What is the right way to buy ads for YouTube channel? YouTube channel promotion strategy

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Video hostings bring big money to video bloggers, but if the income is stable and in great obligations, you need to start your channel.

For whom, a lot of methods have been invented, PR in social networks, all sorts of cheats, mutual subscriptions and so on, advertising is the most effective way.

How to buy ads on YouTube?

Before that, how to contact the video bloggers for advertising placement, it is necessary to improve the project.

Improve the design style and add more content. The channel is guilty of buti cіkavim and napovnem, so that after the transition to the new one, no one had any doubts that it was necessary to subscribe.

So that our readers could buy some kind of advertising on YouTube, it is necessary to expand, as if marketing is getting stuck here.

1. Likes. Let's put it on channels, so that later the video will appear in the list of suitable videos. The author’s channel does not need a lot of zusil, you just go to the video, like it, and promote the video on your channel yourself:

For similar things, asking not so much for a penny, that one is prepared to not be brought to prayer. Evaluate the effectiveness of such advertising on YouTube too smoothly, important factor- Like hour. Tse is indicated on the hoarse audience.

2. Recommended channels. Greater cicavia way, with which channels are added to friends. Efficiency is higher, lower than likes, but not the most powerful advertising. The list of friends in the channel is displayed on the main page of the video blogger:

Here it is also difficult to evaluate the effectiveness, so it is impossible to improve the number of transitions. As practice shows, top video bloggers actively add one to one to friends, so that they can promote each other.

3. Advertising in commercials. The most popular way is also called pre-roll. A small promotional video is added to the upper and lower parts of the video recording. This method has an important plus, the ability to improve the click-through rate of advertising. Dosit install any service statistics and robiti redirect.

It is important to carefully select channels for adding advertising. Find out a few video bloggers whose Maidans are right for you. Let's change the coefficient for winning advertising now with them. It's easy to fight:

Invest more profitably through the special service Youtube-analytics.ru. Find out the prices for advertising, enter the message for the channel and charge the required display. Ideally wine is to blame buti 20-25.

If you know the correct propositions, write like this:

  • zv'yazhіtsya z vlasnik channel;
  • give you the power to your channel;
  • show the butt of the pre-roll, which one you want to use;
  • z'yasuyte, chi is not seen chi video in the future;
  • transfer your commercial (if present);
  • install exact hour roller exit;
  • to discuss the place for placement of annotations;
  • pass on the advertisement;
  • note the placement of the message on the first place in the inventory.

Remember that the skin vіdeobloger in its own way bachel effective advertising. You can’t just say “Zobi advertisment”, you need to hang up a read to help, or start to work everything on your own. Having discussed all the nuances in advance, you will take away insurance.

4. Competition. Ideal option when launching a new channel. It is not necessary to explain anything here, a video is being recorded, in which it is told about new channel and for this reason, participation in the competition is accepted.

Do not lie, tim, who seems to be not efficient way. According to the statistics, about 10% of the participants in the drawings are registered (especially, as the topics are chosen).

Naturally, richly scho lie, in addition, a competition is held through yaki channels. Here it is also necessary to choose thematic Maidans from the great number of pre-payers.

5. Compiled video. Additional format of advertising on YouTube, which is more suitable for increasing popularity.

The essence of the arc is simple, two video bloggers are recording a high-profile video, like a pidide for pre-payers on both channels. Global interests, important topics, interviews, like, absolutely everything is suitable for such videos.

Unfortunately, advertising on YouTube is bought illiterately. Advertisers don't try to run an advertising campaign that puts it on the shoulders of a vlogger. Ale, you yourself do not swear for the power channel, why did you take it, you’ll be scrambled.

Friends, lads. I AM GOING TO MAKE Guys. Skilki I read the axis of this on my channel ...

Axis to complete a typical comment

I come in a personal ...

Navit media merezhі lizut

I praise this a lot, because if you have a small channel, the number of comments can be a small plus to the positions of the viewers. Get spam. Here, obviously, I can’t say for sure, but I think it’s so. Ale vzagali - may all the same comments go automatically to spam. It's not me who's taking things, it's just that if you want to see your comment or get hurt, you'll be put into the category of spammers.

You can marvel at the axis of the video, de people tell you how everything is possible to work

But especially I’m coming up to a few things wrong, prote yogo methods, to slacken everything, and ce pracyuє.

Rule number one.

Rule number two.

Write human comments

Do not write a comment, which is obviously copied from the front. You can see it right away.

Rule number three.

Write different comments. Adapt

You come to different channels, they have a different audience, different people marvel at them. If you write fun madness like AAZAZAA LALKA, on the channel about nuclear physics, you definitely won’t get respect and spend it in spam. And if you write something long and reasonable on the channel de social lighthouse, the effect will be zero. Marvel at what they write differently, write the same way, but better and better.

Chotiri number rule.

It is not necessary to write in English

Rule number five.

