Yak koristuvatisya zvnіshnіm sleeping on the SLR. Yak fotografuvati iz zovnishnim spalakhom

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Illumination - one of the most folding aspects of photography and one of the most important. One of the best sleeping rooms effective ways securing correct exposition, ale and correct vikorystannya also є to finish folding. In the tsіy statty mi we have selected the solutions from the methods of robots with sleeping, accessories and a lot of them. We will also propose you a cheat sheet, deselecting the most advanced methods of illumination.

The main specialty of the sleepers is that the quality of their light is overwhelmed by the amount of money. Oskilki slept - a lot of light with a high intensity, and light goes around a small area, roztasvanoi close to the object, then there is a flat, thin illumination, like a glimpse of such ugly.

Also, drive in a different texture, vibrate the tone of the shkiri and create it until the eyes of red eyes appear. New dial, Shcheb zrobiti zhakhlivim be signs.

Zovn_shn_y sleeps, standing on the camera trocha more beautiful. The region, like a viprominyu light, some more, sleeping from a distance from an asset, ale vona is also a hard light.

The whole type of illumination, if the sleeps are directed directly to the object of the zyomki, the vidomy yak "slept in the forehead." If you want to beloved in a straight sleep, the image of the viewer is piece and condescending, if you are literate, you can give an absolutely stupid effect.

However, for more than an hour you will need to be able to unify this visibility.

Zyomka with a winery sleeping

A key moment for a significant improvement in the quality of illumination: improving the size of the light and changing it directly for a greater natural effect.

For the whole of it, I will need to connect the sleepers from the camera, for example, for an additional sync cable. This will give you more freedom in the production of light and the effect of red eyes.

Nikon and Canon provide TTL - sync cables, which allow you to transfer all information from the camera to sleep.

For some cameras, it will be possible to add additional adapters, for a hot wire and for a sleeping bag, a cable, a cable, and a cable.

If you want your hands to be bully, you can buy a bracket for a sleeper, which can be fastened through a tripod socket on the cameras and allow you to direct the sleeper into small kutas.

Try hammering sleepers to shine for the illumination of great objects, such as awakening, beckon at the attached bracket.

Іmіtatsіya studio illumination with two bedrooms.

Vikoristannya vbudovanogo sleeper for illumination of objects closer than 60 cm from the chamber - the price of a rotten idea, that is why the urge of the awakened sleeper to go out is great.

It is necessary to create a sleeping place for an object before the part of light is large on top of the object. With a small appearance, it is more beautiful than victorious sleepers with a wide-range adapter.

Beastly respect for those who do not focus on the object without twisting the light out of the sleeper, and also find the head of the sleeper down.

The price is far from ideal. You see a very short result, and you will neglect it, as if you will vikoristovuvati zyomku with a windmill with a sleeper, wedge it on a protelezhny object, you will memorize it. It is also possible to vikoristovuvati k_ltsevu sleeps for macrozyomki, as in this case, a couple of TTL sleeps, roztasvanih on offended sides of the object.

The first sign.

Here we hung an object behind an additional one sleeping Canon Speedlite 550EX, installed on the camera, without a rosette. It can be seen that the illumination of the flat, as well as behind the statue of the Vinik, is inappropriate tin.

Another sign.

At the same time, two Canon sleepers were victorious. One on the camera in the quality of the keruyucho. The insha was removed from the side from the side of the object and controlled by a wire sleeping from the camera. Її light is seen from the great white arkush. Tse daє bilsh m'yake illumination and bedclothes obsyag.

Third sign.

Here we set up a bit of anger, and remember it. At the same time, the profit is not great, but the polish is all the same.

Zyomka with visible light

Directly the light from the sleeper is even more harsh and small by the piece. Win need help.

Є There are a number of ways of breaking through and one of the most effective ways of breaking with a broken light. It’s even easy to knock, if your head has fallen off, you can guide it up the hill and turn it in a horizontal area.

The idea of ​​†‹вЂ‹ the field is to direct the light onto the surface, so that you can see: a stele, a wall or a mirror, so that you can create a light over a large surface and increase the effective size of the light.

It’s light and sweet, natural light, for a view from a straight bed. To achieve the best results, it is necessary to select the optimal cut for the head of the sleeper. In short, there is a little flatness of illumination and the visibility of the views in the eyes.

Similarly, the close distance can be used to creep the beast for the sake of sight and for setting the little one under the nose and on the go. This is also the way to significantly weaken the light of the sleeper, as a rule, on two or three steps.

Sleep in TTL mode automatically compensates for the weakening of light, increased strain, or even if the strain is not already, it is necessary to open the diaphragm more, to change the ISO, or go closer to the installation.

If you vikoristovute manual sleeping - I’ll regulate it and I’ll get it done by hand.

Another important point is that the surface, which is visible, kudi v and straightened the sleeps, is guilty of being neutral, in which you deny third-party views on the images.

Vikoristannya bіloi karty

Good sleepers can hang a card, woke it into the head of a sleeper. I will be able to poke a small part of the light into the bik of the object, if the head of the sleeper is straight up the hill.

Vikoristovuchi bіlu a map, you can add a blisky in the eyes of people, so that you know and remember tіnі.

The sleepers may have other sleepers of little exertion, as it can be felt if the head of the main sleeper is straight up the hill.

If yours is not asleep, or another sleeper, try to vikoristovuvati a sheet of paper to replace the white picture, having closed it with a humkoy.

With the image of a sleeping, it is not possible to practice on an obvious basis, but in the context of color steles and walls.

