Vidpochinok at Braslav. View menu braslav Similar post to blog

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Grant friends! We went to the Braslav lakes near Bilorus. In the evening, I turned around from the dreamy leaves and I can smell practically the baking people’s writing of a few dibs, carried out in the midst of the daytime civilization.

If you think about those you see in Bilorus, then the lakes in the country. miracle mice for vidpochinku. However, it is necessary to say that there are some reasons for Bilorusia on the lakes of some special features, about which there are some statistics.

We went to the Bilorusia celebrations on the Braslav lakes (nareshty distalasya, mlynets). Bula there with friends and friends. In total, it is close to 25 or 30 special occasions from Bilorus and Russia. 4 days and 4 nights.

She slept in mind, she was a boutique with a cowbass made in Belarus, drank Zhiguli beer and Primorske wine (17.5 revolutions, please note :)), marveled at the sun, trimmed woods in her hands and ate smoked riba, watching the stars ... Listen, the sky is so rich in light! I Chumatskiy Shlyakh can be seen, as long as it is not in the middle of the Moscow Ring Road. On the Braslav lake, I wanted to go for a long time, but all my legs did not reach, but here my friends - Nastya and Pasha - called for themselves. In the first hour, I was surprised at one of the main memorials of Bilorus. In the photo, Nastya and Pasha, I had a drink of yakim to Braslav:

Braslav lakes

Take a look at the cards of a large size

Braslav Lakes - a group of lakes near the Vitebsk region at the first entry of Bilorus 250 km away from Minsk, not far from the cordon from Latvia and Lithuania. Nearly 60 lakes with an area of ​​130 km ² enter the warehouse of the 18 rocky national park of Braslav Lakes, the territory of which is close to 70 thousand hectares.

At the Braslav Lakes National Park there are wild boars, elks, foxes, roe deer, rice, wild animals, borsuks and other rare creatures, many of which have been brought before the Chervona book of Bilorus. Nearly 200 species of birds live on the territory of the reserve. In the lakes, you can catch fish, roach, vugor, pike, pike perch. I ask you to respect that the official fishing and sales of vugra in Bilorus are fenced.

Braslav Lakes is one of the main tourist attractions of Bilorus. There are a number of bases for rent, rentals of sadibi, cottages, campsites, as well as paid replacement and non-fixed parking for a tent camp. Remaining rocky after the Bylorus on the Braslav lakes, the popular middle of Russia, as the armor of the world even in winter.

The tourist infrastructure at Bilorus is rotten. To navigate such a popular route does not skip the road showers, shops and cafes are far away. On the way to Braslav, there was a lot of villages without parklands, malovnichi fields and bows.

Mountain "Mayak" is the main monument of the Braslav Lakes on the territory of the National Park, from which you can see a view of more waters:

The road to the mountain "Lighthouse"

Mіsto Braslav, the lakes have sprung up in order, and by itself - the same darkness. Nastya seemed to have seen the fate there in the 15th century, since that hour nothing has changed. Vulitsi pusttelny, rinok about the 5th evening already closed. I wish you good luck at Braslav є Euroopt supermarket, you can buy food until 23.00.

Yak travels to the Braslav lakes

1. By car from Minsk.
There is an optimal way to get to the Braslav lakes, for that huge transport goes only to the place Braslav, the territory of the lakes, minibuses and buses do not go, at the place of the parking lot from Braslav you will get a taxi. There are a lot of bases in order to accommodate their guests at the railway stations and railway stations behind the front housekeeping.

Also, if you are driving a vlasny car, then you need to follow the tracks M3 and P3 from Minsk. З Vitebska - route Р20. Go from Minsk to Braslav - 235 km, but do not get lost and do not think that you will wait for him for a few years. Tras vuzka, for one smoothie in one bik, de-no-de pass through the populated points, and on the bagatokh dilyankas, a speed limit of 70 km / year has been established, so the road from Minsk to Braslav takes 3 to 3 to 3 to half a year.

2. By bus:
Є regular flights from the central bus stations Minsk-Braslav, Polotsk - Braslav, Vitebsk-Braslav.

3. On a trip.
At the very Braslav zaliznichnoy station is dumb. Nearby stations: Polotsk, Sharkivshchyna, Druya. If you are from Moscow, then you can easily buy tickets for the Moscow-Polotsk train, and from Polotsk take a taxi to Braslav or take a regular bus.

Lake Strusto and the site "Yuvileina"

As soon as you go to see you on the Bilorus lakes with charts, then there are plenty of parking places on the Braslav Lakes for a charting camp. Some of them will be used for free access. You can just start and put the outline, or even so, as you need to armored in advance.

