Yak will be sent by electronic mail. Yak send a Word document by electronic mail, nuances and please

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how to send documents e-mail all the details have affection

  1. vidskanuvati and vidpraviti
  2. For oversight of electronic mailing, it is necessary to have a Microsoft profile Outlook on the go electronic mail. You can, at established by Microsoft Outlook bulo virisheno do not add oblikovy recording By the way of electronic mail or the launch of the new regional record maister has been skipped.

    After the establishment of an e-mail recording of the field, the Submit button will become available, and the ability to submit the document will appear.

    Viconite one of these diy.

    Strengthening the document for re-censoring

    Enforcement of the document yak attachment

    Supervision of the document in the view of the text by e-mail.

    If you want to send the document as well as the scanned image, click on the file in the list of scanned files, and then click on Send the fax to the toolbar.
    View the scanned document or images for further installation at the facsimile, at the File menu vibrate Create and download Fax from the scanner. Vkonyte vkaz_vki soodo scanned document or images, such as є.

    When the scanned document is completed or the image is scanned, Windows will automatically flush new faxes with the scanned file attachment. additional views div. at the mailing list for faxing.

    Enter one or more fax numbers at the fax entry and receive information, for example, on the topic or on the title side.

    After completing the opening of the page, press the button. Supervision by electronic mailing of the scanned document or image

    At the Start menu, press a button, vibrate Use programs, and then Fax and Scan Windows.

    Go to scan mode, press Scanuvati in the lower part of the left panel.

    In the list of scanned files, select a document or image and press the Send to e-mail button on the toolbar.

    Write down the addresses of the received electronic mail at the new window. In the Copy field, enter the addresses of the electronic mail order of the skin and supplements, which may be edited out of the copy afterwards. Kilka address pid hour oversight, occasionally distribute in specks with a lump. Schob pobachiti, yak enter the address, div. Finish up with the programs.

    At the field Sub'єkt, write the topic of the electronic message, and then write the main text briefly, please write it later.

    After completing the opening of the page, press the button.

  3. I am referencing but I can’t see why the problem is speaking in the wrong format.

Let’s talk about those who send e-mail. You can send us a message in a number of ways. One of them is visible.

Electronic mail has long become a way of listing among people. The special leaves in envelopes were sent to another plan and it was not a bargain to be deprived of the memory of people. Post screenshots to globally To get help for mittєvoy newsletter, email marketing and other digital tools, but also manually and quickly, sometimes from the old methods of delivery of information. For quiet, hto do not know, how to send an electronic mail from a computer, written by the instructions.

Perche, for oversight of the digital sheet You will know the electronic screen, which is necessary to "start" in the Internet. About those who have already spoken out, now a specific butt of the stem is visible.


For example, we wanted to shoot the postal screen on the resource mail.ru(Another popular site). For the whole it is necessary to go to the whole site by typing into the address row of your browser:


Let's go for the best " Register mail»And fix fill in the required fields... Say your name, apology and information, for which you go to the field " Post screen»And write to the bazhan name screens.

Try to see the original and original screenshots of your postage screens, some of them may be useful. Remember the shutter of your screen. Finish send fill " @ mail.ru».

Now come up with that prescribe a password to the screen and confirm it in the field " Repeat password».

Porada: do not leave behind simple passwords, go up to "111" or "qwerty", it’s easy to get around such a bad guy.

Yaksho Vi will forget your password, so that you can change your mind for help mobile phone, which is necessary for a specific field before the hour of restoration.

If you don't know how to fill in your mobile phone number, then you need to learn how to do it. I don't have a mobile phone»: Proponu vibrati system Control nutrition and date on a new basis. Dodatkovy e-mail is not obligatory to enter.

Writing all forms press the button " Get hurt» ... The system will ask you to enter a yakus combination: it should try to confirm that you are not a software robot, which randomly sets up postal screens.

Enter the number of letters and numbers, by pressing the button " Ready". Witayu, Vishhoyno put a screen on the post I don’t know how to send it to the email.


In order to send a digital sheet to your comrade, a relative of your robot, you will need to know the address of your electronic mail. Viglyada vin, for example, like this: nazvanie @ mail.ru abo nazvanie @ gmail.com that іnshі. Tobto spatchu yde name by piece screen, for example, Billy-Micro, dal next special symbol @ , which the people call "doggy", and the letter is written name the resource , at which the mail was retruded.

Note: the postal screen was opened at the instructions of the manufacturer [email protected] (great chi mali literi - tse maє meaning).

If you still send the address of the "electronic" to the same people, if you want to send an electronic mail, then press the button " Write» at the end of the postage screen, enter explicitly the address in the field “ To whom". Dalі write a topic sheet, go to the field " Theme", And in the most part of the window" new sheet»You can type, without the front, sheet text.

Yaksho є the need to correct at once from the text additional file, for example, photography, then speed up the button " Prikrіpiti fay l "that know on the disk of the computer a digital document, necessary for the power supply, abo the sign.

