"Bellingket": Identification of Pokhmury: we know about the commander of the "DPR" who was honored before the death of MH17. Budinok near Russia, photo from Porechenkov and Okhlobistinim: this one "Pohmuriy" (new text of additional information from Bellingcat)

Zharoznizhyuchі zasobi for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconvenient help for feverish women, if the children are in need of giving innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and constipation of fever-lowering drugs. How can you give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

"Nova Gazeta" knew a comrade in the service of the Russian colonel, who was responsible for transporting the "Buk", which was "Boing" MH17

A veteran distributor of the Afghan war is aware of his comrade in the service of the middle, who was on the list of dependents before the collapse of the Malaysian "Boing". Exclusive evidence. Special correspondent of "Novoi Gazeti" Pavlo Kanigin made up his mind with the veteran at Zaporizhzha and the virus at the close of the message to Rostov because of the messages for his comrade.

From the editorial board

"Nova Gazeta" is promoting the investigation of the causes of the disaster on the flight MH17 Amsterdam-Kuala Lumpur, which was placed in the sky in Donbas on 17 April 2014. On board the civil liner, 298 people were carried - 283 passengers and 15 members of the fleet. The stench disappeared.

On the last day of rock the International Slide Group ( JIT *) presented visnovki, the well-known Malaysian Boing, which fired a ground-to-fire missile from the Buk missile launcher, fired from the area of ​​the Donbas Mystechka Snizhne (at that hour, having passed the control of the DNR).

* Slidcha group, designed to establish the reasons for the winners at the bend MH17. It is represented by five countries - Malaysia, Netherlands, Belgium, Australia, Ukraine. Russia from participation in the social development of the group was considered.

Protest virobnik "Bukiv" Russian State Concern "Almaz-Antey", which knows how to investigate the tragedy, nagging at the fact that the rocket was launched from the outskirts of Zaroshchensky. On the thought of representatives of "Almaz-Anteyu", 17 lipnya 2014, the village was controlled by the Ukrainian security forces. The Meshkans of the Zaroshchenskiy Vidomosty "Almaz-Antey" mistook that they told the special correspondent of "Novoya" Pavel Kanigin that the Ukrainian version of the "Buk" unit was not registered in the village of Nicoli, but the outskirts of the previous day were controlled for the first time.

New research details will be provided.

A month of the Boing disaster of Malaysian avialines. Photo: Zinaida Burska / "Nova Gazeta"

Сlіdchі JIT at the end of 2015, they published a transfer of telephone conversations between the head of the DPR branch of the DPR “Pohmurim” and the separatist from the positive “Buryat”, ichnya rozmova was seen on the day of the tragedy. "Buryat" and "Pokhmuriy" discuss the details of the "Buk" transport. In the materials of the JIT "Pokhmuriy", a figurine is indicative of the move of the rocket launcher to the cordon with the Russian territory, under the control of the separatists. The other proofs of the honor of Colonel Dubinsky before the collapse of the Malaysian "Boing", except for telephone conversations, follow, for our data, is not possible. Official Moscow call prove JIT "fakes from the Internet".

The protest of "Noviy" went into the sound of the loudmouth, as she confirmed to us that the voice of "Pohmuriy" would sound on the recording. Sergiy Tiunov, leader of self-defense Zaporizhya and a veteran of combat missions in Afghanistan, having known his new friend in service, the Russian Colonel Sergiy Dubinsky, with the positive "Pohmuriy".

In the exclusive interview of Noviy Gazeta, Tiunov povidomlya, being friends with the head of the GRU DNR, Sergiy Dubinsky, and having discussed from him the tragedy of MH17.

Sergiy Tiunov (in the background) and Sergiy Dubinsky (in the foreground with a submachine gun). Photo from the archives of Sergiy Tiunov

For example, in the 1980s, Tyunov and Dubinsky served with the development companies of the 181st regiment in Afghanistan. At the first days of the war in Donbass, the zealots of the knowledge of Dubinsky Tyuns took a lot of Ukrainian soldiers to Donetsk. Tyunov declares that we should be afraid for Dubinsky’s life, which is, for his words, we have a key note of the MH17 disaster;


Talk to Sergei Mykolayovych Dubinsky, the chief officer of the GRU DNR, as a separatist at the Buryat newspaper. 07/17/2014:

Buryat:“Kudi us qiu krasun vantazhiti, Mikolayovich? "

Dubinsky:“Yaku? Qiu? "

B .:[Tu] what I have brought. I'm still at Donetsk.

D .:“Tse - about scho I think, right? "M" yak? "

B .:"Well, well," Buk "," Buk "".

D .: And what about the tsyomu, on the tractors? "

B .:"So ... I need vivantazhiti here, shhob shavati."

D .:“Won’t you get there? "

B .:"So, z ekіpazhem".

D .:“No need її nikudi khovati. Get there at once ... I’ll tell you at once, kudi їy visuvatisya. Get out at once from the tanks "Go away".

Overcrowding of telephone calls and Pokhmury and Buryat from June 17, 2014

service comrade

Z Tіunovim mi rozmovlyaєmo 16 birch at the headquarters of the self-defense of Zaporizhzhya, which is located at the side of one of the local schools. The great office has developed a new generator. For a few days, take the Zaporizka volunteers to the Mariupol front. And leave the Tіunov іnstruktu pіdleglikh about the details of the trip: "It’s early virus. Do not take your brother. It's clear?

Tіunov, mіtsno folding cholovіk rockіv 50 in the eyepieces, until the end of the lawyer.

The lawyer Tiunov organized that self-defense against Mistsev's self-defense in 2014, since the first gathering of Ukraine had a lot of shares in Russian Spring.

On YouTube there is a video clip. In one of them, on the 23rd of March, 2014, the camouflage of Tyuns with their comrades blocked the road of a colony of cars with pro-Russian activists on the way to Zaporizhzhia, and then a viscous tricolor, so erase from the other quaters. “We have taken our place. Ale Moscow channels showed a video with a commentary, they attacked Russian people in a beastly manner. Bagato of my Russian comrades wrote: "Fascist, punisher, lig before the juntu." If I did not check this, it was covered up, so that the comrades were so discouraged by propaganda, - tell me Tiunov. - And Seryoga Dubinsky didn’t say anything. I will be staying with a new guest, near Donetsk, at the quarter of 2014, until the day. They perechechalsya mi bagato, zychayno, vіn buv ruling against the Maidan, chi not befitting yom tse. But I’m okay, I’m my truth, I won’t be mine. It was important to say that you will become with us soon. "

Tіunov rozpovіdaє, scho Dubinsky at that time became an ex-Russian officer - already 10 years old. Ale at the same time, 2014, the fate of the wine was unsuccessfully choked to fight for the "DPR". Tyunov zgadu, that a group of Ukrainian volunteers todi “zhorstko occupied” the village of Velika Novosilka, Dubinsky is deceased, having carried out a raid near the poses quietly, but spivchuvau “Russian spring”. “Sergiy and so will not be in the capture of the last days, but here it is. Remain dripping, yak seem. "

Tіunov zgadu, it’s about the hour of service in Afghanistan because Dubinsky didn’t get involved. Friendship between fellow comrades in development services got stuck for the first time in 2010 at the newly created Internet forum for veterans. 2011 the fate of fellow soldiers was created. Dubinsky, who served as the patron of the commander at the patron saint, proponated the Ukrainian "Afghans" Sergiy Tiunov and Volodymyr Vorotylov received the 8th serpent, on the th day of the people, before the new one - to the village of Velika Novosilka on Donechchin. Dubinsky settled here near 2004 rotsi, Russian army and turning from service to Chechnya at the invited colonel. The comrades went off to the phone - Tiunov, who is alive at Zaporizhzhia, saying that he would come to Vorotilov with one machine and power it up, and want to buy one of the products. "Guys, yourself, smut, welcome!" - updated Dubinsky. "Karakhan *, I am going ahead of time, but I will not drink - for kerm," said Tiunov. "Rudiy, don't be naughty", - Dubinsky vidzhartuvavsya.

* "Karakhan", "Pohmuriy", "Bad", "Petrovsky" - positive and note of Sergiy Dubinsky.

The sound was warm. Dubinsky knows his comrades in service with his young squad and mother-in-law, showing the booths. They laid the organizers on the verandas, guessed the old comrades in Afghanistan, and in front of them were vip for their fellow soldiers. Dubinsky guessed the history of Idris Saraliev, who fought with him in Afghanistan in one development group, having been awarded the Order of the Chervona Zirka and the medal For Vidvaga. And in Chechen war Saraliev, leaning on the battleship of Maskhadov, and in 2002, the fight against the special forces, who blamed Dubinsky, killed the first hour of the special operation.

Earring even surviving a fatal vipadok, showing that it has become vipadkovo, - rozpovidak Tiunov. - I yakbi vin knowing, then not allowing bi. Having said that, we all have one country, and the gates have broken and cooked us in 1991. Vin must be worried.

