New features in Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge. Create a photo in Russia. Yak ask with standard programs

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outside of the certificate about three simple ways screen shot on Samsung Galaxy 7 and Galaxy S7 Edge.

In the end of the fierce boule, the heads are officially presented Samsung flagship for good luck and at once, if sales have already started actively, it will take an hour to get to important food vicorystannya. If you have long been victorious about smartphones from Samsung, then you, melodiously, know how to feed. Well, then below you will know 3 simple recipes for screenshots on the Samsung Galaxy C7.

Skoda, we can't vikoristovuvati the hour of the robot in automatic mode... Another tsikaviy option is the ability to quickly correct the work of the object, as it can reach the big one and appear in the center of the frame. The option "virivnyuvannya" figure is clearly correct and guarantor of straight lines along the horizontal and vertical lines. People who take photos of architecture are especially appreciated, as they are often a new element in mobile photography.

For an hour, the robots, with some additional help, have mentioned only three small, aloof problems. First for everything, the phone does not wait for the memory, which mode they have stopped, and encourage the launch of the program in automatic mode, so that you will be able to quickly generate the sign, if you won’t be able to turn the professional mode for a second before ...

Sposib No. 1. Yak screen shot on Samsung Galaxy S7

The traditional way of picking up hot keys does not change in smartphones of the Galaxy S series, but it’s quite rocky.

  1. View the supplement or screen, which you want to know;
  2. Press 2 buttons at once: Home(On the right side) i live button(Power). The first hour on the great telephone may not be handy, however, it is possible to sound. Through mit vi you will feel the characteristic sound of the camera shutter spratsovuvannya. Your screenshot is ready!
  3. You can know the screenshot if you want to Gallery, Abo formove addon Samsung My file... Go to the viglyad screenshots folder like this: / pictures / screenshots.

Sposib No. 2. Yak zrobiti screen shot for help gesture with his hand

Krim hot keys, Samsung has one better way to work with screenshots on mobile phones... Bagato hto navit vvazhayut, as the simplest way, as you can just think of it! Otzhe, the VIN axis:

Another problem є the robot will fall into the fall when the charge falls below about 20%. At the same time, the program will start to turn on when you try to create a sign. Tsikavo, when I turn the phone to a level, it’s getting more frequent, but not when it’s vertical.

The third, most importantly, the most painful problem is photography for an hour listening to music. Once upon a time, if the shutter button is pushed, the soundness of the hour will decrease, until it sounds important. In addition to Auto and Professional mode, we can also see the possibility of information in the area of ​​selective focus, using panoramas, like looking at 360 °, and setting up the shooting mode, in which the camera does not easily rewrite the color, if you want to add viznati, at that hour, if there are more people newcomers for editing the image, the function is unlikely to be vikoristovuvatisya often.

  1. Place your hand on the side of the guard for the annexes, and on the sides of the screen;
  2. Draw the entire edge of the valley from one edge of the screen to the bottom (left to right or right to left is your vibration);

You can hear the sound of the camera shutter in order to confirm the success of the screen shot.

The whole method of inclusions for changes, if not, you can deactivate them in nalashtuvannyas.

It's a pity that for the last time the set of available options practically did not change. It is also possible to ask about the possibility of editing photos in front view mode. I want the function not to be great, as in the variety of additional types of processing, but also in some of the flagship models of competition, the stench will allow us to create the basic vision. We also accept the possibility of storing quietly filters to the images, which are available in the dying mode. Їх collection of bagata, і proponated effects in the main for the eyes.

  1. go to nalashtuvannya;
  2. Scroll through the list of items to the distribution rukhs... Viber item Rukh and tin;
  3. Know the point about setting the screen shot behind the help of the dump;
  4. Deactivate the pump;

Sposib No. 3. Yak robiti dovgy screenshots of all parties on the Samsung Galaxy S7

Deyakі important speeches, as you want to show your friends and colleagues you can not take revenge on one screen, but visit such a great one, like the Samsung Galaxy S7. For example, web sites! We could have seen more for 1 time, at least one screen, Samsung adapted the function Galaxy Note 5 won now on the Galaxy S7!

