There is a list of recommendations for the identifier. According to the order of the Russian mail

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Online service for providing postal updates to the site to help you determine the status and the location of your business by Posting Russia to be delivered.

The national postal operator of the Russian Federation "Post of Russia" has received a good receipt for the delivery of postal dispatches to the territory of the Russian Federation and the largest powers. At the latest national postal operator, the invoice is issued for both internal and international provisions. As soon as the oversight of the ordering and of the postal directions is carried out in the borders of Russia, then it is possible to find a unique 14-digit identification number, which can be stored in digits, and with the international oversight of the 13th symbol of the Latin alphabet.

Offense The numbers conform to the S10 standard of the All-round postal link and the delivery of the order on them can be validated as a proof, as well as the post-delivery.

Special features of the rooms in the development of the posilok Poshti Rossiya

The track number of the Post of Russia is viewed according to the types of conditions and is viewed by its own view.

  1. Packages, recommended sheets and other items may have a 14-digit number.
  2. Provisions and parcels are followed by a 13-digit code (4 letters and 9 digits).


    • First 2 liters to code-type of referral
    • 9 digits - forwarding code
    • Remaining 2 Literi - Land of Prosperity Improvement
  1. Send EMS track number to be repaired from Literi E

Support for the type of direction ZA..HK, ZA..LV (Aliexpress)

The managers of the sp_vpratsi Poshti Rossii danii type of fittings from Alyekspres is adopted by the simplified system of registration, which allows the work to be overridden even more cheaply. Varto vrahuvati, which type of delivery can only be provided on the territory of the country of the adjudicator, if there is a proper order for the territory of the dispatch, if the status of the delivery arrives at the moment of handing over, you will receive an analogous payment. The standard delivery term is set to 25-30 dB from the moment of dispatch.

Supply of seating ZJ..HK (JOOM)

Possibilities with a number, how to take revenge on the cob of ZJ letters are the same as propositions from the Internet store Joom, which is also a sp_vpratsyu from Post Russia. The Danish type of delivery is budgetary and mainly used for the delivery of cheap goods and at the same time there is a wide range of functionalities. On the right, there can be one of three statuses when Joom is available:

  • The setting is adjusted
  • The setting has arrived before the end of the day
  • Desired by the addressee

So that your effort will not be considered in all stages of delivery, it is only important to know about those that the goods were sent, or else it was necessary before the postal delivery, if seen.

Problems related to the supply of supplies to Russia?

In some cases, there are problems with the development of the Poshti Russia. Most of the time, there are reasons for:

  1. An insufficient hour has passed since the moment of updating the order, and the number has not yet reached the base date, so an insufficient hour has passed since the moment of updating. Varto pam'yatati, which term can last 7-10 days.
  2. Vidpravnik specifying the wrong vidtezhennya number. At any given time, please check the number of the copyright holder and copy it correctly from the row of the publication on our website.

How do you meet the prospect of Poshti Russia?

The status of the delivery by the post office company "Post of Russia" is extremely simple: for this you need to enter a unique track code of the delivery in the row of delivery. When ordering a number, click on the "View" button and read the current information about the status of your message to the Post of Russia.

If you need to take care of the information at once about the update of the Russian Post, then register in the special cabinet for the online service of the website, and go to the correct format for the correct skin correction.

In order to make sure that you have your order at any mail order, go to our

Yak vіdstozhiti rukh posilki from behind the cordon?

For the purpose of making changes to international postal dispatches (MPS), a postal monitoring system has been broken up, the head instrument is a unique delivery number - a tracking number. The whole number of the warehouse is stored in digital and letter symbols, and can also be duplicated in the form of a barcode. Everyday postal logistic terms of the possession of barcode scanners and, if the IGO pass through such a terminal, the given number is read out and used on the server of the international postal system and monitoring.

The managers of the ts_y system_ of knowledge about the process of roztashuvannya MPO is much easier. Zrobitis can be found on the websites of state postal services and private logistic companies. The most important thing to know is the service for the service - trackers, how to unite the system and the service of the bagatech countries and private peers.

So also the tracking number?

Tracking number - tse number for the delivery of your mail order, which is nadaa postal services. The number for the implementation of standardizations by the Svitovy Post Office Union and the mauvoru structure.

Standard international number vidstezhennya maє viglyad XX123456789XX:

  • The first letters indicate the type of delivery, for example, CA-CZ - the package with the delivery, EA-EZ - the express delivery, sent to one of the international express delivery services, for example, EMS, RA-RZ - the other recommended package for delivery, LA LZ - additional package without accessories
  • give a unique eight-digit code, and the ninth digit is not a different value, so you can get it back using a special algorithm,
  • The rest of the Latin letters will be brought to the land, from which there has been a supply of supplies, for example, CN-China, US-USA, DE-Nimechchina.

The official information is available upon request (PDF document, English translation).

To reconsider the status of the number according to the standard, check the form presented on the UPU website (table in Excel format).

The seller has given a number for the delivery, and the ale zhodnogo ruhu posilki not sposterіgaєatsya.

  • Information to the postal monitoring system can be consumed from the patches. The normal situation is 3-5 days.
  • The seller has given the number of reservations for the reservation, but in fact it hasn’t been sent yet. Check 3-5 days and clarify the situation with the seller.

I only paid for the replacement, and the seller had already given the number for the vidstezhennya. Dozryuvalne all tse.

