Nalashtuvannya connection beeline. Home Internet Biline: tariffs, how to connect and set up a custom, see about service

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Biline - mobile operator, Yaky having stayed the best in the land of the wired Internet for the booth. see high shvidk_styu z'єdnannya, garnoyu yakistu, Albeit low prices and dull tariffs in which it is possible to combine a variety of additional services.

Tariffs for Home Internet from Biline for 2017

As a rule, today's people are wired to connect to the Internet at the same time from their home TV channels. To that, the servants of the service, rehearse until all their customers enter the yakomog more than the older ones adaptable tariffs... Will the operator Biline propose to us the tariffs? For the Internet at home there is a series of tariffs "Domashniy". Actual for 2017 rіk.

rate Internet and TV standings for six hundred and fifty

The package of services includes access to the net from the broadband up to sixty megabytes and digital TV from the basic number of channels (one hundred thirty-one). When connected to a tariff, a TV set-top box is available for rent without a credit card. Subscription fee warehouse in a month shist hundred fifty rubles. You can also connect for an okremu fee additional package for more channels.
To connect to the tariff, you need to contact the operator and submit a request.

rate Internet and TV viewing for seven hundred fifty

In tsyom tariff plan subscriber fee to the warehouse of seven hundred fifty rubles. You have to enter, connect to the Internet with a maximum speed of one hundred megabytes. Digital TV tower one hundred thirty one channel (basic package). The attachment for connecting a TV viewer is available for rent without a kit. You can additionally connect the channel packages for an additional fee.

rate Internet, router and television for seven hundred fifty

The subscription fee for the warehouse is seven hundred and fifty rubles per month. As part of the tariff, you will have Internet connections with the maximum speed of sixty megabytes, TV basic set(One hundred thirty-one channel), TV set-top box and Wi-Fi router. All possessions will be rented without koshtovno within the package of services.

rate Internet, router and TV set for about fifty

For a fortune of fifty carbovants per month, you will receive up to one hundred megabytes of Internet bandwidth, TV set-up with a basic package, a TV set-top box and a Wi-Fi router. Ustatkuvannya to see for the rakhunok of the company bezkoshtovno.

rate Internet and router for five hundred

For the whole package, you will rent a router and the Internet with a speed of up to sixty megabytes. The subscriber fee is in stock at a rate of 500 rubles.

rate Router and Internet for seven hundred fifty

You can rent a Wi-Fi router and the Internet for a speed of up to one hundred megabytes. The payment for the warehouse is seven hundred and fifty rubles.

rate Internet for chotirista n'50

At this tariff, you will need an Internet service with a speed of up to sixty megabytes. The shomіthyachny payment in the warehouse of the chotirist is fifty rubles. yak Dodatkova servant You can take a router in a line for one hundred rubles per month.

rate Internet for six hundred and fifty

When connected, you will get the Internet with the maximum speed of one hundred megabytes. Subscriber fee for a tariff of six hundred and fifty rubles per month.

Video - test of the speed of the Internet Biline from the small towns of the world: Video can not be loaded: Home Internet Beeline - test of speediness. Astana, Moscow, Amsterdam, New York (

Yak plug-in Home Internet Biline

In order to connect the home Internet to the Biline, you will need to either submit an application on the official website (in a special cabinet or on the other tariff), or to replace the fiber-optic Internet for a direct phone call 8 800 700 8378 ... The first vipad will have a trifle of failure - the spyvrobitnik of the company will call you and specify the details - what is the tariff of the home Internet connection, at which address and at any time the installer is guilty. On the next day (if it’s like the Cherga, if you’re there), before the booth, the installer must run the cable from the booth to your apartment. If you are guilty of reconciling, if you can help Biline, you can get access to the mountain - there is also a commutator for the Internet there. For laying the cable, installing the Internet and keeping the TB in the apartment. In the same place, there will be signing agreements for the connection.

Tsikaviy fact: Biline is the key buyer of fiber-optic cable directly at the decoy factories in China!

To connect the home Internet to Biline expect You will need to contact the nearest office of the company and apply for the promotion of Internet services at home. When you have a lot of slid vrahuvati, you are not guilty of being bribed for your service, yaksho borg є - you will have a chance to pay off.

If you won’t be using the Internet for a few months (for example, you’ll go at the admission), and if you need it, if you want to use the function of yours, in Bilaynu є for a whole lot of messages about the service - voluntary blocking... If you switch it on, your balance will not be charged for your home Internet for 90 days! switch voluntary blocking can be done in two ways:

  1. Via dzvynok to number 88007008000
  2. through sviy Special Cabinet Bilaynu. New people need to go to the Internet tab, then - service management, i there - Time during blocking of the Internet.

