Yak viklasta in іnstagram kіlkka photo at a glance. Dodamo Rodzinku in Instagram: robimo post from kilkoh photos

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As you actively vikorist the functions of the social framing of Instagram, you know all the modes, as for the whole maidan. Pochay master the medіamaidanchik you want vivchiti thinkoschі? You've received the correct material! The report is available to the whole visitor, as to add a story to a friend in the Instagrams and such a function is available in the last version mobile client.

Not long ago, the retailers gave a notification mode to the Insti, as if they were going to see us for the other mediamaydans. Instagram hasn't become the first person, but it's the most extended in social media Stories. Show a good line, and show how many of your followers and people, on some of your signatures, regularly submit new materials. Not surprisingly, even Insta is featured on photographs and video recordings.

Function є in the official mobile client. This year is available for the offensive operating systems: Android, iOS Windows Phone... As for the web version, as you can view it on a computer, here is the functionality of the enclosures. It may not be possible to look over the “rospovidi” through the browser, so all the diy will be looked at at the dodatku.

To use a new mode, you need to upgrade to the last version of the mobile client. Play Market Otherwise, the analogue will automatically be updated to your smartphone.

If you can’t pick up “Storis”, then change it to the official side of your store, since the buttons are available there. Whenever you play, I will use the "Onoviti" key - to stamp on it.

Having received the main features, you will not be able to see them. The function of the addition, that the corystuvachi were able to continue with their followers, were able to move from their everyday life, to demonstrate the reasons, to raise the price of that kind of situation. With such a rank, it is not necessary to store the line with the same photographs.

Importantly: the skin side is active for 24 years from the moment the first image is added or the video is recorded. When the term ends, it will be automatically seen. This is how the distributors lower the link to the Instagram server.

Deyakі participants of the medіamaydanchika pomilkovo vvazhayut, so the skin publishing through "Stories" - the tse of okrema rozpovіd. For the sake of history, there are several posts, and video recordings can change the signs of those navpaki. You can't keep track of the "Storis" tag on Instagram. The system allows you to release only one "Story" for extra, you can fill it with other materials. Yak viklasty in the Instagrams of the History of Information in the Official Center of the Mediamaydanchik Nem. And now let's go through the features:

  • Your followers can learn from the materials from "Story" in the manual form, the stench is shown like a slide. If necessary, front-panel speakers and others can comment on signs and comments. Anything visible will also be erased.
  • New content can be added to the additional standard camera, or you can add signs from the memory of the annex, to the gallery. The system does not allow the use of old materials, so in the gallery you can add photos and videos that have been destroyed since the last 24 years. Zrozumilo, the system can be fooled.
  • You can see the picture of the end from the moment you finish the first slide "mini-zvit", but you can save all the materials until you see it. Nadal їkh can be published anew, altogether in the main album "Insti". On the screen, hit the pop-up button.
  • In Інсті є withoutlіch filters, and especially for "Storis", the developers have added masks - a great deal of updated reality, which can be seen by everyone, when the slide is open. Є here is an option-penzlik, as you can embellish the image.

The Instagram author is seriously put to safety, to that in the adjustment є additional privacy options. A selection of your notification should be given to us. At closed profile Re-glance of slides available only to hardened followers. For bazhannya access to "Storis" you can close it for others, or make yourself available to them. The personal privacy of the presence has a black list, drinking before it means more blocking.

Yak in Іnstagram zrobiti kіlka Іstorіy

With the special features of the mi rozibralisya mode, followed by the process of adding decal signs or video recordings:

Done, we rozibralisya, yak to Іnstagram to add a little history - for the present moment such a function in the social hemisphere is not. You can, at the most recent updates, the developers urge people to get rid of the life of the criminals and allow them to open up one hour at a time if they give a message on a different topic.

Yak in Іnstagram dodavati kіlka іstorіy

In other social media, the mode is similar. The system allows you to get rid of one "Story" per add, because of the new option, and you can make a new decision. The ones who are talking about the ones that the function is not just for splitting, but also for opening. Online stores, such as Instagram profiles, often advertise a friend through "Story". The statty was cinnamon brown, she shared with friends.