One of the solutions is also the purchase of a mini-vidbivach, which creeps around the head of the sleeping bag, helping to guide him forward. Tse can be, for example, add-ons from LumiQuest.

If your sleeper is not a swivel head, then, having known from the camera, you can direct the light to the side. Also, you can vikoristovuvati її on the stage with parasol, by yourself we can make practical studio illumination.

vicorist diffuser

The diffuser is a good alternative to the imaginary sleeper. There is a light on a large area and the direction is towards the object, which will help you.

It’s to bring to the minimum the effect of red eyes, I’ll loosen up the sharpness and give more illumination. Vikoristannya rossiyuvacha with a sleeping pose with a camera gives an even shorter result.

You can buy різні tipi rosiyuvachiv, for example Sto-Fen Omni-Bounce, LumiQuest and інші.

You can also rossiyuvati light through tissue or paper or make self-made rossiyuvach for your sleep.

For more efficient lighting of light, bazhano vikoristovuvati mini-softboxes, for example, LumiQuest, Lastolite, etc. Firma Lastolite to rob mini-softboxes Micro Apollo three rіznіkh rozmіrіv, Stink on the sleepers behind the additional Velcro.

To reject the most soft, tinless illumination, you can combine the diffuser and broken light, hanging from the head of the sleeper a wide-cut adapter for even more equal illumination.

There is a great way to come up with great ideas for great plans and portraits. The diffuser can also change the pressure of light up to two steps, and if you can pick up the light in the broken light, the back of the light can be up to five steps.

Such products, such as LumiQuest UltraSoft, can solve the problem by combining the mini-drive and the rosette into one closed design, so that there are only two steps to waste light.

Vikoristannya childless management

The victorious two and more sleepers will significantly expand your possibilities. Schob uniknuti problems with wires, more beautiful than vicoristovuvati dumb control of sleepers.

Nikon and Canon can handle mobile TTL-control in nine different sleeps through wireless sleeps. With a great stench, it can be divided into three groups.

Sleep mode, toughness and significant compensation for toughness can be set up for a skin group and for a sleepy sleep. If you want to victorious all your sleepers, you can launch an infrared trigger behind the aid of an infrared trigger to stand on the hot shoe of the camera.

With this rank, you will take away freedom for the establishment of any type of illumination, such as shape, texture, tone and color objects. Not long є interconnected by the height of up to 10 meters.

As a rule, only the top models of sleeps can be victorious in the quality of the sleek ones. If your sleep does not allow this, you can vikoristovuvati more simple ways, For example, connect the light trap to the PC nest.


Portraits from the bottom of the boulevard know from the victors of the 80-mm object and sleeper Nikon SB-800. Mi vikoristali different ways illumination. In this order, you can vibrate for yourself who is coming.

Sleeping - tse duzhe hand tool, Yakiy zvsim do not wear it tightly with you. Marriage svitla - vikorystovy sleepakh; light ugly lay on the guises of people in the frame - turn on the sleeps; If you want to go to sleep during the day, we will sleep for you! As soon as you come across the intelligence of sleeping and correctly victorious, you will see a new light of unknown possibilities. It is necessary to fix it, yak, from the basics. Let's get it out of the way cut the robots to sleep.

The statistics will be displayed in modes, as you can display on the sleep itself when you press the button Mode... To that, do not get lost between the robot and sleeper modes and the sleep and camera synchronization modes. So I mean, in the main message about the robot z zovnishnim sleeping... On some cameras, you can expand the control functions and a number of robot modes. More details about the difference between the sleepers and the sleepers.

the main modes in robots and sleeping not so rich - only three:

Automatic (ETTL, TTL, i-TTL, ADI, etc.)

Manual / Manual - Manual

Multi - Multi

Call top sleepers can work in all modes, but also sleep sleepers, in which, for example, there is no Multi or TTL mode. Ale persh nіzh nіzh zmuchuvatisya through іnіkogo regime, or to hinder the sleepers, let's get rid of - and why are you so needed for additional dying modes?

sleeping regimeManual

The whole mode is analogous to the Manual zyomka mode in your camera - all adjustments are selected and displayed manually. Prior to the main setting of the sleeper in manual mode, apply:

pressure to pulse- infused into the brightness of the illumination and appearance, on which object to appear with light from the sleeping place. The urge to bend over the scale from 1/1 (the maximum force of your sleeper is possible) to 1/16, 1/32, 1/64 or 1/128 from the maximum force. The scale of the gradation of the need to grow in fallowness from the model of sleeping. The greater the value (for example, from 1/1 to 1/128), the greater the freedom of control and thinness in the process of building up an impulse. Alle and with sleepers, there is minimal pressure for an impulse of 1/16, but it can be done in great situations.

Most of the daily sleepers are equipped with a display, on which there is a display of the pressure value in the view of the numerical value. Alle, there are sleepers without a display, as an indicator of the display of the effort to serve a kind of scale with light bulbs. At the same time, more light bulbs are lit, and the pulse is tighter. You will know melodiously, as the rank of standing up to exert yourself on your sleeper, take the instructions to it. I bought used sleepers without instructions, type the name and model of the sleeper in the name given by the word "instruction" or "instruction in Russian". Mayzhe all instructionsє in electronic viewer in the Internet for a cat-free look and / or jumping.

