Pardon number. Virtual number for VK

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The Internet opens up a wide range of possibilities, not only for borderless communication, but also for the privacy of one's own person. One of these services is a virtual number - an "incorrect" phone, which receives incoming notifications and calls, redirecting them to the real phone number of the koristuvach. The virtual number is the same as for running a business, and in special interests, especially when registering in social measures and on sites that provide your own special number for anonymous, non-essential connections and third-party calls. A virtual number can be disposable, for example, it is needed for registering a new side in VK, or for a permanent victoria (commercial activities). At the first vipadku tse will be no cost service, and in case of a permanent victoria - a virtual number will be required.

The scope of a virtual number is wide:

  • for their help you can redirect entry call to any stationary, mobile phone or IP address;
  • accept input text messages (SMS);
  • vikoristovuyutsya for vodpravok SMS-rozsilok;
  • they indicate the hour of registration on various websites and in social networks;
  • on the virtual number you can record voice notifications and receive them;
  • tse duzhe zruchny service for mass service of clients for the help of the voice menu and іn.

Cost-free virtual number services

Services, how to give the services of a virtual number, to finish the bagat. Let's take a look at the 3 most popular and the simplest, how to give this service without cost:
  1. Twilio
  2. TextNow


- Good thought service, the main activity of such a field is among the employees of IP-telephony throughout the world. High technologies and the latest technology are the main advantages of the service. Therefore, the main yoga functionality is paid. Ale є mozhlivist work in the test mode without cost. For whom it is necessary to register on the Twilio website (menu " sign up”) and you can take the number for a reminder to register on the site.

The registration procedure requires the input of an electronic address, special data of the correspondent, a password.

Confirmation of registration is sent by force to the real phone number by SMS with a code, which is required to be entered in the verification field on the site.

In order for the system to send a virtual number to the correspondent, it is necessary to press "Get you First Twilio number" to "Remove the number".

One caveat - the service is completely English. Ale, the whole registration procedure is standard, it’s not the fault of any vinicator, especially because of the basic knowledge english movie. But the problem can be fixed for an hour by looking for a valid virtual number on the phone. On the right, in the fact that there are no Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian numbers in the Twilio database, the US phone number will be propelled to that client for promotion. If the VIN is not suitable, you can select the appropriate number of the other country from the list.

For whom it is necessary to press "Search":

If you can wait with the minds of the robotic system, the list "Possibility" ( Capabilities) Please indicate if you need a virtual number: MMS, SMS, calls all at once.
This is necessary for the selection of a valid, no-cost number, since not all entries in the database can receive and edit text notifications. Then choose "Search".

Numbers will appear on the screen, so you can win for registration. Choose one of them. To read the notifications that you sent to the number, for example, notifications for registration in the social security code, go to the menu " Logs» -> «SMS & MMS»:

At some point, you can call the number (as you don’t need a VIN anymore). For whom, just go to "Numbers", go to "Twilio Numbers" and choose - " Release Number»:


- Vіdminniy servіs for kostovnogo otrimannya virtual phone number. The main advantage of TextNow is that the number the system sees is not on the first hour, but on the permanent record. Moreover, the web service can mobile version as an add-on for Android, PC and other OS. Irrespective of those that the service is cost-free, so if you pay, you will be constantly broadcast advertising. If you don't care about robots, you can just buy an inexpensive prepayment and use virtual numbers without transfer. Services for sending calls, registering on various sites, exchanging text and multimedia notifications, forwarding calls and receiving voice mail.

To get the most out of TextNow, you need to install the program or register on the site. But here you can blame the problem, because the system often does not pass the IP addresses of the country of the SND:

But you can get into trouble with this problem. So, the virtual number will be seen as quickly as possible, automatically.

The service is also English. At the Conversionals branch, you can view the SMS notification entries, and at the My Account branch, you can add your number.

- Virtual telephony service, which is the largest number of numbers in the base of all countries of the world. Cost-free quotation of the service can be carried out for 10 days. Ale, you can spend no more than $4 on a deposit.

