Yak recruit people into a group. Yak zrobiti more than the front-end on VKontakte: five two ways

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Social hemispheres - to achieve an easy and divine way of making a brand new, starting the promotion and informational content, with the possibility of selling advertisements in paid posts. And the more and more active the audit of the group, the more efficient the activity in the Internet.
For the rest of the rocky adverts social fringes became one of the most popular types of business. Tse is tied, in the first cherga, with the development of social majdanchiks in general, and in VKontakte zokrem.

By recruiting front-end users to the VKontakte group by the way of buying advertisements or self-sucking, people can reach the set in a short hour, whether it be popularization of a brand / business in a wide range, or the possibility of dividing with their ideas of people and creative people.

With a paid set of front-end boards, it is necessary to set up given to the process With a special retailer, some examples of spiwpratsya with wrapping services can be brought up to sanctions from the side of the administrative social net. In the morning, it is possible to eliminate not only a team-hour ban, but a blocking without the possibility of renewing a group.

VKontakte itself is like a social fringe, like a blockage of spirituality for breaking the rules without the ability to be justified and be the rank of punishing. There may be some other reasons: parts of scarg koristuvachiv, great number bots replace active front-end users. The main part of the blocking is brought to the "young" Pablik, as well as vicarious third-party services for boosting front-end users, likes, comments.

I will mark the necessary set of front-end boards in the VK group

Just as it was meant to be, the number of front-boards is one of the main indicators of popularity in the Internet. More auditorium groups, more expensive advertising sales. For example, if there is a desire to maintain an Internet store and constantly update itself with new, original and new, relevant content, it’s not possible to sell it. As soon as you wind up the bots (automatically opened by the account computer), the statistics will not go back to the online store, but the group itself, some of the bots are completely inactive.

The main methods for recruiting front-end users to the VKontakte group

Cheat. Take the food, as a rank, get enough front-end users in the VKontakte group; And it is logical, also in the Internet, mainly with advertisements, and to invite bloggers with a great audience to advertise not very often other ways of showing up in the net. You can add brute-force accounts, boost bots and offers.

  1. Brutus - the price of a submission to a group of evil accounts koristuvachiv, which, as a rule, do not go to your side for a long time. Evil viroblyayut for the help of automatic brute-force passwords.
  2. Both are also referred to inactive profiles, which are set up automatically from the list of special programs. So it’s like Brutus itself, it’s stinking to be blocked off, scraps of viciousness for mass subscriptions to different groups.
  3. Offer - people live with accounts. For a singing penny wine town, the smell of stinks enters into the art of alcohol and vyroblyayut be-like tsilovi diy: comment on records, share material, put the signs "Befit for me." The offer allows for the shortest hour and a rather small budget to receive up to a group of large number of front-end users. Naygolovnіshe here are those who all stinks of the fair side (I want often and fakes). The front plates bathe on special birzha. The average number of thousands of front-end boards will cost approximately 500 rubles.

The best way to raise auditing is not to think of absolutely any practical corysty, except for the hitchhiker: there are only a few front-end users. Yearly, the account, whether it be Brutus, bot or an offer, is blocked for overwhelming activity, and sportsmanship is reminiscent of dogs, to be with distant profiles. Until then, a piece of stuff like a group can also be called up to a blockade.

Іnveyting. There is a simple way to preserve the production of decilcom in dozens or hundreds of front-end users - requests to your friends and ask them to grow the same with your friends list.

Only friends can send the request. In other words, if you want to spin the group, you can add people to friends and immediately ask to subscribe to the group. According to the rules of social networking, you can send applications to friends up to 50 times and no more than 40 invites.

Uninvolved for safety, Daniy sposib To complete the group as much as possible, as long as it is possible, but from the backward numbers in the direction of the request for the message, no more than 30% are taken out. There is also a proposal for paid inviting on special maidanchiks. Ale such servants, as a rule, will miss the list of spam robots.

Targeted advertising. Tsei sposib proponu itself is a social fringe. However, for the whole it is necessary to carry out the further development of your target audit, vibrate the format of the dull, write the graphic illustrations and write a fancy headline. The deputy of the servant will rally for the result - clicks or show the naked koristuvacham. For this purpose, the budget of the advertising campaign is not overwhelmed;

Paid advertising in groups. It’s just one day to redo the promotion of the promotion of the VKontakte group. Yogo sense polyag in the fact that it vibrates and differs in the thematic groups of nudity, the stems from powerful materials (here you can pick up text, pictures, audio and video recordings), people will be able to see it in a flash, awake ...

