Stavrennya and nagogodzhennya RSS lines. So also rss line and yak nalashtuvati smartly and yakisno? SHO TAKE rss line

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Have a nice day. Let's talk about the adjustment of RSS lines. With a handful of us, it’s as well as it’s necessary to set it up correctly and most of the time. All the minuses and the power of usunity are discernible.


Kozhen reads for you a number of new sites. For example, you read the 3 blog, how do you know that a new article has come? It is necessary to go to three sites and be amazed, and now to realize that it is not necessary to work, you will need to go to 1 site and there you will learn all the information about new articles. It sounds bad, wait a minute, now let's decide for whom it is meant.

If you have your own blog or a site, on which news updates will be published, then an RSS line is for you. You can help you to spin up your website, if you have a corporate website of the company or a visitor, it’s not blindly, so information on them is not updated so often. Visnovok: rss line is required only on sites, de information is only needed for every day.

The same principle is used to create rich websites and programs: "Yandex.Zen", "New in win 10" and in. They pick up news from the other sites, de є rss line, do not write new items for yourself, just pick up from the other sites.


Line theme
http: // to the site
Short description to channel
date the last snake in channels *

Title of news abo statti No. 1
Possibility to new text novini abo statti No. 1
The text of the novelty No. 1 (dovzhina is happy)

Title novini abo statti No. 2
Posilannya on the new text novini or statti No. 2
The text of the novelty No. 2 (dovzhina is happy)

This is the standard type of RSS line.

It is necessary to remove the RSS icon on the site. You can turn into the footer of the site and wonder if you see it, I wish I had a chance to see it hundreds of times.


To organize the possibility of subscribing to your RSS-line, you need to add 2 speeches:

2. Insert with tags і offensive row:

This croc is necessary in order to tell browsers about the availability of RSS-lines - as you can remember, in the browsers that favor themselves є their rss-readers.

Optional items for RSS-CHANNEL

You can add additional information about the channel, site-site or the author's channel.

Mova, in which the spellings of the channel. Allowing the pickers, for example, to share on one side of all sites on one move. The list of admissible values ​​of the element is to lie.

butt: ru-ru

butt: (Copyright 2017, Ivan Petrov)

E-mail addresses of the people who provided the editorial text.


Addresses e-mail people who are responsible for the technical aspects of the channel.
([Email protected](Vasily Petrov)

Date of publication of the text in the channel Date and hour in the RSS addendum to the specifics of RFC 822, with the exception of the fact that there can be two or more numbers (but it doesn’t matter).

The hour of the rest of the day instead of the channel.

I will add a web service that will add the rssCloud interface, which will implement a subscription to the updated channel. ...


(In some applications, you will need to send the XML-RPC link to, port 80, gateway / RPC2. The wiklick procedure is myCloud.rssPleaseNotify.)

Hour of life is a bit of hilin, on which channel can be cached before updating the resource.
butt: (60)

Image (in GIF, JPEG or PNG format), which can be displayed with the channel.

The maximum width is 144 (for items - 88).
The maximum visota is 400 (for changes - 31).

element so can revenge additional items, like this:

E-mail addresses of the author of the news. Relevant, for example, for RSS-lines online-ЗМІ, in which the skin statistics - by the author. Element format:

[Email protected](Andrew Petrov)

Inquiry URL for comments, please be advised. Element format:

I describe the media-object, attachments until later. There are 3 binding attributes: url (add-on addresses), length (size of programs in bytes) and type (type of MIME programs). Butt.

The technology required to tell the Velma is simple and effective. It is not necessary to use it for any money. First for everything, let's get rid of it, yak work the system. Not to allow the intelligence and appreciation of all the corny and the value of the new jokes.

Yak pratsyuє RSS

There is a tribute xml-format, which allows you to follow the new sites on the Internet.
For some reason, be a serious site by pushing the option of subscribing to its RSS feed. The “old” tendency has become infected, the rss-lines have ceased to be robbed on the sites, and the orange icon can appear all the way forward. Ale the RSS itself did not become better.

I myself haven’t used the technology for a long time, since it’s not necessary for me. Ale having tried it once, I zoomed in and out a lot, and I didn’t want to worry about it earlier. Well, am I losing? Hour!

Singingly, you are in love with the site, as you periodically view, read the articles and news, follow the updates.

The skin site periodically publishes content - statistics, news, comments. Pidpiska
on the RSS-line of the new site, it is allowed to learn about the update on the whole site as quickly as possible, without the need to view and to re-view the site itself. Tse those same scho glance at the headlines of the rankovo ​​newspaper. Now go to the site and look at the news in jokes, as you can look at the announcements of the articles on your computer, and in the case of the knowledge of the material to go through for the information about the article, the title of what kind of information will be in line with the RSS-line. Not only that, it’s going to buy an hour, so it’s changing the traffic, you’ll go to the site only if it works for you.