I dare, in the presence of a large number of people, it’s true, there will be victorious third-party supplements. Other systems, implemented in ultra-small cameras, give even better results. We were very surprised to see how it works with a smartphone. As a result, it’s not true that the virobnik’s objections do not show the effect. When the autofocus is turned on by the programs with photography, it is easy to fix it in uninterrupted mode and light up on a regular basis.

In addition, we do not support the reduction of efficiency in case of poor illumination. We will also accept the possibility of activating the function of providing the objects with a finger on the screen. Tsya opts_ya can also be victorious before the hour of wintering. The system of stewardship is good, if you want more dynamical rucks of your chamber, you will be involved. It’s a daring function in a smartphone camera.

  1. Create a screenshot in a manual way;
  2. Press the button "Save more" to update the screenshot with information from the offensive screen;
  3. Continue pushing the button until you know everything you wanted;

Beast to respect, such a screen shot from decal screens can be quite rich!

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In the case of a relative with an alternate, the mode of the film changes in a small step. In the middle of this, it is impossible to turn on the function of providing the objects and to once again stabilize the image. Here we can remember the loss of image quality, but on the remarkably small screens of smartphones, we will not be remembered.

Saving photographs on a memory card

The addition of the camera also allows you to shoot video clips and video clips with time-based coverage. It’s a pity that, in the wake of the material, there are not many artifacts and performances. The front camera should be praised for those, as the vistavka is displayed - the image is bright, and the individuals are kindly illuminated. One problem is that, in the self-portrait mode, the camera has problems with focusing on the faces, especially when it comes to nahila. horizontal position.


The Samsung Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge smartphones are even more similar to the Galaxy S6 models of the last generation, but in their robots and in mind. There were new possibilities and additional tricks that were added to the glossy screen and the body. Bottom mi perakhumo deyakі from them.

1. Yak vikoristovuvati SD card on Galaxy S7

Insert the microSD card into the Galaxy S7, remove the SIM card tool, and hang the slot halfway. Wee shake, scho upper part SIM card slot є slot for microSD card... Insert the card and push it into the case.

Yak is more beautiful than Selfie

The brightness of the image, how to enjoy a 5-megapixel camera, but not to knock, but just enough for publishing on sites social hedge, De self-study photographs will be in the midst of a great deal. Self-portraits can be helped by self-portraits from victorious voice commands, such as "Smile", "Sir", "Zakhoplenya", "Zyomka" or "Kimchi". It’s not just a little zyomku with your stretched hand, but a wicked laugh of the people, we’ll take a photo with you.

The camera is one of the most important moments, which will help us when choosing our smartphone. In the risk of opportunity to grow, it’s like to polish, and vyrobniki turn one over in the ideas of polishing photography in their products. First of all, it’s possible to take photographs, to “marvel at the mask” and to reconsider, which does not bear the impression of a residual effect.

Move the downloaded add-ons to the SD-card, go to the section Nalashtuvannya> Programs> Program Manager. Natisnіt on the demand for the program, Zberіgannya> Zmіniti. Tse allow you to transfer the add-on to the SD card. It should not be applied to the added data.

Galaxy S7 will not be available special mode zberigannya Android system Marshmallow, which displays a memory card like a part of a built-in flash memory, but the device can be used for a picture up to 200 GB. We will be able to record video at 4K resolution in the next few weeks.

The prices for the average speed up to 12 megapixels. You don’t need to be afraid, that doesn’t mean the low quality of the photos. Navpaki, fragments of mensha, a number of pixels in the matrix of the same size, robbing the image in bulk - especially in the filthy light. Apparatus, yak є nayaskravishoyu, vikoristovuvanoi still feasts in smartphones, it is also a lot of pratsyuє here.

Win vikoristovuє two photodiodes, which allows a quick focus. It is not necessary for me to write, because it is important to sinister ideal foccus, especially if it is necessary to rob it as quickly as possible. There are also no rules for what your model will have, better for everything, here. An important moment when photographing is good, supplements for photographs are written. Riznі virobniki get tired of packing them with severe seizures, often forgetting about garnishing optimizatsiyu. Tse, for the essence, to produce not even more successful spіvpratsі in possessions.

2. Yak vikoristovuvati Samsung Galaxy S7 under water

Samsung Galaxy S7 meets the IP68 standard, which means more impenetrability for the saw and the ability to take in water more than a meter. You spilled it on the S7 Ridin, better clean the apparatus and dry it with a paper towel or with a soft cloth. Touch screen do not go to water, if you turn it on in camera mode, when you dry it, then you can choose the keys to regulate the purity for taking photos.

