Steel and light disks growth. Yak wheels are fine: Steel and light-alloy? Video to the process of picking up stamped virobes

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Automobile wheels can be made of steel and light-alloy. Light-alloy wheels are sold for materials on aluminum and magnesium, and for technology of preparation - on lit and forged.

Steel wheels

Naymensh are expensive, but also the most popular є steel discs. The stench is made from sheet steel, and the structure is stored from the rim and welded to the new "tarilka". Zovnishnyu surface of steel discs, schob to eliminate corrosion, cover emalla, chromium, electrophoresis (cataphoresis) coat or special powder ball. Tsey type disks, as a rule, become stagnant when completing serial cars, so they go off the conveyor at all.


  • lack of partiality;
  • The building does not burst and crack when struck. The staff of their plasticity crumple discs, and to that є the power of innovation for a small penny.


  • I sign a wagu;
  • reduced corrosion resistance through inadequate coverage;
  • encompassing design flexibility.

Lithium aluminum disks

It is produced by the method of light alloys based on aluminum.


  • 20-30% lighter for steel. The price of reducing the unsprung power of the car and bringing up the smoothness of the ride, the dynamism of the acceleration and the reduction of the vitality of the vehicle's load.
  • The stipulation has been adjusted up to the stage of the preparation with the addition of the establishment of the oxide layer from the surface.


  • renewal of deformation is much more expensive (depending on the change of the disc);
  • to reduce the term of the service of the driver, so that through the menu, the light-alloy wheels do not extinguish the shock, but pass them to the driver.

Great import discs in some sizes are more expensive, but, as a rule, they are stocked with balanced alloys and may have less weight and more impact.

Lithium magnesium disks

It is produced by the method of light alloy based on magnesium.


  • turn the aluminum for the shock performance;
  • I can’t wash my hair.


    superficially low corrosion resistance. Do not go for the Russian city roads, scoop up with chlorine spikes, scraps quickly get wrapped up in unaesthetic separations.

Forged wheels

Stinks, yak і litі, are made from magnesium alloys. However, such disks are made by the method of preparation: even hotter stamping with more thermal and / or mechanical processing.


  • visoka korozіyna stіykіst, it is not possible to consume from a pre-finished pokrittі;
  • Visoka mіtsnіst and rigidity of design. When hitting forging, the disc does not shake, but only changes (when the impact is even stronger);
  • the most common types of disks (1.2-2 times more light for steel).


  • visoka parti.
  • obmezhennya for size.

Shvidshe for everything, maybutn lay on forged disks, splinters behind their stink indicators, turn steel that lithium wheels... Even in the nearest future, it is possible to predict more active growth to drink on them, some of the most successful virobniks have already started to prepare and start to fully accept (out of the price ratio) of the products / prices.



Cars in basic configuration, as a rule, are equipped with stamped steel wheels and road tires. The main authorities of such (in the case of summer) tires do not allow them to suffer from low temperatures. Seasonal rearrangements on the same disc of either summer or winter tires do not only result in singing vitrats, but they can also lead to new winter tires. That is why more and more drivers of cars should push the mothers of a set of wheels in front of a set of tires with external tires for the skin time of fate.
The wheel (in the side - the disc) is a transport element, which can be wrapped around and transferred to the front and backed by a mother and a tire. Particular wheels, as a rule, include two main parts:
obid, scho fixing the ring-like surface with the sides, a tire is mounted on the yak;
disk, well є with the support of the rim і with a central opening for installation on one of the car's mother (in some cases, the disk і obіdnuyutsya behind the auxiliary spoke).

The wheels of passenger cars have a large number of types of non-destructive and depend on the design, tire sizes, materials, the stench of preparation, and technology. Particular steel wheels are stored from a sheet of disc and rim, prepared by rolling. The stench is remarkably inexpensive, it may cause the vagu to become deformed and deformed when struck, so that it can squeeze the grip of the tire. In addition, these wheels may have a modest design and are richly vaped to decorate with decorative kovpak.
Steel stamped disks of provincial light wyrobniks for cars come close to lithium disks, which are characteristic for quiet cars themselves. The tendency to a decrease in the weight of the wheel is explained by the team, which, at the same time, will spin and move the car, smooth running, kerovan, galvanized and dynamic dynamism.


Alloys on the basis of aluminum are the most widespread as materials, so that they can be used for the preparation of wheels. Rіdshe wikoristovuyutsya roads magnіevі alloy.

