Unlimited internet on smart mini. Description of the tariff "Smart mini basic

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Today, we are looking at the good old classics - the Smart Mini tariff from MTS, so we could move the most critical option, many people bought a lot of money after 2014, to protect their family budget. To whom I added wine, to whom I was honored. And yet, the numberless plus was those who cost less than 200 rubles per month, for 5 pennies the subscriber received unlimited sharing in the middle of the line, as an amount of the Internet and credit for roses with the carriers of other operators. Let's marvel at what's all wobbled.

Remain changed

It's time not to stand on the job - the supple priorities change, sociodynamics, the drink falls, and the competition and inflation increases. By virtue of cih furnishing, be it style operator, including MTS, constantly “chakluє” over their tariffs. What has changed for the Smart Mini package for the rest of the day?

Wash the tariff:

It is required to say that the tariff is stably aware of the change of the two on the river. And those that we should preach at once are the result of another edition for 2017. Later…changing Internet traffic, hopefully, from 2 GB to 1 GB, then the number of calls for calls to operators across Russia was increased from 250 to 350, and SMS (so it goes). The change came and went and the price went up from 300 rubles per month to 400. If you add up all the innovations, then nothing good came of it, but to get on with it - being the one who found the TV subscription package in Russia for the middle of all competitors (including) leadership.


Here everything must be done individually. The tariff is not new (that's why it's already rich enough to see if it's new), but it's changed a lot, and again there's a new compromise between negative and positive sides. Zreshtoy, who deserves wine, who doesn’t. Somebody cares about yoga, and some one finds it wrong. On the relish and color vzagali. However, the company has an absolute one-stop style in one - MTS, like other operators, chemically writes off the traffic. І tse natural famously.


A good service can not mother only a negative side, a positive one can also have a buti (even if it’s one):

  • savings (ale to whom yak)
  • found at the line
  • come to usim tim, who can namir rozmovlyat less with other MTS subscribers
  • if you don’t get a package of services for someone, you can pump it up (drink it cheaply and vibirkovo), for example, connect “Skrіz like at home” and unlimited contact with relatives from the other region for 100 rubles per month


To the main minds of Smart Mini from MTS, you can see the following moments:

  • varity 400 rubles per month
  • for the price you get 1 GB of internet
  • to MTS numbers that are located in the home region, calls are free of charge and unlimited
  • 350 credits for calls to the subscribers of other operators throughout Russia (after the completion of the credit check package in the middle of the border in the Russian Federation, it becomes 2 rubles, if you want to call the subscriber of another operator, who does not live in your home / region, the cost is 14 rubles).
  • 350 notifications to the numbers of all operators in your region (gave 2 rubles/SMS in the middle, 3.8 to all other subscribers, 8 rubles to international SMS, 9.9 rubles to graphic notifications)
  • international calls are charged according to the standard scheme - the amount of credit from the countries of the CIS costs 35 rubles, from Europe - 49 rubles, and from the borders of the powers 79 rubles

Together with him, you will reject the following options (not all stinks can be cost-free, the information needs to be reviewed):

Familiarize yourself with this list more respectfully - if you don’t get it right away, then you should look in the options, which are additionally connected (mostly all stinks are paid). How about understanding what you really need, if you don’t know about the current functionality of the MTS company? There can be more than one joy - check out the official site.

Chantly, you, like me, were talking about such situations, if a lot of money disappeared from a mobile account for a month, when the subscriber didn’t call any calls, that SMS didn’t overpower. The reason for such a non-transferable for a coristuvach may be due to connections paid services, yakі vipadkovo chi, shvidshe for everything, s іnіtsіativi of the operator aktivirovanі on numbers. In fact, it’s dribne shahraystvo, to which the stylists’ companies often go into trouble - they don’t best hours, fall sale! Therefore, periodically check all your windows and connected functions for an additional special office on the official website of MTS.

Vіdomo so, scho deakі subscribers to complain about shvidka vitrata Internet traffic. If nothing happened, turn on the transfer of data on your smartphone and auto-update the programs. And also do not insert a SIM-card into the modem - in this case, you will not only be able to control traffic, but also greatly reduce the speed of the Internet. Adje tsey tariff is not transferring for using yoga with a similar method, for which it is є.

About the Internet

As if you don’t respect anything on the Internet, krim social bond and messengers, then one gigabyte per month will be enough for you (even if you want). Ale for more yoga is definitely not to be stitched.

