Home Internet 1 RUB per month. Yak connect home internet for karbovanets. Convergence from "Biline" - Nice blog

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The prices for any product or service depend on the tendencies of growth, growth, destructiveness, such as proponuvav bi product for copyright. Ale the stereotype of mischief and blame for the company Biline, the Internet for 1 ruble per month is a servant that is gaining more and more popularity. First and foremost, you should know who.

And maybe a tsya accijna proposition?

It’s just like eating, and it’s a hostile one, so it’s a temptation for the customers, to screw more respect from their side, and when the end of the promotion, everything will turn on its own stake. If you don’t sleep with the visnovkas, you’ll change your mind at once, but everything is true, the proposition is clear, the terms are not concatenated.

for 1 rub. subscribers can get 5 GB from the order mobile internet, from 550 hilin dvinkiv on the monthly numbers, unlimited communication of calls to Biline subscribers throughout the territory. Russian Federation, from about 300 people, as well as the ability to connect to the Internet and home TV.

Yak all of you? Tempting? Mi thinkєmo, so! In addition, there is no way to be intertwined with the proposition, but by far away, as many surprises have prepared for you Beeline.

Who can connect Home Internet and TB for 1 p.?

In order to speed up the super-proposition from Biline "Home Internet and TB for 1 ruble" tariff plan from the line of tariffs "Everything!"

To improve the picture

Behind the minds of all 4:

  • "All in one for 501";
  • "All in one for 801";
  • "All in one for 1201";
  • І "All in one for 1801".

Vidpovidny packages

For the growth of the All-in-One package, there is a growing number of options before entering. Internet for 1 ruble є for all 4 products, and the axis of 126 TV channels for the home you can add by connecting to any of the two remaining tariffs. In the rest of the tariff plan, a cashless bonus is a modem, with the ability to come to the net to appear at all your household.

Important! An additional bonus on the skin tariff is the presence of a mobile TV stand (25 channels). Also, having connected to the given packages, the subscriber has the opportunity to use the services of the others.

Re-connection of tariff plans with the Internet and TB for 1 ruble

You don't need to be a great Fakhivian in mathematics, but a proposition has been given to help you with economy. Also, if you connect to the service of home Internet and TV viewing, you will be able to pay up to 700 rubles per month. And what about digital TV channels? Poke around yourself: what is the payment for all the prices?

And in the proposition of Beeline, the subscriber will reject the magnificent mobile traffic to the Internet, a great number of SMS and calls and all at once from the cym of vitrachak on home bugs for only 1 ruble. In addition, in tariffs by subscription fee in 1801 ruble the company nada koshtovaya Wi-Fi a router that will be accessible to other extensions behind the addition of an Internet connection.

Chim vishche a monthly fee, tim vigidnishim sta tariff plan, and a growing number of services for mobile phone call the speed of traffic to the Internet. And one more pass - connecting one rakhunku for the family.

Pidklyuchennya servants: how do you like zrobiti?

If you have a whole lot of food, you can get help depriving you of the company’s faulty companies, so you can independently switch to the “All in one” tariff package.

Ale do not fall into sight, having phoned on hot line by phone 8 800 700 8000 , the operator Biline will tell you in detail, how to connect the Internet and TV for 1 ruble You can send an application to the company's website, having memorized the form, in which to add your nickname according to your father's name contact phone... On new you will be called fahivets and messages about your other projects.

Korisno if you look at it again:

Uwaga! For subscribers of the company, the company will provide a trouble-free transfer to the Biline from saving numbers and connecting to the home Internet and TB without subscription pay, for the activation of the tariff plan "All in one".

Who has a chip for the company and the subscribers?

Company Beeline is a great operator with many strong competitors. By this proposition, I would like to tighten the respect of the great number of koristuvachiv and zrobiti by loyal buyers of their services. I like to send messages, all the way into the distance.

