Mouthless charger. Droplet phone charger. Why is it shkidliva for a health-free exercise?

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Bezdrotove mobile charger

With skin rock, the mouthless mobile charger will gain more and more popularity. For the yak principle vono pratsyuє? How do you vibrate the model? And why is the deviceless charging more beautiful than the classic one?

The batteryless charging of the smartphone or of the other gadget is ready for the changing magnetic field, which is generated by a special station. For recharging the attachments, the guilty is equipped with a separate induction coil, which will be transferred to the power.

Shock and weakening of injustices

Normally, the charging station and the mobile device heat up when charging. The function of the childless charging is enabled, if the life is enabled for the monitor. Signs: Mouthless charging is not practical. Price: the mobile device does not charge properly.

Frequently asked meals

You can charge mobile attachments without the need to plug in the life cord to the attachment. Find out the attachments and try again. ... Mouthless charging envelopes may be inaccessible for all mobile attachments.

I will call the standard of mouthless eating and call it Qi (Russian vimovlyatsya yak "Qi"). In the future, the WPC Consortium plans to set up the stations in the large cities, and then make them available for the skin corystivach. For the staff, there is a possibility of charging the attachments on the back, without the trivial noises of the charging.

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I will send you an extension to your virobnik for additional information.

Yak diznatisya, charge your smartphone

Some of the annexes can be charged in one hour. Yak standards of childless charging are supported by an autonomous base with the function of childless charging. An hour is needed, so you can charge my device by childless hedgehog in some cases with a charge. Droplet-free charging zzvychay buda for 20-30% of the weight in the correct charge, tied with a cable. You can only add one attachment at a time. ... Bezdrotova charging a bullet for about a stretch of rockets, ale, honestly, it’s still not raised to high heights.

It's joy!If you want to charge the pristy, trim it not far from the station. On the right, in the fact that from the increase in size, the charging process will be improved.


It's a pity, on this stage, the technology of childless charging is more short-lived, less overwhelming. The axis is deprived of deyakі z tsikh minusіv:

Attachments Cota

As a result of any new technology, the standards are established, the technology of disintegration and in the small bag for the customers. Ale scho take dumb charging, as won’t pratsyuє, why will I see your phone? Let us take a look at all the food and drink.

Bezdrotova charging to complete the zoom. The transfer of the pressure from the electrical outlet to the annex without the need to connect the back cable. Droplet-free charging includes a unit for transmission of effort and acceptance, click on the box attached to the mobile attachment.

  • poor efficiency;
  • low speed of robots;
  • occasionally the rate of interest;
  • The speed of charging the accumulator is to be stored at the outbuilding from the station to the station.

For example, the function of the coriander, be it any kind of charging, to become 97 volts. However, such results are still unattainable for childless technology. As a result, the winners of the power supply vitrate, as it takes a while to clean up the charging station connected to the annex. At the end of the charge, there is a problem with the problem of forgiveness for the connections, however, from Qi to clear up more.

Yak pratsyuє dumb charging?

Inductive charging Transmitter and receiver switch off the electromagnet field. ... The bezdrotova charging is based on inductive charging, when there is any effort, it is possible to pass the electric strum through two coils for the release of the electro-magnetic field.

If the receiving magnetic plate on the mobile attachment comes into contact with the transmission or, at least in the specified range, the magnetic field generates the electric strum in the middle of the attachment. Tsey strum is able to transform into a permanent strum, which, in its own hand, charges the battery.

In addition, there are more representatives of the central technology, it may take more hours (in the case of some people with a classic charge). Of course, it means that the models charge the battery to move more quickly, but for the whole need to attach them directly to the station. How many exploitation can you clean up your corysto, how can you bathe a mouthless exercise? Tim is more involved in such devices.

What are the standards for childless charging?

Є a set of standards, scho to swim near, basic, like vi, shvidshe for everything, chuli, tse Qi. There is a basic specification of an average effort, which can deliver up to 120 W and can be used for monitors and laptops, as well as a specific specification, which can deliver up to 1 kW and can be used to live up to such speeches, like a kitchen filling.

Do you have phones and do not have a mouthful charge?

