Clear cookies in Internet Explorer. How to disable cookies in different browsers? What are the files and how can I install cookies on my own? Allow cookies in Mozilla Firefox browser

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Cookies s є small text files, as web servers can host on your computer every hour of your website.

Cookies are set to help websites remember and identify you, and save specific data for that site. Cookies may also be used to guide your behavior on other resources related to the main one.

If you don't know how to enable cookies in your browser, then please go down to our helper below.

The screenshots below will help you to sort out in detail in setting up and setting cookies in your browser.

1. Press the button "Nalashtuvannya that keruvannya"

After the onslaught, a menu appears with no options. One of them is called "Nalashtuvannya".

2. We select the menu item "Nalashtuvannya"

To appear new vikno іz configurations.

3. Poshuk nalashtuvan "Cookie"

Enter the search word "cookies"(The letter is not case sensitive), you can tell that Chrome is starting to change instead of the side. Vіdkryєtsya divided "Confidentiality and safety" and it is necessary to match the yellow color of the necessary section.

  • Press button "Content improvement"
  • Dali "Cookies"

4. Adjusting the necessary parameters

If you need to enable cookies in your browser Google Chrome, choose the first option - "Allow sites to save and read cookies (recommended)". You can allow websites to store cookies (and other data) on your computer.

An alternative to this parameter is choice "Show local data when the browser is closed". Tse allow pratsyuvati z special files cookie (for example, registering on sites with a password), however, if you close and restart your web browser, you will need to revisit the site. This parameter can also be used by advertising companies to track your behavior on other sites.

And, of course, if you want to re-enable Cookies, select the option "Block third party files cookie".

After the completion of the work, you can close the tab on the settings, and then restart the browser to stop the tasks of the functions.

Your helper will help you to correctly configure and enable cookies in your browser.

1. Select "Service"

At Internet Explorer"Service" can be found in two places - the whole menu at the top of the screen:

You can also set it up by clicking the gear icon on the right side of the browser window:

2. Select "Browser power"

You can also enter, for the additional list of "Service", or by pressing on the gear, and choose the necessary part of the patch.

3. Select the section "Confidentiality"

Vіkno, how to appear before you, matima kіlka tabs, but we need to choose the division "Confidentiality", click on them:

4. Enable/Disable Cookies

In Internet Explorer, there are some settings that can block or disable cookies.

At the “Confidentiality” lashings, at the upper part of the window, there is a collar, which can be pulled uphill or down, in order to choose a different level of safety.

Passing the panel uphill or down, right-handed you can remember report description skin level safety, hopefully.

Vіn vary vіd "block all cookies" before "Accept all cookies". Significance is earned behind the caption "Medium", which ensures the balance between the correct selection of cookies, and significant exchanges against a round of confidential data about the access of other sites.

It seems that you have problems with some of the other sites, so that your Cookie settings were changed, the easiest way to fix it is to simply reset the settings for the lock.

First of all, don't forget to press the button "Zastosuvat"і "OK" at the lower part of the window, in order to take a change of stitching.

That's it, your cookies are now in Internet browser Explorer noted, and corrected.

With our help, we described the process of enabling cookies for the popular Firefox browser.

1. Press the menu button

The button is given to be located at the upper right corner, and it looks like three horizontal drawings.

2. Select "Menu" - "Nalashtuvannya"

When you see it, you will show up at the window with the appointments.

3. Just click on Cookie

At the top of the screen, you can click the menu, search, enter a word "cookies" If you have a Russian version of the browser, otherwise "cookies" yakscho anglomovna.

4. Choose short option Cookie/History

Firefox group setting Cookies up to the concept of "browser history". To change the cookie policy of the browser, as well as adjust the parameters of the browser history.

If you click on the menu, you will see three options.

  • Remember history. This mode sounds to be behind the lock, when you disable Firefox, it saves all your browsing history, and also saves cookies.
  • Do not forget history. Tsey regime vikoristovuєtsya like protilezhnіst first. If you select this option, Firefox will not save your history.
  • Vikoristovuvatime yours for the preservation of history. Vikoristannya nalashtuvan koristuvacha allow you more fine control over everything that your browser allows and remembers.

The rest mode, for us, will be better, because now we have the possibility of more flexible customization of history and cookies. Now we can choose to turn on or turn on the following functions:

  • Remember the history of watching
  • Include form history
  • Accept or do not accept cookies from sites

There will also be available functions that will help block designated sites so that stinks don't accept cookies. You can also change how long Firefox saves cookies and how to set the wine.

After the browser has been updated, restart yoga in order for the new browser update to be accepted.

