The oversight of the document is sent by electronic means of attachment. Yak send text by e-mail

Zharoznizhuvalny for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconvenient help for feverish women, if the children are in need of giving innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and constipation of fever-lowering drugs. How can you give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

1. Choose one of these steps:

o Fix the robot with Microsoft Outlook, install Word as an editor for electronic mail and select the format: HTML, Microsoft Outlook RTF or extra text. More on the menu File vibrate command Make, and then - the command By now.

o Fix the robot with Word, vibrate at the menu File command Make, and then on deposits Zagalny two click pictogram E-mail... It will automatically vibrate HTML format for the occasion.

2. In the field to whom, a copy of the UK, enter the name of the obsessed, distributed with specks with a coma.

If you want to vibrate the name of the list in the list, embed the order icon from the writing To whom, Copy abo SC.

3. At the field Topic Enter a new topic.

4. Introduce a domain in a domain.

When entered, there are some available Word, yak automatic conversion spelling, autozamіnaі tablesі Informatics: Navch. checklist for viz /H.B. shk., 1990. -195 p .: il.

5. For consumer use the following:

o Enhanced additional file.

o Resetting the parameters of the electronic mail.

6. Press the Add button. (Div. Malunok 1)

Malunok 1

> Enforcement of the document by electronic mail

1. Open or open a document, which is due to e-mail.

2. Press the button Electronic mail on the standard panels and tools.

3. For an hour on the web-side, for revealing the framework, select one of the following:

o Send e-mail to the Web-site in the active frame, choose the option So, send an active document... Tsey option zruchny, as the Web-site is saved on local computerіnakše can be available to the winners.

o Send e-mail only for framed links, select options Ні, send the side of the frame... The whole option is available, as on the side it is displayed within the framework of some of the web-side, available to the users from the website.

4. Enter the names of the winners at the field To whom and a copy, distributed with specks in a coma.

If you want to vibrate the name of the list in the list, embed the order icon from the writing To whom abo Copy.

5. For substitutions at the field Topic

6. If necessary, you can insert an additional file and set the parameters of the electronic mail.

7. Send a copy of the document by email, press the button Please send a copy.

Supervision of the document by e-mail:

1. Open or open a document that needs to be sent by electronic means as an attachment.

2. At the menu File put on the team Vidraviti select item Povidomlennya (yak investment).

Yaksho menu item Povidomlennya (yak investment) vidsutnya, vikonayte taki diji: at the menu Service vibrate command Parameters that go to the tab Zagalny... Install the patron oversilati document I will send yak attachment press the button OK... Then repeat croc 2.

3. Enter the names of the winners at the field To whom and a copy, distributed with specks in a coma.

To vibrate the name in the list, press the button To whom abo Copy.

4. For substitutions at the field Topic the document is displayed. For bazhannya you can propose іnshu topic.

5. If necessary, you can insert an additional file and set the parameters of the electronic mail.

6. Press the button Vidraviti.

Note... When the Web site is overridden, the investment will automatically change to the format Microsoft Word(. doc). If you need to save the HTML format, you can send the Web site itself by email.

> Support and supervision of faxes

1. At the menu File vibrate command Make.

2. Vibrate tab Sheets that fax.

3. Two click pictogram Meister fax.

4. Follow the Master's prompts.


Before the victorianmas of the maister of faxes, perekonte, scho danish computer sent by fax notifications.

Yaksho at the dialogue vіknі Side of the document tsei mister vidsutniy, stand yogo.

> Installation of any visible components

I don’t want to know the required component of Microsoft Word or Microsoft Office and the installer Microsoft Windows without installing the component automatically, it can be done independently. Just a copy of Word or Office boules are installed from the file server. sleeping folders, you need to run the same installer again.

1. Close all programs.

2. Press the button Start Windows has that command Nalashtuvannya, and then - the command Control panel.

3. Two click pictogram Installed that vivid program.

4. Choose one of these steps:

Yakshcho Word bulo installed at once from Office, select item Microsoft Office on deposit Installation / visualization, and then press the button Dodachi / Vidality.

