Promotional code Imperia Pitsi: yak otrimati, yak buvayut promotions, with yak sum dіє iznizhka. Promo code

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Promotion "Happy Godini":

  • Special offer on weekdays from 16:00 to 18:00 and from 01:00 to 05:00.
  • If you give the password "Happiness є", then remove the pizza "Podarunkov" without koshtov.
  • Promotion "Happy Years" do not go with other promotions!
  • Promotion "Picea of ​​the Day":

  • Pizza "Classic" (diameter: 32 cm) - 299 rubles.
  • "Pizza of the day" is changing.
  • Uvaga: the cake of the day can be bought only before the purchase before replacement.
  • Discounts for only those with a phone call.
  • The minimum amount of the replacement is 500 rubles.
  • Special offer "Be-yaka 3rd supplement before food - no koshtovno":

  • When two additional Ingredients are replaced in the food - the third Ingredient is free of charge * **.
  • * Ingredієnt in a gift is guilty of but not more expensive than the skin.
  • ** Special offer for the purchase when ordered by phone.
  • Dodatkovі say:

  • Replacement of police by phone: +7 812 244-18-18.
  • Robot hour: daily, cylodobovo (from 05:00 to 08:00 technological break).
  • Show all mind

    Delivery service "Imperia Pitsi"


    to describe

    Is it boring? Take a trip to the price with a savor of light, having tasted a dish with small fillings from “Imperia Pitsi”! "Happy Years", "Picea of ​​the Day" - speed up, be it a share and save!

    Infecting you and knowing the truth and only the truth ... Cooling service delivery service "Imperia Pitsi" vikoristovuyut good natural Ingredients. Various preservatives, flavorings, barvniks, flavoring agents, green and vegetable fats, extra-rich additives with “E” brands.

    "Imperia Pitsi" "rule" on the delivery market for as long as 12 years, never ceasing to fully maintain its quality and technology. The Christmas company is ready to propose your author's fragrant pizza for a super price! From such a proposition is not accepted!

    Navi as well as an appetite thrown past at night, make one call to the "Empire of Pitsy", and for a long time you will never miss the chance to appear on your tariltsi!

    food 4

      Alisa Rogova rik to that

      I was honored in the Empire of Pitsi. Delicious and inexpensive! They took Peperony and roles, Ebi Teriyaki and Philadelphia. The enemy is good, especially from the pits! I’ll try to change them for the next time, I’m doing it, I’ll also trim the bar) I’ll keep checking the upcoming shares! Dyakuyu for such things)

      Privit, Alisa! Dyakuyu for vidguk!

      Karina Torosyan rik to that

      Skoda, at the same time there are no shares of any kind. Often with the head of the animal before the Empire of Pitsy, so as one of the inexpensive deliveries with adequate performance and quality, plus delivering everything normally within an hour and the service of the customer. The pizza is even more savory there, the ingredієntіv does not shkoduyut. Take Silska or Neapolitan, do not fuss. Sushi is not so befitting for me, but I'm not a special lover, the person seems to be normal. Don'ts didn’t take anything, but for a child the menu may be, so it’s possible for children to know something for a replacement. Zagalom can only praise the company))

      BOombate team

      Good day, Karina! Dyakuyu for vidguk! Subscribe to the new company and we will help you, as soon as a new proposition appears.

    I want virib and vazhaєte an Italian dish, the prototype of the overseas ravage for the first time appeared in Ancient Greece. Tse buv flat round hlib of great razmіrіv, plainly covered with oil, seasoned with specials and herbs. The ancient Romans were also not imagined by the majestic chlіbnі shmatochki, from the small napovnuvachami. The prototype of the bitter gravy appeared in Naples in 1522 at once with peppered tomatoes, which were put in a viglyad shape on a round biscuit.

    A newest recipe, like a recipe before our days, with the names in honor of Margarita of Savoy, the squad of the Neapolitan king. In America, Italian smakota was consumed in the middle of the 19th century, and in 1957, the first ready-to-eat food appeared in 1957. It’s just for a meal to get ready with a special bush, I’ll stop it by hand and grow even thinner, if you want to be covered with a sauce of good tomatoes and it’s practical to be yaky fillings.

    The virtual restaurant Imperia pitsi pratsiu 12 rocks technological processes and sanitary standards. The main products that are victorious for the filling can be called:

    • olivka olia, pomidori, chapel;
    • seafood, anchovies, chops, peppers;
    • parmesan і іnshі sorts of sirіv;
    • tomato sauce, sweet pepper, olives.

    The cake can be cooked and folded into a napkin, cooked in an oven or in a frying pan. In addition to the main treat at the company cuisine, you will find snacks and desserts, woks and roles, salads and sushi, drinks and soups. The replacement is packed and sealed, as only known from the plate.

    Promotions, discounts and promo codes Імерія піци

    The company will give a 10% discount on the day of the nation and donate to the skin cake 3-rd Ingredient. The secret password "Happiness є" can help you half-suvati with a gift, and our charming word is safe in the gamanets of the dodatkov.