Our articles have shown how and where to enable cookies in other popular browsers. If the given information helped you, then be kind to share it social measures, and if you want to blame the food, you can always put us food in the comments.

The full functioning of the sites is determined by the impersonal parameters. One of them is the support of cookies or the possibility of winning data, which are stored in the computer's memory. In other words, cookies are text files that allow you to keep your personal information about your personal settings on various Internet resources (design, time zone, location, etc.), as well as about the activity of the coristuvacha and yogo authentication (after logging into your account) . The stench will significantly simplify the introduction of information at the time of registration on the sites, or the filling of forms of a different kind.

In the midst of corystuvachiv all-worldly measures, there is a thought that the activation of cookies can be done by a computer, like a virus, a spyware program or a malicious software security. Tse not so. By themselves, these files cannot win the day, being simple textual tributes. The stench does not taunt the robot of the system and does not care about systematic withdrawal, they are saved in the memory of the PC until the end of the term їхної її.

Most of the cookies in browsers are enabled for promotions. If stinks are enabled, you need to know how to enable cookies on your own in a different browser. Enable cookies support informed Koristuvachev. We report on the peculiarities of their activation in the most popular browsers.

Cookie support in Internet Explorer browser

A lot of koristuvachіv for revisiting the sides of the traditional browser Internet Explorer. For programs starting from version 6 and above, cookies can be marked as follows:

  • on the top panel know the "Service" menu section;
  • click with the bear in the order “The Power of the Watcher”;
  • go to the "Confidentiality" tab;
  • click on the row "Dodatkovo";
  • put a tick in the checkbox next to the item "Override automatic processing of cookies";
  • select the "Accept" option in the "Basic Cookies" and "Accept Cookies" groups;
  • Confirm the change by pressing the "OK" button.

Use and more simple way to enable cookies in Internet Explorer browser. Suffice it to tighten the collar, rotting at the same “Confidentiality” depositor, which shows the level of safety for an hour of work in the measure, and put it on the middle chi low show.

Allow cookies in Mozilla Firefox browser

One of the most popular browsers Mozilla Firefox. Koristuvachі, yakі vikoristovuyut yogo for robots in the merezhі, owe to the nobility, like uumiknut cookies from nomu. Who needs:

Vіdkriti distributed "Instruments";
. go to the subway "Nalashtuvannya";
. in the "Privacy" tab, select the Firefox row;
. in the popping menu, click on the item "Remember the history";
. Save the changes to the onslaught of the "OK" button.

At Mozilla browser Firefox cookies can be disabled in another way. Who needs:

At the “Nalashtuvannya” window, click on the “Privacy” tab;
. in the "History" block, know the Firefox parameter;
. at the shrill menu, from the requested list, select the item “Vikoristovuvatimu your nalashtuvannya sberigannya istoriy”;
. put a tick in the checkbox in the row "Accept cookies from sites";
. set the value "Enable" for the parameter "Accept cookies from third-party sites";
. at the item “Save cookies”, select the row “Until the end of the term їхної її”;
. Confirm changes made.

Activating cookies in Opera browser

Coristuvachi often give precedence Opera browser, appreciating its simplicity, clarity, safety and twenty history. When it comes down to it, people often blame it on how to enable cookies in Opera to store information on a PC.

For which it is necessary to viconate the advancing algorithm dіy:

Go to the "Tools" menu;
. know the division "Nalashtuvannya";
. go to the "Dodatkovo" tab;
. at the beach menu, click on the Cookies row;
. activate the item "Accept cookies";
. save the contribution until the final change.

The Google Chrome browser, which appeared recently, has already gained popularity among the world's most popular, as well as equipment for supporting cookies, activating them for defaults. As there is a need for their notice, you need:

Go to the head menu of the browser by pressing the button, I will sort out the order by the address row;
. vodkriti divided "Nalashtuvannya";
. at the “Nalashtuvannya” tab, click the bear in the order “Show dodatkovі nalashtuvannya»;
. know the block "Special data" and click on the button "Adjusting content";
. go to the item "Cookies";
. select the parameter "Allow saving local data";
. Confirm the change by pressing the "Done" button.

How to activate cookies in Yandex Browser?

Setting the browser to the popular Yandex resource allows you to set the parameters for processing cookie files that are found from other sites. In order to add a similar function, you need:

Find the icon at the looking gear, rotting at the upper right coddle, and click on the new bear;
. at the vіknі vibrati rasdіl "Nalashtuvannya";
. at the bottom, know the row “Show additional improvements” and click on the new bear;
. go to the block "Protection of special tribunals";
. press the button "Setting up";
. know the item "Cookies";
. set the required parameters or select the option "Accept all".

