Automatic sleeps. Yak correctly photographing in a rural area

Zharoznizhyuchі zasobi for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconvenient help in case of fever, if the child needs to be given a secret. Todi dad take on the versatility and consistency of fever-lowering drugs. Is it allowed to give children a breast vіka? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

Through the image of the image. It didn't stop at all - on the bagatokh cameras є the function allows you to fix the display window at a value of 1/200, otherwise it leaves the automation robot, or does not allow the display window to be longer than 1/60 of a second. As a rule, the background can appear even darker in the photograph, so a short showcase is not enough to expose a dark background. To that short showcase, it is more beautiful to look at the middle of the middle of the house, de the urge to vbudovanny sleeper to whistle for illumination of the background.

Whenever you go to samples and pardons, you will be more automatic in steps. As you can see, the characteristics of the surface, which are added to the brightness of the light. If you find the surface of a sleeping place from an object, it will be more light, the color will show more light, the stink is more beautiful, glossy surfaces will display more light, less opacity. Make sure you remember that looking at the mirror means the waste of power. In addition, in bagatech vipads, you will need to be victorious and positively compensate for the exhibition in case of winter sleep.

Do not forget that when the background is dark, the background can appear even darker.

Synchronization of the first and the other curtains (in the case of trivial windows)

The hour of the robot's electronic sleeper is much less than an hour of opening the shutter (1-5 seconds. Against a hundred parts of a second), at that moment, in what spratsyuє sleeps, there appears to be a smudge of flux on the removal of the result, especially when the shutter is turned off.

As soon as it is seen from the sleeping area from the surface, it will be seen and the surface from the object, the more compensation is required. Yak you can bachiti, you bachit tilki tin, projected bed lamp... Тіні, scho to be designed for sleeping, got to know. Besides, there is usually a light form of objects, giving an hour of triviality.

After being introduced by those in the foreground focus, we are now living up to the development of childless systems, just one or more of the last sleeps from the car. You need to know how to deal with the light in a more efficient and precise way, and in order to create real lights, you will be able to look at the scene.

at synchronization on the first curtain When the shutter was turned off immediately. I slept, I will give an exposition of a torn object from a sleeper. At a ts'omu ob'єkt, I will collapse, I will make a weak part of the slid, straightening into the bik ruhu of the ob'єkta. Ob'kt on the photograph visually go to collapse at the zvorotny bik.

With a handful of decisive rockets among amateurs, as the staff we will use the automation and control interfaces for the building technology, as a collection of the ball is reserved for the professionals who have різні tipi management of mouthless flash memory.

Veddeniy, photocell and infrachervoniy

Yak is already in the article about sleepers, the method, which is a vicaristic knowledge and a photocell, is crazy, is the most intuitive and accessible. The operation is based on a small splicing sleeper, when it starts up, it will send a signal to the sleeping sleeper, I will put it in the guided mode; In the details of the sleepers, the vipusk sleeps in the same place, the light signal on the call sleeps is updated, as it is possible to correct the zavdyaki imbedded in the front by the photocell.

at synchronization behind another curtain spratsovuє before the shutter closes itself, so the collapse will be weakly exposed without a sleeper, and if you do not want to be able to see it again, it will appear to a healthy sprinkler to see the ruch of an object later.

To navigate old sleepers You can speed up your life without a mouthful, just by buying a small accessory, which will be accommodated for the living sleepers. By itself, the method itself is done in manual mode, and so we will not be able to speed up the automatics of the machine, nor do we have a light sleep. It is a pity that the working boundaries are immediately obvious, and in the main, there is a filthy working place, as if the sleeping sleeps were pulled back far away from the car; the reason for crying out in the pulling of a splicing sleeper, for what a lack, but send a light signal, finish a straining one, so that you can remove the photocell of a callous sleeper, by themselves having put a threat to the building.

The exposition of the sleeper will adjust, the vicorist installation of the diaphragms of the chamber. Sleep mode with total synchronization will automatically set the window to the background, with a large number of diaphragms and the effort of the sleeper to ensure the correct display of the foreground.