Lithi wheels To get the molten metal pouring into the mold with the advance protochuvannya of the planting surfaces and the apertures of the openings for the cooling of the molten workpiece. Lite discs mensch mitsnі, nіzh forged, to that, there may be those stinki. In addition, in the process of processing, the appearance of clogged pores and shells is possible.

Forged wheels otrimuyut by the method of large-scale stamping with a given mechanical obrobka on special turning verstats (obrobny centers). Forged track discs, ale motsnіshі and legshі for litі.

The head reloading number of light alloys in front of steel, surrounded by a small mass, is the accuracy of the preparation (the bitty does not change 0.15 mm, at a height of 1.5–1.8 mm for steel). The special features of the technology for making discs from light alloys allow for a flexible shape that can be painted zovnishniy viglyad car (photo 2, 3).
The design of the discs, as well as the power of the aluminum alloys, were taken into account with a large landing diameter of the rim (17-22 inches) and forced galvanized mechanisms.


Maximum allowable static nesting on a wheel, there should be no less than 1/4 of the allowed maximum mass of the car (in kgf), indicated in the passport, for example, about the restoration of the transport system.

Basic razmіri kolіs in the main viznachayut navtazhennyam, scho dіє on them, and the dimensions of galvanized mechanisms. In foreign catalogs, sizes "in" are referred to as ET; "g" - DIA; "d" - PCD.
The initial dimensions for the wheel are the rim width and the mounting (landing) diameter, which, as a rule, are presented in inches. In addition, the designation of the wheel includes a letter that denotes the shape of the profile of the rim. For example, in Markuvanna 5,5Jі15, the number denotes the width of the rim, the letter J - the shape of its profile (the same profile can be used, which is denoted by the letters E, L, K), and the remaining number is the mounting diameter of the wheel, so that it should be taken into account by itself.
Landing diameter- Diameter of the surface of the rim (in inches), a tire is mounted on the yak, for example 12; 13; fourteen; 15; 16 etc. Tsey size is guilty of exactly adjusting the planting diameter of the vicoristovuvano tire.
Posadkova width- Vidstan between the inner surfaces of the side edges of the rim (in inches), for example 4.0; 4.5; 5.0; 5.5; 6.0; 6.5 and so on. Light-alloy wheels are made with a diameter of 12-22 inches, while the width of the landing rim varies between 4-10 inches.
Wheeled rim- the distance (in mm) from the gross area (adjacent to the mother) of the wheel to the area, before passing through the middle of the rim. Tsei razmіr viznachaєte, how to clean the area through the middle of the rim of the wheel and vimіyaty from it to the brick area. If the area is growing, then it will be zero. If the pivalka area is above the symmetry area, then it is positive. As far as the pivalka area is concerned, the area of ​​symmetry is not negative - it is negative. Most often, it is necessary to take into account the permissible change in the size of the pitchfork in the intervals of ± 5 mm; On the other hand, it means that the change in the size of the wheel is indicated on the cinematics of traffic, on kerovanosity, the term of the service of bearings, on the styling of the car. The change of the wheel in accordance with the values ​​accepted by the auto-copy is to produce up to an increase in the number of and greater number of arches. As soon as the rims become thicker when the rims are wider, then the tires above the world, when they start, will be more intensive to bother the car. Krim tsyogo, reduce the level of safety.
Diameter of the center of the openings of the wall(Viznachaya in mm) is guilty of exactly indicating the diameter of the stake, on which the center of the rip-off (rizbovyh) openings or the studs of the mother. The name, the whole size, is represented by two numbers: before the new diameter there is a number of openings, for example 4x114.3 (choose a number of 114.3 mm in diameter). So, as the auto-makers didn’t think about the unification of the dimensions of the opening of the mounting, then there is a number of close sizes: 4x98 і 4x100; 4x112 and 4x114.3; 5x98 and 5x100; 5x108 and 5x110; 5x112 and 5x114.3; 5x120 and 5x120.7 thin. The start of the size "on vichko" does not follow. You can give a pardon before you can turn the wheel correctly into a balance wheel, which is stronger than a beat, besides, it can be more powerful than a child's business. For the help of a caliper, you can change the size, or even more beautifully, you can correct the data from the sales consultant.
Diameter of the central opening(Visnachatsya in mіlіmeters) is guilty of giving the diameter of the centering visor on the mother car. Naybіlsh precisely the wheel alignment will be ensured, if the central opening of the disc is zbіgaєt in diameter from the cylinder, as soon as the mother. In quiet cases, if the diameter of the central opening of the disc is larger than the diameter of the cylinder on the mother, the plastic centering inserts-adapters (some are included in the set of easy-to-float wheels). Converters are represented by numbers, which indicate the diameter of the hole in the disk and the diameter of the drive, for example 67.1–56.6; 67.1-59.1. The centering of the wheel behind the aid of the bolts, or the nuts, which can reach the disc, is inadmissible, the main reason for this is to squeeze the disc to the mother of the car and fix the remaining position of the wheel.
Kіlcevі vistupi(Humpy) serve for additional fixation of tubeless tires on the wheel rim. Їх means "H" or "H2", which means the appearance of one or two rings in the singing profile. Rims with a ring whistle, type H2, zazvyay vikoristovytsya for tires with a hardened non-sticky sidewall (Run Flat).