... Until the spring of 2014, there were hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers in the Donetsk People's Republic polonya, who were consumed in otochennya in a cauldron before Ivan. There were only a few wirals in the cauldron todi. The leader of the Zaporizhzhya volunteers Tiunov took a jeep to take a group of his people away from the wounded. Drinking whiskey from the politicians of the Tiuns, having sent through their well-known "Afghans", shukati went to the commanders of the "DPR", trying to get home about the sound of one of the fighters. Without a bargain, Tіunova received an SMS from the mobile phone number with the text: "Lyudin from the vіyskovoi wiring from the other side. Call youmu. I’m good, I’m glad to see you. ”

Tyunov immediately dialing the number and vipaliv at the earpiece: "I am a lawyer from Zaporizhzhya Tyunov Sergiy, I want to talk to you about your compatriot's affection ..."

That seems normal, Rudiy, - a raspy, hoarse voice on that end. - Let's take it in order: pictures of people, stars, who are we taking away?

- I'm talking about? - sleeping in.

On Tyunov's trip, Dubinsky Todi, having let go of a complete Ukrainian warrior, ordered him to sit on a passenger bus near Donetsk to Kurakhovoy - and on the line he was separated by his relatives.

For a long time, the successful compatriot Tyunov was able to call on the phone to Dubin's knowledge and asked for a group of dead soldiers from Zaporizhzhia to call. “Don't eat - take it! Otherwise, take it here, protect it - sami vitrati ", - after a while" Pokhmuriy ". On the same day, Tyunov called the Ukrainian policemen and the Security Service of Ukraine, and asked about the housekeeping in Donetsk and asked them to take care of the logistics. The officials said that the special initiatives of the community's activists were on the right, brown, but they would not be visible ... I drove the zhovtnevy wound to Donetsk, de yomu naming zustrich Dubinsky.

A trip from one side was good enough for a veritable bend, all my nerves boiled over. From my side, I knew who I’m going to, and I couldn’t let me know, having given my word. Concrete for Afghans.

At the celebration of Tiunova, they checked the "DPR" warriors at the masks. For a sprinkle of chillin in the distance, a splinter of people appeared, in the middle of the know to stand at an inexpensive age with an unruffled left hand - the legacy of the old wounded Dubinsky, they knew him close. "Gloomy" super-juval guard. Tyunov made a name for the Chechen special forces, for the Pokhmury, after serving for an hour in Chechen war. The corpses were dragged onto the bus.

Tіunov іz Dubinskyy went ubіk for rozmovi. “Bachish, yak life went down, Sergiy, - saying“ Pokhmuriy ”. - In Afghanistan, we fought with you from one side, but at a time they fought one against one. Don't be smart about the junta. "

I didn’t stream: ale pasazhirskiy litak in a thuggish way, we were beaten! - Zgaduє Tiunov. - I bach on denouncement, as yogo tse zapilo, vіn srynya douzhe especially. Saying: You don’t vvazhaєsh, why am I blighted [myself]? And then showing his finger to the mountain: "There have been virods from Moscow!"

Youmu bula taka rozmova is unacceptable; All the same, it’s vіn vіyskova lyudina, not a bandit, - prodovzhu Tіunov. - [It’s obvious to me]: it’s rozumiv, that the honorable one is guilty of the bereaved of the community’s people. So it’s how it’s vіn shvidko zernuvu rozmovu: move, everything, go, and then at once to catch and cover with minomets and you, and me.

Zaporizka soldiers bulo todіnno without instrumental help. Officially, in the "DPR" the action was called a gesture of goodwill in advance of the vizvolennya zaporizhzhya from the fascists.

On the offensive once the exchange was seen at the fall of the leaves in 2014. Tyunov wanted to be a hero for the Donbass battalion full of volunteers. Aleh full of volunteers at that hour at the "Donetsk People's Republic" didn’t bother with zhіdnyh minds. For housekeeping for five "donbasivts" Tyunov zobov'yazated to send "Pohmuriy" two battles "DPR". Let me tell you about the Malaysian "Boing".

Win me dryly todi saying: “Now, we’re in the“ DPR ”until the collapse is not a mess. "Boing" having beaten the Ukrainian little boy on the SU ", - guessing Tіunov. - I am at once astonishing, but at that hour the stench has already swirled the legend. ...

Tіunov show me an old photograph from a special occasion, then a report about service in the "Afghan" development.

Vin on vіynі is not a bitch, and not a bitch. I know the price. In development, this simply does not get overwhelmed. Ale, loudly, the huge one can say something, as if it were said to be surprised at how they were robbed in Afghanistan. So, well, we will be spirny, we can. Ale tse bulo is required for vision.

For what? - I feed.

Well, you need to go, you go to the kishlak in the booths and beresh, demand for odyag warmth - beresh, cigarettes - beresh. In Afghanistan, they were so beaten down, and at the same time. I told my fighters that way. Ale vinosity televizori, technology - the whole marauding. Vbivati ​​bezbroynyh and civilians - zlochin. Tse mezhi, ti do not cross.

Wee said, don’t stick yogo for a bandit. Kim todі vvazhaєte?

He fought [in Donbas] as a soldier. So, mabut, the [evil] command has its own core. Ale I say 100%: I know that it’s worth [to fly] a civilian man, and I don’t want to launch a rocket at his owner, I don’t go to the misery of the community’s people. Bigger Tim, I feel very special: "They've been cutting off Moscow's ***!"

I put Tiunova directly on the power supply: who knows what is on the records published by the JIT and the SBU, the voice of his fellow soldier Dubinsky? Those who are ready to repeat on camera those who have said to me earlier in the special conversation.

Tiunov take a pause. Let's take a look:

To put it this way: lyudin, yak in the records [of telephone calls, presentations] of the SBU was signed as a boyovik "Pokhmuriy", is even stronger [in voice] similar to Dubinsky. I admit it, too tse same vin.

When talking to the camera, Tyunov carefully picks up words. More than once again, I’m not impressed by Dubinsky’s guilt in a catastrophe: Winn the key testimony, albeit not. First of all, my service comrade. I want to be alive. I vvazhayu, so vіn not pushing on the button of the tsy Buk, only coordinating oversupply. "

Beech, z yakogo, zg_dno with JIT visnovki, buv zbitiy lіtak Malaysian avіalіnіy. Photo of eyewitnesses

If I know Tіunov, it wasn’t at once that I had a chance to talk about "Khmuriy". All two and a half of the rocky vin talked about his knowledge of the figurant "please MH17". Seemingly, "not knowing how to help a comrade in the service, why not naughty." Decilka razіv Tyunov heading for a call from a comrade. “I wanted to help bi one to vibrate because of the situation, but I won’t be guided by my visit. Infection of the hoop close to the grip. I still want to help you!

The journalist and editor of the "Hromadsky Television" at Zaporizhzhia Taras Bilko called Tiunov one of the leaders of the community's thoughts among Ukrainian activists and volunteers. Protest, even Bilko, about Tiunov’s contacts with representatives of the “DPR” knew only the most people: “Winn’t mind not to advertise his fate, if he’s successfully turned around the crowd”.

About tіnі stosunki Tiunova s ​​Dubinsky shche to go to Maidan to witness іхні actively list on the forum of veterans of the 181st motorized regiment - zagalom on 43 sides. About contacts between two collegiate comrades in service during the period when they know and the negotiator with the exchange of all the others Volodymyr Ruban, who also often works with Dubinsky. Protect the great comrade, as a rule, Ruban speaks with me about a new one in a categorical form: "Pohmuriy" pass along the "Boing". Clean up all the tsikavih. Chi is not required for you. Rozmov finished. "

For an hour of development I have fed Tiunov, who is not afraid to blame his own words for "Pohmurim". And even this testimony is that I’m just living for a moment, I don’t think about the fact of Dubinsky’s curatorship over the oversubscribed “Buk” not from the Internet. Tіunov vidpovіv: "And here with the lads, as soon as possible".

On the other day of our spilkuvannya, I proponuvu Tiunova and write down a video player, which, when I see it, I will deliver it to my comrade in service. (Seemingly, from 2004 to the summer of 2014 "Pokhmuriy" is alive from Donetsk. Having completed his fate at the first gathering of Ukraine, "Pokhmuriy" moved to Rostov in 2015.) We will write down the message:

Privit, Mikolayovich! It’s disgusting, but I can’t give you the slightest sound. Rozmova є important. Melodiously, you yourself are all bachish.

<…>Nikolaich! Lyudin, how to convey to you a video player, sound Pavlo, there is a lyudin nadijna. With him you can shake things up the same way, as with me. Talk to him. We can, we know how to dots<…>.

With this record, I viralized near Rostov-on-Don, and conveyed it especially to Dubinsky. Having already arrived to the place, I called the phone to the mobile Dubinsky, and talked about the entertainment. I didn’t know if I would take a win to an unknown number, and this is no longer accurate, but our rozmov will be captured from the third part. I dialed the number, but didn’t know the cradle, there were only more beeps. Once again, I know the beeps. The addresses behind the registrations are Dubinsky, lying down to the closed Vyskovy village Stepoviy near the front of Rostov. The 22nd Guards Brigade of the Special Assignment of the Ministry of Defense of Russia was quartered right next to the village, and this is how they call it “the military unit of the GRU”. When you enter the village, there is a barrier and a booth with vartovy, you enter only on the notification of overflow.

Privatisya in the middle, dyakuvati to God, did not know. For the past two years Dubinsky called me himself.

Hello to Sergiy Mikolayovich.