Zoom sleeper(Do not cheat with the zoom on the object, the price of the settings, if you want to use it) - regulate the extension and the distance of the "finishing" impulse from the sleeping area. It is recommended that you be able to display the zoom value of the current sleepers from the viewpoint of the opposite focal view of the asset. So, the more the focus is on the object, for which the zyomka is carried out, the less time I look around, the more the focal point of the zyomka is before the ob'yomka. Apparently, for normal illumination of the frame when using a pre-focus lens, a light pulse is required, which is added to a larger view. At the same time, the light beam itself can be more vuzy - there is not a lot of visibility around the edges of the frame, as it does not take part in the plot of the zyomka.

Navpaki, when it’s more important than the visibility, there is a larger area of ​​the stage; When there is a large amount of zyomki, it’s close to the zyomka point;

Manual sleep control modeє It is practical for all new sleepers and it is practical to learn from people who have awakened sleepers. Find out the manual sleepers (the stink is cheaper), as it is done only in the manual mode.

The manual mode of the robot doesn’t fall asleep, so it’s the manual mode on the camera itself, it’s not just smart, but the first thing to see. If you can adjust the zoom in manual mode, you can scroll to the focal point of the object, then the parameter of the pressure pulse is displayed in the main experimental direction.

The value of the pressure to the sleep pulse lie in the offensive parameters:

mind the illumination(Evening, nich, days, amid lack of light, zyomka on entry and in.)

go to the zyomka(If the object is closer to the house, less effort is needed for its normal illumination by sleeping) - the law of the rise of light in the open space

Display settings for exposure(Vitrimka, diaphragm, ISO) - it is possible to skip a lot of light light behind the additional adjustment of the parameters of the exposure, and to sleep deprived of a lot of light in the foreground (pressure 1/16 - 1/64). Call these signs more naturally. If you need to correct the illumination of the head object in the foreground on a black aphid - the maximum impulse (1/1 - 1/4) is displayed and the exposure settings are selected from the whole impulse

vicorystannya straight (directly on the object, without attachments), knocked out abo rosy light- in case of vikorstannі sleep on displaying or stopping the use of nozzles (rosette pads, mini-softboxes), the intensity of the light flow is reduced. That is, more often for a broken light from a sleeping place, you can vibrate a larger taut pulse, but not when a straight light from the "head" of a sleeping room is victorious

Sleep mode TTL

TTL mode, which can be written differently in the presence of the virobnik. The sensation is the same and the same - the automatic mode of automatic pick-up of the adjustment of the sleep. In today's Canon sleepers, the mode is designated ETTL, in Nikon - i-TTL.

abbreviation TTL be like "Through The Lens", Scho it is fair to change over "through the object". This means that the automatic exponent for the selection of the adjustment of the sleepers' need to go through the assessment of illumination in the frame through the lens of the asset. For the rest of the victorious, the foreground evaluation impulse, which will allow the development of the vimir of the exhibition, is possible. Reconciliation of such a method of designation of the exposure allows the characteristics of the vicious object to be changed - it is necessary to adjust the corrections for screwing filters and attachments and cuts around.

TTL technology has become aware of the number of modifications in an hour the development of photographic technology. So, in the old days, mirror cameras for automatic control of sleepers, the Vimir technology was used for an infrared pulse (A-TTL in Canon cameras), while it was modified to be measured for the front pulse of the Canon camera (ETTL). Remaining modification (ETTL-II in Canon cameras) is also displayed from the zyomka point before being captured in the frame.

When you vibor sleeper, pay homage, chi pidtrimu won TTL technology(Your virobnik, apparently). So, to be aware of manual sleepers, as they do not accept the automatic mode of the robot. Also, there are sleepers, as you adapt, for example, more old technology, not your camera. For example, you have new camera with ETTL-II mode, and sleeping only ETTL. Tse does not mean, but the stench is not crazy; technology, yaka practice on more advanced technologies of automatic vimir, push it in and out. This rank, you will be using ETTL technology, not ETTL-II.

Similarly, the viglyada is a ringing situation. On the other hand, you pull in I'll stop the model sleeping with ETTL-II on an old camera. As soon as the camera sleeps "Ridna" (tobto the Canon camera - Canon sleeps, etc.), then the "camera" system - "Sleeps" will automatically monitor and make the technology available to each other.

Zyomka with sleep in automatic mode, By the way, I screwed up in the "Auto" mode on the camera. Your camera is freezing and taking into account (at a glance) the value of the demand for the sleeper pulse and the "zoom" parameter depending on the type of object (when the focus is displayed), it starts automatically. Moreover, the call is not necessarily vikoristovuvati sleeps in TTL mode, Only if the camera displays the automatic or automatic mode. Both modes are not tied one to one. You can quietly use the manual M mode on the camera and the automatic control mode of the sleeper.

In most cases, it is normal for a singing plot. Allegedly, it’s impossible to automate photographic technology to cope with all the subtle and special features of photography. The automatic projection will be carried out from the middle of the illumination of the middle to the middle of the frame. Moreover, opening in the automatic mode of the exposure for setting up the sleeper is normal only when the sleeper is directed "on the forehead" in TTL mode... The prerequisite for automation will speed up if sleeping pratsyu on the viddzerkalennya- automatically foldably rozrahuvati, as you drop the light onto the object. The camera cannot be judged from the inside of the house and the light of the sleeper appears. As a result, the settings are displayed as approximate.

It is also a sleepless situation, if it is possible to switch to the manual mode of keruvannya by sleeping. Most often I do it myself in manual mode - it’s easier for me to control the process. TTL mode go, first, for everything, for the collection of photographs, as it is important to use the settings, as well as for the situations, if you do not want to, because you just don’t want to worry about adjusting the sleeper, and the plot will change even more quickly, etc. ).

