More precisely the image of the Lenormand maps. Values ​​of Lenormand cards

Zharoznizhyuchі zasobi for children priznachayutsya pedіatr. Allegedly, there are situations of inconvenient help in case of fever, if the child needs to be given a secret. Todi dad take on the versatility and consistency of fever-lowering drugs. Is it allowed to give children a breast vіka? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

im'ya Mademoiselle Mary Lenormand- legendary visitors and paths, culgavia of the French Sivily - this year's kind, melodiously, to the skin, ale and gift and above-nature goodness, until the bachelor of the maybutny, must become a great mystery for all. On this day, there seems to be less than one particular system of divination from Mary Lenormand: she wondered about children, clothes, smells; she was victorious for the prophecy of numerology, chiromancy, kryshtalevi kuli. But most of the time, it turned to cards, reading them only in the same way, spiraling around in all their unprecedented health.

For her prophets and prophecies Marya Lenormand vikoristovuvala simplest gralny pictures She had her own interpretation - unique and original, but, unfortunately, after the death of Chornoi Mariya, she was not spared for the plots. The ambassadors of the great path were repeatedly magalized to update the tlumachen system. A deck of cards from the Flemish path of Ernie Drusbeke became the next reconstruction of the system of Mary Lenormand;

Krim traditional (ace, nine, ten, etc.), the picture may have its own special numbering, as it is possible for the fortuneteller to know his own powerful numerological interconnection; the stench depicts a picture of light, characteristic of the era in which French Sivila lived. "Oracle Lenormand" - the most recent and the most extended pictures for. Vikoristovuchi їkh, next to memory: as in robots with іnіng giggle symbols, the greatest importance here is the way to interpret the distribution, - the value of the cards, which were scribbled in the fortune-teller, yes, I wondered if only Maybe it collapses, and the whole of Lyudin's robot is guilty of the Viconati himself. Only the Oracle of Lenormand will clear up the mysteries of the past, when you depend on the future, as if they were playing pictures, they were lying on the table near the best path from Paris.

Values ​​and documents of cards of Mary Lenormand in the journals and retail stores

Significance and illumination of paintings by Lenormand "The Top" at the Vorozinnyakh

1 Vershnik Novini, apparently. Rukh. The Q card can mean good news. It is always seen from the distance from the pictures of fortune-telling, as well as from the known people, as well as from not knowing nearby. The sound is more important. It is possible to recognize a visit, a sheet, a telephone call, or a visit to a guest. For some vipadkah, you can vkazuvat on the call with Zakordon, cultural chi dilov. At the position of the Maybut, the Vershnik gives a message for hope - to see it in the way. The card can symbolize new repairs. In the sphere of love, it means the ear of a new union, a new zakokhanosti, an emotional splash and a fall of addiction. Podolannya internal chvar. Porada: Get on the road, or get ready for the scene, in any way, take it in your hands.

Significance and illumination of paintings by Lenormand "Kalvariya" in vorozhinnyi

2 Clover Happiness. Nadiya. Ochіkuvannya. Qia card bring happiness and good luck. If the Clover card is known as a card of fortune-telling, then it means that the problems of this year's day will soon come to light. Your happiness has turned. All your worlds are cool, find new names. In common with unwelcoming cards - rozcharuvannya, the collapse of plans, jitters. At the end, wonder if the Clover is up to the future, the past or the present. Qia card is a call to surrender self-reliance. To go to contact with people - the most necessary for you at once. At the end of the day with friendly cards - good luck, the end of the black smog, the arrival is possible. Porada: Everything is genially simple. Don't make your life easier, the screen just pops up. Make fun of a simple solution.

Significance and illumination of Lenormand's painting "The Ship"

3 Ship Trips. Baggage. The appearance of the picture The Ship gave us new perspectives, plans, opportunities for luck and success in the right. Maybe mean a trip away or a little more expensive. Your life will have new things, the changes will be significant and it will be useful to infuse your specialty. For some people, there may be internal prices. The ship can also be used to get money through trading. Porada: Give emotsiyam. Relax and drink for the flow, passing it in your back.

Significance and illumination of Lenormand's painting "Dim"

4 Booths Stability. Sіm'ya. The card can represent a powerhouse, warmer nest, safety and hope. Good result, in the distance the end of something. Friendly card, which means success in be-as-right and helpful, inundated with unwelcoming cards. You will not be selfless in life. On the psychological level, Budinoks can symbolize a strong mechanism for a self-employed person. At the same time with the Ship abo leleka - a great move. Porada: Go in a way that suits you.

Significance and illumination of Lenormand's painting "The Tree"

5 Tree I'm healthy. Life is strong, power. Health, vitality, great internal resources and potential. You have є strength and power for a healthy life. The picture of the tree of life is a symbol of strength, health and joy. Its hardness and strength of symbolism, maturity, wisdom of life, judgment and quality to self-analysis. Porada: Descend on your own bagaty of dosvid.

Significance and illumination of Lenormand's painting "Khmari" in vorozhinnyi

6 Khmari Kriza. Irregularities are growing. Hmari catch the mood: the stench symbolizes disagreement, nezduzhanya, vzagali nezaganі podії. The tsia card carries a threat in itself, if the situation is to fire up on the surface, to reach the least drive (іskri), a storm vibrated. However, it is a demand for memory, that the whole brood is ripe with the boards, everything is inappropriate and unnatural. In tsomu polyagaє the main meaning of the picture. You can even better come here to help you throw off an unused ballast and start a new stage from your life. Khmari can work out so smartly, like і viniknuti. Celebrate їх with a symbol of psychic smallness. Yaksho svitla the side of Khmar is turned to the picture of the power supply, a good sign. Unchastely pass the side, і life will be its own line. Well, the black ones turned up to the picture of the drinker, the prospect of a frown and you check into a breakdown. Porada: Stock up on patience. Check out for an hour.

Significance and illumination of Lenormand's painting "The Serpent" in vorozhinnyi

7 Snake Deception. Zrada. The appearance of a tsієї picture є a serious over-the-top. Є ghost over the team, as people will feel good at once. The serpent is a priceless, non-obtrusive person, we will take care of it until we need it. Qia card is not unmistakably symbolizing joy and deception. Be respectful in your hands and arms. To navigate in the well-worn friendly cards, the Snake is about to be safe, let alone the far away, altogether real. Porada: Show wisdom, be close to the ground, do not hang around.

Significance and illumination of Lenormand's painting "Trunu"

8 Coffin Zmіna. Transformation. Finishing. Unfriendly card. Chi means ailment, death or other serious problems. You can symbolize the nezduzhannya, waste pennies. This marked a turning point in life, which overwhelmed the symptoms of a crisis. If I want to be the head of the rank, I feel like the hardness, because there is a new opportunity for a special growth. Z Kiltsem - Kinets vzaamin; z Heart - break your heart; s Ribami - financial problems; in the Park - an hour in a likarn; with Misyats - confusion and confusion. Porada: Pohovayte tse to the right or tsі vіdnosini.

Significance and illumination of the picture Lenormand "Bouquet" at the vorozhinnyakh

9 Bouquet Luck. Wealth. Take the company. The picture card depicts a bouquet of bright colors and symbolism of happiness and joy. Good luck to everyone on the right. A good card, especially for women. Chi means love and respect from the side of a partner, you can, - a gift. Love and kindness glorify you and reduce in a combination of suspicious unfriendly cards. You can play with your happy stars. Porada: Give signs of respect. Make contact.

Significance and illumination of the picture Lenormand "Scythe" at the vorozhinnyakh

10 Scythe There is a perjuval card. Ruynuvannya. Take an hour for an important decision. Qia karta is a smut of worries. It is only wise and usual to allow you to successfully defend one of the most serious problems. The card is not safe, which means the power of the unhappy vipad, injuries, accidents. Susidni pictures give information about the character of the person. The scythe is a symbol of the people of one manifestation and death of the one. There you carry the grain of life, yak in your own heart, give you the power for human life. In the spiritual plane, the manifestation of a tsієї picture can mean glad, that the need for a little more money and a brother bick for the horns. Porada: Do not be unhappy with the safety technology. Be respectful.

Significance and illumination of Lenormand's painting "Mitla"

11 Mitla Bye early. Rozladie. Qia karta means punishment. Mitla is about conflict and disharmony, especially in the middle of the family. You can also see wheat out of half, so that a super-stream of good and evil in the terms of all justice. Rozbrat. There can be a super-link between fathers and children, a family conflict and a day-to-day mindset, welding of a number of single-minded people. Porada: Put things in order, forget to see us.

Significance and illumination of Lenormand's painting "Owls"

12 Owls It’s hard. Process navchannya. Chornі dumki, like flies, all day do not give calm: problems and crap about yourself, do not give you the opportunity to calmly protsyuvati. Ale owls are a symbol of wisdom: your world is not without reason, the stench will help you more intelligently to yourself, and by yourself, to look at your problems from a new, greater spiritual point of view. Qia card means difficult or short triviality. Qia card please you do not give up. Vaughn called with entuzizm to take up the right, but we are preparing to read the fears of the new and smartly prodvzhuvati svіy way. Susidnі pictures give information about those who, either, will be correct, or will be captured. Porada: Do not take the situation too close, take a look at it from a bird's eye view.

Significance and illumination of Lenormand's painting "Ditina" at the vorozhinnyakh

13 Ditina Ear of ear. Dovira. Take a surprise. Ditina symbolizes the ear of the way and the wealth of all possibilities in life. The card is based on the realization of the explicit potential for the reason for the new ideas. Dytina looks like innocent and heavenly. You will know in your own purity and kindness, as you will marvel at the light without anticipation, like a child. Friendly card, which means doviru, nіzhnіst, harmony vіdnosini. Z Sertsem - vkazє on the face; z Kilcem - may be close to a new chilliness to a child; z Schuras - a child of growth, and in such a rank, you can leave the booths; with the little ones - the hospitality, ambitions and new plans in the daily meals. Porada: Do not miss out on those who see it seriously.

