What I don’t know about the JPEG format. For how am I blotting my photos from RAW

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You can, see what photographs are most robust in RAW format. More and more information on this topic appears on the Internet at once. Do you know how this format will color the quality of photographs? And why is the stench coming from signs that are broken in other formats? Let's get rid of!

First of all, what about RAW? RAW (which in English means "Syria") is a whole file format, which contains all the parameters of the image recorded by the camera's matrix. If you are taking a photograph in a different format, for example, in JPEG, information about the image will be clutched and often consumed. The RAW format does not squeeze the information, and if you need to adjust it, you can get a high-quality mark. This format will allow you to put down the problems of the image, which are not overwhelming on the signs of the JPEG format.

There are a lot of modern digital cameras to cheat on the RAW format (including the so-called digital "milnits"). Respectfully read the instructions of the koristuvach, you can, the signs in the RAW format, with the passages, are available to visit your little camera!

Otzhe, overexcited RAW format.

1 High quality image

Price list for RAW files. For an hour to save in RAW format, you can remove the recording from the matrix. You know, you know, a miracle behind the beauty of the stage, you want it, like a photo of a bully.

Our modern digital cameras are technically good photographs in RAW format. So it's not true.

If you are photographing in JPEG format, the camera will automatically convert to RAW format in JPEG format.

At the same hour, your camera is far from being so smart, like your brain, and it’s not so tense, like a computer.

If you know the marks in the RAW format, you can change them as you need them. You see yourself, as you look at the frame, and start the path to achieve the best result.

2 Without livin yaskravosti

The RAW format reveals the richness of the richness (the last crocs from the white to the black color) on the images. If there are more steps in quality, more steps will be taken to signify.

JPEG format will record 256 times of quality, and RAW will record from 4096 to 16384 times! Technically, it is described by the term "bit". JPEG format replaces 8 bits of information per component (or 8 bits per pixel for black-and-white images), and RAW format - from 12 to 14 bits. It’s a big deal to spoil the widespread inflow on the quality of photographs.

A high rivn celebrates a great defect to the best of its ability. Dodatkovy crochets of change in brightness allow for more growth in quality (change in the density of colors, parameters of light, dimness, contrast, brightness is thin) on images without a certain reduction in quality, for that without

When using the RAW format, it is easier to recognize the effect of the isogelia. The effect of izogelia is manifested as swarthiness - for example, if you have a clearer sky, and before an hour you know the sky with a rapt of coloreds. As a result, the sign of the watcher is rotten.

3 Correction of extreme values ​​of exposure

Obviously, you want to put a short exposition before an hour of photography, but a quick development (especially on weekends!) Does not take an hour to develop correctly, if you put the exposition at a quick pace, or just do not stand up. As a result, the scene appears to be either bright or dark. Such a photograph can be brought to a good camp.

The RAW format of the file is great in the amount of information in the file, so it allows you to correct the badge without a dramatic decrease in quality. Also, correction can add to the knowledge of the blinks, the narrower and the other defects.

4 balance of a white man, it's easy to get around.

If you know the JPEG format, balance of the belogo adjust automatically. You just can’t vibrate the іnshiy option. In RAW format balance sheet make an appointment with the general community, and the great information exchange will allow you to easily change that and adjust it to the desired side.

Correct balance of the belogo That color is important for the creation of beautiful scenes and images, and the capture in RAW format allows you to create the image easily and quickly. І correct the best result.

5 Removing short details

If you know it in RAW format, you can reduce the size of the frame and add some noise in such programs as Lightroom, as for its capabilities you have to push for the program installed on your camera.

In addition, algorithms for opening rіskostі that usunennya noise gradually get to the bottom of it, so in the future you can know how to save yourself and quickly with the perfect filters.

6 Handiness of editing

If you add correctives to the RAW file, then the output data will be stored in such a way that the stench was over before the correction process. All you know - open the set of descriptions (instructions) about the changes. For JPEG or TIFF formats, there is no saving version of the data about the first step. To that, as long as the copy of the first shot is not folded, you can forget about this first view.

With a robot with a RAW file, you will never have to worry about reading the image-pershodela, as you have saved it for a short period of time. You can see if you can throw off the adjustment and see the redaguvati knowledge of the knowledge.

JPEG files add cob-like quality with new skin correction and skin new protection. The price is right. Tse those, scho called "vratami file format". Also, whenever you are using the JPEG format, you will need to duplicate the first version and get the correct version, if you don’t want to use the file. Shcho, vyshtoy, even more pathetic.

7 Otrimannya yak_snogo vіdbitka on fotopaperі

Through a subtle gradation of tones and colors, the display bits from RAW files will be bright, low-image, broken in the lowest formats.

Unimportant to those who, more and more people are taking photographs from the digital format, the importance of supervised knowledge is not underestimated (perhaps, through this process, it is common sense). On the paper nose of the RAW image, it is clear that there will not be any inappropriate smog on the new one when going from one color to the next.

8 Vibrating color model on inputs

The amount of space for the opening, the selection and the friend can be flexible, and here, for a long time, there is no folding. Proceed with RAW files, you can vibrate whether or not to color the model if you export the sign. Collect the model and adjust it as a matter of fact according to the situation.

Find different color models, which are optimal for different situations. If you are familiar with the RAW format, you can export the icon for a number of color models, just manually.

9 Robot efficiency adjustment

With Lightroom or Aperture, you can use only one image. In these programs, you can swap out great parties of the same type, stagnating immediately to the whole party of the correction and filter. Photoshop, for example, allows you to create a deprivation of one image per hour. In order to process the marks in Lightroom or Aperture, you need to photograph in RAW format.

10 Great Ways for Professionals

Professional photographers can give their customers the best possible quality. As soon as the customer receives the product, the food is not requested and is displayed, but it will be updated. Correctly adjusting the color balance and color model may be of the greatest importance for image quality.

Photographing in RAW format allows you to control the quality, and also gives the opportunity to solve problems on signs.