When publishing stories, I want to insert more than 1 photo, but not mind, as it’s correct. For publication, it will be stored in 2 or more parts, following the nobility of the instagram's specialty. It is also possible to insert a set of pictures into the publication, as well as to create a package without pre-existing or visible posts.

Yak dodati kilka photo in history instagram

Stories have a lot of vipadkivs to be victorious, tell them about their day, feudal about new events. As a rule, there are more than 1 picture / video, if you want to go to history at once. The creation of a price is possible for the additional functionality of the social framing programs.

Slid means that the social. The least of all the histories, entangled in 24 years, will go to one line. Some specialness will allow you not to notice the Koristuvalnitsky line with frequent updates, so that it will help the payers to be able to wonder the rest of the story.

To fill in the lines at the line, to store for 2 or more items, then vibrate from the gallery on the stage of completion, or to add on the pages of stories and with pictures. The supplement is self-formulated into one line.

Yak in іnstagram to add a photo

It is very easy to add a set of pictures to one post. Qia function to be called a "carousel of photographs". It’s handy, if you need more similar images and you don’t want to duplicate the same type of publication.

Algorithm diy:

Instagram photos

If you can use the DownloadGram service to secure one image, then for more than 2 posts you need to install a special software (it’s called 4K Stogram).

V cat-free version It is possible to take less than 2 oblivious records, if you buy a paid version of the interchange in the daytime. Qiu program can be installed on any computer operating systems... For Android slid vikoristovuvati Fast Save, iOS - InstaSaver.

See the photo from the instagram directly

In some cases it is necessary to see the number of publications one hour. The built-in functionality of the programs has a similar function for the daytime, however, you can use third-party programs. The most popular add-on є InstaCleaner (suitable for iOS-system, for Android add-ons you can add Cleaner for Instagram Unfollow, or Mass Unfollow for Instagram). Wine permits for a couple of clicks, and a packet of unseen posts. It's a pity, you can't see the picture from your computer.

It will remain an hourly popular trend on Instagram that the mosaic of photography is becoming more common in its profile. You can see it stylishly and unmistakably to see the side of the others.

For all, it is necessary to distribute a picture on the same part, for which skin development is in the regional record. For the development of images, you can speed up one of the many mobile editors. For example, using the Grid Photo Maker program, you can use it for Android attachments.


With such a rank, adding more than 1 image or video to stories does not immediately become difficult. Carousel activities are also not a loan of more money. Of course, it’s possible not only to display a set of pictures, but to create a package that is not visible, because it’s tied to a computer or mobile phone... However, it is for everyone to know the installation of third-party programs. The stench will rise, or it will be chastically free of shorts, and you will be able to help the procedure to be completed as quickly as possible.

The addition of several photos to the Instagram is a function that was recently added to the social. fathoms. We were respected for the need to write an article about the price of the innovation. Having honorably known from the post, you know that there is more than one sign before the Instagram is published. For the first glance, it’s not necessary to build a chip. Why, vlasne, do not kill the zvichny? In a word, the collage of the viglyadє is not so beautiful and effective, like a picture of signs in one post. On the other hand, all the photographs can be finished with a small size, so that they do not allow those who are too old to look out for signs. Bagato shoved in karystuvachi Instagrama began to talk all about those who are so called "carousel" to help more followers. Of course, it is necessary to actively vikoristovuvati in their regional records all the new items from the roster, for example, such as: history, or be-like it. Let's wonder, as the given function is realized.

For all, you need to go to your own oblivious record mobile supplement... Do not forget to use the new function before the new program. On the very cob of storing "carousel" in the Instagram, a lot of koristuvachiv have been scared, but it cannot be koristuvati, but on this day, absolutely all karystuvachi may have such a possibility. To add a few photos at the post, you will need to complete the next operations:

  • Updating programs.
  • Go to your local record.
  • Press the button to add material (div. Baby 1 vische).
  • Move the icons from the images of two frames (div. Figure 2 eels).