* On April 16, 2015, during the period of being sent to the fighting zone, special correspondent "Noviy" Pavlo Kanigin, on behalf of the representatives of the Ministry of State Security of the "DPR" Zvіlniy for the participation of the Russian government.

Dubinsky said that he should call back in two days himself, and he will be home about the place at that exact hour. Ale didn’t call back, she didn’t call back.

On April 24, after three days of our development, I will call out to the sound of Dubinsky. Every once in a while, having seen that I am in the middle of the transmission of the message is irrelevant, although I myself have spilkuvavshis from those days and that looking at the message of the sheet by electronic means. "Frown" sounds even more troublesome. Pitannya, whose voice sounded on the records of the SBU, Dubinsky was overlaid without any announcement.

Tіunov is the fact of a recent split with Dubinsky.

Doss: in 2015 Sergiy Dubinsky was transferred to the Ministry of Defense of Russia

About ludin with im'yam Sergiy Mykolayovich Dubinsky, yaka vikoristovu positive "Pohmuriy", є the number of views from the most critical dzherel. Bagato tsikavogo Dubinsky is eager to see about himself, how to make one with the best-looking Ukrainian vinyi - Igor Strulkovim-Girkinim. Win my accounts in the social media "Vkontakte" and "Facebook", I am actively browsing with fellow service comrades, joining with them in discussions on the topic of new conflicts. At the forum of veterans of the 181st motorized regiment, who took part in the Afghan war, the name of Sergiy Dubinsky was indicated in the middle of the military service. Forum 2010 has fallen asleep as the first veteran - on the name of Sergiy Tulupov, and at that hour Dubinsky had already on the forum 365 under the nickname "Karakhan" (in the regional tributes of the koristuvach there is the name of the name).

At the forum Dubinsky meaning that the 9th serpent was born in 1962, from 1985 to 1987 he served in Afghanistan, and from 2002 to 2004 served in Chechnya at the rank of Colonel of the Head (Development) Directorate of the Russian Army; Since 2014, Dubinsky brave the fate of Viyna at the anniversary gathering of Ukraine and being the creator of the first core member of the Viynskiy development of the Donetsk People's Republic. In 2015, Dubinsky has lost his posad and went to Rostov.

Yak became a type of "Noviy gazeta", Sergiy Dubinsky yak minimum until mid-2015 by removing vip payments from the Ministry of Defense of Russia (over 300 thousand rubles in 2015).

Dubinsky seems to have a telephone call, but it’s not remembered to deny any pennies from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. “I don’t remember the picture of the [vital] pension, I’m trying to get rid of it. Hi, ni, well, there is a lot ... Ah! There are bully old viplati from іnvalіdnostі, yakraz, mabut, at 2015 rotsі. Well, not because of invalidnost, but because of the injury of the old. I will pay off close to 300 thousand [rubles] for injuries and injuries, as well as purely pay me pensions to go from the Ministry of Defense. "

Dubinsky mayzhe spilkuvavsya with journalists. Seemingly deprived of two interv'yu for his fate.

For example, in 2014, the journalist and comrade-in-arms of Igor Strulkova-Girkina Anastasia Mikhaylovska wrote down an interview with Dubinsky for the newspaper Zavtra. At the rose, I confirmed that Dubinsky vicarist pseudonym "Petrovsky" and positive "Pohmuriy", also Mikhailovska recognized him on photographs from the forum of fellow soldiers, as I showed him. The topic of MH17 was not stuck in the Internet, but "Pohmuriy" reportedly reports about the opening of it at the "DPR" by the service of a 80 operations "). Behind the words of Mikhaylovskoy, Dubinsky sat on the interview with her, so that the journalist was organizing a visit to Donetsk by the actor Ivan Okhlobistina. Some special photographs appeared on the side of Sergiy Dubinsky in Odnoklassniki.

Ivan Okhlobistin (livoruch) and Sergiy Dubinsky (near the center) near Donetsk. Photo: Odnoklassniki

2003 Colonel "Pokhmuriy" fiddled with a Chechen reportage by Vadim Rechkalov, a news correspondent for Izvestia. "Pohmuriy" calling the journalist "fakhivtsy of sabotage" Petrovsky. Rechkalov to suggest great quotes from the officer in the text. “[I am fighting] for the Russian people. For that little part, as I have spared, "- even Colonel" Pokhmuriy ". “And who are you fighting? "- to put food on the vіyskrk. "Z timi, who do not want to live in Russia according to our Russian laws, do not want to pray our viri".

- Is it important for you to drive people in? - Power up Rechkalov.

- It's even more important. Gidly learn how to relieve people of life.

- Did you give it a little more?

Hatred helped. After driving the first one into the first [Chechen] vіynu at the battlefield, - "Pokhmuriy" is displayed. - Winning at me, ale I wistling first. If you drive in a battle nearby - it’s not a challenge. Drive-in - if bachish denounces the one you drive in.

Rechkalov died on the cob 2017 rock, even earlier at Pidmoskovskaya zgoril family dacha Rechkalovikh, de journalist zberigav audioplivki and photographs. A colleague from a close stake of Rechkalov, who asked not to name this name (Є in the editorial office), having seen me, the records of that Chechen interview were also not spared. In spite of the breaks, as if not well before his death, Rechkalov went with him, and at Khmuriy's, whose talk was published in the JIT herd, as soon as he knew about the hero of his publication - Petrovsky.

“Vadim, having experienced through the tse, is a guilty colleague. - Before the "Russian spring", I got a handful of those who had been sent to the spychutty, and if I had gone to the boing, I wondered that ours could not have broken it. Then the recordings of the conversations appeared, and I knew about the voice of ["Hmury"], with the sound of that [in Chechnya]. For a new tsey, the fact will be more painful. "

At the bottom of the ex-head of the MDB "DPR" Andriy Pinchuk, she came to the birch 2017, "The contour is safe. Generation of the DNR "to guess that Dubinsky will be the defender of the Minister of Defense of the" DNR "and have deceived the Vyskovo initiation of the self-proclaimed republic (" GRU DNR ").

The riddle of "Pohmury" -Dubinsky at the bottom of Pinchuk wicked among the majority of his colleagues a conflict. From the Facebook account, Sergiy Dubinsky said that Pinchuk would revise the facts. At the conclusion of the claims of "Pohmury", Pinchuk wrote an article on the website "Politnavigator", giving intelligence, that Dubinsky's publicity was not correct. “If a tendency to keep going has been demonstrated, then the date will be raised and detailed comments about the versatility of“ Pakhmuriy ”with the new patterns and inheritances,” wrote Pinchuk.

At my meeting with the report about the guesswork, the ex-head of the “MDB DNR” said that he was ready to change to be those who didn’t want to talk about Dubinsky.

About those who Dubinsky has a lot on Facebook, I’m opening up the journalist of "Politnavigator" Oleksandr Chalenko, who was especially interested in him at Rostov in 2016 at the fall of the leaves. A conference of veterans of the Donbass region was attended by the first head of the Donetsk People's Republic, Oleksandr Borodaam. Chalenko took a small interval from "Pohmury". Bachila "Pohmuriy" and the kolishnya squad of Igor Strulkov - Vira Girkina, who also came to the conference. “Honestly, the wine was even more modest, especially not with anyone else,” - Girkin said to me.

Through his oblivious Facebook post, Dubinsky is actively joining forces with the young people of the Russian Spring. For example, with the number of "people's measure" Gorlivka Igor Bezler, ex-minister of the transcord "DPR" Oleksandr Kofman and the commander of the "Kerch" battalion Vadim Pogodin. "Spіlkuvannya go to see and do it, but people have a style of spogadіv", - even Chalenko. Take the fate of the Ukrainian negotiator Volodymyr Ruban from the separatists.

For the distribution of the families of the "Russian Spring", "Pokhmuriy", the bailiffs from the "DPR" for the shallowness and the removal of power from the inhabitants of the population. Andriy Pinchuk has his own statistics. The editorial board cannot confirm the view of the editorial board, since we could not understand how far from Donetsk to Rostov in 2015, Sergiy Dubinsky regained in his name a series of cars.

Unimportant to those who took away the testimonials from some children about those that the voice of "Pohmuriy" on the records of the SBU and JIT should be attributed to Colonel Sergiy Dubinsky, the editorial board was circulated to carry out a phonoscopic report.

We turned up to the fahivts from the Moscow Bureau of the Independent Expertise "Versiya" with the help of vivchit and the recording of my telephone conversation with Dubinsky. First of all, from the sharp voice of "Pohmuriy", we will record the hour of overcrowding in 2014 rock.

Having detailed about the context, the Versiya bureau told me that I could turn around for organizing "serious political inheritance" and asked for an hour to think about it. By the way, the expert can see how to conduct a phonoscopy with a whole array of intelligent worlds. However, we were also asked for something else, that the bureau will take care of the robot, and even more - until the end of the day.

The next day, the Moscow engineer-radioelectronic Yuriy Makev prepared a technical analysis with the visnovki, as they pissed us off. Zmіstovna part of the arrangement of the fahіvtsya ** was installed on one side; Yuriy Makev seems to have seen that, when presented with images, “there is a valid identification of identification numbers.”