Significance and illumination of Lenormand's painting "Fox"

14 Fox There is a perjuval card. Deception. Accessibility. Intrigues. Fox is like a shahrayk, so be careful. I want to fool you, mozhlno according to drіbnytsі, to navigate without a vigodi for yourself, out of pure bazhanya to quench your pride. Situations, which can be described with a pricey picture, not without screening and cunning. Z Ditinoy - there was no flattering; from the Garden - you will have mercy on the drive of your friends without the backsliding; h Key - open to deception; from a tree - it is easy to diagnose a disease, a likarska pomilka; with a dog - zrada from an old friend; from the Sheet - broken documents. Porada: Stretch a smile on your face, spice it up with ladoshes, and preach your help and plan.

Significance and illumination of paintings by Lenormand "Vedmіd" in vorozhinnyi

15 Vedmid Vlada. Force. Qia card means strength, turned to serve the highest goals. Call the card Vedmid vishchuє luck. Vona is also sponukaє You are more diplomatic and jealous for a potential supernick. In the drawn unwelcoming cards, it can mean harassment, wickedness, and wickedness. Vona poperezhaє, I want to fool you. Z Bouquet - generous gifts; z Ribami - great sponsor, patronage; from the Oblique or from Mitloy - the command of the servant - more beautifully seen from the proponated help; z Budinkom - injected dad; from the Tree - healthy mint, yake є the basis for good health; zi zmієyu - proponated additional help is not bezkorisliv, podvіyna gra. Porada: Enlist the help of the water people.

Significance and illumination of paintings by Lenormand "Zirki" in vorozhinnyi

16 Zirki Dosyagnennya. Natchnennya. Happy card. Yak dzherelo light in the night sky, zirki є a symbol of Spiritual light, which pierces through the dark. Bagato from your plans - for a happy light. If you see the situation and before you succeed. Tsya card is a repetition of one-sided podіy or hostility: at once with friendly cards - a number of successes, with unwelcome ones - failures, pardons, not far away. It’s far from the picture of a person who has been asked to talk about those who have a plan of the viconoєmo. With a Bouquet - your penetration is not a bar, playing an important role; s Ribami - growth of material well-being, more than a penny; z Book - literary health; from the Fox - pardon ideals, pardons; in the Garden - a wide number of friends; from Kiltsem - in the distance a treaty or a happy-go-lucky friend. Porada: Be planning and smartly go to the future.

Significance and illumination of paintings by Lenormand "Leleka" in vorozhinnyi

17 Leleka Zmіna. Leleka symbolize zmіnu, oskіlki vіn mіgruyucha ptah, how to turn around. The card focuses on creative processes and cycles of production. Wine can bring a note of sound to symbolize important changes in life. Z Ditinoy - vagіtnіst; z Zirkami - success of the witch; z Kiltsem - happy or happy guests; z Vezheya - mіtsna sіm'ya є above the line; from the Garden - visit friends; With the Leaf - the sound is more important, like changing the plan. Porada: Suggest about children.

Significance and illumination of Lenormand's painting "Dog" in vorozhinnyi

18 Dog Friendship. Dovira. The friendship of the dog and the people have entered into the order to be a symbol of steel, help and help, especially for women and children. З Лілією - friendship in the middle of the family clan; z Zirkami - service to the high ideal, relevance; z Heart - gliboka, good and honest friendship; with the Tree - friendship with the wife in life; from Vershnik - additional help nearby for the end of the day; from the Mountain - to form strong support at the barriers; z chmaras - the quality of deception; zi zmієyu - vіlomstvo or deceit by those who call themselves friends. Porada: Take care of the saw, trim it behind the windshield.

Significance and illumination of paintings by Lenormand "Vezha" in vorozhinnyi

19 Vezha The road to life. Pidsumok. Living style. The result is good, good luck, or to find your life. Stability, stiffness of the reached position. As isolated from the light of the world, Vezha symbolizes the philosophical thought. As a rule, it’s a card of transmission of happiness and happiness. The unwelcoming otochenní ma have a ringing value. Ailment, lack of strength, visibility of stiff soil underfoot. Completion is not far off. Z Kilcem - means more separation; from the Coffin - prophylaxis of becoming ill is necessary; z Mountain - hisism; with chimars - you can cleanse your health more easily. Porada: Scramble up the hill, ale wonder, the head did not spin.

Significance and illumination of Lenormand's painting "Garden"

20 Garden Suspense. Qia karta yak bi will ask for joy and merriment. Life is more beautiful, sacred in front. Mah buti zustrich, maybe a new friendship. Close to the picture, fortune-telling means also success in the mystery of science, the period of development. Zradzhena and friendship was trivial. Inodi can mean failures. In the otochennі unwelcoming cards - the filthy company, beware of fighting untruthful friends, rich in essence. Porada: Change the situation, change the situation, or destroy it to nature. Please contact us.

Significance and illumination of Lenormand's painting "The Mountain"

21 Mountain Pereskoda. Tyagar. Viklik. Burn symbolize the transition to the highway. Tse mozhut buti people, for example, furnish, scho zavazhayut to solicit a bazhany. It is necessary to check for a shukati way to go around the mountain - like a card. If you change it, if we have a share, we need to take a trainer for self-development. Only after passing through the viprobvannya and relieved, you can go to the same height. Take a look at the problem before the іnshim kut: along the steep descents, Vy shvidko rises to the top, but the great rizik falls from the top. Again, do not be overconceived self-singing. Z Book - folding in navchanni; z Sheet - problems with formalized official documents; from the Garden - the visibility of the support, the choice of the way of life. Porada: Give a joke to the nad_yny zahist.

Significance and illumination of the picture Lenormand "Roseville" at the vorozhinnyakh

22 Plug Vibir. The map is more important than the solution. It can be seen before the fork on the road of life: crossing the line between the new ones or the loss of the hairy road. The Razvilka card can mean the end of the Chergovian stage of life, before the day of the new, the unhomed, the beginning is the sense and the sadness. Choice situation: it is possible to go in one direction, it is possible in іnshu, and then і in the third. As a result of unfriendly pictures, it means that you have chosen to vibrate not found a variant. Do not oversleep, think it over carefully. With friendly cards - show prudence and do not eat a nasty one. Z Ribami - You will not be able to get up on the nevirny road; z Zirkami - a call to listen to the inner voice; z Heart is a love trikutnik. Porada: Do not have mercy on the vibor.

Significance and illumination of Lenormand's painting "Schuri"

23 Shuri Vrata. Psuvannya. The missing. The appearance of a picture of a picture in the box means a loss of a main or a loss. You can be robbed. Be respectful. In the meantime, as Shchuri is lying on a hand with friendly cards, the loss will be known. Yakshcho poured for the rotten - the waste can be wrong. Qia card is about stealing, or ailments. You should not be tormented, and it is not possible to live in peace. Z Chrestom - I will block you great vrata, as it can be repeated. Tse є vkaz_vkoyu, you need to pass another important lesson; z Ribami - great pennies to waste; z Budinkom - breakdowns in the home government. Porada: Vikoristovyte the poles.

Significance and illumination of Lenormand's painting "Heart" at the warriors

24 Heart Cohannia. Friendship. Happiness. The card is even better, which means friendship and love, harmony with a partner, joy and happiness. It is possible and the announcement of new announcements, new feelings. Yakshcho all the way down - the hardening of the senses and the cunning. Possibility for special growth. Z Kiltsem - great love, happy little one; z Khrestom or Coffin - one can easily break up; z Oblique - serious emotional crisis. The card of fortune-telling is about the guest's promises. Yakshcho card roztasovana between Cholovik and Zhinka, the whole sign of harmony and love between two people. Porada: Listen to what your heart tells you.

Significance and illumination of the painting by Lenormand "Kіlze" in vorozhinnyi

25 Kilce Evidence. Pleased. Schlub. At the position of the past - finishing, in the position of the maybutny - maybutny. A card is given to tell us about every day, in which we accept it on ourselves, whether it is a crop. Requirement and reliability. Yakshho Vi vivchaute schodenny or purely food, Kilce means the arrangement, be it please, based on good luck and mutual sympathy. With the Book - I will right there for a union; z Lіlієya - visoka, you can get platonic love; from the Sheet - the official registration of the vidnosini; z Wood - pre-city partnership; z Soncem - even a happy shlyub; zі zmієyu - zmova abo intriga; z razvilkoyu - to accept the decision to insert the specials of the vidnosini; from Khmaras - be protective, beauchas on yourself, be-like goiters. Porada: Trim the word і danі obіtsyanka.

Significance and illumination of paintings by Lenormand "Book" at the vorozhinnyakh

26 Book Taєmnitsya. Vchennya. It can mean more important vidkrittya, an important riddle, one of the tamnitsa butte, until you penetrate. For the information, as soon as you see you, get ready for it. The book can symbolize a secret, a secret place, like an axis-axis will be opened. Those, on the map, the book is pictured closed, talk about the unrealized possibilities. I am glad to see the book and to the victorious opportunity. The book is also closed, symbolizing the vikonannya nadiy. You need a lot of garnishing for you. Behind the Garden - prikhovani sili pour in on the go right; with the Ship - an incomplete trip will bring good luck; s Fox - profanation, incompetence; s rozvilkoy - you can not see all the nuances of the given right without theoretical theoretical training; z Khrestom - important sleep of life; with Vershnik - hto entrust you with your own house; from the Tree - the tamnitsa nikoli do not crack. Porada: Become aware of the knowledge, ask for the sake of the fahivts.

Significance and illumination of Lenormand's painting "The Leaf" at the Vorozinnyakh

27 Sheet Official documents. Novini. Official document - a certificate, a statement, a proposition of the arrangement of agreements, for information about its development (in the presence of the second cards). All paperwork, official inquiries. Chim closer to the picture of fortune-telling, this document is important. Tse may be but informal and informal (dvinok, sheet). Porada: You need additional information.