Well, up to the survivors themselves, then for them the proposition in front of them is great economy and pennies that hour. Even to pay for a few mobile numbers, home Internet and TV service in the daytime when there is a lot of money and water, there is no need to spend an hour for the whole process of paying for the Internet, TV and phone calls

And having quickened with such a proposition, the client will issue a single rakhunok for the whole motherland, and there would be more than one payment per month.

Well, well, now there is a lot of intelligence, such a proposition is visible to both sides. And now, it’s been promoted to your respect, because they’ve already got up to speed with the announcement from Biline “Internet and home TB for 1 ruble”.

Operator "Biline" has launched a new series of tariff plans "All in One". Vona allows all subscribers to connect home internet that TV package for a supplementary payment of 1 ruble. The company’s policy was voiced at the press conference near Moscow.

The price of a convergent product (fixed mobile convergence), such as the services of already recognizing the deyaky foreign operators, and even the middle Russian companies "Biline" became the first, according to the general director of the company Mikhailo Slobodin.

Moscow has the greatest cheap tariff liniyki (called "All in one") will cost 501 rubles per month. For a penny, the subscriber will unlimited connections all the middle, 550 minutes of calls on the numbers of the other operators, 5 GB of mobile Internet, 300 SMS-messages, as well as home Internet with speed 15 Mb per second mobile supplement"Biline TB". Naydorozchiy tariff plan costs 1801 rubles per month. Until now, you can enter 3000 quills, 3000 SMS-messages, 15 GB traffic, 100-megabyte home Internet and 120 TB channels. On all plans there are 25 channels of mobile TV.

Regions have a package worth 300 rubles. Before you enter home TB and rent a Wi-Fi router. In the words of Slobodin, the tariff is to allow them to spare, and to simplify the payment of services. "Hemorrhoids are less," meaning the head of "Bilaynu". Vin vozgolosiv, that home Internet and TV viewing for one ruble is not an offer, but a service on a continuous basis.

The distribution of the product has taken a lot of months from the company. The meta of such a crochet is to reduce the number of subscribers to the home Internet.

On Slobodin's thought, a new proposition does not appear negatively on the operator's store. It is possible, as a result of the visibility, the "optically" decrease in income from fixed services to the mobility of the mobile will be visualized, the general director of the company says. Win napolyaga, in fact, in the future it is impossible to get more from two services.

On the thought of the head of "Bilaynu", compete with the same way and launch analogous services.

03.03.2016 All in one!

PAT "Vimpelcom" (brand "Biline") represents "ALL in one" - a unique proposition, which will unite a new overpaid line "ALL!" and your beloved domestic servants at the ponad 100 mstakh of Russia. Yaky bi tariff із new line "ALL!" you have not received (from "ALL for 300" to "ALL for 1200"), Home Internet and mobile add-on "Biline" TB for you just 1 ruble per month.

Nicholas of the package propositions did not include all popular services at once, but the prices were set only one. When the "ALL in one" package is connected, you will deny:

Mobile Internet, cell-free and unimpeded calls to numbers "Biline" throughout Russia, calls to the countries of SND with the option "Affectionately requested for ALL!", Additional SMS packages for calls And you can travel with children, with a squad and visit your fathers, without overpaying that sutta economically, the same budget, if you wrap up the applicable tariff.

Home Internet and mobile add-on "Biline" TB only for 1 ruble per month. You can marvel at 115 channels of your home digital TV tower, trim the WiFi router and set-top box (on tariffs "ALL for 800" that is). You can pay for all services from the mobile phone, even up to the tariff "ALL!" it’s worth it for less than 1 ruble and more money.

Єinium special cabinet, now it is possible not only to provide detailed information on all services online, but to connect thematic and premium TV packages, before paying the video rental for an additional fee.

The "ALL in one" plug-in is available on the special side 1rub.beeline.ru, in the sales offices of Biline near Nizhny Novgorod, or by calling the call center bezel-less number 8-800-700-8000 .