There is nothing grown up in the whole country, even beyond the cordon for a long time there has been a system of reserving postal dispatches, so that they can get back to them. The seller will ask if he / she needs to enter the addressee's data and then I will prepare a form with a number for delivery.

Can I read the information by the number of the extension?

For the extension number, you can read the following information:

  • way of reassignment of IGOs;
  • zvidki (export) and kudi (import) collapse MPO;
  • Learn about the stage of the MPO - export, industrial delivery points, import, cleaning, delivery to the addressee of the territory of the recipient;
  • masa mpo (do not get hungry);
  • PIB that is the exact address of the recipient (call the information is available on the official trackers of postal and postal services).

Judging by the track number, the situation is straightforward to the іnshoї land.

  • The seller pomilkovo hitting the track number of іnshoї posilki or messed up with numbers. Ask to clarify the moment.
  • Vidbuvsya zbi in the postal monitoring system. Possibilities all one will be delivered for the її index and address.
  • The seller has not given the first track number, if it is necessary or not to be sent, it is possible to see the message or the customer is not important. We often use Chinese sellers.

Number for the installation of the MPV MAє non-standard viewer. For what?

The standard number for the type XX123456789XX is characteristic only for national postal operators, which are members of the UPU. Otrimannya rooms of non-standard type for an extension of the broadest reasons:

  • The request is sent through the great private delivery service - DHL Express, UPS, Fedex, SPSR, Meest and others, as they have their own internal standard form of the delivery number. The name of the number is less than the number format and is displayed on the sites of cich services, or on trackers-aggregators;
  • The case was sent from China through the monarchs.
  • The seller has pardoned when writing the delivery number. Then check with the seller for the correctness of the given number;
  • The seller has given a svidomo untruthful number for the purpose of deceiving the customer. The price is typical for Chinese sellers from Aliexpress. In this situation, you can help deprive you of a dispute.

They sent me a replacement through the national postal operator, but they didn’t get numbers for the international mail. For what?

Not all dispatches will automatically receive the international delivery number. On the right in that, all the MPOs are divided into "old packages" and "posilki". A standard other package (parcel) is used for delivery by weight less than 2 kg, and the delivery number is not assigned. For some people, there is a possibility for an additional fee to register the same MPO and to register a number for an extension. IGO masoyu ponad 2 kg play at the category of feasibility і їм a number is assigned for distribution, but for a whole lot don’t depend on the international format. Proposals are made for special and priority (substitute) ones. Ostannі mayut international number for vіdstatezhennya.

Hto meni maє nadati number for vidstezhennya?

In case of purchases from overseas online stores and auctions, the seller's number for payment must be requested by the seller.

Where is the rate of delivery of MPV?

There are a lot of minds and factors here. To the main ones you can add:

  • Vibir delivery method - special or priority (express) mail;
  • Vibir of the delivery operator - state postal service or private express pereviznik. The speed of delivery by private kur'er services can be 3-5 times in size, but not in the case of vicarious postal services;
  • special features of robots and postal operators in this country. For example, the US Post USPS pratsyuє nagato shvidshe for the Post of Russia;
  • we are granted the status of a lawyer;
  • from time to fate, weather minds, cataclysms. For example, during the period of growing sales and front-to-back sales, the operators do not have to work all the time at once. Tse to produce to the head.

If I take away my potion?

The food price is dumb. And here it’s about verifying the terms of delivery. On the website of the national skin mailing operator, there is information about the average delivery terms in the same way in a specific country. Also ask the store for an hour to choose the delivery method.

The situation with chicken carriers - DHL Express, UPS, Fedex, SPSR and ін is more clear. For 80% of vipadkіv delivery is valid day by day or at least 3 days (it’s not a problem at the meeting).

The terms of delivery of standard IGOs ​​in Russia from the USA and the country of Europe can be found at such time intervals:

  • EMS dispatch - 7-14 days.
  • Replacement parcels and supplies - 14-30 days
  • Simple packages and potions - 18-40 days.
  • The middle term for the delivery of parcels and parcels from China and the territory of Pivdenno-Shidnoy Asia will be close 21-40 days.

For me, the weight of 1 kg was adjusted (for example), and, according to the track number of the Russian weight, it became 0 (the amount of weight is less than 1 kg). What is it tied with?

The situation is broadened even further, if the export is sent to Russia, the situation is "worse" right up to 0 grams. It’s just that the managers of the sotuvalniks need to improve the skin of the MPO and bring in the data to the system of delivery.

Another option is summaries. On the other hand, from the stages of the delivery of an abnormal cleansing, the stowage has been drastically spent in the vase, which can also be used to steal the investment. There is a great deal of time to spend on rosters in the mail order in case of rejection. Determination of the difference at the vase of the obov'yazkovo can be made by the act.

The message from DHL Express, UPS, Fedex has been picked up at the office of Russia (sent to the store). What are the reasons?

The most common reason is the cost of changing the amount of money for the investment for the Kursk MPOs, which for the Russians will become 200 Euro. You can read a report about the peculiarities of the robotics of the Kursk services in our articles:

Likewise, deyaki kur'urski services organize delivery only from the great place of the Russian Federation, if you are a baggage of a small place on the periphery, and you don’t need to come to the office of the company, then you can send it back.

My fortune was found in the іnshіy land. What do I need to do?

There are two reasons for this:

  • The force is delivered in transit through the third country and the end point of the sign is not changed. It’s not hard to hvilyuvatisya, the practice is normal. Especially the hour of delivery by the Kursk services.
  • The seller has mixed up the delivery number or entered the delivery address incorrectly. It’s just too tough, and then you see a problem without a seller.

