The services of a local and a middle telephone call. What is an intra-zone call from Rostelecom

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It is small, that the main part of subscribers, like vikoristovuyut vnutrіshnyozonovy zv'yazok Rostelecom, you know what it is. Few people know about the principles of robotics and the main characteristics. However, the term that designates this type of charge can be found in the descriptions of tariff plans and other products to Rostelecom, which is not surprising, even though it is more understandable for both domestic and stylish people. phone call.

About those that such an internal zone law can be recognized from special regulatory legal acts Russian Federation, where not only a clear definition of the term was introduced, but also a fixed price list for the services of a call different types numbers:

  • stationary;
  • mobile;
  • federal.

A characteristic feature of intrazonal twins is their attachment to the mass. So the client should contact those who are visiting the same territorial subject of the region, which he himself is guilty of.

The principles of making such a connection with Rostelecom are not challenged in the same way, which is typical for other operators. Vaughn is a type of telephone bill that is insured for subscribers, as it belongs to one and the same federal subject.

There are two main types of numbering zones that are necessary for the establishment of such a call:


Assigned to subscribers, as vikoristovuyut stationary telephones. Encrypted in ABC format and visually guess the region code, for example, 499 chi 495.

Chi is not geographical

Zastosovuyutsya shodo mobile call, as code for the DEF format, so that it looks like three digits following the first largest: 8-(906)-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ.

The Rostelecom company has already been trying to reach the establishment of a single holding company with leading telecommunications companies for several years. To finish for a long time there were no annual changes, and the phone call was taken care of by only the same operators, which lay down to a specific territorial subject.

Prote z April 2011 to the fate of the kіlka operators in the pvdenny region (BAT UTK, Dagv'yazok, Zv'yazokіvvest) vyrіshi, that the time has come to unite. At the moment, the stench is giving customers the services of an intra-zone and a local call in the name of the Rostelecom company.

Variety of intra-zone plant Rostelecom

Tariffs are planned, insured that if a Rostelecom subscriber calls at the borders of the home region, call the most important. For representatives of small businesses, a special system has been introduced, which helps to determine the number of calls in the field of destination:

  • in the boundaries of municipal illumination:
    • on home telephones - free of charge;
    • on mobile - 1.5 rubles per piece.
  • at the tariff zone with a length of 100 km, the calls to the stationary and stylnikovi outbuildings are priced the same - 2 rubles / min.;
  • at the boundary of 600 km - 2.6 rubles / min (the exact figure is stale in the region).

The main line of tariffs, proposed to other clients of calls in the middle of the municipality, is represented by three names:

  • "Region Maximum" - 3011 p. / mis. (I will not be surrounded by a number of letters on the stiltnikov, or stationary outbuildings that are located on the territory of the region);
  • "Region Mobile" - 2430 rubles. / mis. (unlimited connection with mobile extensions);
  • "Region Standard" - 1162 rubles. / mis. (Vіdsutnіst obmezhennі rozmovi z subscribers, yakі vikoristovuyut stationary outbuildings).

Clients of Rostelecom can connect packages that are insured on the basis of not less than mystical or intra-zone airs, and on the non-border intermediary connection with persons, like victorious stationary telephones. The most popular tariff plan for this plan is "Unlimited Russia".

A telephone call, whether of any type, is available to subscribers from all the great places of Russia. By choosing the required tariff, the operator's customers can significantly reduce their charges for all types of calls.

At the end of the Federal Law "On Calls" and the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of the Rights of Spaniards" Order of the Russian Federation praise:

1. Confirm the Rules for the employment of the services of a local, intra-zone, international and international telephone call, which are added.

2. Establish that the Rules, confirmed by the decree, gain rank from 1 day 2005.

3. Recognized as such, who have spent chivalry, from the 1st day of 2005: resolution of the Order of the Russian Federation dated 26 December 1997. N1235 "On the approval of the Rules for the provision of telephone services" (Selection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, No. 40, art. 4599);

Item 2 Changes and additions to be made to the acts of the Order of the Russian Federation for the provision of services for the services of a telephone, telegraph connection and wire communication (radio communication), approved by a resolution of the Order of the Russian Federation on 14 September 2002. N 12 (Collection of legislation of Ukraine, 2002, N 3, art. 223).

head in order

Russian Federation

M. Fradkov

Rules for hiring the services of a local, intra-zone, international and international telephone call

I. Gale positions

1. The Rules govern the communication between a subscriber and (or) a short-term telephone call and an operator’s call when providing services of a local, domestic zone, international and international telephone call within a short distance telephone call (further - telephone call services) 'language).

2. Understanding what is written in these Rules means:

"subscriber" - a correspondent with a telephone call service, with which an agreement has been laid down on a telephone call service when seen for that subscriber number;

"subscriber line" - a line of communication, which connects to the upper (kіntseve) office with a communication link of a local telephone connection;

"subscriber number" - a number that uniquely identifies (identifies) the subscriber line;

"internal zone telephone connection" - telephone connection between the Koristuvalny (Kintsev) owners, connected to the border of the local telephone connection and placement at the borders of the territory of the same subject of the Russian Federation Kіntsev) Objects, pіdtseviyu to Mezhі mіstevy telephone zone, Tu Kiranuvalnitsky (Kіntsev) to the conjunction, pіdkuvenimi to the merry of the Army Sv'yazy, Kolya Vіdpovіdny Subscriber Tsієї Merezhi Rumomy Zv'yaznka is visible to the subscriber number, shave to enter the resource geographically invisible zona numerals, assignments to the very subject of the Russian Federation;

"Vikkik" - DIA, SHO Zdіisnuznuyu subscriber by Abo Corringer's telephone postal posts, Z'єєднаннна з воровальникий (Kіntseva) Weddannannya Z Koringvalnitsky (Kіntsev) to the Oblinny subscriber Abo Corfuvacha telephone posts tsim diyami in merezhi elektrozvyazku;

"additional subscriber number" - a number that unambiguously identifies (identifies) the technical and software capabilities of the call center of the communication center of the telephone call, which allows forwarding of incoming calls;

"unit tariffication of telephone call" - the trivality of the telephone call, for the charge of any subscriber or the service of a telephone call, a fee is charged, which is higher than the tariff set for the call of this type;

"servicing area of ​​the university zv'yazku mіstsevoy telephone zv'yazku" - the territory, in the boundaries of which koristuvalnitske (kіntseve) is owned by zvіdnаnja or can be zvіdnane subscriber lines іz zabami zvіztsevі zvіztsevі kolіzvіzkogo vіzіzku 'yazku;

"servicing area of ​​a local telephone connection of a call operator" - the totality of service zones of all nodes of a link of a local telephone call of one and the same call operator;

"Card for payment of telephone services" - a fee that allows the subscriber to (or) call the caller by means of a telephone call to initiate a call, identifying the subscriber and (or) call by the services of a telephone call to the operator 'language of the operator z'language;

"Code for selecting a telephone line link" - a digit or a combination of numbers that are dialed by the subscriber and (or) a telephone call service for selecting a zone telephone call line or a foreign and international telephone line;

"great accident on the line of the call" - a slow call or a line call, to make it possible to immediately send a telephone call to over 100 subscribers and (or) require an additional service for over 4 years;

"local telephone connection" - telephone connection between the Koristuvalny (Kintsev) owners, connected to the measure of the local telephone connection and accommodation at the borders of the territory of one and the same municipality;

"MІZHMІSKE CHELGRACTER Z'єєДнаннанна" - Corfuvalnitsky's phone call (Kіntsev) to the conjunction, pіdkuvenima to the merry of the Miscean telephone message, the rose-in-therity of the territory of the territory of the territory, as , we will connect to the border of a local telephone call within the boundaries of the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation, that of the Koristuvalny (Kіntsev) regions, we will connect to the border of a fluffy call, if the subscriber can see a good number the resource does not geographically assign numbering zones, assignments to another subject of the Russian Federation;

"Mij.m. Phonanuna's phone" - Corfuvalnitsy (Kіntsev) Cornsalnias, if one Kitvalnitz (Kіntseva) Olnannya Pіdlied to Mezhi Mizhtsev's telephone jurisku, that rose Behind the intelligence of the territory of Rosіyskoi Fedene, Abo Corfuvalnitsky (Kіntsev) Cornsalniki (Kіntsev) to the Mezhi telephone call in the mezhas of the territory of Rosіyskoii Federation, Tu Koribuvalnitsky (Kіntsev) to be condescene tsієї merezhі rukhomogo zv'yazku vidіleno subscriber's number, scho not to enter to the numbering resource, attachments for the Russian Federation;

"Koristuvach as a telephone caller" - a person who calls for that (or) vicorist caller service;

"admission to access to the medial telephone connection" - the connection of the operator to the intermediary telephone connection method of ensuring the subscriber's telephone call services;

"enablement of access to telephone services" - the provision of one operator with access to the services of a telephone call, which is provided by another operator;

"spivsubscribers" - residents, who live near a communal apartment, who have appointed one of the residents of the apartment to a contract for the provision of a telephone call, which transfers collectively to the koristuvalnytsky (kintsevo) possession;

"Tariff Plan" - the sum of the minds of the minds, for which the operator zv'yazku proponuetsya odnієї chi kіlkom services of a telephone zv'yazku;

"telephone call" - is inserted as a result of a call for interfacing between calls, which allows the subscriber to (or) use a telephone call to transmit and (or) receive voice and (or) non-voice information;

"technical possibility of access to a local telephone connection" - one-hour availability of an uninstalled space of a call center, in the zone where a cordless connection (kintsevogo) is connected to a non-rear telephone connection, a telephone connection scho allow to form a subscriber line zv'yazku mizh vozm zv'yazku i tsim koristuvalnitskiye (kіntsevym) obladnannyam;

"technical possibility of calling a telephone call to the number of additional subscriber numbers" - the presence of unrecognized calls, which allows the operator to call a telephone call from a local telephone call to forward the incoming calls;

"Vuzol zv'yazku merezhі telephone zv'yazku" - make a zv'yazku, scho vykonuyut functions of switching systems.

3. Vzaєmini operator zv'yazku z subscriber that (or) koristuvach services of a telephone zv'yazku (hereinafter - koristuvach), who are blamed for the given services of a telephone call in the territory of the Russian Federation, zdiisnyuyuyutsya Russian language.

4. The operator of the call of calls is to ensure the security of the secrets of telephone conversations, which are transmitted by means of calls.

The exchange of rights to the secret of telephone conversations, which are transmitted by means of communication, is only allowed in case of violations, transferred by federal laws.

Information about telephone conversations, which are transmitted by communication, may be given only to subscribers or to their representatives, as otherwise not permitted by federal laws.

Information about the subscriber, as they have become known to the operator of the call through the signing of the agreement on the provision of services for the services of a telephone call (further - agreement), can be signed by the operator of the call for the provision of advanced and other information services, or transferred to third persons only for the letter of the subscriber , for the vinyatkiv vypadkіv, peredbachenih federal laws.

5. When supra-extreme situations natural and technogenic character, the operator calls in the manner prescribed by the legislators and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, goiter calls to the subscriber and (or) coristuvach service of a telephone call in priority order, and also has the right to timely apply the service of a telephone call to the subscriber zv'azku.

