What does dartless charging mean. Do-it-yourself charging without dart: instruction, video and even more corny pleasure

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help for fevers, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

The article describes how to practice a dartless mobile attachment.


Digital technologies in our era are developing very fast, and it is important to say that it will be a wonder to be found tomorrow. A handful of mobile phones, like the mother of a skin person on Earth, seemed to be nothing more than an element of fantasy, but an attribute of a distant fantastic future.

Ale, fantasy became reality, pleased with it. And how can the ability to charge a mobile phone by charging without wires be possible with fantasy? I think that most of the koristuvachivs are so important, but we can hurry up and greet them. wireless charging not just reality, but already becoming everyday life.

Today, in our glance, we speak of a batteryless charger attachment. We know that it looks like a robot of a drotoless charger attachment, and it is necessary to install it for style telephones. If you are tired of straying by the wires, if you often change charging through a frayed cable and if you want to know about alternative energy sources, then our article is dedicated to you.

Wireless chargers for mobile phones

If the clerk of a mobile phone has previously been aware of the use of a droto-free charging, you should begin to show yourself, as if you can work it out. And, obviously, it’s rich in what you have mercy on, for example, in someone who has a chargeless charge that can transfer energy to a great power.

Hi, bezdrotovaya charging - tse router. Here are the tasks of other technologies, and we will briefly familiarize ourselves with them. In similar outbuildings, one of the various types of magnetic-inductive charging is installed. It’s not easy to grow up in one’s family, you don’t have to be afraid of it, we’ll explain it more with my simple words.

What technologies are used for wireless chargers for mobile phones?

The current scientific world is actively working on new modernizing technologies, building improvements and improving functionality mobile outbuildings for the mass spozhivacha Chuti navit rozmov about those, scho іnzhenery zdatnі reach the transmission of electric stream through sound wind, laser and other phenomena in physics. True, the majority of such projects are still not completed enough, but the progress is only growing.

As far as technologies are concerned, if it is already possible to win in the future and put on the market, then there is a question about the transfer of electricity through electromagnetic induction, as we already meant more.

At a bezdrotovy charger, like a be-yakim іnshoy іnshоmu vіnshіchі vinodі, zastosovyutsya і chi іnshі standards, yakі zavzhdi vrakhovuyutsya at їх spilniy roboі z mobilіlnymi podstroyami. For example, the firm Wireless Power Consortium developed a special standard " qi”, Insurance for the wireless transmission of electricity and recharging of gadgets.

How to install a wireless charger for mobile phones

Today, most companies that manufacture smartphones do not only praise the standard. qi”, and also learn to win yoga when folding your gadgets. Therefore, at rich railway stations, bus stations and airports near the advanced countries of the world, coristuvants can charge their smartphones without using strong chargers, sockets, or wires.

In these places of great gathering of people, special charging stations have been installed, which irritate the energy of the struma with a jetless path. Amazing, but true.

How to install a wireless charger for mobile phones

How to install a wireless charger for mobile phones?

Let's try to break it down, how to use a dartless charger attachment mobile phones. For the sake of understanding, those who, when transferring non-core electrical energy from one building to another, in the first to another backyard, one induction boiler.

How to install a wireless charger for mobile phones

Tobto, it’s not enough to talk about those that you can’t have a great standard smartphone, then you won’t be charged from the arborless chargers, because you didn’t charge, the shards didn’t have a similar cat in it. Possibly, in the phones of the near future, the cats will already be installed behind the locks, and the latest gadgets will be taken into account by the past centuries.

So the axis, a droto-free charger for a mobile phone, creates a magnetic field - it’s a completely remarkable phenomenon, there’s nothing super-technological in it. The magnetic field is beginning to be impromptu (induction coils) in the form of a battery-free charger after the fact that it remains connected to the splendid electric wire.

As a rule, we will instruct them to add a gadget, which will support the standard already. qi”, then later serve as a receiver of the electromagnetic waves themselves, which come out of the droto-less charging. The electromagnet whil, poglené by the gadget, for the help of the induction cat, installed in the phone, will begin to turn into an electric jet. In this way, the process of charging a mobile phone, a battery, will start.

How to install a wireless charger for mobile phones

Ale, we will learn how to learn how to install modern wireless attachments for mobile phones. Charge the gadget that you know about great vision it is not possible to charge without a dart. Don't think you can charge your phone by taking it a meter away from charging. Vіdstan mіzh no more than 5 cm.