Submitted from the United States with the assistance of the USPS. What are the things?

Proposals provided by the USPS can be viewed on the official USPS website or our tracker.

Most often USPS statuses are received

Electronic Shipping Info Received - updated information about shipping sent to the e-mail.

Shipment Accepted - accepted from the supplier.

Arrived at Sort Facility - arrived at the sorting center.

Processed at USPS Origin Sort Facility - the shipment has been sorted at the shipment receipt point.

Dispatched to Sort Facility - the sorting center has been discontinued.

Notice Left (Business Closed) - the postal operator has tried the delivery of the order, but the delivery has not been received, because close the place of delivery. I will get hold of a receipt without a receipt.

Processed Through Sort Facility - The postage has surpassed the sorting through Sort Facility for the delivery directions (export to the country).

Customs Clearance - transferred to Mitny.

Customs Clearance delay (Held in Customs) - cleared for mitts.

Customs clearance processing complete - clearance processing completed.

Delivered - delivered.

Yak d_znatisya, did the USPS dispatch overwhelm the United States?

Most of the IGOs ​​acquire the territory of the United States, if the following statuses are found:

  • Processed through USPS Sort Facility, JAMAICA, NY 11430
  • Processed through USPS Sort Facility, LOS ANGELES, CA 90009
  • Processed through USPS Sort Facility, CHICAGO, IL 60666
  • Processed through USPS Sort Facility, MIAMI, FL 33112
  • Processed through USPS Sort Facility, CHICAGO, IL 60688
  • abo International Dispatch

How do you get information about the robot to send Nimechchin Deutsche Post DHL and de vidstezhuvati the situation from Nimechchin?

Detailed information about the robot of the state service of Nimechchin and the methods of providing the MPO from Nimechchin can be reviewed from our

Delivery from England via Parcel Force. What is it?

Parcel Force - a chain of delivery of the Royal Mail of the UK Royal Mail for express delivery of vantages. On the territory of Russia and the country, SND is dispatched by Parcel Force to deliver EMS services. You can get detailed information about the robot from the Royal Mail of Great Britain from our website.

Delivery method on eBay - International Priority Shipping to Russia. Yak tse rosumiti?

In general, delivery to Russia is a good idea to use the eBay Global Shipping Program, as we can see the middleman in the United States on delivery stages. More lectures on information from ours.

In the online store there is direct delivery to Russia (the land of the SND) through the Borderfree company (FiftyOne). Well, for the company and deduction of my replacement?

Borderfree is a high-quality American logistic company that provides American stores with services for delivering replacements to international customers. The company is working on the scheme of a snake sweat forwarder, so that it picks up replacements from stores in its warehouses near the United States, and then overpowers its customers outside the US. For the services of the company, the comic is scored. Borderfree contractors for delivery to Russia and the country SND є DHL Express and SPSR. You can view the information on the website of the company for the number of the replacement and the address of the electronic mail.

Delivery from China (Aliexpress and other shops) with the help of Swiss Post and Sweden Post

We will stay for an hour with a lot of sellers on Aliexpress to propose on vibration delivery for additional postal operators in Switzerland and Switzerland. At the bagatokh tse wiklikak, it is natural to eat - why is China and the Post of Switzerland here ?! Here, at the fact that the Swiss Post and Sweden Post may have a representative in China and the delivery of settlements from the Middle Kingdom with a transit point at the Swiss and Shvetsia is evident. The Chinese began to use the services of the European relocators through the serious fences. Send to China, Hong Kong and Singapore for the reloading of Li-Ion batteries. Delivery scheme: Singapore - Switzerland / Switzerland - Russia (інші countries). Track number for such dispatches maє viglyad RXXXXXXXXXXCH for Swiss Post and RXXXXXXXXXXSE for Sweden Post.

You can view it on the Swiss Post website and the Sweden Post website

My power has been consumed (the contribution of the package, I will increase it for a short time). What do I need to do?

At the vipadku, if the power of the bullet is consumed, then I will turn up to your postal notice and I will apply for the approval of the posilka.

Do not become a victim of inadvertent warriors of the Mitnitsa, for it does not turn out to be a substitute for an iPhone, then it becomes clear about the rejection of the opportunities in the list of the Post of Russia

Does it mean “sent to airline” status? What do you think is possible to deny the status of “sent to airline”?

"Sent to airline" ("Sent to airline") - the same status, which can be rejected if used in the territory of China. In addition, since the status of “sent to airline” has been increased, it will no longer be under the control of Send to China. As a rule, the program arrives to the country for 2-4 times a day after receiving the status of “sent to airline”. Call the status “sent to airline” do not change until, docks, the power is not yet recognized, because it will not be delivered to me.

Be respectful, as it took more than 30 days to reject the status of “sent to airline”, and still have not rejected the opportunity. You can, it’s ruined, and it’s overtaken in the іншій land. If the seller of the store has turned you a penny, you need to file a claim.

What does the status “Import Security Scan” mean?

Yakshcho your feat has turned off the “Import Security Scan” status, there are three options:

  1. As far as the supplies were, there was a possibility of sending not to China, but in the ROSMISCHENNY column it was indicated that there was a place in China, for example, Beijing, Shanghai, etc., which means that the supply of the bullet was delivered to China, if it was delivered to the recipient of the rose. Yak otrimati turnover of pennies for the consumed peril or peril, yak was delivered even more.