RSS aggregator

Zbir materials are processed by special programs - RSS-aggregators. The aggregator will have two types - web-services and programs on your computer. Yakiy of them vibrate - tse on the right relish. Online aggregators in terms of functionality are similar to postal services - if you create an account with Merezha on one of the services, and all your lines will be sent to your mailbox on your web-based record. Tsey sposib is a good team, so you will have access to your stitches, you know right away. But they have a shortage, but they still need to go and overturn the box. Tobto, learn more about the news or sign up for a new line to you, display the link to the aggregator service in your browser.

Local RSS aggregators

In addition, even more resources are local RSS-aggregators, which can be loaded into the browser, the shipment or the add-on. If you know the same of the postal program, then you will see the change of new lines. A local aggregator allows you to keep up with new items more efficiently - you can see updates on sites almost instantly. Local RSS-aggregators themselves "bigayut" to the site and whenever a newcomer is asked to "bring" you a title or an announcement of a statty, and once and the whole article - do not lay down the same line on the site.

I used to use such an aggregator myself, which we wedged into the Opera browser - just like that. However, in the Danish moment, the function of vignettes from the Opera browser to the side of the add-on is Opera Mail. I don’t bother with the Opera browser itself.

Yak subscribe to RSS

If you want to subscribe to the new line of your favorite site, you need to know what was sent to the RSS feed on the whole site. So call yourself to be afraid of the small pictograms of the yak, the axis is so. Tse of traditionally defined RSS.

RSS and Internet browsers

At the moment, from popular browsers, the possibility of processing rss strings is new and implemented only by Mozilla.

Firefox can process the rss-line in xml-format. As long as you are using the Firefox browser, when you try to subscribe to RSS, you will see a page, you can probably vibrate the online service of new lines. Mozilla Firefox itself will be subscribed to the RSS feed only from the view of the bookmarks on the news.

As long as you still use the IE browser (internet explorer) - there are two options for development - remember the browser, or else use the online aggregator, because IE itself doesn’t call the robot with new lines.

The Google Chrome browser is also not compatible with RSS feeds, the same functionality is available in new extensions. Slick RSS extension for Chrome.

Deliver by hand, if you want to expand and not be able to independently perepoplyuvat and blob the feed URL. Dodavati Posilannya on the RSS-line in the selection and reader will be required.

Services for subscribing to RSS feeds

Online services for subscribing to RSS feeds are absolutely free of charge, and are similar to postage.

The most popular price is Yandex.Lenta. In order to speed up the service, you need your mother's Yandex account. If you already log in to these Yandex services, then you will need to go to your login and sign on the line. For whom you can read a new line through the Yandex-Mail interface.

Stick bouv shche Google service Reader, Ale Vin pinned his iznuvannya. Tse became roci in 2013.

Well, the axis is about all of me є tell you about the technology. Especially zakavili and tsikavi can know in Merezhi more detailed information independently, albeit in any way, a collection of ce varto try (new line of our site through Feedburner). RCC allows me to stay in the course of updates on all sites without spending an hour. What am I banging you.

I invite you to read the blog site. Happy New Years about those scho also rss and how can you talk to them. This article was written for newbies, because I mean that the majority of my readers and comments given to the blog are important, as well as RSS and also written on Update RSS yakhoss site_v.

Written by this statistic in the first place wiklikano tim, so I often recommend in my entries so as not to miss any news from the given blog subscribe to RSS.


Rss- tse XML format, signs for describing announcements of articles, lines of new items, changes on the site or blogs, etc. In other words Rss- the price is new, the information in yak is presented in the RSS format. Given information may be selected, revised and presented in manual for the corystuvach in the background for the help of special aggregator programs or online services Such as Yandex News, Google Reader and іnshih.

Subscribe to RSS short description Information, which appeared on the blue, and on the basis of the new version. Internet recording in RSS format, called RSS-line, RSS-channel or RSS-feed.

Practically all modern browsers, Internet pagers and post office You can use RSS feeds, in the middle of them Internet Explorer, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Maxthon, Opera, Miranda, Mozilla Thunderbird і ін .. In addition, there are RSS-aggregators, which are designated for the cathedral and processing of information, RSS-feeds.

Nowadays RSS has become a non-uniform attribute of any blog. For bloggers and SEOs, the openness of RSS-line (channel) to a blog has become the norm. Before we speak, there are more front-plates on bloos, which are more expensive for the advertising spaced by them.

