfy the subscriber’s consumption, only the supply of food about the inclusion of services. For a list of ways of doing things for a price, describe in detail Tele2 with the current parameters and only then go to the new TP. Yak tse zrobiti? We will speed up the service in a special cabinet. Immediately, the information about the available options, services and tariffs of Tele2 is presented to the general public. If there are any problems, then try any of the described methods.

Sometimes it is not necessary to see the TP and it is not necessary, but it is enough to block the SIM card for an hour. It’s relevant, if the parameters on "Chorniy_10" are not suitable for trips to the other regions of the country outside the cordon, and for an hour you simply do not want to pay the monthly fee. For all of the services connected for the singing period, they voluntarily go to a special office or phone number 611 to the operator, and you can also write an application in the office for the sale of that service. On the other hand, if you turn on the "Chorniy" tariff on Tele2, you will not see a nickel.

TP description: Duzhe Chorniy

Yak mi zrozumіli, the operator pіdlashtovu lіnіyku lіnіyku lіnіyku kommertsіynyh propositions for the skin region okremo, out of the financial prosperity of maybutnіh subscribers. To that, you need to clarify the relevant information on the day of the operation on the Tele2 website, as in the latest versions. The tariff "Duzhe Chorniy" without becoming a blame, only one, which is tied with the regions, is the whole package. For zamovchuvannyam syudi enter:

  • traffic for the Internet;
  • calls to telephones and home region;
  • See the room in Russia.

The nature of the obsyag and the subscriber fee is varied in bulk from the sub'єkta on the pokrittya card. For example, “Duzhe Chorniy” for residents of the Republic of Komi Kostu 250 rubles per month and includes 450 khvili, 450 SMS and 4 GB traffic. Dodatkovo, the norm of khilina for telephones and alternative operators in the middle of the region is 1.5 rubles, and for this interval - 8 rubles. Є Possibility to connect additional Internet communication. 5 packets can be activated last by 500 MB. Skin part - 50 rubles. If there is a lack of access, then the access is drawn.

Asked the food, how to switch to the tariff "Duzhe Chorniy", more wines? The process is so simple, like when TP "Chorniy_10" is connected. Do not forget to revise the information if it is not closed for activation. This will happen to be shukati on Tele2 with an alternative tariff from the current options. 2016 has a mobile stylist operator mav koloroviy nastriy, who prompted subscribers chorny, biryuzov, pomaranchevu, zhovtu navit rozheva proposition. Skin is in its own way a miracle.

Вміст statty

Operator stylized sound Tele2 will honestly play a competitive battle for winning customers - setting a line of tariff plans that are important to consider. One of them is the Chorniy Tele2 tariff. Low sob_vart_st at once because of the great possibilities - the axis is fair. There is a lot of leaders of the great trips, such a possibility is simply not in giving to your subscribers.

All the ways of switching to a tariff or deactivating it are clear to everyone. Sozpovimo, yak switch additional traffic which is the main package of purchases earlier than the set period. About everything in order.

Well, will the operator propose at the tariff?

Speed ​​up by the services of the operator, you can use the subscribers of the Tele2 network, and the tariff of the signs is not even worse for the active koristuvach, so that those who will be enough:

  • 200 vidіlenikh hilin for splitting with numbers, like entering your "home" region;
  • You can get in touch with the other subscribers all over Russia for the quiet little bitches;
  • Send up to 200 SMS to tell your friends or colleagues to visit the numbers of the other mobile operators;
  • Take a look at your home e-mail for any social hedge - when activated, you will see 2 GB of Internet traffic on high quality.

You can look at a detailed look about all the possibilities of the Chorniy tariff on the operator's website.

Mind the service

  • As soon as the sound of bezkoshtovnyh khilin on the voice of the spilkuvannya is over, then the offensive ringing will be kostuvati for 1.5 rubles. for khiliinu rozmov and be-like a client like your own, as well as someone else's hedge;
  • For the winners of the bezel-less send sms Occasionally, for the offensive, the client will have to pay the deprivation of 1.5 rubles within the Moscow region, and 2.5 rubles. for resti;
  • Multimedia, depending on the rate, are charged at 6.5 rubles / piece;
  • Zd_ysnyuvati voices of calls with subscribers of the Mitny Union can be 30 rubles / min; from the European land, the cost of khviliya will grow and cost 49 rubles, if you need to call a subscriber on the American continent, then ask for 60 rubles for khvili;
  • For posting their texts on the territory of the largest regions, a fee of 5.5 hryvnias will be drawn.