What does the status “Import Customs Scan” mean?

If your posilka has changed the status of “Import Customs Scan” (“Mitna re-adjustment of the posilka, taken out of the cordon”), there are three options:

  1. Also, the power supply was sent from China, and in the ROSMISCHENNY column, it was indicated in China, for example, Pekin, Shanghai, etc., which means that the supply was sent back to China from behind the cordon. As a rule, it is necessary to send back to the owner, and if the owner has to pay the additional commission for the update and the necessary amount of money.
  2. As soon as the power of the bullet was sent from China, and in the ROSMISCHENNY column, the land of the winner is indicated, which means that the power of the bull was delivered to the country of the land on the basis of and will be delivered to the owner of the letter.
  3. As far as the supplies were, there was a possibility of sending not to China, but in the ROSMISCHENNY column it was indicated that there was a place in China, for example, Beijing, Shanghai, etc., which means that the supply of the bullet was delivered to China, if it was delivered to the recipient of the rose.

Does it mean In Customs-Control warehouse status? How much for an hour for a loan?

The In Customs-Control warehouse status means that it is necessary to be in the customs-control warehouse in order to be checked out before export, or by sending it to the mail.

How robust is it that the status of my situation does not change with the status of Export Security Scan, Export Customs Scan?

This means the status “Success find: 0 items!” Or “China Post has not received the parcel”?

Yaksho we saw the order for the number according to the status of the order "China post has not received the parcel" or "Success find: 0 items!" ("Result - 0 performance"), which means that the seller (supplier) has given you an unrecognizable (non-functional) number of delivery, which is not given the same delivery in the database of the Post to China.

The reasons may be:

  1. The delivery number is incorrect.
  2. By the time the seller sent the goods, less than 48 years have passed, the Post to China has not yet updated the information about the settlement.
  3. The seller did not correct the comrade for the reason, for example, through "visibility at the warehouse", but rather the plan to correct the reason.

To be smart, about how to go to three vyshevy and deny points, you need nobility, as a practical system of providing services by number:
Post to China you can easily attach a label with an irrelevant number of any kind. The number is not available, and it’s hard to do it, the docks of the Post to China cannot be given a number. Paypal payment system, ebay and Aliexpress maydan also accept unclear numbers from the bagatokh shahraiv, which oversees the price of numbers, and remember the data for payment. There are a lot of trade majdans, such as ebay or Aliexpress, if the seller has sent a request for 24 years to pay, so the seller can press an unrecognizable number of approval. If the seller has a new stock of goods, you will find the delivery number for dispatching goods, and for this number you will be able to display the information on the website for 48 years after the actual date of dispatch.

What a robot, if the status of my order is “Success find: 0 items!” Or “China Post has not received the parcel”?

  • As soon as you have rendered the number for 48 years, you will need to check it out for another two days, until the base of the data Send to China does not change.
  • As soon as you have rendered the number for more than two days, you may need to contact the seller and ask for the actual date of delivery and the actual number of the order. Tell the sellers if you want to be able to see the number on the site for 48 years after submitting a request. As a rule, the seller gives a new delivery number, the actual dispatch date, or the planned dispatch date, as it is possible to reconfigure the information on the site.
  • I know the seller knows that you have the wrong information about the update, because you didn’t know if you were to file a claim on ebay, Aliexpress, or Paypal and paypal. You can also leave a negative message about the checkered message for turning the cards.

What does the status “Export Security Scan” mean? How much for an hour for a loan?

Does it mean “Export Customs Scan” status? How much for an hour for a loan?

"Export Customs Scan" means that the customs scan is ready before the turnover. As soon as the change is over, the power will be sent to the airmail.

Does this mean the status “Arrival at inward office of exchange”?

"Arrival at inward office of exchange" ("Arrival at the inward office of exchange") means that the order has been delivered to the country of origin. It’s finished, the packing will be delivered to the shipping service of the country.

Does it mean “Departure from outward office of exchange” status? How long will it take?

"Departure from outward office of exchange" means that the situation is ready before the turnover. Once the change is over, the power will be sent to the aviapost.

Does it mean the statuses "NULL", "PEK NULL", "PVG NULL", "Opening"?

Deyaky koristuvachi sent a joke on the other sites, but the status of the order is "NULL" ("ZERO"), "PEK NULL" ("PEK ZERO"), "PVG NULL" ("PVG ZERO") or "Opening" ) etc. In fact, there are many divine statuses due to the wrong translation of the basis of the messages to Send to China.

How can I pay a claim that a penny for an unreasonable number of a situation that is not enough?

Bagato is won, food items are delivered by Post to China, often put on the following food:

  1. Tracker site "Information" about those, where the strength of the bullet is turned by the seller, but the one who does not accept the turn and turn around, how can I turn the penny back?
  2. The tracker is shown, but the order is turned to the owner, otherwise the status is "not delivered". Yak otrimati turn pennies from Send to China?
  3. The status of the order did not change for more than 40 days, I didn’t take the opportunity off, why can I contact the seller, or why would China send a penny?
Nutritional considerations are practically the same:
Posting to China is not a problem. The post to China will accept the claims only from the originator, such as an original receipt about the acceptance of the vantage before the shipment.
Otzhe, I will get more beautifully victorious mechanisms, ebay, aliexpress, paypal and yaknaishvidshe will pay a claim about non-disclaimer feasibility.