Proposition of performance for all customers of the front-end payment system and services in the presence zone of the Home Internet and Home digital TV tower "Biline" in Nizhny Novgorod and the region.

PJSC "VimpelCom" (brand "Biline") is a part of VimpelCom Ltd. (headquartered in Amsterdam), an international telecomunication and technology company, which promotes new opportunities to its customers in digital. VimpelCom Ltd. You will receive voice calls, tribute transmission services, fixed broadsmouth internet and digital services for 200 million people. The strength of VimpelCom in the presence of new technologies is the link with the firm power of the company on the way to provide digital services for our skin client. VimpelCom has given service to 14 countries of the world, including Russia, Italy, Algeria, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Bangladesh, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Virmenia, Georgia, Laos and Zimbabwe. VimpelCom works with the brands Biline, Kievstar, WIND, MOBILINK, Banglalink, Telecel and Djezzy.

  • Review of tariffs "All in one"
  • Features of tariffs "All in one"
  • Accessible TB and home Internet for 1 ruble
Bereznya 01, 2016, a new unique proposition - "ALL in one" became available to the subscribers of the Beeline company, as a call will be made to each mobile phone and home service. Within the framework of the offer of leather clients Biline, you can connect your home Internet and TB for 1 ruble. A similar opportunity is available when one of the tariffs of the "ALL!" Line is connected. What is the home Internet and TV viewing from the Biline? Regardless of the tariff plan you have chosen, you will be able to remove from 25 to 125 channels and home Internet from 40 Mb / s up to 100 Mb / s (on the tariff "All in one for 1801" you will need a Wi-Fi router). All the subscriber will get rid of it for 1 ruble.

Bezperechno, the proposition is adaptable and you know your life. Having switched on one of the All-in-One tariffs for a single subscriber fee, surrounding packages of quills, SMS and Internet You will receive TB and home Internet for 1 ruble. So that the subscribers of Biline have a unique opportunity not to pay for cable TV-set and home Internet, but reimburse everything for a symbolic fee.
Bagato hto viznaє tsyu proposition as a gift from the company Biline, ale persh nіzh work like visnovka, it is necessary to learn about the peculiarities and minds of tariffs "All in one" Biline. We have already sounded for a long time before, whether a servant from the operators will be sent to the operators themselves. Within the framework of the whole survey, we will offer you the tariffs of the All-in-One line, which are characteristic of the particularity and the reasonably change of the operator for saving the number.
tariffs Beeline Wi will be practically non-kosted additional servants The number of each okremo can change the amount of the subscriber pay. It’s all wonderful and we don’t get to grips with the drive. I want to know about everything, but I would like to know you about the peculiarities of the tariffs of the line "All in one", when connected to the subscriber, it is possible to connect the TB and home Internet for one ruble.

If you read about the tariffs, then you see how cable TV and home Internet high quality affordable tariffs with a subscription fee of 1201 rubles. As a cable TV tower and a free internet, as you need it, if you actively use services stylized sound then pay 1201 rubles or pay 1801 rubles is not a Skoda. Іnsha ric, if for the satisfaction of your needs a sufficient tariff with a minimal subscription fee, even if you have a TV connection and home Internet, you switch on a tariff for which you need to pay 1801 rubles. Great packages of quills, SMS and mobile Internet will simply disappear. That’s why it’s not necessary to switch to a tariff from home Internet and TB for 1 ruble, you need to spend everything. You can, turn on the services okremo bude vigidnishe. Knowing the peculiarities of the proposition can help you create the correct vibration.

As if it were the only operator, Biline was not enough to sell its products only from a short side, the official information about the shortcomings of the TB proposal and the home Internet for 1 ruble is not enough. Please help you to formulate more about the tariff "All in one", we especially protested the proposition. Also, we were victorious about the sight of people, on the display of such buckets there were some shortcomings. You can also read the message about the All-in-One tariff.