For a supplement to tsi we will be crocheted "bachiti" two sleepers with them. Shorter than it seems, splicing sleep, the mother is guilty of direct visual contact with zvnishnim sleepingі її with a photocell, it’s hard for that to bypass the items, as there will be two sleepers. It’s better to be connected with the dangers of light: the presence of these sleepers, as well as taking pictures in sleeping days, to prevent visual contact with our sleeping sleeper and calling men over sleeping. In general, the photocell cannot receive the signal, it can not be removed by our splitting sleeper, or it will be produced by the dzherels, as a result of which the transmission is ineffective and ineffective in the form of active sleepers.

Eyes of Red Eyes

Chervoni eyes- an extravagant inheritance of a victorian vbudovanny sleeper with a viconious portrait. The stench of a wiklikan to see the light of a sleeper from the blood-bearing vessels of the stench.

There are a few ways to tidy up the inheritance, or to bring to the minimum the effect of red eyes:

In any case, in such situations, the system is especially inappropriate. The whole type of transmission is available on all cars, which can cause sleepers, with a one-hour call-out sleep, with a generous, childless, home-like functionality. Infrared mode is the same type of photocell evolu- tion and at home: The only way to see the pole is that the signal is not strong, but infrared. It allows changing the transition from a new light and a transition, but it is surrounded by short walls.

In addition, for the victorious we need to know a special transmission, which will be placed on a flash slide, which is to send an infrared signal to the call rooms, possessed by a photocell. The responsibility of the whole management of the mouthless call allows the keruvats to be called through the channels through the channels, to navigate in groups, to set up without the need for the middle activation from the computer without the need for a computer.

  • in most digital cameras є mode of smothering of hearts- for this purpose, the zmusiti zmenshitsya change, before the viconians the sign of the vicoristovuyutsya slept. A great result will be seen when there is an increase in coverage and pressure on the descent and by recording the image.
  • The effect of red eyes can be increased by usunits, as a result of a wedge of an object, a sleeper and a wedge. The price can be zrobiti, vikoristovuyuchi, dodatkovu, and not in the sleepers, splinters at a time of light to pass through the path. For it is just to go closer to the object of the zyomka and in the world of the need for the wide-range settings of the object.
  • software processing allowing you to fit in with the problem at the stage of editing, replace the chervoni pikseli.

Manual mode of a robotic sleeper

Maybe in a good time, if you want to covet an effect in your eyes (the image of a sleeper in your eyes), otherwise, to stifle a busy day (for example, if you take a photograph on a sleepy, sleepy day against a dream), ... Ale vikoristannya manual mode of vimagaє singing right, admission.

Just put the parameters in our mirror camera, and the master will give you information for a skin flash-attached attachment, which is an easy way to adjust and the triviality of sleepers can be seen to be removed. Let's talk about the mouthless system now mouthless ring, Yaka, ymovirno, є by the very highest and exact standard of the year. These triggers are formed by a transmission, as if it were placed on the body of the machine, and if it would be removed from the sleeper.

If the camera is switched on, it will send a signal to the transmitters, which, in its own right, will receive the radio signal, which will send it. For another type, prote, the price of growth is infinite up to 300 Euro. Such a system, like it’s not expensive, allows you to control all sleepers from the built-in menu of the device or the radio device from the built-in display, which transmits information about victorious sleepers. Bagato companies took the vicarystannya of the trans-priymach: an attachment, like a transfer, so a priymach in one annex.

Until the shortage of the awakened sleeper it is possible to bring those who are very young, and the light from the little dzherel most often turns out to be "hard", well, yes, they are very bright and not even harder to see on the skirts, and even more "zhorystk!" If you wipe out from the blisks, you can ask the model to wipe the shkira with a hustle - you will be hung up, otherwise you will have more powder in your make-up.

Price to ask for a goodbye speech and in bagatokh in lower prices, some trans-receivers are sold in pairs. The robot of triggers is based on the vibor channel, the same for the transmission of the receiver, which, in my own hand, is opening the group. Groups є real groups with two or more sleeps, as there may be different settings or a different mis-distribution. It’s very handy for quiet people who have a lot of sleepers, so do not think or change their sleepers for skinny times and adapt them to sleep. Radio transmissions are overwhelmed.