Navigate in TTL mode є Ability to add correction to the sleeper robot. For a wide range of sleep compensation settings, it is similar to the settings for exponential correction in the camera. compensation for sleeping Allowing to set the impulse yaskravish or weaker, lower value, rozrahovanie automatically. At the same time, I will assign the value for the scale (from -3 to +3 steps of the exposure), on the yak, you will compensate for the toughness of the sleeper. So, even if you sleep in automatic mode, when you sleep in a test frame, you will have to be created, but you slept too hard, displaying an exponential correction as a plus, and navpaki.

for woken up sleeper It is similar to the setting, as you can display it in the Camera Menu. Menu -> Sleep compensation or Menu -> Sleep management -> Sleep compensation -> Sleep compensation... You can see it in the fallow area from the virobnik and the model of the camera. If you cannot know the settings by the "tick method", read the instructions.

Also in the camera settings Menu -> Sleep Management isnu setting the exposure for vikoristanna spalah... As long as you have a plot with foldable illumination (zyomka versus sun, for example), if you need to correctly display and project only one part of the frame for the other sleeping person, select the point or partial exposure mode. In addition, the camera measures the illumination of the entire area of ​​the frame, and all objects become equal. As a result of the adjustment, there may be a lack of light on some objects, or Peresvet on others.

Most often sleeps in TTL mode yes to finish the taut pulse, especially during the winter at night. In the bag in the photo there are white individuals, a black background, and sleeping on the maximum exertion, can cause the batteries to overheat and vitraise. Wihid - you read the knowledge in the manual mode, or you were able to compensate for the sleepers.


If in Manual and TTL modes it was not possible to rob only one pulse per hour of the show, then in Multi Sleep Modes spratsovuє a few times per hour, while the camera shutter is open. As a result, it is possible to trim the image of one and the same object in one frame, without any kind of processing.

Multi mode- the same mode, which will increase handled by hand. Aside from the parameters of the force of the pulse and zoom of the sleeper (like in M ​​mode), you need to set more 2 parameters:

number of pulses- Skilches developed spratsyuє sleep

Pulse frequency ( in Hz) - the higher the frequency, the lower the interval will be an hour or two, with two solid pulses.

Not all sleepers come Multi mode... I’ll say more - in the greater number of sleepers in the regime, you will not call me. Ale tsei vikoristovyutsya mode in the main for a specific or experimental zyomka. The robotized robots have a marniy mode. Yaksho vin є at your sleeping place - obviously, you can add! If it’s dumb - don’t fall into the water, there’s not so much waste. More details about sleeping in a sleeper in Multi mode I have published in my online course "Digital photography is easy!" Pochatkovy Rivn.

More details about the robot with a sleeper in Manual mode to marvel in the recording of the MC "Robot from the out of the blue sleepers in the community".

When sleeping with a "hot shoe" type of sleepers, these are the basic rules. Yak me correctly set up the parameters for sleeping? How are TTL modes in the photo? But also the synchronization of the sleepers and, more importantly, why is the difference between synchronization on the first and other curtains? What is the meaning of the sleeper? What about flash zoom? All food and nutrition information will be updated in the statistics.

Cut the robots to sleep.

When the robot is in manual mode with a hot crank, in the main one, put the sleeper on. The majority of sleepers allow them to display the maximum or minimum effort, or the average among them. Yak і chamberlain, at the sleeping quarters є rezimi. There is a tendency to be forced and to be measured in partial values: 1 (abnormally), 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64 and so far. It seems simpler - more effort, half, a quarter, and in the same way. Changing by one croc on the scale (from every tension to half, from half to four) - just one change. So itself, as in the nalashtuvannya of the exposition, showcases or diaphragms.

Regardlessly from your specific sleeping area, from the model or the brand, you can display half or navigate a third, as in the settings of the display window or the diaphragm. On some sleepers, the urge to get up without a second on the sleepers and to be displayed on the RK-display.

Some sleepers, especially small ones, can be adjusted only through the camera menu, so as the smell will be controlled by sensors. The correct setting is for a sleeper, crazy with your camera, you can make your photo-life more simpler. Mova is not only about additional performance, but about expanded functionality.

When you change the value of the pain of sleeping, it is important to remember, but you yourself do not reduce the amount of light, as you are going to sleep. The amount of light is the same. In case of decreased tension, you should change only the triviality of the light. So, an increase in the exertion of a product before it slept will burn more.

The main fact is that there is a small amount of light on the need for children trade marksі models, і range of adjustment of grabbing between the maximum and minimum even more. For example, Canon 580 EX can be used less than Canon 430 EX, and a number of parameters can be adjusted up to the value of 1/128, at that hour the 430th can be adjusted to 1/64.

For Canon, ETTL sleepers it is decoded as "estimated value through the object). viprominuvanim from the chamber to the object.

The next picture shows two new regime robots sleeper. At the first - the sleeps are set in manual mode for 1/2 of the force. The other one has ETTL-mode, but this means that the camera will automatically set itself up if necessary, depending on the coverage.

Remember, in manual mode, you will be able to see yourself for all the defects. This means that if you are trying to get up, you’ll see one sign to the last one, if you do not, do not change the meaning. In TTL mode, the camera can be used to make the necessary adjustments, which are necessary for a particular plot, and, as required, change the value. In such a rank, if you change to be seen before the event or illumination, you will not be able to see the price, and the camera will change the parameters.

