Avs audio editor іnstructions іf costs. How can you start a robot with AVS Video Editor? All operations are available on the head form of AVS Video Editor

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AVS Video Editor

At that hour, when he poked his head into the mastery of the unintelligible functions of his not-so-pushed video editor, the newcomer looked at the articles and the immaterial screenshots in them, clearly unaware of the immutable descriptions. I will try to correct the camp, not tossing the lover with terms and keyboard familiarity, describing the robot in one of the programs, which is specially designated for a rookie recruit who is overhauled with a big deal.

The AVS Video Editor program, developed by the AVS Media team, is indispensable for quiet, who do not need to understand too much in the folding of non-linear video editing and to conduct video in video formats. for vlasniks mobile annexes I will record with the functions or video production given the program maybe a panacea, for most hour By eliminating the need for the software added to the add-ons, most often the visually neohainous and our stylistic phone with the camera zvdannya zovsim іnshі). Along with it, all of us are changing ourselves.

1. Installing programs

The trial version of the programs can be locked from the home side, from the single installer to the smithy maliy only 51 with a small megabyte. When you start the installation program, I'm glad to know that the welds with earth movers have:

This means that the interface will be installed by you programs - Russian, that knows how to minimize half of the problems, and without that minor problems.

The installation of a triva is not more than a hvilin, a re-entrapment operating systems do not run the program is already ready before the robot. I, as a bachimo, the program is not arbitrary: at the same time three additional add-ons were added to the system, AVS Audio Editor, AVS Mobile Uploader (respect, owners of mobile videos!) I, nareshty, AVS Project Mover.

To install AVS Video Editor, you do not need to run the restoration, but fix the robot in trial-version mode. To register the program (enter the restoration key), it is necessary to register from the Internet, some database of restoration keys, from which the program is played, to be stored on the server.

2. Robotic ear

Possibly s head programs to the package - the hero of the present day. Fans of minus "skins" of the program will be satisfied: the color scheme of the AVS Video Editor interface can be changed by clicking on the arrow in the upper right part of the window and the vibravshi from the list will be used.

The robot in the program, traditionally for awkward editors, is broken into a number of steps, you move on to whatever is necessary for an additional one to be seen in full view of the buttons that are rooted in the left part of the software window.

  • tab start including in itself such steps, such as Storage and Import Media;
  • tab rebuilding to allow zastosuvati to the clicks of the defect, insert the transitions between the scenes, and also add any sound and overlay the text on top of the video;
  • tab saving submit a list of formats, in which there is a possibility of exporting a ready-made film;
  • at the deposit recording there are options for a set of ready-made discs;
  • tab Dopomoga includes parts previdkova systems... Immediately it is possible to go to the Internet side, to find out (sorry, Russian language every day) animated lessons on robotics in this program.

Immediately after the launch of the program, browse the list of the remaining open projects, as well as do it on the butt. Wonderfully, just the first time we launched the program, did we get ready to project in the fathers with the documents of the koristuvach?

So, the whole program of the installation servedly completed the projects of short films, demonstrating all their possibilities by hand. Try to see if there are any re-insurance at the upper part of the project, take a look at the promotion of the clips on the timelines, transitions and titles. And now our own government project is being independently implemented.

Press the button " New project". At the moment, it is necessary to enter the name of a new project and, in order to make it possible to create a new project, by vibrating the required disk and folder.

It is up to you to sign the power to the project. At the upper part of the window, it is a matter of great pleasure to consider the need for the choice of the format, in which case you want a ready-made film.

There are a few adjustments in this window, you can get rid of an underexamined koristuvach, and in case of bazhanna, you can switch to an unannounced adjustment by pressing the button " simple mode". Here, you have already prepared the installation, in which it is not possible to bring in any new changes, by ourselves, from the day to day vipadkovo zipsuvati maybutniy film.

A detailed inventory of the skin format will not let you have mercy at the vibor. We'll try to burn a DVD-video disc using the original template.