Smell you want to don’t make the transitions and lights, and you can be roztasovani so that you don’t appear on the stage. The stench is also allowed overnight vikorystannya great number sleepers, and at the same time to make it possible to start the light from scratch, to navigate there, no one can see it. Nareshti, їkh you can vikoristovuvati mayzhe on all sleepers, navigate the oldest ones, so you can add a central pin to a hot cherevik, and transfer the main input for a baby.

Zovn_shn_y sleeps

How do you get out of bed? First for everything - size, effort and quick recharge. Another point of view of the field is that there are a lot of sleepy ones in the “sleeping” not only “in the forehead” of the photo model, but if you turn around in the other side, so you can put a lot of knowledge in the eyes of the young bitters.

The system will secure a radio receiver, which will be installed in the sleeping quarters, which will be raised through the transmission, which will be placed on the sleeping chamber's sleeping quarters. Qia chapter is assigned only to buyers of triggers of radio signals, some of them are integrated without the need for a camera, or a sleeper, and do not allow one accessory to be copied.

Behind the words of the virobnik, the stench is guaranteed for 100 meters, ale, like the price of a boom and with the top models of the range, the stench is not real. Vyavlyayetsya, price solution dosi without problems and, moreover, є according to a reasonable price. We are talking about the cable, call the presence on the professional cars and the sleeper, or send the shutter signal for the synchronization of the machine and the sleeper. Nareshty, we will quickly talk about simple cables, which allow you to create a slide slide, present on the machine, in the country.

Bring the light to the sleeper

You can send the sleeps, for example, to the stele - todi її light, see it from the stele, if it’s natural (similar to the light falling in the daytime from the sky), without having strong views on the skіrі.

Or you can send the sleeps to the wall - from the side of the photo model. For the sign of us, there is a clear illumination, which is located on the side (the light is displayed with a wall), which can be taken for a light from the window, or so on. One day you can see the light to work miracles, and one sleeps on the camera, there is such an effect that you don’t just want to do it in a photo studio!

Three of the remaining two illustrated systems of operational boundaries are secretly opened, so, insanely, we will not be connected with the interconnection of the victorian through a single cable. There will still be problems with a strong thread, the main thing and the lack of handiness is the combination of the middle of us. Vikoristannya tsikh kabeliv, ymovirno, visually in the studio, de the problem of the cable space is easy to manage. It is not recommended for victorious visits in weekly visits.

At the end, the most effective and, at my glance, a simple wireless flash system - a radio system - is simple. Happily, it’s not the prerogative of the professional, but the managers of other great companies think of effective cheap alternatives, as in most of them they think of you everything that you need, and more, should be able to read

Sleep mode "stroboscope" (aka "bagatoraz sleeper mode" at Nikon).

With trivial vitrims (more than a second) - it is allowed to trim the image out of the way, so that it quickly collapses in the frame of the object. Nayefektnіshe - if tsі about'єkti dobvayut the light and collapse on the dark aphid. When zyomtsі in tsіom mode - I recommend vikoristovuvat tripod. The great sleeps allow more and more naggy and shrewd cheruvati to their exertion.

Sleeping is even a universal accessory, which is only necessary for increasing the visibility of the midst of the midst and being buried in the same range of inaccessible parts, and sometimes being used as a method for maximum improvement of the available improvement.

The reason is that, as if it was really sleeping, whether it was wired into the camera or on the street, the photographer could be able to control the way the scene was illuminated. Until then, however, it is necessary to go to the vivchennі svitla, oskіlki tіlki tіlki tіlka obedaaa s basics to understand, tied up with svіtu, so you can visit vikoristovuvati sleeps in the most suitable ways.

Synchronization of sleepers with short vitrims.

As you already spoke, do not expect the sleepers to be able to speed up when you are shorter than 1/200 or 1/250 seconds (otherwise they are more serious). A little bit of call-ups - Mayut synchronization mode with small windows It’s important in sleepy weather, for the stifling of the hard times on the personages of the models, and for the sake of being blinded to your eyes.