To win the virtual number of

The skin of these services may have its own difficulties. Let's make it simple for robots, for our thoughts, є Twilio. And there virishuvati only you!

More web-services and social measures are maintained, so that you can tell by entering the phone number at the time of registration. From the point of view of the security of the protection of personal data - tse sensible crop: access to the oblіkovogo record zdіysnyuvavsya for podvіynoyu authentifіkatsієyu (password that special code, which you need to see when you see SMS). Protect situations if they become a problem. For example, as a person, it is necessary to start another page on the same resource, and you can win a phone only once.

For such purposes, a service is given on the Internet - for the processing of telephone calls and the notification that they are forwarded to other subscribers (do not call them in the hands of the authorities, but the connection is in the distance).

Who corries with the proposition

This service is served not only by physical individuals (for registration with social networks), but also by representatives of the business.

For example, the organization will call the phone with the code of Moscow and the service will relocate to another place, in order to form a thought in the minds of those who have an office in the capital, independently, in fact, in the same point of the country, they know the truth.

With a non-commercial method, the stench is mainly used for registration on web resources: VKontakte, Facebook, etc. It’s handy, having taken the virtual number, it’s not necessary to indicate special features, even if you gave the wine, you probably don’t need more. Zvichayny koristuvachі can vikoristovuvat yogo without a cost or for a symbolic price. The versatility is cleverly installed here due to the presence of the market and the impossibility of its designation: on one site, wines can be sold for 15 rubles, on another - for 100. For business, for the creation of a virtual number, the phone will have to pay. The stench vikoristovuyutsya in such purposes:

  1. Receive a reminder (sound the code, which must be entered on the site during registration).
  2. Call forwarding to other telephones connected to the subscriber's possessions (mobile, stationary).
  3. Creation of mass SMS-rozsilok for prepared client base.
  4. Record voice prompt that nadannya koristuvacham vіdomosti vіglyadі voice menu.

The reputation of victoriousness lies in the fact that the koristuvach protects himself from the farthest away from spam, and the company - adding the contact to the black list after mass expansion reminder.

Transactions of the creation of a virtual number on the phone

For us, the services of telephone service companies give the opportunity to turn on and operate the subscriber, without the need to buy a stationary device or a SIM card. All you need to do is go to the site, choose the best option and pay. In case of connection to the possession, it is far away, the subscriber does not attach anything to himself, but to win a rich channel service, independently from the place of distribution.

There are a lot of other sites on the Internet that can provide services for receiving SMS. Such a function, as a rule, is costless, or it will require a small penny contribution. The widest web-services for creating disposable virtual numbers: Sellaite, Receive-SMS-Online, FreeOnlinePhone, etc. Regardless of those that stink in English, the stench is available to rich countries of the world, including Russia. The principle of their work is simple: a person enters a web resource, chooses a choice, exploits it in accordance with the authority's judgment. In case of this, the contact cannot be contacted with him - the service sees the code, canceled by SMS. As a rule, for physical features this service is relevant as it is easy effective way creation of impersonal accounts in social networks. Among the main achievements given method you can see:

  1. Simplicity and ease of connection.
  2. The minimum tariff for vikoristannya services in general, and the weekend calls of the zocrema.
  3. Rich channels, with the possibility of organizing dozens of different lines, as well as working places for operators, the main task of receiving calls from customers and giving advice.
  4. Vidsutnіst nebhіdnosti pridbati stanovіonarne obladnannya - the whole process of connection and operation is carried out on the Internet on the server of the company-seller.
  5. Coristuvachi call trust organizations, de call-center starts with code 800. It’s better to talk about those who, firstly, the company is serious, in a different way, from the one who telephones, the subscription fee will not be deducted.

Varto indicates that the success of the service is only possible with constant access to the Internet. With whom you can practice, you can personal computers both laptops and smartphones. For whom it is necessary to install additional software security or programs. As a result, in a short hour, a clerk can acquire his virtual number and the entire telephone infrastructure, with less access to the Internet and a computer. It is possible to draw a line with it at your own discretion - there are no suitable borders here.