6. For four categories of township officials of state authorities, diplomatic and consular representatives of foreign powers, representatives of international organizations, as well as four categories of citizens, the privileges of the clergy can be restored in order of being a telephone call.

The categories of landlords and residents, which may have the right to privilege in the case of a telephone call, are determined by international treaties of the Russian Federation, legislative acts of the Russian Federation and legislative acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

7. To the subscriber line, you can be connected only to such a coristuvalne (kіnceve) possession (telephone, facsimile machine, auto-repair or other possession) (further - possession), on the yak є a document confirming the availability of these rights is established.

Obov'yazok shkodo obladannya, scho pіdlyagaє pіdlyagaє pіdlyagaє pіdklyuchennya to the subscriber's line, relied on the subscriber, which is not otherwise established by the contract.

8. The call operator shall ensure that the subscriber is (or) able to receive a telephone call for 24 years on the job, which is not otherwise established by the legislation of Ukraine.

9. The services of a telephone call are subdivided into the services of a local, intra-zone, international and international call.

10. The operator of the call may have the right to give the subscriber that (or) the service of a telephone call, for which the call operator has been licensed. In case of a call operator, goiters should give the services of a telephone call to the licensed minds, transferring from a license, as seen by the call operator.

The service of a telephone call can be accompanied by a given operator of a call of other services, technologically inextricably connected with the services of a telephone call and directing to the advancement of their life-saving value, for the completion of the service, they could, in addition to paragraphs 57 of the Rules.

11. Possibility of weekly emergency operational services be provided by the operator with a call, which gives the services of a local telephone call, to the skin subscriber and (or) koristuvachevі without cost and qіlodobovo for additional dialing of the number (numbers), the only one on the whole territory of the Russian Federation for the airborne service (voidpovidno sluzhb). Before emergency operational services lie:

a) fire protection service;

b) emergency response service in emergency situations;

c) police service;

d) Swedish Medical Assistance Service;

e) emergency service of the gas line;

f) Antiterror service.

12. The operator of the communication of goiters to create a system of information and support services with the method of providing the subscriber with that (or) koristuvachevі information, connected with the provision of telephone services.

13. The system of information and support services is composed of information and support services, as well as information and support services (telephone cables) on a paper and (or) electronic device, which can be used to call a subscriber, a subscriber also other information, necessary for the service of a telephone call.

14. The system of information and advisory services is provided with paid and cost-free information and advisory services.

15. The operator of the call, which provides the services of a public telephone call, provides free and sound information and advice services:

a) providing a statement about the telephone number of the subscriber of the merezhі mіstsevoy telephone call (communist that legal entity), about tariffs for the services of a monthly telephone call, about the camp of a special account of a subscriber and about a monthly hour;

b) call to the bureau for the repair of the city telephone line;

c) receiving information about a technical incompatibility, as a way of transferring by means of a telephone call;

d) given information related to the given universal services.

16. The operator of the call, who provides the services of an intra-zone telephone call, provides the following services without any cost and information and advice:

a) giving advice about the international code of the settlement, about the tariffs for the services of an internal zone telephone call, about the subscriber's special account, about the procedure for setting up an automatic internal zone telephone call and about the service numbers of the operator's call for setting up an internal zone telephone call for the help of a telephone operator;

17. The operator of the call, which provides the services of a international and international telephone call, provides free of charge and colodobovo such informational and advising services:

a) providing advice about the international code of a locality, about the international code of a country and a foreign locality, about tariffs for the services of a domestic and international telephone call, about the camp of a special subscriber account, about the difference in hours with a locality that is viable on the territory of Russia Federations or for її boundaries, about the order of automatic intermediary and international telephone calls and about the numbers of the operator’s services, the call for intermediary and international telephone calls for an additional telephone operator;

b) receiving information about a technical incompatibility, as a way of transferring by means of a telephone call.

18. A copy of the cost-free informational and advisory services, established by paragraphs 15-17 of the Rules, cannot be abbreviated.

19. The call operator independently determines the transfer and hour of paid information and advice services.

20. The call operator shall include the following information about the subscribers in his/her own calls in the telephone dialer (at the expense of the letter):

a) name, name, according to father’s name and vision, subscriber number (for a subscriber-communist);

b) the name (company name), the address of the installation of the possession, the number indicated by the subscriber at the warehouse of the numbers given to the subscriber (for the subscriber - a legal entity).

With the chosen method of expanding the informational-advancing knowledge, the operator calls live in reasonable ways to ensure the availability of information for subscribers and koristuvachiv.

The operator of the call is not rіdshe nіzh 1 time on the rіk actualizes the information that is posted in the telephone dovіdniki.

21. Dekilka of operators in communication can create a single system of information and support services, including a single information and support service.

22. The operator shall send the call to the subscriber and send to the subscriber that (or) koristuvachevі іnformatsiyu necessary for laying down that contract. The information is provided by the Russian language (if necessary, in other language) at the original available form to be brought to the subscriber’s house without cost, that (or) koristuvacha through cash mass information, informational and legal services, as well as in the field of telephone services.

23. Information that the operator expects to call the subscriber that (or) the correct hour of the contract, including:

a) name (company name) of the call operator, transfer of his name, location of his work mode;

b) the details of the license (licenses) given to the operator of the link for the provision of services in the gallery for the services of the link (further - license) and the use of licensed minds;

c) transfer of the services of a telephone call, wash the order of their duties;

d) transfer of codes to the choice of a zonal, international and international telephone connection;

e) a transfer and a description of the transfer and obmezhen at the given services of a telephone connection;

e) name and details of normative documents, which can be used to the extent of the services of a telephone call;

g) tariffs for telephone services;

h) the procedure, the formation of a system for paying for telephone services;

i) the order and line of review of the statement of the provisions of the contract;

j) the procedure for reviewing the claims of the subscriber and (or) koristuvach;

k) a copy of the possession that I have a document confirming the validity of the installed powers;

l) telephone numbers of information and advisory services and repair bureaus;

m) designated place, de subscriber that (or) coristuvach can full obligation familiarize yourself with these Rules;

o) an appeal to a specific person, as a viconuvatime work (otherwise it will be vidpovidalnoy for їх vikonannya), a phone call, a nickname, a name, according to the father’s place, as it may be, depending on the nature of the service .

The operator zv'yazku zobov'yazaniya to the help of the subscriber that (or) koristuvacha give you additional information, po'yazanu z nadannymi services telephone zv'yazku.

II. The procedure for that mind laying down the contract

24. The services of a telephone call are paid by those who are paid contracts.

25. The parties to the contract are a citizen or a legal person or an individual entrepreneur, on one side, that operator is a link, on the other side.

26. An application is submitted to the operator of the call to enter into a contract, the form of which is inserted by the operator of the call.

Gromadyanin from 14 years of age and before reaching him on the 18th century submits an application for the settlement of the contract for the letter of legal representatives (fathers, adopters, pikluvalnikov).

The application is filed with 2 examples and is registered by the call operator. One copy is given to the operator of the link, the other is handed over to the applicant.

The procedure for registering an application for a contract is established by the call operator.

27. With the hulks, who live near the communal apartment, they may have arranged an agreement (agreement) that they transfer the service of a telephone call to collective and (or) individual vikoristannya possess.

28. An application for the establishment of an agreement that transfers the duty of a telephone call to a collective partner, is submitted to the operator of the call by a hulk, we rely on those representatives of the type of skin sіm'ї, as they live with this communal apartment telephone and may serve us soon 'language.

The return of a citizen to the filing of an application is confirmed by a duly issued authorization.

29. The citizen of the hour of filing a statement about the arrangement of the contract presents a document certifying that person.

A representative of a legal entity at the hour of filing the appointed application submits a document confirming the first step (authorization or decision about the filing of a single-axis vykonavchy body).

30. When submitting an application for the settlement of an agreement, a citizen submits to the operator a link with the following documents:

a) a copy of the document, which confirms the right of the citizen to be appointed to the office, to whom the possession is restored;

b) letter year of legal representatives (in the case specified in clause 26 of the Rules);

c) trust (in the cases, assigned to paragraphs 28 and 29 of the Rules).

31. A representative of a legal entity, when submitting an application for the formation of an agreement, submits to the operator a link with the following documents:

a) a copy of the certificate of state registration of a legal entity;

32. An individual applicant, when submitting an application for the contract, submits to the operator a link with the following documents:

a) a copy of the certificate of state registration of a citizen as an individual entrepreneur;

b) a copy of the document, which confirms the right of the citizen to receive admission, to restore possession.

33. Documents assigned to paragraphs 30, 31 and 32 of the Rules are collected from the operator by link.

34. An application for the settlement of an agreement can be filed with a call operator, who can provide a telephone call on the territory of a municipal community, deprive him of a place, in which the property is restored. The call operator does not have the right to advise the applicant to accept and review the designated application.

35. The operator of the call at the lines, which does not change 1 month from the day of registration, declares that the agreement has been laid down, zdiisnyu reverification of the visibility of the technical ability to access to the merezhі of the public telephone connection. For the obviousness of such technical feasibility, the operator places a link between the applicant and the agreement.

36. Due to the availability of technical ability to access to the least possible telephone call, the application for the contract is accepted for form with the method of designation of the contract.

The validity of the agreement is determined depending on the date of registration of the statement about the agreement and the settlement of the rights established by the legislation of Ukraine and international agreements. The procedure for maintaining the drawings of the contract is determined by the call operator.

37. The operator of the call in lines that do not change 2 months from the day of registration to him declare the contract, inform (in a written form) to the applicant about the transfer of the terms of the contract, and for technical feasibility of access to the landline telephone - so about the ordinal number of yogo, tell the cherry.

38. The application for the settlement of the contract can be re-executed at the time of:

a) change the place of residence (month of transfer) of the applicant;

b) replace the applicant.

The application for the settlement of the contract is re-executed on the basis of a written letter of the applicant, a legal offender, or an individual approved by the applicant.

39. An application for the settlement of an agreement, filed by a citizen, can be re-registered for another citizen, which on the day of the registration of the application for re-registration of the applicant’s residence for at least 6 months be restored to possession.

The application can be re-registered in the name of a member of the same applicant, registered for the place of residence of the applicant, or who became a participant in the joint power at the place of residence to submit the application.

The application may be re-registered in the name of a member of the same applicant, which, as of the date of filing the application, was incomplete, from the moment it reached the 18th century. In case of reaching the 14th century, the right to reissue an application in the name of a minor may be legal representatives.

For appointments at this point in the cases, the serial number of the re-executed application for the contract is taken as such, as for the re-executed (primary) application.

40. When renaming the reorganization of the applicant - legal entity, the application for the formation of the contract is re-executed from the new name of the applicant - legal entity or offender. In the event of reorganization, the form has been seen to file a complaint about those in whose name the offenders should reissue the application, it is viable to a rozpodilchogo balance.

41. In case of change of the place of residence (month of transfer) of the applicant within the service area of ​​one and the same communication center, the application for the establishment of the contract may be re-issued from the assigned new address of the establishment of the land. If so, the serial number of the re-executed application in the terms of the contract is taken as such, as the letter of the re-executed (primary) application.