Do not write long comments

They rarely take a lot of likes. Don't forget it, stay on the subject of the channel and see how quickly you write a comment after the publication of the video, but super-long comments on your theories are rarely needed. Skill is the sister of talent. People jokingly comment on a short comment on the point, which is somewhat ridiculous. Shchos korisne and cicava.

Golovne zavdannya - take likes

Maybe someone doesn’t know what, but the whole point in like. Having received a lot of likes on your comment, there will be more and even significantly more chances for other people to click on it. At the very same time, it rose so richly "becoming like yakscho tee ... X". Ale tse tezh zadalblіvaet already, especially the idiocy of the type "having become a like for being amazed in 2016". I put a dislike like that, idiots. You can take away the likes by writing to the back, funny to the cicava. And more important...

comment first

The most effective PR for the channel is through likes, if the top channel only uploads its own video. For example, I caught so many times people with 800K prepayers and even then I don’t marvel at 10 bad videos (well, I’m surprised at the bad - two) and I write even more quickly comments. After 10 minutes (if everyone marvels at the video), there will already be 500 comments! And yours is not to succumb to anyone. In 12-24 years there will already be 2-5k comments and there is practically no sense to write.

Be the first, Karaulte top channels and write first. The best - your theme. These channels are your potential audience. There is not a lot of sensation in the presence of marvelous traffic, the conversion will be low (the chance to subscribe, Like, etc.).

-Your text-// Confirmation
_YOUR TEXT_ // Bold
* YOUR TEXT * // Italic

(Didn't come out)

Ale before the speech, writing to the type: Laika HTO MARVEL Z 2016

Everyone is already very nabridlo, as if it were a feud. And the axis is what:

Why, mind you. Those who get the most number of likes and will be in the top of the top traffic, even more often - NOT YouTubers, but normal people. That's the rule - write people's comments! I people reach out to you. All qi Clap'yata I AM GOING TO MAKE ... already distant.

I will give you two strategies, Yaki can eat

strategy 1

for tops at your topic. Subscribe to 10-50 channels on your topic, the most. I all. Sit and check if the stench releases new videos. Yak pobachili - bіzhіt there and write comments yakomoga shvidshe in їх styles. Tse can be your routine. Mayzhe be such a comment will give you traffic and 1-5 payers at least.

strategy 2

For rubbish. Go and joke around for a video like you have, with the same meta danim. Sort later by newest. I go there. If you have a new, promising channel on your topic, you can leave comments there under the skin video. The author of the channel will be like this, and you will also get some traffic. Even if your channel is a pdroste, then your video will be scored significantly more by looking at it and your comment will always be there. Practice with buds and promising ones. Practice with someone of your rozіru and your theme. Chat, comment on the video one by one. Put one of one in the canals. You are not competitors one to one, if you both work well and do good, then a person can marvel at you, do not respect anything.


Well, in a flash, you know ... I comment on the video, like me, and I write what I think. From i all. Just being a normal person and being active, you will already gain additional traffic, Aje people bachat if the comments are normal people, then the new one has its own channel ... And what should you rob ...? Come in and marvel :)

If you have one hour, the axis is narrower garnet video on a yak, yoga can be consecrated. There, including about comments.

For this release, we tell you, it is the best service to win for the promotion of your channel and video on YouTube. At the list we spent only a few revered and superior services.

Navіt yakshcho you have more yakіsny and tsіkavy content - yоo need pіdshtovkhnuti. Young channels on YouTube are especially encouraged to carry out advertising campaigns. Because without it, a lot of people can still not know about your channel. Ale and Tim, who already has a thousand or ten thousand prepayers, but farther on the right, don’t go - run an ad.

See it on dekilkoh sites, so you can accurately determine which one of them suits you best. The functionality is similar, the visibility is not great, the skin service has its advantages. Ale try varto leather from them in the right.

Vktarget - cheat before payers and likes

  • site: https://vktarget.ru/

Don’t be surprised by those who have VK in the site’s name, you can buy a cheat on YouTube. The service has been on the market for a long time, it can build a reputation.

Bosslike - wind up and earn

  • site: http://bosslike.ru/

On the Bosslike service, you can not only promote your video, but also earn money, surviving different jobs. In total, 6 social networks are represented: YouTube, VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Odnoklassniki.

Cashbox - great exchange

  • site: https://cashbox.ru

Great and professional exchange for promotion in social measures. Low prices allow you to effectively conduct your advertising campaign. For example, watching a YouTube video for only 10 kopecks.

LikesRock - a new generation of tools for promotion

  • site: https://likesrock.com/

Remarkably young, but even more promising service with its own philosophy of promotion. Often hold contests and promotions.

Epicstars - epic cool sales service

  • site: https://en.epicstars.com/

How to effectively promote your YouTube channel can be read from our friends with ★ EPICSTARS in their article - https://ru.epicstars.com/raskrutka-youtube/

How to effectively launch an advertising campaign on YouTube?