Varto also respect that the servant is not koshtovna - it is only possible to switch on if there are any foreign trade in the system.

Yak nalashtuvati Home Internet Biline - nalashtuvannya

As a rule, the first setup of the home Internet for your computer is carried out by the installer when the cable is inserted into the apartment. Win by himself nalashtu z'єdnannya, explain how to connect to the Internet via a cable or wifi router(Yakshou vi yogo was replaced). If the settings are inadequate, or if there is a problem - you need to call us by phone. Bilaynu also has the ability to independently set up the Internet - if your site has access to Web authorization for VPN technology (L2TP). In this case, you will need to bookmark the distribution for additional help to clients special programMeister nalashtuvannya Bilaynu. To install the program, set up the L2TP standard and set up your router yourself.

Video- setting up the connection to the Internet Beeline: Video can not be loaded: Beeline connection setting. (Https://

Yak pay for the Internet for a booth from Beeline

There are a number of different ways you can improve the marketplace for paying for the Internet at home from the Biline:

  1. Gotivkovy cats in any office Bilaynu in your place
  2. For additional special services - Auto payment. Having updated the balance once in a special cabinet, you will need to write off the balance itself once per month to pay for the Home Internet.
  3. For help bank picture on the official website Bilaynu in the box Payment
  4. Vikoristovuchi special mobile payment. To be able to do so, you need to dial the offensive code on the phone: “ beeint WASHLOGIN SUMA»I send yogo to short service number 7878
  5. hurry up, servant dovirchiy payment

Yak plug-in Home Internet Biline for 1 ruble!

Biline has a view of the ability to connect a shvidky Home Internet all for 1 ruble... For all it is necessary to connect to the special tariff All in one. Having switched it on, you can use all the services to Biline ( Mobile phone call, mobile internet, Home Internet, Television) Significantly cheaper than nіzh yakbi paid for skin service okremo. In a word, a sorcerer's certificate for koristuvachіv yakі vmyut economy!

Biline home internet - widgooks

As soon as possible, then the Internet Biline at home є to reach the popular and demand, if you want and not without wad. Hundreds of thousands of customers all over the country use the high-quality Internet from the Biline and, with all the new minds, become the company's true customers. Yaksho vi є let’s talk to the Internet from the Biline and tell you –– your thought will be corny to the people!

Biline internet at home - pokrittya zone for 2017 rik

u 2017 roci With great ymovіrnіstu you can switch practically in the skin of the land! For more accurate information, it is necessary to call the phone number to the attendant number, or to speed up the online form on the Bilaynu website. For an independent reconciliation of the visibility of the message to Biline at your address, on the first screen of the tariff rate marvel at the right edge- there you can beat it dotted rectum z written in new " Re-connect your booth to Biline". By pressing the button, you can see the window, you can enter your address and reconfigure the connectivity.

Connection with technical support and service management in a special cabinet

In order to get a consultation from any kind of food tied to the Home Internet, I need to turn to technical support in one of the following ways:

  1. Call by phone to a special technical support number for the Internet at home - 8 800 700 8378
  2. Go to Special Cabinet Bilainu
  3. Go to special forum of subscribers of the Home Internet i didn’t just look for technical support, but also with people
  4. Widget distributed help to clients on the website

The ninishniy hour is fast unlimited internet having long ceased to grow up. Now the need is sooner. But there is no smut and partiality here - the sound is more important than the need. So, it will be even more unacceptable when importing important changes or overriding the file in the remaining seconds. That is why there is a greater will of the Internet via Ethernet technology, as it is necessary to ensure a stable 100 Mbps. Besides, the speed of receiving and transmitting on such a channel is equal.

Axle of the main rail of the wire Internet Biline:

To connect, you need only a hemline card (it is inserted into a leather computer) and a hemline cable;
- tsіlodobova technical;
- Possibility of blocking the Internet when going on lines up to three months (the service is bezkoshtovna);
- without payment methods;
- Deposits of payments;
- stable performance.

If you have є VAZHLIVIY or even more TERMINOVY food, ask !!!

Your actions on the Internet Biline

The process of setting up the Internet from Biline forgiveness to the maximum and most often is done once. Ale pislya reinstalled operating system For those serious illnesses, the setting is all well known.

For Win 7, it will be necessary to add new steps:

Press "start", go to the control panel tab;
- click on the icon “to the edge and the Internet” and to know there “I will look at the edge of the building”;
- go for the posilannya "Nalashtuvannya new connection";
- click on the power to "connect to the workmanship", and click on "Dal";
- natisnut "Vikoristovuvati connect to the Internet VPN", if you want to natisnuti "Dali";
- enter in the "address" row;
- enter Beeline in the іnshі fields;
- check the box "Do not connect at once, but only install the installation ...".;
- in the login and password fields, enter the data that is registered in your agreement.