Pleasure means that two companies can exchange technologies and patents, so that you can speed up your mouth-free charging. They both have technologies that have been introduced into their shas. Variants and adapters are available for large telephones. ... Only if you have telephones, you can use a mobile charging adapter, turn it on.

It's joy!When choosing an alternate model of a mouthless charging, it is necessary to select the type of attachment, for which one it is designated. On the right, in the fact that the batteries of smartphones and tablets can be used to power the stream, and the station with lower characteristics simply cannot be charged.

What are the perevagi that are short of childless charging?

And you don’t need to talk about those who don’t want to cut it out, so as in the lantsyuz є, available for a late purchase. The smell is available with pink roses for a wide range of telephones. Furniture netting also sells autonomous childless chargers, as well as a number of cases for mobile phones. Also, you have seen about those, which also do not have a mouthful of charging, which are standard and adaptable. Yak and a lot of them, є plus and minus of technology, and the stench, I’m able to help you with the virility, why є childless charging in a way to follow you?

Find out the situation, if the cable for charging the gadget cannot be hacked through those that are out of the socket or there is no electricity. Todi, for help, come a mobile phone charger, it’s working autonomously, it doesn’t take a lot of money.

Yak pratsyuє charging attachment for the phone without a wire

The principle of robots will add objects to QI technology. Vona transmission of the speed of conduction or the collection of contacts, the basis for the operation of the robot is taken from the electromagnetics. For nutrition, as a practical, mouth-free charging, it is possible to adapt it - according to the principle of an inductive coil, a magnetic circuit. The attachment is stored for 2 coils - transmitting and receiving, the persha is required for the opening of the electromagnetic field, and the other for the strum. Along with oneself, the stink of strumming through the transmissions, receiving the stink, stabilizing yogo, podbivayuchi right to the smartphone.

Telephony with technology fast charging Do not play as a childless charge, if you plugged in to the outlet, it will be more efficient. As soon as you charge your phone via cable, you can do all one thing and you can use it in an instant mode. As soon as you take the phone from the mouthless charging panel, you can stop charging. Adapters are expensive, so technology is expensive.

  • Safe way of transferring food to your phone.
  • Just simply put the phone on the Maydan charger.
  • There is less installation on the charging port of your phone.
  • Only pull up to 5 watts, as well as at a 1-amp plug.
  • In such a rank, plug 2 A will shvidzhat charge your pristіy.
idea of ​​charging mouthless phone it is tempting: to set on a quick charge of the battery, as long as you are obed or check the battery.

In order to charge the phone, you will need to pay more for a special delivery. Charging can be done here and there, whether at home, in the car, take with you on the road or triple trips. Deyaki of the country will install additional outbuildings in the cafe, if people come there, and if they check, charge the phone. Walking is simple, quick, smart.

You do not need to wear tangled cords, or just fall in love with the outlet. Bagato telephones now offer a wide range of functions, and charging docks are being repaired in airports and restaurants. Ale Viklik modern technology"Mouthless" as і before the trocha of stretching. True, your phone is no longer attached to the cable. If the charging docking station is connected to an outlet, the phone is guilty of being installed on the docking station by a singular rank. In the end of the line, the win is not strongly visible from the power cable.

The price is similar to a change in two different forms of technology - one of them is in a simple way, without a mouth, by allowing the phone to pick it up on its own from a distant dzherel. The current childless charging systems are based on the inductive connection - the same technology that is used for charging electric toothbrushes and vacuum robots. Drotova catcher in the charging assistant flashes the magnetic field, as it flows through the drotova catcher in the middle of the phone, flashes a changeable strum, which charges the battery.

Yaki perevagi maє bezdrotove charging pristіy

Up to the plus of the charger you can bring:

  • victoriousness, if it is possible to get hold of it at home, in a car or in a cafe;
  • You can charge a few gadgets at once;
  • telephones with a mouthless charge are used all the time;
  • the charge is carried out at a site up to 4 cm or closer;
  • charging is very energy efficient;
  • її electromagnetne field is infinite for people;
  • for all models, they are sold as a set with a standard set, which should not be added to;
  • automatically turn on when 100% charge is reached;
  • nevisoka parti, trivial term of affinity.