When you send all the crocs, you will need to vibrate the photos to add to the post. Tobto in order for the viclasta for the sake of themselves nice photos in Instagram, you will know:

  • Natisn_t skin needs photography. In that order, in a different way, you can turn the pictures into the carousel (screenshot 1 below). The order of the frames can be changed (just use your finger to drag the mark on the required place).
  • When the buttons are tinkling: "Dal".
  • At screen 2 (image below), vibrate the required filter. Varto say, how the overlaying of the filter is more powerful for a photo or for all vibrating signs.
  • I know the onslaught: "Dal" (already in another vikontsi below).

І in the very beginning, give a signature, mice, add comments and share your post with followers.

Marvel at how you see it, when you publish the material. That's all, now you will only get stitches for growing likes on your post with decalcom photos. If there is no increase in positive signs, you can use the service of boosting likes on the website of the SocPRka agency. Few of them didn’t. Yet again, the next step is the maximum number of photos for the "carousel". For now, you can insert no more than a dozen photographs. Whichever way I know, the number may be more than an hour, and still less than 10.

How to add a few photographs to the publication of the photos. Now we are ready to supply power for those who can add one shot of frames to their Instagrams-history. About those, like tsoryuvati tsikavi plots, you melodiously know from a number of posts on our site. Unimportant on the price, trochs are refreshed in the memory of the story process.

  • Go to your own oblivious record.
  • Natisnіt іkonka, yak vіdpovіdaє for the stem of your history (baby 1 in the mountain).
  • Distant to shoot the frame and turn the icons, as shown in screenshot 2 above. So you will give the first photo to your current history.
  • Dal, just to finish the onset of the material, you will need to go into the zyomka mode by pressing on the camera icon (screen 3).

Happy Lyudin is not enough for an hour to spend with friends. Win permanently. In the evenings, I might have seen a couple of years in order to monitor the events on the Internet and in the process of learning, who have become friends with classmates or take offspring. Navigate to the list for no more than an hour - information will be taken from the photographs. For those who have been created, "Instagram" has been created. Bazhaєte koristuvatisya all passages? Know how to add history to Instagram.

About scho yde mova?

As long as you have a smartphone, then, you know, you know that you can add a new link to a new cell of a daddy. Among the leading leaders social fringe"Instagram" - bezel-less supplement... Oftentimes, access to the fence becomes possible through a PC. What's the next thing you need to know about this program? For sharing photographs and videos with koristuvachi. When publishing, you can use graphical filters and effects, so that you can create photographs that are more miles and cunning. At the bottom of the page, you can see the front-end and the most recorded on the central records.

As long as your oblivious record is especially original, then it can be distributed all over the place and in the prospect of making money on a penny. The main plus of "Instagrama" is that the program is able to rob retro photographs, how to make a mistake on the "Kodak" and "Polaroid". The price is beautiful and original. Dodatkom can be used to use a bizarre phone, which is absolutely bezkoshtovna zavanazhennya. "Instagram" is constantly developing and modernizing, so it will definitely not be boring there.

The history of the combination

For more than seven years, a young Stanford student has gone viral to complete his program, but has given the opportunity to geoservice and the element of the "Viyny mafia". Uncompromisingly winning pennies for the development of a startup, having selected a team and having selected a program to go to the site, allowing geolocation to be set, to sign a project by using friends and taking pictures. On a whole stage of the creators of intelligence, for success it is necessary to talk about one of the functions, but on the photographs itself. With the programs I managed to clean everything up, having lost the "likes", comments and photos. So having appeared "Instagram". For the first ten days, 200 thousand koristuvachiv were locked up. Through the market, new possibilities for processing photographs and additional hashtags appeared.

Litnya new

Torik z'avivsya new service"Instagram". Yogo was called "History". For the help of such an innovation, koristuvachi can be shared with friends and front-runners with new innovations in life. There can be a series of photographs, sounds about the past day or short video recordings. Creation is easy and quick. A good chance to go to the program on the phone, tablet or computer. Lean back on your side and swing the icon from the images of the old school at the left lower codend of the side. Click on the end. Appear at the end, de from the top, in one row, go through the history of your friends and quiet people, on any of your signatures. You can scroll through the stories with the hands of your fingers, and you can look back at the onslaught from them. At the left codend there will be an icon "Your History". The axis is on it and the demand is on your side.