When changing the place of residence (location) of the applicant within the service area of ​​the service area of ​​the operator’s telephone connection, the call operator, to whom the application was submitted, and beyond the boundaries of the service area of ​​the call center, to which it was included in the application, the installation address of the application, the application is re-registered from the assigned new address of the established possession. If the contract is strict, the applicant will be installed according to the date of registration (primary) of the application to be re-registered.

42. The application for the conclusion of the contract is considered in the form of time, as the applicant, without good reason, delays 30 days from the moment of receiving a letter of notification (with notification of delivery) about the operator's readiness to call the contract with him without returning to the operator for the contract to be concluded a statement about the addition of lines to the provisions of the contract.

43. Agreement, regulations from a citizen, є public. The agreement is laid down on non-significance terms. For the applicant's bazhannyam, there may be provisions for a term agreement.

44. The operator of the call may have the right to exercise the right to comply with the contract for the availability of the technical ability to access the median telephone call.

At the time, if the operator’s consent is reached, the applicant may have the right to file a claim before the court with the primus until the contract is laid down. The burden of bringing the current technical ability to access to the mediation of a public telephone connection lies with the operator of the connection.

45. The amount of technical ability to access to the measure of a monthly telephone call to one applicant is not a change for the settlement of an agreement with another applicant, including those who, having filed an application later, or having shown that another applicant has the ability to install technical equipment, access to the merezhі mіstsevoї telefonї. zv'azku.

46. ​​The operator of the call for hours, having applied for the laying of the contract in other cases, if it is possible to establish a contract in the boundaries of the service area of ​​the service center designated by the applicant, the link of the ring of the ring of the local telephone call, may have the right to lay the contract on the accessibility of the applicant, which to the merezhі mistsevoy telephone connection, that the possession of the owner has been established, for which the possession has already been established.

47. Agreement with the applicant-gromadyanin, which transfers the installation of possessions to a non-residential occupant, there may be statutes for the mind and dotrimannya could, assigned to paragraph 46 of the Rules.

48. The agreement is kept in the letter form by 2 clerks, 1 of which is handed over to the subscriber, or by the way of concluding the contract.

The way of concluding the concluding activities is laid down is the term agreement on the provision of one-time telephone services for telephone calls, or for the provision of collective access. This agreement must be settled by the subscriber at the moment of signing that (or) short call.

49. The call operator may have the right to entrust a third person to agree on the name of the call operator's account, as well as to cancel the call operator's name with the subscriber (or) koristuvach.

Vіdpovіdno prior to the contract laid by the third special name for the account of the operator of the call, the rights of that obov'yazka are blamed without intermediary from the operator of the call.

50. The call operator, who provides the services of an intra-zone call (i) international and international telephone call, cannot comply with the agreement on the service of an intra-zone call (i) inter-national and international telephone call (telephone call) koristuvachu operator zv'yazku merezhі mіstsevoy telephone zv'yazku .

51. At the contract, which conveys a collective victorious possession, the subscriber is a gromad, relying on those representatives in the form of skin sim'ї, as if living near a communal apartment, that may be called a phone call.

52. Call subscribers may have equal rights and obov'yazki when serving as a telephone caller. Diplomatic subscribers are in solidarity with the subscriber for the goiter that is extorted from the contract.

53. At the contract, which fits into the letter form, are assigned:

a) the date and place of the contract;

b) name (company name) of the call operator;

c) details of the rozrahunka rahunka of the call operator;

d) details of the license seen by the operator;

e) information about the subscriber (nickname, name, according to the father, date and place of nationality, details of the document that proves the person - for a huge person, name (firm name) - for a legal person);

e) the address of the establishment of possession;

g) type (type) of installation;

h) collectively chi іndivіdualne vikoristannya statkuvannya;

i) the subscriber’s year (year) for access to the services of domestic, international and international telephone calls and the provision of calls to other operators for the provision of such services (for contracts for the services of a local telephone connection);

j) the year (year) of the subscriber to receive information about the new service hour;

k) the address and method of delivery of the rahunka for the service of a telephone call;

m) rights, obov'yazki and vіdpovidalnіst storіn;

m) obov'yazok of the operator zv'yazku shkodo dotrimannya lines that in the order of errors in the merezhі zv'yazku of the operator zv'yazku, scho reshkodzhayut koristuvannya services of a telephone zv'yazku;

pro) term dії contract.

Prior to the contract, which is in keeping with the vision for the provision of a telephone connection to an additional subscriber number, the subparagraphs "e" and "z" of which paragraph shall not be included.

At the time of the subscriber's access to the services of an intra-zone, international and international telephone call, for the subscriber's decisions, the name of the operator for the call is assigned to the contract, and the code for the choice of the measure of the zone, inter- national and international telephone call, as the service is assigned by the subscriber intra-zone, international and international telephone calls. (forward choice), or the decision of the subscriber about the choice of the operator for the zonal, international and international telephone call with a skin call, which is required for the removal of external services (phone call with a skin call).

54. The agreement may have the following specified:

a) subscriber number (additional subscriber number);

b) the services of a telephone call;

c) the scheme for the inclusion of ownership (for a contract for the services of a public telephone connection without a fee for collective access);

d) system of payment for services of a telephone call;

e) order, lines, and form of rozrachunkiv.

55. At the contract, which is a collective transfer of victorious possession, the system of payment for public telephone bills is installed on the basis of the collective decision of all subscribers. In times of inaccessibility to subscribers, a subscriber payment system is installed.

56. The call operator does not have the right to impose on the subscriber an hour of laying down the contract and (chi) cost of other services for a fee.

57. The call operator does not have the right to call on one of the telephone services to call on the other services.

58. The agreement made by the applicant - a legal special can not be laid down for the minds of the scheme of dual inclusion of possession.

III. Order that mind vikonannya contract. Rights and obligations of the parties under the contract

59. Operator zv'yazku goiter'yazany:

a) give the subscriber that (or) corystuvach service telephone call in accordance with the legislators and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation, tsikh Rules, licenses and the agreement;

b) use the established terms of incompatibility to change the phone call;

c) give the subscriber-hulk the opportunity to choose a system for paying for public telephone bills;

d) notify subscribers and (or) correspondents through the provision of mass information about the change in tariffs for telephone call services at least 10 days before the introduction of new tariffs;

e) to create a mind for uninterrupted access of subscribers and (or) short-term subscribers, including those with disabilities, before making a call, recognized for work with short-term subscribers, including the amount of telephone call service and the month of payment;

f) to recognize the subscriber's goodwill and (or) the new term of service of a telephone call, as if the term was not used in the context of non-exhaustive force.

60. Subscriber goiter:

a) pay a fee for the payment of a telephone call and other transfers from the contract of service to the full obligation of the appointed new line;

b) do not connect to the subscriber line of possession, as if you do not have a document confirming the validity of the installed services;

c) remind the call operator at the lines that do not exceed 60 days, about the assignment of one’s right to volunteer and (or) correspond with the phone calls, as well as about the change of the name (name, after father) that place of residence, name (company name) that place of significance;

e) comply with the rules of operation of possession.

61. Koristuvach goiter:

a) pay a full fee to the operator for the call operator for giving him the services of a telephone call;

b) dorimuvatsya established by the operator vyazku rules koristuvannya telephones and by means of collective access.

62. The subscriber that (or) koristuvach may have the right:

a) due to the nature of the transfer in the field of telephone communication services, transferred to the subscriber and (or) coristuvacha by international agreements, the legislation of Ukraine or the legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation;

b) vydmovitysya at any hour unilaterally in vikonannya contract for the payment of actually incurred by the operator sv'yazku vitrat on the given subscriber that (or) koristuvachevі services of a telephone zv'yazku;

c) to pay for the services of a telephone call, nadanih to you without yoga;

d) to recognize the new term of the call service with the operator in due course, as the under-trial of the terms was zoomed out by the conditions of non-selective force, about the subscriber that (or) coristuvachevi was brought before the end of the recognized term of the call service.

Special features of the service of a misc telephone call

63. The call operator, at his own discretion, has the right to change the subscriber's vision of the subscriber number only in that case, as it is impossible to continue the service of a telephone call to the other party of the assigned number. If the call operator needs to inform the subscriber in writing and inform him/her of the new subscriber number at least 60 days before the date of the replacement, it is necessary to replace it not by non-delivery or by oversized conditions.

At the time of mass replacement of subscriber numbers in the notification of subscribers, it is established through the data of mass information and with the help of the calls of the call operator (autoinformer).

64. The change of the subscriber number may be initiated by the operator in connection with the subscriber's initiative.

65. Transferring a subscriber number to another subscriber line to a destination assigned to a different address, if it is known to a volodin or a registered subscriber, it can be added only upon a written application of a subscriber.

66. By the method of connection to the subscriber's line of communication, which can be secured overnight sleeping room 2 operators call 1 subscriber line for the provision of various telephone services, the call operator of the telephone line calls, change the scheme for switching on the installation, which works on the other subscriber line, if the choice of the operator is removed letter about such a change, written by a subscriber. With this order and mind the typing of such changes, they are regulated according to what fits between these operators.

Peculiarities of services of intra-zone, international and international telephone calls

67. The operator of the call, which has taken away the license (licenses) for the services of the domestic and international telephone call, at the lines that do not exceed 1 month from the day of taking away the code for choosing the call, goiter in order to publish at the request of mass information about the beginning of the communication by the operator of the communication services and the vision of the code for the selection of the communication communication. With whom the operator of the call, which provides the services of a international and international telephone call, ensures such publication in all subjects of the Russian Federation.

68. Telephone dialing for domestic zone, international or international telephone calls can be set automatically or after the assistance of a telephone operator.

At automatic way a telephone call is installed, the subscriber that (or) koristuvach zdiisnyu nabir sevnoi sequence of digits for unambiguous assignment (identification) of the possession that is called.

At the time of the installation of a telephone call for an additional telephone operator, the subscriber that (or) the correspondent gives the telephone operator information necessary for issuing a request for a telephone call.

69. Coming telephone calls, which are established for the help of a telephone operator, rely on additional priorities (in order of change):

b) the order (sovereign);

c) service;

d) privileged (password);

bud) private (visible).

The procedure for assigning telephone calls to this point is established by the Ministry information technologies that link of the Russian Federation.

70. The establishment of a telephone call for an additional telephone operator is hoped for a negaionary or a closed service system.

71. Telephone operator arranging the installation of a telephone call illegally after formalizing a request for a negligent service system.

72. An hour, after a stretch of some time, a telephone call was made for a closed service system, it cannot be revisited 1 year from the moment the request was issued, as the last term is not ordered by the subscriber that (or) the caller.

The term of the appointment is explained to the subscriber and (or) the short-term telephone operator when making the appointment.

73. Informing the person who is called, about the hour of the installation of a telephone call for the help of a telephone operator, is carried out at the local hour of the subject of the Russian Federation, where the person who is called is known.

74. The call operator, when given the services of a telephone call, to the number of telephone operators, may introduce the right to introduce exchanges for the trivality of the call and the number of orders.

About the introduction of the exchange for the services of a telephone call, the subscriber of that (or) koristuvach is guilty of the notification by the telephone operator at the hour of registration of the request, or the submission to the subscriber of that (or) koristuvach of the telephone call.

