What is Tass? Meaning and clouding of the word tass, the designation of the term. History of itar-tars Information about itar-tars

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What is TASS? This is the body of the state, the back of the Radyansky Union, in the present hour of Russia, appointments for the collection of information material. For the older generation, I called it well known, so like TASS be-like information, like the agency collects in the middle of the country and beyond the borders, in the name of the state it conveyed to the population and to other countries.

What is TASS?

The Telegraph Agency of the Radyansk Union was assigned a monopoly right in the name of the state to collect information data on the territory of the SRSR and beyond. Deciphering the TASS abbreviation, knowing whether it was a resident of the country, it was formed from the first letters of the name of the agency.

So, as the state was formed from the allied republics, then the stench of their agencies was small, they were ordering without intermediary TASS and they were minimizing the right to collect information data on their territory. The agency appeared in 1925, but it did not settle down in an empty place. This organization is small in its history, as it went to its roots until the beginning of the 20th century. Tsya naming is relevant until the first day.

Why did it all start

Irrespective of those that the official date of establishment of the TASS agency was taken into account in 1925, the actual calculation is carried out in 1904. Before that, in 1902, the TTA (trade and telegraph agency) appeared, initiating the creation of S. Witte, which at that time post of Minister of Finance. Yogo proposition supported by Mykola II. It was seen and in the event of financial support.

The basis for yoga enlightenment was the Trade and Industrial Newspaper. Directly recognized by the TTA was to collect economic information for industry, agriculture and trade.

St. Petersburg Telegraph Agency

In the period of the Russian-Japanese war, the main value was represented by information in the field of politics, as well as news of a military nature. Therefore, the TTA was transformed into a sovereign body for the collection of information data and took away the name of the SPTA (St. Petersburg Telegraph Agency). It happened in 1904. The same date is considered the day TASS was founded. The importance of information at the time of war, the significance and role of the state in bringing it to the attention of the population became clear even in that period.

To say the least, since 1866 the ROTA (Russian Telegraph Agency) was born. Yogo vіdminnіst vіd TTA meant that it was private. In 1872, the MTA (International Telegraph Agency) was established. In 1886, it became known as the STA (Pivnichne Telegraph Agency).

Petrograd Telegraph Agency

Rozpochata in 1914 roci svіtova war made its own corrections in the name of the SPTA. At the link with military podia, the capital took away a new name - Petrograd. Later, the telegraph agency began to call Petrograd. After the Zhovtnevogo rebellion, the first object taken by the Bolsheviks was the PTA. It was occupied at 21-00 on 11/07/1917 once again confirmed the importance of the news agency.

The Bolsheviks have always given great respect to the organs of information, giving them the most important significance. Ten days later, a decree was issued for the sake of the People's Deputies, in which the telegraph agency became an official body of the Radnarkom. The new one in a categorical form was given to all the Radams with an upgrade, as if they were contacting the agency for the transfer of information to the newspapers.

Russian telegraph agency

As a result of the merger of two organizations of the Petrograd Telegraph Agency and the Bureau of Nutritional Presi, which functioned at the All-Russian Central Exhibition Center in 1918, the ROSST (Russian Telegraph Agency) was established, it was established until 1925 and was transferred to Moscow. Tse buv official body of information of the state, as it bore the name RRFSR.

Great popularity was taken away by the title of the ROSST. The stench was a cry of satirical directness. V. Mayakovsky sings among them, artists I. Malyutin, K. Malevich and others in children's art. You can see the posters were formed from caricatures with signatures at the top. Vіknami їх were called through vіshuvannya їх in empty windows of shops.

In connection with the decisions of the SRSR in 1922, the Russian Federation, with the rights of a republic, rose to the yogo warehouse. Therefore, TASS is created on the basis of ROSST. What is such a telegraph agency - a sovereign authority, which is constantly under the control of the state. All selected material was processed and transmitted in the national newspapers of the country.

At the capital of the Internet, it is important to reveal all the meanings of the telegraph agency. At that time, it was the most important information system, for the help of which the population was brought to the political line of the country, the main documents, cіkavі facts i news.

At that hour, the TASS abbreviation called out to the people for a reason and confidence, so that not a single unverified and unconfirmed novelty made any publications. An inestimable contribution to the victory over the fascist Nazi Germany was made by the agency, which journalists obtained information on the front lines, often took part in military operations together with the military. News from the fronts was brought to the population of Radyansk and to the inhabitants of other lands.

Behind the tradition, “Vikna TASS” began to emerge. The stench functioned in all the great places of the country. Famous Radian artists and writers were among them: S. Marshak, D. Bidniy, P. Antakolsky, O. Berggolts, V. Lebedev-Kumach, famous caricaturists Kukriniksi, B. Efimov, M. Cheremnykh.

Education ITAR-TASS

At the very beginning of 1992, TASS and RIA "News" are being spoken and ITAR-TASS is created on their basis, the abbreviation that can be deciphered as the Information Telegraph Agency of Russia - TASS. Just like before, a little form of sovereignty was established. Volodilo offense on vіdshennya to kolishnіh organizations. An important step was the adoption of a single informational line.

In 2014, the brand of the company was changed, it took away a lot of its name - TASS, as it is not an abbreviation, but the full name of the information company.

Tass- - Telegraph agency Radyansky Union - central information body SRSR, founded in 1925, took the cob from the Petrograd Telegraph Agency, founded in 1917, collects allied and international information and expands it for press, television, radio and other organizations in the SRSR and beyond the cordon. Offices and correspondent offices in 110 countries. ITAR-TASS became TASS successor - Information Telegraph Agency of Russia.


The telegraph agency of the Radyansk Union is the central information body of the SRSR, founded in 1925, taking the cob of the Petrograd Telegraph Agency, founded in 1917, collecting allied and international information and expanding it for the press, television, and radio communications organizations in other organizations. Offices and correspondent offices in 110 countries. ITAR-TASS became TASS successor - Information Telegraph Agency of Russia.

