View of Firefox. How to remove Mozilla Firefox from your computer? #3 Viewing the profile of a koristuvach Firefox

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If you didn’t know how to bring Mozilla from your computer, then you have your right, but I’ll tell you from the hour that the browser is not bad at all. Vaughn, as I’m getting better, I’m working harder on Chrome, if I don’t want it to be powdered, we’ll put a process on the skin tab ... Understand, you have 20 tabs on Chrome, and the styles are on the Chrome process, otherwise it’s bigger ...

Well, that's the axle. And Chrome, at the same time, having occupied the mind, tobto the computers of the coristuvachiv, honestly seeming I don’t know how to go about it, but I read that Chrome borrows a decent part of the browser market and the number of people is growing! Axis so do it. If I want to be in a singing sense, I want the Chrome of infidelity, a lot of important sites of wines to be easier.

Well, garazd, let's move on to what I can write about here. And how can you see Mozilla Firefox I’ll check my computer, I’ll tell you right away that I don’t have anything coherent and you have everything.

About every change I will say that it is a remover, which specializes in working with software from a computer. Vіn yak prog vmіє vydaliti, so i mіttya after it clean it. Zagalom my right to proponuvat, but you wonder yourself, but I’ll say that the program is attached.

Now, let's get to the operation.

Press Start and select there Control Panel:

If you have Windows 10, then I'll beat you! Ale there, the item is in the menu, so you can click on it with the Win + X buttons!

Then we know the Programs and components icon:

Now what? Now we marvel at the list of software. Tse list, Tse everything you cost. We marvel at the axis, where Mozilla Firefox is here, it is known that it is pressed with the right button, and there Vidality is selected:

Let's keep pushing Vidality:

Well, that’s all, it’ll be clear, it’s all going to end quickly and it’ll be written that everything went normal:

Well, is it difficult? No, nothing collapsible

Now about those, how to clean the computer from a small smittya, rather than to see it. Qiu cleansing robiti neobov'yazkovo, but so, as if there is nothing foldable in it, I especially її work. All the same, I don’t often see programs. If it’s easy for you to shed, you can skip it. Well, that's the axle. Press the Win + R buttons and write the regedit command at the end of Vikonati:

What did we spoil? We opened the registry editor, here you can know and see all the traces of Mozilla, so everything that is left here, the name of which has the word Mozilla, then you can see everything! The axis as a whole is to press Ctrl + F at the editor and write at the Mozilla field, after which you press the Know far button:

The results in the registry show folders and keys, de є the word Mozilla, so everything is clear and it is necessary to see it! Hello yak? To marvel, it is necessary to see only those that have been seen. Just don't see anything like that. The axis will be found in the folder or the key - the axis won and will be seen, the axis on it with the right button and it is necessary to press and select it in the Vidality menu. To continue the search, press F3 and so until you know that the type of search is over.

Wonder how to see the folder:

And the axis is the key:

Well, everything is so rich!

If such an announcement appeared, it means that you have cleared everything already and nothing more:

Well, lads, everything is fine, I wrote here and I understand everything for you. So what have you been deprived of, only good luck to you?


Koristuvachі, yakі do not delve into the subtleties of browsers, not always can pinpoint the specific cause of the difficulties that they blamed on them, and to that, on their own risk, such mechanisms are victorious, like dropping that cleansing of Firefox. Today, we will tell about them as a reporter.

Cleaning up Firefox

Let's just explain: if you have serious problems with your browser, then the possibility of what you can easily clear is already small. Vaughn, first for everything, is necessary in order to secure your privacy, so that the other coristuvach does not recognize what you looked at, zavantazhuvali and so on (clearing the Firefox cache, browser history, cookies).

More purification can be in good time, if it is necessary to fill the space on a hard disk. Since the browser profile sounds to lie itself on the system partition (for example, you installed Firefox itself, for example, distributed D), then in C you can call hundreds of megabytes. But navit more, as before, they actively rose in price in the measure.

And the axis of the problem of cleaning Firefox in the shortest possible time may be less with other sites, and not with the entire browser. On the productivity of the program, it is also unlikely to appear on the better. Vtim, you can try everything. It's easy to clean up Mozilla Firefox: check the box and go to the "privacy and protection" section.

In the future, when you show up, there will be a change of what the browser will see. To give respect, so that on the opposite side of the row "you could see" was "everything", and not like a vіdrіzok hour.

Among the unacceptable surprises, they can check you after repurification, it is significant that you have to log in again at all your ob_kov_ records on other sites, as well as by mail social measures(Even if you happen to clear your Firefox cookies and cache). With any password, that data is auto-filled for clarity, the browser is still guilty of saving.

Your bookmarks open tabs There won’t be any confusion, then be prepared, that, turning to your cob-like look, the side with the center of the sites will be cleared.