* Technical analysis - the creation of acoustic parameters in the voice, such as timbre, frequency, too. On the basis of a linguistic analysis, it is possible to carry out a special technical education from an expert in general education and quality.

** "Ukladannya fakhivtsya" is a legal term from the CPC of Ukraine, which means judgment for food, placed in front of a fakhivtsy. On the opinion of the expert's visitor (to be recognized within the framework of the criminal process), not until afterwards, but I will establish the facts with proof.

However, the offensive paragraph has an engineer-radioelectronic engineer, who is not a little linguistic, giving a linguistic assessment of the published JIT recordings of the conversations of "Pohmuriy" and "Buryat". (spelling and punctuation of. - P. Before.):

"Dynamics, motor skills, aberration, warehouse and structure of pauses in the process, emotional intensity of voices and promises of guarantors to inform about Vimov within the framework of telephone dialogues of memorized texts, or reading texts from noses."

Dali Makev to rob the visnovok, but on the pilot, published by the SBU of the coming day after the catastrophe MH17, Dubinsky's voice would sound changing. "Doslіdzhennya<…>to know about the frequency of the basic tone, the frequency of the main tone, the frequency of the aberration, the style basis and the manner of the modernization, as well as from the best quality and structure of the material tell me about trying to imagine the voice and how to sound».

We got to know even more unsupported ones, having heard, showing us an engineer-radioelectronic engineer in a special way. Let's start an hour of development in this laboratory, and a few words about myself.

I myself am like Rostov and the officer, before the speech, - said Makev. do not begin to name one and only one to go to the negotiations, as you have a file! Yogo there Mykolaich sound - just uncomfortable tse!

Otrimavshis such a result, we thought that it is possible to end the result. Protest they decided to reinsure themselves, and about any type of adversity, substitute another examination.

Doslidzhennya number 2

I have asked experts in the analysis of the movement from the Institute of Neurology and Physiology at the Institute of Neurology and Physiology at the Institute of Neuroscience in Switzerland (Institute of Neuroscience). Analysis of the audit conducted at the Voxalys laboratory (the assessment of the criminal background for the replacement of the prosecutor's office, police and court in Switzerland) by the method of the "slate test" without being introduced into the context and the preliminary audit of the acoustic We didn’t know the experts about those, to whom I am driven by those who spoke to me as material for the presenter. It was important for us, that the experts didn’t bully until the time of flow (flowing political moment).

Keruvav doslidzhennyam criminal-analyst that member of the IAFPA viconkom Jonas Lind. Swedish faculty analyzed the technical (acoustic) parameters: tone, frequency and timbre of voices. For the assessment of the need for expertise from the University of Teteborg, a nine-point scale was established, hardened by the Swedish National Expert and Criminalistic Center. +4 from the newest step of the last few voices ("from the superbly high voice of the voice on the records, there are only one people"), -4 - to the least ("voice with a superstitiously high ymovіrnіstyu to lie with smart people"), and a neutral indicator in 0 Ball to talk about the unwillingness of experts in the field of research and development.

After 10 days until the end of the day, the Swedes prepared a criminalistic piece of paper, for whom they saw it, but the record was not great, but not enough material for the day. Otzhe, the results of the last few days give rise to a hypothesis about those who, according to the same voices, should be similar to the same people - +2 bali.

Tsei suvoro technical analysis and we selected the testimony, as the voice of the organizer of transport to the Buk complex should be assigned to the Russian officer Dubiner Sergiy in the territory of Donbas.

Yogo comrade in service Tiunov napolyagaє on the fact that Dubinsky didn’t want to attack but also with civilians - ale mala misce pomilka, eksses.

Pavlo Kanigin

The Bellingcat International Expert-Journalism Group has published additional information about the MH17 crash, in which the transport of the Buk anti-aircraft missile launcher, from which the general manager of Dublin Russian-Russian

Russian Major General Sergiy Dubinsky, responsible for organizing the transport of the Buk anti-aircraft missile launcher, with an MH17 bullet / bellingcat.com

The new text of additional reports, TSN submissions, zgіdno z yakim, 1 April 2015, the Dutch ZMI NRC, NOS and De Telegraaf wrote about "Pohmuriy" because the International Sledcha Group (MSG) published the same video on the same phone special features of participants in negotiations bulo virizano.

Protest 18 spring 2014 rooku rosіyskomovne іnternet-ЗМІ PolitRussia published an article with a photograph and a video about an officer of the "DPR" Sergiy Petrovsky from a positive "Pohmuriy". The publication is based on video from the 27th day of the 2014 rock, on which it is presented the Interview with the soldier of the so-called "People's Militia of Donbas" and the positive "Pokhmuriy". However, the name "Murogo" in the whole video is dumb.

It is shown in our statistics that Lyudin, who came to Slovyansk from Moscow and gave the video, obviously not the same "Pohmura", as the presence of an overcrowded telephone call. Another video titled "Sergiy Mykolayovich Petrovsky (pozivny Pokhmuriy, Poganiy soldier)", trapped on October 2, 2014, presents the brutality of people in masts - apparently before the name of the video by Sergiy Petrovsky. Tse vіdeo bulo locked up earlier, 12 worm 2014 rock, under the name "Spetsnaz Strulkova". On a new, zazhayuchi on everything, not the same person, as given the interv'yu on video from 27 worms, and even the voices and the sutta are heard.

30 leaf fall 2014 on the Russian site novin Politikus published on the Interview with General Sergei Mykolayovich Petrovsky. The Interview states that at that time he was blamed at the Head of the Development Department (GRU) of the "Donetsk People's Republic", and that the Russian army was rocked by the Radiansk Army in 1984, until the war in Afghanistan.

In the 90s, the winners took part in the vicinities of the Pivdenniy Ossetia and Chechnya, having become familiar with Igor "Strelkov" Girkin, for example, in 2014, the rotsi buv was "the ministrom of defense of the DPR". In the іnshom іnterv'yu, published on the 25th breast of 2014 on the Russian ultra-national-patriotic new site "Zavtra", I call myself "Major General Sergiy Petrovskiy" and Zgadu, which was born in 1962 in Donetsk region. It didn’t sound as if it’s the fault of the Major General’s call. Russian Federation, for the self-voices of the "DNR" either there, or there. It’s also a mystery that I’ll win 30 years of service in the Radiansk and Russian armies.

Earlier, Interview with "Pohmurim", then Colonel, was published in 2003 on the Russian resource novyn "Visti". The price of the interview was guessed by the publication of the Globalized Blossom from 2016 rock. At the same post, as well as in this post (from 28 leaf fall in 2014), it is indicated that he called himself "Forsaken Soldier" with an avatar with the words "Pohmuriy" that іnshikh topics. On the whole forum there is also a frequent publication of information about wine in Ukraine Igor "Strelkov" Girkin. At the end of the forum "Pohmuriy", having written on 19 April 2014 to rock, he was responsible for Colonel Sergiy Mykolayovich Petrovsky, the defender of the Minister of Defense of the "Donetsk People's Republic" from the development of the Guards.

The specialty of "Sergiy Petrovsky" (tse im'ya viyavilosya pseudonym) has become a kind of zavdyaki evil e-mail Igor Girkina at the Trav 2014 rock. Bulo published a number of leaves from the post of Girkin, including the messages 28 April 2014 to the address of Sergiy Dubinsky [email protected] At the leaf of the bulo it is written: "Privit, Igora, yet not forgetting the Bison?" Send e-mail addresses to social framing It can be seen that Dubinsky was born on the 9th serpnya of 1962 and is still alive near Donetsk (Ukraine). Varto means that the date of the nation (1962) is taken from the statement of the SBU (1964).

By electronic means, you can find the forum on the website of the 181st motorized construction regiment of the 108th motorized division, which took part in the war in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989. At the forum, a list of soldiers and rockets of service is sent to the forum on April 18, 2010; she lives in Donetsk. In 2011, he was registered with the nickname "Karakhan", saying that he was born Sergiy Dubinsky, and he was born on the 9th of 1962, and adding his photograph to the colonel’s form.

Uncompromisingly sent by his fellow soldier, also Viklav kilka yogo photographs, and in 2016, another coli-mary brother-soldier published a great photograph of Sergiy Dubinsky at the form, written by the name "Petrovsky, Dvorkyviy "at the DNR". Niny tsi post is visible. On the video on the forum and on YouTube, the presence of one and the very photograph of Sergiy Dubinsky at the last form.

The photograph of Sergiy Dubinsky at the form, mabut, was redrawn (for example, not showing a fragment to the Order of Merit to Vichizna). At the same time, the number of medals is typical for the colonel, who won his career in 1984. Protest of a large number of medals on this form to be applied to the Radiansk dob, for example, "Order of the Chervonoi Zirka", "For the Service of Batkivshchyna at the Old Forces of the SRSR", the medal "Veteran of the Fellow Forces of the SRSR", three medals " Forces of the Forces of the SRSR. ”The medal" Veteran of the Forces of the SRSR "was given to people who had served at the Zbroinye Forces of the SRSR for at least 25 years, and the medals" For unfailing service "were given to people who had served in the ЗС SRCV 10, 15 and 20 years.