Well, navigate to the wrong RSS feed to help readers, it’s easy and smart to remove information. Some people have their own favorite blogs or sites, as they regularly read the stink and go to them, in the jokes of a newcomer. I should see that there have been a couple of dozen, or even hundreds, of such blogs. Walking through such a number of blogs (sites) would be terribly difficult and difficult. And the RSS-linker will help you to spare great number hour and nerve. After subscribing to her, you will be sure to be aware of all the news from your referral sites or blogs. Tse duzhe zruchno, chi not so ?!

Yak subscribe to RSS

I don’t know, see if you want to, but call me to the vibrating channel to the site, or to the blog, you can subscribe in two ways:

As soon as you chose the first way of writing, then, when you see new articles on the site, or you will come to Post screen... Proceed all at once yakraz and rozpovim. And who doesn’t know how to subscribe and if you want to remove it directly in the browser, then read the article: Yak subscribe to RSS: Subscribe to RSS in current browsers. Also, with another method, the RSS line (RSS channel) can be read in addition to special readers -RSS readers, as shown below.

RSS feed by email (to an electronic screen).

at this way Subscriptions of all updated sites or blogs will be sent to your e-mail address (electronic screen). Clearly lower, butt of such a registration.

In order to sign up for an e-mail, you need to enter your e-mail in the special field:

Perebuvati in the skin post.

Let's chat on "Otrimuvati statti" (aka "Pidpisatisya")

Writing in front of you can be seen in a special field;

When you arrive at the end of the day, you will receive the following:

Close up yogo.

Now it is necessary to reconsider the sending and confirmation of your email instructions. Before you, on the instructions by e-mail, you can come up with an offensive sheet:

Axis i all, pidtverzhena))))

On the websites (blogs), there are no special forms of subscriptions, you need to know the RSS stash (call your name like this: for a glimpse) and press on a new one, because in front of you, you should see the following point: e-mail:

For what, go to your email screen and confirm your instructions by email.

The axis is in principle and everything, now we will pass to the offensive RSS feed, about those who subscribe to the update for an additional special service, called the RSS reader.

Yak subscribe to RSS via Google Reader.

Google Reader is currently one of the best and most popular RSS feeds. Yak vzhe melodiously guessed from its name, from the accounts of the Google company.

In order to chat with him, you just need to create an account (mail) in Google.

Now we go to the Google Reader service, for which we go for the address:

The interface to the service is not guilty for you:

On the left side there is a list of new dzherel, a sublist and a button "Subscribe" for adding a new dzherel.

And on the right side of the service window there is a list of the remaining new items.

In order to add an RSS feed to the service, you need to click the "Subscribe" button. then enter the address of the site (blog), or the address of the RSS-stream and press the button "Done".

That's all for this year! I see you, now you can easily subscribe to the updates in blogs similar to you and be sure to update the course about new articles.

If someone has got food according to the statistics, then do not get angry and ask them.

The next article will be about RSS submission in modern browsers (like reading RSS lines through a browser).

We released a new book “Content Marketing in social fringes: How to get into the head of the front-runners and zakokhati їх have their own brand. "

RSS - tse file.rss іlі.xml for describing new site with new version. From English Really Simple Syndication - easy access to information, Rich Site Summary - a lot of information on the resource.

At the dermal є loving dzherela, I want to turn around again and again. The stench is regularly detected, and if it’s a lot, then spend it new information easy. All new headings are selected in one copy and in manual format. It is no longer necessary to revise dozens of sites, to complete a subscriber to the creation of cyclical resources and to be on the go. Novelty is meant as read, unless you put the mark. Є ugrupovannya for different criteria.

RSS-line, channel, feed - a resource in the format of RSS.

Who needs it

Having cranked up a great revolution at the right time, RSS, and at once the popularity of the fall. Until now, there are still a lot of people do not know, but they do not even know how to reprimand the pass: the stench is not enclosed in dzherels, like in catalogs, for example. RSS seemingly cope with the great flow of information, in which to turn social media.

RSS go for quiet dzherel, de in the menshіy world it is necessary to see the auditorium: the line doesn’t go for comments and likes, readers only know from the information. Such dzherels can be new portals, library news, new blogs.

What to store RSS - look from the middle

  1. Metadania - a set of information about the data: headings, images, inventories, hyperpowers.
  2. Information about metadata from one publication.
  3. Categories of articles.