How to take a virtual phone number

As it was planned, to create yoga, koristuvachevі needed only access to the Internet. Next, choose the maydanchik, which is the best service for IP-telephony. Tse neobov'yazkovo can be a great company. For sizable koristuvachіv, yakі bazhayut zaregistruvatisya in kakіys social merezhi, a simple web service will suffice. One of such Maidans is the SMS activation service SMS-REG. Here, a great database of data has been selected, which has never been victorious before. The cost of the rent here is low - from 10 to 12 rubles for the folding of the side in the social network. The greater road of service is exploitation for a long span of time: three years to spend on people in the average of 50 rubles. A similar Russian site is OnlineSim.

Varto signify that there are more economical options on the Internet. For example, maidanchiks with no-koshtovny zakordonnimi numbers. There is no need for absolutely nothing here, for the registration of the registered address email, n_kname that password recovery. Among them you can name Sellaite and Receive SMS Online. Tse yourself just services for otrimannya povіdomlen. The minus here is the fact that all subscribers earlier already won a lot of favors. In order to win more and more of the services of IP-telephony, it is necessary to win the services of great companies.

  1. Maidan Twilio. This is an international service that provides services on a paid basis, although the deacons distributed available only after making a small sum of pennies. For new employees, there is a trial period, for which you can freely generate a virtual phone number, regardless of the country, including Russia, after which you can receive a call without interruption. Regardless of those that Twilio is an English resource, it's probably intuitive intelligent interface that simple registration form.
  2. TextNow. Tse one more English service, where you can take one phone at a cost-free. All you need to do is to go through a simple registration on the site, after which you need to get an official addendum on your smartphone operating system Android Chi iOS. You can't select numbers here - the stench is generated automatically.

It is necessary to choose a maydanchik for connecting a virtual number, depending on the task: it is necessary to simply register a physical record on a web resource, you can win a cost-free proposition, and for the creation of a working telephone infrastructure, follow a paid plan.

For Vkontakte, to register, without connecting an additional add-on, purchase a SIM card and a lot more. Freezvon sends its customers a virtual SMS number for Russia and Ukraine. You can take advice from any point of the world. All incoming SMS will be redirected to a URL, email or to your mobile phone number. On the first two, direct forwarding is absolutely cost-free.

How to buy a virtual number for Vkontakte:

  • Register on the website or see your personal account, as you have already registered;
  • Top up your balance for the number of connected number and subscriber sum. pay for 1 month;
  • Select number type (SMS);
  • Choose the country (Russia mobile or Ukraine mobile)*;
  • Select the code of the location of the operator;
  • Set custom redirects for receiving SMS (phone number, email or URL);
  • Check your data and complete the prayer.

What is a virtual number for Vkontakte

Primary phone number with country code, location and operator, which is used for the principle of forwarding text notifications via the Internet. Naygolovnіshe, scho for connection given number you don’t need to bathe and install additional possessions, bathe new sim card and etc. The registration and connection of the number for VK is required in the online mode.

Input SMS to virtual number for VK

The virtual number for SMS is used for the forwarding account. Let us know that you need to go to the virtual number, go through our server and then it’s possible for your special settings to go straight to the one you indicated. Incoming SMS can be redirected to:

  • Mobile;
  • Email;
  • URLs.

Virtual number for registration in VK

Forwarding to email and URL address is cost-free, and to mobile - paid. At special office You can change the setting of forwarding at any convenient hour for you. You can find out about the tariffs for receiving and editing SMS

Exit SMS from virtual number

You have the opportunity not only to receive SMS notifications for registration in Vkontakte, but also edit texts to inform your friends, acquaintances, colleagues. For which you need to go to the special appearance record, open the “Send SMS” tab, enter text messages, press the number of the holder and press “Nadishati”. Yak bachite, everything is just that easy.

Virtual number benefits for VK

Such a service of IP-telephony as a virtual number for SMS can be a great number of advantages. Below you can get to know them.

Today, more and more Internet services are waiting for the hour of registration to indicate the number mobile phone. From the point of view of security, it is reasonable: confirming the SMS to the bagator, lowering the risk to the evil account. But there are situations, if you ask for the phone, it’s less important. For example, when creating one more profile on the same resource.