75. The term of the appointment for the installation of an intra-zone or intermediary telephone call for the help of a telephone operator ends on the 24th hour of the day of the day of the registration of the appointment, as for the weather with the subscriber that (or) the next hour of the next day was rescheduled.

The term of appointment for the establishment of an international telephone call for an additional telephone operator ends on the 8th year for the mass hour of the day, the next day for the registration of the appointment, and for a personal (with the request of a subscriber appointed by that (or) a short-lived hulk) call that conference call 'yazku - about the 8th year after the month of the 2nd day of the coming day after the day of formalizing the prayer.

The appointment can be canceled by the telephonist for the subscriber’s bazhannyam that (or) koristuvacha.

76. The minimum triviality of a telephone call, which requires payment for the hourly installation of a telephone call for an auxiliary telephone operator, cannot exceed 3 times. With every telephone call, which was less than the minimum charge, it is paid as the minimum charge.

77. At the negotiation point, an agreement on the one-time services of an intra-zone phone call (i) international and international telephone call is drawn up by a way to complete the telephone operator (for the words coristuvacha and in your presence) of the application form, the form of which is established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation At the same time, it is seen that the telephone operator has filled in the coupon of the application form, which confirms the fact of the contract.

Peculiarities of the service of telephone communication

78. Depending on the number of telephones, there may be a change of days and the acceptance of incoming telephone calls.

79. A call operator who provides services of a telephone call to a variety of telephones, Crimean information transmitted by subparagraphs "a", "b", "c", "g" and "m" of clause 23 of the Rules, goiter bring to the attention of the coristuvachіv іnformatsiyu pro ії, yakі nebhіdіnі zdіyznіti zdіyznіtі for otrimannya zv'yazku zv'yazku, including nіzlі for ottrimannya 's access to zvіzku zv'yazku іnshih operatorsіv vyv'yazku.

80. Call operator, who provides services of telephone calls to telephone calls, who accepts tokens and cards for payment of telephone services, calls to inform about the scope of implementation of these tokens and cards for payment of telephone calls.

The information is due to be posted by the operator to the call in a handy and accessible form on the telephone, the telephone booth, or brought to the door of the koristuvach in another way.

Features of the service of a telephone call to a subscriber-hulk

81. Changing the minds of the owners of the property, we will install it at the communal apartment on the basis of an agreement that transfers individual victories of the property, it can be done only for the benefit of the subscriber-hulk.

At the time of the villain of the subscriber-hulk, an application for the installation of the appointed contract is submitted to the public order.

82. At the time of the agreement, the collective has been transferred to the winner of the possession, the change of the address of the established possession to be carried out for the obviousness of the letter of success of all the subscribers.

83. It is not allowed to change the scheme of switching on the possession, which works for the fixed subscriber line, without the subscriber's letter.

84. The choice of the scheme of dual inclusion of ownership is not allowed in a telephone-connected accommodation, in which a disabled person lives for this purpose, or in a communal apartment, as if the agreement was transferred to collective ownership.

85. It is not allowed to block the scheme of parallel switching on, installed at residential premises, which are located at different houses (spores) or apartments.

86. An application for a change in the system of payment for monthly telephone bills shall be submitted by a resident subscriber no later than 10 days before the end of the calendar month. For the completion of the assigned term of filing, the call operator must transfer the subscriber-hulk to the selected payment system from the 1st day of the month following the month of filing the application. In case of non-compliance with the assigned term of filing, the application for transfer to the selected payment system is due from the 1st day of the 2nd month following the month of filing the application.

87. As a possession, which works behind the paired switching scheme, it is allowed to use only telephones.

Zastosuvannya schemes of parallel activation of telephones at the scheme of paired connection is not allowed.

Telephone devices, which work on the scheme of a paired connection, are installed in the borders under the entrance of the residential booth.

Form and order of rozrahunkiv for the service of a telephone call

88. Payment for the services of a monthly telephone call can be charged for a subscriber or a yearly payment system.

89. The fee for the operator's call for access to a local telephone call is charged one time when the system is installed in a non-telephone area. The tariff for an operator's call to access to a local telephone connection is set by the call operator, as it is not otherwise transferred by the legislation of Ukraine.

At the same time, the tariffs for the services of this operator of the call are subject to state regulation, for the benefit of the subscriber-gromadyan, the operator of the call of goiters is given the opportunity to pay for access to the link to the line for the payment of at least lower for 6 months outside not more than 30 thousand dollars of the installed payment.

90. If you make a change before the contract, how to replace the subscriber-gromadyan, as well as the fee specified in paragraph 126 of these Rules, for access to the system of the monthly telephone call, the call operator will charge a monthly fee subscription fee, installed for subscribers, to establish a subscriber system for paying for the services of a monthly telephone call.

91. Odinitia Tariff Mishtseva (for the foaming system of the podvivosti pivoti telephones (Dali - Pododnunny region), an internalosonovoye, Mіzhmіskiy Abo International telephone z'єєднаннанна to stand up the Operator to the Olsheskaya Operator, alle (for the weather pattern), domestic zone, international or international telephone call is carried out according to the rate accepted by the operator.

92. The trivality of the telephone call, which is victorious for the purpose of rozmіru pay for the month (with a weather appearance), as well as for the domestic zone, international or international (with the automatic method of setting the call), telephone call for a second after the moment when you are in possession, what is called out, until the moment of fighting. possessiveness, which calls out or calls out, or possessiveness, which replaces the coristuvacha in yoga daytime. Telephone calls less than 6 seconds are not covered by the service of a telephone call.

93. Tvalivіt of telephone s'єєєдднанна, Shaho Vicerist for Visno Rosemiro Pay For Internalozonov, Mіzhmіska Abo M_Inphernik Phone S'єєєднанна (with an upstanding telephone call for the first telephoneist), Vіdrakhovyzuzu Zoomenti Vіdpovіdi Korirthvacha, Zamennnya, Aboy, a signal of some kind of soundness of the koristuvach, until the moment of the battle of the koristuvach, which calls out or calls out, or is possessed, which replaces the koristuvach in yoga.

At the time when the phone call is installed, the telephone operator should indicate that the control is installed on the side of the caller, that the change of the caller is in the same day, if the goiter is to inform about the subscriber and (or) the caller. Prodovzhennya vstanovlennya z'ednannya mozhliva is only possible if the subscriber or koristuvacha. If so, the payment for the service is compensated by the factual triviality of the telephone call between the subscriber or the subscriber, who calls, and who calls the coristuvacha, or the possessor, who replaces the coristuvacha in yoga.

At the time of the subscriber’s visit, that (or) a fee for the installation of a telephone call is not charged.

94. Tariffs for the services of a telephone call, including the tariff that is charged to pay for a different unit of tariffication, are set by the call operator, as well as another procedure not established by the legislation of Ukraine.

95. Tariffs (tariff plans) for the services of a telephone call can be set up for legal services, residents, as a vicarist for the services of a telephone call for special, family and household needs, as well as a community, as a vicorist for the services of a telephone call for other needs

The tariff plan can establish differentiated tariffs for the hour of doby, the days of Monday, weekends and non-working holy days, as well as for dialing the service of a telephone call.

96. The fee for the month (subject to weather conditions), domestic zone, international or international telephone calls is charged, depending on the amount of trivality, expressed in the number of units of tariffication of the telephone call.

97. Prior to the possession, the signal of some kind is equal to the sound of the koristuvach, which is called out, and serve as an ear of the telephone ringing with an automatic telephone call, to be pronounced:

a) telephone modem;

b) fax machine;

c) possessing the function of automatic submission;

d) a telephone set with the function of an automatic number finder;

e) installing a telephone exchange;

e) telephone;

g) otherwise obladnannya, like replacing the coristuvacha for yoga and security (or imitu) the exchange of information.

98. Depending on the terminology of the service of the services of an internal zone, international or international telephone call for an additional telephone operator, the following tariffs are required:

a) outstanding;

b) terms.

The term tariff is determined by the quota to the standard tariff, which is set by the operator of the link of the moving coefficient, which cannot be greater than 2.

99. If the term of the term of the term of the term intra-zone, international or international telephone call is broken, the payment for the additional telephone operator is charged at a higher rate for the return to the subscriber and (or) the cost of the difference in payment of the term, yakscho payment for the tariff was charged.

100. Payment for an internal, international or international telephone call of the "famously" category, installed behind an auxiliary telephone operator, to go through at a special rate.

101. Payment for a monthly (subject to weather conditions), domestic zone, international or international telephone call is charged according to the tariff, which is the same as at the time of the beginning of the establishment of an international telephone call.

102. The fee for domestic, international or international telephone calls, installed for the help of a telephone operator, is not charged, as it did not come from the fault of the subscriber that (or) koristuvach.

103. Filling out the application form and making a new change before payment is not required.

104. If the subscriber of that (or) coristuvach when arranging an internal zone, international or international telephone call, having entered the wrong subscriber number of the owner, which is called, then he will pay for the telephone call in a new order.

105. International telephone calls, given to the subscriber and (or) coristuvachev on the territory of the Russian Federation, established for an additional telephone operator, with payment for the salary of the person who calls, are paid in the Russian Federation.

106. Pіdstavoy for Rahunka to the Subscriber TA (ABO) Koriorhuvachevі for Nadі Mіstesevі (with Poshlіki) Intinshneozovі, Mіzhmіskі Abo Mіzhmіzhіvі z'єднаннна є DANІ, Otrimі at the additional one, Shaho Vicarovyuzuzuzuz, for the regional sign of the name of the head of the telephone sign.

107. Rosrakhunka with a subscriber that (or) a correspondent on the territory of the Russian Federation is charged in Russian rubles.

108. The payment card for telephone call services is encoded in the first way of information that is obtained for bringing information about payment for telephone call services to the operator. On the card for paying for the services of a telephone call, the following statements are indicated:

a) name (company name) of the call operator, which released qiu map pay for the services of a telephone call;

b) the name of the type of telephone call services, which are paid for with different cards for paying for telephone call services;

c) rozmіr advance payment to the operator zv'yazku, making any confirmation of the card payment services telephone zv'yazku;

d) term dії cards for payment of services of a telephone call;

e) dovidkovі (contact) telephony and call operator;

f) rules for card payment for telephone services;

g) identification number of the card for payment of telephone services.

109. The subscriber that (or) koristuvach may have the right to turn back to the operator for a turn penny koshtіv, made by him as an advance.

The operator of the call is guilty of releasing some surplus of money.

110. The waiting period is not responsible for revisiting 1 month.

111. The line of payment for the services of a telephone call (Crimea subscription fee) is not guilty of less than 15 days from the date of displaying the account. More three-valued terms of payment can be added to the agreement.

When paying for the services of a telephone call from the subscriber system, the payment for the services of a telephone call will be carried out no later than 10 days following the date of the end of the period of the call.

112. Payment of internal, international or international telephone bills, paid for by contract, which transfers collectively vikoristannya obladannya, is special, as it took away services. If such a person is not installed, the services of a telephone call are paid by the subscriber.

113. Rahunok, which is given to the subscriber for the services of a telephone call, is a rozrahunkov document, in which data about the subscriber's penny goiter are shown.