All-in-one tariffs are characterized by the following features:

  • In the Internet there are a lot of messages about permanent interruptions from the Internet and TV accounts. Our test showed that the interruptions may be true. Zbig tse chi is a real problem to say well.
  • Once the agreement is completed before the deadline, you will need to supply an additional part of the annex that was given to you. WI-FI router(2 rock).
  • For an hour, a glance at a mobile TV (25 channels) will be available under the Internet traffic tariff. Vrahoyuchi obsyag to the Internet package it is awkward to say that you will not be amazed at TB Vee.
  • A change of minds to the contract for the provision of services with a link to the government's initiative. Biline has repeatedly changed its tariffs and does not plan to fix prices. Prior to the speech, we have already written about those who are Biline changes from the archives of tariffs. If you feel ashamed of the propositions that we have seen, then you may have changed your mind several times.
  • Shit techpidtrimka. Mabut, best numberвідгуків is assigned to the nastiest service. Moreover, it is easy to get through to the fakhivtsya, then you may not be able to help you with great ymovirnistyu. The incompetence of the leaders of the community never ceases. Repeatedly themselves from the cymbals were stuck.
  • Payment for all services connected at the warehouse of the package proposal, come from a single store. For 1 ruble, the service of the Home Internet is deprived of the TV service, which is indicated in the inventory of the package proposal. The only available services are connected for an additional fee.
  • Leave everything with us. We will update the article with new material every year. Yaksho vi maєte scho dodati, please fill in your comments.

    Take a look at the home Internet service and television service in the same operators. Viber as much as possible reasonable tariff and fuck, what will be yours? One provider has a good home Internet, ale nasty TV, іnshy navpaki. As soon as the service is ok, it is possible to deny the vigoda, not deprived of it in price, but yak.

    Yak plug-in TV and home Internet for 1 ruble

    Tariff "All in one" with TV shops and free internet for one karbovanets to know your friend and in a whole lot of sumnіvіv. Of course, it’s impossible to name a proposition over a vision and not a single competitor, but it’s ideal for some subscribers. If you are close to such subscribers, then you can easily switch to one of the tariffs "All in one".

    Unfortunately, there are no special teams for connecting to the tariff. To connect TB and home Internet for 1 ruble, you need to memorize a special form on the Biline website. You will need to provide your address, phone number and name. Pislya nadsilannya forma spyvrobitnik for you to clarify the details of the connection. At the time of the connection, please call the phone number +7 800 700-83-78.

    Let's take it easy. "Biline" launched a unique tariff "All in one" for the Russian market, having added packages of fixing services and mobile calls to one after giving them home television following the principle of "one win". New packages copy the same line of tariffs "Everything!" About the reasons, as well as the plus and minus of such an operator's decision, there are a lot of articles written, as well as a simple subscriber, there is not enough sophistry. Smolder, well, it will be clearly visible and handy.

    I decided to go back to connect home internet and TV for a ruble, and also choose important food I know tariff lines and turning from us to the representatives "Biline". There was a lack of instruction and there was little instruction. Also for posting a check on you small bonus.

    I think that it is practical for all operators of the "great triyka" or to navigate "p'yatirki", like the brothers Tele2 and Yota, have come up with the idea of ​​adding tariffs for the Internet and tariffs for mobile calls. Who sponded Biline to add home TV to the list?

    All the year round we go by way of making and customizing the product for a specific skin client in the new galuzy, and telecom is not a blame. People want mothers of minimum providers, minimum of special services, simple, simple intelligent servants, Otrimuvati that set of services, which is required for a specific skin homemaking, family. Лінійка "Everything!" yakraz about tse. Together we launched "Sim'yu" - the ability to deliver a package of hilin and mobile traffic with members of the family and other outbuildings within the framework of one rakhunku. Supplementing to the packages of our line "Everything!" The ability to connect home Internet and TV viewing for 1 ruble has become a logical fit for the customization of our products. We would like to, for our clients, for our families, it just buzzed with a sound.