Tse, obviously, we can be embarrassed, but everything starts from small things. Yesterday mi mali secondary telephones with a minimum set of functions, and today it is possible for a gadget to go to the Internet, listen to music, watch movies, play games just as well.

I, obviously, the varto indicates that the charging is more effective for today's day, the lower one is not. It takes less than an hour to charge (for 1-2 years), to charge the phone again. Dart-free charging can be installed on whether or not you can see the gadget, which is more expensive than the cable. However, if all of you are not too turbulent, then you can also charge the rodless type.

What are the pluses and minuses of wireless chargers for mobile phones?

How to install a wireless charger for mobile phones

More briefly, we got to know about the attachment and the technology of droto-free charging attachments, and also found out how mobile phones are charged with similar chargers. We do not care to install a wireless charger for the phone.

Now it would not bother to know the pros and cons of such exercises.

Advantages of a drotless attachment:

  • Do not require a cable for an hour of charging mobile phones. Do not threaten the fact that the cable can break, fray, get tangled up and give more problems.

Minuses of a drotoless attachment:

  • All the same, require a wire, for help dartless attachment connect to an outlet. Only in such a way the induction coil in the charger starts to vibrate the electromagnetic waves, which are used by a mobile phone, zdiisnyuyuchi charging process.
  • Finish the trial process of charging a mobile phone until the batteries are recharged.
  • The price of a droto-free charging qi”), it will be richer, lower similar to the dart outbuildings.

What kind of injection on healthy people can I have a dartless charger attachment?

As a rule, mobile attachments are susceptible to electromagnetic waves. A lot of people are occupied, and if you don’t harm everything in good health, then the mobile attachments should always be in close proximity to the people. Chi є nebezpeka for the human body, yakshcho on the new regularly vplivatime vplivatim vіd vіd mobilnih podstroїv?

How to install a wireless charger for mobile phones

It seems that Skoda is healthy in the first place, ale fahivtsі stverdzhuyut, but on the other hand, the negative impacts on the body of the electromagnet whistle, as it is known to be known to be near the droto-free chargers, do not hesitate.

Electromagnetic winds are constantly poured onto the body of a person without victoria modern technologies. For example, the Sun vibrates the electromagnetic wheeze, but in the face of this people, it doesn’t become a dead man, obviously, it doesn’t take away the sony blow, but the sky opikiv in the face of the unbearable peresbuvannya on the spicy beaches and so on.

How many companies are planning to use wireless chargers?

With the main power supplies, connected with the installation, with a robot that, by pouring on people without darts charging attachments, we already sorted out. Now let's talk about how brandy brands will supply the market with their own examples of similar outbuildings.

The first butt can be a firm " Samsung”, which is famous for its wide selection non-standard smartphones. For the first time, the company has done its best to improve its mobile devices by expanding the power of wireless charging for telephones.

Wireless charging " Samsung Wireless Charging Pad»befits impersonal cordial timing, which allows you to charge the phone, trimming yoga in any position above the charger. Charging money with smartphones that support different standards.

How to install a wireless charger for mobile phones

Dartless charging is not less popular powerbot". Coristuvachi mean the following pluses:

  • You can connect both to the outlet, and to laptops
  • I have a reasonable price
  • May high arrogance
  • The company gives a guarantee to Trival

How to install a wireless charger for mobile phones

One more bezdrotovoy charging - Nokia DT-910". You can easily charge smartphones. May also have a lot of different functions.

How to install a wireless charger for mobile phones

Video: Dartless phone charger

Video: Dartless chargers

Dart-free charging technology first began to vicorate in electric shavers, but with the advent of Windows phones on the market, Nokia was able to quickly start vicoryization for recharging phones. The technology was especially suited to the owners of high-powered cars, even if it was necessary to manually vicorate attachments like a link, a navigator and charge yoga at once without messing with wires. Today, with the Qi function, flagship models, such as the iPhone 6S, LG G4, samsung galaxy A7,Lenovo P90, HTC One M9 and others. In our article, we will talk about those who work for smartphones and Androids without the Qi function for locking.

How to install a wireless charger attachment - does it matter if the Qi function is installed on the phone?

Use 2 simple methods to upgrade your phone to a self-sustaining cell-free life. First - learn about the functions of the smartphone on the box or in the instructions. The virobnik must always indicate what technical parameters your phone may have. Other - know back cover take a look around carefully. In the area of ​​battery expansion, there may be some magnetic contacts. To marvel at the pointed butt - the cover for Nokia may be in the lower case induction primer, which directly indicates the introduced function of Qi technology.