As long as the balance of the mobile phone is close to zero, until the moment the customer is updated, he will be provided with a basic package of services with an additional tariff - at a rate of one ruble per unit of sales for sales and updates text files at the border of the home region.

Important! Yakshho customer has overlaid his home region, basic services cease for the day, tariffs for roaming are included, however, it’s worth it to deprive you of the voice call that time. Internet rely on quiet minds themselves!


You can use all the wide possibilities of the "Chorniy" tariff from Tele2, your pristy will be happy, and you will be able to connect to new technologies like 3G or 4G - the price of obov'yazkov.

The re-connection itself will be no-shit, it can be done quickly with one of the proponated options.

Yak switch tariff Chorniy on Tele2:

  • Check in with the automatic service of receiving clients at number 630 - by phone, by phone, by receiving the instructions of the informant;
  • Activuvati will be powered by a set of combination * 630 * 1 # and wake up calls;
  • For the special part of the subscriber's request for authorization at the "Tariff" block, send a request;
  • With a special vidvidvanni office with the passport of the owner of the sim card.

Perevirka surplus mobile rakhunku

The head thinks about the Chorny tariff - the appearance of great costs, if you don’t find yourself without a call, you can easily find your surplus: from the keyboard add a combination * 155 * 0 # and stay connected. On the screen, there is a hope of a surplus of traffic, a lot of bugs on the spilkuvannya and some of the times that have gone too far.

Connecting additional traffic to tariffs

If you need additional traffic on the Internet spilkuvannya, then you can replace it without paying, up to the basic rate for the package of services. Otzhe, how to promote traffic on Tele2 on Chorniy tariff? The operator proposes the number of options, which are displayed:

  • To see 5 GB, you will need 250 rubles in front of the front for the rakhunok, and you will need to power up the combination * 155 * 231 #;
  • If they added 3 GB, it would be necessary to deposit a total of 150 rubles, and to activate the option with a set of symbols * 155 * 181 #, if the links are valid;
  • If you need 500 MB, then you will need to pay 50 rubles for the service, activate * 155 * 171 #.

For a change, so tse chi, tobto, they gave you traffic, you can step on a group of commands for skin optics okremo: * 155 * 23 #, * 155 * 18 # and * 155 * 17 #. Do not forget to press the wiklik button for a set of symbols. This is how the surplus of available traffic is changed.


Tim subscribers, for whatever reasons, have taken the decision to no longer choose a tariff plan, it is important for the nobility, as to enable the Chorniy tariff on Tele2.

And you can connect to windows in the following ways:

  • Dzvynok at the service center. The subscriber needs to call the phone-free phone number before the attendant service with the short number 611. For the change, the system is automatically in tone mode. I don't know how to listen to all the information provided, you can read the number 0 on the keyboard, and it will be displayed for a single hour, as long as the operator sees it.
  • Through the representative office of the operator. You can look at the official website of the Tele2 company for the exact addresses of the offices at your place, to which you can turn up for activation or deactivation of quiet services.
  • Through a special cabinet. The function of the service is to achieve a wide and simpler service. The subscriber is guilty of being registered and after authorization, you can go to the tab with names "Tarifi and servants" de activuvati be-like the іnshy tariff plan. And the Chorniy tariff will be imposed.

Correlation with other propositions

The same package of services, albeit for the great part (101 rubles), will be promoted to my customers Megafon - "All inclusive S". Biline has a price of 300 rubles. ("All for 300", altogether an archive tariff, and new subscribers cannot be connected until new), but also 101 rubles lower. There are a lot of similar possibilities for MTS in the line of plans of SMART MINI, but for the rest of the payment you will need to pay for that very bag.

"Chorniy" from Tele2 is a great collection of reasonably cheap services, and there are a lot of subscribers in Russian regions.