It is possible for you to recognize lexically, directly or figuratively the meaning of these words:

Tartar - - the lower part of the underground world was incinerated in mythology ...
Tartessus - - behind ancient retellings, ancient place in pivdenny ...
Tarutino - - the village of Zhukovsky district of the Kaluz region. Good hour...
Tarkhan - - the name of the feudal lord among the Turkic peoples in the middle ...
Tasmanians - - the main population of about. Tasmania, wandering mislivian tribes. ...
Tatami - - mat with straw - kilim with synthetic ...
Tauantinsuyu - the power of the Inkiv in 1438 1536 pp., It took ...
Taungu - - power on the pivdenny gathering of Burma in the XIV-XVI centuries. ...

The term is similar to Italian abbreviation and Latin brevis- short. The old-timers used to call that manuscripts shorthand written words of either group. Today, the abbreviation is called whether it’s a short word or it’s a day. We have learned a lot from them and understand them, because the stench is actively cited in the press and in the available literature. No one is asking sumnivіv deciphering the abbreviation of the university (great initial pledge) or the Radiansky Union). Buvayut skorochennya, yakі zustrіchayutsya seldom and less in the special literature. Such abbreviations at once with their deciphering should be taken in one division of knowledge (The list is short) or explain them in the first place in the text of the article, or books, for example

However, it is possible to expand the shortness, so that you can correctly decipher only one, if you know the history of their derivation and development. This abbreviation is referred to by TASS.

decryption of pochatkov

The appearance of the TASS abbreviation appeared in 1925, if on the basis of the Russian Telegraph Agency (ZROSTANNIA), the official information center of the Union Republic of the RRFSR, the Telegraph Agency for the Union of Radyansk Socialist Republics (TARS) was created. Yomu Bulo transferred single control over її broadening of information about podії beyond the borders of the Radyansky Union.

Before the warehouse of the agency, the organization included news agencies that included up to the SRSR of the union republics: RATAU (Ukraine), KAZTAG (Kazakhstan), BelTA (Belarus), UzTAG (Uzbekistan), Georgianinform (Georgia), ATEM (Moldova), Azerinform (Azerbaijan), Elta (Lithuania) ), Latinform (Latvia), KirTAG (Kyrgyzstan), TajikTA (Tajikistan), UKRINFORM (Birmenia), TURKMENINFORM (Turkmenista), ETA (Estonia), and also KarelfinTAG (in the period 1940-1956). However, the stinks were engaged in rozvyudzhennyam іnformatsії only in the middle of their territorial offices.

In the period from 1945 to 1991, there was no doubt that the inhabitants of our country would give an answer for food: “How is TASS deciphered?” Tse bulo is simple, like two two - chotiri. For the wealthy hulks, just like that, and beyond the borders, the word TASS sounded louder and more memorable, the decoding of the abbreviation of which bula is clear and understood by everyone - the telegraph agency of the Radyansky Union. Adja so often on the radio and television broadcast the phrase: “TARS of hopes to declare ...”

This agency belonged to the number of the largest information centers in the world. There were 682 correspondent posts in the middle of the country and more than 90 posts outside the borders, around the world there were more than two thousand photojournalists and TASS journalists.

new name

In the spring of 1992, in conjunction with the entrance of the political arena of the Radyansk Union, on the basis of the TASS agency, the Information Telegraph Agency of Russia (ITAR-TASS) was formed. The abbreviation tsya included a lot of abbreviations. no more. How now was it possible to understand the word TASS? The decryption now meant "Telegraph Agency of Sovereign Territories." The colossal abbreviation was taken out as a new name for the fact that this brand is known and authoritative in the whole world, and is also directly associated with Russia. It doesn’t matter, in the warehouse of the Radyansky Union, the won changed the number.

In addition, the media center with a new name was actually called the rightful offender of the Telegraph Agency of the Radyansk Union, which was enshrined in the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Yeltsin B.N. dated December 22, 1993 No. 2257.

But today it’s no longer possible to instill in Russia the correct answer to food: “What is ITAR-TASS? How do you see the abbreviation deciphering? »

Brief description of ITAR-TASS

Until the end of the day, it was the largest Russian new agency to enter the elite of light media centers along with Reuters, Associated Press and Agence France-Presse. Yogo services were watched in real time. A lot of news from the agency came in Russian, English, Spanish, German, French and Arabic languages. The political, economic, social, cultural and sporting aspects of the life of Russia and the world were featured in about 200 periodicals of informational products.

Since 1995, the ITAR-TASS agency has seen one novelty and 34 more operational lines, which reflect all the news in Russia and the world, in which days up to 650 updates are transmitted. The slanderous obsyag of the transferred information is equivalent to 300 newspaper smugs for production.

The agency has the largest historical Photo Fund in Russia (over a million photographs and negatives), which is regularly replenished with thousands of digital photos. It has a unique information and research fund, an electronic data bank, special economic bases and other areas of knowledge of information that can cover millions of documents.

The ITAR-TASS information network includes 42 regional centers and correspondent points in Russia. There are over 500 correspondents in 75 foreign representative offices of the agency.

Bringing information to the media center reaches tens of thousands of collective payers in Russia and abroad, including over a thousand ZMI organizations, anonymous institutions, libraries, scientific and academic organizations.

Turning back to the past

In the spring of 2014, at a meeting of the organizing committee for preparations for the 110th anniversary of the agency, it was announced that they would turn it back to the old name - TASS. Deciphering, of course, is to be changed, even as a power, which has not been used for a long time. Tsya іnіtsiativa took away the unanimous podtrimka. It was decided that the decision would be made after the commendation of the change was called the founder of the agency - the order of the Russian Federation.

From the history of TASS

"But why 110-rіchchya?" - ask you. Adzhe word TASS viniklo in 1925 roci. In fact, the beginning of its history, the agency was founded in 1904 as the St. Petersburg Telegraph Agency (SPTA), renamed in 1914 as the Petrograd Telegraph Agency (PTA) and lasted until 1918. GROWTH was created on the yoga basis itself, already created in this article.