In photography, it is impossible to appreciate the obvious, but a skin element, which is a compilation of frames that is most important for achieving the desired result. One of the main aspects, which is a slid to look, is not visible to maneuver and sleep in a photograph, is the characteristics of the lighting optimization. Moreover, the skin image is the result of the fact that it is used to vibrate for interaction with light for drowning and managing it, and not only for the establishment of thin lines or tones, but also for the establishment of mid-range effects in large areas.

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Photospal is one of the quiet photographic accessories, as you want to be victorious as photo amateurs is categorically wrong, even if you want to. Mіzh team, with competent vikorystannі sleeps, you can give an unappreciated help to the photographer.

First for everything, if you see it from your thoughts, you can be asleep on the camera as if it were just light. On view of studio sleepers, sleeping on cameras, it is necessary to do so, if the scene is already illuminated, albeit light or lacks, or overwhelmingly contrasting. With the traditionally amateurish victorious sleeper, the image of a brightly illuminated object with burning worms and a backdrop sinking into impenetrable darkness appears on the sign. It is even more new to see it when visiting a football field abo mobile phone... A high ISO value or a sturdy tripod is known at some signs of being friendly, but not always sleeping.

The secret of the correct illumination of the stage, if you want to innovate, in essence, to go through your knowledge of the charm of light. There are a lot of characteristics of light, which are responsible for the photography: fracture, visualization, intensity, accent and softness. The dawn, while the rest of the concept can be very important for the greater self-educated photographs, some of the wonders are based on the latest news and ideas. However, according to the explanations, you should try to make the principle more reasonable to change your way of showing light in photography.

For an aggravated exertion new models spalakhiv vikorist according to the number of sleepers, That is, the maximum height in meters or feet to the object, which sleeps in the visibility station at aperture f / 1 and ISO 100. The number of the photo sleeper inserted into the camera can be reached in a short drop of 10 m; and for the hard-pressed studio sleepers with living spaces from the hedge - up to a hundred. A certain number is not an even more accurate parameter, although it’s too late for the design of the device and for the zoom parameters, and that the virus does not get degraded, and the characteristics in the documentation are often enforced before they slept.

Zrozumіlo, sleeping not often vikorystovu

Allow the tension of the pulse to be regulated automatically, according to the minds of illumination, or you can turn on the manual mode. If the sleeps are controlled automatically, then before the shutter is released, there is even a little forward pulse before the sleep is needed to release the main pulse. The assessment is carried out without a priori through an object behind the camera's exposure meter, and this method is called TTL (Through The Lens).

If you don’t look at the possibilities of an awakened sleeper, then you will be overwhelmed by a number of sleepers, as part of your victorious system, whether it be Canon, Nikon, or whatever. Sleepers of third-party virobniks, when they declare confusion with your system, may not be completely correct in automatic modes, but not enabled, however, manual control capabilities.

two expositions

In case of winter sleep, I can use two independent exhibitions - one of them is meant for inviting illumination, and іnsha - for the impulse light of the bedroom. All at once the stench is stored in the exhibition frame.

Would you like to inject the parameters into the skin from the exposition?

call of the exhibition, Dictated by the brightness of the navkolishny light, regulated by the vitrim, diaphragm and sensitive ISO. In automatic control modes of the exposure, you will be asked for additional exposure correction (compensation for the exposure).

exhibition of sleeping to lay down from the pulling of the pulse, from the view to the object, from the value of the diaphragms and from the sensitivity of ISO. won do not lie from the showroom - it is even more important. The triviality of an impulse to a warehouse sleeper is approximately 1/1000 s, and besides, since it does not open the shutter, it will not be possible to add a sleeper to the back room. It is possible to control the taut impulse of the automatic sleeper for additional correction (compensation) of the sleeper for an analogue with the exponent.

I will play a role in a robot with a sleepy grain spivvidnoshennya mіzh exposition sleeping and sumptuous exposition. Itself vmіnnya competently add the last and impulse light to the professional storage of sleepers from the amateur.

It is possible to change the display, push the sleeper and go to the object. All. It is not possible to use apertures for ISO, small and aperture, and ISO change of offense one-time. Mіzh team, the showroom allows you to independently manage the current exhibition, and the pressure of the sleeping person and the distance is so squarely changing the display of the sleeping room.