We, as a rule, have less than one or two SIM-cards. Even though these numbers are already in the database of the site, problems are blamed on the registration. Why do we work in such vipadkas? Abo vіdmovlyaєmosya vіd vіtіvka, but we ask relatives and friends to allow us to speed up by their phones. However, the easiest way is to rent a virtual phone number.

Appointment, feasibility and feasibility of virtual numbers

With one of the types of virtual numbers we have come up with - stinks are used to receive SMS when registering in social networks, for example, "VK" and "Odnoklassniki", as well as on other web maidanchiks. The trivality of the orendi is stored in 5 khvilin to dobi. The quality of the service is symbolic. And de-no-de tse vzagali without cost.

The second variety of virtual telephones is victorious in business. In this sphere, they stop not for registration on sites, but for the main reasons - for receiving and receiving calls, as well as for SMS / MMS and fax alerts. Such numbers are leased (as a rule, to dovgostrokov) by operators in different regions. The essence of the service is in the offensive: the subscriber (principality) is located in one region, and works in another. In order not to grow up on roaming payments and international calls, the company buys (rents) a virtual number from the region of work, all data is forwarded to the phone or PBX of the replacement. The number, as a rule, is supposed to be a special one - municipal. Ridshe - mobile.

Advantages of virtual telephony:

  • For VKontakte correspondents and other social media - the possibility of creating an uncircumcised number of accounts.
  • For those who register on the websites of shops and trade maydanchiks, it is possible to hide telephone spam and protect themselves from shakhraiv.
  • For pre-payers in paid games, music and other web services with a free trial period, de-correct to be identified by a phone number: the ability to continue a non-cost period for a free hour.
  • For business, economy on the services of a call. Easier communication from business for clients and partners in distant regions (but not less important, less special savings, even if few people want to pay for calls to your company for international tariffs).

The best services for receiving SMS from Russian numbers is a classic paid, but inexpensive service for registering on Internet Maidans. We hope so:

  • Select a number from a non-fenced base. Tse guarantees that no one has been currying before you. The base is available 24 years for doba
  • Receive SMS on the previous number you received.
  • Forward special mobile phone.

After registration (here there is obov'yazkova) you will have to popovniti rahunok. For this hour (Breast 2016) there are 6 refill options available:

Tariffs, as you can see from the screenshot, are not high. Naydorochchiy - 17 rubles for a non-general number for registering VKontakte, which receives SMS for 20 minutes. If you want to save a little bit, you can get a second-hand number for 12 rubles, but not a few given service), which sometimes happens to finish a long check.

It is cheaper to rent a phone to receive SMS from Mamba, Yandex, WhatsApp, Telegram, SEOsprint, Friend Navkolo, Steam, Uber and OpenI. Negaino - 3 rubles, vikoristany with a line - 2 rubles.

OnlineSim offers to select numbers of MTS, Beeline and Megafon. For bazhannyam you can set up a filter to show the phones of only one operator. Also here you can “filter” the region (Moscow, St. Petersburg), the possibility of forwarding SMS to your own mobile phone and the service option (repeat the notification and the continuation of the order).

On the site it is available for making a receipt for the account (with operations, sums and dates). And in order to blame the complexity of the problems, you can always turn to the technical level.

Rich in what went similar to the front service. Here, too, a large database of free, once unavailable telephones for registration on various resources has been selected. Prices in the middle are the same. So, rent a number to create a face record of VK, costing 8-10 rubles. Buy a ready-made account - 12 rubles.

It will be more expensive to rent a number for receiving SMS for a singing period: 3 years - from 40 rubles, for additional - from 60 rubles.

The list of Internet resources, with which works, not completed, lower for Online Sim, but here it is possible to reach the phones of many countries. Among available: Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Bulgaria.

Headaches paid services I receive SMS - saving an hour. For no more than a ruble sum (2-15 rubles) you will be given a telephone number of your country (a lot of domestic resources simply do not accept American and European numbers), which is guaranteed by no one to win. І instead of SMS, which you accept, no one, except for you, will not read.

