New channel "Bober" to go on air. New channel "Bober" to go on air New channel "Bober" to go on air

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It is important to reveal current residents without the Internet, mobile call And, of course, satellite television. If we ask for the shards of digital TB today, then we give such a service large number companies. However, the Russians value quality, so the stench gives the honor of "Tricolor TB". The very postmaster of digital television has the largest audience of viewers.

Being a Tricolor TV subscriber, Russian residents will have access to anonymous channels on various topics. The operator added about those who want to send the appropriate content as grown-up as children. For example, the package "Child" fits to the gusto of a little kid, that and father does not show the possibility of enjoying with these cartoons, fairy tales, commemorative programs. Also, sports fans and lovers of erotica will be satisfied with the satisfaction - for them there are channels of this genre.

Activation of the service "United" - the ability to watch over 200 TV channels of a musical, informational, roman character, as well as various films, serials and a lot more.

However, keep in mind that having included the package, it is necessary to continue this term at the same time. Only in this way you will have access to all channels that enter before the service. It's easier to make it easier - you only need to choose a manual method of making payment. And Tricolor TV has plenty of them. How to pay Tricolor?

Before you specify the ID of the recipient, you will not be able to see the payment without a new charge. This number can be found at the "Status" branch (choose from the menu).

And now a report about payment methods:

  • Bank card holders can pay Tricolor bank card (the card may lie with the partner bank of the TV provider)
  • You can pay for the package in any post office and bank branch of Russia (the bank may be spivpratsyuvati with the operator)
  • There are special payment cards for sale – scratch cards. Just enter the correct code and the service will be continued
  • One of the ways is electronic payment systems - Yandex.grosh, WebMoney, QIWI and others. i.e. can Tricolor payment via the Internet. It is necessary for the mother to have the necessary amount for electronic gambling
  • Today, there are too many subscribers to deposit money through Internet banking ( Tricolor payment online) - tse fast, handy and not necessary to leave the house
  • Practically at the small skin shop, not seeming like it is about supermarkets, payment terminals are installed. We know the required distribution, enter the necessary information and make the preparation
  • You can pay for Tricolor TV packages at Euroset, Zv'yazkovy and other call centers
  • You can transfer the amount you need for a mobile phone account

Don’t forget about what to bring in tricolor payment, special office so tsіlkom pіdіyde for tsgogo. Leather prepayer maє your rahunok z penniless(To be brought in for the bazhanny). If you need a sum of money, you can speed it up in this way.

If you want to secure access to all channels to enter the connected service, do not forget to continue it at the same time. Once again, you will not be able to marvel at your favorite programs or films.

Laura Chuguivska

Oglyadach Tricolor TV Magazine

New channel"Beaver" to go on air

Druzhnya "Digital Telesimeistvo" of the First Channel checks for a supplement: on the 9th of September, "Bober" is launched - a TV channel, which has already been talked about for a few months. What is chasing after the name, what is the intrigue, the Moscow correspondent of Tricolor TV Magazin Laura Chuguevska discussed over a cup of caviar with the general producer of the channel Tetyana Zhukova.

Let's start from the very beginning. "Beaver" - about what? The name is yaskrava, trohi cumedna, but I need an explanation. How did you win the idea?

Our channel is designed as a collection of ideas for repair, living, creating an interior near an apartment, a house, gardening, at your own yard. The idea hovered around for a long time, seeing the marriage of the acidic content, in which the professionals in an accessible way gave me basic information about the decor and explained the folding nuances. Everything came together, if it dawned on us: it’s necessary to talk not only about those, as if you were just working handily and beautifully, more headily - to convey the feeling that changing the space around you, you can make yourself happy. To that now mi obviously stated: "Beaver" - the whole channel is about happiness. Our idea emergedcontagious for our friends and partners, and now we know exactly with whom and for whom we are practical.

Dawatime channel Pokrokov instructions- like yourself, vikoristovuyuchi dosvіd іnshih, build the world for yourself better, more successful and brighter.

And what is especially lucky for you?