Synchronization of sleeping

Sikhronizatsiyu sleeps with a lot of stale from the quickness of the shutter, when the camera is on, and the sleeps can function normally. Asking for tsyo bulo to finish smoothly. Now the synchronization of sleeping is more important before it has slept, according to the time before your exhibition. The best way to demonstrate by introducing the trivial to the robot is close to 6 seconds. Sleeping can be done right away when the diaphragms are open, or in front of another curtain, if the shutter starts to close. For the first shutter, synchronization is displayed at the moment the shutter is opened. For others - at the moment of activation of the sleeper.

Resentment is a good way to create a singing effect in the final image.

If your object is a camera, it’s not a matter of sleep. When the shutter is open, then from sleep in the first mode there will be illumination of the object and the images in these points, if the shutter is open, and later the light will appear, you will love to fall.

In another mode, you can record the collapse until the moment, like the other, the curtain will close, and the object will be images, illumination with sleep. So, you can mark all stages of the ruch on the mark.

If the object collapses evil to the right, pick up the synchronization on the first curtain, the right-handed person will see the image object, when you have shown the display window. When zyomtsi on another curtain - the size of the object will be evil. If you have a problem with the cim, change the speed of the shutter. Don't be afraid, 1/2 second or more - it's not scary. The insult of the sign is lower than the bullet in a different mode.

Flash zoom (Zoom sleeper)

Flash zoom means that there is light everywhere. Deyakі spalaku do not lose parameters in scale. In the automatic flash-zoom mode, the focus is on the display of the asset and the latitude of the light is adjusted to the full.

When it’s sleeping, it appears as an actual impulse lamp (light) and a diffuser (plastic in the front part of the sleeping bag). As soon as you are victorious the zoom-object, the sleepers can know the change, so as the change in scale cannot be set with the new focus view. If you vikoristovute simple ob'ktiv, it is necessary, obviously, to regulate only when sleeping.

Rіznі brands and models of sleepers to understand the difference in value for the range of zoom. For example, the Canon 430 and 580 series offer high focal lengths from 24 to 105 mm with a high-speed EOS DSLR lens. If you choose DX cameras (APS-C), the range becomes from 15 to 65 mm.

You can also set the sleepers to manual zoom control. In such a rank, it is possible to change the area of ​​scale and expand the light of the sleeper in the wilderness from the focal point of your object. You can also use a manual flash-zoom for viewing creative workers, and for viewing the flash-zoom. Tse allow the visibility of the zone of the frame.

Straight sleepy.

Deyak models of sleepers will give you the opportunity to visualize light from steles, steles, vidbivachs, schob pom'yakshiti yogo pouring onto the object. The sleepers may have nagged and / or the wrapped head, as you can move up the hill, down, left, right and navpaki. Fuck and freedom to lay panoramas in a specific model. For example, the Canon 580 series can be extended from 7 degrees (down) to 90 degrees (uphill), and the 430 series - up to 90 degrees uphill.

With a sleeper, wrap your head around by hand, so you have the ability to manipulate the light in such a rank, so that your object will shine from both sides, and not just from one side. View from the wall and stele light can make the frame more natural, helping to make it look more natural. Name the price to create a great contrast.

As soon as you stay in the place, it’s very high for light, you can see it, you can try to hold your hand right in front of the sleeping place, and throw some light forward. Deyakі spalaku is equipped with a special built-in card for the whole family. You can grow up independently, having fastened to the sleeping place with a gumkoy.

As a rule, sleepers rise to such a rank that the light becomes approximately half the size of the country before it is burnt. If the object is even close to the wall, you can put the head of the sleeper in the upper cuff, and then the wall and the stele will converge. Another way is to turn the head of the sleeper to the wall, right behind you, so it’s light to go back to the object.

feel free to buy

Є without models and brands. Deyak can proponuvati all functions and possibilities, about which they spoke only, but deyak can not. Surely, what is more available functions, Tim is easier for you to control when you sleep, experiment with her and just create. Zrozumilo, sleepers, about yak yshla mova, costly.

The main camera brands, such as Nikon and Canon, conceal their mastery of sleeps, ideally with their camera carcasses, which can offer a wide range of possibilities. Ale tsinniki, melodiously, shove you off on a little more cheap analogue for your camera. Some sleepers are cheaper and better functionally. If you don’t sing, if you’re ready to make a big contribution to the right, buy it cheaply, and save you from living vitrates.

Please share your joy about sleeping with sleep in the comments! Well, if you want to see the trimmings from the wicked sleepers of professional photos like in glossy magazines, then click on the pictures below!

I see you, dear reader. Call you, Timur Mustai. I passed the article, yak you pam'yataєte, informed about. Isn't there a little bit of light, more precisely, practically dumb? That's right, vicoristovuvati diddatkovi dzherela illumination. Ale robity is required for a rose. Photographed with a dream in the countryside, I will try to help you.

Working tool

You will need a lot of money, so you can do it in a good time for a good result.

  • Perche, callous sleeps, and more beautifully, as long as there will be a decal.
  • In a different way, there was a card and rosіyuvachі (most of the stench there might be things in the future, it’s said three things).
  • In a third, the zdatn_st orієntuvatisya in the settings of the camera, as if it didn’t sound wonderful.

Here slid down the line to the drive vbudovanogo sleeper. It’s no secret that if the camera could boast of such a thing, a better shot can be taken from it. Vzagal, more than anything is not necessary, if you want to edit the previous frame. Make a "masterpiece" you need to select a studio from a softbox, pulse lamps, background and іnshim. Pricey and impractical. Accept not ours.

I want you to go ahead of you right away, that the statty has been ordered for the Victory Day of the photo-sleepers!