How to add a phone to a wireless charge?

The fact that the support for a droto-free charge does not mean that you cannot use this technology on your Android or smartphone. Third party makers have developed 3 types of additional accessories to help you get your Qi phone.

Receiver plate

With a plastic super thin plate, with a coil-inductance inserted into the middle, through the yak, the transmission of the struma from the base of the receiver to the battery is connected. The receiver can be 2 types of connection. The first type connects to the phone via a USB socket, and the other via internal contacts. Zavdyaki ultra-thin plume, the plate can be neatly fastened to the battery and tucked under the back cover.


How to become a master of iPhone phones? Unfortunately, the back cover of the smartphone line does not fit and it is impossible to get to the battery to attach the receiver. The way out of the situation is to add a special case. Yogo’s panel has a plate with an inductance coil, but it doesn’t go to the battery, but through the Lightning rose. For which case can there be a mini-plug on the inside. The minuses of this accessory are the high variability and the increase in the size of the smartphone.

Qi plate

Є optimal and more economical solutions for iPhone connection to Qi technologies. The plate is connected to a smartphone via a Lightning socket, but it cannot be framed. Zavdyaki thin tovshchina plates, you can fit in whatever chokhli you are worthy of.

How to put the phone on the charger correctly?

In the complete set up to the leather attached attachment Qi is applied technical instruction. It is necessary to pay close attention to the individual features of your model itself. Ale, in the main order of connection, however - to charge the battery on the cob, it is enough to put your smartphone on the receiver. The radius of the induction field is close to 60 mm, which allows you to charge the phone, without knowing the case or cover the panel. Too many koristuvachivs will be afraid to koristuvatisya with a smartphone when yoga is known on the platform, not varto! The tension of the charger is minimal, which allows you to watch movies, speak on the phone call, or write notifications at the time of recharging your smartphone!

Today, the Qi extensions are released in the form of a miniature stake, in the form of a soft pillow or a stand with an alarm clock, inductive pillows have learned to wind into a piece of furniture and that interior! As you can see from the materials of the article, it doesn’t matter to connect your smartphone to a batteryless charger, you have lost the power of a charger for your relish and curry!

Batteries and up to this day are left with the head weakness of smartphones, even though the stench was stronger and more comfortable. It is necessary to put the phone in at an electrical outlet in order to charge it, work it less “mobile” and more tie it to the door. For the device to be brought to lie on the table, to re-energize. Ale w better solution Ale on yoga way to stand technical and marketing shifts.

See the power to be tied up with knots, the stench is unhandy. I know that science has long known a way to do without them. Ale tse theoretically. In practice, everything is richly folded, and looking at the Android Authority resource, Simon Hill virishiv rose to the conclusion that the most advanced engineering ideas have not yet known mass input.

The power of science

Electric toothbrushes could charge without darts back in the 1990s. There is nothing new in this technology, and it has been around for a long time. Inductive charging vicorist electromagnetic field. Sound two induction coils in it, one of them is integrated into the device, and the other one is a charger unit. It’s a pity that the charging “on the fly” was carried out, and the cats were next to be roztashovuvatsya even close one to one.

Zavdyaky to talented wine-drinkers, it was revealed that the resonance can be victorious in the transmission of energy for short periods. Walk about the vіdstanі close to a meter. The idea lies in the fact that the charging unit and attachments operate on the same frequency, and it does not allow the phone to charge in your gut. From your side for which you do not need any zusil. Similar technology can also be stagnant in battery-powered indicators and on-the-go gadgets without darts and outbuildings, but it couldn’t become a mass one.

Why didn’t the rozrobka widen

Back in 2009, the Palm company launched the Touchstone wireless charger for the Pre. From that hour, we were shown a number of different, drotoless charging attachments. Additional additions and special kilimki cost additional pennies. Bulo bazhano, schob smartphones were equipped with everything necessary for wireless charging.

There are already few inductive chargers on the market at once, but all the stinks can be one burning weakness. You can charge the accessory only at that hour, if you are in the zone of the best recovery. Varto is less likely to move the phone from its position, and the speed of charging is more spoofyuvatisya. And suddenly the phone started to stop charging. If you want to charge the device with your computer, you can’t see it far from the wall outlet through the USB port. You will not be able to fix the attachment to the process of dartless charging.