Look at the video to find out which format of advertising is the most effective - pre-rolls, post-rolls, mid-rolls, okremі video or video ads are introduced into the video.

We would like you to carry out an advertising campaign in the distance and attract new pre-payers to your channel!

Write in the comments if you would like to see us on our site take a look at the reports for skin care?

The generation of the 90s simply grew on advertisements on television. At the same time, practically all the videos were reminiscent of their non-triviality, which was called out by global changes in the life of that hour. However, with the help of God's tsі short films, the boules, dіysno practiced and attracted clients. At the present hour, advertising has become motor-smooth and intrusive. Before that, the kilka TV channel had lost its popularity, having sacrificed the power of the Internet. That's why advertising began to appear here. And YouTube has become the main TV for koristuvachs. The social media itself, like nothing else, is perfect for creating and placing advertising.

Like on other maidanchiks you can see here through, like paid, and without cost methods. However, the very investment of the budget in the development of their projects is taken into account in the most efficient and flexible way. Contact us, let's see, what are the best ways to buy ads for a YouTube channel and take the maximum yield from it:

  1. Partners. The largest extensions for advertising in YouTube. Until then, it is safe to do it, all penny transactions here are seen, and the partner program’s brains are seriously changed. And the axis z to the drive of efficiency є k_lka allow. On the right, in the fact that such advertising will be included in the videos of quiet coristuvachs, they have switched on monetization, but they will still be chimos in the Kremlin. That is why your target audience, as it helps in the presence of annoying stunners with the installation of various add-ons, as if blocking ads, just do not encourage these inserts. Therefore, it is important to understand here what you will spend on a large part of the public.
  2. Advertising with bloggers. This method is similar to the previous one, but smut and positively visible - advertising is no longer in vbudovuєtsya, and є unplanned part of the video of another blogger. Obviously, don’t be surprised at those, like the extensions that are installed in the coristuvachi, stink all the same to promote your channel’s advertising (which means they don’t squander the video). In this order, it should be that such an option is more effective and has a larger radius of action. Domovlyatisya about similar services You happen to be directly with the bloggers themselves, on the channels of which you plan to promote. To that, you should understand that I install the skin on my work myself, obviously, such advertising on YouTube will have prices that are high. So important is the role played by the popularity of the third blogger and the second audience, the one with the same contingent you and deserve pracyuvati;
  3. Viral advertising. The Danish variant is the most foldable for the Vikonan. In this way, it is necessary to create such a video, which, if not seen in the trend, then it will definitely be heard and in full view of the rich, and the koristuvachs will want to share it with their mustaches. To upload a similar video, it is necessary to become less professional with a great work experience in such a straight line. Otherwise, you just spend pennies for nothing, and the number of such services is far from the least. Until then, the video itself is guilty of going to the public, as in Denmark at the hour, it’s very selective and overpowered by similar approaches;
  4. Buying resources on the YouTube channel, such as: look over or like likes and in .. The same method is a combination of a small varsity and achieve great results. In order to create yoga, you need to choose a service, which is engaged in the largest number of children in social networks, and apply for new daily resources. Ring out, those pre-payers, look at that likes. Deyakі maidanchiki can so proponuvat zbіlshennya komentarіv. In fact, in any case, you can already reach your audience without creating an advertising hype. However, let’s be clear that if you don’t become your target group, and most of the koristuvachs subscribe to the channel only for a special benefit - they will pay for it. Apparently, we don’t think about global popularity, or about mittiev sales. But, as a tool that helps you achieve the necessary goals, the ability to buy advertising for a YouTube channel in such a way is a wonderful and effective option.

Axis in such ways You can show up in order to declare your foundation on the popular YouTube video hosting and take some of the popularity and popularity. Choose for yourself whether it is an option that suits your goals, blessings and opportunities.

How much does advertising cost for YouTube channel on services and bloggers

Since the language has already started talking about the possibility of advertising for the YouTube channel, it is also necessary to talk about the most intriguing rich food: about the price. Surely, the very nuance of the greater coristuvachiv can, as a spontaneous decision about the purchase, so and, navpaki, zupiniti. Insanely, all prices will vary depending on the method you choose for public relations, as well as some moments in the middle of the skin process. For the sake of it, I would like to give a short information. Otzhe, let's make it clear, how many advertisements for the YouTube channel on different Maidans:

  • per affiliate program. Here the prices will lie depending on how you get the program itself, and also on the format of the stun. Vlasne, tі two factori yak times i will be added to the residual sum. Goloshenya creates for the help of special constructors and looks, basically, like static image, So and short videos that are inserted into the video. Larger varsity of similar advertising will be in accordance with the folding and її vykonannya and addition. So, on average, you will see $1 to $20 per thousand impressions of such stuns. The deyakі zhі maidanchiki can and zovsіm so proponuvat sponsorship of the channel, which means that the price will start here from 1000 $ and more;
  • At bloggers. The oskіlki danii variant є neperebachuvanim himself, then it would be easy to name a specific figure. For everyone, everything will depend on the stage of the blogger's popularity and self-esteem. With whom you are absolutely not insured against any force majeure events. For example, koristuvach can just forget to include your voiceover in the video, or drag on the release of a new video. Therefore, get ready until everything will be prompted on mutual trust. Otherwise, if you have a good lawyer, you can make an agreement, so that all the moments that are good for you will be registered. Variety, for example, one riddle about you and sent to the channel from a blogger whose audience is less than 1 million. Payers will vary from 50 to 100 thousand. Rubl. Obviously, similar YouTube ads to the channel will have prices depending on the degree of popularity of the chosen maidanchiki: less famous koristuvach, lesser for the new vimogi, and also less ohoplennya;
  • The creation of a viral video. As we said earlier, without the help of fahivtsiv, you can’t do it here, the rocks need to develop an accurate strategy and a detailed plan for the process, so that the wines bring melancholy, and not sway the audience in front of you. The black PR of your channel or any other project is especially popular with whom. So, be prepared, that at first they will speak about you clearly not from a positive point of view. However, tse give their fruit and produce, maybe, a bigger audience, lower standard methods. Cost of one such video will be 50,000 rubles. Vіdpovіdno tsіnnik bude zminyuvatisya in zalezhnostі vіd foldedness і vіdоrnіnіa і widening іѕ video;
  • On services for increasing resources. Here everything is richly democratic. So, the rulers of such sites and their spivrobitniks do not promise you the golden blaze, the mitt of popularity, like Mikoli Sobolev, but when you smell it, they can clearly beat your work, allowing you to independently manage the resources. Vikoristovuyuchi to come traffic z rozum You can not go wrong, navіt as you start practically from the zero mark. Prices in this case vary everywhere, and average shows vary from 550 to 4500 rubles for 1000 pre-payers per channel. Deposit variability in the form of impersonal factors, the most important of which is the quality of the material that is supplied and the level of activity of removing accounts.

Now you already know more precisely about the situation in the advertising market for YouTube. With your knowledge, you can choose the most optimal option for yourself, knowing how much you need to advertise your YouTube channel on different Maidans. You also have to get busy with small mathematical fagots and figure out what kind of budget you need to see for a singing project.

How to tell about your channel on YouTube absolutely free of charge

However, apparently, among the readers of this material, there are few koristuvachiv, who are not ready to manage their own budget and give their pennies to those who do not guarantee a hundred hundred results. Apparently you should know alternative options piar, de it is not necessary to be such an investment. It’s important to inform us, so we were virish to give similar information. So, buying ads on YouTube can be easier and faster, but independent development of the channel will bring you more information. І os yakі koshtovnі opіnti You can win, to declare about yourself and about your channel:

  1. Turn around for help until more informed comrades. This way is, as the most effective, and so important, by the process. The right thing is that you need to try to reach out to other more popular bloggers and ask them to tell you about you on your channel for free, or if you want a service for a service in the format. Since you don’t have many good friends in this sphere, be ready for many more meetings and exhibitions;
  2. Try to run the video in trendy. So dosit folded zavdannya. For which you need to create a viral video, as soon as possible, look over and discuss with the great number of koristuvachivs. We can only do one thing in this occasion - constantly post all the important ideas and try to match them with the topics of your channel. In other words, “Hipanem threes!”;
  3. Whip other maidanchiks for advertising, for example: VK, Instagram, Telegram and other . As, say, Vkontakte you have already chosen a large audience, then it will be easier for you to spread the word about the new project to your pre-payers, and lower the pressure to turn the respect of the koristuvachivs of YouTube. You can leave different information and comments on the expanses of other social networks for the mind sending to your channel. But do not overdo it with the cim method, otherwise you will simply be blocked for spam;
  4. Promote the channel through comments. This method is somewhat similar to the one we described above, but you can try it out on YouTube itself. For whom, look over the most popular videos with a great number of comments and leave your feedback and send messages to the channel. Golovne, if the comments were relevant, then they definitely follow the topic. Otherwise, the share of you checks and - ban for spam;
  5. Please come in offline. Smut in the YouTube blogosphere is the presence of a great number of people who know. Most of the channels are on mutual PR, sometimes you can watch with a great audience. And where can you know the need for knowledge? Zvichayno well at different visits for bloggers. Tse i festivals, and be-like exhibitions, maybe fan-stars. Get to know bloggers and try your best to promote your friendship. So you take away not only new emotions and hostility, but also possible collaborations with united audiences.

sprat axis cost-free ways, Yaki You can win for advertising your project on the famous video hosting sites. If so, it’s not obov’yazkovo to win only given options. Perhaps you can buy ads on YouTube and you can already combine the methods for even more visibility and effect.