Now you need to see it, as you want to add history to it. Mini-film about yourself? A list of photographs? Chi all at once? You can, you want to know how to add history from Instagram. Fix it in one go, and for that, allow access to the programs to the camera and microphone. Klatsnіt on the upper position - "Give access to the chamber." To see a new menu, you need to see "Photos" and "Camera", as well as "Allow access to the microphone". Everything, you can write down your first video history. For a complete pull on the center of the screen. For photographs, it's easy to tinker with a cola. You can select the shirring modes. Try everything and you can virishity, like a bazhany. For example, є the miraculous "Vilna hands" mode, which allows you to record video, if the phone is set on the table. So you will be able to gesture to the camera. If you think, like adding a copy of history to "Instagrams", then remember that you can see the stink through the add. "History" is used for short-line acquisition of information, and your friends do not have photos, but instead are displayed at the top of the photos. In such a rank, you see information about the stories that you have forgotten, but you may not be able to take them.

There is no power to utrimatisya!

If your day is to be repaired early, and if you want to do it, you can go to all the places, or if you visit the nearest neighbors, then you can be cool, as you add history to the Instagrams at once. There are even more people who need to take photos of their own constantly. Then why oh why now to think of such a photo of your profile ?! It is possible to publish it at the rozpovidyakh, at the same time drinking some new enemies. This is not a series of publications, but it means that you can put stickers on the photo and write it down when you send a notification. Tse duzhe manually from the point of view of an effective regional record.

Koli duzhe bagato photo

Also, the day is productive and your phone has dozens of photos. Through tse you zatzіkavilo, how to add a copy of history to "Instagram". Go to your new line, having activated for the whole ikonka in the left lower codend of the screen. Know the "Your History" button at the top of the camera icon. As long as there is enough knowledge, choose the middle of the assortment of your gallery. Scroll the screen up the hill to get it. It is also possible to create a sign, so you do not have to take photos in the gallery, but just go to the witchcraft. Would you like to add an efekti? On the vibir represent the baby, write the stickers. Schob zrobit the insert, pull the screen up the hill and press on the vibrating element. If the sticker, for example, does not look like it, slide your fingers down to the "Vidality" icon. If you finish editing the photo, click on the "Your History" pictogram at the bottom of the screen. Everything, history has appeared in the upper block of new lines. You can add a photo for the specified algorithm.

When playing viconanoi robots, activate the "Your History" pictogram again, then look over, as if you were looking at the result. History, before the speech, you can look at your profile at the onslaught on the avatar, for the upper block of lines is new. Now, you know, how to "Instagram" add a copy of history in one hour. You should know that when the stench is added, you can show yourself through the show, and you can change the screen.

"Apple" profile

It is easy to remember how to add the history to "Instagram". Iphone is not binding for anyone, but still a collection of additional attributes for the owners of "apple" products. Be it a mobile device, but the algorithm for an iPhone is not flexible. Now, run the program on your own mobile annex and see the back page of the people who are publishing and watching. For a whole lot of drawing the ikonka at the viglyadі of the little house, I will put it on the lower panel. At the top, there is a horizontal panel with round icons. There are a series of histories of those who are in the hedge, like you have with your friends or your letters. Press on, be-yak, or look at each other. As soon as I’m stuck on video in the process of broadcasting, I’ll get it.

You can learn about an hour in advance, if your video will be seen, even instruct the author of the history to take an hour of publication. As soon as you publish the history of history, the stench will be broadcast through, which will automatically reach the same history. As soon as the history has been looked at by you, it will be recognized in the blue color panel. Apparently, they didn’t look at the notification.

Varto nagadati!

New side

As long as you are active on the Internet in the Internet for the "Instagrama" zokrem, then you will find your side. It is not important to mother an iPhone for a koristuvannya dodatkom. Navigate from an extraordinary computer, you can gain the reputation of a "fashionable girl" by regularly updating your photo and video gallery. The axis, admittedly, how to add the history of history to "Instagram" on android? Open the program to add a new line to it. At the left kutku see the sign - plus at the kutku. Press on a new one and start before the photos are taken. Either rob a new one, or bail out a new one. The new sign is possible to forgive the attacks on nap_vprosorium of the gurtok. And when you go down, you can play your gallery with ready-made photos and videos. For bazhannya you can tweak your privacy and create a photo. For shaping, emboss the "A" icon with a penzlick. Here you can play with fun and enjoy yourself.

