Problems with the iphone 8 battery. Spare parts for the iPhone X are already in China.

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The inflow of the attachments from the broken iPhone X may be cleaned out of the attachments. / Photo - site, SC FixItEasy

New iPhones will be broken more often

- At the presentation, Apple voiced so loudly: "iPhone 8 and X will be from the microscope!" - laugh at Oleksandr Serogin, the server service center "Fixing the Yabluka". - I immediately guess the anecdote. The Marsian spooked the Russian one, gave the yom two titanium bags and zipped it into the empty room. One is vicious, and the other is polamav. Know, in the zagalny, nіzh lyakati - mіtsne sklo!

"Yabluchny" devices, from the notice of service centers, live for about two or three rockets. Then we fix the problems with the battery, the smartphone fixes the galmuvati, and it’s all right without having to go to waste.

iPhone 8 and especially the iPhone X prophesying the hard part of the "four".

The back panel of the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4s was flaky and often shattered. On the right, you will be able to fix new models if you can, according to Oleksandr Serogin:

Mіnyati [display] on the "quarter" is simple: by twisting two bolts - kryshka vіdletіla. With the iPhone X it will be possible to get through: you have assigned the steps to the IP67 controller according to the international standard IEC 60529. The bolts will not be used: the cry will sound like a glue around the perimeter. Replace it with a lot of satisfaction. Shvidshe for everything, "vicrutnik is an extravagant" - an engineer of the service center - there is no way to fit in.

The back slope may be hummingly mounted, glued to the body, supported by Dmitro Kruzhalin, CEO of Maclab:

- Replace the rear slope for the best. Get an iPhone: see all the components attached to the rear panel, including the motherboard.

To turn off one phone to life, it is often necessary to return to the details. / Photo - site, SC FixItEasy

IPhone X display replacement will cost 45 thousand rubles

Ale and the price for repairs in the first couple of months will be crazy. Nayposhirenisha breakdown of smartphones - rozbitiy screen... earlier Samsung smartphones bully more expensive iPhones in repairs only through the display. Now Apple will be rooting for OLED Multi Touch technology.

In the first couple of months before the start of sales, the replacement of the screen on the iPhone 7 and 7 + was 30 and 35 thousand rubles, respectively. Bring up tami iPhone display X spatku will cost about 45 thousand.

To replace the repair, you can buy a new iPhone 7.

Navit the official prices for the repairs from Apple marvel. for lagogennya iPhone screen 8 Plus will be brought to the government of 169 dollars, close to 10 thousand per exchange for rubles. update back panel- 399 dollars, or even 24 thousand rubles!

- The price of replacing the display on the iPhone X [in Russia] will be one of those who find the middle of the flagships, or even the best one, - the admiration of Mikhailo Bogoutdinov, the hard core of iSupport. - Then the camera, battery, dynamos and accessories are located in the middle price segment.

Cosmic sumi explain not only the premium iPhone. Vona injectedє, in the main, for the repair of the hull.

Apple makes life easier for service centers. Robbing attachments with bells and whistles and stuffs with secrets.

- Lagoditi motherboard [in iPhones] is more important than in any other smartphone. Apple often vikoristy microcircuits, as there is no more stasis, and technical documentation on them is trimmed in secret, - Oleksandr Serogin.

Dodatkova folding - details. Apple is not robbed or sell spare parts. Moreover, with folding repairs, with the same replacement mother's pay, Service is brought up to match the pristy "donor", pick and choose the details. Going is kind, ale dearly expensive.

Spare parts for iPhone X are already in China, ale the stink is all the same expensive

for simple operations items to be transported from China. However, there will be little on the cob. Whatever spare parts are not good for, it should be done with the same "donors" and overproduced. I'll look around for a drink and an hour for delivery, the price of details will be great. The managers, however, are already seeing, that spare parts for the iPhone X have appeared on the Chinese market.

On the other hand, the new Chinese iPhones will be able to get the hang of it through the pivroku.

- With the skin rock before us, all the more often there are Chinese chickens, - Dmytro Kruzhalin said. - The names are even more similar to the original ones, ale chitaєsh: y-y-y, zvsim іnshі components, seals, all around іgroglіfi, і dumb takoі, like Apple. To build the simplest parts, on the eye of the display case, [the Chinese] need two months. On the phone three times more than an hour.