Logic of management of compensation for sleeping quarters other systems... With Canon cameras, the compensation for sleeping and compensation for the exposure is absolutely independent, except for the critical exposure of the sleepers and the external exposure. Nikon has all three more foldable: compensation for sleepers is also for sleepers, and the axis of compensation for exposure is controlled foreign exposition, so that it changes and calls the position, and the exhibition of sleeping at once. For example, if you set the compensation for the sleeper by -1 EV, and the value of the expo at -0.3 EV, then the correction for the sleeper will not be -1 EV, but -1.3 EV. Vіm, to tsyo shvidko zvikєsh.

Zyomka with sleep in the countryside

It is straightened forward on the chamber - the most expensive dzherelo light, which can only be seen. In the first place, dzherelo light, spreading the surface close to the optical axis of the asset, relieving the photograph of a mess, and in other words, maliy size of a sleeping man to rob it with a practical dotted dashboard, but yes, it is borderlessly smooth and transitional. The person of the people, shot with a sleeper directly in the forehead, looks flat and blinks, their eyes are flat and red, or flattened, and the back plan is created unnaturally dark, falling under the law of shivering squares.

You can sleep from the camera, speeding either with a cable-podvjuvach, or with a remote synchronization system. However, the most simple and shvidky way Modify the light on the camera - visualize it from any light surface. Zrozumilo, for whom you should have slept with a swivel head. By sending the sleeps, for example, to the white stele, and by the cardinal rank, you will reduce the character of the illumination. Now they have not slept, but stele є with a dzherelom light, moreover, the light is soft, rosy, and, before that, it falls by the most natural order from above.

Sleeping is straightened right into the guise.
Beastly respect for the tin on the wall.

Sleeping is straightened into a stele.

The photographs, shattered due to the loss of the imagined sleeper, look like it wouldn’t bother any sleeper. The scene is filled with an abundance of light, and the law of zealous squares changes for a rakhunok of a greater amount of light.

Sleeps can be visualized not only from the stele, but from the wall, as the design of the sleeper is allowed. You can vikoristovuvat the wall, roztashovanu sideways from you, to remove the bichne light, and you can send the sleeps up the hill і back Having brought up all of the steles and walls behind your back, you can give a particularly faint light.

Vikoristannya stin for the visibility of the sleeper becomes especially naughty, since the party is too high and the effort of the sleeper is simply not vystacha. When you are on the street, there may be some kind of fertility. In principle, you can vikoristovuvati be-like to finish the light object in the quality of the surface, which is visible. Navigate your comrade by the bily Mayts of a building image of a sleeper, as well, as a matter of fact, it’s just to wait a little longer.

As soon as the light from the sleeper is straightened directly into the stele, then the eyes of the model can appear in the tin. At the same time, I go quickly with a white card (so-called "visitkoyu"), attached to the sleeper, as it shows a part of the light in the direction of the model, it is shown that it is displayed in the eyes. There are a lot of models who have slept with a collection of such cards, however, it is not easy to obtain and independent.

One minus of imagined sleeping-quarters is the price of energy management. A part of the light is glazed with a stele, but a part of it grows, it is visually intertwined. Yak inheritance, the impulse is guilty of the mother, yak minimum in the least, more lucidity, less in the case of straightforward victorious sleepers. However, it’s possible to change the image of a sleeper without the need to stand more often to replace the batteries.

In order to lose the life of a sleeper and to speed up the hour of recharging, I, when I am out of touch, will start to increase the diaphragm, as it is not dictated by the need for more I play ISO in the region of 400 or 800, but on modern cameras it is more tolerant of noise. Victory of high-aperture lenses with a maximum aperture of f / 1.8, or f / 1.4, which is great when there is no bright light.

Remember to be called sleeping, as a vicorist to be taught later, at that hour, as an object of illumination of the callous dzherel of light.

In this photograph, the exposition is displayed across the sky, and the person is seen sleeping. Without sleeping, I was able to either overtrim the landscape, or underexpose the portrait.

The naivazhlivisha area of ​​the primus spalakha stasis is a tsyomka in case of the drowsy drowsy light. In the day with the fire? What if the vicoristovuvati slept, if there was no light? The idea is simple: you can help reduce the contrast.