Otzhe, s necessary tools, Nibi-yak, rose. Now we have instructed the hour to go ahead, as all are victorious. The first for everything, after the death of a splinter of "priluvalnyh" built with a sleeper and without it on the machine. I’m sure you don’t need such options - you are kindly requested in the “creative” modes.

vibration mode

What kind of vibrati mode? Let's make it logical. In the minds of the lack of coverage of operamo three parameters :, і. All the stinks are very important, and for that the parameters of the demand are victorious. Vikoristovuchi mode is the priority of the showcase (S - Nikon or Tv - Canon), memory is required, but the photograph is shorter than 1/60 and more than 1/250 seconds because of sleeping is not necessary. At the first time, it’s a mess, but at the other time, it’s a lot of sleepers in synchronization and doesn’t overtake 1/250 seconds.

The sensitivity parameter (ISO) is not so global, as it is in the same mode as it is in the middle: ISO change is possible in practically any mode if necessary. At the same time, it is important to remember, it is overwhelmingly overwhelming to ISO with a victorian photo-sleepwalker, there is no need!

To that, often vikorystovuvanim decisions will be selected by the priority of diaphragms (A - Nikon or Av - Canon). In this mode, it is possible to control the flow of light on the matrix behind the additional diaphragms.

There are some drops, if it’s not easy for an hour to tinker with the settings, just put on the program mode (P), ISO will be set from 100 to 800, in the absence of illumination and camera models, and photography! І bazhano vikoristovuvati rossiyuvach, about the whole thing piznishhe.

Cudi direct the sleeps?

The price of food is due to the message of the installation, for the mind, that the call was asleep. It is prompted NOT to be useful for one simple reason: you can only "shoot" directly, but not good. Colori often go with her in cold tones, the foreground appears back then, as if tearing from the back, there is a hard one, viciously showing the effect of a “flat individual”.

This is true for a lasting sleeper, like taking photographs head-on. Ale on none of the presence of turning mechanisms, which allow us to achieve the results we need.

It is possible to direct the beam of light into the stele anyway. So hesitating a lot of photographs, ale the stench, everything, like one, can tell you about the nuances of the attack: the surface, on the yak, to hide in sleeping, is not guilty but it’s dark. As soon as the color on the stele is seen from the white, gray and small colors, then there is a great deal of color, on the basis of photographing, take out the color of the stele. For example, as the color of the stele is blaky, the light is seen from the sleeping place, so it is very easy to get into the blaky vidtinok and the object is seen in blaky tones.

The height is also important for stele: chim vin is lower, tim yaskravishe will be light. If the rules are not caught, then knowing the object will not be enlightened as it is necessary, for the light will appear unnatural. For robots with high steles, you can vikoristovuvati rosіyuvach, about which I rozpovіm trochi pіznіshe.

Important! I will change the stele to 3.5 m, then send the sleeps up the hill to the stele nemaє sensu.

A slide of memory about the famous optical law: kut fall dorivnyu kut vidbittya. Knowing in the village of sleeping, remembering about it will be required. It’s just a sense of intelligence, which doesn’t need to direct the sleeps strictly vertically up the hill in some kind of fall. Vona is guilty of buti trohi nahilena ahead, but not so, sob to be astonished right at the object. In the majority of cases, the optimal option for sleeping is about 45 degrees.

Bila card

Knowing the portraits in this way, you can see how the deyaki who expose them appear behind the dark. Tse can be corrected, so called, "was the card." Allow a small bundle of light to bounce in the direction of the people, so that you know and see the darkness of your specimen. Deyaki virobniki, before speaking, complete their sleepers with a supplementary LED, which can replace the card.

In the quality of such an attachment one can serve a small piece of white paper, a visitka, a pass for a robot, a good-for-nothing ... Є sleeper, as possessed by such a cinnamon dribbling for the deputies. There is the role of a bіloї karty vikonu shmatok bіloi plastics. In the snazzy mode, you can see it from your eyes, and you can easily access it by the way for an additional special button on the sleeping quarters.

I’m dumb, don’t worry. On my first sleeper, I didn’t boil, and I added a special attachment, so titles vidbivach biloi karty(Brav I can go to Aliexpress). Below, in the image, you can see how you see it and hang on the photobeds. One side of a new srіblast, and the other bіlа, even handy. Varto existing kopіyki.

Why is the card of Inodi Nastilka Korisna? Everything is much simpler. If we fell straight up the hill, without a victorian picture, then the whole bundle of light will be brought into the object. If I want to know, for example, exposing people, then bring light to the region of the eyes, before the nose and so far, if it is not enough, it will appear. We need to visualize a small bundle of light, once in a sleeper, then shake off from small shadows on the face and give a blink of an eye. There was a card on the sleeping quarters for the whole family.

Look, about 3-5% of the light comes from the sleeping place, which is what we need.

Vikoristannya rassseivators

It is possible to direct the sleeps to the forehead about the zyomka only when a special rossyuvach is established. Iznuyat of a kind of rosiyuvachi. The stench can be made from napivprosy plastic, the price is more compact and often vikorizovaniy or more bulky, broken from special rag material, a little more effective.

Yak vi rosumієte, mova yde about rosіyuvachah on zvnіshnіy sleeps!

Yak win? Everything is elementary and simple. Plastic, maє viglyad kovpachka, which can be attached to the edge of a photo sleeping bag. You should also use rags, you can also put on the front part of the photo sleeper and use special clamps to fasten it to the rear part. For the installation of the rossyuvachi trimming to achieve the stiffness, so there is no discomfort when photographing.

plasticі rags After I got up and running on Aliexpress, I wouldn’t have much participation and would be satisfied with it. Just before buying, obov'yazkovo zvernit respect, why go stink for your photo model!