The last croc when the leaf of the field is uploaded in the onslaught of the button Vidraviti» ... A revision will be made, and a copy of the requested sheet should be sent to the category “ Nadіslanі».

The axis, at the principle, and everything. We got to know about it, because we will send it to you by e-mail. This rank you can ask for a number of leaves without a box... Apparently, there is no need to open the screen for the postal screen, just go to that "electronic" device, which was already opened.

To go to the site http://mail.ru/ and enter the screenshots and the password before it, for which you press the button " Go away».

The document management system "Corporate document management" is to avenge the integration of electronic mail. Besides the automatic monitoring of postal screenshots and the automatic filing of documents on the basis of detached sheets (the topic is given in detail), it is possible and manual to supervise, as well as reject documents in electronic mail.

Supervision of documents by electronic mail

SED "Corporate document management" allows you to supervise corporate documents and їх together as an electronic sheet. To send a corporate document, select the document from the "Navigator" form, or in the іnshіy form, the list of documents (for example, from a special folder of the clerk) and press the button. The button can be drawn from the open form of the corporate document, as shown below.

Draw on a picture for a child

The form of a new electronic sheet, which was displayed, includes the text in place of the corporate document, supplemented by the signature of the email address, and also automatically generating a block with a description of the attached files.

The list of attached files to reveal the files themselves, such as a corporate document to a document management system. The list of the deposit is placed on the tab "Dodatkovo" of the form of the sheet. At the same pledges, it is indicated that a corporate document is submitted to be submitted, and that it is submitted to a regional record, which is submitted for updating. To brutalize respect for those who, in the regional record, can mean the warrantor "Vikoristovuvati for oversight." For koristuvachіv without any additional rights access will be available without the oblіkovі records, in which stench is indicated in the requisite "Vidpovidalny". The butt of the "Dodatkovo" bookmark is positioned lower.

When changing the files in the list on the "Dodatkovo" tab, the block will describe the insert in the text of the sheet will automatically change.

Before the oversight of the sheet from the SED "Corporate document management", you can create a warehouse of received sheets. For references to the new address, the addressee is included from the associate "Kontragenti" and "Contact individuals", indicated in the corporate documents on the tab "Affiliation".

The list of addressees of the sheet includes the main winners (visions in bold type), as well as copies of this sheet. Zvernit respect for those that the list can be updated and changed manually. You can also change the main sheet gain. For a complete change of the required addressee by shooting up the hill to the first row.

Nadilannya to send a message by pushing on the button "Send a sheet" at the top panel of the form.

At the vipadku, as in the obl_kova record is not entered the forefather "Zapam'yatati password" before the supervisors to send a form for entering the password will be entered.

Disclaimer of documents by electronic mail

SED "Corporate document management" is to take revenge on the secured documents from electronic mail. If you want to add documents, click on the keyboard keys Alt + M or select the system “Actual Documents” “Otrimati el. will send ".

In the form of enriched documents, it is necessary to provide a regional record of electronic mail, from which the sheets will be enriched, as well as to the template of corporate documents. New corporate documents will be formed behind the template. It is also recommended to refer to the patron saint "Update the template with the data from the sheets". For a given day, there will be an update to the template by sending to the elements of the contact partner of the counterparties and the contact persons of the counterparties who are known at the base of the data for the e-mail address.

The process is divided into two stages. At the first stage, you will be asked to add headers to the electronic sheets. To add headers, click on the button "Transfer mail to server".

When you remove the data from the mail server, the form of the table will be displayed automatic values if the sheet (at the address of the invoice) belongs to the counterparty or the contact person of the counterparty. If it is important that the sheet is not attached to the counterparty, I can hand over the value in the column "Links with the base of the dues". The value indicated in the column "Link with the tribute base" will be replaced by the "Contragent" row of the "Affiliation" tab of the established corporate document.

For the formulation of the tables of headers, you can vibrate (by placing the required symbol) the sheets, as you need to add (import) to the database and press the button "Form corporate documents".

The formed corporate documents will be distributed in the document management system of the SED "Corporate document management" as soon as specified in the document templates, the setting of corporate folders, the types of such types of documents.

Possibility of correcting the text in an electronic sheet - it’s also a miraculous power of fusion itself. Even an electronic sheet without a staple can be found in the middle of a paper sheet, and it can take not one or two sides to the text, but a treatise.

However, even more with great power vikorystannya electronic post є update in the electronic photo sheet, text document, electronic tables archive, etc. In a word, the sheet can be easily inserted into a practical file and send it to the addressee.

The one who trimmed such a sheet, you can attach the file and save it on your computer for the victorian.

Why am I writing "practical file"? On the right, in the fact that the mailing servers may be interchangeable with the attachments of the files, they will be overridden. For example, in some cases the investment is not guilty of changing 5Mb, in other postal services - no more than 10Mb, etc. For example, the maximum coverage of the electronic sheet using attachment files, which must be enforced through the system Yandex mail not guilty of perevischuvati 30 MB.

