De know the serial number of Windows 7. Yak know the key for a Windows product or Office

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Most of the commercial PZ is supplied with a special provider in the form of an unauthorized copy and instalation. I want vyrobniki vikoristovuyut development methods for the revision of the plant, mayzhe all the stinks to smell the koristuvachev, enter the product key abo serial number- take it, do it yourself Microsoft Windows that Office.

A row, which can be stored with letters and numbers, with an individual identifier, which is to bring the legality of your copy. The given data is required for authorizing the installation of the PZ, as well as for rejecting the pidtrim, for that it is important for the nobility, since there is a key and how to reject it.

The decilka is aimed at the bottom simple ways, which will help you to know the serial number for Windows and Office.

Know the product key

Try to guess, as you have added the software to the Microsoft security system, you might have to hide in order to get the key to the product.

If you bought a copy of Microsoft Windows or Office on a disk, then in the first place, look around the box. Rozdrіbnі keys Microsoft products Start to retract on a bright sticker, which is located in the middle of the CD / DVD cover or from the back side. The key is stored in 25 symbols, as you can change it into 5 groups of 5 symbols.

As long as your computer is delivered with Microsoft Windows already installed, the product key will be applied to the color stick, glued directly to the PC case. Microsoft Office has a sticker with a serial number on the main disk, scho to enter before the set of the computer supply. If you didn’t know it anywhere else, you will need to contact Microsoft to request a replacement key.

Zazvychay the Microsoft Windows serial number can be found on the sticker, which is glued to the case of your PC.

Windows 10

With the release of Windows 10 Microsoft introduced new way Authentication operating system, called digital distribution, but not on all Windows 10 PCs.

As a matter of fact, you have a digital distribution of the building, as you have updated the OS on your PC with Windows 7 or 8.1. You will also remove the digital dialer, as you paid for the upgrade to Windows 10 at the store dodatk_v Windows Store, or they installed a new copy of the OS, and they paid for it from that Windows Store.

However, how did you get Windows 10 off, or in a set with new PCs, or add an Instalation DVD to Windows 10, or bought digital copy Windows 10, or not in the Windows Store, but in the Internet store, then you will have a traditional product key, and not a digital product distribution.

Also digital dialer

As long as your PC is digitally distributed, Microsoft has your right to run Windows 10 on its servers. The positive side of the field is that you have no key to the product that you can spend. If you need to re-install the system, for example, from a USB disk, you will not have to navigate to your PC. The nature of the letter Windows installations activation passed the background mode for several years (or take several days).

Please go to uvaz, where your digital dial-up is based on the system configuration. If you change a lot of components at a time, and then try to install Windows 10, you can run into the problem.

From the point of view of the new system and control, it would be better, for example, to replace the HDD or SSD, then reinstall Windows 10, and the update of these components will be taken care of after activation. In іnshomu vipadku you, perhaps, get to call on hot line Microsoft for automatic activation... Chicks shouldn't be tramped very often, they shouldn't be trapped.

However, the great innovations, such as the replacement of the system board, will definitely help the link to Microsoft.

Key learning from Microsoft Windows or Office

If you can't know your own key to the product, if the program is already installed, you can vikoristovuvati special programs, zokrema Magical Jelly Bean Key Finder Tsya Utilita shvidko know the key for Windows (as well as keys for bagatokh the establishment of programs) that will show it on the screen.

1. Add Magical Jelly Bean and follow the instructions to install the software on your computer.

2. Start the program. You can know її in the Start menu - learn to enter keyfinder and push.

3. The program is scanned by the installation of the PZ and you know the keys of the products in the adapted programs, including the development Windows version that Office.

4. If the scan will be completed, you will swing the window from the panel on the left side, so that there will be a change. established version Windows and Office.

5. Download on your version of Microsoft Windows, and you will remove the key, as well as information about the installer. The bezposredno serial number will be rebuilt in the CD Key folder from the right side of the window. Write down the whole information on the vipadok, as you can know you at the maybutny. Perekonayte, scho correctly rewrote all the symbols, the key simply does not come. I don’t pay your respects to the 'Product ID' distribution - we don’t need it.