TASS - deciphering the abbreviation today

In 2013, RIA "Novosti" was liquidated (on this basis, the agency "Russia Today" was formed, which is broadcasting for the cordon). ITAR-TASS has become the only state information agency in Russia. In the spring of 2014, the transition of ITAR-TASS to a huge brand - TASS was born. The decoding of the current abbreviation in a new form now looks like “Information agency of Russia TASS” / “Russian news agency TASS”. The transition is due to completions until the end of 2015.

The agency's logos are updated at the same time in the design of the informational lines, see, the site and in.

Reading these articles will help you with food: “How is TASS decrypted?” and "a trivial chain of food at a given hour?"

ITAR-TASS is the central state news agency of Russia.

Agency ITAR-TASS: photo, news, ITAR-TASS Kuban, official site ITAR-TASS

Fire up the zmist

Burn zmist

ITAR-TASS - tse, appointment

ITAR-TASS - tse Founded in 1904 as the St. Petersburg Telegraph Agency news agency, as one of the largest news agencies at the moment. The ITAR-TASS agency is engaged in the sale of information to other people. Information Telegraph Agency of Russia (ITAR-TASS) founded by Presidential Decree Russian Federation in 1992, the fate of the vote after the sovereignty of Russia.

ITAR-TASS - tse Central State Information Agency of Russia.

ITAR-TASS - tse news service, which includes thematic news, which specializes in the collection of current information, which embraces all areas of activity.

ITAR-TASS - tse a company that is self-supporting agencies that generate international, economic and sports information.

ITAR-TASS - tse news agency, registered on 20 May 2010 in the form of extension "Electronic periodicals". We have seen a certificate of registration ZMI El No. FS 77 - 39936 20.05.2010.

ITAR-TASS - tse first news agency that appeared on the territory of the Russian Federation

ITAR-TASS - tse one of the largest news agencies in Russia and the world.

History of ITAR-TASS news agency

On April 10, 1925, by a decree of the Presidium of the Central Vikonavchy Committee and the Rada of People's Commissars, the Telegraph Agency for the Union of Radyansk Socialist Republics (TARS) was founded, as it assumed the main functions of the Russian Telegraph Agency as the central information body of the region.

Way from the Russian Telegraph Agency to the Russian Telegraph Agency

The first news agencies in Russia were born in the other half of the 19th century, when craftsmanship, trade, and agricultural production began to flourish. We are rapidly gathering wrappers to get involved in the world capitalism system of the Russian economy, it is necessary to provide prompt and reliable information about the country of world markets, as well as about the political situation. At that time, the periodic press could not send telegrams of a political message without intermediary, without going through censorship in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, in 1866, the Russian Telegraph Agency (ROTA) was created with a high-profile building. On the basis of otrimanih z-beyond the cordon and yakі passed the censorship of telegrams, bulletins were formed, 2-3 times a day they were sent to payers by telegraph. Nezabarom ROTA began to collect internal information and through the German agency Wolff to spread abroad.

After six years, in 1872, the International Telegraph Agency, and in 1882, the International Telegraph Agency came to the first telegraph agency in Russia, until 1878. The first overseas Russian telegraph agency was created in 1894. All Russian agencies were private undertakings and belonged to the great visionaries - Kraevskiy, Suvorin, Notovich, Trubnikov. Telegraph agencies received information from all provincial and metropolitan newspapers. All the necessary information, including news, the agencies, as a rule, scooped from the newspapers of their rulers, and the provincial newspapers, in their own hands, were embarrassed to repeat the voices of the capital's press. Prote the fact of the appearance of news agencies is evidence of the thoroughness of the newspaper in general.

On the first spring of 1904, the birth of the children of St. Petersburg Telegraph Agency (SPTA) is the first official news agency of Russia. The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire acted as the initiative for the creation of the SPTA. June 26, 1904 Minister of Finance V.M. Kokovtsov on the list to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, pointing out the need for "a way to satisfy the needs of the free foreign control of the telegraph exchange", stating "the expansion of false reports about the economic life of Russia". In 1904, at the fate of the people of the departments, which could be renewed "I look at the nutrition that the productions of the design rank telegraph agency are worth," the main documents were adopted about the organization and principles of the activity of the St. Petersburg Telegraph Agency (SPTA), behind the cordon political, financial, economic, trade and other areas may have a supportive interest in the home.

At the end of 1914, on the next day after Mykola II, having punished the name of the place St. Petersburg - Petrograd, St. Petersburg, the Telegraph Agency was renamed into the Petrograd Telegraph Agency (PTA). On July 25 (7 leaf fall), 1917, the agency on Pochtamtskaya Street borrowed the shelters of Baltic sailors under the command of the commissar of the Viysk Revolutionary Committee Leonid Stark. The first news about revolutionary developments in Russia, written by Stark, is promptly transmitted to agencies and newspapers of the whole world. 18 leaf fall (1 day) 1917 Decree to the Radnarkom of Petrograd Telegraph Agency is declared the central information body under the Radiation of People's Commissars. In the spring of 1918, the PTA was to move to Moscow. Prezidіya postanovlyaє scho "new install Got nazivatisya Rosіyskim Telegraph Agency at Vserosіyskomu Central Vikonavchomu Komіtetі Skorochena Hosting Project -.. ZROSTANNYA ZROSTANNYA staє Central Radyans'ka іnformatsіynim body for vsієї Rosіyskoї Sotsіalіstichnoї Federativnoї Radyanskoї Respublіki Tse agency otrimuvalo pryamі Price not specified scho send both, yak іnformatsіyu poshiryuvati.. newspapers and magazines, in their line, were going to publish these materials, first for everything about the heroism of workers at the front and in the body.

There were 10 editors in the agency, among them literary, agitational, instructor, artistic and photographic. Shvidko bula created a correspondent network. In 1919, ZROSTANYA already had 42 divisions in the country. It has become a great visionary institution, which is seen by visniks, bulletins, newspapers to help the provincial and state news. In the hromadyansky rocks of the war, the workers of ZROSTANNIA took part in the activity of agitation and agitation steamboat, issued leaflets. Posters, rich newspapers. Most famous for his caricatures "Vikna ZROSTANYA", V.Mayakovsky with some spivpratsyuvav. Spontaneously GROWTH was occupied with the expansion of periodic vidans. And in 1919, the Tsentropechat (Tsentropechat) was created in 1919 (it was later transformed into Soyuzdruk), so it took over these functions. For kraїnі z'appeared tsіla merezha її vіddіlen.