Everyday bags of great places are often robbed of package propositions of operators mobile phone call, in general, there is no need to worry about skin quilting and blotting out megabytes of the Internet. The very same proposition is the “Chorniy” tariff from the operator's tele2 call. Within the framework of this tariff, you can get the opportunity to receive calls, send sms and use the Internet for fixing the size of subscriber payments.

Description of the tariff "Chorniy" from Tele2

Tariff "Chorniy" Tele2 є for the youngest and the cheapest tariff lines"Chornykh", before which also include "Duzhe Chorny", "Nichornishy" and "Nadchorny". The "Chorniy" tariff plan is ideal for quiet subscribers of Tele2, if the calls are not more than 100-200 rubles per month - Tim, who would call the main number on Tele2, and use the mobile phone to connect to the Internet. social fringes.

Tariff "Chorniy", deposited from the region of registration of the Tele2 subscriber, transferring the price of the package bezel-less services... Near Moscow and Moscow region warehouse subscription feeє 199 rub., before entering:

  • dzvinki without obmezhennya in the regions - 200 khvili;
  • mobile internet- 2 GB;
  • SMS package up to 200 pcs.

In most other regions, the subscriber fee is 50-100 rubles, and the package of services includes only unlimited connections all over the middle and 500 MB of high-speed Internet.

If the meanings are changed (on calls, SMS and the Internet), as well as services that do not include packages without shipping, subscribers will be prompted to pay for an okremo. Part of the service call, if you do not enter or change the "Chorniy" tariff plan, you enter the warehouse, on Tele2 you will be paid by the offensive rank:

It is possible to reconsider the number of non-khilinnyh khilin, because of the Internet traffic, which has been lost in packets, it is possible for an additional USSD-feed * 155 * 0 #.

Switching to the "Chorniy" tariff for Tele2 subscribers can only be done for the presence on the balance of the sum, sufficient for debiting the subscriber's payment. The first time it is written off at the moment of transition, after - through the month.

Even at the time of charging the subscription fee, there are not enough bills on the balance sheet, access to the Internet is blocked, and the number of services is insured for basic prices:

It takes an hour to travel to Russia, mobile Internet, to enter up to the basic package of the “Chorniy” tariff from Tele2, which is available to the subscriber for registration throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation (with the blame of Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea), and on roaming tariffs... At the same time, there are no calls and SMS packages are not available.

On the Tele2 "Chorniy" tariff, for the substitutions, there are no additional additional options "Voice mail", "Informer", "I am on call" that little one is so active servant "Hto dzvoniv", the part not to enter until subscription fee that pay off okremo.

Nagaduєmo, that the parameters of the “Chorniy” tariff plan are assigned and the number of services is relevant only for Tele2 subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region. You can check the official Tele2 website for the price and parameters of a decent tariff for your region.

Internet on tariffs "Chorniy"

Tariff "Chorniy" Tele2 has a high-speed mobile Internet, so for the obvious rejection of the services of a mobile call, the phone or the tablet is subject to 3G, 4G or LTE technology of a mobile call.

The Internet package, proprietary within the framework of the tariff, is sufficient, for example, deprived of social framing for splitting, or a new look. With active victories, like the inheritance of the foremost vitrates of the established limit, the Internet on the high speed can be promoted for additional special option "Dodati shvidkist".

Yak switch on "Chorniy" tariff on Tele2?

It is easier to switch to the "Chorniy" tariff plan from Tele2, and you can connect to new SIM card, і go from the іnshiy tariff. For the transition, speed up one of the following ways:

  1. Call the number 630 i, looking for prompts from the voice menu, change your tariff for a new one. You can immediately listen to the information about the characteristics of the tariff.
  2. It is necessary to send power to switch to the "Chorniy" tariff for the command * 630 * 1 #. We will receive SMS on new arrival due to the confirmation of the tariff plan.
  3. Go to the Special Cabinet on the official website of Tele2, or install the program "My Tele2" on your phone, and switch on the "Chorniy" tariff for others.

If you do not change the tariff independently, then you can turn for qualified assistance or consultations to the technical service number 611, or to any operator's office.

The procedure for connecting to the "Chorniy" tariff from Tele2 is also as simple as possible - to finish it, simply switch to the lowest tariff plan.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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