Once you have filed a claim, the seller of the crop has been confirmed, and the order has been successfully delivered to the buyer. It’s impossible to get such a confirmation, a penny will be automatically turned over to the customers.

Yak to pay taku claims to non-adversarial posilki?
On ebay, paypal and aliexpress є sent to the web site, which is called "dispute resolution center" or "claim center". You can file a claim as soon as possible. You can find all lectures on the site:

Chi є yakiy period, if it is possible to pay a claim for a non-adversarial order?
SO. On ebay and paypal, you will need to file a claim 45 days after payment. On AliExpress, the period is 60 days.

But if I missed the term of filing a claim, I still want to reject the turnover of pennies?
If you missed the term of the submitted claim, then only one thing, you can change, and call the seller. Great sellers with a great number of positive messages, shy for everything, to proponate the option that you are in charge of, in exchange for a positive message. Tse to promote sales in the store.

Well, how do I buy a friend on a site, at which there is no "center for looking at claims", and I paid for the purchase not through paypal?
It’s a pity, at such a time it’s not easy for you to turn a penny back, most often it’s not easy. Tom, we radimo kupuvati comrades from Chinese sellers on the great shopping maidanchiks, such as ebay, Aliexpress, Amazon, DX, just with a high price to acquire the rights of buyers.

If you buy a friend on small sites, pay for purchases through Paypal. NIKOLI do not pick up bank transfers, systems of penny transfers, such as Moneygram or Western Union, electronic currencies such as bitcoin to pay for goods, browse if you want to buy on different sites - ebay or Aliexpress, or even unknown sellers.

If you didn’t recognize it, you paid for the purchase with a payment card, you can turn to the bank and speed up the procedure for turning cards - chargeback. The procedure is described in the article:

Status of the order from China Airlines, mice PEK. What is it?

The PEK code is assigned by the International Association of Signal Transport (IATA) to the International Airport of Beijing (Pekin). Tsey status means that the power has been transferred from the given airport to the border of the country.

The 2002 rotsi, the national postal operator "Post of Russia", have a wide range of services. Krym leaves, rakhuniv and penny transfers, while at 42 thousand per day, more than 300 milion are poured. For service providers, you have access to postal dispatch, and this means that now you can definitely know about all the changes in the order for any stage of delivery.

Providing the seating

It is even easier to re-evaluate the status quo - you can go online from your home computer or your smartphone. You can, at any moment, check the track number, and also install a special program on your smartphone, so that you can change the status of the update at any moment. The individual track number is a skin-friendly message for the delivery, at the moment you can display the track without a box. If you made a purchase online, then the track number will be visible on the replacement page, and if it is from a private individual, you can see it behind the receipt number. You can also get access to international postage, but you will not be able to make purchases in the online stores of the countries of the world - it will definitely not be ruined if you come right away. Worthy whack, the track numbers of the settlements from the other regions are shown from the numbers of the Russian settlements - they have є Latin letters. Most of the earth track numbers are available for service, so, as a rule, there are no problems with shipping. As long as there is no way of sending the dispatch because of the cordon, you can reconsider the information on the site of the dispatch of the country. As a rule, for the delivery of a replacement route, transit routes through different regions are available, for those of you who may be able to do so.

Handiness for clients

"Poshta Rossiya" will maximize the reduction of its service for customers, at the same time a resident of any point of the country can quickly service a message from the postal service. The news about "Post of Russia" is no longer relevant, but delivering food through the river, or even not delivering it, - if the track is not available, people can immediately turn to the food service and be sent to the nearest service. We went over to modern technologies not just by painting the robot of the postal operator of the country, but by adding additional customers. Now, be-like a man, you can do it as much as you can. In addition, the "Post of Russia" needs the ability to sign up for a change of status and send it automatically to the e-mail, if the situation changes.

Maximum safety

Possibility of slowing down to the minimum. Service allows you to reconsider the mailing at any hour, and for any food you can consult the hot line phone. If you cannot provide a solution, then in any case, you can apply for a message about the postal dispatch. The system is thought out beforehand, it is sent to Russia, and from other countries. It is possible to return from the application by holding out the certificate at the moment of sending, for a sufficient presentation of the visions before the hour of sending the document to the person. The infection of the droplets in the middle of the litter is trawled in the edge of the rіdko, ale, even though it has become - you can deny the right to compensate for penny compensation.

Suchasny service will allow, if the nobility is about the postal service, you will be sure of it in the fact that it arrives at the desired moment. Programs, websites, notifications - everything is to make the postal operations as fast and efficient as possible.

Post of Russia is a national state operator of the postal service of Ukraine, a rightful member of the Holy Post Union, which will secure the internal and international postal call. Zdіysnyu priyom, referral and rejection of postal dispatches: provisions, other packages, parcels and correspondence; I give financial services and services both to physical persons and business.

Russian and foreign online stores often send orders to customers by using the same postage service, or integrate with delivery for better and inexpensive services. For example, on the basis of the itemized items, the express delivery is organized and the items are updated, the terms of the items are changed in Russia up to 2-5 days. Deyakі transport companies combine their abilities to transport vantages from the great resources of the national postal operator. So not long ago, I started the project "Silska Delivery" for delivery to Russia, the region and the regional center of Russia, de Nemany Viddilen.

For the information to the press center in the 1st quarter of 2018, the Post of Russia generated 95.7 million international mail orders, and more than 60% of internet purchases grew by delivery services. In 2018, Vnukovo will have a different sorting center, and for 3 times the border of logistics centers will be expanded throughout the country. According to the forecasts of e-commerce experts, the growth of international outgoing directions is to be promoted, the leading rank for the rakhunok of efforts to China.