In such a rank, there is no oversize to form a zmistu or unnecessary draft.

Optimization can also be on your own high rivn, 1st victoriannya tsogo - satisfaction. It is not possible to prikhovuvati, but the majority of us know the photograph for help automatic nalashtuvan... The camera will set up all the parameters for you, visually, so that it is most optimal for a given frame. Your role is deliberately framed by neat frames, and then a shutter to the screen. Todi you have a bigger vibe, so you can't expect to take one photo, for example, get a dog, drive a car, or let it go with a bird.

3. Yak vikoristovuvati Motion Photos

New camera function in Galaxy S7. Three or three of the HTC Zoe's functionality, or Apple's live photos, but for the most part. To turn it on, go to the camera mode and tighten the tuning wheel, there, turn it off.

Because of the great photographs, you can be knowledgeable without any problems. You will know a tripod and a trio of satisfaction from the camera itself. Now a child of gras, and it is effective, however, overconfused.

The breeders of the whole photo are strong, the stench will take a great depth of boldness, the opiqueness will be, and the dark stage will become bright. Make the stench be invisible in automatic mode.

When you look at the photos in the gallery, there will be a Motion icon. Stretch and shake the ruh. You can’t export or export video clips in the first place. It’s as if you were thinking of it, or you were quick to take a photo, and you didn’t take the photo at the necessary moment. You can marvel at the photo in Russia and press the button "Zakhopiti" on the required frame. Dozvіl bude 960 x 720, a little more beautiful, nіzh nothing.

There is no way to distribute Motion photos. When you try and send a photo to JPEG format... We will be surprised to see how Samsung will develop its function in the future.

4. Yak is more beautiful than selfies

Galaxy S7 has a number of new features for polishing self-photos. Front camera became more bright, less earlier, more helpful in the minds of low illumination. More cinnamon є slept like on some smartphones. To enable self-sleepers, click on the Sleepers badge. When photographing a sleeping place, a screen, which is a work in a sleeping place. Pislya in the S7 gallery are available to complete the wonderful editing tools. Іnstrument Spotlight є the most cinnamon, podsvіuchi person in NATO.

5. Yak nalashtuvati display Always On

The Galaxy S7 does not have the Always On function when only part of the screen lights up to show the hour and date. The hour, date, hour will appear for the names autonomous robots and basic information about the occasion. Qiu functionality can be expanded.

Go to Settings> Screen> Always On Screen; here є vmіst, which can be constantly displayed on the whole screen. Є a number of styles of years, a year with a calendar, a number of Koristuvalnitsky images. Yak more? View Settings> Themes, add new topic in Always On. Having zastosuvavshis topic, you will remove a larger vibration of the background images. However, a vivid image in contrast to the background cannot be victorious.

6. Yak vikoristovuvati bichny screen Edge

The normal screen in the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge is more cumbersome than in the S6 Edge. Below the descriptions are a number of functions.

Schob vikoristovuvati bichny screen S7, swipe right-handed. Show up Apps Edge, you can add additional items for a vibor.

Swipe right to open Tasks Edge. Here macros are accepted - for example, the ability to write their texts contacts. You can also add some shortcuts from the home screen.

More є customize the edge - forget the old Galaxy Note Edge. You can install the new panel, compass and line, weather. By clicking on the "Install" button, you can download these panels from the Samsung store. A set of pre-assembled boxes for small panels will be available to third-party dealers, so the number of panels can be varied.

7. How to maximize the life of the Galaxy S7 battery life

Galaxy S7 maє finest hour autonomous robots, nіzh S6, but you can optimize it and trim more.

It’s like a rechargeable battery, to change the efficiency of the screen. Then try the power saving mode. Vіn is in the distribution Nalashtuvannya> Battery> Power saving mode and the key to more background data. For example, you will not be automatically updated with the electronic mail, as long as you do not go to the dodatok.

For maximum economy є ultra mode. The screen is old black-bilim, the background data is used, the phone is used, Chrome, SMS, calculator, yearbook, notepad and vlasny dodatok e-mail from Samsung, not Gmail.

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