For your followers

Active karystuvach hangs on the Internet every day. Apparently, there are plenty of chances to catch a fair share in the histories of your friends. Axis winnickaє nutrition, how to add a kilka іstorіy from "Instagram" that on Iphone 5s? Even after 24 years, the stench will be seen and skoda will miss the non-inviting content. Recently I called "Instagram", allowing the criminals to take their history and re-look at their messages. It is permissible for photo and video. You can save your history before the hour of opening and after publication. After editing, click on the "Save" tab in the lower left corner of the screen, and then publish the history. If you choose to save already published history, then press it for a glance, and then press the icon from the three verticals and activate the saved photo. The result will have to appear at your gallery.

Additional options

Yakshcho resumuvati, it is coryno of the nobility, yak dodati kіlkka іstorіy to "Instagram". Z fotoplivki or zroblenі on the phone photographs dodavati just that shvidko. You can throw on your phone or tablet a photo from a stream and create a ravish history of your child, for example. Before the hour of zyomki work from the sleepers, change the camera from the main one to the front-facing one. I show your imagination, that is, you deny the unprecedented result and the cunningness of the followers.

The ability to add several photos at once appeared in the instagram not so long ago. You can get ready to finish the innovation, or have seen the photo collages for a long time. Ale, such a function, as viclasty, the photo in the instagram will be okay, so, in the first place, you will be amazed at the number of photos in one publication on the spot. And in other words, the photographs in the collage may have a small size, so that they can be twisted. Great number They were asked to help the Instagrams, so that you can add photos at once to help you get a new audience. It is easy to see the script, yak before the instagram to add a photo.

Pokrokova іnstruktsіya for Іnstagram, yak add a photo in one post

Repairing from version 10.9, on service bulo added new function, which will allow you to add a lot of photos. Shvidshe for everything, a lot of koristuvachіv immediately remembered posts in Іnstagrams, at the bottom there are a lot of points. Just take a picture of the food in the small boxes, and see the photos, added by the author.

Pokrokove Kerivnistvo, yak in the Instagram to add photos:

Yak vzhe crossed over, everything is simpler. To finish just once to finish and give everything before rolling.

Now, can you know to add a photo to one post?

"Yak add a photo to Instagram?" we rozibralisya, and the axis of food "What do you want to do?" everything is still open. As a matter of fact, the function is not for a long time. It’s not only possible to help you get rid of the spam in the page, but you will bring me singing corystiness.

Replacement of non-handy kolazhiv

We'll be in the door, with the best rank at the strіchtsі. The stench is not handy and ugly. Enhance your photo in one post more beautifully, for example, show your products from different angles. Naygolovn_she, we can make a difference, your goods will not be irresistible, all important details will be taken care of.

Saving intrigues

The chain can be called a change of color, ale from the introduction of intrigue. You can show a handful of photographs to the front of the plate "before", for a short term from the uninitiated, as soon as "pislya" will come.

Tse vidminny way make a riddle, or put food, if you see a person only knows when you see a photo.

Who will be in the middle of such a function, how to add a photo in one post?

What can not do without a few photographs? You can, zychayno, ale tsya function meaningfully lie down life. Vona will be very good for young bloggers, for example, for mandrivniks, beat bloggers or fitonyash.

For fіtonyashok tse, persh for everything:

  • the ability to demonstrate training;
  • the post-date of the vikonannya is right;
  • reports of recipes pp strav;
  • different perspectives of one's own body;

  • a photo of a spokonvіchny camp that minannya yakogo hour;
  • photos from the integration of sponsored products.

For beating bloggers:

  • on the spot demonstration of small cosmetic items (lipsticks, tiney, highlighter);
  • pope not applied to make-up;
  • a ready-made make-up from different angles and with a pictorial illumination;
  • demonstration before / before;
  • can be shown to peredplatniki, scho at your beautician.