6. Natisnit distributed with the version of Microsoft Office, you need to correct the key to the product and information about the instalation. In Office vipad, everything is displayed as it is - your key will be rebuilt in the CD Key slot on the right side of the window. Perekonayte, scho correctly rewrote all the symbols, the key simply does not go. You can also use the Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder to remove the keys from any PZ, which is installed on your PC.

Didn't you destroy any keys? Wondrously nourishing, altogether, at the same time, when Vykimos "took away" the Windows activation key by the rank, it means they lost the license, and that means they were pennies, as they paid for it. Besides, to bring the legitimacy victorian Windows without an activation key it is unwise.
Prote good news. The key can be learned independently. Navigate as soon as possible, you can add new ones. Nini rozpovimo, yak tse zrobiti. Otzhe, in order.

So is the Windows activation key?

Windows activation key, albeit a license key, even one of the tools, for the help of which you can see the license for your Microsoft product. License price. The key is the 25th character code. The number of symbols in the Latin alphabet at the winter registries is combined with numbers. The code is written as the last of the five five-character "words", separated by a dash. It looks like this:

The license key - the process of confirming the legality of the product. These are the ways that you can’t be victorious with a price tag. For example, sales receipt store, de Vie bought a computer, either a cash check or a payment document.

For whom is the license key required?

Windows key is available for:

  • rearrangement of the system
  • installations new version, for example the 10th
  • Updating Windows to the next version
  • approval of the legality of the product
  • rejection of regular updates to the operating system

Who are the types of keys?

Licensed Windows keys come in several types and names: Installed Key, Product Key and OEM Key.
Product Key and OEM Key on the essence of the same, just on the new stickers, the design of which is permanently "polished" was given a different name.
OEM key (Original Equipment Manufacturer) or Product Key - the whole key of the operating system installed by the virobnik on your computer or laptop. On a skin computer or a laptop with an installed Windows operating system є Microsoft labels. Wirobnik of the computer independently adding that having installed the operating system for you on the computer. The plus is that you don’t need to pay dodatkovo Windows license, minus at the fact that the key of "bindings" to this annex... Transferring the system to your computer is unwise. BIOS write key. The nature and consumption of this is practically unwise.
Installed Key - a "valid" activation key. Disable Vy yogo when purchasing a "box" version of Windows for self-installation to the computer. There is also a label on the label, the yak is applied to the packing box.

How do you know the license key of your system?

The easiest way is to read it from the sticker. Ale here is descho "Ale". Stickers are sometimes ruined by power, or simply erase the walls, it’s hard to read the key on them. In addition, Microsoft has periodically changed the design of the stickers. Zmini boules are insignificant to radical. The axis, for example, with a sticker for the purchase of Asus from installed on a new Windows 8.1

The sticker on the laptop case does not cover the license key. Bin stitched in the BIOS. Such a way to vikoristvutsya for activating Windows 8 / 8.1
This will be the best way to do it - to correct the information about the activation key for Windows itself.
Microsoft has promoted its option, as it knows the Windows activation key.
Do not expect, well, the truth, the whole method of pratsyuє, yak is not marvelous. Buvag, since the script still does not "back up" the activation key of the operating system, but a row like this: BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB. In addition, the script will show you only Installed Key (finished 6F4BT) and no information about the OEM Key.

This can be done faster with different programs. For example, ProduKey. The result of the value of the viglead key is as follows:

The little one can see that there are two keys: Installed Key (finished 6F4BT) and OEM Key (finished 2GV33). Installed Key appeared in this vipad for a "clean" installation of Windows 10 on a laptop, on which a virobnik was installed Windows 8.1 with an OEM Key (finished 2GV33).

How can I use the activation key?