Fastening the wheels to the mother, zd_ysnyuєtsya bolts or nuts, which will end, spherical or flat to press the part. Apparently, in the holes of the mounting of the disk, there are end or spherical surfaces. Most often, for details of fastening, vikoristovyutsya is made from the size of the diameter of 12 or 14 mm and from the crochet of 1.25 or 1.5 mm.
The skin element of the fastener is guilty of shrinking less than 5-6 turns. The bolts, turned more low by 6-10 turns, can get rid of the details of the galvanized mechanisms. Zusilla tightening the blame becomes close to 10-11 kgf / m.
In light-alloy wheels, the central part of the disc is the same, lower in the steel and in the wired bolts or studs. Bolts and nuts for such a number of heads are responsible for milling the edges of the wheel opening with the edges of the head.

Wheel centering

The center of the wheel is the safeguarding of the axle of the axle of the car (the flange of the balancer stand). The way the center is laid down before the hour of the design of the car. As a rule, it should come with a tight part of the fastening and the edges of the openings of the wheel of the wheel. At the junction of the cym, it is inadmissible to vikoristovuvati attachment to the non-pressurized part.


The wheels are obliged to undergo certification and approval of OST 37.001.429, OST 37.001.479 and GOST R 50511 “Wheels from light alloys for pneumatic tires. General technical specs.
On the skin wheels on a prominent mice, there is a mark of the mark with the following data:
1 – trade mark for naming an enterprise-virobnik;
2 - date (rіk and mіsyats) of the preparation of the fork and the number of the melt (for light alloy);
3 – mindlessly rim profile;
4 - wheel rim, mm;
5 - maximum static navantazhennya, kgf;
6 - sign of acceptance according to GOST R 50460.

When you buy, you have to go to the special shops to get more help. correct vibration that you need to know. Nefakhivtsev is even more important because of possible defects in the tire - wheel system. Call when you buy recruiting tires and disks bezellessly pick up and balance the wheels, except for the rearrangement of the standard light gum on the Novopridban wheel (such a rearrangement is tied with the senior staff of the standard steel wheels to be charged).
The wheel at the fence can be reached by the folding vuzol, which is more beautiful than the shape in one minute. In case of loss of balance, for example, through the possibility of deformation of tires or of fastening openings on the disk for running-in, fahivtsi can be stuck in some parts without a frame. If you buy a bullet in small pieces, then you can't make a complaint about it.
It is also possible to carry out the necessary rearrangements at that car dealership, de bulo add a car - the price is the most nadіyno, ale descho expensive.

Wheels are not a part of the design of any car, which is hard to see without a whole lot of detail. A car without them, vіm, yak and without dvigun, simply will not go. The traction force, which will prevent the car from falling, will win, if the moment is turned, it will be driven from the motor to the wheels. The importance of such a warehouse and transport system is becoming evident. The number of disks fits into a large group: crushed from light alloys and steels. We will talk in more detail about the first view in the first statutes.

Alloy wheel: options

Unimportant to those, lit disks have gone into the automotive industry for some reason recently, the stench of the order with the traditional "stamps" has taken up the position of the car. When light-alloy wheels are prepared, materials such as magnesium and aluminum become stagnant, and the axis behind the stench technology is added to forged and aluminum.

Lithium aluminum disks

Such wheels are of the most widespread appearance. The stench is produced by the method of light alloys based on aluminum. They are more difficult to wear with steel wheels, and the stench itself lays down for them by 20-30%. In tsomu polyagaє їkhnya is the main one. The clerk poured in the dynamism of the boom, smoothness of the run, and the vitrate of the paliva. Assignment, which is less than a disk drive, is more beautiful than the deterioration of the car.