And here there are only three entries:

  • go to a higher vygіdniy tariff
  • buy an additional internet package
  • turn on the options, how to download the amount of traffic that you hope (although it is not cost-free)

Another option may be available for connecting functions « Dodatkovy Internet» - You buy for 95 rubles 500 MB, within 30 days you can buy no more than 15 packages. This service will be activated automatically when you run out of traffic.

Abo tse it is possible to work for additional help *111*936# as for the inclusion, as for the inclusion, so for the connection of the option.

The third option is the basis of additional. services per kshtalt (from 100 MB to 20 GB per month for a fee), as a copy for the front function, or "Scream like home". For help, you boldly greet you with mobile Internet at any point Russian Federation at the borders of your package for the prices of your home region. The cost is 100 rubles for 30 days (as the service is not connected, the Internet works only at home).

IMPORTANT! Be prepared before the fact that 1 GB of traffic, some of which is included before the subscription fee, hopes customers will only spend the first two months. After that yogo rosemir will change significantly. In addition, when this package ends, the Internet will be connected immediately, without any delay in seeing a decrease in speed. Now you can get 95 rubles for a skin of 500 MB or 200 rubles for 2 GB before the end of the month.

Those, how much you happen to spend money on traffic and your pennies on the morning of this tariff, not only because of your activity at the all-world web, but also because of the phone model. Older versions of smartphones and great pipes cannot go to the Internet without powering it up from your spymaster. News other versions Android “eats” the Internet mittevo, constantly changing into the new, not “feeding” its master. The koristuvach is to blame for the control of the process and, possibly, to imitate the automatic transfer of data.

What else do you want to say?

If you don’t have a luxury pipe, if you “speed up” the Internet on your own, if you don’t live in order with 4G, then you are tormented by swidkistyu. I do not get overwhelmed by the hardness. And 1GB is not enough for us, it’s more unreasonable to know where to go. For this month, I didn’t particularly show off to him, only cost-free Wi-Fi, And I can’t do yoga again!


Even after reading these articles, you still wrote to yourself, that Smart Mini in MTS told you, then for the transition it is necessary to reach such minds:

  • if you switch to another operator, then pay 100 rubles, using the “Number Saving” service, and you won’t have to change your SIM card
  • to MTS subscribers, the transition is expected to be cost-free
  • however, if for the remaining 30 days you have already switched to the same tariff, then for the connection you will have to pay the same amount of money
  • first step before the procedure, change your balance, you have 420 rubles on your balance, so I will write off to the account subscription fee for current month

To connect, you need to speed up one of the following methods:

  1. USDD Team *111*1023# - Dial її zі svogo mobile phone and press the call button (you can cancel the informational SMS as the operator)

  1. special office - go to the new one and get the tariff
  2. call to 0890

  1. introduction to the interior of the style
  2. buy a new starter pack

UVAGA! As soon as the transition is made, you will get bonuses for activity, which can be reversed, either in the personal account itself, or as an addition to the MTS Bonus, and there you can spend on allowed purchases.

Tariff Smart Mini in MTS

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The wired operator MTS often has tariff plans for the rest of the hour, which are very direct to the sing spozhivacha. Vidomy tariff plan MTS Smart is a splitting operator for using smartphones that has become popular. Prote proposition did not protect all the needs of current subscribers. Tomu, the operator is releasing new tariff- "Smart Mini".

Description of the tariff plan

Today, there are some tariffs, which are used to enter the Smart line, distributed by the MTS company. Smart mini and “basic”, small wines available and the smallest brew.

The tariff plan transfers the amount of the monthly subscription fee. What does it mean that the coristuvach goiter will pay the company 400 rubles. If you pay the wine, you will receive a special package of services. At the new one enter the air for the weekend calls and the package mobile internet.

In the middle of the transfer, as it is currently propagated to subscribers by the MTS operator, the varto indicates the traffic, which is seen, in the obyazі 1 GB per month and the presence of cost-free credits on the numbers of the MTS operator in the other regions of Russia as part of the package included in the subscription fee. You can buy the mts smart mini tariff at official points of sale, including in our online store. Cream else, you can choose garniy number telephone, which can be used to express the individuality of the sackmaster.

Tariff MTS Smart min basic

The tariff with the federal number and code 495 for the Moscow City Number is specially for smartphones. The subscription fee includes the following: 350 free calls to any numbers in Moscow and the region, as well as 350 free calls in other regions of Russia to MTS numbers. When visiting the territory of metro Moscow and the Moscow region, all incoming calls are free of charge, for trips within Russia, in case of domestic roaming, the incoming calls are free of charge when the option "Smart, as in Smart" is enabled.