Notice to accept cookies in Safari and Android browsers

More and more often, koristuvachs go to the Internet, smart phones and tablets based on the operating system Android systems that iOS. Your browsers should be equipped to accept cookies.

For Safari (iPhone, iPad) to activate cookies, you need to:

Click on the icon at the looking gear, ruffled at the upper right coddle;
. go to the branch "Nalashtuvannya";
. go to the "Security" tab;
. at the item "Accept Cookies" select the option "Start".

For Android browsers to enable cookies, you need:

Press the "Menu" button;
. go to the branch "Nalashtuvannya";
. in the "Protection and security" tab, select the "Clear cookie" item.

Informing you about those, how to enable cookies in the browser, in order to protect the features of the program in the first place, how to win for the exit in the merezh. As soon as the cookies are activated, all the same you will be informed that the stinks are turned on, try to clear the cache and delete the time files that are on the computer. Most of the time just dії help solve the problem. Even though clearing the cache and the time files did not help, it is better to check that the browser supports the robot with cookies for the help of the Java plugin.

Cookies are a necessary element that makes life easier for the Internet and makes it possible for the robot to work as efficiently as possible. The stench will ensure the normal functioning of the site and may be turned on until the browser is fixed.

How to remove cookies in Internet Explorer, how to turn them on and how to clean it is the fault of the nobility of the skin, which is corrupted by this browser. Properly setting a cookie allows you to protect your privacy on the Internet with the help of Explorer.

By looking at you, you know how to disable cookies in IE, allow them to be saved for other sites, how to see.

Uvіmknennya that nalashtuvannya

Method #1

1. Click on the “gear” icon at the upper part of the right-handed window IE.

2. At the menu press "Browser powers".

3. Go to the Privacy tab.

4. Press "Dodatkovo".

5. In the row "Reassign automatic processing ...", set the ensign for the clapping of the bear.

6. Specify the necessary access parameters for the main and third-party cookies. At the time of consumption, activate the "...allow..cookie session" superbud. Press the "OK" button.

Method #2

Respect! This setting option is available, although in the additional parameters (div. method No. 1) the option “Remap automatic processing. ".

1. From the IE menu, select the "Browser Power" section.

2. Click on the "Confidentiality" tab.

3. For the help of a caller, set the cookie processing mode (for example, "Lightly high").

Respect! Functionality that particularity of the skin regimen is observed in the vascular blot. Get to know the additional information so that you can choose the correct cookie processing mode.

To improve vibirkove sberezhennia or blocking coockie for other sites:
1. Click on the "Site" button on this tab (Confidentiality).

2. In the "Addresses" row, enter the URL address of the site or web site.

3. Choose a name for the specified domain: press "Defend" or "Permit".

After creating a list of rules for saving and blocking cookies, you can again clean up or clear it vibrating for the help of the buttons “Visuality” and “Visuality all”.

Shchab turn pochatkovі nalashtuvannya cookie management, press the button "For locking".

How to clear cookies?

To clear cookies, click on this help:

1. Press the "gear" button.

2. At the menu, open: Security → View log….

Please! The option can be launched with a "hot" combination - Ctrl + Shift + Del.

3. In the "Visual history" window, in the "Cookies ..." row, check the box.

4. Press "Vidality".

5. When the procedure is completed, the message "Internet Explorer has seen the log" appears.

Do not varto іgnoruvat nastuvannya kuki. Select the best cookie saving mode. See them at the same time. It is necessary to clean up after the completion of the skin Internet session, so as not to harass the directories of the web navigator and the entire system distribution of the PC as a whole with time files.

The full functioning of the sites is determined by the impersonal parameters. One of them is the support of cookies or the possibility of winning data, which are stored in the computer's memory. In other words, cookies are text files that allow you to keep your personal information about your personal settings on various Internet resources (design, time zone, location, etc.), as well as about the activity of the coristuvacha and yogo authentication (after logging into your account) . The stench will significantly simplify the introduction of information at the time of registration on the sites, or the filling of forms of a different kind.

In the midst of corystuvachiv all-worldly measures, there is a thought that the activation of cookies can be done by a computer, like a virus, a spyware program or a malicious software security. Tse not so. By themselves, these files cannot win the day, being simple textual tributes. The stench does not taunt the robot of the system and does not care about systematic withdrawal, they are saved in the memory of the PC until the end of the term їхної її.

Most of the cookies in browsers are enabled for promotions. If stinks are enabled, you need to know how to enable cookies on your own in a different browser. Turn on the support of cookies not in the warehouse as difficult as it is for the first time, so for the confirmation of the cookie. We report on the peculiarities of their activation in the most popular browsers.