114. Rahunok, which is displayed to the subscriber for the services of a public telephone call, revenge:

a) details of the call operator;

b) details of the subscriber;

c) the rosary period, with which the rahunok is inserted;

d) the number of the subscriber's special account (in case of advance payment);

e) data on the total frequency of monthly telephone calls for the annual period (depending on the weather);

e) the amount that is presented before payment;

g) an excess amount for a special rahunka (if paid in advance);

h) the date of displaying the rahunka;

and) the term of payment for the rahunka.

115. Rahunok, which is delivered to the subscriber for the services of an intra-zone call (i) between international and international telephone calls, the crime of messages, assigned to paragraph 114 of the Rules, is guilty of revenge:

a) the amount that is presented before payment for the skin services of a telephone call and a skin subscriber number;

b) see the service of a telephone call;

c) code of geographically defined numbering zones or codes of geographically non-specific numbering zones, numbering resource of which subscriber numbers are included, with which telephone lines were selected;

d) the date of the dermal service of the telephone call;

bud) obsyag nadannya kozhnoї servise telephone call.

116. The operator of the call for calls shall ensure the delivery to the subscriber of a bill for paying for the services of a telephone call for a period of 5 days from the date of the issuance of that bill.

For the subscriber's call, the operator of the call is going to goiter, and the details of the account, which are taken from the given additional information about the services of the telephone call, for which a fee can be charged.

117. The subscriber that (or) the correspondent may have the right to recover the money paid for the services of a telephone call, for the period of his ability to make a call by the services of a telephone call, not from the fault of that subscriber (or) the caller.

IV. Order and mind the award, change that order to the contract

118. In case of damage by the subscriber, it was possible, due to the services of a telephone call and the installation federal law"About the call", according to the Rules of that agreement, in addition to the number of broken lines of payment for the subscriber's services of a telephone call, the operator of the call may have the right to impose a charge on the services of a telephone call until the termination of the call, having informed about the subscriber.

If there is no such disruption for six months, the subscriber must cancel the call operator (in a letter form) about us, the call operator unilaterally has the right to terminate the agreement.

119. The operator of the call may have the right to assign to the subscriber less than the quiet services of a telephone call, for which the subscriber has been allowed to break the call, assigned to clause 118 of the Rules. If so, the operator of the call may have the right to assign to the subscriber the possibility of a cost-free phone call, the emergency operational services are not available, as the technical and technological features of the services of the call of the link of the call of the call operator of the call are not allowed to save such an opportunity call service.

120. At the written request of the subscriber, the operator of the call of the goiter without opening the contract:

a) to award the service of a public telephone call to the subscriber, who has submitted an application. If the operator makes a call, it is charged up to the tariff set for such charges, the fee for the subscriber for the entire period of the hour, according to the application;

b) grant access to the services of domestic, international and international telephone calls and (or) to the services of information and advisory services.

121. For a written application of a subscriber, at the time of renting (renting), renting (subleasing) a telephone tenant, including a residential one, the contract may be attached to the lines of a contract for renting (renting), renting (subletting). The tenant (sublease), lessee (subtenant) of the telephoned occupancy may have concluded an agreement on the term of the contract for hiring (sublease), renting (subletting) for the purposes of the same subscriber number, which should be taken into account.

122. The call operator does not have the right to charge the subscriber with the services of a telephone call if the subscriber fails to pay the services provided by the additional services of a telephone call, or else with the services of a telephone call.

123. At the time of attaching to the contract, laid down with the operator of the connection between the telephone connection, the operator is bound by the operator of the connection of the goiter to ensure that the subscriber is able to access the services of the telephone connection of other operators.

124. Changes to the agreement laid down in the letter form, including the change in the method of choice by the subscriber of the zonal, international and international telephone call, the system of payment for the services of a monthly telephone call, and the scheme of inclusion of the possession, are issued by the supplementary agreement before the contract.

125. At the time of making changes before the contract, it was necessary for the operator to call out the necessary work, and the robots should pay the party, for the initiative of which the change was made to the minds of the contract.

126. At the time of attaching the rights to the subscriber, the agreement with the subscriber is attached to the telephone connection. When the operator is contacted, with which the agreement is attached, for the new sergeant of the appointed appointment of goiter, for a stretch of 30 days, put the agreement with the new slate.

127. The call operator until the end of the term of acceptance established by the Civil Code of Ukraine, before the warehouse of which a telephone call can enter, does not have the right to order a valid subscriber number.

The person who accepted the recession, after 30 days from the date of the date of the recession of the goiter, must submit to the operator a statement about the settlement of the contract.

Operator zv'yazku zobov'yazaniya protyazh 30 days from the date of registration of the statement about the arrangement of the contract to lay down the contract.

Decrease in goiter to pay the operator a call to the service provider for a telephone call for the period before the start of the right to fall.

In case of failure to submit the term, the call operator may have the right to order the correct subscriber number.

128. For the letter of the subscriber, before the contract, it may be possible to change the number of entries in a new subscriber-hulk. With whom you can become a new subscriber:

a) a member of the subscriber's family, registrations for the subscriber's place of residence, or who is a participant in the joint power on the telephone;

b) a member of the same subscriber, which is a non-full citizen on the date of change of the contract. Before reaching the 14th century, the right to file an application for a change in the contract on behalf of an incompetent citizen may be his legal representatives.

129. Prior to the agreement, in the event of reorganization or renaming of a subscriber - a legal entity (because of the reorganization at the reorganization form in the form of a vision or a subdivision), a change may be made to the new legal entity or a new name of the subscriber - a legal entity. In case of reorganization, in view of the fact that the subdivision of food, with which of the offenders, after laying down the agreement, it is viable to a separate balance sheet.

V. Procedure for reviewing claims

130. The subscriber and (or) the correspondent may have the right to denounce the decision and di (lack of idleness) of the operator of the call, which are involved in the service of the telephone call.

131. Operator zv'yazku zobov'yazany mother book skarg and propositions ta vidavat її on the first hand of the subscriber ta (or) koristuvach.

132. Looking at the subscriber's account that (or) coristuvacha zdіysnyuєtsya in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

133. In the event of non-compliance or an inappropriate communication by the operator of the call, the caller is obliged to provide a telephone call, the subscriber that (or) koristuvach, before the court, submits a claim to the operator of the call.

134. Claims are submitted in a letter form and for registration on the day when the call is canceled by the operator.

Claims for food related to the duty of the servant of the telephone call, to non-owner or not necessary attendants of the goiter, which are extorted from the contract, are presented for a stretch of 6 months from the day of the filing of the services of the telephone call, to the duty of the mother exhibiting rahunka.

135. A copy of the agreement or the original coupon of the application form, as well as other documents necessary for examining the claim on the merits, in which there may be appointed statements about the non-conformity or the non-conformity of the goitre of the contract, and at the different shkodi - the fact is that the world of zapodiyanoy shkodi.

136. The claim is reviewed by the linking operator for lines no longer than 60 days from the date of registration of the claim.

About the results of the review of the claims, the operator of the call is obliged to inform (in a letter form) to the subscriber that he has presented it, that (or) koristuvachevi.

As the claim was recognized by the operator as a primed connection, the shortfalls were revealed to be used in a reasonable term, the assignments by the subscriber that (or) coristuvach.

At the time of recognition by the operator of the call, the subscriber could be contacted (or) coristuvacha about changing the payment for the services of a telephone call, about the release of the bill for the adoption of short-lived calls on their own or by third persons, and also about the return of the paid for the services of a telephone call a penny sum that vodshkoduvannya zbitkіv, zapodіyanyh zv'yazku z vіdmovoy vіd nadannya zv'yazku phone service, priming stench pіdlyagayut satisfaction at 10-day lines from the date of filing a claim.

At the time of filing a claim, I will file a claim, either often or not indefinitely, in order to establish a term, the subscriber and (or) the correspondent may have the right to present poses before the court.

VI. Vidpovіdnіst sides

137. For nevykonannya or not properly vikonannya goiter'yazan for the contract, the operator zv'yazku nesvіdpovidalnіst in front of the subscriber that (or) koristuvachim in such vipadki:

a) the code is not grounded according to the code of the contract, or it is improved according to the code of the contract;

b) damage to the terms of the security of access to the mediation of the public telephone connection;

c) damage to the terms of the service of a telephone call in the contract;

d) not all the services of a telephone call assigned to the contract;

e) neakіsne nadannya services of a telephone zv'yazku, including in naslidok neprimannya merezі zv'yazku;

f) damage to the secrets of telephone notifications;

g) ruined built-in boundary on the expansion of information about the subscriber-hulk, yakі became known to the operator zv'yazku zv'yazku z vykonannym contract.

138. When a subscriber is given a telephone call to a large-scale subscriber, including for special, family, household and other needs that are not related to the conduct of the business, the operator yazanoї z nadannymi services telephone call.

139. The operator zv'yazku for nevykonannya or not nezalezhno vykonanny goiter'yazan vydpovidno before the contract carried the following main vіdpovidalnіst:

a) in case of broken lines for access to the median telephone connection, I pay a penalty for the extension of 3000 rubles for the access fee to the medial telephone connection for a skin day, it is stitched right up to the cob of security for access to the telephone connection, which is more rozmіr forfeit not injunctions at the contract, but with more rozmіru zaznachennoї pay;

b) in case of violation of the established terms of the telephone call service fee, I pay a penalty for the payment of 3 years of telephone call service fees per skin year, the line is drawn up to the top of the telephone call service charge, for the most part of the penalty is not charged to the contract more for the service of a telephone call.

140. In the event of a disruption by the operator of the call to the established terms of the service of a telephone call, the subscriber that (or) the coristuvach may have the right to make a full call to the caller, the manager of the call to the damaged lines.

141. If not all the services of a telephone call, transferred by the contract, the subscriber has the right to his choice:

a) due to a proportional change in the number of telephone service providers;

b) to comply with the contract.

142. In the case of a non-standard telephone service, the subscriber that (or) koristuvach may have the right to exercise his choice:

a) free use of a small amount of telephone service;

b) a change in the service level of a telephone call;

c) vodshkoduvannya incurred by him vitrats for the adoption of a small amount of debt service telephone call on their own or by third persons.

143. In times of disruption by the operator of a call to a secret telephone message, it could not be exchanged about the exchange of information about a subscriber-gromadyan, so they became the first to follow the contract, the operator of a call to the help of a subscriber, to a sub- scribed to the same way morality, etc.

144. In case of failure, irregular or untimely filing of information about the duty of a telephone call, the subscriber and (or) the correspondent may have the right to enforce the contract, in return for the return of the payment for the service of a telephone call and the amount incurred.

145. The subscriber that (or) koristuvach carried a call before the operator in such cases:

a) non-payment, non-recurring or non-hourly payment for telephone services;

b) nedotrimannya rules of operation statkuvannya;

c) under-trial fencing on the connection to the subscriber's line of possession, as it does not allow the installation of widows.

146. In case of non-payment, non-full or late payment of telephone call services, the subscriber pays a penalty to the call operator at the rem. , for a skin day of stitching right up to the day of repayment of the bill, but no more sumi, which pays for payment.

147. If the subscriber does not comply with the rules of operation, or if the subscriber does not comply with the rules of operation, or if the subscriber is not connected to the subscriber line, the operator of the call may have the right to sue the subscriber.