Removal of other telephone and fixed-line operators is charged okremo. Calls in the home region are charged at a rate of 1.50 rubles per piece, and calls from subscribers in other regions of the Russian Federation - 10 rubles per piece. Tariff plan MTS Smart sends 350 free SMS, so you can win to the number of your region. The number of notifications for the correction to the numbers of other lines in the country is 3.8 rubles.

Mobile Internet and roaming

Tariff MTS Smart minimum gives subscribers the opportunity to use the mobile Internet. This service is already included before the subscription fee. The subscriber is entitled to 1 GB of Internet traffic, assignments for the station on the territory of the Moscow metro and the Moscow region. On the territory of other regions of Russia, it is recommended to switch on the option "Screen like a smart house" to win the basic package of mobile Internet outside the boundaries of the Moscow region. When the 2 GB limit is exceeded, the subscriber is automatically connected to an additional package of Internet traffic in the amount of 300 MB for 30 rubles. To enable automatic traffic replenishment, send the command *111*936#.

A series of Smart tariffs from MTS can be widely used among subscribers. Not surprisingly, even if the line is given, it allows the skin subscriber to choose the most suitable tariff for the new one, thus making mobile calls as accessible as possible and allowing them to save money.

Rate smart mini, which enters up to the tsієї serії, singsongly sing the richness of subscribers to the most discount prices for service. The very next thing to know, how to subscribe to this tariff on your phone.

Features of the tariff

The next step is to indicate that Smart is working for the prepaid system of payments. A monthly fee, as the subscriber of goiter needs to pay for leather work for service - 200 rubles.

Tariff Smart mini transfer:

1,000 free calls for calls to MTS subscribers throughout the Russian Federation;

50 free sms for administration at the borders of the home region;

Calls to MTS numbers at the boundaries of the home region are not limited;

500Mb of high speed internet.

Also warto remember about those that the subscription fee transmits 1GB of Internet traffic for the first two months of the year Smart tariff min.

How to connect Smart Mini

Іsnuє kіlka options for connecting to the tariff on the phone:

Method 1 - see MTS office. If you don’t want to sign up for the Smart mini tariff on your own, it’s enough to get help from the nearest office of the operator. With your help, without any difficulties, you will take the necessary tariff, or you can connect services.

Method 2 - enter USSD command. Simply dial a combination on your phone *111*1023# and press the call button, and after a short period of time, the Smart mini tariff will be activated on your phone. After connecting to the phone, you can send notifications from the SMS.

Method 3 - call the operator. You can contact the operator of the MTS service department using the number 0890 or 88003330890 . With voice prompts, you can easily connect the Smart mini tariff or perform any other operation you need.

Method 4 - see the special office on the MTS website. On the official side of the operator on the Internet, you need to go through the authorization procedure and go to a special office. After that, go to the tariffs section, know Smart mini and connect yoga.

Respect! There is no charge for switching to Smart mini. However, as a new subscriber, I have not yet been paid for services mobile call MTS, option to connect to the warehouse tariff 220 rub.

At the time of consumption, you can switch on the tariff, or switch to a different one. You can do it in the very same ways, as presented above.

MTS tariffs of the "Smart" line are different. Sered tariff lines"Smart" is the first cost of the MTS "Smart mini" tariff. Tse zruchny tariff plan іz zovsim small (for 250 rubles) subscription fee. What do you imagine and what kind of opportunity do you give to Koristuvachev? Dali mi proponuemo new description tariff "Smart mini".

Fallen in the region, the subscription fee is three times higher. The average price is 250 rubles per month for the regional tariffs of MTS Smart, the minimum is 350 rubles per month for the capital region. For00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000and and for Internet traffic and SMS.

How do you manage the traffic on Smart Mini? For minds that have connected to Smart mini, in the main package of whilin and SMS / MMS are the following:

In that case, since the threshold for 1000 hvilin and 200 SMS / MMS was overwritten, then the variability becomes like this:

At the metropolitan tariffs, the numbers of the troch are changed - 350 hvilin for calls to MTS in other regions of Russia and a package of 350 SMS / MMS to subscribers of the home region. After crossing the threshold, the price of all the services itself begins to cost 2 rubles.