Firefox dropdown

For more troubleshooting problems with the Mozilla browser, you can help with the Firefox dropdown. To know this function, open the main menu and go to the section "Advisory":

There you should know the item "Information for solving problems":

Click on the new tab to open a new tab, a button will pop up on the top right corner, which allows you to drop Firefox. Wow, it's true, it's called "clean up Firefox", which can confuse an unacknowledged koristuvach. In fact, the very drop of the browser and nothing to sleep with the great cleansing, as we looked more, I can’t blame.

When pressed on the button, it will appear in the same way in front of the window with a short description:

The discount will bring you to your extensions (the very extension, not the inclusion). Nalashtuvannya will be turned to cob mill for the lockdown. Moreover, it’s worth not only the main tweaks: throw off the video and all the tweaks in about: config. You can also access all the buttons from the toolbars by turning the Firefox interface back to its basic look.

If you click on the "Clean Firefox" button in the screenshot above, then at the end of the import wizard:

This is a report about those that the program about every change saved all your "wealth" (profile) in advance in the "Old Firefox data" folder, so that at that moment it will appear on the working table:

Nareshti, under the hour of the launch of the program, you will sing, what for the minds of the buli. Vtіm, don't lakaytes, bookmarks on mіstsі, and Firefox tabs zaproponuє vіdnoviє vіdnoviє like all vіdrazu, so it's okay, yakscho you're better off:

From i all. You start working in Firefox practically from a clean arkush, without wasting your time saving the site.

P.S. Yakscho robiti cleansing chi skidannya careless, then give respect to the possibility of creating a new one. This is a good option, as in the browser there is a lot of data, through it nothing can be thrown off, cleared and more re-installed, if possible, would not want to.

If the program to remove the computer from the computer is wrong, it can lead to problems in the remotest vikoristanny system. Socrema, as I can’t seem to see Firefox, then when re-installation this browser you can make pardons. How can I see Firefox correctly?

Do not follow the standard procedure for removal, which is for restorations operating system, effectively erase all data required by the program. So, in the case of Firefox, it is necessary to have a little bit of additional krokiv, first of all, to see Firefox completely.

Not long ago, after the update of some experiments from the “deep improvement” of my Firefox, it started to “buggy”. The other methods of troubleshooting (reinstalling, reinstalling, reinstalling the system) did not help, so I removed the browser from the system again, and install it again.

After archiving passwords and bookmarks (such as MozBackup), I got to work. However, as it turned out, Firefox is not as easy as it seems to be - navigating the folders from the directories of the box was saved.

After some sort of decision, obviously, it was known.

How to visualize Firefox

1. Create a backup of your bookmarks and passwords.
It is still not recommended to make a backup copy, but at the same time you can import old problems together with the necessary data.

2. View old Firefox cache and cookies.
Vidaliti cookies can be such a rank. Tab menu "Tools" click on point "Nalashtuvannya".

Vіknі sіd select item "Privacy" (1). Let's press the button "Show all cookies" (2).

Vіknі, scho vіdkrilosya "Cookies" (3) click on the button View all cookies" (4).

To clear the cache, it should also speed up Firefox tweaks: "Instrumenti" - "Nalashtuvannya"- go to point "Dodatkovі"(1) i in new - to the tab "Merezha" (2). Now, to clear the cache, just press the button " Clear at once" (3) .

The second way. Menu "Tools" you can select item "Erase recent history."

Vіdkryєtsya vіkno "Purification of all history".

By clicking on the tick I will write Details (1) you can check the list of elements of history, you can see how. Put a tick in the checkbox "Cookies and Cash" (2) and press the button "Clean at once" (3).

3. Then you can go for remote Firefox behind the help of standard Windows procedure : for help utility « Software and components» (at Windows Vista or 7), or Start - "Control Panel" - « Installed and deleted programs" (one)(For Windows XP).

At the list that I saw installed programs next select Mozilla Firefox. The next time you need to press the button "Vidality" (2).

4. Run software development master Mozilla Firefox

At the veknі mistra vidalennya slid press the button "Dali",

To show Firefox again with real bookmarks, save passwords and other personal data, it is necessary to put a “tick” for the field « View specific data, profiles and customization of my Firefox»,

and then press the button "Vidality". After that, the process of removing the program will be initiated.

Yakshcho with one or the other sprat vikon Mozilla browser Firefox is still open then meister proponu close it. The process of resignation cannot be completed, as it is necessary to be left behind.

To complete the process of deleting Firefox, press the button " Ready".

5. To see add-ons that Firefox extension necessary delete folder manually to remove Firefox components. For promotions, this folder is located:

C://Program Files (x86)/Mozilla Firefox (64-bit)

C://Program Files/Mozilla Firefox (32-bit)

6. The personal profile of a koristuvach has such data as bookmarks, passwords, cookies.

To see Firefox again, the personal profile of the koristuvach is also required to be seen. For promotions, this profile is listed in the following papacy:

C:\Documents and Settings\Im'ya Koristuvacha\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\

(otherwise C://users//AppData/Local/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles - for Windows Vista or 7)

Takozh you need to delete the profiles.ini file - For zamovchuvannyam wines to be found in the following papacy:


7. Remove such directories (like stink є):

For Windows XP:

\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Mozilla
\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla

- For Windows Vista or 7:


De - im'ya koristuvacha.