Deyakі digital (not mirror) cameras also need to know the RAW format, and now RAW passes can be judged not only by professionals, but by amateur photographs who want to paint the quality of the mark (as for the electronic version)

Inadequacies in RAW format and problems solving

A skin program, a file format and its own plus and minus, and the RAW format is not a fault. We will tell you about the shortcomings of the RAW format and the way to see the problems.

RAW files guilty but updated

The most widespread argument against RAW: fragments of files may be broken, mi vitrachimo for the process of removing photos for more than an hour, for less than an hour in JPEG format. First, it can be true, as long as it doesn't take an hour to process JPEG frames.

If there are a few more photographs (in a larger world) that have their own marks, broken in the JPEG format, then the arguments about vitality become clumsy for an hour.

If you change the balance of the white, change the parameters of the light and thinner when processing a RAW file, then you can change the settings more quickly, but if you have processed JPEG files.

The image is in RAW format, can be easily exported to JPEG, and can be modified specifically for the web friend. Suchasnі digital mirror cameras allow one time, with one click of the camera shutter, trim two frames at once - in RAW and JPEG formats.

RAW format is much more versatile and photographs can be refined quickly, but not better than JPEG.

RAW files take a lot of time

RAW files are not compressed and take two or three times more space than JPEG files. Nutrition obsyagu files are great value, especially for quiet, hto photographers often that rich. However, the number of hard disks, on which it is possible to take a rich image, have significantly fallen behind the rest of the rock.

Let's see a 3 terabyte hard drive

  • Disk for 3 terabyti koshtuє close to 10 yew. rubles;
  • On such a disk, you can take 375,000 photographs in JPEG format (size for large size files of 8 MB. The part of one image will be 2,7 copies;
  • On a 3 TB disk, you can save 100,000 images in RAW format (with a 30 MB skin file). The part of one frame, which can be saved, is 10 kopecks.

Zrozumіlo, scho on the disk you can take and less frames. However, the number of signs accumulated when the disk is re-stored is hostile! First of all, remember that you can save all your images on one disk without fail. Do not put mustache cats in one cat!

The memory cards are used for those with cameras. The price for them gradually decreases. Remember for hours, if the memory card with a volume of 2GB is worth 10 yew. rubles? In this hour, you can add a 4GB memory card for 300 rubles. It is important to invest in such a price policy.

So, RAW files are larger in size, and the stink takes more time. Alle the same information, how to get in them, will take away the high quality of the signs. It will cost you up to 7,3 kopecks per image to acquire high quality marks.

Master recording on the memory card

RAW files may have a great size when compared to JPEG files, and the stink of quick storage of the frame buffer per hour of capture. A photo camera is notable for the style, you need it, you can take the frame in a second, it is necessary for any format. As well as the RAW format - the camera's buffer can be very similar, and you will have a chance to check, as long as the camera has not transferred the information from the exchange buffer to the memory card. And the price takes an hour.

In case of persistent zooms with a great number of frames in RAW format, it is better than a big picture of memory, for a camera with a great buffer .

Specifics of the RAW code

RAW files are often rebuilt in a special format, which means that camera robots do not officially open their own data, and they can be changed. Such companies, like Adobe, are guilty of licensing the software for decorating RAW files, or for their amazing revision. So, for Canon cameras the RAW format will be written as .CR2, for Nikon cameras the format will be written as .NEF.

The problem is that you can’t be able to play, but after 5, 10 or 20 years you can open a RAW file, since you don’t have any kind of software security for your decoder!

A new RAW format with a readable output code for bursting for easy conversion. Win buv development by Adobe programmers and at once vidomies like DNG (Digital Negative). For additional such programs, like Lightroom, you can convert raw RAW files to DNG format with an output code. Tse a loan for a day, ale such a robot is a guarantor, that your files will be read in the distant, in the future!

The Leica M9 is familiar with the DNG format and new items in the whole field are presented permanently. Also follow the cameras' virobniks, just follow the video format for the future!

Vibiraєmo RAW!

I am encouraged to change your look at the RAW format of that yogo rewrite. When the robot with RAW files was started it would take a lot of an hour (to take revenge on a lot of processing steps), for the truth I will not show criticism.

Once you have drunk it, you will soon be able to get rid of it easily and quickly. As a result, you will thoroughly take away the quality of the signs, on the stem of which the styles of the hour can be stained, how the stench has already become a great value for you!

There is a problem, because the file cannot be viewed through the file, the program is incorrectly identified. To correct in Windows OS, you need to press the right button on the files, in the context menu, point the misha to the "View for help" item, and in the menu, select the "Vibrate program ..." item. As a result, add the list the establishment of programs on your computer, and you can vibrate. It is also recommended to check the box "Vikoristovuvaty tsyu program for all RAW files".

One of the problems we have, as well, our customers also need to finish delivering often is a RAW file. Such a situation can be found in bagatyokh vipadkakh. For example: the file of buvs of entanglement will not be brought up through the server's pardon, the file of buvs is not copied from the list. To solve the problem and speed up one of the recommendations:

  • Try to know required file in іnshomu dzherelі in the Internet. We can help you to know the best version. Google applet: "File filetype: RAW". Just replace the word "file" with the name you need;
  • Ask to send you a download file again, you can, if you send it back;

Suchasna Lyudina is literally wrapped in riznomanit stereotypes. The price is fairly practical for any sphere of activity, and, unfortunately, digital photography is not a fault.

To get rid of the mischief-making about those who have a lot of photographs-cobs, which have become more and more serious technology, underestimated the possibility of being able to see with the saved knowledge of the RAW in the format Briefly, the stereotype of the middle-class of amateur photographers can be formulated by an offensive rank: so, theoretically, saving knowledge in the RAW format allows you to correct the changes in the process of processing images, while at the same time, in practice, it creates a low level of problems for photographers. Having eaten this stereotype in the pavutin (by itself, as soon as there are more “up to date” and “pushed through” colleagues), it’s a lot of people who don’t think it’s okay, because I don’t think it’s right, I don’t know how to use the camera.