Actively penetrating into the Russian market of such great Chinese stores as Banggood, as well as new gravitas, which are rapidly gaining popularity, and, quite often, have increased in popularity in the same direction. Tim is not the man, the Post of Russia is prodding all the way clearly to the delivery of services from both international and internal ones.

Prosperity support in Russia

When re-staging a postal dispatch, it is necessary to find the addendum number; The service of allowing the control and rejection of the direction is especially correct in cases of disputes with the seller in the case of emerging inconsistencies. PIB that the address of the owner can be helped to change the position, so that it is possible to go for the signs, and when the message is returned, it is approximately estimated in the place of the investment. The remaining status is about the delivery of the information about the successful delivery of the goods.

In addition to simple sheets, all information about Russia will be restored. Included international sheets and other packages can be supervised and unregistered as well. In the case of cich vipadkahs, it’s too easy to pay for the order of the seller and the visibility of the new ones. At the time of the loss of any confirmation of the order without proof of non-delivery of the service, the seller does not send the code for the goods and the over-delivery.

Also, the given information is provided to assist with the submitted claims and the lack of control over delivery terms. On the website of the Russian Post you can read directly about the answer for the destruction of these terms.

Delivery of the order of the Russian Post for the identification number

The barcode postal identifier (SHPI) of the internal direction of the Post to Russia is stored in 14 digits, de:

  • the first number of digits to be included in the index of the postal indication of the receipt,
  • the next two digits indicate the month of another barcode identifier,
  • digits from ninth to thirteen - unique revision number,
  • and the remaining figure is the control one.

When you pay for the service from re-sending the cashier, there is a financial receipt, in which case the number of the RPO (postal update, which will be re-established) will be indicated, and the number of the Russian Federation is the mailing identification. In a row of RPO, the rest of the number in the check is handled through a puncture, but it is necessary to insert it without punctures.

Viglyadaє vin at the cashier's receipt like this:

The RPO will be updated instantly - the admittance specialist will be prompted to enter the information to the base, and the first status "Accepted from the received connection" will be received when the Russian Federation sends a message for the identification of the right. A postal identifier is a miraculous tool for controlling the displacement, delivery terms and conditions on the skin stage of delivery.

Delivery of the Post of Russia by the number of the international direction

For international postal dispatches, the regulations of the All-Union Post Office have approved a single standard to the track code. The type of postal dispatch is based on two first Latin letters, the beginning of nine digits at the track number is stored from a unique eight-digit number and the last conversion digit. Two remaining Latin letters near the room are sent to the land of the destination. The land is marked on the track number by no means.

Add direction numbers:

  • CQ --- US (CQ123456785US) - for the USA,
  • RA --- CN (RA123456785CN) - other package from China,
  • RJ --- GB (RJ123456785GB) - sent from Great Britain,
  • RA --- RU (RA123456785RU) - internal number, which is designated for unrestricted requests when entering Russia.

Yak to provide for the posilka Poshti Rossiya

Delivery of the Post of Russia є on the official website abo.

When the track number is entered in a row, a joke is sent to the onslaught of the "Vidstozhiti" button;

To correct the report information with the help of the intermediate statuses and in ruins behind the borders of Russia, show your track numbers on a simple tracker of the site:

Important features of the robot Post Russia

Dottrimannya vimog until the place of the packing and packing - obov'yazkova mind of a successful overriding. In rural areas, the rules can be easily learned. For example, Switzerland cannot be supervised by horoscopes. In African countries, it is not possible to send penzliks for the Japanese camping trip. And Great Britain has a special fence for overloading parcels from smittyam. But in general, the guidance is typical for all postal services, including for Poshti Rossiya.

Goods harvested before reloading:

  • The fire in the fire, signal, pneumatic, gas, ammunition, cold (including metal), electro-shock attachments and blood dischargers, as well as the main parts in the fire
  • drug addiction, psychotropic, strong, radioactive, vibukhovy, adorable, easy borrowing and insecure speech;
  • otruyny creatures and roslini;
  • penny signs and earth currency
  • shvidkopsuvnі products food, drink;
  • items that, due to their character, or packaging, can become unsafe for postal workers, brute or brute-force, or psuvati іnshі postage, and postage possession.

Likewise, comrades, who were fenced in before being imported from behind the cordon. To that, when shopping at foreign online stores, check out

The national postal operator of the Russian Federation "Post of Russia" has received a good receipt for the delivery of postal dispatches to the territory of the Russian Federation and the largest powers. At the latest national postal operator, the invoice is issued for both internal and international provisions.

As long as the oversight of the order and of the postal direction is found in the boundaries of Russia, then it is possible to assign a unique 14-digit identifier number, to be stored in digits, and when the international oversight is to be identified with the same alphabet

Offense The numbers conform to the S10 standard of the All-round postal link and the delivery of the order on them can be validated as a proof, as well as the post-delivery.

Post of Russia

Delivery of the Post of Russia is useful for delivering all over the country, as well as for international applications, including express delivery by EMS. Forwarding in Russia may be the delivery number, which can be stored in 14 digits, the first 6 of which are the index of the postal delivery. The track number is similar to AA123456789RU, de first 2 years indicate the type of return.

How do you live up to the strength of Russia?

In Russia, the strength of life is awkward. For all the nobility is required the track number of the posilki. On the Post of Russia, it is possible to display less than 14 digits of internal regulations and 13 digits of international directions.