Yaksho Word is set ok, select item Microsoft Word on deposit Installation / visualization, and then press the button Dodachi / vidaliti.

5. Follow the prompts, which will appear on the screen of the Computer Processing Technology Information: Navchannya · posibnik / C.B. Під рід C.B. Khazarova. - M .: Finance and statistics, 1995 .-- 248 p.: Il.

You can send a Microsoft Word document by e-mail as text is sent by e-mail or as an attachment before e-mail is sent.

For the first person, it is important to press the button Envelope tool panels Standard... When the toolbar is displayed, the pop-up panel will appear (small 30.10).

Small. 30.10. Powering a Microsoft Word document by e-mail

In the field To whom Copy... As soon as the addresses are received by the address є in the address book, then for the selection you can use the buttons To whomі Copy.

For substitutions at the field Topic the document is displayed. For bazhannya you can propose іnshu topic.

Please send a copy.

If the document is overwritten, the investment will be sent to the team until the next day. File / Add / Post (yak attachment)... If you want to start Microsoft Outlook (Fig. 30.11), it’s also an additional add-on, setup for robots by electronic means.

Small. 30.11. Microsoft Outlook promptly

In the field To whom then enter the address of the recipient of the sheet or the address through whom. If it is more important, you can enter the address in the fields Copy... If the address of the selected user is є in the address book, then for the selection you can use the buttons To whomі Copy.

For substitutions at the field Topic the document is displayed. For bazhannya you can propose іnshu topic. If it is very important in the main field, you can enter the supervised text.

Press the button Vidraviti.

Supervision of a Microsoft Word document by electronic means - an understanding that you see. Classification and special features of the category "Support for a Microsoft Word document by electronic means" 2014, 2015.

  • - Introduced by Microsoft Word.

    LAUNCHING AND AWARE OF MICROSOFT WORD PACKAGE. Start Microsoft Word. Menu and toolbars Word. Key for managing text. Microsoft Word є We will expand and provide a flexible text editor with great possibilities. Then there is Microsoft Word 2000. ....

  • - text editor Microsoft Word.

    Head of Naval Viddilu O.Yu. Chernishova DS - child of dentistry HG-hospital surgery TR-traumatology SB - internal ailments O - oncology AK-obstetrics, gynecology OF -...

  • - Preservation of the MICROSOFT WORD document.

    To save the document, Microsoft Word programs can be saved as an electronic file, tobto. electronic document. Zberigati flap file More often, and also more beautifully, turn on the auto-saving mode. As soon as the computer is freezing, it is not possible to display electrical power, ....

  • - For victors in Microsoft Word

    To move the cursor to the cursor, especially for an hour of robotics with a great document, manually select the Edit / Go command. You can change the command by pressing the F5 keyboard. At the contributor Go to the dialogue window To know and replace (Fig. 1.9) in the Ob'єct list, the transition is necessary ....

  • -

    Lecture: Organization and registration of organizational diagrams A statement about the diagrams is given. Shows the way of the establishment of diagrams, the addition of and visualization of the elements.

  • - Organizational diagrams in Microsoft Word

    Lecture: Organization and registration of organizational diagrams A statement about the diagrams is given. Shows the way of the establishment of diagrams, the addition of and visualization of the elements.

  • Electronic sheets reach the addressee for a few hucks. The very fact їkh is so handy to be victorious for a special and dingy leafing. If you need to send a text document, you can attach it to the sheet as the attachment or copy the text of the document to the clipboard and insert it into the form for the sheet.

    Sponsor of the distribution of P&G Statistics on the topic "Yak send text by electronic mail"