Before that, the wear of the running system parts will decrease after a few days. It is also very important that the aggressive infusion of navkolishny middle on the wheel disks will be lower than on the steel. This is due to the reason that oxide melt is formed on the surface of aluminum, and the appearance of the surface is not poured through, and lacoparbium material is applied to them. In general, such a light-alloy wheel can be easily adjusted to the visibility and operation parameters, as well as the possibility of a wide choice of new design. Unpretentious for a large number of pluses, they win a low minus in the case of steel.

Lithium magnesium disks

Discs made of magnesian alloys are trawled on the edge of the road. For the first time such wheels appeared in 1980 on the Alfa Romeo Spider. As soon as some rims are installed on the car, then when they are prepared with magnesium, they will become vicious, as a rule, aluminum and deyaki are metal. We have a lot of aluminum discs, and a lot of them. Smell you might end up with a hundred minus - they have low corrosive strength, so these wheels can help you keep an eye on them and fix special problems.

Repair of lithium disks

If such a light-alloy wheel is known to be deformed, then in order to update it, it will not be easy for you to stop the heat in advance, in any case, you will need to spend it on a special stand. At times, when the troughs have come to an end, the argon-arc zvaryuvannya stagnates. At the same time, it means that the deformation of the cast disc is very difficult to reach, and even more so, the necessary infusion for a great deal of power. For punching: it’s made on wheels, made on a light-alloy base, the force of impact is 3-5 times more, less so that the steel punching disc deforms. Ale і minus, which is a good thing in that it is practically impossible to repair the discs, and the axle forged by stamped order can be easily renewed.

Forged wheels

Tsi rims are made, as a rule, by the method of hot stamping of light-alloy billets. When prepared, these forms become stagnant, less near steel wheels, and also alloy to become aware of a higher temperature. Such discs come from a small variety of walls, even with a wide range of discs, not from lithium discs. The material is becoming more elastic, such a rank behind the authorities is disks from steel, and when it is viral it is easier to go through the sutta. Of course, it’s obvious that the materials used to be used in the same way, as with the production of lithium disks, the difference between technology and technology. Tse of the foundry "kovzanki", that is why, when they are virobnits, they will become more possessive.

Rіznitsya mіzh cast and forged disks

As soon as there are two options, it is possible to say more: forged discs of performances for their brothers-in-arms, some of them may cause graininess, apparently, the stench as a result of blows can remove the tremors. Zagalom, it stinks more to go for trips on good roads, and the axle for off-roading is more beautiful to vibrate forged disks or stamped steel. At the forged rims є minus, which is a pole in the fact that, through іх adjustment, the rigidity and performance in case of rejection of a serious blow, or drinking into a serious pit of energy, is hit by a fall on the element of a shock.

Light-alloy wheel disks for small vases are easy to recognize and zupiniti, the robot will stop moving, and get a short contact with road surfaces. Such discs bring in heat from the galm, which is difficult to overheat, such a rank improves and safety of the ruch. Littya viglyadaє nabagato presentable "cliches", but it’s worthy of partiality, stench, very good, expensive, but all the same, the price for them is acceptable. Lite discs of the 15th radio release cost about 2-3 thousand rubles. Importing a litty will cost 3500 rubles and more, the price can be from a few more times, it is still a lot from the disc's size and foldability.

Forged discs є by watchdogs, unaffected by those who, when they virobnistvі vikoristovuyutsya the same material as littya. I would like to see a price to be amassed with the most beautiful characteristics, which are eliminated with the help of a special special technology, which are fixed for an hour. A 15-inch disk, for example, is close to 6-7 kg, and lithium - 2-3 kg more. With a lot of forged discs, they do not understand the versatile forms and folding of the malunks. Such discs of the Russian Federation will cost 3-3.5 thousand rubles, and the import will cost a lot more.

Light alloy wheels for VAZ

Disks for 15 inches are often stagnant on cars of the passenger class, so in the whole segment they are standard for size. Light alloy wheels 16, 17, 19 R. As a rule, the price is low-profile wheels. For bazhany you can put on and forged disks, or even through the road on such cars, you can get stuck on the road, not light-alloy and steel.