Reversals in RAW format

For the most part, when looking at important passes, as the photographer will take away, they will take frames from the view in a RAW image. Mabut, navazhiv_sheyu s rewig format є the ability to get involved in the process of "developing" a digital sign and change the way it was set up for a government decision even if it was zyomka. At the same time, the photographer can try without any options and, for sure, the vibrati is optimal for them. If you save the sign in JPEG, you will not have such a possibility: the process of converting the image to the finished file will be stuck until it is set up, displayed in the camera menu at the time of the snapshot.

The frame, saving from JPEG, can be adjusted from the supermarket's side-by-side with ready-made herbs. Enough development yogo, and you otrimaєte bazhane. Have your own devil, a sign of the RAW format - tse, figuratively, it’s a piece of white meat (hi vibachat read a mimic pun). With a competent approach, you can prepare dozens of different herbs, and for enough high quality Informative material (and in the leading qualifications of the cook) - to find the reference masterpieces of the culinary. Obviously, the powerful and the first option: the natural result of an unattainable dilettante is not very attractive to buy a vug.

As a result of the pardon at the vibor
viyshov trokhi peretrimanim, after all, part of the details at the lights were absorbed.
In the process of processing a file saved by the camera in the JPEG format, the details of the light are updated without being far away (in the center).
Bazaniy result bulo reached deprived of writing a RAW image sign (right-handed)

Those same view from the photographs. With a good illumination, the correct vibor angle, the exposure and adjustment of the frame, the savings in JPEG, please don’t use the additional adjustment (with the winch of the frame and zoom), and you can make some improvements at the same time. on the printer and in.

Here it is perfect to carry out a parallel with an amateur photograph of a pre-digital dobi. The frame, saving the camera in the JPEG format, is a lot of instant sign of "polarity". At your own heart, the image of the sign in the RAW format can be interpreted from the negative. Navigate as soon as possible, if there are pardons, if you pour money from them, you can correct (or accept minimizuvati) into a dark room in the process of another photo card.

It is a pity that the price is not in the whole world renders the same picture as it is shown with signs, saving in JPEG and RAW. Also, on the view from the classic file RAW files will give the photographer more information. O more freedom of action: the same knowledge is possible to "emerge" without any development, the development of programs for the development of the combination, and also, on the way out, the results are different.

Below is a histogram of the visual image,
above - її type of writing for the Koreans
behind the kolinny channels.
Viglyad ostannoi nagadu combinets,
how to inform about the waste of a part
corian information in the processing process

Another important aspect is the maintenance of more comfortable minds during the process. Take shots in RAW, the photographer may not be too respectful for the numerical adjustment of the camera menu, so that he can concentrate on the top creative tasks. It is enough to come to respect the correct choice of the magnitude of the exposure, the GRIP and the focus point. These parameters can be corrected backward. It is especially valuable when photographing objects, which collapse, or when shvidky zmini of the weather minds, if you just manage to get it right. Tim is bigger, but not all cameras can reach them “in one dot”.

Apparently, a JPEG file can also be processed by a graphic editor in order to speed up any inherited inheritance from a graphic editor. However, a whole lot of people will have to reconcile themselves to the inevitable second part of the corona information, so that they can avenge themselves at the sign.

On the right in that photo camera can record JPEG files in RGB color models from 8 bits per channel. When processing the image, it will be saved with these very parameters. As a heritage, in the process of changing, the adjustment of the black and white point, the formation of tonal curves, as well as the brightness, contrast, intensity, will irrevocably be absorbed by a part of the corny information, which will take place in the visual image. As a result of such losses, there are characteristic artifacts on the crumbled sign, such as the frequency on smooth tonal transitions is clearly affected, and the numerical balance is disturbed (the most noticeable in areas from neutral-luminous and low-noise)

Vyhіdniy sign (lіvoruch) of destruction during natural illumination,
however, for the oversight of the photographer in the camera menu, the balance of the white man was vibrated,
similar to roasting lamps.
Up to the JPEG file saved by the camera in the graphic editor Adobe photoshop
The Auto Levels and Auto Color functions are stuck, so I don't get any traces of the punch line (at the center).
At the same time, the RAW image is used to remove the inherited pomp without the newest shkodi
for the technical quality of the image, it would be better to adjust the balance of the white one in the RAW-converter (right-handed)

As soon as the inflow on the final image is no worse than the suttuvim and the loss is obviously small, then some artifacts will be unimportant and unobtrusive, they are unlikely to shine with an indelible eye. However, this does not mean that a part of the Corinthian information has not been absorbed in the process of processing the image. If you don’t look at your own eyes (for those who think), you can turn to the rest of the unprecedented visual instrument - just apparently, look over the image with histograms. A characteristic sign of the loss of part of the corian information є the knowledge of the surroundings: the type of histograms in the whole variety of nagaduє comb.

On a JPEG view, in a RAW file, the image of the frame will be recorded at the same size, with a digital conversion (ADC) camera. In modern models of digital cameras, 12-, 14- or 16-bit ADCs are stuck, and also, the image of the frame in RAW format has more information about the image, not the standard JPEG. The very fact that even more serious manipulations with adjustments from the RAW file can be rendered on the input 8-bit images without the characteristic artifacts, as they would inevitably fail with similar influences on the signs, saving the JPEG format. For example, the size of the display of the mark recorded in the viewer of a 12-bit RAW image can be backward scored within ± 2 EV without losing details. Supposedly for saving RAW with a 14-bit bit rate, the "freedom to maneuver" is increased to ± 3 EV. Wait, hostile power.

The butt of a victorian gradient software filters for processing a RAW image of a sign.
Zliva: out-of-the-box shot from the set up for the suggestions.
Right-handed - stalled until the image of the city filters
allowed the tonal balance of the sign to be varied, as well as efficiently
the shape and texture of the baluster and the parapet in the foreground

One of the main applications, which helps to improve the possibilities of post-processing of signs, saving in JPEG and RAW formats, and correction of images broken with incorrect settings for the balance of the white. If the image is saved in the RAW format, then for the correction of the goodness the vibration in the adjustments of the RAW-converter is sufficient for the balance of the child, which will be reflected in the mind of the child. Ideal results can be achieved in one simple step.