Tse harmony, balance of the inner world and outer world. Happily, it is stacked with rubbish, it has come to us, it has space for quiet objects, like the establishment of order. Whether a detail is important - de mi we sleep, as if we are passing, de we accept guests, as we see it in some minds, it is practicable. Happiness can be done with your own hands. Lyudina sees her own new, if you take a penzel and a farba: you can choose the color, texture, not stalely according to the accepted norms and other people's zvichok. You can try a brand new buzz just by moving the refrigerator from the kitchen to the bedroom or building a new closet for the bathroom. Understand what I am? Our channel is not only about repair and design. All stories about development, creativity, self-realization.

Am I correct in understanding what programs you create for adults and for children?

We do not divide our peeps for a century of camp at the conscience. It’s more important for us, what a person herself feels, what a pragne buti. Bazhannya buti is happy living with the skin. Our task is to help any spectator to know himself, inhale yoga.

Are you convinced that in Russia the theme of creativity and self-development is relevant for everyone today?

We have special people and special problems - zhitlovo-pobutovі, I'm on the verge. Khrushchev's kitchens for six square meters, bathrooms and toilets are poor, cold in winter, the place is brudni, the sun is not at all. And yet, at all hours, there were kulibins and self-consciousness, as if in the midst they contrived to work miracle speeches. The axis of the stink is all our "beavers". Channel to propagate the solution of current Russian problems, giving instructions to the pokrokov - as if to yourself, vikoristovuyuchi dosvіd іnshih, work the world for yourself better, sruchnіshim and yaskravіshim.

"Beaver" spontaneously speaks non-standard speech with minimal vitra

Will you vicoristovuvat zakordonny dosvіd?

We spire to all the best that is in the world. Ale in us and his enough. Axis, for example, navit radyansky design - that's really really steep recession. Krіsla radyanskoi doby for sruchnіstyu do not beat competitors. "Beaver" is ostentatious, as if independently inspired by Radiansk furniture. It’s lying around at the dachas at the dachas, or standing, it smelled of naphthalene, and people can’t make up with it. And that’s the very chic, it’s only necessary to know, what stars are good and where to beat new.

We didn't have a casting call. You indicate: the channel hasn’t started yet, but I’ll have to come to the post office every day for the list on the kshtalt “Take me to the Beaver, I’ll need you.” And those who are already ready to work with us day and night. Mi It is important to know about the program and it is important to keep up. It’s just a quick, hoarse thought idea. Now smut - infect our peeps with it. To sound immodest - but already at the same time, marveling at what to go out for inspiration, and form, we are inspired by success. The design of the channel was inspired by us at once by the very people themselves, as if they were practiced on the all-world famous television projects. Our head designer Anton Nenashev creates the design for the Bober channel with the help of the same team that created the visualization of the Sochi Olympics with it.

Thanks to the achievements of the Bober channel, another resident of our country is trying to repair it right away

And where are the zjomki to go, like pavilions and equipment to win?

We will be the whole factory, the vlasny booth "Beaver", in which we willchange the walls, create furniture, art objects... It is very important to create such a channel in the crisis regions, but we can gradually see it as if for the minds of the minimum budgets to create the products of the “First Channel”. You know what high standards Kostyantin Ernst sets! Ale in tsomuvoї prinadi: adje mi and gazing spontaneously vigaduvat non-standard speech with minimal vitras.

"Beaver" - the channel is not only about repair and design. All stories about development, creativity, self-realization

What kind of stars did you ask for on Beaver?

We know a lot of different people with great ideas on how to improve life. Among them, obviously, there are stars - for example, Olga Platonova - even more charismatic, out there, after all doubts, one of the best in the sphere of landscape design. But, for example, Ganna Yerman helps "Beaver" - she won't be among the top three decorators in Russia. I can’t speak about all of them yet – competition is competition. There will definitely be surprises.

How do TV viewers know "Beaver"?

We have already signed contracts for mobile communication with the largest operators in Russia - ce and Tricolor TB, Rostelecom, MTS, NTV-Plus, Akado ... beyond the borders of Russia.

And what will be the yardstick for the success of "Beaver" for you: an increase in the audience of spectators, a zgaduvanity in ZMI and social media?

We carried out follow-up, related to the topic of repair. Kozhen another resident of our country to rob repair contagiously. І otzhe, "Beaver" brown cym to people. How can we help them to save pennies, nervous that hour, realizing at this dream - tse and will be our success. We will always be in order - at home, at the dacha, in the office and garden.

Axis out of luck!