Enter your dispatch number and our service will provide you with your order on the Post of Russia through the official website, as well as revise all the required Internet sites of the delivery services.

Post of the Russian Federation for the delivery of the order according to the number of the postal identifier

The postal identification is a special combination of letters and numbers, which allow the postal services to uniquely identify the message. There is a lack of postal identifiers, however, the Post of Russia is provided only for two types, as well as the international postal identifiers, and in the process of forwarding to the middle.

The identifiers of the settlements of the International Postal Union are composed of 2 letters of the Latin alphabet, in which most of the codes are the type of revision, the next 8 digits and the remaining 9 digits are the control sum, at the end of the day it is valid for 2 years, the code is correct.

A 14-digit numeric code will be returned to all the middle Russia, and the first 6 letters will be indicated.

Yak know the power behind the number

Posilannya it is easy to know for a postal identifier or a part number. Internal Russian settlements are stored in 14 digits and are repaired with the index of information from which the order and visibility is corrected at 39401900000000.

International incoming and outgoing situations can be accessed by a special number, accepted by the International Post Union, in the form of Rx000000000CN. The first 2 years indicate the type of update - restructuring, additional package, parcel, sheet, further 9 digits and the remaining 2 years indicate the code of the country of the update.

Support for seating ZA..LV, ZA..HK, ZJ..HK

Forwarding with numbers according to the type ZA000000000LV, ZA000000000HK - The Post has been requested to be restructured (Simplified Registered Mail), the type of postal delivery, made by Aliekspres spilo from Post Russia, for the cheap delivery of inexpensive goods.

Editing with numbers according to the type ZJ 000000000HK- type of postage, Joom Logistics orders at once from Post Russia, cheap delivery of inexpensive goods from Joom.

Such settlements have 3 statuses:

  • Accepted from the notice
  • Brought in the place of handing over
  • Retrieved by addressee

Prospects do not exist in all stages of directness, but all information is important. Buyers are important to the nobility, that the goods will be physically directed and delivered to the postal delivery, and under the number ZA..LV, ZA..HK, it is easy to know that they are ready for delivery.

Parcels are delivered to Russia by post to Latvia (ZA..LV) and Post to Hong Kong (ZA..HK), although they are in China, it will take a day to get transported from the seller's warehouse by post to Hong Kong or Hong Kong.

Service Cainiao from Aliekspres showing industrial delivery status in the territory of Latvia and Hong Kong.

On our service Proposals you can display all possible statuses of ZA..LV, ZA..HK russian language.

Decoding track number ZA - Simplified Registered Mail.

Post of Russia Vidstyezhennya

Delivery of the Post of Russia from China, Pandao, EMC, and those who are not sent from the list of reconstructed projects. If you only need to enter the 13-digit track number of the order, and our service will be reconfigured for all required delivery services, including the Russian Post.

Remember, however, that according to Russia, it is only for international directions, that it can be re-tuned, and for example, the tracks are of the kind UC..HK or UA..HK, and it is not a pity to see if they come across the territory of Russia.

Assigned by the Post of Russia

All the possible statuses of international provisions can be made clear, which can be sent directly to Russia and delivered by Russia, so that you are easier to see if you are able to do so.

Accepted from the notice

The clerk having stored all the necessary forms, including the declaration, that was taken by the spy officer of the postal service. As soon as the first status, then it will be sent to a number of stages, it will be identified with an identification number, which will have to be displayed.

Nadaniy track number

The clerk electronically reserving the internal number for sending to Russia and sending the mail to the mail without a bar or sending the mail.

It’s overshadowed by a misce, which means

Meaning, the internal direction of Russia or the international direction from Russia was sent from the postal notice to the dispatcher by handing the order to the Poshti Russia.

Payment checks from China, Singapore, Finland, Hong Kong, Spain.

The post of the country sent the message to the Post of Russia about the direction to enter. In addition, as there is no reason to override the land of revision, the offensive status will be Pribulo on the territory of Russia

Came to the cordon of Nimechchini, Italy, France, Spain

The ambulance arrived at the export MMPO, the service of reversing the dispatch to the fence before the reloading of the comrade got to the dispatch for the dispatch to Russia.

Export for one delivery from the most three-time periods at the delivery service. It’s tied together, so it’s unprofitable to manage a lot of entanglements, so it’s unprofitable, so it’s possible to check, as long as there’s a sufficient number of possibilities to go straight to one country.

In addition, for the optimization of the logistic processes, the direction can be delivered in transit through other regions, and it will also take an hour for delivery.

Brought to the territory of Russia

means import of the property to Russia. When importing, you will be taken from the board of the ship in the Russian ATCI (aviacyne viddelennya shipped). Here you can find out, change the packaging order, scan the barcode, find out about the place of sending, check the flight number, visually, in which MMPO go to the order. The term of transferring the international transfer to the ATVP is to be kept at the stage of the transfer of information, and in the middle of the week to become 1-2 days.

At MMPO (mіsce of the international postal exchange) it is necessary to pass the mitt control and restoration. For all the spokesmen of the service, they are preparing internationally for referral to Russia.

Welcome to the mitten

Posilannya was transferred to the meeting, de-vidbuvatsya through an x-ray scanner. As soon as the workers of the public service are in attendance, they will be able to see how they have been transported, or the objects, to be corrected, and looked at in the presence of the inspector. Pislya tsiogo (if the fact of transporting the hardened vantages has not been confirmed) I just need to pack it again, attach the act to look around and send it along the way.