You can leave your phone to charge for the whole night. This is a good solution, especially for the presence of a magnetic charging port, like Z2.

The truth lies in the fact that іsnuyuchi decision not good enough, and it’s not worth putting a bar on the path of your adopted koristuvachs. Aje people wanted to, so that the charge without a dart would be simple and succesful for cable, but still go out to the pack. Take this thought of Simon Hill.

Vіdsutnіst vіdkritih standards

According to the IHS, the market for darnless primers and energy transfers in 2013 was estimated at 216 million US dollars, and by 2018 it will reach 8.5 billion US dollars. Leather gravel of this market is to be “polished” with the best piece of freshly baked “pie”, there is no single technology for this. And tse means compliance with the standard, which is the moment to be summed up from the usual devices.

The Wireless Power Consortium (WPC) was founded in 2008, and this organization is pushing the Qi standard, which is the most wide-ranging. A lot of great graves of the mobile market are practiced as a standard. Among them are so many names, such as Sony, Nokia, HTC, LG, Asus, Qualcomm, T-Mobile, Sprint and Verizon.

Some of this consortium also includes the Power Matters Alliance (PMA), founded in 2012 by Procter & Gamble and Powermat Technologies. This alliance is against the Qi standard. And I can also support the great companies, among them Samsung, Sony, HTC, LG, Asus, Qualcomm, ZTE and AT&T. So-so, often these corporations themselves, yakі support the Qi standard.

PMA has expanded its Powermat technology to Starbucks and McDonalds. General Motors announced its plans to integrate the Powermat into its new Cadillac line. In order to enable you to incorporate Powermat technology into your phone, you will need to buy a special case for it.

WPC, having focused its respect mainly on the security of its technology with popular attachments, among them Nexus 4, 5 and 7, as well as some models of the Samsung Galaxy line, “bouquet” Nokia Lumia, as well as HTC, Motorola, LG phones and other vendors. In order to speed up with Qi technology, it is necessary to bring a special battery cover.

For the time being, it’s unknowingly, like from these technologies we’ll take the mountain, but at the same time it’s possible to bachiti, so many companies don’t shy away in a big way, or else. There are no important powers between technologies. Powermat was formed in the WPC doti, the doki did not want to know the right way and took part in the foundation of the PMA.

Dartless charger - where to get full

A new generation of droto-free chargers will be grounded on magnetic resonance fields in the induction zone. Zavdyaki tsomu is not necessary to pick up the rozashuvannya and put it on a special kilimok. WPC has already announced its plans to expand the Qi technology with a magnetic resonance system that saves the brain power. As far as the PMA, you have decided to reconsider the Alliance for Wireless Power (A4WP) as your partner.

The A4WP Alliance was founded in 2012 and is engaged in the development of Rezence magnetic resonance technology. WiTricity, a pioneering company in the field jetless transmission energy is also used in the PMA alliance. If all these miracle solutions come to the market, then the WPC leadership will be lost in the past.

Provid mozhe out of stock in the past, there, de contagious tape cassettes and navit HD DVD. It’s understood, it’s okay to bathe like a fish, it’s not easy to understand that a simple coristuvache outbuilding will not become rich. Such a decision is, but in other. Also, if a wireless charger is supplied at once with the phone, who knows such cable experts who have the freedom and distance to fiddle with wires? Already today, the availability of droto-free charging is one of the Galaxy S5. The current short flooring sounds to comfort, so you plug in your phone to charge yoga, respecting something great for yourself.

And what do you mean by the main transition to the path of droto-less charging to a life? Visibility of a single standard? Technological barriers? Or the unpreparedness of the coristuvachi themselves to accept new technology?

Why hasn't the droto-free charging of telephones in dosi become a mass one? Oleg Dovbnya

Rosvitok technical parameters smartphones, such as the size of the screen, the number of processor cores increase and increase batteries for life on the phone for a long day. The capacity of accumulators is not simple, for today's good accumulators can have a capacity of more than 4000 mA a year, and more - from 2000 to 4000 mA a year. Ale, with a constant victorious smartphone, you may not get it until the next charge.

Chastkovo this problem can be solved by a wireless charger for the phone. The development of such systems for smartphones is three years old. Qi systems vikoristovuyut not only in the field of charging smartphones. For example, razors and toothbrushes should be used for charging without darts. A dartless charging attachment can serve well in public places such as train stations, cafes, offices. It is possible to win such charging in a car. That's where you can charge your phone without needing a good power outlet.