3. Storage of video and import of files

If you need to process the material of your digital camera, then, first of all, you need to transfer the video from the camera to hard disk computer. Connect the camera to the computer and press the button drowning... The program will go to the video recording mode. If the camera is correct, then in the right part of the software window at the deposit Device become available її parameters. As long as your system has a number of annexes for storage - select the requirements from the list in the mountains.

Go to deposit Record... Here you need to see a folder, in which case you will be able to download the video. Yaksho vi want to burn a DVD good quality That інші parameters change does not follow.

The third tab behind rakhunk Sheduller you can be aware of that, if you don’t want a mother as a result of the burial of one great file, in which case you can set the automatic splitting of the flooded material to okremi files for an hour or so in megabytes. Immediately, the possibility of activating the automatic zupinki will be recorded at the end of the singing hour, or the formal communication of the files.

When the buttons are pressed Start drowning, if the hour at the deposit Device There will be a working file, you can see the triviality and size of the stored files. For an hour you can, by clicking twice on the video window, flip it all over the screen. When you finish drowning, enter the mode by pressing the button Close, I browse the list of files you have uploaded. See and import into your project by pressing the button import... If you want, the program will automatically break the video on the stage, meaning the warrantor is the point in the settings. With a high intensity of colors in the video picture and with different parameters, the program will automatically assign the scene change, and place the various tags, which will start the ear and the skin of the skin stage. For an hour at a time, it will not be necessary to have a practical module.

4. Video editing

Now, before you is a virtual mounting style, at the upper part of which there is media library(All imported materials are bought here), and the lower part is your maybutny film, which is built up from the last of the clips, which are made between transitions.

Everything here is simple and simple. In order to add it to the movie clip, to finish it with the mouse cursor, by pulling it, throw it on any of the timelines.

However, in front of the time you want to show the key on the timeline, it is often necessary to lightly "fetch", so that you need to pick up the cob and print frames. For a complete click on the required key, use the right mouse button and select from the menu, which is the item power.

You will be shown to the authorities to the clip, in which case you can set the cob and kintsev points to the clip.

Beast of respect on the first tabs of the whole window. tab speed to allow you to change the speed of the program - change or change the rate by 10 times with a crock of 0.1x. Here you can and adjust the sound for such a clue - or, if you are familiar with it, like in video, triviality, or if you have a call.

The meaning of these tabs is as follows: aspect revenge tools for changing the output of a video frame, power video displays information about video and codec, and power audio In addition to looking at the information, it allows the sound to be loud from -50db to + 20db (all the sound should be safer, it is not necessary without the special need to change the age).

Turning to the stem of the film and feeding the animals to the transitions. Push the button go over, Vibrate from library one of 284 transitions and pull it to timelines, adding to the prominence between the blocks.

Go, wake up in the program, complete the standard, and do not see a special development. Accurate adjustment is not needed - that is not necessary, because I will look at the majestic number of these options.

It is also simpler to add efficiency to the clues. Push the button Video Effects... A list is displayed to take revenge on 40 children who have been broken by category, efects. Vibrate coming and pull it with a wrench on the key that you can use to make it brighter.

Now it’s an hour to marvel at how we have lost the song of the broken one. Push the button Front. overlook It is located in the right part of the software window just above the timeline. As soon as I saw the glance, I didn’t allow it, but I didn’t see it, but it didn’t change the area.

The shape of the areas may be not only rectangular, but in the butt. Correspondingly, according to the type of effect of development, it is set up in the lower right code of the program window in case you see the path of the effect on the timeline.

Experiment with transitions and effects, even in some cases, navigate vipadkovo, you can ask for a variety of results.

Unfortunately, in the given program of the day, there is a possibility of editing the transitions and effects for additional key points, so that if you are stuck to some kind of cool effect of a black-and-white movie, then all of the same effect will be You can get around the trick if you change the hour to the effect: grab the teddy bear over the edge of your road, and pull to either side, changing or increasing the triviality.

Inserting titles in the project with a similar rank. push button They put it on. text produced before displaying fifty available front titles.