Let go by the mitnitsa

The order was issued by the ministry service and transferred to the international postal exchange, de-obroblyaєtsya spіrbіtniki vіddіlennya.

Zatrimano mitnitsa

The whole status is not binding and will be deprived of that, if the chiefs of the mitnoy service appear in a way that changes the permissible norm, the rate is up to 1000 euros and is broken. The rest of the family will have to pay the extra money. As soon as there are no zhodnyh damages of the mitigation legislation, there is no reason to let go of the mitts.

Came to the sortuval center

З ММПО is directed to match the variety. Post assortment centers for all great places. As a rule, if it is necessary to send it to the nearest MMPO center, the specialists of the logistics service will develop the optimal route of delivery to the point of view.

Sortuvalny centers - the price of greatness for the area of ​​attachment to the great place, in which they consume the supplies and leaves for a wider distribution and improvement to other points or regional orders to sew.


The sportsmen of the sorting center scan the barcode, re-arrange the updates in the Post Russia system, then store them at the beasts, which are in need of the place. The form can be returned to the container, and the form is locked and returned.

Transferred for delivery across Russia

The status means that the order has passed all the procedures for import and control and has been transferred to the internal delivery system.

Came to the sortuval center of the place

When arriving in the place, the order will be delivered to the miscellaneous sorting center. Vidia vantages are available for delivery on delivery or for some points of delivery. On the speed of delivery, you will add an intangibility to the transport, the weather, you will be able to see it. For example, delivery to the place of the loan is more than 1-2 days, and the dispatch areas can be delivered close to the destination.

Has arrived at the place of transit

Non-binding status of the update, which means that it has arrived to the intermediate transit warehouse, it will be dispatched with the least amount of money, and the distance will be sent to the closest message to you.

Left the place of transit

Non-binding supervisory status. Delivery at the road to your postal delivery

Has overshadowed the turn / dock

Yak intelligence and does it mean status? The oversight was hoped for the wrong address, for we will ship with an index and now send for the correct address. Also, the order can be redirected for the application of the official.

Passed the restoration

It means that the prospect was indicated at the transit point and it is not bargaining to continue our journey to you.

Scho means Ochіku kur'єrskoy delivery

The whole status means that the delivery has arrived before the delivery has been received, that the delivery of EMS has been processed, and the check, if you put it in the car and the courier will deliver the delivery to your destination. Offensive status will Transferred to the Kur'єru

EMS status Transferred to the kur'er

Tsei status means that there is no reason to be able to be delivered from the courtyard and the reason to bring a booth / office for the address of your office.

Transferred by leaflets

To deliver a ridkisny status, which means that a sheet / parcel / other package at the leaves and delivery of an update to your postal screen.

Checking the addressee at the handing ceremony / Pribulo at the handing over

The update has arrived before the mail order is closest to you. In a few days, the writers send a message about the disclaimer and bring it off before the postage screen. If you have changed the status, then you can not check on the occasion, but come to the post office with the number of the return and the passport to remove the posilki.

As soon as you reach out, the addressee doesn’t come, vipisyut again. The setting, yak lay without power for a month, go back.

MMPO abo Misce of the International Postal Exchange

So also MMPO? Abbreviation is deciphered as a place of international postal exchange. MMPO is the place of preparation of the order before the revision from the country of the supplier. At MMPO, it is possible to pass the export militia. MMPO packs a pack of seals yak one vantage, that is the name of the dispatch, advancing the efficiency of securing transport vehicles (for deliveries, cars and lithuanians).

"Poshta Rossiya" manages 13 points of payment for postal dispatch. Until 2013, Moskovske MMPO accounted for up to 80% of all international transported to Russia, so much more was added to the Post of Russia.

In order to speed up the hour of delivery of international provisions, "Post of Russia" has shown two new Misc of the International Post Office in Yekaterinburz and Novosibirsk. The rest can be wrapped up to two thousand international EMS shipping with an area of ​​2000 square meters. International post office exchange Yekaterinburg Koltsovo is the first international post office exchange in the Ural Federal District. You can make up to 20,000 per day and small packages per day at an object of 3,700 m.

Until the end of 2014, the Post of Russia plans to speed up a part of the exchange point in Moscow up to 55%. In addition, there are also common points at Bryansk, Samara, Orenburz, Petrozavodsk and Vladivostok.

So also ATCI?

ATZP - the place of international postal exchange of air traffic

Russian post

Posti Rossiya has close to 390,000 people and 42,000 postal orders from its headquarters in Moscow. In 2012, the Poshta Rossiya rotsi delivered a donation of 2.4 billion leaves, a donation of 54 million and a donation of 100 million peanuts.

Early history

Records zgaduyut system gіntsіv at 10 stolіttі n.e. The early leaves of the boule were sent from the viglyad to a roll with a wax or lead seal; The earliest of these seals dates back to 1079, and the governor of Ratibor Tmutarakan is expected. Most early list of directions in 1391 from La Tani (Nini Azov) to Venice.

Until the 16th century, the postage system included 1600 items, and the postage reached from Moscow to Novgorod in three days. In 1634, a peace agreement between Russia and Poland, having established a route to Warsaw, which became the first regular international shipping route in Russia.

With the help of the programs Posilannya v and for a few seconds you can get to know exactly how your order is displayed, or the postal dispatch, which is delivered by the Post of Russia company.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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