Such a rank, Lyudin, Yaka served since 1984, could not get rid of the medals; Veterans of the Afghan war saw two medals right-handed to the uni: the badge "Biytsyam-internationalists" and the medal "Vidyachny Afghani people". Only two "Orders of Manhood" lіvoruch eels, mabut, bully otrimanі in the course of service in the Russian army.

Medal on the right in the mountains - tse, mabut, juvileina medal "50 years of the Great Victory in 1941-1945 rr." language concentrators. Oskilki Dubinsky was born in 1962, it was not even possible to put it up to the same category.

This photo was shown in articles about "DNR" 10 September 2015 rock, 14 spring 2015 rock and 12 leaf fall 2015 rock, ale less 19 leaf fall 2016 rock on the site, assigned to Donetsk, the ringing from MH17 was indicated. The photographs of Sergiy Dubinsky were published on the scandalous site "Peacemaker", which selected specialties of the Russian people, separatists and few collaborators, as they are trying to get involved. On the 7th of February 2017, the InformNapalm team has published an additional information about Sergiy Dubinsky, having given the first place of residence: Russia, Rostov region, Veliky Log, street Molodizhna 4.

Bellingcat has seen another side of Sergiy Mykolayovich Dubinsky in the distance. There it is indicated that the corystuvach was born on the 9th crescent of 1962 and is alive in Donetsk (Ukraine), as well as in Rostov-on-Don. Judging from the photographs on the sidelines, during 2010 Dubinsky lived in Russia for the first time in 2010, but lived in Ukraine for the second time in 2011.

Sergiy Mykolayovich Dubinsky, who was born on the 9th crescent of 1962, lived at Stepovoy on an unavoidable street near booth number 1, apt. 117. On the last year from 1998 to 2004, 3 cars were registered. Stepove is a central location in the Rostov region, based on the 22nd special brigade, military unit 11659. The brigade is located to the Head Development Directorate - "GRU".

The photographs in Dubinsky's album should be brought to life in 2014 by going to Donetsk (Ukraine). In the photograph, the knowledge of the 2014 rock, Dubinsky is pictured with the Russian actor Mikhail Porechenkov, who visited Donetsk on 30 October 2014.

In the photograph, the knowledge of the 2014 rock, with Dubinsky in the photo is the Russian actor Ivan Okhlobistin, who was fenced off to Ukraine for the picture of the pro-Russian separatists, as well as the Okhlobist squad Oksana Arbuzova. Okhlobistin has seen Donbas at the beginning of 2014 fall of leaves, and Donetsk - 30 leaves of 2014 to rock. Okhlobistin made a difference with Igor "Strilkov" Girkin and stverdzhuvav, having seen the year of "Pohmury" - Major General Sergiy Mikolayovich Petrovsky on the road.

In the photograph, nobility at the chest 2014, Dubinsky at the Russian uniform of the major general. This can be done, for example, in the form of the Speaker of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Major General Igor Konashenkov. On Dubensky, you can start up, the stripe "Special Forces of the GRU". At the same time, on the patch, you can clearly see the emblem of the Land of Russia, I want Dubinsky nybito pishov at the newsletter in 2014 to the rock, who had violated the service of the "DPR".

Obviously, Dubinsky has overshadowed Donetsk on the cob in 2015; at the same time, they fenced off to the DPR for a penny for business. According to the ruling of the Aksaysky District Court of the Rostov Region on April 17, 2015, from Dubinsky Bulo, it was tightened penny koshty... It’s also a mistake to get rid of the pension for service in the small parts of the country. First of them - in / year No. 61019. Zazhayuchi on everything, tsya part to finish for a long time formed - there is no information in the Internet about her. Another zgadanih chastin - zgaduvan vishche in / year No. 11659 - 22nd special forces brigade, and the third - military unit No. 51019 - 116th okremiy radioovuzol of special significance, also located at Stepovoy.

On the photographs published during the year 2016, you can see the new Dubinsky's house, which has gone into geolocation behind this address, which is indicated by the InformNapalm statute: Rostov Region, Veliky Log, Molodizhna street. Without going into the room, confirm the number of the booth, splinters on google maps Yandex does not indicate the number of all bills on the street. Prot, ymovirno, the booth number is 4a, not 4b. The background of the photo is displayed on Google Streetview. On the іnshіy photo Dubinsky can be seen і the motor-everywhere Can-Am Commander XT of the Canadian virobnitstva. New motovsudikhіd cієї model kostu mayzhe 15 000 dollars.

Bellingcat deyesh such a message: Lyudin, whose phone was heard by the Security Service of Ukraine on 17 April 2014 (as the SBU apparently gave his voice, I at the same day MH17) - tse Sergiy Mykolajovich Dubinsky from the positive "Pohmuriy".

2017-02-16T08: 33: 00 + 03: 00

2017-02-16T10: 50: 47 + 03: 00

https: // site / blog / echomsk / 1928960-echo /

https: //site/files/2684416.jpg

Radio station "Echo of Moscow"

https: //site//i/logo.png


This article was spilfully prepared and written by the Bellingcat team behind the MH17 bend.

18 lipnya 2014 roku Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) published overcrowded telephone conversations, who were connected from the hit flight 17 of "Malaysian avialines" (MH17) 17 years. SBU identification of "Pohmuriy" yak Sergiy Mikolayovich Petrovsky, Russian officer of the GRU. In spite of neither the old nor the Russian commanders of the 3rd century, they didn’t have a great deal of respect for their specialty.

On April 1, 2015, the Dutch ZMI NRC, NOS and De Telegraaf wrote about "Pohmuriy" because the International Slidcha Group (MSG) published video, in which there is a lot of overcrowded telephone conversations, moreover, the identification of specific participants in the conversation was Bula Virizana. Protest 18 spring 2014 roku rosіyskomovne іnternet-ЗМІ PolitRussia published with photos and video about the DPR officer in the name Sergiy Petrovsky and the positive Pokhmuriy. Qia publication of Bula is based on video from the 27th day of 2014 to the rock, on which it is presented the Interview with the soldier of the so-called "People's Militia of Donbas" and the positive "Pokhmuriy". The protest of the name "Murogo" in the whole video is dumb. It is shown in our statistics that the Lyudin, who came to Slovyansk from Moscow and gave the video interface, obviously not the same "Pokhmura", but the presence of an overcrowded telephone call. On the other video Under the name "Sergiy Mykolayovich Petrovsky (positive Pokhmuriy, Poganiy soldier)", trapped on October 2, 2014, the beast of the people in the masts is presented - the name of the video, Sergiy Petrovsky. Tse video bulo locked up earlier, 12 worm 2014 roku, under the name "Spetsnaz Strulkova". On the other hand, zazhayuchi on everything, not the same person, but yes, there are 27 worms on the video, this is what the voices and the sutta will be aware of.

Zliva: a screenshot of the video of the SBU from 18 April 2014 to the rock, which shows the positive "Pohmuriy" outside of me"Sergiy Mykolayovich Petrovsky". At the center: the publication of PolitRussia from 18 Spring 2014 to the rock with a bearded people, nibito Sergei Petrovsky. Right: Lyudina in a video on video from October 2, 2014 titled "Sergiy Mykolajovich Petrovsky (pozivny Pokhmuriy, Poganiy soldier)".

30 leaf fall 2014 on the Russian site novin Politikus published on the Interview with General Sergei Mykolayovich Petrovsky. The Interview states that at that time the Head Development Directorates (GRU) of the Donetsk People's Republic were honored by the Head Development Administrations (GRU) of the "Donetsk People's Republic" In the 90s, the winners took part in the vicinities of the Holy Ossetia and Chechnya, having become familiar with Igor “Strelkov” Girkin, for example, in 2014, the buv was “the ministrom of defense of the DPR”. In the іnshom іnterv'yu, published on the 25th breast of 2014 on the Russian ultra-national-patriotic new site "Zavtra", I call myself "Major General Sergiy Petrovskiy" і zgadu, which was born in 1962 in the Donetsk region. Imperceptibly, having recognized the call of the Major General in the Russian Federation, in the self-speech of the DPR, there, and there. It’s also a mystery that I’ll win 30 years of service in the Radiansk and Russian armies. Earlier, Interview with "Pohmurim", the only colonel, published 2003 on the Russian resource novyn "Visti". The price of the interview was guessed by the publication of the Globalized Blossom from 2016 rock. At the same post, as well as in the last post (from 28 leaf fall 2014), it is indicated that he called himself "Forsaken Soldier" with an avatar with the words "Pohmuriy" and other topics. On the whole forum there is also a frequent publication of information about wine in Ukraine Igor "Strelkov" Girkin. At the end of the forum "Pohmuriy", having written on 19 April 2014 to rock, he was responsible for Colonel Sergiy Mykolayovich Petrovskiy, the defender of the Minister of Defense of the "Donetsk People's Republic" from the development of the Guards.