Significance and illumination of paintings by Lenormand "Cholovik"

28 Cholovik The card for the power supply of the cholovika. For a woman - a partner, a person, a friend, a kohan. The map speaks about those who are people who are afraid of the forecast, even more promising among people with people and I am actively creating positions. In some cases, you can vykazuvati on those who see nosy are trimmed vinyatkovo zusillam cholovyki. For deyaky vipadkas, you can interpret a card, like a supernick.

Significance and illumination of Lenormand's painting "The Woman" in vorozhinnyi

29 Woman Power supply card. For a cholovik - a squad, named, a kohan, or a mother, a daughter, fallen into obstavin. The card can be drawn into self-assertion of divinations through obtrusive optics. In some cases, it is interpreted as those who are beginning to start working as a woman - a mother or a superwoman.

Significance and illumination of Lenormand's paintings "Lilia"

30 Lilia Goodness. Obranist. Lilya is a living image of purity, divine value, image. Happy card. Vona symbolizes the highest position. Yaksho vipala tsya karta, you can be spokiynі - Vy in otochennі good people... You feel happy and harmonious. Having settled down in order with the card of divinations, the card can speak of a high intercessor, a straining child. Happy, good-natured and correct life of chi vchinka. Garna perspective. Marvel at respectfully on a traditional picture. In otochennі nasty cards can mean disgrace, conflict, misfortune, inopportunity, torment and, perhaps, internal inappropriateness. Z Lisitsya - deceit in vidnosin; from the Coffin - a waste of innocence, a waste of a state; z rozvilkoyu - in the professional right you can rozrahovuvati for the help of friends. Porada: Be honest.

Significance and illumination of Lenormand's painting "The Sonce" in vorozhinnyi

31 Sonce Luck. Happiness. Share. The dream symbolizes the dzherelo of independent (individual) action, namiri, energy of life and to the detachment of other forces svitobudovi. Glory, vigrash, wealth, success, joy, brilliance, truth, insight, insight, renewal of strength. Success in everything. Glory. Pridbannya. Dosyagnennya, satisfied, zd_ysnennya mriy. The period of good luck, good self-esteem and optimistic attitude. We are overwhelmed in the otchrennі of unwelcoming cards, helping іх negative meanings and to say no more, do you have to be patient: luck, I will help you come, ale piznіshe. And as long as you can see the nevira at the power, the troubles, the ale of the memory of the time, the timeless camp. Porada: Be in the center of the pod and go to the right of the creative. Be socially active.

Significance and illumination of the painting by Lenormand "Misyats"

32 Misyats Honor. Glory. Qia karta can be meaningful. One - a thirst for viprobuvati malnutrition and a shit is suitable. Also, it is necessary to make some adjustments and think about it. Glad to be engaged in meditation and joke to myself at the sight. Qia karta zaklikaє you to look in your past, so that you can see the reason for seeing it at once. The spiritual plane has a successful transformation of health and awareness; on the budenny ryvnі there is a supportive viznannya. Misyats is a symbol of tradition, great root. As soon as people on their right will touch on these principles, then they are guaranteed to receive and understand the feelings of others. Have a good otochennі - a city, a viznannya, a povagu іnshih. The filthy otochennі - not knowing merits, baiduzhіst otochuyushchikh, and to that і discomfort, restless or depression. Z Khrestom - a strong infusion of pocket-sized ties to past lives; z Sonce or zirkami - steadfastness and mediocrity; z Budinkom - fallowness from the past; owls - lack of confidence; z Khmaroy - loss of visibility, inadequate assessment of what to see; from the Fox - in the flow of action. In some cases, it can mean an hour-long return to triviality in a month. Porada: Do not trust anyone or sleep.

Significance and illumination of Lenormand's painting "The Key" at the vorozhinnyakh

33 Key Luck. New fixes. Happy card. The key is to open the doors, the meaning is: You know (or already knew) the path to the labyrinth, give your task, and you will feel like a new stage of life, a new generation. Visiting of the whole food is additionally helping all the references. The key is nutrition, everything is better. With the Heart - if to enchant a person, then you need protection. To bewitch - a woman, a card of the heart of the heart and the vikonannya of nadіy; With the Book - an important secret is guilty of saving. You are not guilty of vikoristovuvati force or cunning, to reach the bazhany. Porada: Pick up the power, as you have є.

Significance and illumination of the picture Lenormand "Ribi" in vorozhinnyi

Significance and illumination of paintings by Lenormand "Yakir" in vorozhinnyi

35 Yakir Stability. Bezpeka. Yakir - the only guarantee of safety for a ship in a storm. Celebrate him with a symbol of hope and prosperity. Your world will come, like a card, more your visit from others will be on the basis of morality and friendship. Bezpeka you know in the number of family, or in spilkuvanna with close people. Yaksho tsya card is assigned to Budinko, it’s a change of living. You will reach your mark. The card will be given to be invariably friendly, not far from otochennya. You can be alerted only by the study of Schur. The card has been stored for you from the beginning. Obstinacy and thoughtlessness of following the rules can all zipsuvati. Porada: The card is proponated to throw yakir, and hence, zupinitsya.

Significance and illumination of paintings by Lenormand "Chrest" in vorozhinnyi

36 Chrest Countrywoman. Viprobuvannya. The cross is a complex of equipment and sets of values. Chrest z'yavayutsya in order to give you a sense of intelligence, so that a lesson in life is needed to go through, since it’s not important. Wee before the accusations viprobuvannya. An important card, which means that the skin has its own chord, has its own problem. The problem may be in the back, or you may be standing. It can mean a country and a relief, as it is understood that it is an enrichment of one's goals. Purified through b_l. Z chmaras - an important plan is still unimportant; z Heart - let it end; from the Tree - you need to come more respect for your health. Porada: Anyway, carry your chrest or put a speck more easily.

Interpretation of Lenormand cards

1. RIDER (nine hrobakiv)

Novini. Important information. Rukh. Go life.

Symbol. Mandarin face. Vikonuє role of visnik.

The card means news, as you can be made off with small ways (asleep when you see it, get rid of a leaf, phone call or through a guest's visit). Novini mozhut buti about the right or amorous character.

Well, the card in the distribution is sharpened with friendly cards, which means even more good news and friendly prospects. RIDER card in the position of the Maybut display new information, Yaka confirm the hope for a friendly relocation of the right and for the present time. New fixes make good development. Since the map is far from the map of the power supply - there are a lot of sounds from behind the cordon. The map, which is located below the map of the pituvach, is the anger of novelties.

WITH THE HEART - sent to love.

From the stables - a better sound.

SUNCEM - radio sound.

Z shchur_v - information about zbitki.

From the ship - about the trip.

З КІЛЦЕМ - requested by hand or wedding. Z forks - super-verbose information, glad to listen to the inner voice.

Zimієyu - you will be criticized.

2. CLOVER (sh_stka bubo)

Happiness. Nadiya. Ochіkuvannya.

Symbol. Talisman.

Card of happiness, luck and life forces. Yaksho CLOVER bilya kartyuvacha, tse means that the problems of this year's day will soon be known, the hassle and depression will be introduced. Your happiness will turn around and all your worlds to come and see new names. The handrail with friendly cards is the end of the "dark" smog, good moments of arrival. At the position of the maybutnyy glad: the call to surrender self-determination and go to contact with people, so at once you still need it.

For a long time ago, the four-petal stable was used to succeed in talisman. A handbook with unwelcoming cards (GROB, KOSA, BROOM) is about the catastrophe of the plans, whips, razcharuvannya - in such a way, for the introduction of filthy poddbati need to go and wear talismani, amulets or Christian symbols.

With a fox - it is necessary to namagєatsya namagatsya nashkoditi to you.

From the ship - a friendly zbіg obstavin.

Z vezhi - a successful pidsumok for a good time in the distance for the services of the drabin.

Z VEDMEDEM - the benevolence of the authorities.

THROUGH THE HEART - radіsnі podії, where you can feel a special life.

Z chmaras - empty, in peace.

Z leleka is a change of cob planes.

WITH A TREE - a garne of self-respect, energy, activity.

Z DITINA - a welcome surprise and compliments.

3. SHIP (ten pik)

Trips. Material gain.

Symbol. Rukh against the leak, the ruin of the rupture.

Activity map and energy projects. To clear up new perspectives, change for beauty, the possibility of success and success. Effective trips, journeys and higher prices. Possibility of changing problem situations to the side. Guaranteed financial success through multiple calls. Good business.

The psychological plan is to be pragmatic to maturity and attendance by services. Bilya kart Misyatsya is a glyboka meditation, an internal path, bazannya rozibratis in your abilities.

SHIP Bilya of one of the "important" cards (GROB, MOUNTAIN, CREST, KhMARI) - means the hour of viprobuvan; If the commission of such cards is more than two or three - symbolism is not often.

WITH RIBS - a trip, tied with material possibilities.

WITH THE HEART - unsuccessful.

Z KILTSEM - the road to the party, as well as to the garden - the road to the party as a guest.

SUNCTURE - new beautiful perspectives.

Z yakir is a trip for the sake of the people.

With a bouquet - a light flirt or knowledge in the road.

4. DIM (king of hearts)

Stability, position stability. Sіm'ya.

Symbol. Occultism has a feminine aspect of lightness. In esotericism - the schema of wisdom.

The card means a life and the need to quietly occupy, as people have seen it for an hour (a turbot about this, opening a lull in the house, I will tell you). Success in being good for yourself and for family. The stike of the position is on the right, tied with unruffiness. The poorer mind has a lot of turbochargers. The most important picture is that you will not be selfless in life. The card will help you to pour in the new negative cards (which will be used) and yes you can see the stability and performance.

The spiritual plan has a calmness, it is in its own power, in consideration of psychological comfort.