Yak nalashtuvati exhibition?

Singingly, if you know when the lights are on, the color of your image can appear under the living image, or navpaki, with the blue. It is simple to correct the process: in the adjustment of the balance of the white, it is necessary to vibrate the visual mode of illumination. As long as your camera is running around Kelvin (the temperature of the light, it’s okay to talk about cold and warm colors), then you’ll get a school course in physics.

Our eye is sound until the day we sleep at 5000-6000 kelvin, the price of a normal sleepy illumination. Slept, not respectfully, woke up aboard a call, pratsyuє at the same temperature. At a primitive woman, illuminated by a roasting lamp, which looks like 3000 kelvins of light, everything is more "warm", and in the office with luminescent illumination of navpaki - "cold".

So the axis, then adjust the balance of the white for the robot in the first drop, it will be necessary to lower the temperature, and in the other - to lower it. That picture will shine through normally under any circumstances. Quite well, there is a big simple option: turn on the automatic machine and make the shot of the “pricked” frames, but it’s on a white one. The remaining option is for you and for me, so that the device will automatically adjust everything more quickly and in less moments.

Well, all the same, make sure to set the balance quite clearly before illumination. As soon as the light of a luminescent lamp is lit in the village, the camera can also be installed - luminescent lamp When the lamp is roasted, it is necessary to adjust the balance of the camera in order to adjust the balance of the camera.

The balance of a white man is easy to change, for a mind, as you know in RAW format, Not JPEG. For example, everything can be easily corrected in the Lightroom editor. even good editor, Yakim is fond of a lot of photographs, including me. If you don't know a lot about a new one, or if you are nasty, you can help you, one of the shortening and reversing video courses " Lightroom-charivnik. Secrets of shvidkіsny photocorks».

As soon as you are stuck in a more deafened person, you have to install your camera in a new camera, if you want to go to see if you can imagine, then you can take a course " Newbie Digital Mirror Camera 2.0". You have a glimpse of the rich functions of your camera, they didn’t know about it. You are not just looking for photography, but creating masterpieces.

The rest of the way I want nagadati, but all the priyomy, described here, viprobuvani by me especially.

Thank you for those who love me, I am even more valuable, and mind, that my little girl is lost. Tell your friends about my bloody and call them to sign on to a new one, in front of you there are a lot of many articles. See you later!

All the best to you, Timur Mustai.

Nakamenni slept - a great tool, like a lot of photographs, but I don't know everything, like vikoristovuvati. A skinny day I bach, like a divine possession of vikoristovutsya darely, throwing light on the object, if we can grieve me, we will direct it to illumination. Sleeping, tse a sculptor's chisel, not a sledgehammer. It is necessary for the nobility of all the more basic techniques.

It’s 400+ fun, as I’m taking pictures on the outskirts of rocky rock, a lot, when you’re in the midst of it, it’s buzzed for an extra sleeper. I have a suitcase, memorized for studio illumination, as I am only vikoristy at the calls, but more often than not, I do not, I vvazhay for beautifully my little on-camera sleeps (do not get lost because of it). You can find garnishing light, view from steles, steles, mirrors, professional fighters or flocks of sheep.

Allow me to figure out the sprocket of butts, get my favorite model, my squad Karen. The skin from a series of photographs is broken with a quiet object (50 mm), a vitrim (1/180) and a diaphragm (f / 4). We were also absolutely not transported. We are 10 feet from the gray paper background, the walls are on the left and the right side to the side, close to 7 feet. The stele is also b_liy. The only difference in the number of photographs is in the fact that I am waking up to sleep.

What does not need to be robbed

At the first butt, I took a photo in Karen with a straight sleeper. (Look, I’m thinking, I don’t know where I’m sleeping).

A thick, flat light. In the background, there is no tin. The opposite of the broken light, as a rule, is the extreme type of the sleeping position. Ydemo gave.

trochus more beautiful

Here I polished the camp three times, bringing in the light of the sleeper from the stele. Lightly pom'yakshav, ale vin still go from above, flashing unattractive tini pid and ochima, and in the eyes not vistachak vidblisks. We can be more beautiful!

Viglyadaє good

Then I sent my sleeps to the side, so the light shone from the wall of evil from me, giving me a faint, more beautiful light from the back and forth. I think, tse those, what a treasure!

Who can you see here?

Razvagi zaradie, I turned the sleeper from top to bottom and directing the light to the pidlog, so now it’s light to come from below. We call it Franken-light (light of a monster). They are not the ones that you often need, if you are hired to photograph a vampire, then there is a good mother scheme in your set.

All the photographs are taken by two senior officials, about how I think they are photographing with the light of a sleeping place: direct light and bright light (softness).

straight light

Every time you go straight, wherever you go light; then, it’s even easier to control the other imagined sleepers. Yaksho vi direct it into the stele, the light comes up to the object from above. If you direct the sleeps to the side, then the light will turn from the same side, etc.

Marvel at the simple portrait of the guests at the party. The woman marvels to the right, because I have seen the light from the wall from this side and having rendered a beautifully illuminated individual. If I want to take a picture of someone, if I am amazed in this direction, everything that I know to grow up, turn the sleeps 180 degrees and visualize the light from the antiquated period. Universality of miracles of this kind when you visit them.