Pragnuchi rozshiriti "geografіyu" rozmіschenі materіalіv i їh problems, the agency Velika uwagi pridіlyalo organіzatsії korespondentskoї MEREZHI, svoїh vіddіlen on mіstsyah, krіm bankіv scho dіyali Petrogradskogo ZROSTANNYA Bureau UralROSTA, desyatkіv іnshih in kvіtnі 1921 rock on bazі UkrROSTA stvoryuєtsya RATAU - Telegraph Agency of Ukraine , BelTA is also founded in Minsk, AzerTAG in Baku and other republican agencies. In the beginning of January 1921, the regulations on the provincial departments of ZROSTANNIA were adopted. Their tasks included the selection and expansion of public information, instructions for newspapers, political and newspaper campaigns.

main task Radian journalism during the hours of the mass war - the struggle against the counter-revolution. Difficulties in the formation of the Chervonoy Army led to the extreme approaches, to terror by appointment to the commanders. To the commissars of the soldiers, yak could not zupinit the proposition of the bilogvardiytsiv. The newspapers were full of fearful reports about shootings at the Red Army troops. In the face of fear, the press carried out propaganda to reinforce the old order to allow the peasants of the earth, that, having only overcome the "bіlih", you can assert your right to the land. The big newspapers slandered the readers, who, regardless of the difficulties and devastation, in the country are constantly creating a robot, who, at the front, and in the body, people create feats and approach the triumph of the revolution. heroism of workers, villagers, army men, youth. In 1918 and 1919 pp. to pass the first award of radyansk journalists, they appointed the most important task of the press for the implementation of the party's policy. The eighth star of the RCP (b) goitre of journalists is able to make speeches to each other and by their own decisions, including journalists in the structure of the administrative-command management. The journalist has become a "handyman" of the party, a conductor of її politics, її a mouthpiece. Radyansk journalism has become the monopoly ruler of the press, which only one party has a point of view. This is the main feature of Radiansk journalism right up to the 90s. XX Art.

The energy diyalnist of all structural lines of GROWTH has sprung even further development and zmіtsnennya. So, while in 1919 there were 42 local divisions, in 1922 there were 474 correspondent points and divisions, 7 regional associations in the system. Rozgaluzhena trammel structural pіdrozdіlіv ZROSTANNYA granted a permission Yomou postachati Central i mіstsevu perіodichnu Presa that radіo operational іnformatsієyu i іnshimi neobhіdnimi materіalamі.Obespechenіe vnutrіshnoї i mіzhnarodnoї іnformatsієyu Druck i radіo Bulo lishe Chastain tієї rіznomanіtnoї dіyalnostі, yakoyu Ziman ZROSTANNYA. On the cob of the 20s. as before, the most important ones were given up and vidavnicha diyalniststvo, іnstruktorska і professіyna podpopomіyâ editorial offices mіstsevih newspapers. The agency issued a significant number of bulletins, various bulletins, newspapers, and magazines.

In the first ten years of the Radyansky Vlady Vytchiznyana, journalism recognized serious structural changes. Having entered the Zhovtnev revolution as a rich party system, one-party system will know the fate of the hromada war. The liberalization of the Radian regime, which was not viklikana, became a serious test for one-party journalism. Having overcome the crisis, the won formed into a rich-tonational differential system of benefits mass information. The short-term period of liberalization of the life of the Suspіlstva succumbed to the fact that the panіvnoy became totalitarian іdeology, that the radyansk journalism increasingly began to fit into the administrative-command system that was taking shape. And yet the main place in the process was occupied by politics.

1925, when the rock was aware of the need not only to establish the statehood of the country, but to carry out its technical perfection, to create new lines of industry, to build great backwaters and power plants. The industry of the state was stunned by the most important tasks of the country as a whole and the skin bulk of the population. The press got more and more information about the launch of new enterprises, about labor exploits and successes. But the scale of industrialization, planned by the party, outweighed the real possibilities of the country, both material and human. The idea of ​​super-industrialization, yak called the serious super-girls in the party, implied special ways to work, organize their work. The creation of a labor army, a system of special food supply on industrial objects in the minds of a food shortage, a more friendly form of a desire for labor, social advances - all this allowed the industrialization of the country to be violated. Ale and ZMI guilty will play a role here, shaping a huge thought, replicating agitation information. Journalism is on the cob molding the singing shutter to work, the first step in the life of a person. Newspapers publish laudatory articles about the labor achievements of leading workers and critical publications about poor and successful workers. The function of an organizer, propagandist and arbiter of the so-called socialist slogan was preserved by journalism right up to the mid-80s.

Ale zdіysnennya іndustrіalіzаtsії was unrealistic without kolektivіzіzії in the countryside, and simpler - without the collapse of commodity-penny, market-based profits among the rural and mіsk commodities workers. The decline of private states in the countryside and the creation of collective ones - a friend of the most important economic head of the radyansk government, in the implementation of which the press took active fate. She campaigned for kolgospi, slandered kurkuli-odnosibniks, branded "glitai", painted regional pictures of collective life, praised the first voluntarily kolgospniks. In a word, she robbed everything to create a positive image that one would like to see. The very end of the 20s. becoming the sunset of all democratic manifestations of the Radian power and journalism, zokrema. In view of the tendentious display of the truth of life, Radiansk journalism has moved to slogan, official propaganda, to information, promoted to the point of non-activity and the leading blind sub-root dictate of the party. Three years ago, on the cob of the 20s, the training of cadres of "red" journalists, as well as the titles of workers' correspondents - to the staff of community correspondents from among the villagers or workers. Everywhere the editorial staff conduct their training. The system of state-owned newspapers is changing, as well as the planned party press press. The polygraphic base is growing. Everywhere there are vidavnitstv, including national ones. One sees newspapers and magazines in national languages. Beware of mass development of periodicals. Newspapers and magazines seem to be in the service of state and party politics.