The specialty of "Sergiy Petrovsky" (the name of the pseudonym) appeared from the house of the owner of the evil of electronic mail, Igor Girkina at the same time, 2014. Bulo published a number of leaves from the post of Girkin, including the messages 28 April 2014 to the address of Sergiy Dubinsky [email protected] At the leaf of the bulo it is written: "Privit, Igora, yet not forgetting the Bison?" Tse іm'ya and e-mail addresses are sent to the side of the social framing, from which it can be seen that Dubinsky was born on the 9th crescent of 1962 and is still alive in Donetsk (Ukraine). Varto means that the date of the nation (1962) is taken from the statement of the SBU (1964). By electronic means, you can find the forum on the website of the 181st motorized construction regiment of the 108th motorized division, which took part in the war in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989. At the forum, a list of soldiers and rockets of service is sent to the forum on April 18, 2010; I live in Donetsk. In 2011, he was reorganized under the nickname "Karakhan", having said that he was born Sergiy Dubinsky, and he was born on the 9th of 1962, giving his photo in the form of a colonel. Uncompromisingly, one of his fellow soldiers was also Viklav Kilka of his photographs, and in 2016, one more brother-soldier published a larger photograph of Sergiy Dubinsky at the form, who wrote the taiga “Petrovsky, Dvoriy” "At the DNR". Ninі tsі post viluchenі. On video on the forum on youtube the presence and the very photograph of Sergiy Dubinsky in the vіyskovіy formі.

Zliva from above: Avatar of "Pohmuriy" on the forum "Antikvariat"; lіvoruch unizu: a photograph of Sergіy Dubinsky in Afghanistan from the th side in "Moєmu Svіtі"; right-hander: photograph of Sergiy Dubinsky in the form of a colonel, locked up in 2011.

The photograph of Sergiy Dubinsky at the form, mabut, became aware of the editorship (for example, not showing a fragment of the Order of Merit to Vitality). At the same time, the number of medals is completely characteristic of the colonel, who has won Vyskov's career from 1984 to rock. Protest of a large number of medals on this form to be applied to the Radiansk dob, for example, "The Order of the Red Star", "For the Service of the Batkivshchyna at the Old Forces of the SRSR", the medal "Veteran of the Young Forces of the USSR", three medals, rock_v to the Strong Forces of the SRSR ". The medal "Veteran of the Zbroynykh Forces of the SRSR" was given only to people who had served with the Zbroynykh Forces of the SRSR for at least 25 years, and the medals "For unattended service" were given 10, 15 and 20 years, which they served with the ZS SRSR. In such a rank, Lyudin, yaka, served since 1984, could not get rid of the medals, and the SRCP splinters were pinned down in 1991. Veterans of the Afghan war saw two medals right-handed to the uni: the badge "Biytsyam-internationalists" and the medal "Vidyachny Afghani people". There are only two "Orders of Manhood" lіvoruch eels, mabut, bully otrimanі for an hour of service in the Russian army. Medal on the right in the mountains - tse, mabut, juvileina medal "50 Rocky Peremohy at the Great Victory Day 1941-1945" ... Oskilki Dubinsky was born in 1962 to rock, I can not be put to the same category.

This photo was shown in articles about the "DNR" 10 September 2015 rock, 14 spring 2015 rock and 12 leaf fall 2015 rock, ale less 19 leaf fall 2016 rock on the site, assigned to Donetsk, with indications of sounds from MH17. The photographs of Sergiy Dubinsky were published on the scandalous site "Peacemaker", which selected special data (not important about the dzherel's display) of the Russians, separatists and few collaborators, which may have been announced until now. On the 7th of February 2017, the InformNapalm team has published an additional information about Sergiy Dubinsky, having given the first place of residence: Russia, Rostov region, Veliky Log, street Molodizhna 4.

Bellingcat has seen another side of Sergiy Mykolayovich Dubinsky in the distance. There it is indicated that the corystuvach was born on the 9th crescent of 1962 and is alive in Donetsk (Ukraine), as well as in Rostov-on-Don. Judging from the photographs on the sidelines, during 2010 Dubinsky lived in Russia for the first time in 2010, but lived in Ukraine for the second time in 2011. Sergiy Mykolayovich Dubinsky, who was born on the 9th crescent of 1962, lived at Stepovoy on an unavoidable street near booth number 1, apt. 117. During the year 1998-2004, 3 cars were registered. Stepoviy is a central location in the Rostov region, based on the 22nd special brigade, or military unit 11659 (posilannya). The Qia brigade should be located to the Head Development Directorate - "GRU".

The photographs in Dubinsky's album should be brought to life in 2014 by going to Donetsk (Ukraine). In the photograph, the knowledge of the 2014 rock, Dubinsky images with the Russian actor Mikhail Porechenkov, who has seen Donetsk 30 October 2014 rock... In the photograph, the knowledge of the chest in 2014, the Russian actor Ivan Okhlobistin, who was fenced in to Ukraine through the propagation of pro-Russian separatists, as well as Oksana Arbuzov’s squad, Okhlobistin. Okhlobistin brought in Donbass at the beginning of 2014 fall leaves, and Donetsk - 30 leaf fall 2014 roku... Okhlobistin made a difference with Igor "Strilkovim" Girkin and stverdzhuvav, having made a trip to the second year from "Khmury" - Major General Sergiy Mikolayovich Petrovsky.

Sergiy Dubinsky from Mykhailo Porechenkov at Donetsk in the fall of 2014 (the photo was tied up on 15 October 2016).

Sergiy Dubinsky with Ivan Okhlobistin and his squad in Donetsk near the 2014 rock (photo tied up on 15 October 2016). Zliva: Ivan Okhlobystin, Right: Ivan's wife Oksana Arbuzova.

In the photograph, nobility at the chest 2014, on Dubinsky, the Russian uniform of a major general. This can be done, for example, in the form of the Speaker of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Major General Igor Konashenkov. On Dubinsky, mabut, stripe "Special Forces of the GRU". At the same time, the emblem of the Land of Russia is clearly visible on the patch, I want Dubinsky to write a letter to the 2014 rock, who virally served in the “DPR”.

Obviously, Dubinsky has overshadowed Donetsk on the cob in 2015; at the same time, they fenced off to the DPR for a penny for business. From April 17, 2015, a copy of Dubinsky Bulo is tightly pulled together. It’s also a mistake to get rid of the pension for service in the small parts of the country. The first from them - military unit No. 61019. Zazhayuchi on everything, the whole part to finish has long been formed - information in the Internet about her is not. Another zgadanih part - already zgaduvan vishche in / year No. 11659 - 22nd special forces brigade, and the third - military unit No. 51019 - 116th okremiy radioovuzol of special significance, which is also located at Stepovy.

On the photographs published in 2016 rock, you can see the new Budinki Dubinsky, like in the distance geolokuwati for the same address as indicated in the InformNapalm statistic: Rostov region, Velikiy Log, Molodizhna street. Without going into the confirmation of the number of the booth, the images on the Google and Yandex maps indicate the numbers of not all the booths on the street. Prot, ymovirno, the booth number is 4a, not 4b. The background of the photo is displayed on Google Streetview. In the іnshіy photo Dubinsky can be seen at the motorcycle Can-Am Commander XT of the Canadian Wirobnitstva. New motovsudikhіd cієї model kostu mayzhe 15 000 dollars.

The new house of Sergiy Dubinsky, de vin (first homeland), melodiously, has been living since 2015. The photo is blocked on the 8th September 2016 rock.

Sergiy Dubinsky at the motovide Can-Am Commander XT, melodiously, in front of the booth. Photo obscured 4 serpnya 2016 rock.

Bellingcat to thwart an attack: Lyudin, whose phone was heard by the Security Service of Ukraine on April 17, 2014 (as the SBU apparently gave his voice i having beaten at the same day MH17) - tse Sergiy Mykolajovich Dubinsky from the positive "Pohmuriy". Dubinsky is a Russian veteran of the boyovykh diy, who was a colonel at the lip of 2014, who fought in Afghanistan and Chechnya, and the year he served in the 22nd brigade of the Special Forces of the GRU. Tse, judging by us, not the same ludin, but the bearded "Pohmuriy" in the Interview, as melodiously vikorist that very positive: on 2 April 2014, Dubinsky wrote on the forum "Antikvariatu", but he was confused with the other people. Protest Dubinsky could be a Lyudin in a video on the video, locked up in Zhovtni 2014 rock under the name "Sergiy Mikolayovich Petrovsky (positive Pokhmuriy, Poganiy Soldat), previously locked up on 12 chervnya 2014 rock under the name" Spetsnaz ". In the same post on the Antikvariat forum, dated 2 April 2014, Dubinsky wrote that he shouldn't be with ZMI, for one blame: he read the text on video from 12 chervnya 2014 to rock.

Sergiy Dubinsky, having renounced the title of “Major General of the DPR” from the fall of 2014, didn’t feel like it was MH17, and later turned to Russia, exiled from Donetsk for financial mischief. Zaraz Dubinsky is alive, behind the Russian worlds, to finish the rosary - there are no booths near a quiet village, de lively from the moment and ride an expensive motorbike everywhere.

I live at the same time from seven in the Rostov region, near a solid house on the farmstead of Veliky Log. Ride on an expensive Canadian ATV, there are dozens of hundred square meters, and it’s possible, as and earlier to love vipiti - sit down for the first place of living, they gave Dubinsky prizvisko P'yaniy Roger. Singingly love zgaduvati passed him Afghanistan and Chechnya. The life of the community of people will only have one day, about which it is unlikely that one speaks to unknown people: 17 April 2014, the day of the "Boing-777" disaster of the Malaysian air traffic in Donetsk.