If we are familiar with the fine tuning of the balance of the camera in JPEG, then in the process of processing the image, it will be done kindly. Good, if the "miss" is not big, and you can correct the black and white points at the number of channels (as a rule, for a fairly fast function of Auto Levels in Adobe Photoshop, or similar to the other graphical ones). As soon as the photograph was taken out on the street on a fine day, the balance was set, for example, for the lightning of the lamps. Oh, well, advices koristuvach and in general, shvidshe for everything, zoom out on the input a completely acceptable result, however, in the future, you will be able to reach the price of the text in all corny information.

Even more valuable is the ability to save knowledge in RAW format to appear in high-contrast scenes, as well as the ones that have been improved in bright colors. In some situations, it is easy to pardon with the choice of the correct magnitude of the exposure, and the supply of infinite correction of the parameter in the process of processing the sign will appear more pre-riverine.

In a number of types of recordings of signs in RAW format, you can do without additional attachments. For example, to capture landscapes in photography, it is often necessary to create an optical gradation filter, which will preserve the details on the sky without the tonal balance of the image as a whole. Save the familiarity with the RAW format, adding a gradient filter does not matter well with Lightroom. At the same time, the photographer will be able to accurately adjust the position and width of the gradient transition, as well as other parameters.

Interchangeable RAW

A number of attachments were looked at in front of the front, so that I could help the RAW format in the field of correction and post-processing of signs. Protest can not be forgotten in the one that is not without interim manipulation. If I want to take revenge on the RAW image on the basis of more information about the output image in the original from JPEG, it’s still awesome. If I want, strictly it seems, the price of intercourse is not encumbered by the format of the recording of the tribute, but by the technical capabilities of the camera, which can be victorious - and in front of the characteristics of the light-sensitive sensor installed in the new one.

The camera Fujifilm X-M1
є the function of rewriting signs has been added,
Saves in RAW images, files in JPEG format
with the possibility of kervaining by adjusting different parameters

The directors of the rapid development of technologies in the field of production of conductive components, sensors of modern photographic equipment in the building of the image with a wide dynamic range. Tim is not the man, if it’s a pity when choosing to adjust the exposition in the process of making high-contrast plots to appear behind the great, then it’s not so called clipping. This means that the image areas appear to be behind the dark ones, or navpaki, so that the elements of the light-sensitive sensor could fix the details on them. As a result, such files will be scanned by the sensor (and also fixed in the RAW-image of the frame) as they are uniformly fraught with black or big beaches. It’s surprisingly, that some software doesn’t help to "see" those details that were not captured by the camera sensor - but also, they are visible to the digital image of the frame.

Another aspect, which is not a matter of zabuvati, is the injection of digital noise. In the process of processing underexposed frames, it is often necessary to bring details to the table in order to achieve the great positive significance of the evaluation, for example, the illumination of the RAW converters. An often byproduct result of such processing is an increase in the level of digital noise on images, as most of them appear on the same day and on the same day. It’s obvious that it’s a lot to lay down both the characteristics of the light-sensitive camera sensor, as well as the processing algorithms that were implemented in the supplement, which could be victorious. For the sake of justice, then it means that when trying to view analogous manipulation of frames, saving in JPEG, the final result will look better.

RAW processing is awkward

In the middle of digital cameras, the idea is widened, for processing RAW files for the required vitrates for an hour and a half. As a matter of fact, not more, not a pardon. Controlling the process of converting a skin RAW file is not necessary: ​​in a large number of modern RAW converters є the function of saving copies of characters in JPEG (as files of the largest extended graphic formats) in batch mode. When converting the image, you will see the adjustments for the changes recorded in the EXIF ​​information about the adjustment of the camera at the time of the photograph. In this order, you can edit such JPEG files, as they will be saved by the camera to the memory card. I’ll look at the productivity of everyday PCs for a loan for a few hours. In addition, in the process of batch conversion, it is possible to view a number of other projects - to scale up the images for the necessary size and / or information about the files, to add “watermarks”, information about the date and time, etc.

In the process of looking at the image, taken out of the package conversion, you can take those photographs, which represent the singing value of the factory in the context of the "spyman" plot, ale through those who furnish the bullet known from the technology. Apparently, over the selection of optimal adjustments for these frames, I will be able to get it by hand, however, the final result will be clearly visible to everybody, because it is possible to record the process of recording the image of the image.

It is also impossible not to guess about those, in a number of modern digital cameras (for example, in the Fujifilm X-M1 model), the function of rewriting the signs has been implemented, saving the parameters of the RAW images, which have been filed to the JPEG format. Such a rank, the owners of such cameras for converting RAW-images, do not know a computer, and the procedure can be visited by mobile minds.

Rosemir maє value

One of the stones, as the lack of knowledge of amateur photographers love to send to the city RAW, is a great deal of files. Nicely, the RAW image will be better than the previous copy in the JPEG format at the highest possible brightness (to be the minimum level of compression). However, as it was already guessed, the RAW image should be avenged on more information about the output image, below JPEG. And those, that the file in the RAW format is lighter, quite naturally. There is one more aspect, which is not enough for inadequate photographs.

In folding situations, for example, if the photographer is not convinced of the correctness of the selection of the parameters of the exposure, the whole logical solution is to use the bracketed exposure mode. In the Vibrating mode, the camera replaces one sign of robbing a series of three frames in JPEG format with different adjustments to the display. As long as the image is taken from the RAW format, then in one shot and one frame: as it was already guessed, the 12-bit image will allow the speed of the exposure value in the intervals of ± 2 EV without losing details in the lights and the tiniest ones. Thus, the difference in the size of the files (one RAW versus three JPEGs) will not be significant in the case of the situation.