148. The operator zv'yazku zvіlnyaєtsya vіd vіdpovіdalnosti for nevikonannya or not nezalezhno vykonannya zobov'yazan for the contract, yakscho brought, їhnє nevikonannya chi not nevikonannya chi nezalezhnoy vykonannya became in naslidok dії obstavin neperebornoї їbo s blame іn.

In order for the tax authorities to increase the tax base from the MAP in the amount of advances, and earlier, there was a lot of dissatisfaction among the payers in taxes, as they were brought to the defense of the mizh of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, 146 and 162 articles of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Even though now the legislator skasuvav the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and even superficially with the payers of taxes, it is clear that before the Tax Code of the Russian Federation the taxpayer of taxes in the future will goit all the same to collect the MPE in advance. Age of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is designated that the moment of establishing the tax base from the MPE is recognized on two dates:

Date of receipt of goods (rob, services):

Date of payment, partial payment for future deliveries of goods (due work, service).

And it actually means the need to pay the VAT not only in advance from a penny form. And yet, the object of taxation from MPE is the operation of the sale of goods (work, services).

At the time of withdrawal of payment, private payment for implementation is still not possible, and it is unknown that it will be out of whack. Therefore, regardless of the nature of the object of taxation, the payer of taxes may designate the tax base.

Your respect for those who paid the taxpayer on September 1, 2006 was put on a new binding. Oskіlki tax base pіd vіdvantazhennya commodіv (robіt, servіts) rahunki earlier otrimanoї payment, chastkovї ї, vklyuchenї earlier at the tax base, vyznachaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє payer podtk_v, s tsіn, vyznachenih vіdpovіdno up to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Those, apparently, in case of an overpayment of a taxpayer for an additional payment, the taxpayer is guilty of carrying out a tax refurbishment of the tax base in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. It may not be necessary to pay the taxpayer itself, but not the tax authorities, under the hour of control over the payment of taxes (for those who have the right to be deprived).

Vіdpovіdno up to the changes made by paragraph 21 of article 1 of Law No. 119-FZ, to article 172 "Procedure for stosuvannya taktovі vіdrakhuvan" chapter 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation from 1 sіchnya 2006 to the date, tax vіdrahuvannya, in case of payment by the payer of tax payments, mining rights are put on invoices , sellers. Until September 1, 2006, there was no such technology, so the implementation of mine rights, which were given before September 1, 2006, for example, the rights of rent, for sure, the singing risk should be raised.

Documents confirming the actual payment of the tax from 1 September 2006, will be required when goods are imported into the territory of the Russian Federation, in other cases documents about the actual payment of the tax are not required.

Starting from 1 September 2006, the amount of tax paid by the sellers, presented by the sellers to the payer of taxes, was paid when imported into the territory of the Russian Federation, the installation status is due on the basis of the main payment for the amount of the installed tax, the deprivation of the tax. Data change to overcome the current low court disputes, for some payers of taxes they easily brought, that from the installation of the installation, it is sufficient to take on the appearance of the installation of the installation, like the installation to the installation, not to check the winding, to accept it in the form of the basics.

Starting from 1 September 2006, the method of reimbursing the VAT for negative exchange rates, does not change the reimbursing of the MAP for positive exchange rates, due to the date of acceptance on the form of goods (robits, services), mine rights. Tsej vysnovok is based on the fact that, when credited for foreign currency goods (robit, services), mine rights, foreign currency is repaid in rubles at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation itself on the date of acceptance of goods (robit, services), main rights for a further transfer that koriguvannya said nothing. For the purposes of subsidizing the cash flow, in connection with the fact that there is no technology for adjusting the winding up, a sum of negative and positive exchange rate differences is accepted in full, without seeing the MPE.

Reimbursement of sums of tribute, from sums of prepayment, taking away possible deliveries of goods (labor, services) from the accounts, proceeding from the date of the return of goods (expenditure of work, service of services).

We destroy your respect on the step - there is no right to recover the sums of prepayment, taking away the possible transfer of my rights from the girls. It is possible to bring before the fact that after the date of transfer of the main rights of the tax authorities, it will be necessary to re-submit, but it could also be super-readable for the first part of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

On September 1, 2006, the date of reimbursing taxes from the taxpayer, which took away the contribution (deposit) to the statutory (stored) capital (fund) mine, intangible assets and mine rights, to pay the amount of MPE, for the mind, that the stench was approved by the shareholder (participant, shareholder) ) in accordance with the procedure established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Danish repayment is carried out after acceptance to the appearance of the mine, including the main contributions and intangible assets, and mine rights, taking away as payment to the contribution (contribution) to the statutory (stored) capital (fund), regardless of the moment vodnovlennya and pay a tax to the budget by a shareholder (participant, shareholder).

Changes introduced by paragraph 23 of article 1 of Law No. 119-FZ, up to article 174 "Procedure and line to pay a tax to the budget" chapter 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, from 1 September 2006, are changed from changes adopted before the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. And for itself - the obmezhennya according to the schomisyachny vytorg for expiration as a taxable period of the quarter was increased from 1,000,000 rubles to 2,000,000 rubles.

From the beginning of the chivalry of Chapter 25 "Target from the surplus of organizations" of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, all subjects of the state, є payers of surpluses, pay this tribute according to the rules of the taxpayer. A tribute from a surplus is a direct tribute, which is drawn by the state from the income of the payer of taxes. The object of taxation from the tax on income is the profit of the organization, and the variant characteristic (penny viraz) of the tax revenue is the tax base of the tax tax. We have already indicated that the taxpayers of this tax shall calculate the tax from the profit in accordance with the rules of tax legislation, it is necessary to wonder if they should understand the allowance in accordance with the rules of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Under the profits of the tax legislation, it is possible to understand the difference between taking away incomes and the amount of cumulative vitrates. In case of income, the surcharges are charged according to the rules of Chapter 25 "Tribute on the income of organizations."

Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides for the following classification of income from the payer of taxes:

· income per sale(Article 249 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

· post-realization income(Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

· come, yakі do not get insured when podatkuvannі(Article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

A similar classification has been transferred for vitrates:

· Vitrati, po'yazanі z virobnitstvom and realіzatsієyu, yakі their line is subdivided into:

ü the amount of accumulated depreciation of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

· Post-realization windows Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

· Vitrati, yakі do not shy away from the method of giving Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Vikoristovuyuchi tsyu klassifikatsiyu income and vitrate can be said, scho surplus in the implementation of the organization, scho give services in the gallery zv'yazku, є viruchka in іd nadіh servі, yak vyznaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє з ͡ых 's nakhodzhenovan, po'yazanikh s rozrahunіh

Get respect!

In case of deducted income, which are deducted on the basis of primary documents and documents of a taxable form, they include the amount of taxes presented by the payer of taxes on the purchase.

Receipt, owing to the taxpayers for the sale of services, is recognized by the taxable form of the taxpayer in the form of the taxpayer - the organization that gives services to the sphere of communication, the method of recognition of income and witrats.

Two the method of the form of income and vitrate for the purpose of filing: narahuvannya method and cash method. According to the method that zastosovuetsya organization, deposit the moment of expiration of income and vitrate at the time of raising the deposited surplus.

We wonder how the Tax Code of the Russian Federation interprets insults and understands.

According to the general rule, all payers of taxes, when calculating the tax on surpluses, zastosovuyut with the form of income and witrat narahuvannya method. The essence of this method actually leads to the fact that the income is recognized in the guise independently in view of the actual possession of the funds, the other lane (robit, services) and (or) the rights of the mine, and in the event of the loss is recognized in the guise of the same independently in the fact of their payment.

As an organization - a payer of taxes in zastosovu given method, then the income from the goods (work, services) is accepted until the calculation of the profits at the time of the transfer of the right of power to the sale of mine. As a rule, you have the right to switch to the seller before buying on the day of purchase. The procedure for the withdrawal of income from the method of accrual is established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for the exclusion of vitrates for the method of narahuvannya was established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 58-FZ introduced to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation amends, to clarify the procedure for acknowledging certain types of charges for the method of loading. With some of the changes made, they expand on legality from September 1, 2005, and some gain rank from September 1, 2006.

So, from 1 September 2005, changes were made to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, to clarify the procedure for issuing insurance premiums. Zgidno new edition to the item, repaid by the payer of taxes in a one-time payment, are written off on the balance in proportion to the amount calendar days, stretching out some days of the stellar period.

“The money spent on the transfer of the leased lane, designated in subparagraph 10 of paragraph 1 of Article 264 of this Code, is recognized as a cost in quiet (tax) periods, in which case the rent (leasing) payments were transferred to the minds of the contract. In case of any appointment, the costs are insured from the sum, proportional to the sum of the rent (leasing) payments”.

In this way, vitrati organizations, which are working on the method of accrual, change the surcharges of that stellar period, in which the organization actually paid, regardless of the hour of payment. Otzhe, the date of acceptance of more bills for the calculation of surpluses is the same day, if the stench is recovered. Winnietok to become vytrati z obov'yazkovogo and voluntary insurance - їh accept z method podatkuvannya surplus at the time of payment of insurance premiums. If, by the minds of the insurance contract, the repayment of the deposit is transferred by a single payment, then the insurance is divided in proportion to the amount calendar days, with the protyag of such contracts of insurance for a day in a sunny period.

Vіdmitimo, scho cash method zastosovuєtsya taxpayers podtkіv dosit seldom, that in the Danіy edition of the book mi yogo is not considered.

Reports on the nutritional requirements of the accounting form and the substitution of operations for connection to the telephone line, including, if it is connected with capital investments, the application for the services of an Internet provider, the correct execution of a license for the services of a telephone connection You can find out from the book ZAT "BKR-INTERCOM-AUDIT" "Sv'yazok ».

At the contract with the subscriber - a legal special transfer of the obligatory name to the operator is connected to the legal special list of osіb, yakі vikoristovuyut yogo koristuvalne (kіntseve) obladnannya, that lines of the assigned list are established, as well as the list of legal representatives of the establishment of the establishment individuals, names, according to the father, place of residence, requisites of the main document, which certifies the person of these specialties, that change should not be more than 1 time per quarter.

54. The agreement may have the following specified:

b) the services of a telephone call;

c) the scheme of inclusion of ownership (for a contract for the services of a private telephone connection without a fee for collective access or a supplementary subscriber number);

e) order, lines, and form of rozrachunkiv.

55. At the agreement, which is the transfer of the collectively agreed upon establishment, the system of payment for public telephone bills is established based on the sole decision of all subscribers. In times of inaccessibility to subscribers, a subscriber payment system is installed.

56. The call operator does not have the right to impose on the subscriber an hour of laying down the contract and (chi) cost of other services for a fee.

57. The call operator does not have the right to call on one of the telephone services to call on the other services.

58. The agreement made by the applicant - a legal special can not be laid down for the minds of the scheme of dual inclusion of possession.