Even simpler. One koristuvach, having crossed over from Windows 10, in the first place, go to the top ten. Tim bolshe, Microsoft has already voiced about the closing of the possibility of a cable-free transition from 1 June 2018 to rock.
There are two ways to go - it is updated with a clean setting. The reason is that, when the data on the computer disks are updated, they will be lost in safety, and most of the installed programs will be protected by the installation. For the sake of riziki, it’s a matter of fact that I’ll be very willing to clean the installation, in front of the gloomy skhovischі for on annoying accumulation... The axis of the process of clean installation is that the disk has been formatted on computers and ... it will be possible to switch to the top ten legally. When formatting, at once from the distance 7 is inserted the і key (yakby the key is 8, then the key is just a bi-capture from the BIOS). If you have tried to read the key from the sticker, then if you hit it, it’s just wiped out until it is unreadable.
Why "mayzhe vtrativ", more, for good luck, Bula is reserve copy of Windows, З yakoї, for the help of ShowKeyPlus key і buv vityagnutiy.

What are the ways to update the key?

On the eighth, everything is simpler, the whole thing is that, if you don't need anything, it is practically unwise to spend it. BIOS write OEM key. You can marvel at it in the BIOS with the help of the RWEverything programs.

Yak has already been said, the ShowKeyPlus program can update the key from backup copy for a backup of your operating system.
It is also possible to reconfigure the key's vesting for some reason. software product... Zapanazhivayte archive file, install the program and your activation key will be yours. The program automatically takes over the key data from text format v windows file Key.

To activate Windows 7, you will get a 25-character special code - "product key". Call the virobniks to use it on a special sticker on the computer case, but don’t wait. It is also written to be erased, and it is often written, even though the key to the product becomes unreadable through the computer's laptop.

Yakshko koristuvach, for example, having stuck with the need to reinstall Windows or simply put in the system and the second activation, then in the middle of now it’s the key of "Simka", so as not to carry additional new vitrati on license Windows... Bottom illumination of the self effective methods, scho allow you to quickly wonder the key of the function on the OS computers.

Simplest way

If you put the power supply on, as the term is determined by the serial number installed on your Windows 7 PC, then in the first place it is necessary to change the laptop case or the stationary PC for obviousness code to read on the sticker.

If it’s out of the day, or because of a strong wear, it’s unwise to identify the serial number, then it’s presented software ways reception of the supplied food.

From the stasis to the tool, to enter the warehouse itself "Vindovs 7"

It is imperative that Microsoft’s faults didn’t tell us about the performance of their customers, and that it’s good to show you if you don’t have a few symbols in the number, so you can make fun of it.

It is necessary to add the following last crocs:

  1. Utrimuyuchi Win, click on R;
  2. At the empty graph, the window, which appeared, over the arms of the "slmgr.vbs / dlv" and see the knowledge of the supplements;
  3. The computer monitor will display a menu with several key symbols.

Z'yasuwati new number help guide the instructions below.

To the victorian of the written script

The number of encryptions at the PC Winchester memory. Fakhivtsi wrote a script for the eighth version of Windows, but it was successful for Windows 7. The text of the script needs to be inserted into Notepad and in order to save it for special extensions.

For the visibility of the corystuvachs, who are victorious to use the instructions, all the instructions are assigned by the author of the visitor to the visitor, that will not be necessary to click here: file To save yourself in any kind of computer, you need to click on a new target quickly, and to appear at the end, to take revenge on a new key of the system.

If you click on "Ok" in the menu, then you should additional views about a licensed product.

So like "VBScrit" is set for "Windows 8", then in the bottom row the name of the eighth version of the OS, and then the third row is "Windows 7 Key".

Through the program "ProduKey"

The utility can be expanded to globally and good pratsyuє without instalation. You can bookmark it on the official resource of the retailer with the NirSoft programs. Writing to save the archive file in the PC from the koristuvach needs to be added to the next crocs:

  1. Vityagti vm_st archive;
  2. Display the file "Dodatok";
  3. Ready! The key and ID will be shown in the utility menu.

SIW program

Dodatok can also help you quickly resolve the problem in the offensive stages:

  1. Open the program and go to the "Programs" tab
  2. Read more about "License";
  3. All. Information is required on the display.


When you open the network in the PC, you can easily open up on the Internet, and immediately deny access to the Windows key.