When you hover over Mish's cursor, be smart, the pictogram will show the butt of the animation of the potential titles. Vibrate to the front and pull the icon on the timeline. At the right side of the software window, as you want to, the power of titres will appear. Here you can enter your own text, as well as change the display between the text and the edges of the screen, vibrate the font and color.

push button dodatkovo The window is displayed with two tabs before displaying, where you can use the expanded settings for the text, such as clarity, tone, font outline, as well as the design: gradient fill and texture:

Finished with nalashtuvannya the most recent viglyad subtitle, set the triviality required. Beast of respect: a lot of animated titles split into two parts, one part is a triviality of animation, the right is a triviality of a static half of a title. The triviality of both parts can be changed simply by pulling them between the targets.

When working with robots, it is necessary to keep track of the effects and titles. So, if the title is guilty, take the lowest price on the timeline - the stench will not be remembered, being overwhelmed by any effect. The sequence of effects is also very important. Try to destroy the effect if you are stuck up or down as much as possible, sparing the result of such an operation at the glance of the video.

In a change of motion, roztashuvannya dorizhok with effects and captions control two buttons, which are located in the row of the toolbar timelines:

Many results can be achieved by applying one video on top of the other. Additional operations can be carried out in any bitchy video editor, and it’s even easier to be afraid.

Push the button They put it on. video, І import to empty from the library, be a video file (interconnecting one video is not necessary, you can also overlay a baby on top of the video).

And now, as the head, pull the required object on the timeline. In the first glance, the video will immediately appear, superimposed on top of the main one.

You can change the size of the video and its position in the frame right there in the non-boggling settings.

Alle non-rich settings are created, unless you hit the button dodatkovo.

In addition to such effects, such as the vision of the video and the border around the frame, here the presence of the uninitiated did not understand the function with the name рірпрокциі... On the reconversion, it seems that, for the sake of the name, there is a popular function called keying, tobto, turning on from the video frame of an unused color (the idea is often to be victorious often on TV-backed studios). In this case, there is a possibility of switching two colors, which are vibrated with the "Pipetka" tool.

The "exclusion" step of the color is set by the "Porig" step. If you see more of a threshold, some more close ones will be included. For example, if you vibrated like an etalon light-bright color, then with a threshold value of 100%, all at once with a color will be included in all close to a new color: bright, blue, light greens, etc. So, if you have a video or a picture with a one-color background - you can easily open the original video collage.

sound editing

Let's move on to the editing of the sound, not less than an important storehouse of a good film, not just a video. Push the button Dodati audio.

The interface has changed to a more beautiful one, having opened the tools for editing the sound:

Import to library sound file You want to add to your movie and drag it to the timeline. Rivn until the sound is given to the sound of the video, adjust for the additional module rivn audio, Scho wickle to the onslaught of the button.

As soon as there is a need for more precise sound control (for example, in singing moment for an hour you need to muffle the background music you put on), then there are key points. To set one such key, just click on the audio input with the right button of the mouse in the required music. What is the point below is the bottom of the sound in the whole message, and navpaki. From now on, the key point can be oversubscribed in any direct way, changing the sound by itself in a specific movement of the road.

It is also awkward to add a new comment to a film. Allow a little change, from which dzherela the program will record the sound. Natisnit in the program menu Options -> adjustment of the middle, І choose the dzherelo you need from the list. Immediately you can listen to the audio signal, which comes from the microphone.

Press the button from the microphone's pictogram. To show up, when the button is pressed OK I'd like to write.

Reviewing the video for an hour I will write it down so that you didn’t guess, it will take you an hour to speak your commentary in front of your eyes.

To trample so that the sound, giving to the film, will require a lot of editing, it’s not just a simple change. Here and now in the present one of the satellites programs, which were installed at once from the AVS Video Editor. See, for example, the track of the sound recorded from the microphone, and press the keyboard F4 for a button. AVS Audio Editor will automatically start and we will already be locked and preparing the sound for editing the file.