On the 18th, through the message of the tragedy, the yak took the life of 298 people, the Security Service of Ukraine published a phone call record, yak, as the Ukrainian secret service, is close to 9 years old, the market is 17 years old. On the recording, in the middle of the year, there are a bit of two people voices, in the credits they are named after the poses - "Pohmuriy" and "Buryat". "Buryat" pita, kudi yomu "vantazhiti krasunyu", yaku vin "shhoyno drove to Donetsk". "Pokhmuriy" replies: "Tse those, what am I thinking about?" - "So, Buk, Buk" - pidtverzhu yogo zdogad "Buryat". Also for a kilka khilin "Pokhmuriy" I will discuss with the second agent, "Sanich", where it will be necessary to deliver a rocket launcher. Having taken out the instructions, I wondered one more phone call to one of my children: "Follow the map, Pervomaiska. Here, the area is rocked. Your enthusiasm is the guard of the axis of the whole thing, you’ll take it all at once."
Two times later, the telephone communication became one of the leading proofs in the materials of the Dutch prosecutor's office of the International Sidchoy Group about the reasons for the Boing catastrophe. The main version of the international group was a bully and to become unconscious: they were killed from the territory, as they controlled the separatist forces, from the Buk-M1 rocket launcher, brought from Russia. The most recent version of the author of the independent independent investigations, and depriving the official of Moscow, having presented to the court of the community about a dozen mutually exclusive versions, as before, I categorically reserve my prerogative before the tragedy.
The managers see the dzherels, before the photographs and videos at the social fringes, at once we know about the road "Buku" from Russia to Ukraine and everything. Seeing and a number of people, one in a few moments, on that day, they hit the button for launching the rocket. Now, as it seems to his new investigation of the independent group of Bellingcat, it is enough to raise a special one of the same people, due to the disaster of "Boing", the same "Pohmuriy". He was seen by the ex-Russian visitor professional manager Sergiy Mykolajovich Dubinskiy, most hour hovavsya for the positive and positive notes, as well as vygadanim the nickname "Petrovsky".

Forward to the crash "Boing" "Pokhmuriy" appeared in the public space of the rise of that fate. On the 18th the pro-Kremlin website Politrussia.ru published a great interview with "Colonel, protector of the Minister of Defense, Head of the Development Administration of the DPR Army Sergiyev Petrovsky". On the advertising banner, specially prepared for the statty, by the great writers of the spelling of the same positive - "Pohmuriy". At the statti there is a fragment of the video from "Pohmurim", in which the post of a man with short hair and a beard, obіtsyaє "go to Kiev".

The leaves fall - another interv'yu, in the chest - more, and from them the message is practically about all the stages of the "battle way" "Pohmuriy" before becoming the head distributor of "DNR": born in Donetsk in 1962 rotsі ( SBU) for his video stverdzhu, in 1964, a little pardon can be written off for sleep, in whatever way he got), having fought in Afghanistan and Chechnya, denoted by Igor Strulkovy in service to the Russian Army, 30 ...

Nayranishe Interview with "Pohmurim", as the Bellingcat experts know it far into the distance, was published in 2003 in the Izvestia newspaper. Todi "Pokhmuriy" became a colonel and served in the Caucasus, in Chechnya. "Are you at war?" - Zapituє yogo journalist. "Z timi, who do not want to live in Russia according to our Russian laws, do not want to pray to our viri", - said "Pohmuriy".
Follow "Pohmuriy" were known at the forum of collections of forum-antikvariat.ru, de Igor Strulkov loved to write about the transfer of information from "Novorosiya". There "Pokhmuriy" wrote with a nickname Pogany soldiers. The axis is one of the same (spelling and punctuation saved):
"Well, dekadenti. Now the staff of the children of the Moscow representatives. They have given me my gifts. Let me introduce myself officially - the defender of the Ministry of Defense of the DPR from the formation of the guard, Colonel Petrovsky Sergei Mykolaivich Zhemyoniy."
Reportedly published on 19 April 2014 rock, through two add the message of the "Boing" disaster, and through an additional message, as the SBU of Ukraine published the overflow of "Pohmurogo" roses, having told the video that the day was announced.
For reference the name of "Pakhmury-Petrovsky" went into the distance to the mayzhe vipadkovo, before the hour of the introduction of evil hackers by electronic mail of Igor Strulkov. Fragments of the first sheets were published at the end of 2014 by the group of hackers "Shaltay-Dumpty". One of the addresses addressed to Strelkov, the bulo is written from the address [email protected] and it looked like this:
28 April 2014 20:27
Dubinsky Sergiy
Privit, Igora, yet not forgetting the Bison?
An electronic address led the Bellingcat specials to the side of the social festoon "My Light" with the same nickname - karahan1962. There appeared a photograph of Petrovsky, ruined, judging from the image on a new place, in Afghanistan.
The secret of the address of the electronic mail is far away to know on the forum of veterans of the 181st motorized regiment, who took part in the Afghan operation. The virtual "roll-overs" of service comrades in 2010 have addresses " [email protected]"it’s the one who will be beaten by Sergiy Dubinsky," senior lieutenant "," patron of the commander of the development ", who served in Afghanistan in 1985-1987, and nina (in 2010 rotsi. - RS) live in Donetsk. Day of the People's Day), in which all "niks" and "positives" of "Pakhmury-Petrovsky-Dubinsky" will be re-insured:
"I be Ty, Seryoga, if" Pohmuriy "is at the DNR, if General" Petrovsky "or General" Petrovsky "or" Dvork "or the commandant of Khankali" Zubr "or" Bizon " at pilots ", in Afghanistan, in Karimivs'kiy zelentsi bilya kyariz, kudi treba bulo zalizti.
At the same time, Bachimo first has a great photo of Sergei Mykolayovich Dubinsky - at the uniform of a colonel, decorated with orders and medals, among other cities for war in Afghanistan. Of course, with a respectful view, it is possible to note that a part of the image of the city in the photo was broken down for an additional photoshop, and with some medals Dubinsky didn’t miss the mother. For example, the medal "Veteran of the ZS SRSR" was awarded quietly, but having served with the Radiansk army no less than 25 years, and Dubinsky, having entered the service of deprived of 1984, if before the collapse of the Union he lost less than 10 years.
They gave the ceremonial photo a couple of times when they fielded the sites of the pro-Russian separatists in Donbas, as and earlier, they called Sergiy Dubinsky and named "Petrovsky" as the name of the priest. In one of the publications, there is a photograph dedicated to Dubinsky-Petrovsky Yak of "the head of the DPR Department of Internal Affairs", seen by the head of the so-called "People's Republic" Oleksandr Zakharchenko.

Lyudin in the photo at the uniform of Colonel Zovsim is not similar to that "Pohmuriy" with that short beard, as she figurled on a few videos and photos from "DNR". Meanwhile, Dubinsky himself at the same forum of veterans of the 181st regiment will explain as follows: “I have no development groups. - I read the text on YouTube near the video "SPETSNAZ STRELKOVA chastina 1" (in the whole video Dubinsky in the mastsi, ale of his voice is similar to the one that can be heard on the SBU-published plots).
In 2016, volunteers from one group of rossliduvachiv, InformNapalm, shocked numerous suspects of Sergiy Dubinsky in Donetsk region, near the village of Velika Novosilka, de vin sacks since 2005. On the InformNapalm website, Dubinsky's biography is described from the last of his fellow villagers as follows: from 80 to 90 he served in the Zbroynye Forces of the SRSR, and later - in the Russian army. In 1997, they were growing in stock, alive in the Rostov region. In 2002, there were a number of vocations from the stock of management personnel in the Pivne Caucasian District (in the current Pivdenny Viysky District of the Russian Federation) and recruits for service at the warehouse of the General Group in the Pivne Caucasian District. In 2004, I became aware of it again and didn’t move to Donetsk region (the service apartment was lost by the squad). If it happened, when another zeal, Dubinsky's documents were ruined for an hour before the office was overpowered, and formally he was overpowered for services. When Dubinsky prodovzhuvav otrimuvati vіyskovu pension. As a rule, the court grabbed Sergiy Dubinsky's gratitude from Sergiy Dubinsky for all pennies.
At the decision of the court (a copy is saved, a copy is saved), there is a question about the 22nd district brigade of the special assignment of the GRU General Staff of the Russian Federation (military unit 11659), roztashovan in the settlement of Stepovoy Rostov region. Tudi Dubinsky and, having violated the problem with the documents, were ruined. In addition, one more part of the military unit will be guessed at the decision, de Dubinsky served in the seat of the commander's defender from the military robots - 51019. The central part is to be established until the 116th Okremogo Radio Unit of the Special Appointment and was also replaced by the patron of the commander.
Bellingcat knew one more profile of Dubinsky without a bargain - at the social hedge "Odnoklassniki" (at once access to a new screen is deprived for friends). From published in new photographs of viplivay, but in 2010 Dubinsky became often buvati again and settled down in the Rostov region, I want to turn to Ukraine in 2011. At the neofіtsіynіy base of dwellers in motor vehicles nomer.org є lyudin with such im'yam and prince. It’s good to know, to take revenge in it, it’s really alive with Stepov in the period from 1998 to 2004. Signs from Dubinsky's album in "Odnoklassniki" confirm the fact that they will take a charge in 2014 in Donetsk - for example, taking pictures with Russian actors Mikhail Porechenkov and Ivan Okhlobistin, who donated.
On the chest photograph with Okhlobistin and the squad Oksana Arbuzova, Sergiy Dubinsky still poses at the uniform of the Major General, with a patch, as if it’s necessary to size, but it’s just because it’s important and attachment to the army’s special forces.
Sergiy Dubinsky’s share of the pro-Russian separatists in Donbass was also added from publications on the websites of pro-Russian separatists in Donbas. Zazhayuchi on everything, win over the Donetsk region on the cob 2015 rock and at once alive in the Rostov region of Russia. From the "DNR" they signaled with a scandal and a fence at the entrance: for the information site "Politnavigator", the reason could be a little bit about those who Dubinsky "saw most of the Donetsk people", or "did not want to stay in Russia." I don't care about the price, the problems with the illegally hooked up pension you, it looks like, in the distance of visibility: in the photographs Dubinsky poses for the kerm of a brand-new import ATV, I’m close to 15,000 dollars, but I’m not able to make a decision. ...  To the employees of Bellingcat and the InformNapalm group, the visibility of the building was extended to the center of Veliky Log, Molodizhna street, 4a or 4b.
The author of the research to cheat on vornovok: Sergiy Mykolajovych Dubinsky, vin the same Sergiy Mykolajovych Petrovskiy, but “Pokhmuriy” is the very same person, and the very voice is sensitive on the recordings of the rose separatists in France on the day of the catastrophe of the “Boing-77” of the Malaysia Behind the words of the authors of the research, yogh copy, how to take revenge on all the details, and on the dzherela, will be sent to the address of the International Slide Group (JIT). During 2016 rock її representatives announced that they will continue the investigation of the disaster on flight MH17 until 2018 rock.