OnlineSim and SMS-reg are by far not the only sites that provide a service to receiving SMS. And so, that nothing should be seen from the coristuvach. Navit registration, without seeming about the payment. Signing up for help on VKontakte you, obviously, you can’t, but for some “everyday” Internet Maidans and stink all the way.

Cost-free services from foreign numbers

- one of the simplest services for receiving SMS. Pratsiuє bezkoshtovno that without the creation of oblіkovogo record. Koristuvachev, it’s enough to take one of the available numbers for 5 credits and indicate yoga when registering on the required site. inline available number bred by another sex animal. Notification (SMS-confirmation) to appear right here - on the side of Sellaite.

The advantages of the service are simplicity and accessibility. Nedoliki - all telephones, which they hope, are richly vikoristan, that is why the main mass of Internet Maidanchikiv does not accept them. There are no Russian numbers. Ukrainian and Belarusian - tezh. In addition, the text of the notification addressed to you will be visible to everyone who is on the site at the same time.

Receive SMS Online

The service works in a similar rank - it’s enough to go in and take one of eight different phones. At the front of Sellaite, Russian and Ukrainian numbers are often available here.

The instruction from the skin phone was ordered, how many times were victorious for the rest of 24 years. Smaller, more important that the number will be accepted by the site, on which you are registering.

SMS messages with confirmation codes come here. To read it, just click on the number. is one of the most popular web resources of its kind in the English space. Yoga assets have a large database of telephones in different countries of the world. However, Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian middle people are not rich enough.

By the servants of Twilio you can earn money without cost, but for whom it is necessary to create an oblique record. When registering, it is important to indicate the correct e-mail address and your mobile phone number, otherwise you will not take away the confirmation and you will not be able to get to the special office.

To remove your first no-cost Twilio number, press "Get Started".

A virtual phone will appear at the next coming day. Irrespective of those that the service is supposed to be selected for the corysteve numbers of their powers, Russian telephones far from everyone. We, for example, got the American one.

If you need to change the number, press "Choose this Number".

To close the window, press "Done".

As a new option, you can also buy a different one by pressing Buy a phone number. At your choice, you will be given a choice of telephones in 20-30 countries. It is possible to spare you: among them is Russia.

To check Twilio numbers, press the "Manage phone numbers" button.

The information you need to click on is available in the "Message Log" section. (more

- the rest of today's good virtual telephony service, which is really practicable. Give a short line of the correct mobile number. Variety of services - from €0 (for one SMS) to €5 (for additional services).

Trial SMS reception on Proovl does not affect registration (there is no notification on the site). What is lacking, after the creation of an oblique record and the reappearance of a coristuvachev, one hopes to choose from a dozen telephones in Europe and the USA.

On site dіyut 2 tariff plan: standard and premium. A one-time receipt of a reminder on that other tariff is nothing. Connecting a permanent virtual number - €5-10. Subscription fee for doba - €5. At the standard rate, you can connect no more than two numbers at a time, at the premium rate - without obmezheniya.

Proovl virtual telephones can be victorious for registration on any Internet-maydanchiks (there is quiet, if they force data only on Russian numbers) and, on the other hand, receive other notifications. Information is collected from the personal cabinet of the correspondent for up to 150 days.

If you want to live an active life in a measure, you should respect that, according to your theme, it is not uncommon for recognized sites to ask for a phone number for registration, news updates, amendments, etc. , you want to start another post, or you just don’t know that the site has given you periodic SMS messages? Exit є - i time hour phone number. About those, yakі osoblinostі that perevagi vіn maє, and also de yogo can be taken away, peacefully from this material.

What is a timchasovy phone and chim vin corisny

Timing or virtual phone number - ce service for receiving incoming SMS-alerts (and other voice calls) to the "incorrect" phone number, calls for this information are forwarded to the real number of the holders. For non-commercial purposes, a small assortment of resources is supposed to have a free time phone, and from what it is used for running a business, then you have to pay for the service.