At the statti, we looked around at the small discs, in more detail zupinivshis on such an option, like a light-alloy disc, which for a given hour will become more and more stasis.

Good day, shanovny chitachu.

The car wheel is stored in two parts: pokrishki (shini) and wheel disc.

The special features of the gumi installation are shown in the statty "".

Christmas Movies About number of disks... You can see what kind of lit, stamped and forged discs are produced, as well as special features for choosing discs for a particular car:

Little explanation for car enthusiasts-pochatkivtsiv. Column disc- The central metal part of the wheel, a pokrishka will stand on the yak.

How do you change the number of disks for the parameters?

The possibility of installing a disk on a specific car is based on numerical parameters.

For example, the characteristic of the disc can be like this:
7 J R17 PCD5 * 112 ET45 d57.1

As a rule, avtovirobniki nadayut recommended characteristics of wheel drives. Driving a car is designed for wheels based on parameters. Tom, you want Vi to be unique any problems maybutny, then know the disks, all 6 characteristics of which are parameters specified by the auto-copy.

I would like to say that in practice, when buying large disks, you can win problem... Disks of official dealers cost more expensive, but not similar disks in specialized stores, which sell tires and disks. However, the discs at the dealers' suvoro conform to the recommended parameters, and the discs in the shops can be considered for one or more decalcom characteristics. How can you rob a person?

1. Buy expensive discs from a dealer so that you don't bother with their parameters.

2. Try to find discs that meet the necessary parameters in car dealerships. At the end of the day, it will take more than an hour to get vitality, the protection is real.

It's a pity, it’s a matter of knowing the disks with the necessary characteristics in the first store Ісnu without lіch іznіkh combіnatsіy. However, there is a need for the possibility of replacing a specific option through an online store, because there are no problems due to the assortment.

3. Buy discs that are available with one or more decilcom parameters.

For example, you can buy discs of larger diameter. It is possible to add discs, as there is a larger size for the central opening, a larger width or a larger width.

The only parameter that cannot be changed is PCD. planting open the disc due to the fact that the planting openings on the car.

Once again, I’m looking at the seat, when the discs are checked out of the parameters, which are taken from the recommended ones, can lead to technical faults in the car. Also go to the food with a rose.

Turn to the wheel drives. In the middle, discs of a smaller size are cheaper than discs of a larger size.

For example, in practice, you can buy cheap winter gum that additional set of discs with a diameter of 16 inches, or a set of winter gums 17 inches without discs.

Note. At the text of the statistic for the occasion, prices will be set for large disks with a size of 14 inches, which are relevant for 2019.

Steel stamped discs

The most widespread type of wheel discs є steel stamped discs. The popularity of the game is quite a bit overwhelmed by the low price of money (for 14 inches in the districts 1,200 - 2,000 rubles per disc).

Vagomiy additions in the extended stamping wheel disks to rob the fact that there are many new cars in basic configurations on sale itself on such disks. Well, the masters do not keep up with a penny on new discs, but they really do.

Perevagoyu steel wheel disks є їхnya reaction to blows (on). The discs are stamped into a wide range of fit, not to bend, but to bend. If you play a lot of discs, you can update it and win it in the future.

Nedolikom steel wheel disks є їх great vaga. It is also possible to make a stamp before a short period of time. All stamped discs are even more similar one to one (the butt of images is on a little bit more) and do not reproach special cohannes from car students.

The problem of outwardly stamping discs number of cowpets to close the disc and give it to an individual viewer.

Light alloy wheels

Another popular type of wheel discs lithium wheels.

On the basis of stamped disks, which are made from steel, cast disks are made from aluminum or magnesium alloy. At the zvyazyu z cim light-alloy wheels may be used for the mensha vagu, scho and ї ıhnyu vagomoy. Also, light disks can give great heat conductivity and reduce heat input from galvanized mechanisms.

The technology of making light-alloy wheels allows you to push it in a practical way. To that, on practical lit disks, you can see them for stamped analogs.

Nedolikom light-alloy disks є їх at a reasonable price (for 14 inches 3000 - 4500 rubles per disc). Another shortcoming of lithium discs is that when the wheels hit a large hole, the wheel disc can break. It is uncomfortable to update a punctured disc, it is necessary to replace it again.

Protected discs know a lot of goodies.

Forged wheels

Technology of preparation forged disks see the discs in two types in front.

Perevagi such disks are manifested in their high performance. Besides, forged wheels are the best.