Publication of the activity of the community organization "Evroprostir" Oleg Baturin і Sergia Petrenka, special preparations for the international development of sports goods InformNapalm. From the selected material, there is a crypt information about the Russian military community, Major General of the Russian Federation Sergiy Dubinsky, who was asked about the flight MH17 in the sky over Donbas.

Fantastic "separatists" and mіstsya їkh living

Guchna novina passed over to the 2015 rock Ukrainian ZMI: "On the record at the right of the beaten Malaysian Boing, Major General of the GRU of the Russian Federation Petrovsky was recognized."

Published by the Prosecutor's Office of the Netherlands and the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) phone calls about the disaster MH17 was allowed to be recognized in one of the participants in Sergiy Mykolayovich Petrovsky (Dubinsky), who got over it on the positive side "Pohmuriy". At the party "Pokhmuriy" we went to see him from the army at the end of 2014 at the invitation of the Major General. "Pokhmuriy" also vіdomy yak "Petrovsky", "Sergiy Mykolajovych", "Pogany Soldier", "P'yaniy Roger". Three more information about it can be found on the site "Peacemaker". Volunteers set up a reference book for "Khmury" - Sergiy Mykolajovich Dubinsky, 9 serpnya 1962 for the fate of the people. Win Buv is the so-called defender of the Minister of Defense of the “DPR”, the head of the “DPR” army intelligence department and “hero of Novorosiya”.

Ale about everything else.

For the most astonishing reasons, such a character, like "Pohmuriy", could not overwhelm us with baiduzhim. We were viralized to the village of the small type Velika Novosilka, which was roasted at the entrance of the Donetsk region. The Great News itself passed the dynasty of Sergiy Dubinsky, and even there lived a little rocky not good before the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine. About the "stage of the great way" "Pohmuriy" that richly deceived us friends, the name of which for the intelligent reasons is not called.

The family of Dubinsky, behind these words, at Velikiy Novosiltsi knew even more richly. Father of terrorist Mykola pratsyuvav engineer, mater, Capitolina Illivna Dubinska, teacher. Oboh is already dumb in the living.

- At the age of ninety Serhoga served in the Zbroynyh forces of the SRSR, and when he served at the RF ZS. In 1985-1987 he served as a defender of the commander and commander of the development of the 181st motorized infantry regiment in Kabul (Afghanistan). Buv navіtorodzhenija with the orders of the Chervona Zirka and "For the service of Batkivshchyna at the ZS SRSR" - he is also a friend.

In 1997, Sergiy Dubinsky joined the reserve, registering a pension until 2002, once living in the Rostov region (RF). Piznіshe parting with the squad, my daughter from the first whore that lovable sina. Attached to 2002, being at the military rank of the senior colonel, with callings from the reserve of managing personnel in the Pivnecaucasian Vіyskiy district (on the current day of the All-Russian Higher Education Organization) and directions for the service in the Caucasian Warehouse. In 2002-2004, he served as commander of 974 commandant roti (military unit 22727) and chief of development of 194 commandant tactical group. In 2004, I became aware of the reserve, the protest, when the special officer on the right, Dubinsky, was overpowered, was ruined, and that was actually lost in services. At the same time, you went into the distance to formalize the rejection of the pension, as for the year “a fair Russian court” you turned your goiters (this episode became the point of reference for “Pohmury” in the history of Donbas).

- In 2005, we went through life before the mother before (Great) Novosilka. On the right, in the one where the service apartment has been deprived of a kolishnya (squad), but in Russia there is no life for that, - a friend of the dynasty of Sergiy Dubinsky has agreed. - They lived on the mother's stench at 56, Radianskiy, apartment 11. New life was not getting along well. I spent my pension for a few days on booze and women. Then we pulled pennies from the mother's pension and begged for the well-known susids. Beer wine in a black way, for scho m_tsev they gave yom a note of P'yaniy Roger. Yakysh hour Syriy lived at Novosilka, and then moved to the dacha booth near the village of Storozhove. There, he is alive until about the worm of 2014 rock.

In the 2011-2012 rock, "Khmuriy" rocked a chorna smuga. One hour after a revision near parts of the Pivdenniy Viyskiy District of the Russian Federation, an illegal payment of a pension from 2004 was revealed. The court was haunted by provadzhenya, as a result of which the court of goiters, having tied "Pohmuriy", turned off the trimmings of pennies. Pislya tsiy Dubinsky, having turned up to the command of the Pivdenny Viyskiy district of the Russian Federation, due to the announcement of the special officer, I will be able to document his education in the reserve from the pension funds. For the release of food from the birch, 2012, I was sent to the control of the personnel of the air defense of the Russian Federation, they saw an assignment at the order of the commander of the military unit 11659 (22nd of the brigade of the special purpose of the GRU General Staff of the Russian Federation, the population of the village of Stepoviy) that preparatory work until the reserve.

At the apartment "Pokhmuriy" there were nareshty dossages of their own and the reserve of the ranked colonel. Moreover, all the whole hour they have been on the lists of their part, fictitiously, in fact, they live on the territory of Ukraine. Shvidshe for everything, with such privileges Dubinsky mav is not just that ... Natomist wine has gone to the lists of "іkhtamnetiv" GRU General Staff of the Russian Federation, as well as that went to aggression in Ukraine. For those of you, you can get more recent visits from "Pohmury" from Chervna 2014 to the Russian Federation and, practically speaking, I will appear in Slovyansk in the company of my friend for the other Chechen warrior Igor Girkina-Strulchakov's defender's team. On the recoupment of the Ukrainian territory, Sergiy Dubinsky was sent to the special forces company and the development department, the headquarters of which roztashovuvsya with a chat near Kramatorsk. On the basis of the stemmed "pidrozdiliv" vin formulating the so-called Head of the Development Administration of the "DPR", as it was successfully cleared.

On the ear of 2015, Roger left the DPR and moved to Russia.

The Great Novosiltsi also told us about those who have Sergiy Dubinsky's brother, Roman Mykolayovich Dubinsky, 17 June 1967. n. Roman є a huge Ukrainian, an ugly smt Velika Novosilka, having lived for an hour at the addresses: smt Velika Novosilka of Donetsk oblast, vul. Radianska, booth 56, apt. 11, that m. Donetsk, st. Zhebelєva, bud. 24, apt. 127.

Roman Dubinskyy odruzheniy, at once spokіyno resides in Kiev, de є as a master and servant of TOV "Flora-Inginiring" (m. Kiev, st. Schekavitska, 37/48, office 1). Tsi dani be approved by the Single State Register legal entities Ukraine.

Mozhlvo, tsykavo bagatom, as it happened so, how odious is the specialness of that її relatives have become a respectful posture of the Ukrainian special services? Unfortunately, it’s also not known that there’s a clear view on the food chain; For a decade. Don't let us know this new address in Russia;

Russian Federation, Rostov region (coordinate the booth47 ° 18'15.8 ″ N 39 ° 54'49.7 ″ E ). We'll look at qiu address z with Google help Maps, then you can hit the next ( photo booth camp for 2012 rіk).

In such a rank, we must see the possibility of seeing my "idol" to the skin: as a simple gesture, press my hand and hear the tales of "buvaligo" war for the independence of an unknown person, before the all-time legacy prosecutor, who is ... It is also a call to the society of the people, we are quiet in front of us, who have lost their loved ones in the Boing accident, see the “baked patriot of Novorossiya” and look at them in their eyes. High visibility!

Material was prepared

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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