Buy ads for YouTube channel to gain an audience

In one of the previous distributions, we described such a way to remove advertising on YouTube, as a way to provide resources for your channel, and to pay for payers. Choose the richest koristuvachіv the most variant, finish the shards of wine with swedes, and finish the smut with cheap ones. However, there are also their own water stones. On the right, it is becoming more and more important to choose such sites, as they give these services not only for low prices, but also more. Obviously, it is important to know how to choose a maidanchik. For whom we have written a message to you, to place an advertisement for the YouTube channel, so that you have taken away effectively and safely proposition. For which you will need to analyze commercial sites for the following parameters:

  • Popularity. The site was occupied due to buti vіdoma i pіznavana. This criterion to talk about those who choose this service or site large number koristuvachiv. To this very reason, we occupy leading positions in the top;
  • Suggestions. It's just a necessary krok. Just so you can understand why you can trust the wrong service. However, as you understand, not all thoughts will be broad, so try to know such Maidans, who will be as honest as possible;
  • Registration on the service. As soon as you enter the site, you know that you need to log in through your account with the social network, for the sake of you, think twice, first start working with this option. On the right, in the fact that there are a lot of ups and downs in the accounts of clients in not very good intentions. After consulting with such sites, you can show anonymous data in the name of your profile, since you yourself did not work. And it’s not uncommon to bring to the ban;
  • Description of services. Madly, you are guilty of knowing what you take away as a result. Therefore, it is respectful to remember those who offer you that other service. Here you can z'yasuvati for advertising YouTube channel tsіni, yakі you tsіkavlyat;
  • Spivrobitnitstva rules. Feel free to read similar documentation. On the right, in the fact that here it is often criticized for the impersonal popular food, which is blamed for the process of entreating and withdrawing the chosen service;
  • Guarantees. Deyakі sites give them to their clients, for example, on the basis of viconnance of work or on the protection of penny transactions in the middle of the service. Tse will be an indestructible bonus when choosing a maidan for advertising;
  • Adequate support. Danish way remove advertising from your own mass of nuances. To that, sing-song, you will have blame for whether or not food, connected with this other moment when you are praying. Vіdpovіdno you nebkhіdno otrimuvat on them vіdpovіdі. Give more information if you need real qualifications of spivrobitniks technical support site;
  • Payment method options. Їx may buti sprat. In addition, respect for the presence of great payment systems, with which the site is spivpratsyu. Tse allow you to be upevnitissya in the fact that the maidanchik was taken away, it was turned over by the fahivtsy of these organizations.

Axis behind such criteria You can create an honest and safe service, decompress advertising on the YouTube channel You can do it without any complications. With whom you take away such a proposition, as if it would suit you yourself.

How to impress the audience, how to come to your YouTube channel from advertising

Let's say that you have already made your choice and created a hopeless advertising campaign, as you will definitely bring you a great number of pre-payers and spectators. Definitely, projects are often shot far away for small pennies with a creative practical approach. However, more often than not, coristuvachi stick with this axis with such a problem: coristuvachi come to the channel, look at a couple of videos and go, navit without subscribing, otherwise we will close the side after the transition. Why can you buti viclicano? The biggest extensions and virnu vіdpovіd - unprepared channel before the arrival of a new audience. If you are convinced that the advertising was adjusted correctly to the subject of the channel and the target audience, it means that the problem is self-critical. Obviously, it’s necessary to know, before them, how to make an advertisement on YouTube, what is necessary to grow with the channel, so that the savvy people want to get rich:

  1. Let's fix it for Aziv. Navіt like your channel already has more than one rіk, all the same varto reverify the given details again. Henceforth, having named the channel, we can buti, we’ll show you the activity on the new one, or we’ll be a special brand. If you want to declare specifically about yourself, in the name of the varto vikoristovuvat your pseudonym or real name. Apply the following channels: "Ruslan Usachov", "BrainMaps", "Sobolev" and others. Well, if the respect is only lesser for your own person, it’s not the head task for you, then it’s better to win keywords What can be seen to your subject. For example, "Kitchen Navivorit", "InDesign", "Self-Mounted" and others;
  2. Do not forget also about the description of the channel. It’s important to remember that this point is not to be slandered by anyone, even if it’s outside, you can only see the video on the channel, and the bottom of the text description. So, it is possible for coristuvachi to rarely enter danish split, Ale same vіn dopomozhe sistemі Yutub you _identif_kuvat і put in a joke. In this rank, you will be an additional tool for promoting and promoting. At the same time, it is important to put together such a text, so that it includes not only a description of the activity of the channel, but also complete key phrases, for which you will easily be known;
  3. Obov'yazkovo zv'yazhit channel z Google Analytics. It will help you to check all the successes and failures of your advertising campaign. Also, you can figure out what specifically suits new content creators, and what just does not go;
  4. Add a banner to the channel or a header necessary to send to the site and other social media. Maybe, koristuvachs will want to move to another Maidan, more comfortable for them;
  5. Give the trailer to the hospitable people and open yoga for everyone. In case of this, try to work yoga minimally in an hour, but at the same time, replace it and cicavim. Also, submit the same top video from your channel, as the koristuvachs appreciated it for its dignity and how you can show what you want to propagate for the help of this project;
  6. Obviously don't forget about old look. Obov'yazkovo zrobіt tsіkave design badge and banner channel. Believe me, first of all, the audience came into the eye. People on the Internet perceive information most often visually. So come up with something original and non-standard. It’s good for the lookers to come in with their own painted hats, and lower photoshopped photos. To get either your own strength (as you have a gift for painting), or your acquaintances, as they can help you;
  7. Don't forget to turn on the function "Display my channel in the recommendations of other channels". So more and more people will know about you.
  8. Well, it’s obviously a smut that it’s the responsibility to screw up the audience - the content. Therefore, try to publish the most popular video on the main channel.