It is impossible not to be aware of the fact that in some RAW-file formats, you can be used to using special cameras, to be stuck with compression algorithms without spending money (for a ZIP file). The staff members will be given a significant change in the exchange of signs, so they will be saved, without the best image for the image. Before that, for the ninth level of prices on the picture of the flash memory, the photographer could at least allow themselves to come up with hundreds of names in the RAW format.

The problem of confusion

Another aspect, about how to invariably go to the site when the transfer and lack of RAW and JPEG formats, is the confusion with the small add-ons and add-ons.

Permanently, the JPEG format has become the de facto standard for maintaining images. electronic viewer- where і in the spheres of computers, і in the spheres by-run technology... Photos, recorded in a wide format, can be viewed practically in any web browser, graphical editor, and other programs that can be used by the robot with graphical files. Most of the photographs and little ones on the Internet are kept in the JPEG format. First, the robot can adapt a lot of attachments from the images given in the format: mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, printers and MFPs with the function of an autonomous friend, portable and stationary digital media programs, SmartTV, etc.

Standard file browser Windows 8 (Providnik)
Allows displaying miniature RAW files in different formats

In other words, one of the most important options for the JPEG format is its versatility. If you want a digital photo in JPEG, you can practically 100% be in the experience, so you can easily see it using the standard OS of the latest computers and mobile annexes, published on the power side of social fringes, distributed on the printer, or mini-labi and viconati without any problems.

Those with the RAW format are less widened than the universal ones for the JPEG format, - it is quite an obvious fact, and we can talk about it without a hitch. The problem of confusion with small programs can be accommodated by the other team, which in the early hours of the day there is no problem in developing RAW files. In fact, the skin of the great photographic techniques for recording RAW images: CRW and CR2 for Canon, NEF for Nikon, SR2 and ARW for Sony, RAF for Fujifilm, etc. On the right, there is no style in the ambitions of great companies, but in the essence of the technical details of how the signal processing algorithms and the internal display of data about images from cameras of older series and virobniks. In addition, the world of advanced digital photographic technology needs to modify the current format and record RAW images, which is even more than the problem of confusion.

Yak inheritance, a non-versatile RAW converter (or an additional supplement for a robot in a file format) is not a ready-to-use RAW file. The very same to cameras with the function of preserving the knowledge of the RAW image, as a rule, a special software for the robot with RAW files is supplied in the same format as the one used in the model data. There are several types of utilities (secured for processing RAW files recorded by cameras of the same computer), as well as special versions of universal RAW converters, such as Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, SILKYPIX Developer Studio, etc.

I'll try virishity qi problem the global scale was robbed by the Adobe company. In 2004, Rotsіvona presented an experimental format for recording RAW-images of digital signs, which I will call it DNG (fast form Digital Negative - literally "digital negative"). The protectors of the photo cameras took the initiative even cooler: providing the gravitational market and making sure it is in a raw RAW format. One of the richest vintages є Leica, protest with all the circumstances up to the history and philosophy, without remaking the legendary brand, it is impossible not to mean that a small part of the market, how to be engaged in every small product, to spend some time in the day.

Thus, the resolution of the problem of the confusion of RAW-files in the cameras of young viruses is the head rank on the shoulders of software developers. In the first place, there is not only about companies, but a universal RAW converter. A number of graphic editors and programs for viewing digital images are available, in which the possibility of displaying and processing RAW files is implemented (as one of the applications can be brought to the popular utility ACDSee in our country). Windows 7 and 8 have a standard file browser that allows you to display miniature RAW files in different formats. Zagalom, with a skin rock, a number of software products, which can be used by a robot with RAW files, to grow.

However, it’s an extremely simple way once and for all to see the dilemma "JPEG or RAW". In a large number of fast cameras, which allow recording characters in RAW format, the mode of saving photography is transferred one hour to RAW, and JPEG. The rest of the hand is for the "by-beat" goals and for the front look (like a kind of "control video"), and the RAW-image is on that video, as if it is necessary to correct the technical pardons, allowed in the process of wintering.

Obviously, such a pidhid of its own shortcomings. One of them is an increase in the amount of money taken up by the sign (from the recording only in RAW). However, if a JPEG file is more compact in a more compact RAW image, then a decrease in the maximum number of frames, which can fit on the nose, would be insignificant, but at the same time you can sacrifice for the sake of versatility and visibility.

Another shortcoming is the price reduction in the performance of the gray whale. Most modern cameras have a maximum churning frequency and more chin in a larger world, in a format that allows images to be taken. Save Frames Only in JPEG Enables you to get more video and save more information in one series, less when recording RAW (and more in both formats overnight). In such a rank, with the choice of the mode of gray chill, the photographer will have a virishuvati, but for this moment it is more important: the quickness of the versatility of the shot.


We will briefly formulate the main thoughts, victories in the whole statute.

The principle of the RAW image is that all the information about the image is captured by the camera sensor before the moment of sleep. If a frame is saved in the JPEG format, a part of the information will be irrevocably absorbed. In fact, in the process of processing a RAW file, the photographer has a wide range of possibilities for correcting both vlast prorahunits, as well as pardons, allowed by the automatic camera.

The function of saving RAW-files є without transversing the digital camera, which allows the photographer to maximize the potential of the camera to navigate this type of problem, if the error was set incorrectly for the adjustment of the adjustment or the signal

If you want the RAW format, you can save more information about the image in terms of JPEG, the ability to manipulate RAW images may be confused, zoom technical characteristics cameras, zokrem, real range of sensitivity of sensor elements, ADC size, etc. To that in a quiet way, since the hour of dying has been allowed to be rude at the choice of setting, to bring the appearance of a RAW-image to the frame is not allowed to guarantee a good result.

The robot with RAW files is not that foldable, as you can get a first glance (especially people who are not informed). Frames, broken without technical pardons, do not want to require additional processing and can be converted to JPEG (or files of the lowest graphic formats) in batch mode with customized settings.