At the position of the past - Batkiv's booth dosi can make a great inflow on you. Follow the traditions. The position of the Maybut has a wonderful home and good family.

Z ship abo leleka - mozliviy move.

WITH RIBS - great shopping.

The third person is a good guest.

Z yakir - sit at home.

Z chmaras - a super-wire, a scandal.

Z SONTSEM - polishhennya or expanded living area.

Z ZIRKAMI - original design.

ON THE MOUNTAIN - trivial repair.

5. WOOD (a set of worms)

I'm healthy. Mobility.

Symbol. Livelihood, growth, development, dovolittya.

The card gives information about health, joy of knowing. The wisdom of life, judgment, style. You have є strength and power for a healthy life.

In otochennі "nasty" cards - glad to think about my health. You can be stressful, perevantazhennya; the need for a repair. Yakshcho map is rosted in the mountains from the picture of the power supply - lyudin pragne virishity life is important global nutrition, below - the feeling of mental pain. At the position of the past - the life of the people of knowledge, the maybut is correctly marked.

The charge with the card GROB - serious problems for health, for it will be right to change in the best time at the closest hour.

WITH RIBS - stike material camp.

With owls - sleeplessness.

Z ZIRKAMI - a trip to nature.

In the wake of the disease - simulating ailments.

OUTSIDE the GARDEN - come in for sports.

With a bouquet - dance.

6. HMARI (king of clubs)

Kriza. Irregularities are growing.

Symbol. Zovnishny pereshkodi, how to win success.

KhMARI is a sign of inappropriateness, non-profit pod_y, nezduzhan. The closeness is "menace". The picture has dark and light sides. As far as the picture is taken, the gloom is turned to the dark side, which means the gloomy perspective, as the light is not luck to go through the side and the life before they were given one by one.

So yak khmari shvidko vynikayut and shvidko razchinyayutsya - tse a symbol of time. The psychological plan - in what may be a problem, if patience is needed. For more options, help to throw off the unnecessary ballast, all the time to climb up and hope for a new stage, more new plans and prospects.

For owls - a grave decision.

With a bouquet - loving spreading.

WITH A GARDEN - Razbіzhnіst z oochuyuchih.

WITH RIBS - time and financial problems.

Z vezhі - primusovі, vimushenі please.

Z KOSOY - a frown of mood.

Thrones are hysterics.

WITH THE SUNCLE - wrong hvilyuvannya.

Z VEDMEDEM - criticism, wiklik "on kilim".

From the ship - there is a lot of substance through the roads.

7. ЗМІЯ (lady of clubs)

Deception. Zrada. Accessibility. Intrigues.

Symbol. It is very subtle. On one side - the symbol of sin and spokusi, on the other side - the symbol of rosum and the sign of wisdom.

Є It will be missed, as people will cheer you up. ZMІYA is an ill-advised person; It is necessary to be more respectful on the right and on the rods. Do not dwell on your success, but rather plan for the future. To navigate through the built-in friendly cards, the snake is about the real problem.

Tse card of jealousy, deception, hypocrisy, focus. To stand up to such situations, you need to take all the money, you can see the snake and see the power of your snake injected. Karti, scho vipali instructed, to clarify what you need to oberіgatsya.

From the stables - to wear talismani, amulets and not to eat a damn thing.

Z KOSOYU is a provocation to a scandal.

WITH THE HEART - partner's accession.

WITH THE DOG - korislivі friends.

With the fox - bazhannya pіdstaviti, lure into the pasta. With a bouquet - an easy cut.

The KEY - try to drink in dovira.

Z SONTSEM - empty p_dozra.

IN THE PARK - for the wickedness.

8. GROBE (nine of a tambourine)

Zmіna. Finishing.

Symbol. Life cycle of people and deaths.

The card is given to be hasty. Ailment, death, great losses and serious problems. This marks a turning point in the life of a crisis. Values ​​and pride earlier, the power to lose its importance, there are new ideas about life and the prospect of forged special growth. If the map is far from the picture of the power supply, then you won’t be able to predict any problems in an accessible way to look around. Susidni pictures indicate the nature of the problems.

WITH THE KILTSEM - Razriv vzaammin (in any case, or seeing contracts between business partners) with partners.

WITH THE HEART - break the heart.

WITH RIBS - financial problems, big pennies.

IN THE PARK - an hour, at the carnival.

In the month - confusion, the setting of the camp, sadness, tightness.

From the top - the trash novini.

From the stables - wear a cross, enter the church.

The third ship is an ear of new life through the vimusheni of the snake.

Z leleka is not safe in the road.

9. BOUQUET (lady pik)

Take the company. Timchasovі rozvagi.

Symbol. Beauty. Harmony. Vidrodzhennya.

The card is a happy moment of life, satisfaction. If there are friendly cards, it’s equal to success in the right direction, normal self-esteem, miraculous mood. It’s worthwhile for friendly cards - reconciliation, truce. Kviti is a symbol of beauty and joy of life. Polіpshennya is right in a special life, you can look for new relationships or to update the amount.

However, the beauty of the card is shvidko v'yane, so the card is a symbol of time. You will have more awareness, you can see the lightness of the power of the glybin, the energy and activity will not leave you.

From the ship - a trip to the sea or in the distance, the fun will be more expensive.

HOME - welcome guests.

IN THE GARDEN - spending an hour in the hospitality companies, corporate parties or regular events of the same thought.

Z dunny - sp_vchuttya and help.

WITH A TREE - a turbot about its own name, polishing the image.

Z leleka is a team-hour drive.

WITH RIBS - shopping or a podbannya "for the soul".

Z BOOK is a secret novel.

10. KOSA (jack bubo)

There is a perjuval card. Take an hour for an important decision.

Symbol. The people of one manifestation and knowledge of the one.

Forwarding: only wise and more often the decision is inadvertently disagreeable. The card means the possibility of injuries, accidents, harmless problems. Inodі gostry conflіkt, razvіd vіdnosin s kim-nebudu. As far as the card is concerned, it is far from the picture of the power supply, the price is the change: do not stop welding, do not stoke the situation, go to the super-link, do not rizikuvati to health and be borderline guarded on the roads. When the minds are victorious, they can fit in and outstrip them.

The spiritual plane KOSA has a low hour and a lance pod. It’s an hour for the verse and demand of the day to sing and rishuche - "brothers bika for the horns", to accept the wiklik dolі.

Susidni pictures to clarify the situation.

З МІТЛОЮ - the possibility of assault.

Z ship and lelek - foldable in the road.

Z HOME - back to the image.

WITH A TREE - weakened health.

Z GARDEN - welding of friends.

Z vezhi is a conflict on robots.

Z KILTSEM - a child in neurology.

Z RIBS - super-links through pennies.

From the stables - rozcharuvannya.

With a bouquet - team-hour welding.

11. BROOM (jack of clubs)

Spіrnі nutrition. Bye early. Rozladie.

Symbol. The image of the baptismal metli and batogi is of equal importance, and at the same time of the opposite sides.

The map is about family conflicts, super-splices, especially between generations ("father and children"), the appearance of the more intelligent in the middle of the family, welding of many one-thinkers. On the card there is a picture of a mithla and a batig - symbols of punishment. Try to be safe.

The subject of such a discussion can be a non-merciful novel, or an unstable shlyub, an inappropriate team's friendship and problems and a special character.

The main significance: a peer-review of colishnіh households, a change of dіyalnosti, robots or life.

WITH A TREE - ailments, stress, strong experiences.

BITTLE - great welding and image.

From the zmієyu - I will step to the serpent, the plan of protection.

IN THE HOUSE - super-strands, tied with a living room.

WITH RIBS - welding through pennies, financial super-links.

With a fox - say a whip.

Z DITINA - pomilkov pidozra or jealous.

Z Lilinya - dark wickedness.

From the stables - a truce.

With a bouquet - pulled together.

12. SOVI (semka bubo)

It’s hard. The sign of wisdom.

Symbol. Nichne bachennya. Penetration.

There are a lot of problems, a lot of essence, routine one-man questions, please, nasty thoughts do not give you peace of mind. It's a pleasure: think about the team you are busy with, and look at your problems from a new, greater spiritual point of view. It’s a card to talk about those who are difficult for you - timing, short triviality: don’t waste your time, don’t give up, take on the problem of entusiasm and the period you’re going to get better, you don’t think. Grasp your fears of the new possibilities of life and boldly push your way.

Susidni pictures show that if you are going to be cinnamon (as if you are instructing positive pictures), or if you are going to take pictures (as if you were playing "filthy" pictures).

Owl - Vidmina ptah, tsya card can mean infusion of mysticism, as I ordered the card ZMIV.

BEYOND THE GARDEN - the sight of nudgy, not mindful in the number of friends and close ones.

ON THE MOUNTAIN - first take the decision, think over everything again, call all "for" and "against". Ymovirno, you missed it more importantly.

From Lilinya - a total reputation, unprimed sensitive.

WITH RIBS - the purchase was also inserted into the perspective on the right side (like a handler is not a picture ZMIN or FOX).

IN THE GARDEN - play the spirne food, the process on the right in the court in your own corny.

Z HOUSE - a psychologist, she is glad to have competent people.

Z cheerleaders - damage to health, or just right.

Z KOSOYU - pritrit.

S MITLOY - joy: ignore super-links, show wisdom and showcase.

The fox is a revaluation of values.

13. DITINA (jack pik)

Ear of ear. Dovira. Take the surprises.

Symbol. The child is symbolic of lightness, confidence, and newness.

The meaning of the picture is the ear of the road and the wealth of all the possibilities of life. Visibility to new ideas, more and more from life. The smut of meaning is "everything in advance." A friendly card, which means doviru, nіzhnіst, harmony in vzaєmini. I asked you for the card to feed the person - it means that the goodness and the goodness of the lyudin are guilty.

Significance: it’s more important, new, and more important to appear in life, but it’s possible to pass an hour, but the price has become more importantly involved in reality and has become a common reality.