You can substitute advertising in thematic groups in a number of ways: contact the administrator directly with the list of specialties, substitute the service for the official birzh of social networks, or by turning to third-party maidans. Part of the service is to lay down on the popularity and statistics of the group, in which the distribution of the advertising post is displayed. When you choose the spirit of the next animal, I respect not only the topic, but also the behavior of the audience: the signs “Befit to me”, reposts, comments. At the same time, the group has earned its popularity by cheating, the purchase of advertisements will be marnoy and will not bring an audience surge.

Yak bezkoshtovno dial peredplatnikiv in the VKontakte group

To get an audit without an investment penniesі conducting an advertising campaign, it is necessary to educate patience and creativity. The price is necessary in order for the auditorium to know the tsikavim and cinnamon for themselves.

Often the administration of the group is responsible for most of the most popular publications of the post - it is fixed in the mountains on the cob side, so when a group is brought in, people have repaired the knowledge of the group itself. In addition to the roving and informational wizard, such a post can be at the viglyadi rosigrash, who has been pledged to motivate people to sign up for the opportunity to play anyway. Krym tsiy to bezel-less ways to promote a group on VKontakte to be reported:

  • Stagnation of services on the cheat of front-end platforms.
  • Optimization of the group by way of publishing content.
  • Send a message to your friends about joining before sleeping.
  • Zaєamnyy pіar with інshih thematic groups.

middle of services card-free wrapping Possibly: Vktarget, Bosslike and Olike. The most popular services for cheating front-end platforms in the VKontakte group. However, it is not a matter of course that the increase in the number of front-end boards in a higher rank is achieved to a good result (number and quality are not the same here).

It is easy to get rid of the wrapping services: you have enough registration, you can set the form of registration from the values ​​of the address of the group and the necessary number of front-end users. Of course, it’s obvious that you cannot install a stable front-panel base in this way. As a rule, on these birzhes, fake accounts are given, as through the overworld activity (subscriptions for sports goods, likes, etc.)

Activity does not lie in the number of front-end platforms. To visit with hundreds of living people, as they are about the theme of spirits, the front-panel speakers will be more commentary, put the signs "Befitting to me" and presented with novelties, not a thousand unnatural rank of spamming spam robots.

Call in social framing groups to joke about the possibility of interacting with people with similar interests. In order to do this, collect a lot of VK front-boards, it is important to optimize the name of the group, please key words for noise systems for the ranking of the spilnoti on the first sides of the pochukovoy vidachi.

Yak to get the front-end users in the VKontakte group for a penny

Without a stand-alone way of recruiting pre-payers into the trade, you can not expect a guarantee of success (in other words, for a fee). Lyudin is ready to pay for the improvement of the audit; effective tools, middle of which:

  • Contextual advertising.
  • Special services for cheating (about how you already lost food).
  • Fakhіvtsі in the field of SMM (freelancery).

The remaining point - freelance - allows you to find a professional and for the establishment of terms that do not damage the power of power, take away the result. Here, it is not important to discuss in advance what methods of obtaining the front of the plate are permitted, and how - fence through the ineffectiveness of the possibility of eliminating the blocking of the group.

Zokrema, recommended unicati paid services, Takі yak VkLike, TurboLiker, group promotion onkontakte.rf і t. D. Subscribe services work approximately behind one scenario: people who want to spin pages in social networks, send messages to D. and on them, screwlessly unscrew the power projects.

The stench is not included in the content of the bedroom. If in a ten hour such an account is blocked through the overworld activity, it does not change, as a result of which the stench will be lost in the letters of the dog ( from a remote account) І read public statistics. Even if there are blocked coristors in the front of the group, you need to see it right away, some of the stench is worth lowering the position of the group, and you need to take it to get busy.

In the Danish hour of social networking, VKontakte is on the first position in the list of the most recent Russian websites. Tom side s viskim rіvnem Having looked at this resource, you can look at it as a kind of advertising platform for your website and become a wonderful tool for your promotion. Traffic, received on VKontakte, can be reversed make a sound in kilka raziv, udin, scho is required - front plates. Yak zrobiti bagato peredplatnik_v VKontakte? There are five ways and gladdens to help you reach the desired result.