It is also bezkoshtovna utilities, as you can find on the resource "". The main part of the program is in the details of its views.

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For the victorian of the possibilities, the programs require the viconati the following crocs:

  1. Having locked up, you just need to run the program file and finish the procedure for analyzing the OS again;
  2. Go to the "System" tab;
  3. Ready. At the right side of the utility you can find the number of the installed "Simka".

There are only one of the additional options, so there is a particularly wide range of options, the middle and the display of the OS key, which will appear in the "Operating system" column.

Whether it is a system that can be licensed and used as an identifier, which will apply to the whole license. Windows software - paid solution, but that means when buying through the Internet or a disk, you have a key to the product. Power up deyaki, yak d_znatisya windows key 7, 8 or 10... For any kind of problem, you need to know, you, the smut, here you will know without any options, as a result of the procedure.

One of the good options for knowing the Windows 8 license key is to secure the RWEEverything utility. Blocking viroblyaty from the site -

Also, the procedure for determining the information about the license key can be found in the following categories:

  • If the system has been installed, then the option to fix the problem will be to reinstall the system.
  • Nakopichuvach, de-installed Windows formatted.

# 1 way of knowing the key

Practically in a skin laptop, with an OS system, so there is no DOS, with a full license, є a key stitched into the BIOS. Tobto, the whole key of activation of OEM systems. This is found in Windows 7, and in Windows 10. on the bottom I will attach maє buti sticker, the key to the product is denoted and a couple of views, so you don’t need to ask. If you use a clean system of the required editorial office (for example, Home), you can enter the whole key, by yourself activating it.

# 2 method of knowing the system key

  • Run the Rw.exe file
  • At the end we know the tab ACPI, and in the іnshomu wіknі ydemo on the tab MSDM... Known row Data, if your license key is written.

I am familiar with the vicorist program, ale іnshu. The front is also a go for any system.

The program is called Product Key Viewer and can be added to this resource:.

Now two keys at the laptop

All laptops that you visit via the Internet or in a retail store may have an OEM version installed. The system can be like it. OEM version - tse installed on Windows computers, scho vikoristovuє special authentication to the windows of 2 keys.

A selection of reversals of the key embedded in the BIOS, a 25-digit license key, which is also found in the system, for activating the system and also the required OEM-certificate titles.

If you can readily re-install Windows 10 and start activating again, Microsoft servers will have the installed keys, 1st and 2nd licensed keys. For wash away, offending keys, Windows 10 Home costs for one move, activation will pass successfully (For the butt, I'll say the tenth version of Home).

In one of my articles, I looked at the number of tools that go to ProduKey. For an additional simple step, you can see the key of Windows 10 and other versions of the OS. As long as you have Microsoft Office on your computer, you can use the key from the software.

You can see the key to the product by speeding command line... Launching with special privileges and entering the next command:

wmic path softwarelicensingservice get oa3xoriginalproductkey

Such a row can be helped to find the key Windows systems.

To reconvert the Windows key, it is enough to tweak the ShowKeyPlus utility. Vona is bezkoshtovna and not needed to be installed, but when you see the message and immediately add the required data.

You can change the system іm'ya, the product code, the key itself and another key for the OEM system.

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Another one will help you learn about the Windows key on any computer. Vaughn is similar to the tools we have looked at. Zavanazhut zvidsy, start that go to the tab "System". Zliva shukaєmo razdil « Windows product key "... And at the right part of the end, we need information.

You can sign up for mail:

Yak diznatisya Windows key for additional Speccy and AIDA64

Otzhe, the axes and I got used to one of my beloved utilities, for which I am amazed at the information about the system that the complete set is called. Have a niy є і option for reversing the Windows key. Everything that needs to be done is to go to the "Operational system" tab and right-hander and swipe the row "Product key".

Another analogous feature is the price. Also go to the tab "Operational system", as there є right-hander. Know the row "Serial number". Axis and the whole process.

I don’t think anyone would be tempted to fool around with the drive introduced to the script, since there are such simple methods described in the file. Ale, I’ll all the same about every kind of vipadok I will put in a tsei way.