The potential of this program, at first glance, modest, the protagonist of a smart editor won’t cope with a bang, before that it’s not necessary to expand the functionality by enabling DirectX filters from third-party vendors. Here, these are often necessary functions, such as seeing the sound (when recording from audio cassettes, for example), adding a loonie, changing the timbre of the voice and a lot of tsikavich possibility.

In order to edit a file to sound, close the program to save the damage.

6. Export of material

The time has come to translate your project into the form that you will be taught - save the video in an easy-to-view format. draw a tab saving... At the left part of the software window there are pictograms of types of files, in which you can translate your film.

Yak bachimo, there are a lot of wider formats, such as MPEG and WMV, there is a presence here і RealMedia, і QuickTime, і, nareshti, know the owners of mobile attachments in 3GP and MP4 formats.

Having vibrated the format you need, click on the button, and go to detailed nalashtuvan... I will try to open the 3GP file, which is available for printing on a stylized telephone.

At vіknі vі you can bachiti chimalu a number of available nalashtuvans, or in the first place, the most beautiful vibrate will require a setting. Oops, there is more than enough to ensure that the video could not be removed with the help of such mobile outbuildings.

When you send a preset selection, you will lose all the time you need to adjust the frame and vibrate the folder, in order to save the finished film.

7. Disc side

Go to deposit recording here you can see the type of disks that can run the program. Yak can be seen on the little one, except for standard VCD / SVCD and XviD / DivX discs, and you can create your own powerful DVD. Not much clarification is needed: first, don't cut DVDs, please try to fix them on the menu. Press the button DVD Menu... At all times, the program's interface has changed to the point of not knowing it - after earning a module, which is responsible for authoring a DVD-video disc. Possibilities appeared before us.

The DVD-Video disc menu templates are now available at the top of the software window. All the stinks of the category are well-known for the theme of the design. Schob vikoristovuvati in a similar template, grab the teddy bear and pull the badge and pull it onto the empty black space. The reverse template is mittєvo appear on the whole virtual screen.

Evil from the screen is a virtual control panel DVD-programmer. If you leave early, click on the buttons - even we have no chapters. Yaksho vi do not see consumers in them - your right, fill the menu like this, yak є - with only one chance Play... And all the same, it’s all over the place to see the film, vibrating the needs of the episode. Let us then add a list of such episodes - chapters.

It is even simpler to set up the heads: just go to the hour of writing a quick promotion of the film, go to the required moment and press the button Dodati Chergov's head appears at the Liniytsi hour as a dotted line of a red color, and the name appears in the list. The title of the chapter can change a little bit of a meaning when the menu is opened, so that it can be done with precision and help you not get lost.

Before speaking, do not forget to push the button to the robot of the automatic head placement module auto supplement and choose one of three options.

For the arrangement of all chapters, beastly respect to the screen, your menu will be displayed. Bachite, under the screen there were new tabs with names відрізки 1, відрізки 2 etc.?

Tse automatically folds additional menus, which will take place on the number of chapters you have placed. Navigate through the menu to get started using the standard way for DVD-video discs - click on the buttons on the virtual control panel. On the little bottom of the guidance, the butt of such a menu. Do not be amazed at the fact that there is a presence here, write Russian language (in the program there are Russian templates). These templates are very extraordinary jpg-little ones, roztasovani in the work of the father's programs, and it is easy to change for the help of any graphic editor - insert your own text or find a photo.

To be built, to be able to work constantly in AVS Video Editor, in the daily menu for editing the menu, in order to be created completely fair, as long as it is possible to use the installer's programs.

When the menu is complete, proceed to the last step. Push the button DVD burn and vibrate smarter. It is recommended not to skimp and vibrate the profile high quality; for standard DVD disc record approximately one year of such a video.

Now, vibrate the folder, where you will get the video, and finish the message. When the program is finished, the program will be proprietary to burn the disk.

If you don’t bazhetely start before it’s gone (honestly, I don’t have to change the correct robot of the discarded disk for additional software programs), press the button Close- when you have a whole DVD-video file, it should be put on a hard disk in the same papa, as you said earlier. Now, at any hour, you can independently transfer them to the optical nose for the additional help of any other programs.