Some models of modern smartphones already have a battery-free charging system. And yet, such possibilities of charging may be low, while still streaming their development.

The principle of robotic wireless charging

The basis of the robotic drotovoy transfer of electrical energy is the principle of electromagnetic induction..
When applying a changeable stream to the coil, what to conduct, blames the electromagnetic field in the space. If a conductor (conductor) is placed in the changeable electromagnetic field, then under the influx of the magnetic field, which changes, there is an electro-destructive force in the new winding. The axis of the electric disruptive force (EPS) and create in another coil (priymachi) electric jet.

Everything is foldable, it’s easy to understand, then the winds of the electromagnetic induction, if you can put in charge two coils and on one of them give a change of electric strum, then in the other vineyard your change of strum. By converting this changeable stream to a constant voltage of the required value, you can charge the battery.

In order to achieve greater efficiency (KKD), the receiver is responsible for roztashovuvatisya order from the transmitter. Otherwise, the greater part of the field is stained marno.

Vykoristannya resonance (robot at the same frequency) allows you to troch zbіshiti vіdstanі mіzh priymalnymi and transmitting module.

The transmission attachment needs to be connected to the power outlet, so you will not see the wires.

The sound between the coils is built up behind the help of an electromagnetic field, like passing through a repeating gap, so you can go through plastic, wood that is not metal on the surface.

The logic of robotic wireless charging for the phone:

  • Merezheva's voltage is transformed into a high-frequency strum (AS).
  • The replacement strum (AS) is fed to the coil, which is being transmitted, for the help of an electronic transmission circuit. This strum shows the electromagnetic field in the transmission.
  • As soon as a given coil is interrupted by a cat, it starts a vicious magnetic flux.
  • The magnetic flux generates a strong streak at the receiver.
  • The strum, which flows into the priming coil, is converted to a constant voltage (DC) for an additional electronic circuit. Tsim constant tension i go to charge the battery.

When the electromagnetic induction stops at the charger it is necessary to exactly roztashovuvat kotki priymacha and transfer one shdo one. Navit є little ones on the outbuilding, scho zadzhuє, how to correctly roztashovuvat smartphone. Charging speed will be less, lower if wired charging is different. More than one attachment can be charged at an hour.

At the time of resonant charging, the parameters change. As it is written above, the principle of resonance is the transfer of the transmission circuit and the receiver to one frequency. Ale є kіlka vіdmіnnosti vіd method vikoristannya elektromagnіtnoї іnuktsії.

There is great freedom in space: now it is not necessary to precisely position the phone on the modules that it transmits.

It is possible to charge a few outbuildings. It's worth it if you choose a few coils with your own frequencies.

Increased speed of charging.


The development of wireless charging is being carried out by two great groups of the Wireless Power Consortium and AirFuel Alliance (A4WP and PMA associations), and even more small groups of small houses in the world, so that they can use their own powerful unique technologies.

Today, having become the main standard, it has been expanded by the Wireless Power Consortium (WPC). This standard is called Qi (the Russian language is called "qi").

A lot of picks for smartphones support this standard. So, it is necessary to transfer Qi in exchange for receiving it at the telephone, so it’s the same thing, and the module itself, which transmits, can also be a third-party company.

The Qi standard ensures charging at a voltage of up to 5 W and a jet power of 1 or 2 A, at a voltage of 5 V. The same parameters can be used for charging with a USB interface.

Qi itself allows acceptance and transmission of the exchange of information according to its own protocol. The transmitter feeds the receiver module about boosting the standard, charging rate, which allows you to regulate the charge strength and turn on the transmitter attachment, so that the battery is recharged. rest version Qi maє KKD is close to 80% and it is possible to allow between the receiver and the transmission up to 45 mm.

The Wireless Power Consortium website states that close to 1,080 appliances have received Qi certification.

And from AirFuel passes its RMA standard. Vіn mensh extensions, ale deyaki virobniki mobile technology practice yoga. On okremih outbuildings є pіdtrimka vіdrazu dvoh standіv і РМА, і Qi.

Vіdmіnnostmi mіzh standards Qi and RMA є transmission frequency and protocol of communication.