On this power, how to remove Mozilla Firefox from the computer, you can close it, prote in some cases, after removing the browser in the registry, there are still some information about the program. You may be able to fix the problem, as there are plans to install Firefox again.

8. Remaining crock - dosvіdchenі koristuvachі PC sound manually delete non-required registry keys Firefox.

Robiti tse need to be more careful!

vicorist Registry editor (Start - Viconati - Regedit) , remove the following elements:

To see, right-click the mouse on the selected element in the left panel of the Registry Editor and select the item « visuality»

If anything else, Firefox can be completed.

May I remind you that I didn’t have any of these registry keys, but everything worked out miraculously. After following the instructions and installing the new Mozilla Firefox, the problems arose.

For whatever reason, you've seen Mozilla Firefox checked out, we'll help you fix it. The reasons can really be different, but one of the most common -. It is also necessary to have a complete refurbishment and installation from scratch. Ale, it’s also possible that the person just lied to change the browser to a different one.

It’s even more important to see the observer yourself correctly, so that you don’t lose your daily “shows”. Otherwise, nadaly, when re-installed, the stench can lead to various pardons and a program bug. That one can simply galvanize the computer's robot, especially since the machine does not have any visible technical characteristics.

Viewing the program itself

And now let's get down to the instruction itself. At the first stage, we need to remove the browser program itself. To help you, to work like this:

Clean registry like Firefox

The program of Mozilla mi, zvichayno, was seen, but don’t hurry to close this article, so it’s necessary to build more deacies, to see the tails that were lost after her.

For which we need to go to Start, in a row, enter the following: Vikonati (or just press the Win + R keys.

Let's sweat at the vikni, drive in a row " regedit". So we will see the registry editor, so we will be able to edit the files that are left out.

At the registry editor, we need to know the next folder and see it. Qi folders can be found behind the indicated paths (column Zliva):

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MozillaPlugins
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mozilla

All these folders need to be seen, as there are none, so nothing needs to be seen. If you don’t want to joke manually, then just write the paths in a joke. Go to tab " Reformation”and open your strength” Poshuk”, then type in the directory address.

I want to spare all the time files, if you need more money. And to herself:

Everything, you zrobili outside remote Firefox from your computer. You can install it again and do not be afraid that there will be pardons.

Yakshcho ve turned respect for this article, singsongly, your loves Mozilla Firefox "zahdriv" - it's been running for a long time, galmuє; otherwise, in about: config, on the side, you changed something and don’t remember, de and yak, but FF doesn’t work. Or maybe you've been put at ease by the rewards of another browser. Well, well, you can also be.

However, regardless of the circumstances, the descriptions above, or others similar to them, Mozilla Firefox needs to be seen again from Windows. It can be done in two ways: by using a system function and by using an uninstaller program. Choose which one suits you best.

Ale persh, if you are planning to re-install FF, be aware of the facilitator of this creation backup copy browser profile and inspiration from it a lot of lashings on the "fresh" distribution.

Backing up and updating your profile with the MozBackup utility

Created copy

1. Open offsite utility -

3. On the side you see, press "install program" next to "Download from SourceForge".

4. Install the distribution kit on the system, and then run it from the desktop (click 2 times at the end).

5. At the MozBackup window, at the “Operation” block, by clicking the bear, set the “Backup a profile” command (creating a copy of the profile).

6. Go to the browser.

7. Press the "Next" button.

8. Click "Browse" in the field "Save backup…". » and specify where to use to save the copy file.

Please! Do not take a reserve from the system partition (on drive C), you can see the shards of yoga at the time of reinstalling the system.

9. In the “Details” block, select (set or remove the ensign), which elements of the profile must be reserved:

  • General settings - basic settings;
  • Bookmarks - bookmarks;
  • History - history of vіdvіduvan;
  • Extensions - expansion;
  • Cookies - cookies;
  • Save from details - saving details;
  • Certificates - certificates.

10. Press "Next".

After the completion of the procedure, a file with a copy of the profile will appear in the directory indicated. Yogo has names for locking up Firefox version that date of creation.

1. If you can see more old version FF and install new, run MozBackup. Install the "Restore a profile" operation (restore a profile).

2. Press "Next".

3. Click Browse, select the copy file and click on the system window "Open".

4. Recall - "Next". Indicate the elements that are necessary to confirm (all apparent copies are cited for locking).

5. Launch the "Next" button of the update.

6. At the supplementary request “Restoration can overwrite…?” press "Yes".

7. After the operation is completed, click Finish.

Open the browser, I'll renew my old look (become like this before reinstalling).

Method #1: standard uninstallation

1. Click on the "Start" icon on the taskbar.

2. Go to the Care Panel.

3. Click on the section "Viewing the program".

4. Right-click the mouse on the Firefox catalog.

5. At the panel that appeared, press "Vidality".

7. Similar actions over the folders and files that are left out.

Good luck uninstalling Firefox!

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