For mandrіvnikіv tse:

  • Possibility of the Vicladati route to the place of the city;
  • ізні hotels;
  • mіscevі stravi;
  • "One day";
  • Take photos from one settlement;

  • one visnachana memory from the young sides that at the early hour.

Such a function, like adding a photo, will be correct not only for bloggers, but for business accounts. Tse can help with unobtrusive advertising of the brand and the admission of products. The entrapment of all photographs with one post will allow you to pick up the line of potential buyers. Such a way to get through your business is not deprived of private photography, sellers of specialty goods in the Institute, ale and svitovy brandy, on the Coca-Coli Kshtalt, BMW or Forbes.

Business accounts can be used to get your goods and services through. For quiet, and for those who are, the function will be cinnamon.

For drying goods:

  • photographs of products from the children’s sides;
  • photographs of an assortment of one product;
  • photographs of the process of producing goods (especially for hand-made majestrov);
  • ways of storing goods;
  • information about discounts and promotions;
  • how to substitute goods?

For serving services:

  • it is possible to add a video clip to one post, and not one, with increased timing;
  • demonstrate different ways spіvrobіtnіtva;
  • showing vidgooks to the satisfaction of clients;
  • viklast іlyustratsії, to get an audit.

Whoa, don't you want to add a photo?

Deyakі koristuvachі stuck with such a problem, if you don’t give in to a few photographs, then the function is just every day. Virishiti її can be much simpler. For the whole it is necessary to close the program, and then again to see. Call it once enough, if it didn’t fail, you can repeat it again. One of the few disadvantages, so it is more possible to re-purchase an annex. This can be used for both iOS and Android. In all vipadkas, I use the same scheme. On version 10.13, you can wikidate from programs, in this case it is possible to remove the updated programs.

Dodatkovі life hacks for enlightening the regional recording

Bezperechuvat those, scho content - the best for your business in the Instagrams will not. To reduce the presentation of the content, to increase the sales and your submission, you need to choose all the methods that you use. It is necessary to provide content for its type, and until the beginning of the singing hour for publication, and on the occasion of the visit to the nutrition of potential buyers. It is also possible to conduct live broadcasts, video clips, photo collages, texts, etc. All tsі and іnshі kosty will be kind.

Ale scho robiti, how did you reach the steles near the number of front desktops, likes and how many of the buyers? Do you want to miss only the ability to act and grow up? We can tell you that we can accelerate the development of your business and the growth of your popularity. For a wide range of special services with a promotion. Zavdyaki such sites can wind up their own front-end platforms, likes or look at them. Deyakі service can navіtvibrate your front desktops from the singing place (for example, if you are a fun photographer near Moscow, then you will need clients from Moscow). All these services have their own pluses and minus, such as paths, as cheap, deyak as vzagal without kostevny. Axis short description the most popular of them:

  • - Nybezpechnіsha and "clean" cheating, regular updates and discounts. Go to get potential clients.
  • – є bice paid wrapping, paid cheat may be found more cheaply, but a high amount of bots, submitted lists and low activity of front-end users. An even more efficient service, if only for quiet, if you want to wind up the very number of likes and signatures for the "tick".
  • - Free and paid wrapping, one can skip bots. You can cheat on those social media, as well as on the site you can earn money.
  • - Complex services, which can be seen in the institute, which is enabled during the blocking of the account. Cheating will be adjusted in a couple of clicks, and the site is good for optimizations for robots on smartphones and tablets. One of the most baked and effective.


Post, in both photographs and video recordings - a whole lot of continuation of history. Few people want to take their account with the same photos, but I don’t want to spend it, so this function will be handy. Also, there are literally great opportunities for the development of your business. An account in the Instagram can be replaced by an online store, which can not be allowed. Likewise, the fakhіvtsі at the іnіh galuzahs can demonstrate what the varto vibrati їхni services are for. In Russia, such a format is already gaining envelopes, so it is a good idea to be actively vying for a new audit and information of an old one.

And why should you be like one of the girls in one photo in one post? Chi vvazhaєsh tse zruchnym? Share your thought in

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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