    Fuck, scho programmatically secure, as it is installed on the computer of the owner, it can be seen from yours. Navigate the program itself, for example, Microsoft Word, there are few versions. As soon as the addressee of your list has a stale version of the programs abo, navpaki, nabagato new, below you, text document, as you see, the obsession is simply not to be seen or to be seen incorrectly. In order to find out, it’s too early to clarify, in which format it’s more beautiful to send a document. Victory, if it is necessary, program converters, so that you can help you translate the document in the format that I will need. On the other hand, envelope be a text at PDF format, which is even more often victorious when overpowered electronic documents, help you kosteless program PDF24 Editor If you don’t bazhate or you can’t install new programs on your computer, be quick to be a kosteless online service. For example, Display the screen without the middle on the website of the postal service, or launch the client program, which you want to call. Go to the "Write sheet" menu. Add to the email address of the recipient. Set the theme of the sheet - nylogіchnіshe vicoristovuvati I will name the text, how to correct. Click on the "Attach file" button and vibrate on your computer a text document that you need to send. Check it in, the file will be locked up. Yakshcho is necessary, give me some documents. At the text of the sheet, you can create a small explanatory note. For example: "I will give you a price list for the services of our company in PDF format for your power supply." Since the text is small, you can just paste it into the form to force the sheet. For a complete view of the document from the editor and select the option "View all". A large number of program editors can be expanded by pressing the combination of keys Ctrl + A. Copy the video to the clipboard - click the Ctrl + C combination or the context menu, like clicking the right mouse button. Place the cursor at the field for entering text at the form of the electronic sheet and press the combination Ctrl + V or click the right mouse button and select the "Insert" item in the menu. Vikoristovyte, if the price is necessary, additional functions Support e-mail: about the delivery, about the reading of the sheet, about the sending of the sheet via SMS and about. A change of additional services is included in your postal service. Yak them koristuvatisya, read at advanced system svogo postal service chi program-client. Click on the button "Send" - the list will be sent for the specified address (s). You can take a look at the list of new sheets and you can at the papa "Nadislana", as it has not been transferred by your service, but by postal programs. Once you use it, you can repeat the e-mail at once. text file(files) to the same addressee, or redirect it to the other person. Yak just

    Інші news on topics:

    Recent feasts for bagatokh koristuvachiv personal computers e-mail has become available as soon as possible. She has laid the foundations for all the quintessential things, the same: the written sheet of the text, which is corrected and rejected by the addressee. Really, now you can play nabagato

    Electronic mail - service for spilkuvannya and obminu good information... Are you impatient to show your loved ones photos from your admission? Send messages to the electronic Post screen... Sponsor of distribution of P&G Statty on the topic "Yak send a photo by post" Yak attach a file to the list Yak send

    In the middle of the early days, as the criminals rob at the fancy, there is no simple update of the electronic sheet of e-mail. You can hurry up to support the sheet with the online interface of your mail server, or with a special program (Microsoft Exchange or The Bat), if you have

    Kozhen koristuvach e-mail it in order to get a list of attachments from the file - photo, video-files, and other documents. Putting the file on the sheet is still awkward, right away from the fact that I will send it to you electronically. You know - computer s

    The oversight of the sheet by electronic means at the attachment file - simple operation... For deyakikh vipadkah nadsilati elektronnosti send the attachment file is important. For example, it is fed to a form form (with the development of the Internet, such a form of communica tion has become actively practiced

    It is important to show you a bitchy koristuvach on the Internet, which is not vikoristovuvav e-mail. It is not often necessary to send photos, scanned documents, tables, video files by electronic means. Peresilati the document is not easy by the way. Indiscriminately from that which itself

    Due to the fact that you are using the service itself, the process of supervising the MS Word file may be insignificantly seen, some of the service interface may be seen. Ale, the principle of attaching a document to a sheet is approximately the same as an independent postal provider.

    You know

    • A postal record on any service, ready for revision Word document, e-mail address of the recipient of the list


    View your profile on the postage service and press on the icon of the new electronic sheet. Have new interfaces you can name yourself: "Create a list", "New list", "Write" and in.

    Select the addressee from the list of contacts or enter the recipient's e-mail, as well as save the "Sheet subject" field.

    Your mail has been posted on the Yandex service: click on the button "Attach files".

    Reverse, you have correctly memorized the fields "To" and "Subject" and click on the button "Nadislati".

    Your mail has been posted on the Gmail service: insert the icon next to the clerical scrapbook, and insert it in the bottom row of the sheet overhead field.

    Vіknі vibrate required file to force and press the "View" button.