    Let’s admit that I’ve been reprimanding for a long time і loudly from the Biline, і TV networks, і home Internet. How about me about the obliterated records? Yaki є mind the connection, around the transition to a consumer tariff? Yaka last day?

    Connect All in one can be skinny - both a new subscriber of Beeline. If you are already using a mobile phone call and services of the home Internet, then to connect the service you will need to open the nearest office Biline. In the office, you can help to improve the balance of the mobile phone call, if there is a need for a phone call to change the tariff is insufficient, remember the tariff plan for one “All in one” line and to issue an additional Internet connection for the same phone call. Immediately I will be active! Kostya, if you have gone to your home Internet connection, will be transferred to your mobile phone number. At the moment of connection All in one you have enough quilts for the balance only mobile phone: Sumi for rakhunka is enough for writing off a monthly subscription fee + 1 ruble

    Even earlier, you were deprived of the services of a mobile phone call Beeline, and your home Internet and TB were from your provider, then the order is as follows:

    • translate to the site 1rub.beeline.ru and connect your booths to the home Internet Beeline

    • If there are connection booths - vibrate with the best available tariff plan and submit a request for a visit from an installer to connect to the home Internet. The application can be posted on the website or by phone 8-800-700-8000

    • before the arrival of the installer, improve the balance of your special rahunku, sum to the rakhunka on the day of the visit of the installer, but you will have to write off enough subscriber pay + 1 ruble.

    For subscribers to the home Internet Beeline, who did not use the mobile phone call Beeline, the procedure is as follows:

    • Submit a request for connection to the site 1rub.beeline.ru or by phone 8-800-700-8000 new SIM card Or go to Biline with saved phone numbers. When transferring your number to Beeline, our courier will not only deliver you a card, but apply for MNP (number transfer). With a new, or even a time, SIM-card, you can use the service to update the balance and activate the SIM-card.)

    If you want to add the additional connection "SIM" to tariffs "All in one" - see the number of SIM-cards when making an application.

    What if I’m moving around and want to connect my home Internet and TV back-office to my apartment? What is needed to change the address? What terms will there be at the cich zmin?

    Already very soon we will have almost completed the option "Relocation". As soon as you plan to go - turn it around, your new connection box to the Biline grid. As soon as there are connection booths, you can speed up the service. Call the number 8-800-700-8000 for registration of "Pereizdu". At the new address, the servant will ask for this date, if you need it. I, it’s important, the servant is absolutely bezel-less!

    Would it be, how am I going to damage the mobile Internet? Chi vimknuti the entire tariff plan before paying pennies?

    If you vitrate the pact of quills - you will run out of trouble, the payment for an hour of calls will be available, as at the extraordinary tariffs "Everything!". When transferring a package mobile traffic You can connect the Highway option. Cich vipadki koshtіv on the rakhunku mobile phone can be enough to pay for additional drugs / traffic. And the home Internet and TV connection can be connected directly to the mobile phone call package. Blocking the home Internet and TB doesn’t mean that it will fail, if the date of the check payment comes and the payment of the client is not valid, tobto. you cannot pay off the customer for the coming calendar month.

    - How much is it possible to connect to a certain tariff plan a number of numbers and controllable data from one regional record?

    So, the option "Sim'ya" is available on the tariffs "All in one" - you can connect to five additional numbers up to one rakhunku \ package.

    Report on the line of tariffs "All in One".


    It’s not easy to go to all the things described, but it’s possible to create agreements on the basis of a call, as well as the inclusion of the "SIM" option for all your SIM-cards, maybe even great. In addition, if you have decided to switch to a tariff from the line All !, then I can send you a 10% discount for the promotional code:


    You need to activate it within 5 days of the transition. D For this, you need to call your mobile phone number 16016 and enter a promo code. The success of the registration is confirmed via SMS. Criminate that zaphazhdzhuyte!

    I am happy that it is brown! Thank you for the respect.

    Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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