The order of the suttv with shortcomings the JPEG format can іn’t perevagu: more software products, as well as with computers and other possessions. The most optimal option is to preserve the skin mark in the RAW image of the frame, and in the JPEG format (fortunately, in most modern cameras such a possibility is transferred). And if you take a flight to change the number of frames, as you change it to an obvious memory card in this mode, buy another one. I dare to get close Noviy Rikі kozen maє the right to zrobiti sobi hocha b a small gift.

Vi, melodiously, chuli about digital negatives - RAW ( approx. shifting - in English.raw- "Syria"). However, there is no follow-up to the video about those, that also the RAW-format can be difficult for robots. A part of a polyaga at the height of the same standard. RAW format has no specifics, for example: .CRW or .CR2 from Canon, .MRW from Minolta, ORF from Olympus, different versions. Nikon's NEF. All the stench may sound like a powerhouse. You could open up your knowledge about digital negatives in different directions, how to get an image in a digital camera.

RAW format. So tse take, de vikoristovuyutsya and most likely win the demand

RAW file Revenge data, remove without the middle of the camera's light-sensitive sensor. The structure of the ciches can be seen, but in all cases the stench increases, without waste, to represent the result of the conversion of light energy to electric signals. Again, let's be clear about how to see when light hits the sensor.

Ісnu decіlka technology for rejection of digital images, which is used to understand the "digital camera". Some of them, which generate RAW files, can be transferred to "mosaic" cameras or digital cameras with an array of color filters (English "color filter array" - CFA).

In the "mosaic" cameras, there are two-world (flat) maidans, which "catch" and "vrahoyut" photons. Maidanchiks are stored in the same rows, ordered at a number of that hundred, in such a rank they set up a matrix. Skin oseredok is a light-sensitive detector, prompting for one of two technologies: an attachment from a charge ring (PZZ) or a complementary metal oxide wiring (CMOS). Zazvychay, the skin is in the middle of one pixel of the bag image.

Matrix. The skin element of the matrix is ​​one pixel of the image.

The skin is in the middle of the Maydan - the svitlochutlivy sensor - the lack of "vvazhak" the number of photons. Electric charge, which is generated by an average, directly proportional energy "spiymanikh" photons. The main feature of the polarization process is the fact that the matrix is ​​a form of the image in gray-scale images - the RAW file does not reveal information about the color.

The re-creation of the black-and-white image on Kolorov

The role of an array of color filters in the fact that "rosefarbuvati" is without a RAW image. The middle of the matrix "nakriti" with color filters. In such a rank, it’s a skinny one to catch only “red”, “green”, or “blue” photons. A large number of light-sensitive sensors have filters arranged according to the Bayer principle. The figure below demonstrates this order:

Above the cutaneous midsection of the coloration of the color filter, that’s why you won’t have one out of three colores: chervonia (R), greens (G) but blue (B). The order of filters is related to the Bayur pattern. Green filters in 2 times more, lower than blue and red ones. Similarly, the sartorial of the human eye is sewn, the most sensitive to the green light.

Also, there are no color filters and orders. Some cameras have sensors with CMY filters ( approx. changeover - abbreviation, approved asCyan-Magenta-Yellow- "tsian-magenta-zhovtiy" - colirna "palitra", which can be found in the polygraph, for example, in the offset friend.), replace RGB filters. CMY-filters take out more light - more light on the image. For some cameras, you can use a sensor with a pre-filter - the fourth - color.

See the array of color filters one at a time. It doesn’t matter how the colors are taken in the same number. It is important that the skin is in the middle with only one color. Oseredok, "cover" with a green filter, counting the green light from the warehouse light stream, which reaches the sensor. Oseredok, "on the edge" of the worm filter, counting the light of the worm in the warehouse light stream, which reaches the sensor. Oseredok, "on the edge" with a blue filter, counting the light of the blue warehouse light flow, which reaches the sensor.

RAW file reveals two types of data. To the first type, the meaning of the lightness of the cutaneous middle is introduced, to the other type - metadan.

Metadans (literally, data about data) are generated by the processor of the camera for skin imaging. For example, offending formats - JPEG and RAW - to replace EXIF ​​data (EXIF - Exchangeable Image Format - format to exchange data about the image), which display such parameters as: model and serial number of the camera, display and display values, focus on display That fact spratsyuvannya slept for the hour of zyomki.

RAW files can also take advantage of special information, like running programs, and interpreting RAW files into RGB images.

In addition to the meaning of light, which is related to the skin pixel-middle, the RAW-interpreter reads information from the RAW file about the development of color filters. Behind the help of this program, I will set up the display of the middle and the color of the filter, which will “cover” it. Then the RAW-converter will be RGB-imaged by the interpolation method: the color of the skin pixel in the image of the image will be protected from the damaged color and the light of the analyzed medium, so that the color of the skin is displayed.

RAW-Interpreter transforms color "mosaics" into images,-Files.

The process of re-creating color "mosaics" in the image is the main activity, as the RAW-interpreter works. Ale is not alone. Start the RAW-interpreter of the Vicon for the addition to the main event:

1.According to the balance of the beloved

The value of the balance of a white person, established by a digital camera, before the hour of dying, does not pour into the data, it is saved from the file. It's easy to write down in the metadata field. Deyak_interpreter to read the value and standby of it when forming a bag image. For the bazhannyam of koristuvach, the balance of the white man can be changed with lightness. The Інші interpreter can ignore the "sewn" in the file of the value and start the retrieval of colors, after analyzing the file.

2. Transfer of kolorіv

Skin value in -file specifies light of one of three basic colors: red, green or blue. Ale "chervoniy", "zeleniy", "bluish" are the raztyazhnі ponder. If you could have poured the thoughts of those people and asked a hundred people to see a red color, then you could see a hundred other people. The matrix of color filters can be seen in the background from the digital camera model. To that, the RAW-interpreter will be magnetized by the amount of “pure” chervonia, greenery and blue color in a separate-square colony space, for example, CIE XYZ. Vono is broken down with the urahuvannya of the peculiarities of the colonic reception of the people.