Shkidlivist and safety

Technique of the droto-free transmission by the method of electromagnetic induction of a vicorist near electromagnetic field on a station close to the same length of a long time. The energy of the near field by itself is not vipprominuval. The strength of the electromagnetic field changes rapidly with an increase in the distance from the dzherel to more than 5 cm.

So nayavnі without drotovi chargers for phones can be vvazhat small and safe for people.

Advantages and shortcomings

Headlines that can be used in the design and methods of energy transfer:

  1. The number of darts that are connected to a mobile phone. USB sockets are not unlocked on the phone, nothing can be hooked up. If the transmitter itself is connected to the socket by a dart.
  2. Possibility to vikoristovuvaty kіlka transmitters at budіvlі that passing from room to room it is not necessary to carry a charger with you. You can simply move to another room, put your smartphone on the transmitter and continue charging.

Before the shortfalls, you can see:

  1. More than an hour of charging, lower than the regular block of life.
  2. I will add a great varity without a dart charger in pairs with a superior charger.

Do-it-yourself mobile phone charger

Yakscho necessary accessories do not follow the standard of droto-free charging, you can make such a charge with your own hands.

The easiest way to get a wireless charger is to buy a transmitter and get a special case for your phone or a nozzle, like a receiver module. Such a receiver is connected to a smartphone through a special charger.

Bezdrotov_ chargers for mobile phones and video viewers:

In today's world, all manipulations with the transfer of files with the smartphone's settings are performed "on the fly". Access to the Internet via wi-fi - at home, on a robot, in a cafe, they take it as a given, and rarely blame anyone for folding in yoga. The hour of arrival and for jetless power transmission.

Have 2008 r. it was founded Consortium of non-core electromagnetic energy(Wireless Power Consortium, WPC), which is an association with its own workers in Europe, Asia and America. Meta "Consortium" - ce rozrobka single standard technology drotovoy charging.

Already in 2009 roci company Palm slammed the first phone out of support without a dartless charger. Late, at the spring of 2012, Nokia introduced 2 smartphones to the market - Lumia 820і Lumia 920 also from the support of the qi standard. Far away the great smartphone makers have risen Samsungg, Google Nexus(Asus, LG), Sony and in. Since 2017 company Apple added Qi support to its model: iPhone 8, iPhone 8 plus and iPhone X.

Since 2014, our company Zaryadqi is engaged in the development and development of all kinds of wireless chargers in Russia. Our store has the largest selection of jetless chargers, and we are constantly following new products and expanding our assortment. You will know for sure that you will need a charger in our store.


My simple:

  • The charger is connected to the power supply.
  • A magnetic field is created.
  • The smartphone is guilty of sub-trimming without droto charging - the mother of the receiver is installed, or it is installed dodatkovo.
  • The phone is placed on the charger.
  • Smartphone charging is automatically repaired.

From a technical point of view:

The energy is transmitted from the transmitter to the receiver-receiver through an interdependent magnetic field, which is caused by a variable stream through the coil of the transmitter.
As soon as the priming coil is in close proximity, a significant part of the power transmission lines will pass through the priming coil, creating a strong stream at the priming coil, which already transforms into a constant voltage.


Just. Put your smartphone on a Qi wireless charger and it will charge automatically.

Today. All the great IT companies are already building their outbuildings using the Qi standard.

Universally. Whether it's a Qi receiver-receiver, it's charged with a Qi wireless charger.

carelessly. The electronic field that is being created is safe for people and expands by only 1 cm outside the building.

Comfortable and handy. You don’t need to buy wires, you get lost all the time, or just ruin yourself.


More and more smartphone makers are beginning to accept receivers from their top models: Samsung Galaxy S6/edge/edge plus, Yota Phone 2 and more.

  • Samsung Note 5
  • Samsung Gear S2 (year-old)
  • Samsung Gear S2 Classic (annual)
  • Google Nexus 4/5/6/7 (2013 year and later)
  • LG Spectrum 2
  • Blackberry 8900
  • HTC Thunderbolt
  • HTC Droid Incredible
  • Motorola Droid 3
  • Droid Charge
  • Droid Incredible 4G LTE
  • HTC Rezound
  • Nokia Lumia 810
  • Nokia Lumia 822
  • Nokia Lumia 825


If your smartphone does not appear on the lists above, then you will need a universal receiver, which connects to the micro-USB port and attaches to the back cover of the smartphone or to the case.