Poki China rozgortaє Chergove virobnitstvo, rizik zvychaynіy people go to especially tricky services, such as a phone for repairs and along the way to amuse important organs. Most of the good details change not on the old, but on the whole copy.

- An old original spare part is always more beautiful than a new copy, be it as good as it gets, - added Oleksandr Serogin. - Buttons and batteries are not taken. Moreover, the price of copy parts doesn’t change 300-500 rubles, the original kudi is more expensive.

Engineers for repairing obov'yazkovo cupuwati to iPhone X chokhol. / Photo - site, SC FixItEasy

Happy new iPhone - camera with Face ID function

- The influx of customers from the iPhone X is no sooner than the spring of the offensive fate, - counts the graph Ugor Odinokov, a kervnik to the Total Apple center. - The price of a trifle will go down, there will be more masters. IPhonei to read a lot of bitisya and lamatisya. Pokey vikhid one - pick chokhli. It’s not a panacea, as it is in the wilderness, but in most cases.

"Ekiprovka", however, to steal the iPhone only from the zvnіshnіkh poshkojen. The iPhone 8 and iPhone X are shown through one of the head chips - Face ID. Vona change rozblokuvannya with your finger, Touch ID, which is tied to the Home button.

Yaksho vona lamalas, mayzhe melodiously went out of the way of chip, tying with a payment to the plant. Vimogi bezpeki before the payment system Apple Pay fenced off to get involved in the robot with the function of the finger. The button can be updated, but not Touch ID.

With the release of a special person, there may be similar problems. The camera went wrong - write was gone.

- If the phone has fallen into place, ring more folds with the front camera cable, and not with home button... The front camera on new iPhones will be more functional, which means technically it will be more foldable in front. Repair, as soon as possible, will be folded. Well, dear, - throw up his hands Oleksiy Vakhrushev from the FixItEasy mainstay.

Another unobvious variability is water. At any service center, you can tell you, like with an iPhone, they bathed in the pool at the corporate party, covered it in kalyuzh, aquarelle, toilet, poured drinks from Aperol to apple juice. The new iPhone is rated IP67, but does not mean anything at all.

- I will establish the IP67 standard, so that I will get rid of the breezes and not buried in the water, - I will explain Ugor Odinokov. - In reality, before us, they often bring iPhone 7 for repair, filled with chimos, and they have the same IP67 standard. Well, that's it, calling the phone is not working. So don’t try, but new iPhones have been stolen from the driver.

Krasnomovno about it is written on the Apple website about the iPhone 8: "As a result of contact with the homeland, it is not a guarantee."

The characteristic of "more curses" in the iPhone X is to blame for the blame service center... The bigger the slope - the bigger the pits, the troughs and the hopes to spare for repairs. However, fahіvtsі s repair vvenenі, scho pіslya for iPhone X triumphant sellers of accessories. Having turned on the phone for about 80 thousand rubles (and before the release in Russia on the "blue" market - two or three times more) dry glass, Bumpers and everything you need.

If you are guilty of trying to fix it for an additional solution from the list below, it is not necessary to carry your smartphone to the store for repair.

Apple iPhone 8 и iPhone 8 Plus Bagato koristuvachіv stumbled upon the problems of the new flagships of the company, і mi ochіkuєmo, how scarg will grow in the world of purchasing a smartphone and in the world іх expanded in the new countries.

Most of the early problems with the iPhone 8 are supervisedly expanded. We bach skargi on the problem of sound, hour autonomous robots battery type, Bluetooth problems, 3D Touch problems, overloading and overloading problems.

As soon as you can read about the problems with a new phone, you can get in touch with Apple or sign up for repairs at the local store. Persh nіzh vі tse zrobit, guilty try to persuade the problem independently. Most of the problems of the iPhone 8 are seen with a stretch of decalcough in the home mind or in the office.

The widest range of options is available. iPhone problems 8 (seen at a time) і zyasuєmo, yak їkh correct. There is no guarantee that our decision will be to your vipadnya, albeit the stench of meriting respect, if you have noted productivity problems, or your iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus.

If you don’t know the correctness here, go to the official resources.

Yak fix problems iCloud update on iPhone 8:
It's your iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus stuck on upgrade iCloud customization, You need to tighten the live button and tighten the button to change the food, then you will be able to re-install the add-on. As soon as the iPhone re-engages, try again.

Yaksho we stumbled upon the problems of iCloud Restore, open local backup copy on your computer, and then update the backup on your iPhone 8. The common solution helped us earlier and could help you.