Below is a script that displays a file with VBS extensions in the viewer. Easy to read option.

A standard notepad is displayed and inserted into a new one in place:

Set WshShell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")

regKey = "HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \"

DigitalProductId = WshShell.RegRead (regKey & "DigitalProductId")

Win8ProductName = "Windows Product Name:" & WshShell.RegRead (regKey & "ProductName") & vbNewLine

Win8ProductID = "Windows Product ID:" & WshShell.RegRead (regKey & "ProductID") & vbNewLine

Win8ProductKey = ConvertToKey (DigitalProductId)

strProductKey = "Windows Key:" & Win8ProductKey

Win8ProductID = Win8ProductName & Win8ProductID & strProductKey

MsgBox (Win8ProductKey)

MsgBox (Win8ProductID)

Function ConvertToKey (regKey)

Const KeyOffset = 52

IsWin8 = (regKey (66) \ 6) And 1

RegKey (66) = (regKey (66) And & HF7) Or ((isWin8 And 2) * 4)

J = 24


Cur = 0

Y = 14

Cur = Cur * 256

Cur = regKey (y + KeyOffset) + Cur

RegKey (y + KeyOffset) = (Cur \ 24)

Cur = Cur Mod 24

Y = y -1

Loop While y> = 0

J = j -1

WinKeyOutput = Mid (Chars, Cur + 1, 1) & winKeyOutput

Last = Cur

Loop While j> = 0

If (isWin8 = 1) Then

Keypart1 = Mid (winKeyOutput, 2, Last)

Insert = "N"

WinKeyOutput = Replace (winKeyOutput, keypart1, keypart1 & insert, 2, 1, 0)

If Last = 0 Then winKeyOutput = insert & winKeyOutput

End If

A = Mid (winKeyOutput, 1, 5)

B = Mid (winKeyOutput, 6, 5)

C = Mid (winKeyOutput, 11, 5)

D = Mid (winKeyOutput, 16, 5)

E = Mid (winKeyOutput, 21, 5)

ConvertToKey = a & "-" & b & "-" & c & "-" & d & "-" & e

End Function

Zberigati file is not required text to extensions, type ".txt". If you are guilty, press the "File" button, vibrate with the "Save Yak" option and register it in Latin, adding the postscript VBS. In other words, the name can be as follows:

When you start a file with a script, you should see it appear at the window, the name of the system, the ID and the key itself are written.

SIW program

The rest of the statistics. Vikoristovuєmo SIW program. Enough for you to add it, launch it and go to the "Licenses" tab.

Why should the normal key be replaced by these symbols?

In one hour, try to learn the key of Windows 7, 8, 10 of the laptop, and I’ll add the situation to the situation when there are symbols, as it’s not enough to stay up to the key. Call these asset systems so called MAK and VLK, and the stench, as a rule, does not get lost. These keys are not registered on computers, but on Microsoft servers.

More details can be found when changing components, so guess, you may have recently changed your motherboard or any component.

Now you know how to know the key of windows 7, 8, 10 for the additional useful software for securing and navigating the system itself.

To activate the Windows operating system, a special license key to the product is selected. The key for the Windows product, the signs for activating the system, lay down the version of the operating system (Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, etc.), the OS edition (Home, Pro only), the extension method (OEM, Retail, etc.) ...

To activate the Windows operating system, the product key must be selected, which is stored in 25 characters near the large numbers ( upper register) English letters, divided into 5 groups of 5 characters each: "XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX".

Previously, laptops often had a stuck Windows activation key. At the moment, notebook computers with installed operating systems embed the product key into the BIOS for automatic Windows activation.

In case of reinstallation of the system for any reason (for example, the activation of the device was caused by a hardware bug), the key to the Windows product may be known. How do you know the Windows activation key?

You can get the license key of the installed Windows by visiting a special VBS script, as well as for additional five programs: ProduKey, ShowKeyPlus, Free PC Audit, Speccy, AIDA64, SIW. All transfers of programs without a frame, except for AIDA64 and SIW.