A handler with unwelcoming cards: gain confidence and newness.

With the help of this card, it is possible to designate a specific child.

WITH THE HEART - I will put on the shanuvalnik.

Z KILTSEM - great cunning to the child.

Z schurіv - a child of growth i, in such a rank, overwhelmed the house; more independence of children.

Z leleka - vagіtnіst or the appearance of new tsіkavih plans in daily meals.

IN THE TREE - in front of the head bazhannya.

From the top - free news.

With owls - rubbish 'persistence.

From Lilinya - pure romantic, platonic vidnosini.

14. FOX (nine clubs)

There is a perjuval card. Trick. Deception. Intrigues.

Symbol. A fox is a detachment from deceiving that evil.

Bazhano beware, because I want to fool you. You can, through vigodi, or just try to reduce your pride. Be prepared before you add the pastes. The fox uosoblyuє surrender, evil, nonsense, the whole image of spritnosti and cunning. The foxes see their moment, the stench of beautiful hearing, visibly trim their tongue behind their teeth. The stench is very sticky and easy to lure into a paste.

Navkolishnі pictures open, hto і with a rank of magatsya to fool you.

Z DITINA - the fear of being p_imanim on the ladder.

BEYOND THE GARDEN - Oman for the drive of non-korislivy friends and close ones.

The KEY is the key to deceit.

WITH A TREE - it is easy to diagnose a sickness, a likarska pomilka.

Z DOG - zrada from a great friend or a friend or from a close fellow.

WITH THE LEAF - deception, so the "paperwork" right or broken documents.

IN THE GARDEN - false testimonies in court, or speak on an innocent person.

From the top - novini, like distant from the truth.

FROM THE HOUSE - pritrіt through zzdrіst.

15. VEDMID (ten clubs)

Vlada and strength.

Symbol. Nobility. The kindness of the strong to the weak.

WEDMID card win your luck. I’ll look close at the picture of the power to talk about his mighty sufficiency, or about the possibility of a strong patron saint. An important mind: being more diplomatic with comfortable people. You will be helped by the furnishings, your Ohoron Angel or specific people.

Vedmid is a symbol of gentry, courageousness, schliness up to broad gestures. Ale, at the same hour, the power may not be unbeatable, as it may be brought to tease. I am entrusted with the card VEDMІD the picture of a negative character, which can mean jealousy and malice. It’s a pleasure in this kind of situation: to respectfully wonder how quiet I’ll leave you, because of them we can bring you to the most appropriate moment. Go around the companies that have grown ups, uniquely open up your plans and unique food about your special life. For your well-being, trim all your secrets with you.

With a bouquet - a generous gift.

Z RIBAMI is a great sponsor.

Z KOSOYA abo MITLOY - more beautifully from the proponated additional help vidmovitisya, "vidmezha posluga".

FROM THE HOUSE - injected dad.

WITH A TREE - happy and healthy.

Zimiєyu - proponated additional help is not bezkorisliva, you lead the subway of the gro.

Z DOG - injected friend.

Z vezhі - the ability to become a boss, organizer, a sergeant.

With the fox - spritity in the right.

16. ZIRKI (sh_stka worms)

Dosyagnennya. Natchnennya.

Symbol. Astral sign. Spiritual svit.

Bagato from your plans - for a happy light. As long as you will all be robbed of natchnennyam, before you come success. The card means the development of creative potential. However, to clarify for yourself - not to fight for higher ideals? In such a way, the mother's demand for respect, as it is, is not in the snake, but in the change of the Cosmic laws. Watch out for the "cold sickness".

Tse is a positive card. Vona see the swarth of one-sided podіy and feud. Handrail with friendly cards - tsya smuga has already blown, with unfriendly - gratitude and not far away.

With the bouquet - your penetration and intuition play an important role for you.

Z BOOK - literary health.

With the fox - pardon ideals and pardons.

BEYOND THE GARDEN - a lot of friends.

Z KILTSEM - in the distance contract or happy friendly.

WITH THE HEART - romantic love.

Z DOG - ideal friend or girlfriend.

WITH LEAF - romantic messengers.

Z vezhi - natchnennya on the right.

From Lilinya - it’s a bit of a day.

17. LELEKA (lady hrobakiv)


Symbol. Leleka is symbolic and change, and steel, if everything goes back to normal. Збільшення сім'ї, дітородіння.

Leleka - mіgruyucha ptah, how to turn around. The card is symbolizing important changes in the life of people and accepting novelties from the drive. For the people of the Bagatykh people, the leleka vvazhaєtsya with the mark of happiness and family well-being. The AIST card shows the importance of family values, home decoration, love to Batkivshchyna. On the spiritual plane - in order to respect the principles of living, taking into account the traditions.

Close to the picture of the power supply - important changes in life and shares, for a woman - a turbot about a child. In otochennі unwelcoming cards - snakes on the ground.

WITH DITINY - vagіtnіst.

ZIRKAMI - successful winnings, period of natchnennya.

WITH THE KILTSEM - a party or a visit to a bazhany guest.

Z vezhі - mіtsna sіm'ya, glory and vzaєmorozumіnnya.

Z GARDEN - come friends, company.

WITH THE LEAF - the sound is more important to change your forward plans.

From the ship - a flight or a long trip.

Z HOUSE - moving to a new apartment.

WITH THE HEART - the turn of love or the time of the journey from the kohan (kohan).

3 tops - requested nearby.

18. DOG (ten worms)

Friendship. Dovira.

Symbol. Evidence and variability.

The dog is able to become, to become, to be recognized. A true friend, a reliable partner, to whom you can obey. Spirits and trivial friendship. Hope, self-confidence and performance in relation to you, motivated by love.

Also, the map symbolizes in the distance the result of a conceived right and right help.

In otochennі unwelcoming cards - inappropriate friends, the amount of success. I am glad to see the protection, so as your confidence can be evil. From Lilinya - friendships are among all the middle families, together with relatives and close people.

ZIRKAMI - improvement of relevance, non-trivial service to the highest ideals.

WITH THE HEART - friendship.

WITH A TREE - friendship for all life.

From the top - there is additional help nearby for the end of an hour.

AT THE HOUSE - another view at home: you put your interests to the family of your own special ones, so you can end up being permissive and you can literally sit on it.

ON THE MOUNTAIN - supernatural in love or on the right; strong form of support at the crossroads.

W hmari - imovirnіst deception (ordering with submitted friendly cards - in front of you viznayut provinces and ask vibachennya).

Zіmієyu - vіlomstvo or deception of those whom you venerated as friends.

19. VISOKY VEZHA (sh_stka pik)

The road to life. Life bag. Reach of the high camp.

Symbol. Stability, stability. True to your principles.

The result of an important right, good luck, or to create a life of ours. Stability and stability of the stretched position. Map of the prophet of the past and the distant moments. Possibility of reaching a larger camp, a map of the kar'eri.

The spiritual plane has a philosophical thought about life. A glance at all your life or details of your life from the "point of view". Satisfaction with the achieved results.

Yaksho VEZHA to be entrusted with the card of the power supply - the result is close. In otochennі garnіkh cards - garnets, more importantly the camp, mіtsne health'ya, stike dobrobut. In an uncomfortable otochenny - sickness, loss of stability, lack of energy, visibility of stiff soil underfoot. Completion right next to it.

Z RING - means the possibility of separation.

Thrones - the need to prevent disease.

ON THE MOUNTAIN - show hisism.

Z hmari - it is easier to destroy health.

WITH RIBS - improvement of material well-being.

From Lilinya - pomilkov bragging.

Z DITINA - in the distance an ear of kar'єri.

Everything that is known to be between vez and zmієyu, - to be embraced by the mother, is necessary at all to marvel at the position of the past and the future.

20. GARDEN (visimka pik)

Suspense. Company.

Symbol. Earthly and heavenly contentment.

The card is nagaduє, that life is more beautiful and I will ask for joy, merriment, holy, sights with friends. GARDEN symbolizes material and spiritual contentment. There is a new friendship between people. Overnight, there are a lot of social events, evenings, and there’s no way to get in touch with contacts.

There is also a card of illusions, piles and a bit.

In the otochennі garny cards - a lot of wonderful creative development. Viconannya bazhannya p_dnyatisya on social gatherings. Bilya "filthy" cards - the visibility of realism, the power of fall, the filthy company, rich essence and glad to fight the untruthful friends.

Z DITINYU - a lot of people in front of them.

With a bouquet - the fate of merry visits.

Z schurіv - vitrati pennies for rozvagi is inconceivable to their prosperity.

Z RIBAMI - zustrich with rich people, "bohemian suspension".

Z WEDMEDEM - znayomstvo z vpivovuyu people.

OTHER HOUSE - a lot of guests, great decoration.

ON THE MOUNTAIN - bazannya admit it on its own.

Z the stables - you screw up.

Z HEART - heart company, romantic supper.

21. MOUNTAIN (shistka of clubs)

Pereskoda. Viklik.

Symbol. The mountain is a sign of unruffiness. "Take it up the mountain" - means the readiness to virishity the problem.

Gori means crossing over to the living path. Tse mozhut buti people, for example, furnish, scho zavazhayut to solicit a bazhany. Tsi pereshkodi, as they have given us a share, we need to spry out yak simulators for self-development. Once you have passed through the test, you can achieve the desired result. It is necessary to take a wiklik share and take care of the problems. For now, you can do it by overcoming unfriendly surroundings. It’s good: I’m not overwhelmingly self-singing.

THE BOOK - folding in navchanni.

WITH THE LEAF - problems with the execution of state papers.

WITH THE GARDEN - the choice of the way of life, the visibility of the suspension.

WITH THE HEART - non-zealous kohannya.

Owls mean incompetence.

WITH THE CIRCLE - folding at the link with marriage.

From the top - new items are needed.

With a bouquet - it is more important to do it or to show it up.

Z leleka - problems in the road.