They are young in this photograph, as I walk down the aisle, I see the light of a sleeper from the wall of evil. If you wonder at the people in the background, then you can see a backward picture about hanging there.

The most beautiful light invites you to go from the side, not from the top. If it’s asleep spratsy along the edge of 90 degrees left, then the light will turn evil as well as on the edge of 90 degrees. Mіzh іnshim, under such a kutom you can make a wonderful light for the wedding and at the entrance.

sweetness light (softness)

The softness of the light in the main infusion is the size of your light dzherel. In the image of a sleeping room there is a wall or glass, from which light is seen. I think it’s the best understanding for people who want to see the light of a sleeper. Just think about your dzherela light like about the surface, so you can be sleeping (and not about the sleeping house itself).

Chim more dzherelo light, tim m'yakshe light. In other words, more than the area, it is buried in sleeping quarters, and it will be dimmed from its light. To hunt for a large area, just see the distance from the surface, so that you can let the light of the sleeper expand more. Bagato sleepers may zoom, so they allow a wide open space (a wide open area allows sleepers to widen wider, і navpaki).

It’s possible to see the price very well, because I’ve made a few photographs, I’ll illustrate it, like a price. On the first photo (vishche), my sleep will rise, so I can cover the widest possible area. Then I sent it to the wall in my studio at a distance of about 10 feet. Yak bachite, I slept with a larger part of the wall. Tse allow otrimati a soft beautiful light, so that it can be driven back to us.

On the other photo (below), I put the sleeper closer to the wall with the same zoom. Yak bachite, even the lesser part of the wall is illuminated, but it means that the light has become smaller (more zhorstkiy - mensh meakiy).

In the third photo, I have slept in the same position, altogether having closed the zoom. The light is now less dull to that (dilenka of the wall, which visualizes the light, є dzherel of the light).

You can direct your light through the entire ballroom, for example, and turn into a beauty and beauty. In the photo of loving fathers, who hear the great promos, the light of my sleeper goes 20 or 30 feet to the wall and back. Chim dal vin id, tim shirsh to be bottled, and tim m'yakshe to go to illumination. Wonderful!

Nutrition of pressure on sleepers and folding locations

At the urge to sleep, there is a little bit of sleep, and, even more, you can be from the surface as far away as possible. Happily, behind an additional digital camera, you can easily make a sprinkle of quick tests, you can wonder how far you can go.

For example, admittedly, you found yourself at the great conference hall and the photographer was given additional advice at the schoolyard of black plum sellers. Hall of enlightenment tilka tsimi zhakhlivim bed lamps If you don’t polish the situation, then don’t take the robot away from the client anymore. Otzhe, you can imagine the light slept from the wall on the left side of the additional answer, if your slept is not enough for tsyogo. Your image is underexposed, and the accumulator is a voltage chamber, and you need to recharge your sleeps.

In this situation, you can try a couple of different ways to solve the problem:

  • Adjust the ISO to an acceptable value.
  • Open the aperture as much as possible.
  • Close the zoom of the sleeper to the border, so that you can zoom through the light, which can be seen from the wall, straight.

If nothing is right, then it’s just enough to get into a straight sleep, but it’s a mistake to stop by.

Surely, if you don’t wait in the middle of the walls, if you wonder about it, then you can know what kind of light you see. White sheets and dark woods? Imagine the light from the stele (if you wake up the sleeps, direct the trochies to the side, so that the light comes out as straight as possible). You can visualize all over dark surfaces. If it’s not like a black man, then all is well to represent the deyak a bit of light.

I imagine sleeping from everything - from the walls, from the wood panels, I want to see how to glaze such surfaces great number lights and discharges the batteries more quickly, so the stench is not ideal (the stench also produces images of pictures).

If I go into the neighborhood, in which I am going to be victorious to see the light of a sleeper, then at once I am amazed about and I think that I can serve as a sound (as a light). I start the surfaces as I go (in the main light / visualize) and expand so that you can get a quick start.

Let's look more clearly at the butt:

The cichs are young, the first cheerful dance is found in the library of Pibodi in Baltimory, in the very great space, in which there are no ordinary walls, and only colonies, I will look at those who have broken shelves. I have increased ISO to 4000 and reduced the amount of light in the sleeps, so you can trim the garnishing light in the photo.

I also include photography, which shows the whole space, how it was done, and how it was done.

Tsia sonna, a little girl Bula, was photographed at a party in a Zamis club in Virginia. I saw a light sleeper out of the 30-foot wall out of me, and with little help from the purple illumination in the background.

A whole, cheerful portrait of the shots at night at the Camden Yards baseball stadium in Baltimory. On the right, there was a ball on a very bad turn or nothing, where I could send the sleeps, so I asked the assistant to take a note of the beeline vidbivach behind me, and when I saw the camera, where I sent the sleeper.

In the process of writing this statute, I sit in a restaurant with black stele, dark walls, dark kilim and dark furniture. It’s just a light-absorbing attachment, but here’s a small picture of framed photographs and a mirror. I feel like seeing light from them and trimming decent light at times of consumption.

You can quickly master the mastery of visual performance. As soon as you get to know the possibilities, you will be able to experiment and learn about your technology. Take a look around and feed yourself, so you can get some fun to see the light. To marvel at your object and think: "On which side did you find a beautiful light?"

Then try, direct the sleeper to the right, to the left, back to yourself. As soon as you know it, you will become the master of the image of a sleeping person! Would you like to see the pictures in the glossy magazines vikoristovuchi zvychaynu zvnishnyu spaly? It’s so boldly onslaught on the pictures below.

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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