VKontakte recently appeared new option transform applications for simple front-end boards. It’s a great way to wind up the front-end VKontakte without koshtovno. The key aspect of the given method is the rejection of a large number of requests from friends. Declare about yourself: let the prokhannya in the comments of the posts of the small groups, all the way let the nobility know about your friendship. In addition, in different groups according to your interests, you can vibrate a few people and send an application for additional payments to friends. There can be no more than 20 applications of the same kind per day. Before submitting an application, it is important to read the sides of the people, turn over, so that the stench comes to you for interests, looks, and on the sides there are no different pictures.

Іgri yak sposіb increase in front ofplatniks

There is a great number of additions to the collection of thousands and millions of gravitas around themselves. Same gri - one of the options for the feed about those who grow up more than the platform on VKontakte. Install the most popular programs to your side, walk 10-20 rivn, you are very grateful, and you - real lyudina... Join the spirit of pre-production, in such a way, join with the other gravels. In a dozen hour, it is guaranteed that you can check applications to friends from new knowledgeable ones, that your applications will not be accepted. At the same time, do not forget to transfer friends to pereplatniki. Danish method In addition, as it is more than a platform for VKontakte, it is generic and hard-working, but it’s insanely playing.

Relevant topic of the group - conspiracy to success

Such a simple trick, as the name of the group, can be a wonderful solution to the fact that it is more than a platform for VKontakte. The topic of the group is guilty but is relevant, for example, name the kind of films and serials - a miracle of solution. In the present hour, the system will show the results and the offensive rank: a collection of films, and a song - one group. If only a small number of people are assigned to a group, all one will be displayed in the results of Yandex.com, Google.com and other noise systems. And tse means that in a ten hour the payroll in the country is bigger.

Follow your group

Do not overload your alcoholic beverages with self-fuel. Come up with a competition, post comments, master the experience and publish tsikavi photographs, klipy. It is important to consistently drive interest in an explicit audit, so that new front-end users do not fuss about checking.

Programs and services

to run special programs, How can I help you with the news about those who can grow more than the front page of VKontakte. Cob software is available, inexpensive, and new and updated functions are available for a fee. However, it is a good option for obtaining a cob audit.

Vvazhaєtsya, how much more friends you have and who are in front of VKontakte, your side is popular (div.). Mothers in the social circle of a decal of thousands of friends (div.), The natural path is given only to people, who may become popular in real life, or in svitovy pavutins. Spivaks, bloggers, politicians, etc. On the other side, you can have a great number of front-end boards.

And what about yak buti koristuvacham? What is needed to change, schob wind up a bagato front page vkontakte?

As a matter of fact, there is no particular folding here. I ways to get rich. I'll show you the basics.

Video lesson: yak zrobiti bagato peredplatnikiv in vk

In return for a friend

The principle is the way of the field in the offensive. We can start sending people friend requests. Some of them are accepted, and become our friend. In a matter of hours, we saw people with friends, and we became our front-of-payer (div.).

It is necessary to indicate that in the bag, half of the display. Ale sposib all one is unpalatable pratsyuє.

It is possible to send applications to friends without any need, or through special groups.

Submitting the application without prior

We know the side of being like a people, and also on the list of your friends.

Here we go through the list of skin people, and send my request to friends.

We have є 40 applications per day (div.). Rozsilaєmo і chekaєmo.

Take orders through the group

Є There is a large number of groups, where people can be friends with each other.

Ydemo in poshuk, i write "Give it to friends"... Vibrantly from a group, and we go to it.

Here we need to know about the common denunciations, from the proposition to add to friends. Nachebto such.

Go to the page to the crowd, and send them an application.

If you get enough friends, you can go to the favorite one. We need to translate them into peredplatniki (div.). Yak tse zrobiti?

See the side of any friend, and the menu "In your friends"... Click on the item "Come with friends".

Daniy koristuvach will be tidying up with friends, and transferring to the status of a front-payer. And we need it for the best!

All the advancing methods are directed to those who need to increase the number of applications in friends, and in front of your party.

Cheat on vkontakte pereplatniks through the turboliker service

We already knew him. Axis look around -. Let us now recruit peredplatnikiv in VK.

Ydemo in service:


V special cabinetіdkrivaєmo razdіl "Front plates", іn the onset of the onslaught, "wind up".