Popular versions

  • RDF - RDF Site Summary (RSS 0.9 і 1.0).
  • RSS - Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.9x).
  • RSS2 -Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.x)
  • And also Atom, which was released by Google in 2006, with all the shortcomings of RSS.

Perevagi RSS feed

for koristuvach

  1. All the information needed in a single copy: it’s easy to look at the update by hand and I don’t need to reconsider it by hand.
  2. Bezkoshtovno: resources to read auditorium, so what if it is to develop, it is not uncommon to set a line for koristuvachіv.
  3. Announcement: a new publication will be announced not in a year, two, a day, but immediately after the update.
  4. Economy of traffic. One feed will not take away the style of the traffic, as it will not take away the links.

for the site

  1. The masa of growth is strong;
  2. Increase the popularity of the resource;
  3. After reading the site audit.

Incomplete RSS

for sites

  1. Most of the coristas are signed to the dzherela, as the trochies have fallen into the eye. The information is older, and the people do not rise to the ground.
  2. Poshukovy robots index lines earlier, nizh pershodelo, for the rest of which there is a filter: I will not recognize the status of a poshukovik as a little creepy for a site for a koristuvach. Solutions to the problems of the future newer versions articles and motivation of the reader to go to the dzherelo-original.
  3. Crafting content. Trust sites can also steal content, sound systems and be respected by users. And the axis of the mensh fatty originals will fall in the positions of the sound view.
  4. It’s not enough to navigate the content of theft in the beginning of the day, statutory notes, then it’s small. And without a link, it’s not easy to drive traffic.
  5. XML-language, in which RSS-lines are written, a tool for parsing.

Yak subscribe to RSS

When you need to clean it up, get the RSS sign, copy it to the address and add it to the program for reading. Abo replace the buttons natisnut on the phrase "Subscribe to the RSS feed."

Rіdery, aggregators, browsers and programs for reading RSS

Handy information for reading information lines allow you to spare the hour and take out the maximum amount of new information. Everything is necessary, there is an Internet connection on the annex and a program for reading, as it is nasty to go to the clerk and in the order of information, according to the tastes. With one of the shortcomings, the synchronization with victorian decilk aggregators is not handy at once: after reading the news in one, it is better for everything, that is, you will be in the one.

RSS-aggregator or RSS-reader - a lot of programs for reading RSS-feeds: smell the best, follow the updates and make them in a manual format for reading. Є special settings that appear in the tray. Not all are synchronized with mobile platforms.


all vіdomі Google chrome, Opera, Mozilla and other browsers have long since come to read RSS. Perevagi: reading in any kind of work: udom, on robots, as well as setting up for help without tools. 3 short: the number of dzherel is interchanged.


Yandex.Lenta and Google reader have long been crushed, super-links are more beautifully not relevant anymore. In the Danish hour, there is no service, which is shown to the chi in the vimogam of the koristuvach. The actions of them are clearly visible.

  • Inoreader. Service for cash and reading without access to the Internet. The design will be adjusted with the tastes of the koristuvach: those that are sorted by categories, import from the same additional documents. Statistics are available without switching to dzherelo. Є programs for mobile operating systems.
  • Feedly. The show is new. Available as extensions in browsers, as well as extensions on mobile platforms Android and iOS. Obmezhennya up to a hundred resources. Sortuvannya by category.
  • Palabre. Dodatok for Android. The display of new items is adjusted with slick settings. Sortuvannya is available by category, reading the statistics will be added to the supplement and downloaded for online access. Є premium version without ads.
  • Digg. Minimalistic design. Є function of saving articles, settings for displaying, import from OPML files. You can use the extensions for browsers. Social media buttons for dubbing in social media.
  • Newsflow. Bezkostovna program, Introduced in Windows 10. The form is new and read directly into the supplement, including re-viewing the video. A number of dzherel is not interconnected.
  • Opera. MA vbudovaniya engine for reading RSS-lines. Volodya is not great functional.


  • For Linux: Liferea, Akregator.
  • For Windows: Omea reader, Mozilla Thunderbird, Awasu.
  • For macOSX: NewsLife, Newsfire.

Yak to add to the site RSS

Rosmіstiti RSS on the site can be decorated in the following ways:

  1. I'll hand over the creation of the code in XML format. The principles of HTML and RSS robots are similar: in both cases, the technology of distribution text files... In RSS, the standard RDF, in the English Resource Description Framework, is victorious, so that the scheme will describe the resource. Winning XML, which has two templates: OCS and OPML. You can create a line with the help of other programs, as well as tips є. For example, C #.
  2. Line generator, for example: feed43, dapper, feedity, feedburner.
  3. Dodatkovi tools, promoted by new platforms to the site, for example, Blogger, Vox, WordPress. There is no need for volodya knowledge of the program, system and ready-made template with title, description, metadanim and інshim necessary material for robots with new innovations.