8. Programs-assistants

As I said, at the same time with AVS Video Editor in the system settled more three programs. yaksho sound editor AVS Audio Editor was already guessed, then no words were said about the two, which were overshadowed by the programs. For a wide variety of reasons: AVS Project Mover and AVS Mobile Uploader are designed for robots with material - projects or video files.

AVS Project Mover can be used to transfer a project, over the course of an hour, from one computer to another.

And the AVS Mobile Uploader module sounds like a master of mobile attachments, which can play videos, as a software backup, which is included in the set with this attachment. also programmatically secure In a large number of vipadks, it is necessary to use everything for a quick exchange of files between a computer and, for example, a phone, even more often it’s bulky and non-manual, surrounded by hundreds of unnecessary functions and programs.

The Danish module works with the Apple iPod without the need for it, it is correct to hide with the "lower" structure of the player's memory. For Apple iPod, AVS Mobile Uploader, the robot will receive more advanced video players, such as Sony PSP, Archos, Creative Zen Vision and mobile phones: re-list attachments (including specific models) Introduced in the report to the programs. Z'єdnannya with outbuildings is carried out with the help of USB, Bluetooth or IrDA.

Robots in AVS Video Editor to surpass the hostility of unimpressed creativity, the possibility of nestovkivtsya on marriage knowledge is practically all day long.

On the other hand, I will definitely take the peculiarity of AVS Video Editor for installing the loan program on a hard disk of only 57 MB, and for an hour the robot will even save the computer's resources economically. Ideal "old" video editor for robots on a laptop.

Sharing unregistered copy of the programs: after the additional programs, you cannot place the AVS Media logo behind the additional programs, so that it appears in the center of the skin frame for 30 seconds. The program is more functional.


For creative video-lovers and koristuvachiv often winnicky play their own video, in which it is possible to compose a few fragments into one, scatter smooth transitions between frames, add video results and audio data. Software for installing іsnu masa: from the professionals Sony Vegasі Adobe Premiere to awkward, amateur products in VirtualDub і MovAvi Video Editor. The year is discussed in detail, but it is awkward, as well as functional software for video editing for newbies AVS Video Editor.

Installing AVS Video Editor

Official site for the project - AVS-Video-Editor.

First, don't proceed to the installation procedure, you will need to link the distribution kit from the official website of the AVS4YOU company. We pass on the power of the sign, and the onslaught of the button "Download AVS Video Editor".

For that yak spoofing file will be locked up, it will start before the process of installation. Win pass in the minimum number of steps in literally two clicks.

Nareshty, the program is installed on the PC and you can repair the root of our masterpiece.

Єdine obmezhennya cat-free version- the price of the advertising banner of the virobnik company in the central part of the video. Be-like functional interconnection in the daytime. It is also obvious that in the AVS Video Editor program there is a Russian interface, but you can not help people from the lands of the SND and the near abroad.

What operations are available on the head form of AVS Video Editor?

The upper part of the form has a different upper menu.

Here you can go to see the project and start a new project, export or import media library (which is a set of video or graphic objects that can be included in your multimedia product). Reshta functions can be used by third parties software products from this company. So, you can connect the camera and record video a row from it, or shoot the captured video directly from the screen, speeding special program from the AVS Screen Capture line.

Diy, available in the "Edit" menu, are duplicated on the clock scale, the same functions, as there are many images, go, frame, color can be displayed in the context menu, so that you can click on the right click on the time-line.

The main sections for project management are located closer to the middle of the central form, and the same: "Projects", "Library", "Go", "Efekti", "Text", "Voice", "Menu" and "Stvority". The first two of them are to determine the function of the gateway and the choice of the final project for the robot, and the selection of elements for the installation process. Rashta razdіlіv vikonuyut the essence of the framing functions, and about them I’m going to go below, in the list of tools in the program for editing video for newcomers AVS Video Editor.

The first two categories for project management are briefly displayed.