    Reverse, where all the fields will be stored by you, for whom to send the sheet from the document to the onslaught of the button "Nadislati".

    If your mail has been posted on the service: open the file selection window by pressing the "Attach file" button, which is located above the field for entering the text of the sheet.

    Viber a file to attach, for example, if there are files and a sheet of attached MS Word documents or other files for the onslaught of the "Edit" button, like at the upper and lower parts of the email update screen of the new update sheet.

    Kozhen, who started to use the Internet, got up early in the morning before the problem of supervising the files from his computer to those who were using the Internet. Tsia simple dia bagatokh put in a remote kut.

    You know

    • - computer
    • - Internet
    • - electronic mail
    • - file


    For the ear, we need it registered regional recording on one of the postal servers, or the postal program, is configured for the robot with your postal screen.
    First of all, just send the file by e-mail, you need to delete the sheet from any file that can be edited. For the whole press the button "Write a sheet".

    At the "To whom" field, write the email address of the people, which you need to send the file to. Practically all postal servers and programs allow for the ability to provide lists directly to the address. Otzhe, you can edit the file not only for one person, but for a file. Masove Rozsilannya with more than one address.
    You can also remember the "Subject" field. Ale can ditch a yogo without respect. It is also the same prophesied in the field, where you need to enter the text of the sheet - you will remember it as you need it.

    Now it is necessary to attach the required file to the sheet. For a tsiogo tikaєmo on the button "Attach a file" or "Vibrate file". Show up as a guide, in which you need to know that you need to vibrate the required file. Tisnemo "OK" і check, while the file is transferred to the server.
    You can write one or more files.

    To become overwhelmed by depriving the overlap of the sheet I will get. Perekonayte, scho addresses, on how you supervise the correspondence, you say correctly and press the button "Assign a sheet".

    Beast to respect

    Change not only in the fact that your mail server can support the file of such a size, and for the one that the mail service has won the right to accept files with such a car, more of the mail just does not go to the addressee.

    On all systems of electronic mail, an interconnection has been established for the size of files, so that it is possible to send them. As long as your file is too large, you can upload it to the file sharing and send a friend to your friend. special programs Download the file to a number of parts and overlays.

    Uvaga, only SOGODNI!

    All tsikave

    If you are close to people who are united in social fringes Seeing the coup d'état for the help of the extravagant electronic mail, then, melodiously, blame the nobility, well, you don't just let us write texts about, Ale th overpower a friend.

    Vikoristannya electronic mailing is not allowed to be exchanged with text information, but with files, such as music, photo and video. For oversight of pictures and photographs you can vikoristovuvati one of simple ways... Instructions 1 For reference ...

    File transfer electronic viewer call me to ask for help e-mail services. Tse nagato zruchnіshe, nіzh self-delivery to the addressee of the necessary information, which is recorded on a sharp nose. You know - access to ...

    You can send files via additional Internet. Moreover, it is not important for a given view, in which place on which continent there are documents. As soon as possible, the file can be updated without any material vitrates. To you…

    Electronic mail є with a handful of services, which are used for listing and sending images. Yogo is the main one - temporality delivery on an occasional basis and available koristuvach interface Instructions ...

    The electronic mail has disappeared into the life of the lucky people. Creations on any postal e-mail resource allow you to trim sheets, supervise them, and short information about additional files. You know, re-registrations ...

    Send the file by e-mail, as a rule, it will be important through a large file. The easiest way to send a file with a file is to attach it to an electronic sheet. However, it’s not spratsovuє, і інshiy shlyakh ...

    Electronic mail - a handy service for sharing and exchanging information. Are you impatient to show your loved ones photos from your admission? Send e-mail to the email screen. Instructions 1 Log in to the system and press the button ...

    Kozhen koristuvach e-mail it in order to get a list of attachments from the file - photo, video-files, and other documents. Putting the file on the sheet is still awkwardly, right away from the fact that I will send it electronically.

    Situations can be trampled if the postage program is not available. You can, you looked to the netting from the Internet cafe, or didn’t get to install the postal program on your computer. Not bida - it is possible to obtain and send to the mail without any preference ...

    Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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