We wisely add droto-free charging to a sprat of types for functionality:

  • Flooring. Standard charging stations look like a small "maydanchik", a phone is put on the yak, otherwise charging is built into the equipment - a lamp, a yearbook, a weather station and other.
  • Automobiles. Battery-free charger for a car battery: with special trims and brackets for a phone and adapters for a cigarette lighter.
  • Charging-podstavki. Wireless charging from the stand function, tobto. Phone for an hour of charging to be known under the hood for a visual review of video, mail, social media.
  • Qi batteries. Dart-free chargers with a built-in battery are compatible with each other, except for the design, the number of additional USB ports and the capacity of batteries - from 4000 to 10000 mAh.
  • Vbudovani. Bezdrotovy charging for vbudovuvannya tables, pedestals, barn_ racks. Mayut special design and protection from water and saw.

And also beyond the sphere of zastosuvannya or the victorious place:

  • Budinki / in the office
  • In the car
  • On the road


  • Vbudovani- Already installed on the smartphone with a picker.

Even if the phone does not transfer the possibility of wireless charging, it can be easily adapted to charging! For which vicorist there is a special slab-receiver - їх існє сілка vidіv:

  • At the sight swimwear how to install under the cover of the smartphone. For whom the telephone may have special contacts
  • Plivka, as it connects to the lighting port of Apple and micro-usb of Android smartphones.



The seal is attached to the cover of the phone, the functionality of the phone does not change. The standard cable can be twisted in one hour from the built-in heat sink-receiver.

Such receiverqifor phones with special contacts suitable for phones that may have special contacts for wireless charging: Samsung Note 4, Samsung Note 3, Samsung Note 2, Samsung Galaxy S5, Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy S3 and others.

The patch is attached to the back of the phone. When you need it, you can close it with a standard case: shkіri, plastic, silicone - you won’t show up during the charging process. The connector, which is inextricably bound with plivkoy, for charging according to the Qi standard, is found in the Lightning roses. The appearance of the receiver-switch is not visible.

Such Apple-receiverqi suitable for Apple Appliances with Lightning socket: Apple iPhone 5, 5s, 5c, 6, 6s, 6Plus, 6SPlus, SE, 7, 7 Plus; iPad Air 2, iPad mini and others (Apple's present moment does not transfer the possibility of wireless charging without accessories)

Such universal receiverqi suitable for any phone equipped with a USB socket for classic darts charging. Plivka krіpitsya under the cover of the smartphone case. The plug, which is inextricably bound by a heat, for charging according to the Qi standard, is found in the Micro-usb sockets. The appearance of the receiver-switch is not visible.

Phones with a Micro-USB port can have one of three types in front of you, so put the phone on top of the screen.

Rose type "C" having appeared recently - it is possible to spy on the treatment of a number of outbuildings. So, type "C" is equipped with MacBook 12", Samsung TabPro S, Google Nexus 6P, Microsoft Lumia 950 XL, ZUK Z1, Google Pixel C, Google Nexus 5X, One Plus 2, Acer Aspire Switch 10 V and other extensions.

Krіm zaznachenyh more receivers, fallow roztashuvannya roses in the phone can send such receivers - they are called bіchnimi or displacement:

Vidpovіdno for the skin type, that position rose Universal receiverqi. Having chosen the correct type of Micro-USB socket on your phone, you buy the correct receiver for wireless charging and allow yourself to use the wires!

  • Be so case-receiver: the receiver is already in the case, it is enough to put the case on the phone and take away the ability to charge without darts.

You can always tell the manager of the online store your phone model - we will pick the best receiver-receiver for you!


Dartless charging is like a strum - 1 ampere and 5 volts. Standard living adapter that comes with a smartphone, type 1 to 2A. And when charging the phone from the computer (USB-port), the phone is charged with a stream of 0.5A (USB 2.0) to 0.9A (USB 3.0).

At zv'yazku z tsim vy navit do not know the difference in the hour of charging, otherwise there will be no sutteva.


The energy efficiency of Qi dartless chargers is about 80%. Understanding that energy efficiency of 100% is simply impossible to achieve, for standard wired chargers, the indicator can be from 75% to 95% for a short fall.


The droto-free chargers have non-ionizing frequencies, so as not to put a harsh physiological pressure on people. The Qi 1.2 standard includes the detection of third-party objects in the field of the charger attachment, ensuring additional security of the device; Charging is only possible with Qi-summіsnimi attachments. Also, our chargers and smartphones may be equipped with external mechanisms based on thermal control.

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