Still one unparalleled transfer of forged disks is that the stench of lithium disks does not come off when it gets into a pit. Zsієї revagi viplivє i one z undersized forged disks. Oskіlki forged disks can be easily transferred to the pits, then all the energy to the blow will be transferred to the shock, so it is unpleasant to get used to the car.

Another shortcoming of forged disks is the design of such disks enclosed by technology and preparation.

Forged discs are roughly styled, but not lithium (3000 - 4500 rubles per disc for 14 inch discs). That і stinks і tricksters, і opponents.

Pidib'єmo pids of the collection of statistics:

  • When vibrating large disks, it is necessary to match the characteristics recommended by the car manufacturer.
  • Run 3 types of wheel disks.
  • Stamped discs are the cheapest and most expensive. Їх can be removed.
  • Lite discs are worth more and less money. The stench can be thrown into a hole.
  • Forged discs can be the best value. Їх victoriannya can zashkoditi pіdvіsci car.

Success on the roads!

Remaining ten years of steel stamped discs for wheels are everywhere replaced by cast models. Deyaky car enthusiasts to hesitate at the expense of the reduced appearance of their cars, but for the greater part of them, it is not only a natural effect that is important, but the reduction of exploitation quality.

Otzhe, what are the lite discs and in what way are they overwhelmed before stamped ones?

What are the lit discs?

Yak is easy to see from the name, lit disks - tse virobi, scho vigotovlyayutsya littya. Steel is suitable for low worlds, for high-grade discs it is more important to use aluminum alloys, and some - more exotic alloys from high-grade magnesium.

The finished disc is a solid vilivka, which is used for the preparation of a great deal of music, and it is known for the surplus springs of metal. For a series of technological operations, the surface of the disc is polished and covered with a special varnish to preserve a durable blisk.

The shape of the disc is the result of realizing the development of provincial engineers of the largest automotive companies. Warehouse for alloy and technology of yogo preparation at the most vyrobniki vyrobnikiv is not so easy, but it is not practical to copy. The main thing, given the same similarity, is the discs produced by the brand's new brands, more and more good and cheap, not cheap Chinese copies.

Perevagi lityh disks

An accepted decision is to replace the stamped steel wheels with light-alloy castings, the leather owner of the car is guilty of intelligence, it is most important to replace it.

Otzhe, like є reloads of lithium disks from the original ones, stamped?

1. Lightweight. Wheels made of aluminum alloy, before that, for the duration of the packs, they should be used less than stamped in advance - an hour reduction in the reach of 50% in front. As a result, the cost decreases, and the car grows more kerovano, stiff and audible on the road. In addition, the comfort of the trip is improved, and the odds are increased to effectively extinguish shipping and blows. An important factor is the reduction of the wear rate, in the case of which the vitrati changes to the markup in a good technical state.

2. The visibility of the galvanized system. The staff of the inner part of the wheel before the hour collapses into the open and cool down by the natural path. I will paint the robot of the galvanized system, without giving it more hope and insecurity.

3. Resistance to corrosion. On the basis of steel, it is easy to get rid of it, aluminum alloy of steel, to corrode it, if the last varnish of the coating is curved with gritty undercoats.

4. Wonderful design. The hubs of the wheel disc accommodate the vitality of babies, individual for skin model. Yes, the wheels can be markedly paint the original view of the car, give you individuality and the ability to change the design of the body.

Incomplete lithium disks

Yak trap all over the place, short-lived, powering solid-cast disks, є continued progress. So, the miraculousness, which is cut off with a gartuvanna, is wrapped in a cry: with a strong blow, the lithium disk does not bend, but bursts. Prodovzhuvati ruh at tsyom vipadku is unhappy, і as there are no spare wheels in the trunk, We just go to the wicklik evacuator. The disk, which burst, does not need to be repaired - it will only need to be replaced.

The versatility of the design of the disks can turn into problems: if you need to replace one disk, you need to change the identity for the size and the small one can be folded. In fact, the current state of the art on the Internet trade, the staff of such disks of the required form can be seen and moved to the protylezhny battles of the planet.

Seeing spokes and obid, how to decorate a car like that, require a lot of wear and tear, and splinters from dying, constantly penetrating the road drank that brood. As soon as the respect has not come, cleaned up, it has accumulated, it can reduce the imbalance of the amount, and it can lead to an unreasonable wear and tear and early exit from the harmony of the elements of the drive.

Feel free to accept the project - please, dyakuyu!
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