The “Proekti” distribution has graphic buttons for the selection of a new project: “Import of media files”, “Loads from cameras” and “Loads of screens”.

All of these operations can be viewed in the "Library" section, about any distance and from the beginning.

The first childbirth "Library" is the center of the media library. Here are the buttons for importing from the camera or the screen.

If you need a visonati one of the best, the given button will appear even more brown. You can also speed up the top menu, and the very first section "File".

More designers have placed a mini-file manager, we can forgive the over-pulling of the brothers for the sake of composing your robots (there can be buti, audio and video files, graphic images, background templates). The control process is carried out with two lower buttons for adding and viewing folders in one go, as well as for changing catalogs.

At the center of the subform under the name "Samples" there are compact images of video, audio and image, which can be displayed in nariztsi.

On the right, there is a media container with buttons for managing the resulting video. Naklavshi filters, adding an effective text, you can look at the results of your work by running the video on the front view before the finalization. With a great aim and to serve the dane visibly.

Do you give us a program for editing video for newcomers AVS Video Editor?

Now let's talk about the possibilities of programs in the field of video editing and gluing graphic images.

Handrail with a button "Library" additional functions AVS Video Editor, but itself: go, effect, text, voice, menu (like є bazhannya to record the final result for editing on beautifully designed DVDs with interactive controls). Remaining in the row is the "Create" button, which allows you to add all your instructions to a single file, burn them to disk, or upload the result of your creativity to Facebook, or Flickr.

Zypinimya on the skin with cich і tools.

By the way, the transition to montage is a smooth transition to two frames on TV and in cinematography. Naybіlsh simple transition - tse gluing up. Ale AVS Video Editor allows you to make the transition not only to the image, but also to the video fragments.

Yak dodati crossed? Click in the menu to select the selection for managing the project to the item "Go to" and select the link you need. Then, having switched to the frame mode, drag the bear with the help of a teddy bear, which will allow you to switch to the arrow, which will distribute two earlier multimedia objects.

You can marvel at the result of your creative jokes at the window in front of the front glance on the right. For a joke that you need an epizod for an additional pozunka.

The same is visually similar to the video sequence. Effectiveness can be made in different ways: from a small picture on fragments of mosaic tiles to decorative sepia, panoramas and an old sketch.

You can add the effect by switching to the time scale mode and by dragging the teddy bear on the icon of the opposite effect from the library to the row for video effects (on the hour scale є another one behind the rack, sending the row for the main video).

By pulling it, I can hand over the effect to the effect, having seen the need for a swarthy and moving the cursor to the edge of the fragment. As soon as the cursor changes, you can speed up the swiftness, you can change it yourself, or make the effect more difficult.

There were also few options for text design in AVS Video Editor for video editing software for newbies. Here і color gradients for any relish, і іnіmаtsіy, і all kinds of titles, so allow you to re-create your TV in the detailed design of the comic or video presentation.

The way to add the text to the project is analogous to the previously described method of obtaining effects, so we will not be zupinatyat at any moment.

To record the voice, we need a microphone. It can be used like a headset, as well as inserting a microphone into a laptop. Everything you need to edit before recording is to adjust the soundness of the recording, vibrate the settings and dzherelo, specify the format you need, frequency, bitrate and the number of channels. With a bazhanna, you can get a little coverage with a voice feed and without recording, as well as a boundary, if you finish recording, you will be zupinen.

- the rest of the graphic design elements available in AVS Video Editor. The menu of the disc goes through the list of steps. The menu is more versatile and rich, you can arrange it in a singing style, add it to the head or add content to everyone.

To create a style, select the "Styles" section in the "Disc Menu" category and select one of the templates available in the program. If you want to create your own powerful style, it is possible to change it, if you select the "Template" option in the menu and drag it from the library, a video clip will be added to the lower menu in the field " Working area". It will be displayed on the menu when you are closed.

Dal is transformed into a section of "heads". When pushing the “head” button in the “Disc Menu” section, place the ear on the hour scale, when the chapter is repaired and press the “Add” button over the time scale. As a result, a new chapter of your video will be shot.