"Bober" is a TV channel about modern design and simple architectural solutions, which will help create a quiet booth, at the dacha and in the office.

"Beaver" is a collection of interior designers, architects, alarm clocks, landscape fitters and other professionals who are ready to demonstrate that versatility, as you can do everything with your own hands.

"Beaver" promotes new ideas of budget life, repair, landscaping, creation of interiors in an apartment, in a booth, in a garden space near the yard.

  • 17 000 000 - total number of viewers for 2017 (audience 4+)
  • Not less than 95% of the content - projects of wet production
  • 1 month for the growth of the young audience 25-55 for the river middle channel in the genre


  • "Great Figure" 2019. "TV channel for interests: house and garden" on the choice of the jury and the watchers.
  • "Golden Promin" 2015, 2016, 2017
  • "Golden Promin" 2017 rock. The best program for non-ethereal TB" - "Country Fairies"
  • "Golden Promin" 2018
  • Golden Promin 2018
  • "Golden Promin" 2019. "The Best Rose Channel"
  • "Great figure" 2017. "TV channel with interests (hobi)"
  • "Great figure" 2020. "The best rozvazhny channel"

Maistruvat with your own hands, it’s already acceptable that cіkavo. Especially pleased to bring the preparation of speeches and subjects, as if to serve as a protractor of rich fates. In another place, for the popularity of the home minds, the reworking of old objects and loves, but old family speeches.

The Internet and television are teeming with delights and master classes for the preparation of furniture, other items, and the design of speeches. Of particular interest is calling so called "life hacks", for the sake of making life easier.

Kindly, as a person’s hands grow from the right place, and out to rob like a beautiful speech. In another turn, the world simply popovnyuetsya chergovy smittyam, as if not warming the soul and place of you on the smitnik. If the Bober channel appeared in my cable TV package, I was even more glad, because I thought that it was a good idea to show people how easy it was, in a short hour, to create a design solution.

TV channel "Bober".

The TV channel Bober is positioned as the first Russian channel for scaling up the living space. On the channel, a selection of designs for home and dacha, a master class of preparing and designing furniture, creating art objects are also presented. On Beaver you can click on the heading dedicated to gardening, spa, repair.

By itself, the channel is just a cicava idea. All videos are ok, work at a professional studio. Veduchi, stinks majstri try to show everything is available and win ideas, as simple as for beginners. Regularly looking at the channel, you can see the headings for yourself, what to click, and turn to them hour after hour. Even more cіkava heading "life hacks", wanting to say a word from a bearded leader dratuє that less ear. Approximately 70% of cicadas are easily stagnant in life.

Irrespective of those that the authors of the channel chose to implement an even more successful project, the result is really doubtful. Lovers of garnish, yakish speeches, pozіnovuvachi of subtle art, do not know anything here for themselves. Everything is rude, primitive, sometimes scary. You knew the old poloti for the store - pull them home. On the beavers they will show you how to work with them easily, steel or else it is more necessary.

First, what is on the channel - the content. In 80% of behaviors, they will show us how to create a smitta with your own hands, as if it’s not hard to blame a smitnik. For example, robbing yalinki from a toilet yorzhik. Or fill the decks with cement, to build a marvelous pedestal from them. The beaver's favorite plot is to make a scary bed for good, to turn wooden kotushkas as a basis for tables. And also farbuvati be-yak smittya without parsing. At the result, we have a lot of laky speech, rudely farbovani, inconspicuous. For the best effect on the aphrodisiac wall, install an installation of a freshly prepared masterpiece, lay a garland there and hang a ganchirka. Like honestly, do not breathe and the hand does not reach for the robotic creation of wet objects.

Another thing that is unacceptable to me is the guide-beavers. Licorices, seemingly non-traditional orientation, slender people, opening in a childlike way the eyes of a child, as if standing on a little stool, rozpovida virshik, try to impress us. Unnatural, boring, disgusting. I don't like the leader of the "life hacks" column, Anton Zorkin. The stench terrifies me at once to change the channel.

And just zhahlivі dacha fairies. Already I don’t know how they knew, but the stench is terribly thin.

І offensive time, typing ask "Beaver show all fawn over Think about it, do you really want to marvel at how to destroy a hanger from a water pipe at once, or a wardrobe from old planks, what did they rot?

Video look around


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