In the circles, the party organizations call for all members of the party to write party and radian views. Tsim begin to engage in the first party organizations. Circulations of the central newspapers are growing majestic. The one-time circulation of 10,000 newspapers could be 10,000 newspapers in 1936, making 38 million contributors in 1936. At the district and regional party committees they announce to each other, then they give propaganda. The stench dictates, in fact, to all the most important themes of their speeches, regulates the nature of the speeches, searches for facts and their interpretation. For those who are especially unfazed, the system of navіyuvan is "deadly" - it rings in aiding counter-revolution, counter-revolutionary propaganda, in anti-people activities. The same methods of regulation of labor enthusiasm and recognition to the collective level are victorious in other spheres of life. Mass hangings of "kurkulіv", calling filthy training of robotic workers at "shkіdnitstvі", deafening technical failures "assisting imperialism" and other similar phenomena became prominent both in life and on newspaper sleepers. And what's more - what a superb picture of the activity of the regional picture of the happy life of the Radian people, their love is boundless to the native party and order, especially to comrade Stalin. Haze of the "wise and great comrade Stalin" - rice mastery journalism of the 30-40s. Journalism has played an important role in the formation of the cult of yoga speciality. Ale navіt laudatory speech, vіddana defending the interests of the radyansk government, more or less following the directives of the party did not save journalists from reprisals. Bagato of them also became victims of the Gulag.

After the adoption of the SRSR, the bula was reorganized and the information service of the country. On April 10, 1925, by a decree of the Presidium of the Central Exhibition Committee of the USSR, the foundations of the allied body - the Telegraph Agency of the Radyansky Union. ZROSTANNIA became an agency of the RRFSR, and in the year 1935 it was liquidated and its functions were transferred to TASS.

A new expansion is required throughout the entire Union of the RCP and beyond the cordon of political, economic, commercial and all sorts of others, which may have a great interest, information that can be seen as far as the Union of the RSR, as well as to foreign powers. For zdіysnennya pokladenih on Demba zavdan Telegraph Agency Union PCP: - koristuєtsya viklyuchnim right zbirannya that poshirennya Informácie pose mezhami Union PCP and takozh right poshirennya іnozemnіy i zagalnosoyuznoї Informácie in furrows vsogo Union PCP i keruє robot respublіkanskih Telegraph Agency of rozpovsyudzhennya іnozemnіy i zagalnosoyuznoї Informácie in borders between the two republics; - take for their heads the telegraph agencies of the allied Republics, whether it be information: political, financial, economic, commercial, or whatever else, whether there is a big or special interest; - organization of correspondence and correspondent points behind the cordon, which are to be carried out on the basis of special instructions, which are seen by the Telegraph Agency to the RCP Union; - have the exclusive right to enter into agreements with telegraph agencies of other countries; - install and charge a fee for your own informational communication and viewing, not including payment for the use of information, broadcast on the radio; - assigns its upgrades on the selection of subscriptions and reopening of the Telegraph Agency to the Union of the RCP, both behind the cordon, and in the boundaries of the Union of the RCP in the departments, deprivation of telegraph agencies of the allied Republics, and for the rest, laying out the agreements; - vouch for all rights legal entity. At the first feast of the year, TASS information told about labor achievements, heroism to the people in the struggle for the establishment of socialism, for the triumph of the Leninist national policy, about the international camp.

TASS was the central news agency of the SRSR, and these statements were viewed as an official point in the morning. The main tasks of TASS were: collection of information on the entire territory of the USSR, collection of information in foreign countries; expansion on the entire territory of the SRSR of government information, photo information, as well as legislative acts and decisions of the party and order; in its special reports, TASS reported on the official opinion of the ranks of the SRSR and on the basis of new requests to inform the foreign press. There are few correspondent points or correspondents in the territories and regions of their republic. KAZTAG has created a cycle in itself.

Telegraph agencies of the Union Republics, information agencies, are included in the single sovereign information system of the SRSR, are in the order of the Council of Ministers of the Union Republics and the Telegraph Agency of the Radyansk Union (TARS). Koristuyutsya by the rights of sovereign committees of the Rada Ministers of the Union Republics. Telegrafnі agency of the Federal respublіk poshiryuyut in respublіkah the Federal i іnozemnu іnformatsіyu i fotoіnformatsіyu, otrimuvanu od TASS zbirayut іnformatsіyu i fotoіnformatsіyu about Zhittya svoїh respublіk for respublіkanskoї Presa, telebachennya i radіo, peredayut in TASS poshirennya in CPCP i behind a cordon іnformatsіyu scho predstavlyaє zagalnosoyuzny іnteres and interest for the zakordon. Transmit information both in Russian language and in translation into the language of the Union Republics. For the collection of information in the republic, there may be a number of government officials and correspondents. The TARS system includes Telegraph agencies of the union republics: URSR - RATAU, BSSR - BelTA, Uzbek RSR - UzTAG, Kazakh RSR - KAZTAG, Georgian RSR - Georgianform, Azerbaijan RSR - Azerinform, Lithuanian RSR - Yelta, Moldavian RSR - ATEM, Latvia Latіnform, Kirgiz RSR - KirTAG, Tadjitsk RSR - TajikTA, Virmensk RSR - UKRINFORM, Turkmen RSR - TURKMENinform, Estonian RSR - ETA.

Republican agencies took away foreign information from TASS and selected their own, local, all materials were supplied by republican, regional newspapers and magazines. The most important and most important news of the stench was reported by TASS. This made it possible for TASS to widely inform the press of the SRSR about those that happened today on the territory of the union republics. mine, in a clear form.