Sleepy light, especially in the middle of the day, is even more bright, and when sleeping, it is possible for you, projected to know the lights, to illuminate at the same time, as without sleepers they went absolutely nasty. If the contrast is overworldly, there is a need for living behind an additional sleeper or a reflector. In the first place, the individuals of the people in the photograph will be nagaduvati masks. If you know against the light, then a person will not fall into the drink. The reflector is not hung up by hand, then the sleeper is inserted into the skin chamber.

Besides, we have slept before the view of the model, so that we are still alive.

You can remember the sleepers if you can be corny and in the primitive, for example, if people are worth it. In a sleepy way, you can visualize people, interiors, and the landscape beyond.

I will not keep in mind the sleepers and when the landscapes are winter, there is some opportunity to show the details in the foreground areas, which are saved when the lights are not fully covered.

In the case of bags, there are quite a lot of sleepers in the camera, however, before the cameras are on the camera, they can recharge more quickly and not the battery of the camera.

Zapovnyuє sleeping is not guilty buty obviously. The image is guilty of being greeted naturally, as a result of a photographer's mind and delicacy in a situation of sleep. As a rule, it’s not a good idea to sleep on the need for pressure, but to go to that pressure, as the camera’s automatics proponent. I may even expect stagnant negative values ​​of compensation for sleepers. Call the price -1 EV for people and -1.7 EV for nature, if the amendment can often change in the amount of minds.

The main difficulty in picking up a primus sleeper on a sleepy day is the fact that the sleepers may not have enough pressure, because you are tempted to compete with the sleepy sleepy light. In addition to sleeping in the out-of-the-way exhibition, it is often the case that Maliy appears at the time of the exhibition.

If you slept right at the edge of your possibilities, then you can change the performance of the two expositions only by changing the way of the exposition. Yak? Obviously, the change in diaphragms is beyond our reach, even so instantly from the new display we have changed and the position of the sleepers. One vikhid is to speed up the showcase, but at the same time we come across a hundred interconnection, surrounded by a showcase of synchronization.

Synchronization Vitrimka

A show of synchronization of a spalah is the price of a nykorotsha show, which can be a vicoristan before the hour of dying in spalah.

Vityagi is shorter, nizh vitrimka of synchronization, yak technical characteristics your chamberlain, you can't be victorious at once with a sleeper. To what? The reason is the special design of the mechanical curtain-and-slit lock of mirror cameras.

The shutter is a two shutter, which can be closed parallel to the area of ​​the sensor or the float. On the cob, the sensor will be closed by the first curtain. When the shutter is released, the front (front) shutter is moved to the side of the spring, opening the matrix. Upon completion of the exposure, the matrix is ​​closed by another (rear) curtain. Then the shutters turn synchronously in the cob position.

The blinds are dusky, but they are not mittvo after all. If it is necessary to secure a short showcase, the rear curtain will be repaired before the front one is finished. As a result, when high-profile news shutter, the matrix hangs through the gap between the curtains, as it breaks through the frame. So that the different areas of the frame are displayed last, and not at once.

As soon as the hour of such a short showcase has fallen asleep, then the projection will appear without a part of the frame, and the area itself, above which the gap has passed at the moment of the pulse, is set by the shutter curtains.

In such a rank, the showcase of synchronization is the price of a nice showcase, when the whole area of ​​the matrix appears at once. The factor that is limiting here is the speed of the shutter curtains.

Obviously, what is shorter than the synchronization window is more beautiful. For professional mirror cameras, the synchromesh display should be set to 1/250 sec. Young people mirror cameras- 1 / 180-1 / 200 p. Digital compact cameras with an electronic shutter can synchronize the mother with the order of 1/500 s.

The importance of a short show of synchronization of old age is obvious when you remember sleeping in sleepy weather. It didn’t sound like a bizarre one, but the smallest showcase allowed us to reject the impulse of sufficient quality from the sleepers.

The sleepiness of the sleepy light, the toughness of the sleeper is to blame, but it is even greater. How does it take to bring the sleeper into the back room of the exhibition, how can it be that it’s right to push it again? Pidvishuvati ISO bezgluzdo, to that, we will increase the rank and increase the sensitivity of the sensor not only to sleepy, but to the latest light, but before it gets overridden. Tse thirsty for a change in diaphragms, so that they see us at the exit position, even a small diaphragm will change again I'll go sweetness.