III. Order that mind vikonannya contract

Rights and obligations of the parties under the contract

59. Operator zv'yazku goiter'yazany:

a) give the subscriber that (or) corystuvach service telephone call in accordance with the legislators and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation, tsikh Rules, licenses and the agreement;

b) use the established terms of incompatibility to change the phone call;

c) give the subscriber-hulk the opportunity to choose a system for paying for public telephone bills;

d) notify subscribers and (or) correspondents through the provision of mass information about the change in tariffs for telephone call services at least 10 days before the introduction of new tariffs;

e) to create a mind for uninterrupted access of subscribers and (or) short-term subscribers, including those with disabilities, before making a call, recognized for work with short-term subscribers, including the amount of telephone call service and the month of payment;

f) to recognize the subscriber's goodwill and (or) the new term of service of a telephone call, as if the term was not used in the context of non-exhaustive force.

60. Subscriber goiter:

a) pay a fee for the payment of a telephone call and other transfers from the contract of service to the full obligation of the appointed new line;

79. A call operator who provides services of a telephone call to a variety of telephones, Crimean information, transferred by subparagraphs "a", "b", "c", "g" and "m" to clause 23 of the Rules, goiter bring to the attention of the coristuvachіv іnformatsiyu pro ії, yakі nebhіdnі zrobiti otrimannya zv'yazyka zvjazku, including for otrimannya access to zvіzku zv'yazku іnshih operatorsіv zvyazku.

80. Call operator, who provides services of telephone calls to telephone calls, who accepts tokens and cards for payment of telephone services, calls to inform about the scope of implementation of these tokens and cards for payment of telephone calls.

The information is due to be posted by the operator to the call in a handy and accessible form on the telephone, the telephone booth, or brought to the door of the koristuvach in another way.

Features of the service of a telephone call to a subscriber-hulk

81. Changing the minds of the owners of the property, we will install it at the communal apartment on the basis of an agreement that transfers individual victories of the property, it can be done only for the benefit of the subscriber-hulk.

At the time of the villain of the subscriber-hulk, an application for the installation of the appointed contract is submitted to the public order.

82. At the time of the agreement, the collective has been transferred to the winner of the possession, the change of the address of the established possession to be carried out for the obviousness of the letter of success of all the subscribers.

83. It is not allowed to change the scheme of switching on the possession, which works for a fixed subscriber line without a letter of the subscriber.

84. The choice of the scheme of dual inclusion of ownership is not allowed in a telephone-connected accommodation, in which a disabled person lives for this purpose, or in a communal apartment, as if the agreement was transferred to collective ownership.

85. It is not allowed to block the scheme of parallel switching on, installed at residential premises, which are located at different houses (spores) or apartments.

86. Application for a change tariff plan to pay for the services of a monthly telephone call, a call must be submitted by a citizen subscriber no later than 10 days before the end of the calendar month. For the completion of the designated term of filing, the call operator must transfer the subscriber-hulk to the tariff plan from the 1st day of the month following the month of filing the application. In case of non-compliance of the assigned term, the application for transferring the tariff plan to the application is due from the 1st day of the 2nd month following the month of submission of the application.

87. As a possession, which works behind the paired switching scheme, it is allowed to use only telephones.

Zastosuvannya schemes of parallel activation of telephones at the scheme of paired connection is not allowed.

Telephone devices, which work on the scheme of a paired connection, are installed in the borders under the entrance of the residential booth.

Form and order of rozrahunkiv for the service of a telephone call

88. Payment for the services of a monthly telephone call can be charged for a subscriber or a yearly payment system.

89. The fee for the operator's call for access to a local telephone call is charged one time when the system is installed in a non-telephone area. The tariff for an operator's call to access to a local telephone connection is set by the call operator, as it is not otherwise transferred by the legislation of Ukraine.

At the same time, the tariffs for the services of this operator of the call are subject to state regulation, for the benefit of the subscriber-gromadyan, the operator of the call of goiters is given the opportunity to pay for access to the link to the line for the payment of at least lower for 6 months outside not more than 30 thousand dollars of the installed payment.

90. If you make a change before the contract, how to replace the subscriber, including in the cases, assigned to paragraphs 126 of these Rules, for access to the least monthly telephone call by the operator, the call operator will charge a fee of no more than 30 thousand per month subscriber fee , included in the tariff plan subscriber system pay for the services of a public telephone call.

91. Odinitia Tariff Mishtseva (for the foaming system of the podvivosti pivoti telephones (Dali - Pododnunny region), an internalosonovoye, Mіzhmіskiy Abo International telephone z'єєднаннанна to stand up the Operator to the Olsheskaya Operator, alle (for the weather pattern), domestic zone, international or international telephone call is carried out according to the rate accepted by the operator.

92. The trivality of the telephone call, which is victorious for the purpose of rozmіru pay for the month (with a weather appearance), as well as for the domestic zone, international or international (with the automatic method of setting the call), telephone call for a second after the moment when you are in possession, what is called out, until the moment of fighting. possessiveness, which calls out or calls out, or possessiveness, which replaces the coristuvacha in yoga daytime. Telephone calls less than 6 seconds are not covered by the service of a telephone call.

93. Talivіt telephone z'єєєднанна, otko whimpering for vision of Rosemir Plati for internalozonov, Mіzhmіska Abo (with an upset telephone z'єєєєєєDANNA for the additional phoneist), Vіdradovzuzuz З Moment Vіdpovіdi Korringer, originated in the Blanca Zamennya, Abo Velninnya, Vіdpovіdі dor_vnuєdі coristuvacha, until the moment of fighting the coristuvacha, who calls out or calls out, or is possessed, which replaces the coristuvacha in yoga daytime.

At the time when the phone call is installed, the telephone operator should indicate that the control is installed on the side of the caller, that the change of the caller is in the same day, if the goiter is to inform about the subscriber and (or) the caller. Prodovzhennya vstanovlennya z'ednannya mozhliva is only possible if the subscriber or koristuvacha. If so, the payment for the service is compensated by the factual triviality of the telephone call between the subscriber or the subscriber, who calls, and who calls the coristuvacha, or the possessor, who replaces the coristuvacha in yoga.

At the time of the subscriber’s visit, that (or) a fee for the installation of a telephone call is not charged.

94. Tariffs for the services of a telephone call, including the tariff that is charged to pay for a different unit of tariffication, are set by the call operator, as well as another procedure not established by the legislation of Ukraine.

When viznachennі vartostі mіstsevogo telephone z'єdnannya (at Pogodina oblіku) nepovna odinitsya tarifіkatsії, rozmіr yakoї becoming half abo bіlshe half odinitsі tarifіkatsії, yak vrahovuєtsya Povny odinitsya tarifіkatsії and nepovna odinitsya tarifіkatsії, rozmіr yakoї becoming less then half odinitsі tarifіkatsії, yak vrahovuєtsya half odinitsі tariffication.

95. Tariffs (tariff plans) for the services of a telephone call can be set up for legal services, residents, as a vicarist for the services of a telephone call for special, family and household needs, as well as a community, as a vicorist for the services of a telephone call for other needs

The tariff plan can establish differentiated tariffs for the hour of doby, the days of Monday, weekends and non-working holy days, as well as for dialing the service of a telephone call.

Tariffs for the services of international and international telephone calls can be differentiated in terms of availability depending on the subscriber's choice of the method of access to these services.

The choice of the tariff plan for paying for the services of a monthly telephone call is determined by the subscriber independently. Changing the decision on the choice of the tariff plan will be carried out in accordance with the procedure established in clause 86 of the Rules. The fee for changing the tariff plan is not charged per subscriber.

96. The fee for the month (subject to weather conditions), domestic zone, international or international telephone calls is charged, depending on the amount of trivality, expressed in the number of units of tariffication of the telephone call.

Payment by the subscriber does not apply for a telephone call, inserted as a result of the call by another subscriber, for a vinnyatk in the fall, if the telephone call is inserted:

for the assistance of a telephone operator, with payment for a koristuvach's rahunok, which calls out;

from victories of recognition federal body vykonavchoї vladi at the sphere zv'yazku kodіv access to services elektrozv'yazku;

with a subscriber who is located outside the borders of the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation, assigned to the decision about the operator's call to the numbering resource, which includes views to this subscriber subscriber number, which is not specified in the call service contract otherwise.

When charging telephone bills, trivality is not covered:

local telephone calls from emergency operational services;

telephone call when accessing telematic services, calling and data transmission services;

telephone calls from the services of a cost-free information-advice service, services for fixing internal zone, international and international telephone calls for an additional telephone operator, as well as services technical support subscribers (repair bureau).

97. Prior to the possession, the signal of some kind is equal to the sound of the koristuvach, which is called out, and serve as an ear of the telephone ringing with an automatic telephone call, to be pronounced:

a) telephone modem;

b) fax machine;

c) possessing the function of automatic submission;

d) a telephone set with the function of an automatic number finder;

e) installing a telephone exchange;

e) telephone;

g) otherwise obladnannya, like replacing the coristuvacha for yoga and security (or imitu) the exchange of information.

98. Depending on the terminology of the service of the services of an internal zone, international or international telephone call for an additional telephone operator, the following tariffs are required:

a) outstanding;

b) terms.

The term tariff is determined by the quota to the standard tariff, which is set by the operator of the link of the moving coefficient, which cannot be greater than 2.

99. If the term of the term of the term of the term intra-zone, international or international telephone call is broken, the payment for the additional telephone operator is charged at a higher rate for the return to the subscriber and (or) the cost of the difference in payment of the term, yakscho payment for the tariff was charged.

100. Payment for an internal, international or international telephone call of the "famously" category, installed behind an auxiliary telephone operator, to go through at a special rate.

101. Payment for a monthly (subject to weather conditions), domestic zone, international or international telephone call is charged according to the tariff, which is the same as at the time of the beginning of the establishment of an international telephone call.

102. The fee for domestic, international or international telephone calls, installed for the help of a telephone operator, is not charged, as it did not come from the fault of the subscriber that (or) koristuvach.

103. Filling out the application form and making a new change before payment is not required.

104. If the subscriber of that (or) coristuvach when arranging an internal zone, international or international telephone call, having entered the wrong subscriber number of the owner, which is called, then he will pay for the telephone call in a new order.

105. International telephone calls, given to the subscriber and (or) coristuvachev on the territory of the Russian Federation, established for an additional telephone operator, with payment for the salary of the person who calls, are paid in the Russian Federation.

106. Pіdstavoy for Rahunka to the Subscriber TA (ABO) Koriorhuvachevі for Nadі Mіstesevі (with Poshlіki) Intinshneozovі, Mіzhmіskі Abo Mіzhmіzhіvі z'єднаннна є DANІ, Otrimі at the additional one, Shaho Vicarovyuzuzuzuz, for the regional sign of the name of the head of the telephone sign.

107. Rosrakhunka with a subscriber that (or) a correspondent on the territory of the Russian Federation is charged in Russian rubles.

108. The payment card for telephone call services is encoded in the first way of information that is obtained for bringing information about payment for telephone call services to the operator. On the card for paying for the services of a telephone call, the following statements are indicated:

a) the name (company name) of the call operator, which issued the card for paying for telephone call services;

b) the name of the type of telephone call services, which are paid for with different cards for paying for telephone call services;

c) rozmіr advance payment to the operator zv'yazku, making any confirmation of the card payment services telephone zv'yazku;

d) term dії cards for payment of services of a telephone call;

e) dovidkovі (contact) telephony and call operator;

f) rules for card payment for telephone services;

g) identification number of the card for payment of telephone services.