In such a rank, RSS is a smart technology for both koristuvachіv, and also for web masters. See the opportunity to select the site you need for them in one go and read it without manual conversion skin area. Besides, the stench can nalashtovuvati viglyad novin. The price is not koshtovno, the site will be removed instead of the main audit, as it is included in the material. To move on the strength of the masa, to grow Behavior officials... The resource has become popular.

07/22/14 3.9K

There is a great number of sites to monitor. It is not so easy to see new cyclical information, but most often it is not so easy. Also in 1995, the Guha rozrobnik and іnshі sprobotniki have crafted a special meta-content Framework.

The name is not even forgotten - ale tse or not buzzed with a line, even the most wide-format RSS feed appeared only in 1997 and after being stuck on Netcenter resources, and the name itself means Rich Site Summary - a short information.

Pidpisuєmosya on RSS-channel

Chim Zruchna Pidpiska RSS on the resource of love? If you can, at any hour, do not see the new site, just take out a short information about what material appeared in a special source. How to sign on to your RSS feed?

The infection is easy to get through - it is enough to add an RSS feed for you, set it up and post it on the site, and on the new RSS icon. Yakshto take є - press on her right key, Misha and vibrate "Copy the URL you can ..." - in this rank, you can send the RSS-line to the address and you can insert it into your driver's window.

There are two types of RSS feeds for your computer:

QuiteRSS is a great software package for connecting to RSS feed and reading all necessary information. Ale before tim yak zavantazhuvati in new necessary dan, you need to know the address RSS-line. Yak tse zrobiti?

Go to a required site, for example, to, go to the very bottom of the page ( on the other sites you can find it in a different way) I know there is an RSS feed with an icon. Pushing for power - to see new things, in which you will be given a gift for distribution according to the categories of RSS-streams:
Hover the cursor over the line with the required RSS-line, press the right key of Misha and Viber Copy to the address- sending the address of the required RSS-line will be in your clipboard, and you can insert it into the reader.

Now you can turn to QuiteRSS - open the program window:

and press the button from the plus images, which means "Dodati":
If you have copied it, it will be saved to the exchange buffer, so QuiteRSS will not go through and automatically insert a line into the URL field, or if it didn’t happen - insert the cursor into the required field and insert the text combination with Ctrl + keyboard field with the right key Mish and Vibrate Insert. Natisnit "Dali":
The program should be revised, if there is an RSS line behind the specified address, and if the result is positive, display a new window, in which case you can put an RSS line in the folder (for the bills) and when you see them, you see for umovchannyam. Press the "Finish" button:
Ready! You can read the news on the RSS page of the Pravda.Ru site and you can read the news, do not use QuiteRSS, and trim them out permanently, do not open the browser or the required site.

WordPress and RSS feed

The popular system for the establishment of WordPress sites has been further expanded across the entire Russian segment of the Internet. To that, there are a lot of koristuvachіv, as they set up the site on a central basis, I want to set up on it an RSS-stream for the efficiency of providing news from this resource. Yak tse zrobiti?

The WordPress system was launched from the very cob for robotic blogs and information resources, so RSS was one of the first features that appeared on the whole platform. To this, immediately after the entry of your resource, the RSS-line of your site is already broken and is located behind the address / feed ( рідше - / feed = rss2).

If you couldn’t know on a vlasny site, prompted by WordPress, the standard RSS-line, then you should go to the site, enter your site in the field there and press the Next button - the site will automatically be assigned RSS-line on your site and there are direct links to lines:

Checkout code and callout of standard WordPress RSS feeds

But most of the time, the standard WordPress line does not befit to anyone, and I want to customize and modernize everything (there is no way you can help the standard WP interface).

You can speed up the editing of the RSS-line from the vimogi (if you want to know how to add the RSS-line settings to your computer, read the CSS-design and HTML-formatting), or get busy with the easy "follow-up" for the plug-in format.

Browse dozens of extensions to help you get the urgency of your RSS feed from your site, or just use Ozh` Better Feed. How to install the plugin?

Go to the official site of the plugin and press the Download version X.X button - the archives from the extensions will be downloaded to your computer. Because of the number of options for installing the plugin - you can unpack the archives to the surrounding folder і, having logged in to your site via FTP, transfer the folder with the unpacked archive to the wp-content / plugins folder, and then activate the plugin in the WordPress console:
Well, you can do it and it's simpler - go to the console, point by point Modules - Dodati noviy:
Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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