You can't update the backup to old iPhone, Apple also issued a request to guide you through some of the broader issues backup copy iCloud.

How to fix iPhone 8 health problems?
Problems with an hour of autonomous robots iPhone Supervisedly expanded, and є, remember the abnormal battery appearance on your iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus. Happily, it’s not a problem of hardware security.

Remember the wonderful speeches in the triviality of the robots of your iPhone 8, if you want to get extras and out-of-the-box software security. Schob help you, just take a look at the growing family of core business for the hour of autonomous robotics. tse miracle mice for a cob, if you don’t know what to grab.

If a new iPhone update is available, you might have thought about it. І buoy iOS update Ask for an hour of autonomous robotics in the magazine of changes, and wait for a chance, so that new innovations can do wonders.

not iPhone upgrade 8 and iPhone 8 Plus may be calling soon, so respectfully.

How to fix iPhone 8 productivity problems?
We got caught up in the minor gallows of some iPhone 8 models, and they can cause similar problems.
As soon as you have stumbled upon the patches, the vague hang-ups and the overwhelming presence, you will need to live in. You can also help you get a home base to improve your productivity, if your iPhone is working better, but not too late.

However, for a new update of software security, you may know a few days, so if you think about the problems when installing the updated PZ, give them a few days, first of all the work of the process.

How to fix Wi-Fi problems on iPhone 8?
Deyaki koristuvachi iPhone 8 talk about problems with Wi-Fi enabled... Wi-Fi problems are widespread, the stench can spill at any moment. It's a pity, the actions of them can be easily corrected.

Check out a bit of blame, but it's not a problem with your router or your provider. Reload the router (turn it on from the grid and turn it back), and turn it over to scan the grid and turn it back on. As soon as you see it, you have a lot of problems with the router, the firmware of the router, or the provider, the axis is correct, which will try.

If you see problems with confidence in the security of your attachment / upgrade, you can try to take off the installation of your annex. Get out of your dodatoks Tse prizvede before your prіd forget vіdomі Wi-Fi passwords, To that, cross it, so you have passwords with your hand, and you need to break the price.

If you can't help it, if you want to try to get it Wi-Fi, You can, one of them opens the problem with the iPhone 8. Go to Settings - Wi-Fi - Viber your data, press "i" in number - Vibrate "snaps into the net" at the upper part of the screen. The solution is also to be done before the smartphone forget the Wi-Fi password, so change the password by hand.

You are also responsible for restarting iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus. Tse takes all the seconds, ale, yak vidomo, often see a lot of Wi-Fi problems.

As long as the fix is ​​not correct, Apple has released a Wi-Fi connection for the iPhone. Take a look there, first of all, go to the Apple store.

How to fix Bluetooth problems on iPhone 8?
Bluetooth problems get rid of iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus bugs. They talk about the problems connected with Bluetooth-headphones, which are problematic, there are some 3.5-mm rose for headphones in the annex.

As well as Wi-Fi problems, Bluetooth problems can be easily corrected (especially when problems with a car's Bluetooth), or the axis of a circle, as you can try.

First, what you need to do is to go to Settings - Bluetooth - Viber for Bluetooth, see if you see problems with the help of "i" in a cup, then press "Forget attachments". Try to reconnect. The price of the decision helped us and the helpless ones.

If not, go to set up iPhone- Zagalny - Skidannya - Skidannya danikh. Try to connect to the attachment. Get over it, just by hand є the Wi-Fi password, a few bits of it in front of your smartphone “forget” the password.

You can also try to reset your iPhone 8 to factory settings for changes. View Nalashtuvannya - Main - Skinuti - Skinuti all nalashtuvannya. You can use a few quilts, and you can also use your smartphone to forget all Wi-Fi passwords.

As long as I can help you with Bluetooth problems in your car, but you won't be able to fix it, you will need to consult your car's system. If you can’t throw off the money, you can go home about the entertainment with the customers in the local dealer center, so you’ll know if there’s a stench of help.

How to fix iPhone 8 problems?
As soon as it’s dynamically, or the microphone of your iPhone 8, you’ll stop the rubbish, the axis of the speech, as the varto will try.

Check out the changeover of the noiseless mode on the side panel of the annex, so that it turns over, so that the settings are in the correct position. Mozhlivo, vipadkovo switched yogo, dіstayuchi smartphone.