Variety: Internet traffic

As for the cost of Internet traffic, the main characteristics for those who switch to a new one look like an offensive rank:

Internet traffic charges are up to all tariffs in your regions, and at the same time you will be transferred to your home region. Traveling from home region with Smart tariff Mini MTS dіє with the connection of the additional option "Skrіz like at home Smart". The skin supplementary package of the Internet traffic is connected automatically when the main connection to the traffic is completed.

In order to switch the MTS Smart Mini tariff to a more economical mode, to redeem costs and enable additional packages for Internet traffic, which is automatically connected, you can independently enable it with a simple USSD command: *111*936# or in a special account on the MTS website: https://login. mts. ru. Packages are connected by your own team.

The option “Skrіz like at home Smart”, at your own hand, is connected by the USSD command: *111*1021#.

Add-on packages to the Internet

How to connect to the Internet, why didn’t you get it all the same and with additional packages, which are automatically connected? It is necessary to use the services of "Turbo-button" or "Internet VIP" to get on the line of tariffs. Information about data additional services ah is presented on the official website of MTS. Payment for them that connection is dependent on the minds of their additional services.

International calls and SMS

The MTS operator often has tariff plans, which increase more and more directness at a slow pace. So, the MTS Smart tariff plan, which is a kind of expansion for the popularity of smartphones, having become extremely popular, but the proposition did not protect all the possible needs of today's subscribers.

So, for students as a whole, less traffic on the mobile Internet is sufficient. In this manner, a new tariff was issued under the name "Smart Mini". As explained by the editors, this package is expected for all subscribers, as it is served on an overpayment basis.

You can bring yoga at official points of sale. So, without changing your mobile number, you can independently switch from the tariff plan that you already have.

Variation of calls and mobile Internet at the MTS SMART MINI tariff

Varto designate that the middle of the transfers, as if propagating to your subscribers the MTS mobile operator, you can assign 1 GB traffic per month and free of charge credits when dialing to MTS mobile numbers in your home region.

All these packages of services are given at the end of the day, one mind - the subscriber is guilty of skinning his money for a month in the amount of 200 rubles, as it is known as a subscription fee for the services that are hoped for.

If you don’t get a top-up account, no matter how much you pay for those who have lost pennies on their balance sheet from the past top-up, then a packet of traffic in the amount of one gigabyte does not get enough and calls to MTS numbers in the middle of the home region become paid. Calls to other operators in the home region are charged at rubles per call.

Tariffication of basic services MTS Smart Mini
Name the services that you hope Vartist
Dzvinki near Moscow and the region
Calls to MTS numbers near the home zone 0 rub
Calls to other operators and local numbers near the home zone 1.50 RUB
Dzvinki across Russia
Calls to MTS numbers 5 rub
Calls to other operators in Russia 14 rub
Calls to Moscow numbers 14 rub
Vіdpravka SMS and MMS
Strengthening SMS in the home zone 2 rub
Sending SMS to the territory of Russia 3.80 RUB
SMS correction international RUB 5.25
Direction of MMS RUB 6.50
Mobile Internet
Varity 1 Mb at the borders 1 Gb per month 0 rub
Dzvinki for the cordon
Ukraine 29 rub
Kazakhstan 29 rub
Uzbekistan 29 rub
Moldova 29 rub
Azerbaijan 29 rub
Europe 49 rub
Other countries 70 rub

If a subscriber calls to other regions of Russia, then the cost will be 14 rubles. As soon as all traffic will be recovered in a month, the subscriber will be asked to connect one of the additional services, such as "Turbo button 500 MB" or "Turbo button 2 GB".

Coristuvach independently chooses the necessary traffic. Varto signify that the mobile Internet is relying on GPRS and EDGE technology, the availability of such a connection is not great, but it is sufficient to search for information in the Internet or to send corrections.

In order to reconsider the excess traffic of the mobile Internet, it is necessary to mobile extension dial a combination *111*217# and press the call button. This information will arrive in a matter of seconds while watching the informational notification.

How to go to MTS Smart Mini

All subscribers can change their starter package using one of the available methods:

  1. Speeding up the special USSD by request *111*1023# and press the phone button. With a stretch, for the presence of a sufficient amount of money for the subscriber's account, migration will be charged
  2. You can also win a system for self-service subscribers special office MTS. Up until now, you can independently apply for migration
  3. You can also see the nearest customer service center or a company store, where you can return to the customer support service

In order to change the tariff, the koristuvach is responsible for the first advance payment of 220 rubles. You can buy a new starter pack, the stock price is 250 rubles.

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