WITH A DOG - difficult in spilkuvanni.

Z SONTSEM - success podolannya pereskod.

З ЗІРКА - nudga and tightness for a partner.

WITH A TREE - problems for health.

22.plugs (lady bubo)


Symbol. The fork is either crossing over - snakes, tied with a vibration.

The map is more important than the solution. The right hour is right to vibrate, as it will be the most beautiful solutions to the current problem. Tse means the end of the Chergov stage of life, before the day of the new stage, and through the end of the mind and experience. The card is clicked to take on itself the answer to the decision.

Choice situation: it is possible to go in one direction, it is possible in іnshu, it is possible in the third. Whatever your choice to lay down a lot of, do not keep up with that, think it over and say all "for" and "against". Yakshcho vi imovirno zupinilsya on what kind of choice, and the order went unfriendly pictures, which means that you chose not found the option. Daniy vibir vimag of great respect for vidpovidality. To that end, take the decision with a great deal of visibility, and that is, do not mess around, get on with it.

WITH RIBS - unique vibrati nevirny shlyakh.

ZIRKAMI - it is necessary to listen to the inner voice.

Z HEART - "love trikutnik".

Z shchur_v - the opportunity to spend in a scam or an adventure.

SUNCOM - far turn right.

WITH CROSS - Timchasove viprobuvannya.

Z GARDEN is a great purchase to the people, chergi.

Z VEDMEDEM - the serpent of the authorities.

23. SCHURA (smka clubs)

Take it. Deceive. Marne ochіkuvannya. Rozlad.

Symbol. Shchuri є a symbol of disintegration, ruin, material and spiritual wretchedness.

There is a perjuval card. Possibility to steal, to waste, to play a lane. Show the power, change the hamanzas, locks, immediately repair those who fix the lamatis. If there is a card of a happy card, then a loss or a waste is known and everything will be in its place.

Shuri is a symbol of a zbitku. I have a lot of respect for all the others that are necessary for you, the waste of which can weaken your position. With such cards, it can mean ailment, insanity, waste of kohan (kohan), deception, nervous discord.

Some of the cards have a fairy tale that can be lost.

WITH CROSS - I will block you there is a great vrata, as you can repeat it. Tse є vkazіvkoyu, you need to go through an important life lesson.

With ribs - great pennies to waste.

HOME - breakdowns in the home government.

WITH A TREE - a signal of herbal abo shlunkovye problems.

З МІТЛОЮ - in the volume of the super-wire, welding, chvar.

WITH THE HEART - a loss of cohana people, it is importantly experienced by jealousy.

THE KEY - reversal: the ability to spend keys.

Z LEAF - a vrata or neporozumіnnya with official paperwork.

Z top - behind your back a lot of lice.

With a bouquet - bazhannya to profit from your rakhunok.

Z Lilinya is a vicious link.

WITH A DOG - neglecting the interests of friends and relatives.

24. HEART (jack of hearts)

Cohannia. Friendship. Happiness.

Symbol. Vira. Nadiya. Cohannia.

The card is even better, which means love and friendship, joy and happy moments, accept harmony with a partner, emotional comfort. Possibility of announcing new ideas, new feelings, new love. Also, you can symbolize the unwillingness to help, help, and the happy life of the surroundings. Prospects and opportunities for special growth.

Yakshcho card is rostered between cards No. 28 and No. 29 (CHOLOVIKOM and generation), which is a sign of love and harmony, gratitude and contemplation between two people in love or partnership.

Slid vrahuvati, but the heart is the center of great sentiments, and "from love to hate, one croc." The mandate with "nasty cards" means seeing contacts, conflict, emotional experience. Whenever such a picture is available for the distribution of the partner, it is not possible to change it in terms of the relationship.

Z dunny - kinets vzaєmin.

WITH THE CROSS - folding vzaєmini, a lot of welding, can skіnchitsya nіchim.

Z KOSOYU is an important emotional crisis. It can also mean heartbreak.

Z KILTSEM - great love, happy shlyub.

From the top - accept the heart of the novelty, viznannya in love.

HOME is a hearty guest.

ON THE MOUNTAIN - prikhovani experience.

Z Lilinya - the drowning of the kohanim.

SUNTS - love to life, to light.

In the month - interest to mystical knowledge.

Z DITINYA - the hardening of the senses and the dignity.

25. KILTSE (ace of clubs)

Evidence. Schlub. Pleased.

Symbol. I am uncomfortable. Bezmeznost. Vitality and harmony.

The given card means any kind of a great contract with the above-mentioned partners.

At the position of the past - the endings of the shlyub, in the position of the maybutny - the maybutny.

It seems that such a thing is, de mi accept it on yourself, be it a crop in relation to the date to the first person. Requirements for particular performance and reliability.

As long as you are constantly occupied with purely cheap food, the card means the arrangement, be it please, based on good luck and mutual sympathy. If you are more tricky to specialize in life, then the RING is entrusted with the card of the power supply є I will know it well, the price will be too good for the winners, feeling the love, the harmonious development of the most recent victories, the wedding.

Z BOOK - secret union (inodi - fictional shlyub).

From Lilinya - childish, romantic, or you can find platonic love.

WITH THE LEAF - official registration of the vidnosini.

WITH A TREE - a pre-city partnership.

SUNCEM - even a happy shlyub.

Z dunny, KOSOY, MITLOYU - problematic, ready to stock up, or even shylyu, scho raspavsya. Dissatisfaction. Conflict, scho to produce before separation. Razriv zobov'yazan or separation. For dilovy people - development of pleasure.

In the wake of the serpent, the intrigue.

Z forks - into a solution to pour in specials of vidnosini.

Z chmaras - be safe, beard on yourself, be-like craws.

26.BOOK (ten bubo)

Taєmnitsya. Vchennya.

Symbol. Knowledge. Mobility. Spiritual development.

A card means an important vidkritty, an important riddle, a secret, or a secret that you need to open up. Above all, the information, as you can see you can be prikhovuvati navmisno. Another important picture is the development of the new, the importance of the fundamental. Those who show the BOOK are closed, talk about your unrealized possibilities. Glad to the picture: vikoristovuvati with friendly possibilities ("see the book"). Close the BOOK as well as symbolizing the bazhan through wise thoughts and active diy, Duchovne voskonalennya.

IN THE GARDEN - prikhovani sili vplyuyut on the go right.

From the ship - a trip that has not been transferred will bring good luck.

With the fox - profanity, incompetence, wrong reasoning of the situation.

Z forks - you cannot see all the nuances, just right without theoretical theoretical training.

Z shchur_v - fuck, you can give a nasty pleasure.

WITH CROSS - important sleep in life.

WITH A TREE - the tamnitsa nikoli do not crack.

Z vezhi - you need to advance your education.

TO THE DOG - vіdnosini s arched closed people.

27. SHEET (smka pik)

Official documents. Novini.

Symbol. Tradition meaning. State paper, new and new to every kind.

Official documents - certificate, order, fidelity, all "paperwork" please. Required through the sheet, telephone call or setup. Possibility to fit the contract. Sealing the sheet to take revenge on the occasion, but to be embarrassed by a singing individual, and not being drawn to the care of the householder and not being advertised.

Fallen from otochuyuh cards, SHEET can mean viznannya in love, dilove, occasionally; If you entrust a picture of filthy movement, then the price of bad news.

Z khmari is a worrying ochіkuvannya of important decisions.

WITH THE CIRCLE - the proposition of the hand and the heart.

Three bullies - you can see about death.

Z HEART - sent from a dear friend of a kokhan people.

WITH A TREE - covering the new ones.

Check the official papers.

Z HOUSE - registration of non-hassle.

Z yakir - the official registration of your rights.

From the top - to lead nearby or beyond the cordon.

Z RIBS - prices for paperwork, currency.

28. CHOLOVIK (ace of hearts)

The card for the power supply of the cholovika.

Symbol. Reasonable, rational start. Actively manifest itself in the zvnishny light.

If the consultant is a person, the whole card is represented in the distribution. Mystery of finding the whole picture is more important than it is in the tinted cards.

It’s like to fortune a woman, a card can mean a person, a partner, a friend, a cohant. It can also mean і dad, і sin.

Especially significant: the visibility of people with people, the creative position is active. On the right - a firm cholovic hand, the right course.

29. WOMAN (ace of pik)

Power supply card.

Symbol. The woman has an intuition, an emotion, a woman (one super-verbose) logic.

Qia karta is a young girl or a woman.

As soon as you bewitched the cholovikov, then you will call him a squad, I will be called a kohan. Inodi mother or daughter, in the fallowness of the surroundings.

Especially significant: self-assertion through obtrusive opika. Praise for illogical and non-standard solutions.

I’ll go for an hour to distribute pictures No. 28 and No. 29 (CHOLOVIK і ZHINKA) far away one from one, which means a weakened ringing between them, as the stench in small children is distributed ("on the other poles") - there are stars.

30. LILIA (king pik)


Symbol. Goodness.

LILIYA is an image of purity and pretense. Lilia Bula with the emblem of the French royal dynasty. Often the lilia is lost in the Bible ("Lilia of the middle of the buddies in the middle of the women of my kohan"). Happy card, which symbolizes the highest position. Yaksho vipa tsya card, which means, instructing to know good, good people. The joy of spilkuvannya and harmony of mutual relations. Bilya TREE symbolizes dovge and happy life.

A handler with a card of a power supply can mean a high patron saint. Good prospects.

In otochennі negative cards - disgrace, conflict, failure, torment and, perhaps, internal inappropriateness.

With a fox - a deception in loving and family-like vidnosyny.

Thrones are a waste of the і of the camp.

Z forks - in the professional on the right, you can rozrahovuvati for the help of friends.

In the month - need a good podbati about your image.

Z HOUSE - reception of an unassigned guest.

Z vezhi is a great satisfaction from the tsikava righteousness.

WITH THE HEART - a new sympathy will appear.