    About the company Imperia pitsa

    Pitsa is famous for this Italian dish, which has become the basis of the racial race of people. At the Imperium, the pisces go wild before Christmastide dates, corporate parties, friendly gatherings and parties. The products of the company live in a known skin situation, if the guests came in a rape, and the moon walks through the empty refrigerator. The menu of the festival will satisfy any know-how of Italian and Japanese cuisine, and the available prices will be honored by economical customers. To increase the speed of the party, we accept it, get it with coupons from our site.

    Promotional codes provide access to discounts and propositions, as they turn the Chergov into a festive event. If you want to get rid of a gift, or if you can substitute a love for a friend for a party, you need to follow the instructions from the description of the coupon. Published codes and revisions to the relevance and opinion of the shares in the "Empire of Pitsy". With our Maidan it is unwise to miss the visionary proposition, so the economy becomes inevitable in the most sensible word.

    Italian stravi with delivery in the Moscow region

    Propositions of piceria are so self-descriptive as they are the strains of Mediterranean cuisine. Among them there are varto vidіlity bezkostovnі additives, which can be applied for with the presence of a coupon Іmperії pіtsі and vіkonanі of awkward minds. As a rule, the share is transferred, but the customer is already replacing the additional fillings. Another vidminny option for sparing a loved one is to activate the promo code of the Imperium of the Party and the Probability of Replacing in Happy Years. The Hour of Action is ideal for students and experts who love Lasuvati by the Italian countries. Also, the company regularly installs special prices on the outskirts of the menu items and categories. If you liked the dish of the skin clientele, it periodically became cheaper, as the proposition changed regularly. Special promotions for the birthday and father, who replace the child's menu. In the first vipadku, in the capacity of a gift, a lady is a visitor, and the little one is not unimportant to be pleased with a friend.

    Menu enchanting gourmands

    The online catalog contains a few dozen of pits, including Margarita, Vegetarian, 4 sir and Myasne assort. Bacon, pickled chicken, mozzarella, smoked salmon - only a small part of the available additives is deprived. Diameter and warehouse of a person can be changed for their owners. Also, the menu of the Imperia Pitsi includes snacks and salads, like liquorice. The okrema category is assigned to the proposition for children - we will decorate the sets with appetizing caress and small darunks. Shanuvalniki of Japanese cuisine will be honored with a special distribution of the menu, which includes the best food, people in the Land of the Eastern Son. Sushi, roles, salads and soups will be appreciated by all lovers of seafood and Asian culture. If you want to cancel your love for a year, you need to vibrate the coupon on our website, send an online application, or call the Imperia pitsi.

    Imperia Pitsi - the price of a customer-oriented company, as it recharges its rainbows with delicious strains in restaurants for additional delivery. The main principle is the visibility in the food products and ready-made countries for the savor, additives and any unnatural ingredients.

    Delivery service assortment

    Website Imperia Pitsy proponuє potential clients Riznomanitne menu, de navit samy mittskiy gourmet know taste to taste. The assortment includes:

    • pitsi;
    • snacks;
    • salad;
    • desserts;
    • roles;
    • sushi;
    • woki;
    • soup and;
    • sauces;
    • drunk.

    The specialty of the restaurant is the obviousness of the menu for the skin. The assortment includes a number of fresh and vegetarian herbs, as well as "Yum-yum" for playing with special propositions.

    Promo code and registration of a replacement

    Did you start with a vibor? Give the menu items to the cat, pushing the "Freeze" button. If you want you can go to the individual cat and continue the registration of the replacement.

    On the whole stage, you can kindly spare, as a promo code. Enter it, or copy it into a special form and press the button "Zastosuvati". Vona roztashovana bezposeredno pіd field for reassembly.

    If you have a type of promo code, you can register a discount or accept a gift before replacing it. It is important to correctly rewrite the text to the code, and also to reconsider its relevance - if there are no stitches, then there will not be any result. Take it with a promotional code? At the distribution with the shares of the company itself, as well as on our website.

    Delivery and payment in exchange

    Vіdminnoyu rice Іmperії Pitsi є delivery of a replacement to any point of the place is free of charge. However, for all the money, the strav is guilty but not less than 690 rubles.

    So you can expand yak on Christmastide, so on weekend days. You can pay for your purchase using different methods: Got_vkoyu kur'єru, potato in a hem, and also through online systems WebMoney and Yandex.Money.

    Promotions and propositions

    The company Imperia Pitsi regularly pampers its customers with bonuses and suggestions. For example, birthday people can reduce by 10% in the stockings on the Day of the People's Day, as well as in the future.

    Also, if you love to self-regulate the food or to add additional ingredients to them, then the robot will become vigidnish, so as the third skin supplement is non-nutritive. It is easy for the managers of the sales promotions to organize their ideal day with a delicious savor.

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    A little bit of words about the sales type and promo code. The promo code is a wonderful wine of a modern day. As a rule, the combination of singing numerical and letter symbols, starting the victorious ones, you have the ability to remove it, it’s okay to use it - for example, a book in online stores.

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