Script with extensions ".vbs" and portable without koshtovnі programs(ProduKey, ShowKeyPlus, Free PC Audit) you can add new messages. Add your programs to your computer from the official websites of the virobniks.

For other ways, you can know the key for Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10. For that, as you knew the key for the Windows product, you can save the data for future storage, if you reinstall the operating system, to activate the operating systems.

There is no need to install the ProduKey program from the native NirSoft virobnik on a computer. The program shows the keys from Windows, browser Internet Explorer Microsoft Office.

Unpack the archive from the program, and then from the folder start the file "Dodatok". Upon launch, at the ProduKey utilities window, a key appears from the installed operating system.

See the record from the Windows 10 key or from the operating system, and then from the context menu select “Copy Product Key” to copy the activation key to the exchange buffer.

The ShowKeyPlus-free software does not need to be installed on a computer. For the launch, please add the following information to the programs:

  • Product Name (Ім'я product) - installed on a given moment on the computer operating system
  • Product ID - product code
  • Installed Key - the key is installed at a given moment on the computer operating system
  • OEM Key - wired-in key Laptop BIOS a collection of established operating systems

To save the data, press the “Save” button, and then save the information in the text format file.

Free PC Audit program is not koshtovna, you can also get a key installed Windows... The program is not installed on a computer. Run the utility file, for which the Free PC Audit program is displayed in the window, and the system can be scanned.

When the scan is complete, at the System tab, on the contrary to the Windows product key item, add the key to the product of the installed Windows operating system.

Just copy the key, see the row with the license key, and then for the additional item of the context menu "Copy" or for the additional key "Ctrl" + "C" copy the key to the Windows product from the utility wizard.

Yak diznatisya key Windows 8 for additional VBScrit

Windows operating system activation keys are stored on the hard disk from an encrypted viewer. Vikonannya script VBScrit will allow you to read the key to the product of the installed operating system from the encrypted viglyad. Tsei script buv destructions for the operating system Windows 8, ale tsei code is also miraculous work in the operating systems Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7.

Click the WindowsKey.vbs file to display the operation. Please update the Windows activation code from the window. Click on the "OK" button.

The offensive visitor will receive information about the version of the operating system, the ID for the product and the number of the key for the product. Don’t beat up on the name of the Windows 8 Key entry. The name of the OS can be displayed on any version of the Windows operating system.

Bezkoshtovna Speccy program from the Piriform company, CCleaner virobnik and the other software security. From the official site, you can add a portable version of Speccy. A free paid version of the software with enhanced features.

The program provides detailed information about the hardware security of the computer, as well as for additional programs you can get the license key of the installed Windows.

Launch the Speccy program, the version of the installed operating system, the serial number (activation key) will appear at the "Operating system" section.

AIDA64 - a program is needed to reject all the information about the program and the hardware for securing the computer.

When the AIDA64 programs are launched from the "Menu" tab, the "Operating System" distribution will receive a license for the information, including the key for the Windows product.

See the key for the product, select "Copy" from the context menu, then insert the key from Notepad, or else I will match the program for saving.


SIW (System Information of Windows) - a program for removing information about the hardware standard programmatically secure computer.

For the launch of SIW, notify at the distributions "Programs", "Licenses". Here you will see information about the key to the product, which you can use to install Windows operating systems on your computers.

Wrong product key

When changing the keys in different ways, the key to the Windows product can appear at the following view: "BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB".

Tse means that your computer is active with a corporate MAK or VLK key. Windows operation do not take such keys, so do not run programs.

Windows 10 has a new system authentication method (not for all Windows 10). The activation record is saved on Microsoft servers and is not displayed on computers. After reinstalling Windows, it will be activated on its own for a dozen hours.

Saving the license to keep in the form of a change in the configuration of the computer. Have a change mother's pay, Microsoft activation servers revoke the license for this computer... Windows OS propony pribati new key product.


If you are using a Windows operating system, you can find out the license code of the Windows operating system by running the VBS script, or for additional special programs: ProduKey, ShowKeyPlus, Free PC Audit, Speccy, AIDA64, SIW.

Feel free to accept the project - please, dyakuyu!
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