TASS as an ideological tool

In the late 1920s, TASS was full of competitiveness and kindness beyond the cordon. At that time, the agency practiced according to the most advanced, American way of presenting information: the first phrase came first - lead, then - details for equal changes in importance. Tse allowed to compete on equal terms with international agencies. Wtim, after the war, the American way of presenting information was changed. So, as a matter of fact, TASS, from its information structure, turned into a propaganda organ. When I showed up I went to "white" and "black" TASS. Tsіlі vіddіli were engaged exclusively in translating the support of foreign agencies and heroes from the foreign press; all the stinks went to the Bulletin of Foreign Service Information TASS. In the meantime, buy the news under the most powerful censorship, then we chose the news for the Radiansk newspapers. Z tsієї well cause buv steal the difficulties of choosing information in the middle of the Radian Union. Mayzhe kozhne podomlennya correspondent of the agency wimagalo іnоdі up to dоdіkіv іz іznyh ministries аnd departments. In such minds, one could not talk about efficiency. Kerіvnitstvo TARS tried to reconsider the party authorities to speed up a lot of reconsiderations, leaving one reconsidering organ - Golovlit. It’s not surprising that in today’s informational wars from Sunset TASS, it was engraved time after time. Once, the agency’s agency tried to promptly ask for more information about the rise in prices in the Radyansk Union. Ale zgodzhennya statti with the head of the sovereign committee with prices took two months. Zreshtoy, vіn i zovsіm vіdmovivsya vіzuvati material, declaring that for whom you need a special decree of the Central Committee. When official news and talks were held, TASS correspondents were always in an invisible camp equally with their foreign colleagues. As soon as the visits were reported, they reported about their work, ours was only allowed to convey dry information about the hour and the month of the negotiations.

Today, TASS prepared and transmitted 300-320 domestic and international successes. The head office of information for zakordon (GRIDZ) prepared special materials in 6 languages ​​(Russian, English, French, German, Portuguese and Arabic) for 115 countries of the world (for 73% of countries).

TASS was an arduous way of conducting ideological work on a straight political line, providing light-saving information with prompt and accurate reports about the SRSR. However, the nature of this activity as an official body of rank-and-file information is significantly reduced in the information capacity of propaganda, not allowing to go beyond the framework of ideology.

In 1971, by Decree of the Ministers of the SRSR TASS of transformations into an information body of the Union-Republican significance. For their own camp, they defend themselves with the rights of the sovereign committee for the sake of the Ministers of the SRSR. TASS, the telegraph agencies of the allied republics, the TASS correspondent network in the country and beyond the cordon establish a single sovereign information system of the country. TASS has more than 100 correspondent bureaus in 100 countries, over 500 correspondents in the USSR. bulletins of sports information (by teletype), bulletins of economic and commercial information and information. TASS information is collected in the middle of the country by 3700 newspapers, 50 radio stations, 80 TV studios; more than 300 foreign organizations in 75 countries. TASS expands information in Russian, English, Spanish, French, German, and Arabic language.

In 1961, in the system of collecting mass information of the SRSR, TASS, the Agency for Druku "Novini" (APN) began to function, the founders of which were the Union of Journalists of the SRSR, the Union of Radian Writers, the Union of Radian Friendship Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries (SSOD) and the All-Union Suspіlstvo on the expansion of political and scientific knowledge. APN has representative offices more and more in one hundred countries of the world, having seen magazines, newspapers, press-bullets on 45 movs with a circulation of about 2 million over the cordon. Approx. In 130 countries, the circulation is close to 1 million. Approx. the newspaper Moskovskiye Novosti newspaper appeared in English, French, German, Spanish and Arabic languages, and on seven language editions, the six-thousandth edition of illustrations digest "Sputnik". Millions of books and brochures were published in Russian and foreign languages, as well as newsletters of the APN “About the Radian Union”, “Radyansk Panorama”, “News in Science and Technology”, “International Information” for the foreign and Radianian press. Appointed by the head of the agency - preparing materials, articles, publications, comments for newspapers and magazines. As the main products of TASS were hot news, then APN, first for everything, does not only talk about the news, but widely comment on them.


The Information Telegraph Agency of Russia (ITAR-TASS) was founded by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1992, following the vote on the sovereignty of Russia. Until the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 1993 "On legal regulation in the period of gradual constitutional reform in the Russian Federation" it was established that "... the Information Telegraph Agency of Russia ... is the legal offender of the large Telegraph Agency of the Radiansky Union ... 4 On May 1994, the order of the Russian Federation adopted the Decree "On the confirmation of the Statute of the Information Telegraph Agency of Russia", as a rule of law "to act as a central state news agency ...".

Today, ITAR-TASS is one of the largest light information factories, invariably maintaining the status of a leading state information agency of Russia. Vono has preserved its status as a central state agency, adding new rice, introducing changes in the policy of access to information and the promotion of new computer and telecommunication technologies. Information, as previously taken into account in the university of privileged osibs, is immediately available to the audience of various ZMI, rich organizations and private persons, both in Russia and beyond.

Today, ITAR-TASS offers its prepayers a wide range of informational services, which ensures the activity of the agency's sales promotions:

Service of novelties, which includes thematic news, which specializes in the collection of current information, which embraces all spheres of activity;

Self-supporting agencies that generate international, economic and sports information;

Unique for its capabilities and stocks of advanced information and photo service, advertising and commercial centers, as well as other services, including technical ones, that are engaged in rozpovsudzhennyam and delivery of products to pre-payers.

The main direction of the agency's activity, like other agencies of a universal profile, is the variety of operational sub-information. The leading information product of ІTAR-TASS - "One new line" is transmitted in real time mode and informs about all merit for respect in Russia, near and far abroad. The main line of information should be supplemented with the information about the surviving galuzevyh vіddіlіv. The novelty line is marked by global national and great regional newspapers and television companies, agencies, foreign diplomatic representations in Russia. Today, ITAR-TASS is included in the top five largest news agencies in the world - France Pres, Reuters, Associated Press, Deutschepressagentur (DPA).

ITAR-TASS projects

Information agency ITAR-TASS may have no personal projects, the skin project will bring any information to the agency


"Photo by ITAR-TASS" is the oldest agency in Russia and the CIS countries that specializes in the production of photo news. For more than a decade, Photochronicle TARS agency has become and remains a leader in the release of photo information that reflects the political, social and cultural life of the country. History Photo chronicles have been available for more than ten years. In 1926, the staff at the Russian Telegraph Agency, the same as ZROSTANNIA, created a press-cliché workshop, a small team of people who took photographs of the best-known country. Over the years, a small workshop has turned into one of the leading photo agencies in the world.