109. The subscriber that (or) koristuvach may have the right to return to the operator for a return of the fees paid by him as an advance payment.

The operator of the call is guilty of releasing some surplus of money.

110. The waiting period is not responsible for revisiting 1 month.

111. The line of payment for the services of a telephone call is not guilty of less than 20 days from the date of displaying the account. More three-valued terms of payment can be added to the agreement.

112. Payment of internal, international or international telephone bills, paid for by contract, which transfers collectively vikoristannya obladannya, is special, as it took away services. If such a person is not installed, the services of a telephone call are paid by the subscriber.

d) the date of the dermal service of the telephone call;

bud) obsyag nadannya kozhnoї servise telephone call.

116. The call operator shall ensure the delivery of a bill to the subscriber to pay for the services of a telephone call within ten days from the date of the presentation of that bill.

For the subscriber's suts Operator Zobomniki Zobov'jaki Zdіysni Detail Detail Rahunki, Scho Poleyaka, Nadnі Destupodio IIFORMAKII About the telephone links, for shy, you can be waggered by savory fee in Rosemіrі not B_SHE 10 VіdSotkіv Mysyachy and the subscriber pay, stand in the tariff plan of the subscriber system pay for the services of a public telephone call.

117. The subscriber that (or) the correspondent may have the right to recover the money paid for the services of a telephone call, for the period of his ability to make a call by the services of a telephone call, not from the fault of that subscriber (or) the caller.

IV. Order and mind the award, change that order to the contract

118. In the event of a disruption by the subscriber, in connection with the dues of the services of a telephone call, and those established by the Federal Law "On Calls", according to the Rules and the agreement, including the disruption of the lines of payment of the duties of the subscriber for the services of a telephone call, the call operator I have the right to impose a call on the service of a telephone call until the termination of the call, by informing the subscriber about the subscriber in a letter form and using the call of the call operator (autoinformer).

If there is no such disruption for six months, the subscriber must cancel the call operator (in a letter form) about us, the call operator unilaterally has the right to terminate the agreement.

119. The operator of the call may have the right to assign to the subscriber less than the quiet services of a telephone call, for which the subscriber has been allowed to break the call, assigned to clause 118 of the Rules. If so, the operator of the call may have the right to assign to the subscriber the possibility of a cost-free phone call, the emergency operational services are not available, as the technical and technological features of the services of the call of the link of the call of the call operator of the call are not allowed to save such an opportunity call service.

120. At the written request of the subscriber, the operator of the call of the goiter without opening the contract:

a) to award the service of a public telephone call to the subscriber, who has submitted an application. If the operator makes a call, it is charged up to the tariff set for such charges, the fee for the subscriber for the entire period of the hour, according to the application;

b) grant access to the services of domestic, international and international telephone calls and (or) to the services of information and advisory services.

121. For a written application of a subscriber, at the time of renting (renting), renting (subleasing) a telephone tenant, including a residential one, the contract may be attached to the lines of a contract for renting (renting), renting (subletting). The tenant (sublease), lessee (subtenant) of the telephoned occupancy may have concluded an agreement on the term of the contract for hiring (sublease), renting (subletting) for the purposes of the same subscriber number, which should be taken into account.

122. The call operator does not have the right to charge the subscriber with the services of a telephone call if the subscriber fails to pay the services provided by the additional services of a telephone call, or else with the services of a telephone call.

123. At the time of attaching to the contract, laid down with the operator of the connection between the telephone connection, the operator is bound by the operator of the connection of the goiter to ensure that the subscriber is able to access the services of the telephone connection of other operators.

124. Changes to the agreement, laid down in a letter form, including changes in the decision on the choice of the operator of the call, which gives the services of the international and international telephone call (in case of a forward choice), the tariff plan for paying for the services of the local telephone call and the scheme the inclusion of the final (coristuval) possession, is formalized as an addendum before the contract.

125. At the time of making a change before the contract, the operator caused the need for the operator to call the official telephone call, and the work іnіtsiаtivоyu kakoї Bulo introduced zmіni pending the conclusion of the contract.

126. At the time of attaching the rights to the subscriber, the agreement with the subscriber is attached to the telephone connection. When the operator is contacted, with which the agreement is attached, for the new sergeant of the appointed appointment of goiter, for a stretch of 30 days, put the agreement with the new slate.

At the same time, the members of the subscriber’s family have lost their place of residence in the telephonized occupancy, the agreement is re-registered for one of them for a letter of the other members of the familial household, registered for the place of residence with this occupant.

An application for the settlement of an agreement can be submitted within 60 days from the date attached to the agreement, assigned to this clause. In case of failure to submit the term, the call operator may have the right to order a different subscriber number.

127. The call operator until the end of the term of acceptance established by the Civil Code of Ukraine, before the warehouse of which a telephone call can enter, does not have the right to order a valid subscriber number.

A person who has accepted the recession, after 30 days from the date of the recession, has the right to submit a statement to the operator about the settlement of the contract.

Operator zv'yazku zobov'yazaniya protyazh 30 days from the date of registration of the statement about the arrangement of the contract to lay down the contract.

Decrease in goiter to pay the operator a call to the service provider for a telephone call for the period before the start of the right to fall.

In case of failure to submit the term, the call operator may have the right to order the correct subscriber number.

Prior to the legal provisions referred to in this paragraph, the norms set forth in paragraph 126 of the Rules shall not be enforced.

128. For the letter of the subscriber, before the contract, it may be possible to change the number of entries in a new subscriber-hulk. With whom you can become a new subscriber:

a) a member of the subscriber's family, registrations for the subscriber's place of residence, or who is a participant in the joint power on the telephone;

b) a member of the same subscriber, which is a non-full citizen on the date of change of the contract. Before reaching the 14th century, the right to file an application for a change in the contract on behalf of an incompetent citizen may be his legal representatives.

129. Prior to the agreement, in the event of reorganization or renaming of a subscriber - a legal entity (because of the reorganization at the reorganization form in the form of a vision or a subdivision), a change may be made to the new legal entity or a new name of the subscriber - a legal entity. In case of reorganization, in view of the fact that the subdivision of food, with which of the offenders, after laying down the agreement, it is viable to a separate balance sheet.

V. Procedure for reviewing claims

130. The subscriber and (or) the correspondent may have the right to denounce the decision and di (lack of idleness) of the operator of the call, which are involved in the service of the telephone call.

131. Operator zv'yazku zobov'yazany mother book skarg and propositions ta vidavat її on the first hand of the subscriber ta (or) koristuvach.

132. Looking at the subscriber's account that (or) coristuvacha zdіysnyuєtsya in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

133. In the event of non-compliance or an inappropriate communication by the operator of the call, the caller is obliged to provide a telephone call, the subscriber that (or) koristuvach, before the court, submits a claim to the operator of the call.

134. Claims are submitted in a letter form and for registration on the day when the call is canceled by the operator.

Claims for food related to the duty of the servant of the telephone call, to non-owner or not necessary attendants of the goiter, which are extorted from the contract, are presented for a stretch of 6 months from the day of the filing of the services of the telephone call, to the duty of the mother exhibiting rahunka.

135. A copy of the agreement or the original coupon of the application form, as well as other documents necessary for examining the claim on the merits, in which there may be appointed statements about the non-conformity or the non-conformity of the goitre of the contract, and at the different shkodi - the fact is that the world of zapodiyanoy shkodi.

136. The claim is reviewed by the linking operator for lines no longer than 60 days from the date of registration of the claim.

About the results of the review of the claims, the operator of the call is obliged to inform (in a letter form) to the subscriber that he has presented it, that (or) koristuvachevi.

As the claim was recognized by the operator as a primed connection, the shortfalls were revealed to be used in a reasonable term, the assignments by the subscriber that (or) coristuvach.

At the time of recognition by the operator of the call, the subscriber could be contacted (or) coristuvacha about changing the payment for the services of a telephone call, about the release of the bill for the adoption of short-lived calls on their own or by third persons, and also about the return of the paid for the services of a telephone call penny sum and vodshkoduvannya zbitkіv, zapodіyanyh zv'yazku z vіdmovoy vіd nadannya zv'yazku zvіdmovoy vіd nadannya zv'yazku phone zv'yazyk, primed stench pіdlyagayut satisfaction at 10-day lines from the date of acceptance by the operator of a zv'yazku decision about the satisfaction of claims.

D) not all the services of a telephone call assigned to the contract;

e) neakіsne nadannya services of a telephone zv'yazku, including in naslidok neprimannya merezі zv'yazku;

f) damage to the secrets of telephone notifications;

g) damage to the established borders on the expansion of information about the subscriber-gromadyan, as they became the operator's call to the caller to the contract.

138. When a subscriber is given a telephone call to a large-scale subscriber, including for special, family, household and other needs that are not related to the conduct of the business, the operator yazanoї z nadannymi services telephone call.

139. The operator zv'yazku for nevykonannya or not nezalezhno vykonanny goiter'yazan vydpovidno before the contract carried the following main vіdpovidalnіst:

a) in case of broken lines for access to the median telephone connection, I pay a penalty for the extension of 3000 rubles for the access fee to the medial telephone connection for a skin day, it is stitched right up to the cob of security for access to the telephone connection, which is more rozmіr forfeit not injunctions at the contract, but with more rozmіru zaznachennoї pay;

b) in case of damage to the established terms of the service of a telephone call, I pay a penalty for the payment of 3 hundred thousand vartosts

the services of a telephone call for a skin year of prostrochennya right up to the cob of the service of a telephone call, for example, the greatest increase in the amount of the penalty is not in the contract, but not more than the cost of a telephone call.

140. In the event of a disruption by the operator of the call to the established terms of the service of a telephone call, the subscriber that (or) the coristuvach may have the right to make a full call to the caller, the manager of the call to the damaged lines.

143. In times of disruption by the operator of a call to a secret telephone message, it could not be exchanged about the exchange of information about a subscriber-gromadyan, so they became the first to follow the contract, the operator of a call to the help of a subscriber, to a sub- scribed to the same way morality, etc.

144. In case of failure, irregular or untimely filing of information about the duty of a telephone call, the subscriber and (or) the correspondent may have the right to enforce the contract, in return for the return of the payment for the service of a telephone call and the amount incurred.

145. The subscriber that (or) koristuvach carried a call before the operator in such cases:

a) non-payment, non-recurring or non-hourly payment for telephone services;

b) nedotrimannya rules of operation statkuvannya;

c) under-trial fencing on the connection to the subscriber's line of possession, as it does not allow the installation of widows.

146. In case of non-payment, non-full or late payment of telephone call services, the subscriber pays a penalty to the call operator at the rem. , for a skin day of stitching right up to the day of repayment of the bill, but no more sumi, which pays for payment.

147. If the subscriber does not comply with the rules of operation, or if the subscriber does not comply with the rules of operation, or if the subscriber is not connected to the subscriber line, the operator of the call may have the right to sue the subscriber.

148. The operator zv'yazku zvіlnyaєtsya vіd vіdpovіdalnosti for nevikonannya or not nezalezhno vykonannya zobov'yazan for the contract, yakscho brought, їhnє nevikonannya chi not nevikonannya chi nezalezhnoy vykonannya became in naslidok dії obstavin neperebornoї їbo s blame іn.

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