Our parking lot was called "Yuvileina". Roztashovana on lakes Strusto, a depth of 23 m in small towns.

About the civilization that I started to see, I, obviously, bent down. "Yuvileyna" is one of the most civilians in Braslav. Captured behind the pagorbahs, covered with pine trees. There are three alcoves with tables and benches, a small room for bagatty, a great closed area, you can set a plan, gratis at volleyball, badminton too, a descent to the lake, a toilet by the viewer of a tree.

Prices for pick-ups at Bilorus on the Braslav lakes at the "Yuvileyna" station for one add-on at 2015
For groups up to 15 individuals - 850,000 Belarusian rubles ( 3000 RUB / 59$ / 54€)
For groups of 15 persons - 1,085,000 Belarusian rubles ( 3900 RUB / 75$ / 70€)

Krishtalevo water is clear. Naskіlki I fiddled with the waters, swam in Lake Strusto for pleasure, and also drank kava and їla porridge cooked in the lake water. Smakota is unimportant.

Zagalom, you might as well be tsikavim on the lakes near Bilorus! For me, a few days passed even more productively. I got a gotuvati okroshka, ate a marrow stew, cooked on bagatta in Kazan, zrozumila, a portrait object was consumed most of the time, overcame it, so you need to go to China and finish reading Castaneda.

In the evenings Pasha slept. Up to goosebumps, up to the breasts at the throat and tremors at all. In the first place, the sounds of guitar, words about Indians and Kindzmaraul, the specks of "Black Likar" and the glare, who play on the cheeks of the burning fire, cried all of her tears, which had not been crying yet. Well, just because the day before the trip she wagged okra on her injured legs and lay there beside the unaccountable madder with the great chervony opiks of the n-th step, but it didn’t cause confusion.

Lyudin manifests itself in children. If the dekhto, risky zapiznitsya at the airport, change your plan to send a short sms, sent at 11 pm, and when you pick up the rhyme kilimok, I took away from a majestic alien place two rockets, as well. And all of this, that Mila was taken away to go, not in the slightest, not a sleeping bag, not a kilimka. Fortunately, I have a Hawle lichtar, dbaylivsim'ya and people, who are not baiduzha, on what would be lying soberly in a dark green fox. Tse is even more screaming and so important. Mabut, tse vzagalі naivazhlivіshe.

A couple of years later, the trip to Minsk from wild minds was already sitting at the Kitchen Week and paid a mannik from the chornytsya, prepared by the Quadratic. The little square has pressed us on, as if it were a gear in English, a brush from the borsuch outward and a bearing, for whom it was transformed into the Circle, and I - on a beautifully cut redhead from a hairy monster with brute p'yats. And in that hour I’m on the road without a bar. By the way, from the backpack, the blakyt bike in the alin-tree sponges and remind it with light linen cloths, and through two doors I breathe in the smell of the sea.

A small collection of idea of ​​the bullet in that, to break the tent tabir on the birch of the Black Sea here in the first half of Ukraine, and I took away my part of the draft on the Braslav Lakes, which also booked us half of the booth by the sea, overlooking the terrace. Pratsyuvatima go. I got a little naughty on the lakes, but I’m not an ugly type of man. It’s cool to live in the future for a couple of nights, but for the third time I want a soft creep, a warm soul and every day coma. The statistics have few photos, but Nastya has lost all the stench, which is already here on the way to Rome.

Clean lakes and good friends! With a povaga,

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Braslav- widely in the middle of lovers of origin in Bilorusi Misto. Roztashovuyutsya wine at a wine visit of the country for 240 kilometers on a private visit to Minsk. The population of the whole tourist center becomes close to 10 thousand people.

Persha's riddle about Braslav It does not last until 1065, if the Polotsk prince Bryachislav Izyaslavich stayed on the Castle Hill for the capture of the ancient cordons of the principality. At the 14th century, the town went to the warehouse of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Dzherela, who were saved from that hour, describe Braslav as a large-tower castle, standing on a high pagorbi. Unimportant to its mіts, the citadel could not survive the permanent failures, and until the end of the 18th century it was deprived of ruins. In 1792, the city saw the emblem of King Stanislav Ponyatovskoy look like the images of the eye in a blaky field with sleepy promenades, which go from there. On the third stage of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1795 Braslav went to the warehouse of the Russian Empire. Before the hour of 1812, the headquarters of General of the Napoleonic Army M. Ney was changed.