This year's social network "VKontakte" is not just for spilkuvannya. Some people know how to play music and video, but they have a wonderful opportunity to spin up their own product for an additional set of magnificent numbers of front-panel speakers. However, it is not a skin know how to type in front-of-the-line people in VKontakte. Let's get rid of it, how can it be done.

Two ways to dial

There are two ways to set up front-end boards - I will hand you and for the additional help of special wrap-up services. The first way, like in a sense, is more laborious, however, in case of koristuvanny їm, you can not be afraid of pidhopiti virus. In special services, however, they often offer a high standard.

Will I wind the yak?

  1. We go to our side.
  2. Vibrate the tab "My group" and the joke is hammered into "Dodati in friends".
  3. Posshuk to see you a lot of groups, as a specialty to go on a joke in front of the payers and friends.
  4. Vibrating according to all groups and in the skin it is written on the wall like: "We are adding to friends! On my side there is a lot of tsikavogo!".
  5. Chekaєmo effective!

How to wind up a yak for an additional service?

How can you recruit participants to the group of Odnoklassniki shvidko through different programs? How to recruit people and front-runners, do not fight for your side - read the article.

Social framing Classmates are insistent to please their koristuvachs by being united in a group. Tsei directly on the current day, one of the most relevant on the site. The number of such spirits can be meaningfully developed. The busyness of being a hobbyist, the process of making calls, organizing calls, exchanging novelties and corny information, as well as welfare, establishing the idea of ​​people and companies, of developing business-to-business types, and rejecting

It’s even easier to find the group’s activity in Odnoklassniki. Yak to open your group, and then, as you need it, you see, we are sure to see you. And Tim, who would like to be an ordinary participant in the spirit, also, as you can join the Internet connection and go out if necessary.

Ale, how to sing the admission of the Internet-education, to talk to people is not a cob stage, but it’s more important and more important to know effective ways, Yak type peredplatnik_v in Odnoklassniki in the group. We'll talk about it.

On the site there are simple mechanisms, which allow you to independently engage in group members. Don't hesitate: the ranks of the participants in the spirit and the administration have gotten the rights. Among the good groups (such, it is true, it’s not easy to be tempted), it’s not allowed to ask new people for the evil ones. There is a lot of communication and activity. If an ordinary participant wants to, he has the right to send the request only to his friends. And the axis of the administrator be-like koristuvachev.

Razberemosya, how to recruit people in a group in Odnoklassniki, go to the site through a computer. This is the way to go and for the wicked ones and for the administrators:

    Vidkryєmo razdil "Friends";

    Then hover the cursor over the photo of the one to whom you plan to ask to come to the group;

    The menu has a row "Request to the group";

    Finishing the process, pressing the "Request" button, in the newest versions, it is not necessary to navigate through the request to "see" immediately by sending the selection of the group.

I want to trail and ossichki. The request for permission is not to be seen, since the process has fenced off the administration of the group. For your friend is in the publicity through the form, but does not allow asking him for alcoholism.

And all at once I’m ready, yak ask a friend to join the group, vikoristovuchi mobile version Odnoklassnikiv, tobto on the phone:

    We pass to the profile of a koristuvach;

    From the head photograph, three points are known from the right side and an onslaught on them;

    The menu has the option "Request to the group";

    An unmistakable group, one yak;

    The request was sent, stamped on the "Send" button.

The manual method of completing the participants is not super-fast. Ale can speed up the process.

You will not need to spend an hour dial the participants The Odnoklassniki group is not only smart, but even cheaper - it will be an excellent ear for the development and development of your project or ideas.

Read the instructions, like quickly type a group in Odnoklassniki:

    Go to the group side, in the menu for the main photo you will find the option "Request friends", click on the similarity;

    There is a chance to see a stream of people, who were already talking about;

    Vibrate whoever you want to ask for, or put a sign close to the command "Vibrati all";

    To confirm your solution, press the "Request" button at the very bottom of the side of the page.

Ale to bestial respect: the ominous function of "Vibrati all" is not varsity. If I want to help you solve the problem yourself, just type a group in Odnoklassniki. Administration of the site is populated, scho Masove Rozsilannya You can be qualified as spam. So, it’s like the list of your friends is not stored in dozens, but in hundreds of people, not after the requested one is sent to all along the way. Rob tse in parts, about 20-40 send for doba. Your profile can be blocked.