If you want to get lost, just put a tick in the "Remember password" box, don't type this skin day and press the open button, but then close the button. Now there is no more active connection. Before you press the enable button, you need to go to the parameters tab and uncheck the “Enable domain Windows login", And on the deposit" Bezpeka ", put the type of VPN L2TP IPSecVPN. All of the settings can be overridden as є.

Nalashtovuєmo WiFi router Beeline

To configure the router, you need to connect the computer to the additional Ethernet cable, and also connect the main cable. When the router is locked (if the light bulbs on the new one go to the mode of equal measure), start the browser and go to the address "". There you will power up the password that is “admin” for the routers that are not configured yet. If you want to download the WEB-interface of the router, which you need to set up according to the memory, how to attach to the Fakhivtsi Biline agreement.

IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided on a specific basis for the purpose of research and is relevant at the time of writing. For more accurate information about quiet food, go to the official operators.

As long as your hedge is lost, and the Internet is consumed by the deadline for a dumb hour of checking the hedge maister, marvel at the bottom, but you need to be robbed. I spread the infection, as I am trying to do it for the children of the day:

  1. I push "Start" and select "Control Panel". When it appears, I choose "Merezha and the Internet" in the new one.
  2. Then I select the option "Center for fencing and by gallon access". In the menu "Change of hemmed parameters" - "Adjustment of a new connection or a hem"
  3. Vicona "Connect to the workmanship" and onslaught "Dal"
  4. I rob "Vikoristovuvati my connection to the Internet (VPN) and then -" Dali ".
  5. At the power supply for the entered address, I will enter the address "vpn.internet", for which next the name of my - Internet provider. Let me give you the name VNP-connection in the row “I’m the place of destination” and the sheer option “Do not connect at once, just select the installation for connecting to the future” and the know-how “Dale”.
  6. I enter login and password. I push "Stvoriti" and then "Zakriti".
  7. I am picking "Zmіna parameters of the adapter" in the "Center for fencing and access control". When a new one is opened, a VPN is detected and an onslaught of "Vlastivost". Then I mean the required positions in the options "Zagalny", "Parameters", "Bezpeka" and "Merezha". Upon completion of the onslaught, "OK".
  8. I enter and save the login and password in the VPN-connection by pressing the button.
  9. I push the button "Connect". In appearance, I rob the option. "Gromadska Fringe".

Establishing a wired Internet without a VPN is like this:
  1. I push Start, I go to the Control Panel.
  2. I rob Merezh and the Internet.
  3. I go to the Center for the Management of Fences and Zalny Access, I select "Zmіna Parameters of the Adapter".
  4. I push on the connection by local framing.
  5. I see it written "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" and dotted in the letters "Regulate the IP address automatically" and "Regulate the DNS server address automatically." I push OK.

Biline is invented to prodovuyu to conquer the Internet - to the vastness of Russia, we can boast of a good and stable signal technical supportі manual payment system.
It is possible to set up a wired Internet Biline on a computer. For the ear, you need to activate the data on the local hedge, and then set up the provincial Internet Beeline.

  1. Onslaught "Start", go to "Nalashtuvannya", then select "Control Panel". vidkrivaєmo " Merezhevі connection»І launch mo“ Meister new plugs ”.
  2. Onslaught "Dali". Vibrating item "Connect to the net on the working machine" and again onslaught, "Dal".
  3. Vibiraєmo "Connected to the framing on the workmanship", against the onslaught of "Dal".
  4. Vibiraєmo "Connect to virtual private fancy"I onslaught" Dali ".
  5. Entering the name of the company in the field "Organization" (in general - Beeline) and onslaught "Dali".
  6. Vibiraєmo option "Do not dial the number for the front connection", then - "Dali".
  7. In the case of the VPN server address - in the "Im'ya computer" folder or in "IP addresses", onslaught "Dali".
  8. Onslaught on the "Finish" button. To reconsider the status of the day, the onslaught on the right button of the Misha and goes into the "Vlastivost" section.
  9. Vibiraєmo "Bezpeka". By and large "Dodatkovo", instead of the onslaught of "Parameters".
  10. Vibiraєmo "Neobov'yazkove" in the "Cipher Danih" option. Onslaught "Virishuvati such protocols" and is unique in the whole menu "CHAP", then OK.
  11. Launching the account, entering the login and password.
Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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