Oscillations are transmitted and are accepted, one to one for everything in millimeters one from one, the phone is guilty of being placed in a singing position on the assistant. One of the most advanced technologies for viewing more and more efficiently and efficiently for the charging of docks. Її wiklikє resonance ring, a high-class cousin of the inductive ring, which includes the same base nalashtuvannya, Ale z k_lkoma dodatkovy kotushki i electronic circuits both in the charger and in the telephone.

Now the charging kilimok can be transported over a foot, it can collapse so quickly, like a hard day, and it can transfer energy through solid surfaces. This means that the charging attachment can be installed under the table, that it can be used to destroy the great inviting surface for the decoy attachments, so that you can drop your telephones in any kind of mission. You can “have a bite” throughout the day, charging a bit at a time - like Georgia.

Naskіlki effective phone-free charging attachment for the phone

Minuses, the phone-free charging for the phone is not deprived:

  • Through it, you can visually recharge only the singing models of gadgets. So, do not charge the iPhone through it, but the axis Samsung Galaxy For Nexus is possible.
  • For the charge of smartphones models, it will be possible to buy a special case, through which process will be seen. Tse includes singing vitrati.
  • Droplet charging the phone is charged with less speed, less with a standard cable.
  • The charge goes off, the gadget gets very hot.
  • When charged, the mobile can receive radio signals from the radio.

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ale temporality The transmission of technology is not just for telephones. Driving simply by pulling the electric vehicle for automatic recharging. A bezdrotova charge can also lighten the robot of autonomous transport vehicles, adding: "You can't have a park without water without cars, since all the smells are due to the connection." The resonant clutch was previously insufficient for people. It’s worth noting, transmitting the pressure on the radio frequency standards, so it’s like it’s not dumb base stations, Transmit internet signals.

Mouthless chargers safe

Tsi companies are more likely to work on distant charging attachments. However, additional charges can be compromised. Vin vvazhaє, so tsya technology can be more beautifully attached for harvesting small annexes Such as hearing devices, activity trackers, thermostats and detectors for dim, which require less than one watt of energy. Tse does not mean that it is not possible to use it for telephones. Inductive and resonant charging is required. You can quickly recharge the telephones for short periods of time, just like the pressure of all other radio frequency transmissions.

The portable charger for the phone is on sale in various electronic devices or on-line stores. Retail prices in electronics stores are priced in deposits from a company: for universal charging attachments, the rate should be set to 2 yew. Up to 2500 rubles, for companies - 3 yew. Ruble In online stores, you can buy a cheaper price tag: for universes you can ask from 900 to 2 yew. Rubles, and firms are not for sale, but proponyuyutsya for the same price, scho and in great fringes.

The company also promotes inductive charging on smartphones, so you can use the same method for your telephones. Happily, more and more smartphones will love mouthless technology charging, as it allows you to access your phone by simply displacing it on the pedal or at the office.

A good new thing for those who are on vibration and without mouthless charging pads, stands and car crucibles, and such products are the ones that we are proud of from the ninth warehouse for other reasons. Construction of a display for charger attachment Allows you to expand telephones in portrait or landscape mode, and in two or two unmouthled boilers all over the place, which will provide a wide charging area. You can keep your phone on the stand, you can watch the video, or just increase the price as soon as you charge.

For those who want to spare, the option of making such an attachment with their own hands is an option. If you are kind enough to use the electronic and radio right, then it’s not difficult for you to know the schematics of the drawing, which are in the netting or the available dzherels, to buy parts, to make your attachments. The charger will be cheaper, but it will not be worse than the factory one.

Cabriolet The stand is also covered with shkіryаm material, as, how to transfer, more beautifully change in the home environment. Well, I know, if you want a mother for a delivery, as you can also pick up a flat panel, and a lot of material, you will have to pay more, so you can charge. The Qia Charger Pillow is a small piece of the product that can be edited in the same category.

At the moment, there is nothing more cheap. Tse finish unique design for a mouthless charger attachment. Yak vi can bachiti, the form factor of the product is also more prickly. On the basis of the design, based on the induction or resonance, this technology is based on the near Polish radio frequency transmission.

Video: Mouthless charging with your own hands

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