ZIRKAMI - in-depth spirituality (meditation, yoga), overwhelming self-knowledge.

Z RIBAMI - a pridannya, buying expensive beautiful speech.

Z GARDEN - participation in the show, vishukan partnership.

31.SONCE (ace bubo)

Luck. Share.

Symbol. The dream is warm and light.

SONTSE is a sign of a successful self-directed individual action. In the spiritual plane, the card means the energy of life and the isolation of other forces of svitobudov.

The appearance of a picture of a picture means vigrash, wealth, recognition, glory, success in everything, good luck and in the distance. Navkolishnі pictures pіdkazhut, in which the luck itself. Can also mean great creative pidyom, nathnennya, free help.

We are overwhelmed by the ration of unwelcoming cards, helping them to speak of negative meanings and talking about those who will have to be patient: luck and help to come, ale piznishe. As soon as you have znevira in the power of power, troubles, then the memory is required, and the camp is tense.

Z vezhi - recognition of merit, prize, city, great kar'ara.

Z HEART - happy kohannya.

З МІТЛОЮ - inability to pass by the side.

Z forks - vibir of the correct way.

Writing a TOWER WITH A KILTSEM - separation or seeing contacts to give the opportunity for a new happy life.

З Лілієя - the achievement of the bazhany.

Z leleka - I gave a radio trip.

WITH A TREE - joy of feeling, bador, burst of strength.

Z yakir - seryoznі namiri.

From the ship - financial success and stable output.

Z RIBAMI - wigrash abo raptove luck.

32. MOON (worms)

Symbol. Misyats uosoblyuє zhіnoche beginning. Duzhe pouring into the memory.

Mіsyats zmіnyu its shape, і tsya card can be meaningful: from one side - bazhannya have fun, enjoy the power of life, poshuk is useful. On the other hand, there is a need for a fix, a quiet dose, a discussion. Your life is a rethinking and recycling. It is possible, for you to be pulled by the "vantage of the past" - a lot of podіy, inodі karmi, to navigate a lot of reversal. Glad to be engaged in meditation and joke to myself at the sight. It is necessary to look into your past, to see it, to see it at once. Slid dovirtisya іntuїtsії, and the monthly road obov'yazkovo vived to the light.

МІСЯЦЬ - a symbol of traditions and great root. As soon as Lyudin is accustomed to accepting singing principles, she is guaranteed the education and knowledge of those who feel comfortable (for a group of people of the same opinion). Have good cards - cities, povaga, recognition of merits, psychological comfort. Negative cards - the baiduzhism of those who feel sick, not knowing the authority, and the stars - discomfort, restlessness, depression.

A handler with a card to feed - I am glad to be engaged in thoughts and introspection.

In some cases, it can mean a trivial hour in a month.

WITH THE CROSS - a strong infusion of pocket sounds from past lives.

Z SONTSEM - eye-catching, clairvoyance.

ZIRKAMI - interest in mysticism, media building.

WITH THE HOUSE - fallowness from the past.

For owls - lack of confidence, newfoundness.

Z chmaras - loss of visibility, inadequate assessment of what to see.

With the fox - illusions, in the course of action.

From the top - come in.

WITH RIBS - get in the prikhovani.

BEYOND THE GARDEN - accumulation of soil.

WITH THE LEAF - pay for the leaves.

33. KEY (vіsіmka tambourine)

Luck. New fixes. Happy card.

Symbol. Check the box. Preserving secrets from the uninitiated. View from labyrinths.

Map KEY - problem solving. You will know the way out of a confused situation, and you will feel like a new life, no new buildings. Know the decision, spiraling into your life. So chi inakshe, the solution to the problem will be known. I am glad to see the picture: children are richer and become truthful.

In otochennі negative cards: go out of knowledge, the decision to go out or go down the road.

The KEY card can also mean material speeches, that is, when you open it with a key: apartments, summer cottages, garages, cars, for ordinary people - safe.

WITH THE HEART - for the person - it is necessary to show protection, for the woman - the vikonannya of the hopes and hearts of the bazhan.

BOOK - keeping an important secret.

Z shchuriv - you can escape from your life shahrai (shahrayka).

WITH RIBS - added zaoschadzhen.

From the ship - life snakes, which bring good luck.

In the wake of the day - the opening of the intrigue or the early ideas.

The fox is for deceiving.

Z HOUSE - new living room.

Z vezhi is a new project in the distance.

34. RIBY (king of bubo)

Mino. Pributok. Short trips.

Symbol. Water, life, love. Spiritually richness.

However, in a filthy otochennі tsya card means that your plans are utopian, for you do not trust those people. New enterprises will be very important.

With owls - you will be able to see out of your plans, but you will not go to the viconati.

Z hmari - your plans are important to implement.

Three bullies are psychotic.

Z schurіv - vtoma from the right, there is little income.

Z HEART - a bagacy of nouns (named).

IN THE HOUSE - polіpshennya neruhomostі, іtne life.

WITH CROSS - Vitrati pennies through super-streams, on ships or in prison, please.

BEYOND THE GARDEN - the road is covered.

Z yakir - a good material base.

From the top - a call about a pre-arrival arrival.

35. ANCHOR (nine pik)

Stability. Theft.

Symbol. Tradition meaning. Garna marina. Stable success. Zdijsnennya mrii.

ANCHOR means good hope, well-being, hope. Good people and families of good looks. As long as your friends and others will be on the basis of vitality and friendship, then your world is good. The card is a guarantee to trust and steel. You will know a spokіynu marina in the amount of seven or in a suspension with close, over-the-top people. A map is given to see if it is friendly and not to be found.

The price is also suitable for professional food. Success for you. ANCHOR to talk about the ability to formulate other podias in such a way that you will need it.

yaksho given a map to be located far from the picture of the power supply, which means unstable change and minlity. Call the picture of the whole picture, you can alert only the suspension of SHURA. Also, remember to ask you about taking care of it. Behold, following your rules and principles, you can do everything.

THE CIRCLE - harmony and stability of mutual interest.

WITH CROSS - spiritual vira.

Z GARDEN - peresichennya suspension, bazhannya buti only with close people.

Z DOG - steel in vidnosyny.

WITH THE HEART - spok_yna of love, opevnen_st in awe.

WITH RIBS - reach from decilkoh dzherel.

Z Lilinya - sympathy, povaga.

In the month - recognition of merit.

WITH HOUSE - permanently living place.

In the wake of the wake - the destruction of the world and peace.

WITH A TREE - dovolittya without ailments.

36. CREST (shistka of clubs)

Viprobuvannya. Experiencing.

Symbol. The chrest symbolizes the earth with the chotirma kintsyami svitla. Share, part, viprobuvannya. Material light.

The map is clear, so giving a lesson in life to go through, as a bi important vin is not a buv. Super-detailed moments of life. Map of karmis, valleys and individual life plans. Before revealing viprobuvannya, joke a creative way and be ready to accept a viklik. Then your problem is to re-create and get lost in the back.

CREST can mean and close information. In such a vipad, there will be such an interpretation: "The influx of vishchish forces, promissed for what you for some reason is not possible for the nobility."

Z hmari - an important plan is still unimportant.

WITH THE HEART - love holone, let it end.

WITH A TREE - you need to come more respect for your health.

Z yakir - someone else's experience, a fellow citizen, until you show your spirituality.

Z vezhi is a chrest on kar'єri.

Z DOG - the end of friendship.

The fox is a vivid supernatural.

WITH THE KILTS - Suvorі viprobavannya vіdnosіnі na mіtsnіst.

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Tlumachennya meaning okremo skin picture can be found in the guide on our site. You can simply marvel at the surroundings all at once.

In the vastness of the Internet, you can know the flow of cards by Lenormand. Naybіlsh vіdomі tlumachennya is given for the classic books, which I describe, Silvia Stenby "The secret of the oracle Lenormand" and AA Kotelnikov "Lessons of communication with Mary Lenormand". On our site, there is a list of Lenormand maps, up to and including books. Tlumachennya tsіkavі, if you want to be a kind of distribution, it is necessary to interpret, listen to the special advice, Yakiy come at an hour.

In the book by A. A. Kotelnikov "Lessons of transferring with Mary Lenormand", the first map is to serve as a yak bi soil, on which a different picture develops. In case of cloudy layout, the role is played, yak the card is going to be first, and the yak is different. So, as soon as Vershnik is first, and next to Budinok, then he will come. Yakshho first yde Budinok, and then Vershnik, then tse vzhe, navpaki, vidalennya. Unimportant to fortune-telling, the friendliness of cards for a booth and a summit for a vernacular can mean a rise. The sign, which is htys overlaid with booths.

The tlumachennya includes so the very actions of the paired cards, based on a special notice. So, in the case of a strongly negative picture of the Serpent with a map, the Vershnik can smolder like a raptor and a strong blow from an earlier unsettled enemy. The health of the Serpent and the Summit has few health problems, problems with internal organs, problems with the intestines and slag. The Spit card with the Vershnik card is strongly negative, and it also has a front-hitting blow, and it’s not safe and quick to the situation. For some of the other cards with a negative card Kosiy, everything is also rotten, nothing good, but it can't be, braid and braid. If the Spit card is negative in the present cards, it is necessary to remember the words of the poet Omar Khayyam: Gostry sword to the hour - do not be Skygazer! If you have a share of the load in your mouth for halva, beware - you won’t be in these zukor of mischief! Polіpshiti takі nasty karty yak Kos, Chrest, Coffin can only be Sonce, Ridko shche Bouquet.

The fox's card is also used as a negative one, because of the way in which one is located, marvel at the negativity of the picture. Є dumka, that the Fox in the relationship with the Zirks and the order with the Anchor rozpovidє, that the robot of the Koha people is tied with creative activity. As soon as the Fox is wearing Vershnik's card, then everything is needed in the hands of a trimaty and a pretty little one, and the Fox is on the order. The fox in confusion with Misyats will charge a deception, nonsense. It is noted that the Fox at the same time with the Tree means often rotten, no ailment or no diagnoses. Tsіkavі byєdnannya, inverted for an hour.