From the side, the need is vrahovuvati, but the addressee can send a screen message from me. throughput... In a word, overpower in the electronic sheets of the photograph, text documents That іnshі are small for a lot of files in a whole lot. And the axis of sending a long film is a problem. Accept this year.

In the video urotsi you can post a file or a few files in the electronic list of attachments.

Video lesson: Yak send an electronic posting of a photo, document and іnshі files

Distance courses of Kashkanov. E-mail addresses to get used to the common spam robots. You have a lot of JavaScript inclusions to look at.

I would like to send a document by e-mail for teapots in the food supply chain to ask for a letter, which will be repaired by an e-mail for the first time. At the top of the statistics, the main mailings of screenshots to the Internet will be displayed, the process of restructuring mail from Yandex, Google, Mail Route, and the oversight of the document for these mails.

Main postal screenshots from Runet

Welcome, friends! In the Internet, you can not deprive the skype and spilkuvatisya in social fringes... At Runet, you can provide basic postage screens, you can support and document that sheets. Overpowering is possible for those who need it in the distance from the country, right from the house, if they have no Internet or computer.

Yak in the Internet є send screenshots? Oh, it’s the right thing to do at the bottom of the net. Ale, let me bring you no more nigolovnіshі, oskіl stinky visokiy rіven it is safe and easy to help you edit sheets, documents, and information. I will guide the butt with three screenshots, so that I can help you to update the food - how to send a document by electronic mail for teapots:

  1. Yandex - mail. The screen is sent to the Yandex company and there are a lot of possibilities. One of which is the end of the electronic gamanets for the restoration of the order.
  2. Google mail or Gmail. Duzhe well recommended itself to be safe. Your specialties will be the overwhelming zajist.
  3. Mail.ru. Tsei service is also supplementary to the helpers of supervising oversight of these sheets.

Quite a few screenshots, which are the most frequent in Runet, are the main ones, the most important ones. In addition, we will be victorious for overseeing the documents.

How can I create custom screenshots? Register for the postal screen in the warehouse of special difficulties. For a cob, you will need to vibrate one of the postal screens, such as boules presented to the food. First, follow the instructions, so that you can successfully go through the entire process of restoring the post-production screenshots.

Happy, if you open your e-mail, you won’t need to know only to enforce the document. Ale y іnshikh goals.

Yak will post a screen on Yandex.

Posting a screen on Yandex is simply necessary. Especially if you are listing your site, you will need to use Yandex Webmaster service. І trim access to all the tools that allow the robot to view your website and blog.

For a cob, open your mail on Yandex, open a browser. About those who post a screen on Yandex, marvel at the video below:

Yak to post a screen in Google

For blogging, for engaging with small meals, an income through the Internet, you will know how minimum two screenshots send gmail(Google). If you don’t miss the price of the postal screen, then you can’t use the services from Google. For example, such services are like YouTube or Google plus.

Then, to post the postal screen in Google, you need to send a message to the browser and write to the new one - Gmail. Let's go to the process of restoring the piece screen, which is shown in the video:

Yak to send a screen to mail ru

To create a postal screen on mail ru, open a website in any browser and click on the button "new screen re-creation". (Baby 1)

When pushing the button “register” on the instructions, the phone will receive a five-digit code, which you need to enter in the central field and push for “prodovzhiti” (Malunok 3)

Everything, your mail to Mail Roux is closed! You can try at your post office, and you can also sign up. Now, if you've shot the postal screenshots, you can go to the posting of documents by electronic post.

Otzhe, for the help of meaningful post-production screenshots, you can send a document. Yak tse correctly zrobiti? Let's, in order, document it properly through skin mail screens. For some reason, send Yandex.

Open Yandex-mail. Give the button "write", as it is located in the left upper codend. Then you can write to the email address who you want to send the document to, and add a topic that will appear. To send a document from a computer, slid to natisnut on "attach files" (Malunok 4)

Then select the files from your computer, and check it off, leave the stench to get caught up. For a little hviliini, your documents will be sent to that one, which you wanted to do. Інші post-production screenshots are based on the same principle. For example, to send a document to Mail Ru, you need to write on the "write a sheet" and vibrate "attach a file"

If you want to send a document to Google, then here for a newbie it will be a bit more complicated. To send a file, click on the "write" button, then select the "scrapbook" icon. First, you can also select documents from your computer for supervising. How do I send an electronic document for teapots? Yak viyavilosya everything is simple, fit to see a newcomer.


We looked at the statistics from the feed, as they sent the document by e-mail for the teapots. Surely, vikoristovuchi post screenshots, you can support other people, do not deprive them of documents. Tse can be a photo, video, audio, archive tosho.

Post screenshots of the miracles of friends in the world of food, especially quiet, as they can make money through the Internet. Also, on deyakie services, it is uncomfortable to register, do not display the postal screen, or do not see the electronic gamanets. Get accused by postal screenshots, and todi Vy shvidko will send you new sheets and documents to your relatives, friends, colleagues in robotics!

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