Why are virtual numbers most often victorious? Let's take a look at the widest varieties:

  • registration of a different profile in social networks;
  • confirmation of registration on certain thematic sites;
  • entering a phone number for a promotional action (so that the sender sent it without turbulent rozsilami);
  • pіd hour of registration of the postal screen;
  • for otrimannya mittevogo confirmation pіd hour zamovlennya in Internet markets;
  • to improve anonymity, turn off the power of the Internet Shakhraiv.

But be respectful - the service, which you give the hourly phone number for receiving SMS, also does not trust special data. If it is your fault to send the code, login or password, then the message is not to blame for information about the source site. In another case, after registration, you will need to change the term "login-password" pair.

Alternatives with a time phone for SMS, a number of services are single mailboxes. Having sent an electronic sheet in such a way, you are guaranteed to receive your own IP, special data and other information, as you can win against you.

On the final part of knowing it, let's move on to the practical one - look at the low level of services, where you can take your phone for free.


Dosit popular service, which concentrates on the given services of IP-telephony. More propositions of payment, prote for otrimannya time phone for SMS is enough to register a trial appearance record. It's easy to fight:

  1. Press the "Sign Up" button on the main side of the site.
  2. They gave you the need to enter information about yourself, the email address, come up with a password for your personal account, write down your real phone number.
  3. Duplicate the special code at the end, which you will receive from SMS, after which type "Get you ...".
  4. For the locking service, you will be asked for a number, which dials the numbers, which can be reached to the Successful States, - Russian, Ukrainian and telephones at the base may simply not appear. You can change your choice of programs to another country.
  5. Do not forget to indicate in "Capabilities" why you need the number - to receive SMS, because not all contacts rely on locks to support this function.


The main thing for this resource is that it allows you to take away without a cost not a timely phone number, but a postal one. And also not just an online service, but an add-on for popular smartphone platforms. Your only fee for koristuvannya here is the review of advertising.

Creating a visual record with TextNow is as easy as shelling pears. But, as practice shows, the service does not want to register bagmen SND. It's not easy to "fool" yoga - you need to cheat a proxy server with US IP.

All messages sent to you by the service can be found in the "Conversionals" tab.

Disgraceful service, what a ten-day period of cost-free koristuvannya by phone. And if you have a limit of 4 dollars - you can spend the whole hour on calling for the account.

You can create a virtual number like this:

  1. Choose a country where you are going to call. If the number is needed only for receiving SMS, you can indicate whether it's a country.
  2. At the next stage "Get a virtual number in" it is necessary to additionally indicate the necessary state of that її region. Confirmation dії - button "Instant Free Trial".
  3. Let's do it, vlasne, registration: enter data about yourself, send to the address. Respect, if you set the date of the meeting of the number - commercial, special.
  4. Don't forget to click on "I agree to the Therms & Conditions".
  5. The next stage is the activation of the oblique record for the request, as I will come to your e-mail screen.
  6. Click on the green button, as you need a time phone for one time.
  7. You can look at the SMS that came to you in the following way: Manage Phone Numbers - Call Action - View message.


The service is aware of the fact that it is not necessary to go through the registration procedure here - you just click on the right number, and the wine becomes yours. Ale, in advance, what is the best way to get the instant code, confirmation. Attach to the new one, be it a kind of record, not a varto - the time phone on Sellaite will go to the next koristuvach.

Receive SMS Online

І one more brown service that we give virtual numbers and absolutely free of charge and without registration. Koristuvachs value yoga for those who in the great base can easily know a Russian or Ukrainian mobile phone number.


This site, having fallen in love with the koristuvachs, through those who, from this base, you can choose the phone number of the country of Russia you need, including. Koristuvachevi is overwhelmed by one of them, click on the new one and remind the addressee. Let me know what happened, see it on the site's entry page. All numbers are online, so SMS is guaranteed to arrive on them without delay.

The hourly phone number is a more appropriate service for current activity, if the registration on the left side of the site is confirmed through the mobile phone, and online stores override the code for purchases on phone numbers. To help such a service to Internet shahrais, who are afraid, who do not need to “sweeten” their special tribute to the administration of sites, koristuvachs, who needed to make a friend that step in popular social networks.

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