Created the menu under the name "Content" duplicating the functionality of the root of the template from the library of samples, described earlier.

Methods of graphic and audio design for a project

All operations from the visual and audio-visualization of the video can be viewed using two additional methods: placing the view sectors on the clock scale in the frame-up mode. You can change the time scale and the frame-up mechanism by pushing the button in the right part of the screen below.

What is the difference between the frame and time scale?

The frame-up mode allows you to adjust the rows for the main video: to enable, such as video fragments and graphic images will be included in the final version of the project, and as the composition of the effect will serve for the transition between warehouse parts... To put a video file or a picture on the line, you need to drag the object from the library to the empty block in the lower panel, or on the arrow, which will distribute two interactive elements (in the case of a combination).

The mode of the time scale is functional. Here, the skin in rows has shown its own type of objects: the first row is designated for the main video, the other - for video effects, the third - for overlaying the first video over the main one, the fourth - for texts, etc. A similar scheme is used when multitrack audio-composition is opened, de-skinning from smog to serve its own note.

On top of that, our cover-up guide for editing video and graphic images in AVS Video Editor has added a picture. The program for editing video for newcomers from British vendors is easy to manage, it’s not a lot of time for mastering and all the necessary functionality for completing the video clip with the help of the TV industry.

touch the qih forgive the instructions So it’s easy to go to the main ideas and bring your creative ideas into reality.

Croc 1 Add and install AVS Video Editor

croc 2 Launch AVS Video Editor and add video

run the program AVS Video Editor... To start a new project, you can add the required video, vikoristovuyu rіznі dzherela:

    If you need to add more files to the current project, you will need to select the buttons import, drowning abo drowning ekranu, Roztashovany in razdilі media library.

    To navigate through the multimedia files, add them to the program, pick up folders, roztashovani zliv. Files can also be sorted by category behind the help of buttons, Files and Effects area.

    Uvaga: In the skin category of multimedia files you can find a number of ready-made zrazkiv.

    croc 3: Give video to the Hour Scale

    Schob zastosovuvati to video development efekti, from a collection of requirements for the support of yogi on. I will import into the program new file for additional buttons on the side targeting the project The file will be automatically added to hour scale... It is necessary to add a decal file to hour scale, I'll hand it over. Vibrate required video file in File and Effects Areasі, do not allow the misha button, Drag yogo onto a nipper row scale hour, Then let go of the Misha button, then play the video here:

    Now all preparatory activities are completed, and you can start before additional transitions, recording of newer effects, overlaying titles of any video recordings over the main video, sounding out of the episodes and the end of the DVD from the menu.

Follow these cues, so it’s easy to go to the basics and bring your creative ideas into reality.

Croc 1 Add and install AVS Video Editor

croc 2 Launch AVS Video Editor and add video

run the program AVS Video Editor... To start a new project, you can add the required video, vikoristovuyu rіznі dzherela:

    If you need to add more files to the current project, you will need to select the buttons import, drowning abo drowning ekranu, Roztashovany in razdilі media library.

    To navigate through the multimedia files, add them to the program, pick up folders, roztashovani zliv. Files can also be sorted by category behind the help of buttons, Files and Effects area.

    Uvaga: In the skin category of multimedia files you can find a number of ready-made zrazkiv.

    croc 3: Give video to the Hour Scale

    Schob zastosovuvati to video development efekti, from a collection of requirements for the support of yogi on. If you import it into the program file behind the additional buttons on the side targeting the project The file will be automatically added to hour scale... It is necessary to add a decal file to hour scale, I'll hand it over. Vibrate required video file in File and Effects Areasі, do not allow the misha button, Drag yogo onto a nipper row scale hour, Then let go of the Misha button, then play the video here:

    Now all preparatory activities are completed, and you can start before additional transitions, recording of newer effects, overlaying titles of any video recordings over the main video, sounding out of the episodes and the end of the DVD from the menu.

Feel free to accept the project - please, thank you!
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