It is necessary to carry out such preparation of the Vlas channel before it, in order to block advertising on YouTube. So you will already be convinced that everything was done correctly and the coristuvachi will definitely marvel at what if the stench goes over the goloshenny.

Why buying ads on YouTube, and not spam free

By stretching out all the stats, we are talking casually about those who need to buy ads themselves, and not try to achieve success on their own. І while the data of the visnovka is not backed up by ground facts. Why did you spread all the specks and signify that it’s a good paid PR, and why don’t you actively promote advertising through comments, like in YouTube, and in other social media. given method guilty of being only a tool in your hands, but not the main strategy. Well, let’s first analyze why buying ads on YouTube is so important, what’s the big deal:

  • Insanely, the price is quickness and comfort. You can do it quickly to achieve all your goals, so you just won’t get a long check if your methods work;
  • By making advertising on the exchanges or through an affiliate program, you will not have to worry about any and all technical aspects, the shards of practice in this way will be fahіvtsі with incorruptible knowledge and experience in this straight line;
  • In some cases, you can get a guarantee on the successful completion of the campaign. So, for example, if you took away your channel for advertising for the help of an increase in the client, you will be impressed that you take away the very number of audiences that you have cast;
  • You can control the entire run of the campaign from and to. With whom you will know what kind of additional tool to varto vikoristovuvat, if you press with advertising, and if the hour has come to sing;
  • Buying advertising, you will not worry about those who, be it your children, can bring not only strikes and advance from the side of the YouTube system, but we call you to ban the whole project, that channel;
  • With a correctly chosen campaign and її nastuvannya, You will notice the effect already on the very cob of the way. To come out, scho advertising gives stovіdsotkovі results.

Zvichayno, buying advertising, You can also close up with the impersonal risks. So, for example, there are a lot of ups and downs of Shakhraystvo in this sphere. For example, deaky bloggers, as we said earlier, do not win over your goitre, with which you take an overpayment from advertisers. So often the stock exchanges can appear not clean on hand. And yet the greater effect and result you take for yourself when buying advertising on YouTube for the help of the methods we have described earlier.

And what's the worst way to spam? Vidpovіd cry in yoga name. As if the koristuvachs weren’t really spam, even though it’s true, the method of advertising, all the same, the blame is left under the fence and too much emphasis on such activities, it’s more like rozdratuvannya koristuvachiv. To that, as soon as you overrun your club, you can instantly jump back a few minutes, otherwise you can leave this group, shards behind spam ring out next blocking in social networks and on other maidanchiks.

About important relationships between bloggers and advertising on YouTube

Irrespective of the different options for creating and promoting advertising on YouTube, all the same, the main ones are filled with voice-over and looking around bloggers. I realized that at the same time for representatives of this sphere of media - future. They have a large number of people of a different contingent, and they stink perfectly, so they make their content even more accessible and demanded. At the same time, however, popular bloggers can perfectly assess their significance, obviously, and services from advertising, like stench can cost a pretty penny, chimala and more than one. To that, even though you were honored to give PR and promotion to bloggers, you need to pay not only food, but also more advertising on YouTube on a similar Maidanchik, and those, as a follow-up to the necessary channels. It is necessary for the campaign to be not only expensive, but also to bring real results. І axis on what you need to pay attention to:

  1. Choose for yourself the most acceptable voice format: native or direct. It can be seen that everyone is afraid of direct advertising, both bloggers and advertisers. The first ones - through those whose reputation we can “moisten” we will “steer”; others - through those who are koristuvachs simply do not want to spend their time and go for the blessings, turn the sides too thin. However, we do not call it that. An hour, virno filed and framed direct advertising can only catch the insinuations of coristuvachiv, lower the riddle, about which one is more likely to be guessed. Therefore, try to pick up those channels, as they will not worry through those that they happen to advertise in the open;
  2. Do not spit on cool bloggers, rely on the person who advertises your project, so that you can get straight to the point. Vіdsotok zatsіkavlenih koristuvachіv among the audience of the most tsgogo character can appear very insignificant. Therefore, since the initial factor for advertising on YouTube is the price and benefit of the campaign, it is more likely to spend the budget not on one popular blogger, but on a sprat with a similar theme. So, for example, as you tell, how to create sites, how to cultivate garden culture and other things, you obviously can’t get an advertisement from Katya KLEP herself;
  3. Regardless of those that you pay pennies and not small, your content is also the responsibility of a blogger. Even if you recommend wines to watchers, you will earn your reputation. In this manner, first of all, transfer money to the rahunok, talk to people, show them your video, your goods and inn. Explain why you are ahead of your competitors, explain what you can do to those that you promote. In such a mood, the blogger himself is more likely to tell about you with interest, and not just read the writing of the text from the paper;
  4. It is recommended that you start arranging an agreement before the cob of work with this other blogger, which would be especially important for you. Remember that in Persh Cherga - tse creative people with similar "rodzins" in character and in the setting to work. Therefore, try to set up, with the help of a technical task, without zaganyayuchi, obviously, a person in a simple frame (leave the field for creativity), also indicate all the terms and write down the vision of the budget. Only after that you can calmly pay for the proposal and accept the job;
  5. Respectfully read the content of the blogger you want to practice with. It often happens that a character can not build his reputation with just one video, but at the same time with yours. It’s not for him to stray into adventure in favor of a shocking, but popular character, which would not be a great audience for him. So do not hurry with the choice of the channel and the regulation of all nutrition. Reverse your decision once, respectfully respecting all the actions of the chosen blogger.

On similar nuances of warto, put respect into the first black. If you are already ready to see a significant budget for PR, in addition, as you have found out how many people are advertising on YouTube with bloggers, be prepared to take a serious and important decision, so that you don’t harm yourself, or that character, with whom you will conduct spivpratsy.

How to safely spіvpratsyuvati z exchanges selling ads YouTube

A few times we guessed about those who are coristuvachi, making advertisements, so that they can otherwise get stuck with singing risks, not caring about those, how many nadіyny obrazovy ways of pushing. So, for example, when choosing to buy advertising on services for increasing resources in social networks, there are a few nuances, you need to know about them. Therefore, we have decided to give you a decade of pleasure so that you can support the sites for the sale of YouTube ads, knowing how to work safely and continue to conduct your project:

  • To start, prepare the channel to receive a new audience. We have already described in detail the Trochs earlier. It’s all right to talk about those that you have an active live account, which you lead and try to develop that popularity;
  • Up to the previous point, you can see the visibility of the content on the channel, no matter how marvelous it sounded for rich readers. You are a newcomer and you will start from scratch to become a blogger, start making your own videos and now only buy pre-payers and other resources;
  • Try first to collect your first prepayers on your own. As we have already said, the channel is guilty but we are alive. Clearly, your audience is to be active, watching videos, commenting and evaluating them. And you can only reach it with the help of a living audience, like you got it on your own;
  • Next, go to the choice of advertising method and Maidanchiki, for which you will spivpratsyuvati. In our opinion, the service is to increase resources in social measures. Vidpovidno, wine is to blame but nadіynim and honest. It is understandable that it is important to know such a vikonavtsya, that I was told about those, how to grow their own choice in the article earlier;
  • Obov'yazkovo conduct a test of the selected site. for this engagement, the number of resources is small for the minimum price and evaluate, in which country the wines come to you on the channel. Let's take a break for a couple of days and explain that all the pre-payers have come to you. Only after that you can move on to the full volume of prayer;
  • And all the same, try not to make big purchases, but even work on wholesale supplies, ask them to break them into pieces. It’s better to fight in order to make the process of replenishment of a lichilnik more like a natural rank. In a different way, all your work and contributions will be seen as marvelous, your channel will be blocked by YouTube filters;
  • Don't stop zastosovuvaty dodatkovі diї when zamovlennі zbіlshennya resursіv, and more specifically - not varto actively take part in spam. On the right, in the fact that with whom you will change under the sawy respect of the filters, I, as if they suspect the minimum damage, sanctions should your channel not be embarrassed by the checks.

Axis of a kіlka іlka recommendations іѕ thаt, аs аs sled pratsyuvati z services z selling ads YouTube. In this way, you can secure yourself not only a good increase in the audience, but also a safe advertising campaign. Obov'yazkovo protest our service "website", you may or may not need to purchase advertising.

The first thousand people looked at YouTube or the first thousand subscribers - it’s all important, bad, but it’s rich, it’s already a good time. To that varto, a little bit, we’ll get it together, how to spin the channel on YouTube without cost, and then we’ll add videos. At the very least, such a pidkhid will not give a rude pardon.

First way - Create viral content

The site can appear in the top of the top-viewers of the cloudy Seoshnik, navit the content, softly, seemingly, weakly. It’s impossible to roll the video: if you “wind up” one by one, you’ll need a lot of glances, you can still be lowered by the witnesses, putting minuses. In addition, robots have already learned how to design such channels for a long time. And deceit is more severely punished by YouTube - already until the blocking of the oblіkovogo record.