And now let me tell you about those who have joined the group, who didn’t become your friends. This kind of thing cannot be seen as “classmates”, but only administrators. As soon as you have started your own alcoholic goods and you want to ask new people to grow up the number of crocs:

    Please see the profile of the guest;

    From the head photograph of the owner, refer to the option "Inshi diy";

    Viber the function "Request to the group";

    Vkazhіt ob'єdnannya, kudi you want to ask tsy koristuvach;

    Submit confirmation by clicking on the "Request" button.

In telephony or inshu mobile annex The group adminstrator can be empowered to request everyone without a blame for koristuvach, and not just friends. For a large demand, you can use an algorithm for descriptions earlier.

We looked at the methods, like recruiting participants in a group in Odnoklassniki, proponated by the site itself. The stench is a hundred hundred thousand worth of safety and superiority. Yakshcho just not nadto zakoplyuvatisya rozsilkoy ask. As soon as you change the limit, the rulings of the administrative social framing, there may be problems. And that means, even high shvidk_st Predbannya peredplatnikov rozvinuti not vyditsya. Ale є і інші ways to allow people to join a group in Odnoklassniki. For example, zmusiti їkh themselves will add to your spirituality. If you can achieve it, you will get more and more.

Before the speech, you don’t break a group or you don’t know the front plates, if you don’t see a social border. In our articles “How robiti, as if they were blocked by Classmates” and “What is wrong with the site of Classmates”, you will know practical pleasure, how to help correct the situation and get around the fence.

I’m sure you’re planning to run your business not only in Odnoklassniki, but in other social framing, marvel at the website avi1.ru. There is a selection of bagato Corinthian information about 9 internet-spilotakh.

On Odnoklassniki, there are already dіє ponad mіljon groups. Exactly a few do not know how to navigate the site's administrator, as they appear to be, they are crooked. With such a magnificent vibor, it will be even more difficult to know your front desktops. It is important for that more patiently and constantly to lead the robot in a whole straight line. When all the entrances are spotted, it will take a long time to collapse on the right. If you want deyaki priyomi, like recruiting people into a group in Odnoklassniki, help, without violating the rules, make the process more efficient.

Try otrimati auditorіyu already rokruchennyh spіlnot. For example, for an online store you will need mid-century front plates, especially female statics. Vvazhaєtsya, it’s the very best to bathe a comrade in a fancywork. It means that you are going to be brutally respectful to the parties with the theme of culture, housekeeping, vikhovannyu children and children. How can you include the participants from the other groups in your own:

    Go to your profile, then - to the “Group” section, choose the topic and craft products, even without participants, and sign up for a new one;

    As a front-end, go to the group side, marvel at the rest of the publications, vibrate at that, how many classes and census were rejected, and they see the most active participants, you need to make friends with them;

    To see the change of front-desktops of the group, go to their profiles and ask your friends, to send your skin needs to the person who was sent, to make friends from us all at once, do not leave such options in Odnoklassniki.

And the axis, if people become your friends, you can request them to your group with one click, the algorithm has been written down.

An offensive safe and effective option, like recruiting people into a group in Odnoklassniki, is a good way to get a great exchange with other people. If you are close to the same as yours for a number of participants, you will call the administrator. Knowing him is awkward, you need to be amazed at the information from the left side of the head photo in the section "About the Group". One is the creator of a group of admissions, ale is a list of moderators, who can become mediators in negotiations. Propagate kerіvniki ob'єdnannya pochati perekhresniy pіar. Look for a group on your side, and you want to give you the same service. You can exchange posts, video materials, posilanny.

Yakraz Internet-addresses (posilannya, ID) groups - another tool for the secure access to front-end platforms. Options for distributing the MA ID: insert them into the private pages, comments, statuses, signatures, posts, on the sidelines in the other social framing, substitute your friends on the souvenirs. Tim, I don’t know how to make a decision on a group, it is recommended to get to know our material.

You need to know that you haven’t fueled or expanded the information about your group, it’s no use, since the group’s side is frowning and empty. The basis for the success of the spilnost is the persistent and “appetizing” publication. There is little podbati about those who like to recruit participants in a group in Odnoklassniki, їkh demand for zatsіkaviti і utrimati.

Crazy, a successful group needs not only its own audience, but the activity of the participants is also visible, so you have a chance at once catch likes in Odnoklassniki with wholesale books and new options.