Today's day of the Agency is the chronicle of a new era. The following are publications of photos by ITAR-TASS in most central cities, links with regions, and exits to the international market. Tse progressive renovation of young cadres, conservation of the traditional team. The whole million photo archives of the country. Price news - in real time.

ITAR-TASS infographic

Інфорвація at Visigandi Maps, Grafіkіv, schemes і diagram Dzvololiє Drukovnikov, iNTherenet-t Tevizіyniy zmі Operationally ілиструватиi Ниважиліші и и ініна ї ї, ин и і пробельная инфорка інфика і і і ірат подина сміст сміст ивини сода и и и подідодисті истича и и и и и и отідодсті и и иладича.

Editorial graphic information ITAR-TASS promotes materials on current topics: political, economic, scientific, cultural, sporting and rich others - from financial news to film festivals and film premieres, from natural phenomena to historical dates and sub-schemes, from major projects which explains new technologies.

The ITAR-TASS infographic is being prepared as an addition to Adobe Illustrator CS3 with the effects of Adobe Illustrator, CS3 format. Archives and operational materials are available in Adobe Illustrator Encpsulated PostScript version 6 format. vector format with high printing quality in full color (CMYK) and black and white (Grayscale) options are already ready for printing in computer version.


Info-TASS is the data bank of the ITAR-TASS news agency;

Data bank ІNFO-TASS to collect 30 full-text databases:

NEWS - information about people in Russia and the world: internal and external politics, the President and authorities, international life, culture, religion, look around the press and in.

Electronic archive of the line ALL NEWS (ENL).

INOTASS - information about the most important news, which determine the situation in the world, operational opinions on them, look around the foreign press, political news, curiosities, and in.


AVIATION, SPACE, OZBROENNYA (AKOR) - information about the camp in the defense and industrial complexes of Russia and the leading countries of the world - camp, prospects for development, finance, modernization. Svіtoviy rynok zbroї; export and import of products of national origin; international aerospace and military technical exhibitions; military-technological defense of Russia with overseas lands; new military and technical developments; doslіdzhennya cosmic space; space vehicles; repeated transport and others. Since September 2003, the ARMS-TASS agency has been reminded of the fate.

ATLAS - analytical information of foreign ZMI about people in Russia and the world. Take a look at the foreign press and specialty reports of foreign correspondents of ITAR-TASS. Electronic archive of journals of SVIT I MI, KOMPAS, diplomatic mission, RUSSIA: GOVERNMENT ON THE GROUND.

INTERVIEW AND PRESS-CONFERENCE - texts of interviews with Russian and foreign scientists, ministers, ambassadors, regional leaders, eminent scientists, sportsmen and sportsmen of culture, representatives of business, national politicians; press conferences that took place in the ITAR-TASS press center.

ІNTІ - scientific and technical information from Russia and foreign countries. Depth of inquiry from April 1987.


TASS-PRESS - ITAR-TASS group. Today, TASS-PRESS publishes the newsletters of the "Puls of the Planet" series, as well as "World and Mi" and MEI (International Express-Information). "Bulletin for the Russian press".

Crimea TASS-PRESS promotes several thematic packages - "Science and technology", "Army and special services", "Medicine", "Religion and society" (a number of materials from them are published on the website in one-menon headings), advanced research - "Calendar of dates і podіy, "List of kerіvnikіv Rosії", "List of kerіvnikіv SND" and one shomіsyachny journal "Russia: vlada na mіstsyah".


TASS-Telecom - informational and analytical portal, assignments of telecommunications and information technologies, Galuzev's communications maidanchik. Savdrannya portal - Robochem іnestrument for professionalіv galulzі: Represents Lestwards, bіznesu, sciences, such as a common community. In the basics of Materivіv - Bіlsh Nіzh Vіkovі Yakіsnі Traditzіji agency Rosіysky, Іnformynyy agency ІTAR-TASS. Tass Telecom Spira-Tass, in Yaku includes over hundreds of Russian and foreign representatives, including all light centers of science and technology.

The trademark of ITAR-TASS has always been the quality of information analytics. On our portal you will find up-to-date look at the comments of fahivtsiv and experts, both Russian and foreign. We are compiling a new rating of Galuze companies and services. information technologies.


Editorial office of military technical information "ARMS-TASS"

ARMS-TASS visvіtlyuє problems rosіyskogo defense Promyslova complex that eksportnu polіtiku Russie, vіyskovo-tehnіchne spіvrobіtnitstvo іz zarubіzhnimi kraїnami, camp i dinamіku rozvitku svіtovih rinkіv ozbroєn, avіatsіynoї that kosmіchnoї tehnіki and takozh pozitsіy Russie i kraїn LICs on Tsikh Rinko i їh regіonalnih segments .

Іnformatsіynі produkti ARMS-TASS orієntovanі in Perche Cherga on zadovolennya require of companies of the defense complex of Russie that kraїn LICs and takozh number provіdnih kompanіy zarubіzhnih kraїn in dostovіrnіy vіyskovo-tehnіchnoї Informácie actively vikoristovuyutsya rosіyskimi i zakordonnimi zasobami masovoї Informácie and takozh vіtchiznyanimi i zarubіzhnimi peredplatnikami.


Our authoritative journalists and correspondents of ITAR-TASS today publish over 250 most important economic and financial news on the line of Business-TASS news, covering Russian and foreign markets. Our journalists cover key windows and galleys, companies and personalities. We respectfully consider everything that can work, or you can get involved in the process of making a decision in any sphere of business.

On April 10, 1925, by a decree of the Presidium of the Central Vikonavchy Committee and the Rada of People's Commissars, the Telegraph Agency for the Union of Radyansk Socialist Republics (TARS) was founded, as it assumed the main functions of the Russian Telegraph Agency as the central information body of the region.

The historical leader of TASS was the St. Petersburg Telegraph Agency (SPTA), as the beginning of spring 1904

It was earlier than the official information agency of Russia, which allowed its "appointed to support the Empire and beyond the cordon of political, financial, economic, trade and other may have a sustained interest in the bridge." July 21, 1904, the draft was approved by Emperor Mikola II. On December 31, 1909, the SPTA is transferred to the non-intermediate order of the Radiation of the Ministers of the Russian Empire.