Cookie support in Internet Explorer browser

A lot of koristuvachіv for revisiting the sides of the traditional browser Internet Explorer. For programs starting from version 6 and above, cookies can be marked as follows:

  • on the top panel know the "Service" menu section;
  • click with the bear in the order “The Power of the Watcher”;
  • go to the "Confidentiality" tab;
  • click on the row "Dodatkovo";
  • put a tick in the checkbox next to the item "Override automatic processing of cookies";
  • select the "Accept" option in the "Basic Cookies" and "Accept Cookies" groups;
  • Confirm the change by pressing the "OK" button.

Use and more simple way to enable cookies in Internet Explorer browser. Suffice it to tighten the collar, rotting at the same “Confidentiality” depositor, which shows the level of safety for an hour of work in the measure, and put it on the middle chi low show.

Allow cookies in Mozilla Firefox browser

One of the popular browsers is Mozilla Firefox. Koristuvachі, yakі vikoristovuyut yogo for robots in the merezhі, owe to the nobility, like uumiknut cookies from nomu. Who needs:

Vіdkriti distributed "Instruments";
. go to the subway "Nalashtuvannya";
. in the "Privacy" tab, select the Firefox row;
. in the popping menu, click on the item "Remember the history";
. Save the changes to the onslaught of the "OK" button.

In the Mozilla Firefox browser, cookies can be disabled in another way. Who needs:

At the “Nalashtuvannya” window, click on the “Privacy” tab;
. in the "History" block, know the Firefox parameter;
. at the shrill menu, from the requested list, select the item “Vikoristovuvatimu your nalashtuvannya sberigannya istoriy”;
. put a tick in the checkbox in the row "Accept cookies from sites";
. set the value "Enable" for the parameter "Accept cookies from third-party sites";
. at the item “Save cookies”, select the row “Until the end of the term їхної її”;
. Confirm changes made.

Activating cookies in Opera browser

Koristuvachs often give priority to the Opera browser, evaluating its simplicity, efficiency, safety and twenty history. When it comes down to it, people often blame it on how to enable cookies in Opera to store information on a PC.

For which it is necessary to viconate the advancing algorithm dіy:

Go to the "Tools" menu;
. know the division "Nalashtuvannya";
. go to the "Dodatkovo" tab;
. at the beach menu, click on the Cookies row;
. activate the item "Accept cookies";
. save the contribution until the final change.

The Google Chrome browser, which appeared recently, has already gained popularity among the world's most popular, as well as equipment for supporting cookies, activating them for defaults. As there is a need for their notice, you need:

Go to the head menu of the browser by pressing the button, I will sort out the order by the address row;
. vodkriti divided "Nalashtuvannya";
. at the "Nalashtuvannya" depositor, click the bear in the order "Show additional adjustments";
. know the block "Special data" and click on the button "Adjusting content";
. go to the item "Cookies";
. select the parameter "Allow saving local data";
. Confirm the change by pressing the "Done" button.

How to activate cookies in Yandex Browser?

Setting the browser to the popular Yandex resource allows you to set the parameters for processing cookie files that are found from other sites. In order to add a similar function, you need:

Find the icon at the looking gear, rotting at the upper right coddle, and click on the new bear;
. at the vіknі vibrati rasdіl "Nalashtuvannya";
. at the bottom, know the row “Show additional improvements” and click on the new bear;
. go to the block "Protection of special tribunals";
. press the button "Setting up";
. know the item "Cookies";
. set the required parameters or select the option "Accept all".

Notice to accept cookies in Safari and Android browsers

More and more often, koristuvachs go to the Internet, vicorist smartphones and tablets based on operating system Android and iOS. Your browsers should be equipped to accept cookies.

For Safari (iPhone, iPad) to activate cookies, you need to:

Click on the icon at the looking gear, ruffled at the upper right coddle;
. go to the branch "Nalashtuvannya";
. go to the "Security" tab;
. at the item "Accept Cookies" select the option "Start".

For Android browsers to enable cookies, you need:

Press the "Menu" button;
. go to the branch "Nalashtuvannya";
. in the "Protection and security" tab, select the "Clear cookie" item.

Informing you about those, how to enable cookies in the browser, varto in Persh Cherga, protect the features of the program, how to win in order to enter the merezha. As soon as the cookies are activated, all the same you will be informed that the stinks are turned on, try to clear the cache and delete the time files that are on the computer. Most often, it is so simple to help solve the problem. Even though clearing the cache and time files did not help, varto check that the browser supports the robot with cookies for the help of the Java plugin.

Cookies are a necessary element that makes life easier for the Internet and makes it possible for the robot to work as efficiently as possible. The stench will ensure the normal functioning of the site and may be turned on until the browser is fixed.

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