3. Appropriate gamma function

Rise of tone of the stage, how to know, use the light-sensitive sensor in a linear fashion (gamma-function of the road 1). Also, you will be strongly suspicious of a human and a "swine". -Interpreter fixes the gamma function until the image is displayed, so that it can display the views, like and later on the image of the image. Linearity of the light-sensitive sensor is a key factor in the opening of the exposure before the hour of sleep. The topic will be discussed by me at the article "RAW, exposure and line of light."

4. Reduction of digital noise, smoothing and improvement of readability

Problems can be identified with even small details of the image. As the detail is "fixed" by the "worm" or "blue" in the middle, it is important for the interpreter to develop the color of the details on the images. Also, the simple algorithms for the transformation of the "mosaic" of the image can be intertwined with the difficult ones between the two one-sided areas behind the color. In addition to the algorithms for reducing digital noise and adjusting the readings by changing the number of images on the image, the interpreter is equipped with algorithms that can match two different functions:

Effortless RAW interpreter However, the algorithms can be very susceptible. Most of the images taken from one and the same RAW file, there may be some indications in the fallowness of the RAW interpreter, which can be considered. Deyaki programs generate images with more smooth tone transitions. This rank of the stench "zvilnyayut space" for a fake obrobka. Інші RAW-interpreters recognize a steep tone curve, close to the picture from the bag to the picture of the picture.

There is no "correct" RAW-interpreter. The software wreckers use algorithms to create their own sub-active thoughts about those results that we will “reduce”.

Displaying a JPEG image as a RAW image

If you know the JPEG format, the camera will use a RAW-interpreter to display all of the targeting images for the formatting of the bag image. Let's use the freezing JPEG compression algorithm. Deyakі photoaparati nadayut the power of keruvannya. For example, you can vibrate the color space (sRGB or AdobeRGB), the steps for adjusting the clarity and some tonal curve and contrast. If you are taking a photograph quickly, then it is not handy to add all parameters for the skin frame. In addition, in the case of a JPEG camera, I will interconnect you, in its own way, interpreting the scene, so you know.

JPEG image can be used for editing. An active tone and color correction appears on the image 8x8 pixel fragments, which are generated in the process of converting the mark to the JPEG format. The JPEG re-enactment is magenta to preserve the rose-colored tones on the image, and it is very strong in color. Therefore, when editing JPEG images, you can be stuck with incorrect images in visuals and inconsistent tone transitions.

If you are photographing in RAW format, you have an uninhibited ability to interpret the image in a nasty way. If the RAW format is deprived of the adjustment of the camera, then it will add to the display: sensitivity, display and aperture value, - visually start the data, which will be saved in the RAW file. Keruvannya all the other parameters are left in your hands in the process of RAW interpretation on a computer. Operating in the majestic range of changes, it is possible to revalue the balance of the white, vibrate the color space and adjust the color balance, increase the tone, adjust the details of the image (steps to increase the digital brightness) At the singular boundaries (fallen as a RAW interpreter), it is possible to speed up the display.

In addition to all digital photo cameras, there are 12-bit images: you can take 4096 rubles of light on a skin pixel. JPEG-image has only 8 bits of color information per one color channel for the skin pixel. In such a rank, photographing in the JPEG format, you can rely on the RAW-interpreter for the camera. You can don’t help me great number cinnamon information in the optimal way, saving the image quality.

The situation is to accommodate the offensive tendency. Bagato virobnikiv photocameras freeze up to the image in the process of RAW-JPEG reimagining of a neurally steep tone, so that the contrast is improved. The stink of opening a JPEG image looks like a positive slide. The process of re-implementation of the explicit dynamic range short by approx. 1 EV. At the same time, you cannot start, as you will be absorbed in that kind of world.

The singing sensation of the JPEG image is similar to the positive process, while the RAW format is completely negative. Photographing in JPEG, as in case of a positive process, you need to vibrate the camera correctly at the time of unloading. At the stage of processing, you will have few options for changing.

Capturing the RAW format will add a lot of flexibility to the image tones. An analogous possibility is necessary for a negative process. Here there is a reason for the correction of colors and robots with a lot. Also, when interpreting a RAW file, it is possible to display the details of the image - changes in graininess and improved clarity. Tse є dodatkovuyu pass to obrobka for the principles of "float" negative process.

Zyomka in the RAW format is more than one potential change, yaku, it is possible, not so easy to demonstrate, but not less. As you photograph in RAW format, the detailed algorithms of RAW interpreters will show you more and more possibilities.

Digital photography is developing: it’s not “green fruit”, it’s not “stigliy”, it doesn’t seem to be about maturity. Trying to use digital photography technologies, I would like to hold out two rockets, I know that the software will be able to fully understand the new version of the skin. The JPEG image is remarkably relieved of the bells and whistles. We can bachiti the reduced algorithms, how to operate with them, and even the reduced ones to finish the streams. On the contrary, the RAW-interpreters recognized the significant changes from the moment the cameras appeared with the matrices of color filters. Є senses take a pity on tim, so the stench will continue to be vividly nadal. Know the RAW format, so you can save yourself the chance to quickly get food when the stench becomes available.

I will invite you to my own bloom. Call you, Timur Mustaev. Yak only a photographer-pochatkіvets to master the management of his camera, to fix it, it’s also a RAW photo format. Do you have any idea of ​​why you can take pictures more beautifully in RAW formats and how can you take pictures for yourself? Proceed to the analysis in order.

Viznachennya priest

It's almost the easiest food. So also the raw format?

RAW(In English. The words raw - Syria) - one of the formats of the Danih, to take revenge on the unbroken information, as to go directly from the photo matrix. Then the file will be updated with information about the image.

In the light of photography "Syria" the format is perfect, but if you do not have a serious photo camera, you can use a victorious format.

Important! RAW is a specific name for the format. Ale varto nobility, Nikon has RAW format - the same NEF, and Canon - CR2.