There are smudges and thoughts directly opposed to it. So the thought that the Clover card is neutral, can give a positive moment only in the days with positive cards, means a good period. Vvazhaєatsya, scho to pour on the nasty picture, tim more Chrest, the stable is not given. Ale dumka, I’m sure Clover і Chrest is inappropriate, the end of the hope, and to talk about those who are more beautiful from their intentions are seen, all marno, on the whole way of nothing good, you don’t check.

There will be a distribution, if the trade is stored from positive cards, and the bag is Chrest. How can you mean such a distribution? For example, vipadaє 16 Zirki, 25 Kilce, 31 Sonce. In the result 36 Khrest. Yak in such a way of thinking about food: "How are you going to cleanse yourself?" Chi means what is in the picture of Khrest є how is it neutral? What about all the pictures in the triad need to be seen as negative? The thoughts of the well-known nobles in the midst of the tumultuous rose. One dummy at a time, which can mean, how tsi podії to inflate the vagome, doesn’t mean it. And according to the іnshom thought, you can vkazuvaty, wоu wіll come in viprobuvannyа, not calling smoothly, with a creak, importantly. The third thought is tse shlyub, in what was judged, virіsheno karmіchno but happy.

Listen to the message, your intuition in the specific situation of the skin can help you to create the correct image, look into the future and, perhaps, help you to understand the inappropriateness and hit the dolly.

Given in one of the following cards, one by one, according to the books: Silvia Stenby "The secret of the oracle Lenormand" (translated from the Italian) and A. A. Kotelnikov "Lessons from Marin Lenormand".

The first meaning of the day came to us as Lenormand herself. It’s worthwhile for the sake of being called, three times, which will help you to get a better look at the list. Beastly respect, for some reason, you can only play the picture in the box, drink and drink. The card is designated by the ordinal number (div. In the values ​​of the cards).

The value of one card in the tridi

1 + 18 + 27 = Thoughts of a dispute about you. Light news from new. Mozhliviy priyizd or take a telephone call.

1 + 25 + 20 = Willpower will lead to happiness.

2 + 23 + 10 = Allowing a waste і conflicts і - for spiritual simplicity і powerful naїvnostі.

2 + 33 + 20 = Happiness is the inheritance of the Truly Wise Way in your life. Simplicity and love to open doors to special achievements.

3 + 30 + 20 = Pragmatic and diligent in the plan of spiritual self-realization. Nobility and honor. Reason and foresight. Good greetings. Karma is beautiful.

4 + 15 + 19 = Mіzh sky and earth. Viprobuvannya for titans in spirit.

6 + 25 + 32 = Post-ineffectiveness, mind the spirit, the dark forest of witness. Stagnation and ignorance.

6 + 32 + 33 = Frustrating podії. Nebezpeki will be, mabut, podolans.

7 + 5 + 31 = Development of mental centers. The awakening of the energy of the kundalini. Growth of testimony and stability.

7 + 27 + 16 = Wise is glad of the invisible light.

8 + 24 + 31 = By the way, I’m singing, pidbadioritisya, prowl about the svidomosty rye, the intelligence is the essence of what is seen.

8 + 32 + 31 = bad luck Vikhіd from the spiritual ditch. Resurrection with a path borinnya spirit.

8 + 36 + 31 = Black smog kinets. Spiritual revival. Aspiring and natchneni hopes.

9 +10 + 23 = Give a share, you don’t want to be happy.

11 + 12 + 35 = Heavy rain, great thoughts.

11 + 13 + 21 = infantile wipes and heritage - pocket vip tests.

11 + 23 + 35 = Welding and confusion, how to cover karma and tie the spirit to the Earth.

11 + 24 + 36 = Kayattya, self-defeating, finish the sum.

11 + 32 + 21 = Internal aggressive blocks.

12 + 33 + 31 = Transparency, penetration of the mind, wisdom and distant vision. Rozum, go ahead and see it clear.

12 + 34 + 15 = Glibokі thoughts about the given. Think about your Maybut and Vchitel.

13 + 36 + 15 = Karmic links with the Esoteric Teacher.

14 + 17 + 12 = Slid think about the deceit and hypocrisy of the spyvrobitnik.

14 + 19 + 21 = pardon tsіlі and pragmatic. Zustrich with transcodes.

14 + 34 + 6 = Cunning and proudly brehati. Weakness in spirit.

15 + 21 + 19 = Self-reliance, self-reliance in spirit, in view of the light, in the list of the social sphere of the suspension.

15 + 27 + 36 = Reduction of invisible forces. Sign of the Visitor.

17 + 21 + 16 = Zakhmarni, romantically-entertaining of the new world and praznennya kryz gori pereshkod. Zmіna of plans with new spiritual projects.

18 + 24 + 5 = Post-cinnamon from a good friend, Edinovirtsya or a good friend.

20 + 5 + 31 = Wise way to prosperity, joy, happiness, prosperity. Success in creativity.

20 + 8 +13 = View from the physical plan. Shvidke perevtіlennya.

20 + 32 + 35 = visuity of feeling and manners, light troubles, love before old times, hard times past, karmi's call.

21 + 5 + 7 = Chi is not easy to awaken the psychic centers (chakras).

21 + 33 + 20 = Male podolannya of all transitions and goings to the correct way of life. Everything was buzzing.

22 + 20 + 31 = The road to glory, shanі, recognition of merit.

22 + 26 + 31 = Shlyakh of Spiritual growth, spiritual evolution of svidomosty. Demand positive changes to the wise style of life and post-life self-elaboration.

23 + 24 + 14 = Prikhovani vices, frowning shortcomings in the soul, as it is not safe to live!

24 + 8 +18 = Depression, tightness, nostalgia, infusion of thoughts about the past, stay in sensitive spheres.

24 + 19 + 15 = Lyubov and the Vchiteli's turbo. Visoka Spiritual Intercession.

25 + 3 + 8 = Shvidke completion of the living route. Kinets of a friend's life.

25 + 26 + 20 = Karmic merit, which leads the soul through the Wheels of Sansari (the wheels are reversed). Knowledge leads to the truth.

25 + 30 + 36 = Positive podії in the blue right yak the Act of Supportiveness of the Vishchih Forces.

26 + 5 + 3 = Vchennya Svitu will lead you to the prospects and changes.

26 + 5 + 20 = Evolutionary growth of evidence. Zdijsnennya mrii.

26 + 9 + 20 = Busy with artistic masterpieces, travel, music. Reading of religious or spiritual literature.

26 + 16 + 19 = Know your people your Cosmic Nature! Tviy ustinniy Budinok - in heaven.

26 +16 + 31 = Telepathy, clairvoyance, prophecy, prophecy, ingenuity, transmission, so that you can make a solid foundation.

26 + 21 + 31 = Passage of Slagi Viprobuvan and go to Svitla. Overcoming the spirit over the mother.

26 + 36 + 19 = Propagation of activity, the development of one's own connivance, misconception.

26 + 36 + 21 = Karmіchnі pereshkodi inevitably.

27 + 22 + 19 = New pocket opportunities and perspectives.

27 + 36 + 21 = Unsatisfactory Karmichesky Transition.

28 + 19 + 29 = high moral standards with a lady, better for spiritual and sexy.

28 + 25 + 29 = Glib pocket connection. A single dispute between souls.

29 + 4 + 28 = Support the know-how in your own self.

29 + 24 +20 = self-immorality, paradise and world. Peremoga pochutiv over rose. Erotic pragmatism and hope.

29 + 31 + 1 = Reaching the inner harmony of the heart. Esoteric androgenism (spiritual supremacy is yang and іn in svіdomosti).

29 + 35 + 20 = Sexual addictions contrary to the spiritual path.

30 + 13 + 2 = Pure conscience, purity of fairness, words and thoughts.

30 + 24 + 31 = Shira vira in God. Passing through the Ideal.

32 + 26 + 31 = Spiritual revival, the path of scholarship in esotericism.

33 + 13 + 31 = "Be as a child and enter the Kingdom of God."

33 + 16 + 19 = The knowledge of the esoteric doctrines is correct. The road to the Temple of Istini. Vishy Svit - Ridny Dim to join the soul.

33 + 22 + 8 = Wasted energy.

33 + 26 + 36 = Correctness of the Writing, esoteric books.

35 + 8 + 4 = burdens with a whirlpool booth. Kaidani on the vitrils of the soul. An important boob. Livestock on weekdays. Spiritually empty.

36 + 32 + 35 = Zaboboni, zaboboni, dogma, atavism, zabosyatosti on grave roads.

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Values ​​of the Lenormand cards and the color of the Lenormand cards

To marvel at the card and the lecture of the picture of Lenormand, click on the picture of the picture with a bear.

1. Messenger (Nine worms)... Important news, sheet, guest. As soon as the order lies with the card of the power supply, then it is new from the neighboring lands, if it is far away, then the sound will come nearby. It can also mean something about the cultural and daily connections with the Zakordon. Yaka bude novina needs to be judged on the ground cards.

2. Clover (A string of tambourines). Ochikuvannya, plan, hope. The card can be good or bad. Yakshho susidni pictures are good, the card is about the arrival in pennies, the message of the bazhan, the good fortune, the end of the misfortunes, and the navpaki, if the card is sent with nasty cards, then they check you in the wrong, do not get it. As soon as the card is in the distribution on the sign of the left, then it’s over and over, but you’ve got a bad message.

6. Khmari (King of Clubs). Trouble. Symbolizing your emotional mood, while talking about inappropriateness, I will increase the appearance of the symbol "Khmara" when there is a thunderstorm. Chi means rotten podії, nezduzhannya, rotten moods. The unfriendly meaning of the picture in the distribution will expand to the map below it.

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