If the settings are correct, try to re-enable your iPhone 8. Trim the live button and enable the smartphone. Change the sound and change the sound.

You can also try out the Viconati hard skidannya... Immediately press і tune the button "Harchuvannya" і the button "Change the buzzness" і dare, if the phone reloads.

If you can't help it, try to turn on and turn on Bluetooth. Reverse the sound. As long as it is still everywhere, try to see how it saws or smittya, as you can block the gravity of the dynamo or the docking station Lightning.

As soon as your microphone stops rapping, or if it "falls" in the same rank, rewire the phone. You can also try to update your smartphone from a backup copy, so that you can change quickly. If the problem is gone, contact Apple, the reason may be hardware problems.

How to fix the iPhone 8?
As long as your iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus is pretty much trouble-free to rewrite yourself, there is no need to panicuvati. Take it, leave.
As soon as your smartphone is more likely to re-enroll itself more often than once a day, tamp down the button to change the service and the live button immediately, and if your smartphone is re-enrolled. Tse (timchasovo) violated the problem for us and for the last of them.
If your phone will be re-assigned more than a day, you can return to the service Apple podtrimki.

How to fix 3D Touch problems on iPhone 8?
Yak i on iPhone 6 and iPhone 8 comes with 3D Touch. 3D Touch allows you to push harder on the screen, so that you can access the context menu. zavdyak, software security Let's get iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus, now you can use 3D Touch in Keruvannya Center.

3D Touch also comes with some problems for iPhone 8 users. The function is simple enough for people who just can't get it right.

If you have any problems with 3D Touch, you need to customize the responsiveness of the function, and more beautifully met your needs. To go to the menu Nalashtuvannya - Basic - Accessibility - go to the item "3D Touch".

The value for the change of ma buti is set to "Serednє", you can change it. reconsider new parameter You can find it in the lower part of the screen.

If you can't solve the problem, try changing the settings. Nalashtuvannya - Main - Skinuti - Skinuti all nalashtuvannya. If you want to forget your Wi-Fi passwords, don't waste any money.

You can also try re-engaging your phone.

How to fix problems with mobile tributes on iPhone 8?
As soon as your smartphone is ready to write "Hi pokrittya", and you can't connect to your own stylist operator, Try a sample of speeches.
First, you want to reconsider the operator for the presence of troubles. The winnings are wider, that is the reason for changing the operator in front of him. You also want to revise the site so that you can assess the connectivity.

Yaksho vie vpevneni, which is to blame for all the tariff changes, try to re-enable your smartphone. Recognize yo, then I know again, maybe, help you.

It’s not a good idea to turn on the polot mode for 30 seconds, and it’s not necessary to re-enable it. The mode of accessing all data on your smartphone, so you can help you with the latest problems.

Translate mobile data and / or LTE, so you can know, you can do it. Schedule to turn on LTE at the same time, go to "Nalashtuvannya" - " stylistic ring"-" Parameters of the style link "-" Turn on LTE "-" Vikl. ". Then turn it on if you need it.

To turn on the connection of Mobile Dani without connecting any of the services, vibration Installations - Stylnikovy connection - Mobile Dani - Pipiniti. Move the toggle switch for 30 seconds to know how to update your iPhone 8.

How to fix iPhone 8 overheating problems?
Your iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus can be cleaned as soon as you grab a rough start. In a dozen hour, oholonuti was guilty of guilt. As long as you don't see it, try a few speeches.

Reload your smartphone. If it’s not possible, change the supplements, as you can see the unnatural energy of your smartphone. As soon as you have remembered it, you can try again to see the program and / or finish updating it.

If it doesn't help you, try updating your iPhone 8 / iPhone 8 Plus. If you don’t get renewed, you can turn to the service technical support Apple about can change.

How to fix iPhone 8 problems?
If you can’t know the fix for your problem with the iPhone 8 or the iPhone 8 Plus in our list, the axis of recommendations.
If you want to promote the self-improvement of your smartphone, see the Apple discussion forums and ask for help there. Obviously, it should be done in a general way. You can also follow the Apple Twitter feed or follow the Apple feed service on the company's official website.

As long as the Apple online service cannot help you, you can schedule a sound at the Genius Viewer, as well as the Apple Store.

It’s not a good idea, you can bring your smartphone to me when you buy.

The factory skid will attach everything that is available to your iPhone 8, and if I turn it around when I buy it, go back to back up all the important tributes, so that you don't need to take a decision.