September 19, 1914, the day after that, as Mykola II, by his decree, he ordered the name of the place St. Petersburg - Petrograd, St. Petersburg Telegraph Agency to be renamed into the Petrograd Telegraph Agency (PTA).

On the eve of the Zhovtnevoi revolution, 25 Zhovtnya (7th leaf fall), 1917, I will wake up the agencies on Pochtamtskaya Street, having taken over the camp of the Baltic sailors, and the first news about the revolution in Russia was transmitted to the agencies and newspapers of the whole world.

18 leaf fall (1 day), 1917, by decree of the Radnarkom of the Petrograd Telegraph Agency, the central information body under the Radiation of People's Commissars was stunned. At Birch 1918, the PTA moved to Moscow.

On spring 7, 1918, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Exhibition Commission adopted a resolution on the anger of the Petrograd Telegraph Agency and the Bureau of the Other under the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. The Presidium decided that "the new establishment can be called the Russian Telegraph Agency under the All-Russian Central Vikonavchy Committee. The abbreviated name is ZROSTANYA.

ZROSTANNIA becomes "... the central informational body for the entire Russian Socialist Federative Radianian Republic". As an information body of the Union Republic of the RRFSR GROWTH, having awakened until 1925

In 1925 p Bulo zasnovano Telegraph Agency Union Radyans'ka Sotsіalіstichnih Respublіk (RTC), yak "koristuvalosya vinyatkovim right zbirannya that poshirennya Informácie pose mezhami Union PCP and takozh right poshirennya іnozemnіy i zagalnosoyuznoї Informácie in the furrows of the Union PCP i keruvalo robot respublіkanskih іnformatsіynih agencies". The TASS warehouse included news agencies of all the union republics RATAU (Ukraine), BELTA, UZTAG, KAZTAG, GRUZINFORM, AZERINFORM, ELTA (Lithuania), ATEM (Moldova), LATINFORM, KіrTAG, TAKZHIKTA, VIRMENPRES, TURKMENіnformіya.

TASS news and photo information was received by 4,000 Radian newspapers, television and radio editorial offices, and more than a thousand foreign ZMIs. Telegraph Agency of the Radyansk Union is not enough for one of the largest correspondents in the world: 682 bureaus in the middle of the country and 94 branches outside the cordon, close to 2,000 journalists and photojournalists.

In September 1992, after the vote for the sovereignty of Russia, the Information Telegraph Agency of Russia (ITAR-TASS) was founded by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Prior to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 1993 "On legal regulation during the period of gradual constitutional reform in the Russian Federation" it was established that "... the Information Telegraph Agency of Russia ... is the offender of the large Telegraph Agency of the Radyansky Union."

On January 4, 1994, the Council of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution "On the confirmation of the statute of the Information Telegraph Agency of Russia", as a rule of law "to act as a central state information agency ...".

Today, ITAR-TASS is the largest Russian agency, which is included in the "four" of light agencies (for UNESCO awards) in order of Reuters, Associated Press and Agence France-Presse.

Photo and graphic services of ITAR-TASS are displayed in real time. An uninterrupted stream of news is available in 6 languages: Russian, English, French, German, Spanish, Arabic. The agency publishes nearly 200 information products about the political, economic, social, cultural, sports life of Russia and the world.

There are 35 operational lines in ITAR-TASS, the main one of which is the Single Line of News (ENL), which transfers for doba from 350 to 650 updates, showing the whole range of news in Russia and the world. The agency produced over 100 informational thematic packages, bulletins, newsletters, and advanced publications. The amount of information provided was 300 full-format newspaper sleepers.

The ITAR-TASS photogallery contains more than 1 million archival photographs and negatives. The largest chronicle historical fund in Russia. In the rest of the year, the wines populated over 800,000 digital photos.

UNIKALNIY INFORMAYNO-DONDKODKOVIY FOUNDATION, STRIENDS IN 1918 P, MISTER Blisko 6 million Documents, and ELFORMENNIY EFFORMAYNIY BANK DONE - Blisko 7 million Documents, turns on the basisy of the agency of the Agency of the Economics Іnformakії Prime-Tass, agency VIYSKO-TECHNIA AEROKOSMI .

ITAR-TASS information network - 42 regional centers and bureaus in Russia, as well as 75 foreign representatives, in which there are over 500 correspondents.

ІTAR-TASS information is taken from over 5 thousand corporate payers in Russia and abroad, including over 1000 - ZMI, 200 diplomatic representatives, 239 financial companies and banks, 2055 industrial enterprises, mortgages, scientific and scientific

Access to ITAR-TASS materials is possible through the largest information databases Factiva (Great Britain), LexisNexis (USA), NTIS (USA), Dialog (USA, UK, Switzerland), Integroom-Techno (Russia), as well as through the government data bank INFO -TASS. Internet portal: 15 independent informational and educational resources, a small audience - about 200 thousand correspondents.

The ITAR-TASS information is transmitted to the administration of the President, the department, the Federal Elections, the Rada of Bezpeki, the administration and a number of subjects of the Russian Federation, federal and regional ministries and departments. "On-line information about the most important flights in Russia and beyond the cordon" is delivered to the Administration information systems Special message from the Federal Security Service of Russia to 1300 correspondents of information and communication resources in the state authorities of Russia.

ITAR-TASS is a member of the most important international media associations; I take part in the organization of information agencies of the countries of Asia and the Pacific Ocean (Oana), the European Alliance of Agencies to Others (EAAP), the Association of National Information Agencies (ANIA), the All-World for the sake of information agencies. The agency closely cooperates with the Association of Balkan News Agencies (ABNA), the European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA), the Federation of Arab News Agencies (FANA), the Alliance of Mediterranean News Agencies (AMAN), and the International Prestige.

In 1999, ITAR-TASS created and established the All-World Association of the Russian Press (warp). Actively launching a program to support the Russian press outside the cordon.

The General Director of ITAR-TASS is Vitaliy Mykitovich Ignatenko.

Material of preparations on the basis of information from the courts

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