The content is to blame for this buti akіsnim, which calls out naturally (!) Bazhannya yogo marvel. Virus video often does not need to be re-rolled. Navpaki, with the help of yoga, to attach respect to other projects. And the axis is how to take such a video - it’s more nourishing. Here, it is already necessary to grow a niche, a whole audience, who at once greet with drink and why.

Another way - Think carefully about the name, tags and description

Bagato in why through this paragraph i bv dany is more glad to get back to you cost-free rozruchuvannyam channel. If you add a video without a description, then there’s a chance you can’t hurt anyone, grow. It is also important to competently pick the answers for those tags and categories. І do not forget to put together a unique description with keys. Well, I can name the yakomoga more accurately describe those that you see, but if you don’t, don’t be too foldable or else.

The third way - Make the channel unique

Think of a logo, intros, annotations... How would you look? The result is guilty of being so memorable - in a good sense.

Before the speech, in the annotation, you can carefully play the proposition about the subscription. Sound the peeps louder and smarter, just click on the message in the video itself, below, where can I subscribe to you.

That th potim vіn mozhe vіdvolіktisya, change your mind, forget it. A literate annotation to catch it right for an hour I will look again. What is even more sensible: even if the robot is well-formed, it calls out bright emotions, and you can subscribe to them.

Method of the fourth - Get the video of the yakomoga more

If you choose to add one video every month, and you are not Lady Gaga, then we have bad news for you ... Zagalom, for active promotion, you need at least one skin roller for two days. Bigger - shorter. Koristuvachas need to guess about themselves, to those who can easily bring them more active. On YouTube it's incredibly easy to get involved.

Way of p'yaty - Vykorist third-party resources

Why promotion of a YouTube channel is often associated with the space itself for posting video files. Tim an hour majestic number of glances can be seen through social services or a blog.

Let's say you have a bank account with thousands of prepayers. Do you want a lot of sightseeing? Just add a video and write about some new cicada. Often the numbers begin to grow literally in front of our eyes. The same tactic is practiced in public, forums, in the wild, in whatever places, de vie can turn respect, and de people often do.

The best way - Just ask

It's wonderful, but the only way for the wealthy to become a right hand. Tim for an hour and the truth gives the result: in the video itself, for example, in the movie (not fighting so much) you can ask to put a like on you. And if the video is truly worthy, then tell your friends about you. As a rule, one click of more people is not bad.

The way to socialize - Comment on top vіdeblogers

A solid part of the pre-payers love to exchange thoughts to popular videos, no less, no less to marvel at the videos themselves. And the greatest respect is given by sounding the first comments. Do not forget to leave comments - people will read and comment on them, and they will go to your channel.

Before speech, you absolutely need to acknowledge the comments before your videos. Coristuvachas are treated as if they are commemorated. With active investment, you can take hundreds of prepayers, which is already bad at the start.

The eighth method - Vzaimopiyar

On YouTube, you can find a large number of channels that are similar in topic to yours and visit webmasters about friendly recommendations and mutual promotion.

On the Vlasny channel, the webmaster is obliged to go to the “friends” or “tsikave” item. Tsey razdіl can wear a different name. Webmaster himself is responsible for him. It is necessary to put a message on qi channels.

It’s better to dwell on the exchange with channels for those who have views and topics close to yours.

Way of nine - Annotations, hints

Not all viewers of the channel will look at the video until the end, so in order to make a lot of people, how to break up the whole group - play two tools in the middle of the video editor - Tips and Instructions.

Annotations often zastosovuyt in order to annoy people, like wondering videos on the need for promotion - for example, posting to the main site or posting to affiliate propositions with pay-per-view (CPA). To add annotations to your videos, you need to go to the video editing mode and select the menu item "Annotations"

abstract- as a reminder, as a rule, you can click on it, it appears in the middle of the video and includes information for the viewer. For example, you can campaign to see new videos on the channel, or you can get additional information on the site.

Tips manually tagged for a hateful recommendation to subscribe to the channel, and just watch additional videos on topics.

Often, a video blogger is mischievous with annotations, they distort all the videos with them, of course, they don’t say anything negative. For more soft recommendations, it's better to win a new tool on Youtube - Tips.

Grow your YouTube channel smartly: Find out how to promote your YouTube channel and earn $10,000 on a new channel

Method ten - Curve screensavers

In the end of the video, it is necessary to make a sound request to make a simple dial-up - win the calls, subscribe to the channel, put a like and leave a comment.
In the end of the clip you can insert a frame, in which you can find about those who like the video were worth it, then you need to click on the like, and when you show it, the button is ripped. This will be a good method for promoting a YouTube channel.

And, obviously, it’s not possible to separate oneself in one way. Experiment, have fun different ways, Come up with your own ... Youtube love the creative!

To marvel at this cost-free master-class, the quality of the video is too good, but sensei knows a lot about content marketing on Youtube:

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