For that, as you copied all your files, see Nalashtuvannya - Main - Skidannya - Erase everything and set it up. I know, dane decision Slid vikoristovuvati only in the quality of the rest.

Not long ago, trapivshis with a new master. The Myshwoman to Taiwan skipped over the swollen battery of her recently downgraded smartphone. Now, a number of Chinese ZMI write about those, but a number of other types of products are on sale - in the given hour there will be not three, but nearly ten. The American view of TechCrunch has seen that the Apple company has begun its official research.
Apple's press secretary has confirmed that the company will take care of the supply of batteries in the new flagship. Krim Taiwan, incidents registered in China, Japan, Greece, as well as Canada. About the skіlkoh outbuildings, Apple representatives can still be found. All koristuvachi, as published iPhone photos 8 Plus with a blown-out battery charging attachments... Moreover, the victim of the victim viyavili, the battery of the smartphone was blown up before it was packaged. Fortunately, the battery did not take care of one of the pockets of the battery, and none of the koristuvachi were harmed.

For the investigation, the Apple company has picked up all kinds of defective iPhone 8 Plus. Commented on the situation, as the technological giant has been thinking for unknown reasons. Ymovirno, the problem with the battery in the iPhone 8 Plus is tied to the factory marriage of the first party of smartphones. The company stays with such in the first month of the sale of new annexes. Yak bi there was no bulo;

As soon as new models of the last month go on sale, there is a note about the fact that the batteries in the new iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus are blown up and cause deformation of the case. Taking into account, this kind of occasion has become five, the stench was put on the battery in the onset of the deformation of the building.

Now about the battery

The first skarga on the iPhone 8 has gone from a customer in Taiwan, as it has seen, the iPhone 8 Plus has fallen apart for a fraction of an hour of charging for an additional cable. On top of that, skargs came from other markets, including Hong Kong, Japan, Canada, China and Greece.

Deyaky koristuvachi talk about those who attachments become dysfunctional.

Everybody seems to be showing up, but the technical giant can get involved in the problem, some of it has already been sold great number iPhone 8, especially with a glance at the crisis with Note 7 in the past.

Behind the words of Apple, the stench can be heard I will give a problem... Deyaki telephony bully vilucheni mobile operators for rasslіduvannya.

Until now, I haven’t come to know about sleepers or vibes of new iPhones, which will calm the company, with a look at the Samsung crisis with the Galaxy Note 7. Samsung phones Zamistyh to finish often, so called up to the general use, and the partnership of the Pivdeno-Korean company is estimated at 5 billion dollars, including the costs of income. Surely from now, as a result, Samsung has taken to robots over solid-state batteries, as there is a lesser chance of vibuhu.

Tsei vipadoks zmusiv rich technological companies suvorishe put themselves to the problem of safety. In such a rank, tsіlkomіmіrno, how Apple will solve the whole problem, how will we solve the problem with the iPhone 8 Plus.

About iPhone 8

The iPhone 8 and the iPhone 8 Plus will be presented on the 12th of April and are expected to be on sale on the 22nd of the week on the days of the market. Transferred, before the present hour, the technology company sold the iPhone 8 as well. However, after the incident with the Galaxy Note 7 batteries last year, the iPhone 8 batteries were also a problem for the survivors, as well as for the virobnik.

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In the beginning of spring 2017, a lot of people are coming to the news about those of the new iPhone 8 and additional models iPhone 8 Plus problems.

Smartphone batteries are blown out enough to see the screen and other body parts. Apple officially recognized a breakdown and also looked at the ATL company, as in the virobnic cycle, it was announced for the release of batteries.

Deyakі smartphones are blown up to the first inclusion right in the store boxes. In Japan, a number of vipads are registered, if the buyer pays for a smartphone, open the packaging and download the screen.

Play iPhone 8 with a blown battery.

Oscillations at Apple did not prevent breakdowns, then they did not turn on the scenarios, but in the closest possible all new iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus models will be displayed. The price means that Apple will carry billions of cuts, a huge collapse of the shares of the tech giant.

AAPL course pitched on 02.10.2017 rik. The part of one valuable paper is located at the level of 153 dollars. Rinks in the trendy low trend and change of minds for growing up are not spared.

Experts were able to see how the batteries were shipped by the ATL company. The company recently released batteries for the well-known Samsung Galaxy Note 7. The battery of the smartphone was unstable and vibrated for an hour of charging.

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