Plus and minus for the given format


  • The size of files varies from 12 to 14 bits, while for JPEG it is less than 8 bits. What is the parameter? Win over the appearance of pasteurization - colorectal fungi, which appear, with a change in quality, substitute smooth transitions.
  • There may be adjustments, for example, before the zyomku or write it, in other words, it may be added to the editor.
  • Bagato parameters of the shrinking become a kind of material for the shrinking of the ideal image. Їх can be easily changed. Yaki parameters?
  1. Digital noise (simpler, lower in other formats);
  2. Determination of the cost (indicator adjustment);
  3. Yaskravst;
  4. Violence;
  5. Color contrast.
  • Corrections can fix important shortcomings of optics, for example, aberration or aberration.
  • Vikorstannya all the possibilities to allow normalization of photography in the context of bright, so that it is unique to reconsider any darkened areas, in some information about the details will increase in the daytime.
  • When the information is edited, it will be left unfinished, and you can always send a new file conversion.
  • Different converters represent the RAW file in a different way, so the photographer can easily display both the control and the creative criteria.
  • The photographic latitude of a RAW file is less than a JPEG. Tse additional help in contrasting zyomtsi and zyomtsі in a sleepy noon.

Incomplete format:

  • I will write down the speed on the memory card, for that the speed of more than 6 frames / sec will not work.
  • Loan more memory in the original from JPEG, some more information about the image.
  • The quick glance of the given signs is not visible, the splinters are seen only through the converter - a special program that reads the format.
  • "Syria" file cannot be sent to social networks, to a blog, or not to navigate to e-mail... It will be available only if the file is converted.
  • It is necessary to try the program for viewing the "sirih" files, to vibrate the best option.

If there is a sign of the "sire" format?

  1. You have more than an hour to revise your photo.
  2. You don’t make money for taking photos.
  3. You є bazhannya that is the same as the one that you can transfer the light more beautifully, not a soulless camera.
  4. You love the glimpse of trivial creative shaping of your images. If you have an excess of information, you will be presented with additional material.
  5. Do you want to vikoristovuvati all the possibilities of a camera and vikoristovuvati a dynamic range. That is, because they do not enter the dynamic range, they appear either oversized, or strongly darkened, so that all the details are eliminated.
  6. You don't look like a photo rendered in JPEG format. Look at the reduced quality of the photos in the RAW format.

Displaying a "sirogo" file

Yak view file?

One of the simplest methods is to click the mouse on a given file. In a wide range of Windows problems, the vibration of the program itself is to blame for the display of additional files for promos.

How can the file fail to be displayed, how can it be robbed? The main reason is the visibility of applied programs for viewing and processing of small "Sirikh" extensions. The same is required її to rise!

Program converters

How to display RAW format?

Itself simple program to display that filing, it is the fault of the mirror camera wyrobnik itself on the disk. So, Nikon - Nikon Imaging and Capture NX, and Canon - Canon Utilities RAW Image Converter.

If you talk about professional programs, then the most popular utility is Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. In addition, you should not deprive yourself of opting for the photo, but send it to the publication for sale.

Another for the popularity of vvazhaє all vidomies Photoshop. I would like to respect that one installation of the programs does not come across. It is necessary to install an additional plug-in Adobe Camera RAW, which is available for transferring information for Photoshop.

On the current day, the plugin also includes a graphics editor, Photoshop, so you don't have to worry about additional uploads.

The main part of the "Lightroom", and "Photoshop" - the price of the license.

Now I would like to put down a list of non-koshtovny programs, which are used in the future:

  • « Codec Pack for Microsoft Cameras»- Official file, go only for Windows! Includes a lot of formats. It is easy to jump from the official website and allow you to look at the photos.
  • XnView- a utility-free utility that can accommodate 500 formats and simple functions of processing, for example, changing the quality of the image.
  • IrfanView- bis paid program for a look at that small redaguvannya. Makes a package not reworking the image. Schob to expand the functionality of programs, simple and powerless plugins.
  • ACDSee- Paid program, price 99.99 dollars. It’s not just for a glance, but rather for editing and navigating the image. On the dodatok to everything, you must clean it off completely.

  1. Shoot in RAW format with the help of a graphic editor.
  2. If you can get rid of material for your future photography - remember the price!
  3. Adjusting the balance of the white man to stand behind the aid of explicit modes, to be approximate. More precisely, it is possible to adjust it.

Especially I take pictures in 2 formats overnight, like RAW + JPEG good quality... Who has qia perevaga? It's simple. After hundreds of knowledge, the necessary revision and visualization. In addition, in the JPEG format, I look at all the broken photographs and see unused ones (including those). It is possible to write something with a sieve, to shake it up and bring it to a rose.

Important! You know, whether photography is damaged by an amateur mirror camera, or a professional one, you will need processing.

Nasamkinets, my pleasure for you. If you really want to see the work of good photography and correct it, get ready and get in touch with the galuzzi, do not go to the mice. Tse will bring you more emotions and positive emotions from photojamming.

The axis of the video course, with a number of options for their development:

  1. abo My persha DZERKALKA... Tsey video course, great cheat sheet for mastering all the nuances of photography and mastering the mirror. Tse your friend at the bright photographs. The course is even simpler and to take revenge on the practical butt.
  2. Lightroom is an indispensable tool for the adventurous photographer... A good video course is a team, so you can see everything in detail on the butts, even with a simple and light-hearted voice. All butt obrobki will appear in the RAW format. I recommend it, especially to the cob!
  3. Photoshop from scratch in video format VIP 3.0... For people who want to be able to see Photoshop. All the basics for becoming a professional in obrobts.
  4. Photoshop for photographers 3.0. VIP... This course is also for photographs, as you do not stand at the scene, but want to take masterpieces of your photographs. Editing, retouching that richly іnshiy you know in the whole video course. Use the secrets of processing photographs in one course.

My persha DZERKALKA- For fans of CANON cameras.

Digital mirror for newbie 2.0- For fans of NIKON cameras.

At this point I will finish my article on the theme of the "orphan" format. Remember that professional photography is choosing the RAW format, the best material for the re-creation of creative ideas! Go to social networks, as well as subscribe to the updated blog.

All good to you, Timur Mustaev.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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