Find priyomi, as you can help the viconatie tse zavdannya. First of all, prepare yaskravi, cheat texts. If you don’t mind writing yourself, take a command or substitute a fahivtsa robot. In a different way, place the post two times for doba, the minimum is one, approximately in the 7th year of the evening, if there is activity on the site. Thirdly, if the test is to finish the great one, to share it on the porch. Shave off the rospection at the most attractive mice, you will be intriguing, and check out the continuation, for example, every other day. It’s a lot to turn around, to know the picture. The whole method is good for overwhelming food: give in a foreign group a fragment for your own alcoholism and propose to go over to read the final.

When distributing materials, do not forget about interaction, get the participants of the group in the game. For example, before the post, you can add thematic experience. Koristuvachi invite you to kindly send short questionnaires, such as supervising text, photographs or video clips. Think of food and three options to appear awkward, and such a publication will help you to improve your audience.

On the development of interactive activities and new tool- test. Site Classmates to actively support the development of groups and give instructions for the development of the group.

Testing is also possible because of the strength of the koristuvachi, the zyasuvati of the perevagi. Probe the auditorium for the owners of online stores, and for the public. Besides, the test is a trick. Spend these publications before any day, let's give thematic tests before Christmas dates, and for the most active koristuvachiv, come up with zahochennya.

Effectively, there is one more type of grid competition for the popularity of the middle of the front panel. With a virtual option, it is easy to do it. And the distribution of elephants would be enough for a gambling fellow. Choose a theme and form. Nayprostishe is a photo contest for the most beautiful signature, for the original status (just forgetting about beautiful statuses, mi razpovimo okremos). Browse to the next heading and memorize the form.

Crack: the organizer of the zmagannya is guilty of being honest, and the rules of the competition are different. The hour spent, the presentation of the prizes and the awarding of prizes - all important steps must be met before the start, so that there are no problems. The competition can become a visual advertisement for your group. Ale yakshcho vіn conduction is incorrect, vyde zvorotny efect.

І nareshty, baked, ale zovsim not bezel-less way for a set of peredplatniks in a group - advertising. You can replace it on the whole site or on third-party resources. The topic is great, to that we have assigned the їy okremu article "Advertising in Odnoklassniki: how to develop and establish a campaign."

We have guessed to you the best methods of recruiting people into a group in Odnoklassniki. For the sake of it, it's bigger. In order to achieve popularity, the skin will know the most powerful ways and priyomy, which will be more beautifully blown out to you. There is no overwhelming recipe, follow our recommendations and try something new. And why should you be smart, how you screwed up your audience, you should be amazed at the statistics in your group.

And I want to make a mistake, in Odnoklassniki it is possible not only to develop your group, but to earn money on a special side, like a zim zamatisya, mi podilimosya. And then you can open a secret, like downloading music from Odnoklassniki and adding a video to your computer or phone.

Yak type the participants in the group in Odnoklassniki for additional help programs

We were able to recruit members into a group in Odnoklassniki using our own forces and absolutely uncooked methods. Ale deyakі koristuvachі perekonanі, but without special programs, the highest result will not be seen. You can't cope, you can, for someone this option is the most beautiful. Ale chi will be baked? Installing on a computer programmatically secure from an unknown author, see if you want to download and upload viruses. Besides, you can't get a message out of your mind. The average rate of jumping is 20-35 dollars. Crumbs, ale dumb guarantee, that a penny will be released. Tim, who is firmly aware of the programs for recruiting pereplatniks in a group in Odnoklassniki, glad: joke about the buys of software buyers. And we will not give any estimates, but simply a smack of options that are most likely to be found in the framing:

Mayzhe skin day on the whole market there are snakes. It is new, but old is old. Before Tim, as a residual vibration of the program, it would be corny not only to read the guides, but to protest and try the version.

The programs for bridging front-desktops in Odnoklassniki (and the first social media) have a lot of competition. The price of service, how to smell analogous services. Damo a lot of practical recommendations, like recruiting participants to a group in Odnoklassniki, who did not win a penny on the wind. Signs of good service:

    The site is still popular in fancy, having earned positive messages from deputies;

    The company is not the first month on the whole market, a solid experience of the viclik to dovir, and the first one is two sufficient terms;

    If the deputy is not allowed to go through the restoration;

    Service pratsyu with a revised payment system;

    The company has a guarantee, it is directly said about them;

    Spіvrobіtniki service quickly and clearly see on your power supply.

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