It is possible to see the diaphragm shirsh - to improve the quality of the sleeping room, however, the call of the display will be improved. Shcheb now change only You need to change the display, but you can change the display of synchronization, and your camera will not give you a full view.

Photo camera, I am making a short show of synchronization, allowing great diaphragms to be victorious, so that the sleepers get better, they are safe with the correct presentation. So, a short showcase of synchronization gives you the opportunity to play a role in the presentation of a sleeping person and a call for a sleeping person.

A short showcase of synchronization increases the distance of the sleeper, and if the distance is constant, it allows the sleeper to work at a lesser effort, which will speed up the recharging and life for the batteries.

Inodi obmezhennya, scho imposed by the vitrim of synchronization, can be bypassed. For many іsnuє tz. high-quality synchronization(FP or HSS).

In the regime of high-speed synchronization of sleep, a series of impulses of little effort is released, being re-created, in such a rank, as in the jerlo of a continuous, not an impulse light. With a permanent light, you will be vikoristovuvati be a showcase for your application. Such a possibility can be even more gimmicky, or, at the time of the short run of high-speed synchronization, I can see it, at my glance. First of all, it’s hard to sleep, so it’s working in the mode of high-speed synchronization, visibly falling, changing the distance by ourselves. In other words, the power supply is very growing, due to the frequent replacement of the batteries. As a matter of fact, it takes an hour to recharge. The reason for everything is that the splinters are only the vuzka, the smallness of the sensor at the skin moment for an hour hangs like a sleeper in the process of exposure, a large part of the light has gone awry. In a word, the high-speed synchronization of the riches is not bad, the alley is only a surrogate of the secondary showcase of synchronization.

Cut the robots to sleep

A large number of cameras allow you to sleep in the next standard modes:

Fill flash

Sleep without zavykh vicrutas. The modes of designation of exposure Pі A (Av) For a minimum shutter speed, to maximize the display, as the camera can vibrate for an hour during sleep. Call it 1/60 s, but the camera allows you to independently adjust the parameter.

Red eye reduction

The most useful mode. When the pressure is on the descent, it’s asleep to beat the spike in front of the impulses that click on the sound of the portrait’s window, and it’s impossible to get out of the way. Moreover, this method is poorly assisted in the fight against the worms of the eye (and often just sniffing at people to blink and squint), so I will give you a second shutter eye before releasing the shutter, allowing you to miss the frame with a miraculous rank.

Slow sync

On the view of the extreme mode of the primus spalach, surrounded by the maximum window in 1/60 s, the synchronization of the shutter is open for the hour, because of the fact that it is correct for the display. As a result, the projection appears not only the object, but the background. With such a rank, synchronization allows you to more tamely manage the balance between the sleeping and the lasting display.

Often, to adjust the background, it can take a little more than a glass window - right up to decilk seconds - in such a case, speed up with a tripod.

Do modes S (Tv) і M Due to the synchronization of the sleeper, it does not appear as a special one, but you can choose the showcase you need. In the day, if there is enough light, there is a lot of synchronization, too, there are no passages.

Rear curtain sync

According sutі tse that w povіlna sinhronіzatsіya scho zabezpechuє vitrimku, dostatnyu for opratsyuvannya background, ale Yakscho at Vlasna povіlnoї sinhronіzatsії bedrooms spratsovuє on the cob ekspozitsії, tobto vіdrazu pіslya vіdkrittya shutter when sinhronіzatsії on zadnіy shtortsі slept chekaє zakіnchennya ekspozitsії i spratsovuє bezposeredno before the tim , like the rear curtain close the sensor. The price is necessary for the hardened representation of rukhomikh objects. If you have slept on the cob of the exposition, then you will take away the frozen image of the object and vengeance with an impulse from the image of the object and vengeance, a trail from your ruff, hanging in front of it, as you see it without a glance. With the synchronization of the rear curtain, the train from the back will be pulled behind the object, so it looks more natural.

I practically depend on the male vicorist mode - there is a lot of synchronization behind the rear curtain. Yaksho showroom in the modes of displaying the exposure P abo A I go back to work, I change the ISO, or switch to the mode S abo M I will install the showcase by hand.

We set the camera for an hour to sleep with a sleep

Exposure design modes ( P, S, Aі M) Prypuskayut kіlkka vіdminniy pіdhіd to the robot with a sleep.

If I’m asleep, I’ll remember it on a sleepy day, make my camera go into mode P(Program auto). Do not allow me to forget about the synchronization window. As soon as the camera's exposure meter fits into the synchronization window, it takes 1/250 for about 1/200 s, it automatically locks the diaphragm to the appropriate value, and keeps the frame from retrimming. In mode A abo Av(The preference of diaphragms) I was led to continually pursue the window, and to reach the window of synchronization, independently change the diaphragm.

At the hustle and bustle, if the synchronization window is not a problem, and I am fingered by the marriage of light, I switch to the mode A (Av) I bring up the diaphragm to the border. With victorian general synchronization, the showcase is summarized with the ISO settings. The perfect synchronization does not allow the vitrims that have lasted 1/60 s to underexpose the background.

Since the camera does not allow you to finish the noise of the ISO auto vibrator, you can switch to the display priority mode ( S abo Tv), I will hand over the smallest showcase in the left of the minds of the zyomka, so I will allow you to trim the camera. The diaphragm when there will be a rise in the display.

mode P Not even good for hibernation in the countryside, although the algorithm does not allow you to open the diaphragm until the borderline, it will allow you to get overwhelmed in the area of ​​4-5.6, so that you will be able to get overwhelmed by the volodymy of high-powered assets. More beautiful vikoristovuvati mode Aі the maximum aperture, and in times of consumption in a large amount of space, I will change the aperture by hand.

Increase manual mode M vimag, at my glance, get your respect to the camera - you will be given special control over the window, the diaphragm, and the ISO. In addition, there are a lot of cameras not just adjusting the ISO on the case, but climbing in the menu for skinny times, if the illumination of the three changes, I am tired.

Vikoristannya regime M it is true only todi, if you think of the illumination to become invisible, for example, in the studio. Have a wicked life automatic modes to make it more nimble and efficient.

Yak unique morgannya?

An unpleasant specialty of the designation of the exposure of the sleeper behind the additional TTL vimir is estimated in front of the sleeper, which is shown before the shutter is released. The hourly interval between the front and the main pulses of the sleeper is not great, but it’s just a little bit, but a guy with a good reaction woke up and blinked a little until the moment it was chilly. Household creatures with a larger world were schooled to the full effect.

There are two ways to fight with closed eyes on signs.

The first way is obvious, albeit laborious - switch the sleepers to manual mode, then switch the sleepers in front of the front pulses, and the pressure of the sleepers will be empirical.

Another way is not available on all cameras. Deyaki models allow assignment of Fn buttons or AE-L / AF-L functions blocking sleep(Flash Lock). Blocking the sleeper with a great offensive rank: when you push the button, you sleep and give an estimated impulse, and the camera rozrakhovuyu exposition sleeper and zapam'yatovuє її meaning; now, when the shutter is released, it slept immediately, because of the long-awaited work, and without any pre-alarm. Leave a familiar angle and see before the object does not waver, the exposure of the sleeper can become blocked.

color balance

The light of the photo sleepers has a temperature of 5000-6000 K, so that it is close to daylight... Yak nasledok, in the daytime the color balance of the objects, illuminated by sleeping, harmonious with the color balance to the background, illuminated by the bright light.

When you are on the go, or in the presence of the lamps, the light is illuminated, a warm orange-colored display. In such minds the light of a sleeper appears much colder than the light of the day. It is a good idea to adjust the balance of a white person and to discourage a blue-eyed denouncement, or a bright orange background, or one hour at a time.

In order to bring the color of the sleeper into view of the new illumination of the color of the color, you can use it on top of the sleeper. For some models of sleeping, they can use filters, but at all times they will not be able to easily use the necessary color filter with their own hands from transparent plastic suitable for your needs.

Dyakuyu for respect!

Vasil A.

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