Braslav, scho rosy on the birch of Lake Driv'yati, why a tourist is caught, what kind of vidpryinok at Bilorusia One of the main memorials of the place and region, madly, є the national park "Braslavski lakes". The view of the lakes, which will enchant you with their beauty, is included in the free excursion tours to Bilorusian.

It is impossible to live without respect for the Narbut's drug in Braslav, prompted in 1906. Likar Stanislav Narbut opened one of the most beautiful medical pledges at that time near the land. The memory of the new one was witnessed at the monument at the viglyad of the white obelisk, erected on the top of the Castle Hill near Braslav. On the ear of the 20th century, the police at night included a lichtar to the obelisk.

Let's cleanse the butt of the neo-Romanesque architecture є the Church of the Mother of God of the Mother of God near Braslav. Incentives for the church of the 15th century 1897, the Church of the Savior of the Icon of the Mother of God of Braslav, as well as sculptures of the Apostles. Dovgy hour temple vikoristovuvsya vladyanskoyu yak a warehouse, albeit in 1967 it was turned around.

One more the name of the memorial- Church of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos near Braslav, built in 1897 in the pseudo-Russian style and decorated with more than 100 icons. At the border of the place of saving the Donin and Tsvintari of the soldiers of the First Holy War near Braslav. In the same place, a tourist knows and a crypt-supporter of the 19th century.

Lovers active support in Bilorus Braslav, the rallies of the "Lake District", which are held here, will be held here, the city of which can be seen on the central square of the place. At the same time, tourists can visit the base of the "Driv'yati" station near Braslav, which offers comfortable rooms. різні tipi sports activities.

Divovizhnі natural minds and richness of architectural decline, traditions and іznі vіdіkіvі vіdpіtayut the respect of tourists to the glorious and ancient Bilorussian place - Braslav.

Braslav (Bilor. Braslav) is a place at the entrance to Bilorus, the administrative center of the Braslav district of the Vitebsk region. Vidomy tourist center. The place is roztashany on the winter birch of Lake Driv'yati, which is to enter the system of Braslav lakes, 220 km to the west from Vitebsk and 240 km to the winter from Minsk. Auto bandages from Druuyu, Mioramy, Sharkovshchinoyu, Vidzami, Daugavpilsom.


Formerly, the name of Braslav is to live in the "Chronicle of Bihivtsa" like Braslavl and in the Chronicle of M. Striykovskyy yak Braslaw (the offense of the literature dates back to the 16th century). In both cases, the mystery is to be found at the collision with the collapse of the Lithuanian princes - mythologized by Kernus and Gimbut.

Until recently, only one perevazhayuchayuyu version of the bullet version about the procrastination name Braslav from the name of Bryachislav Izyaslavich, Onuk Rognidi. Protest not least of them with the Latin word brasla "ford": Braslav vinik on the small Balt settlement on the Zamkovy Gory, roztashovany between the lakes of Driv'yati and Nov'yatami, and against the backdrop of the lakes against the mountains. Besides, Latvia has a small river Brasla.


Braslav is an ancient city of Bilorusia. At the 9th century, the settlement of Latgalians and Krivichi began to populate in a whole month, and this year it became the nucleus of the place.

From the XIV century, Braslav went to the warehouse of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and to the storehouse of the Grand Duke Gedimin, then the son of Yavnut. In the XV century the city became the center of the one-name district of the Vilensky Voivodship. 8 Zhovtnya 1500 Grand Duke Oleksandr gave his Magdeburzka the right, and in 1514 he was granted on a yak by Sigizmund I. In the 17th-18th centuries Braslav suffered greatly from the hour of numerous Vyisky days, a number of developments. On the view of the map of the non-Svyzhsky engraver Tomash Makovskiy, Braslav is cleverly depicted as a taut, bagatobasht castle, placed on the peaks of the pagorb. Seemingly, the ruins of the castles extinguished the remainder of the 18th century.

In 1793-1795 rocks Braslav is the center of the Braslav Voєvodstvo. The third branch of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1795 went to the Russian Empire and became a turning center.

Pid hour of Vіtchiznyanoї vіyni 1812 Braslav will be busy with French Vіyski. The headquarters of Marshal M. Ney is located nine days ago.

In 1913, there were 1550 sackcloths here, they were practicing gurals, a lykarnya, a silk school. At the fall of leaves in 1917, the Radyanska vlada was established at the place. In 1918 Braslav was occupied by the Kaiser Vіyskiy. In the fierce 1922 rock, he went to the Polish warehouse, de-ferried until 1939.

1939 he went to the warehouse of the Bilorus RSR, in 1940 he was transferred to the center of the Braslav district. In the rock of the Great Victory Day, 27 hearts of 1941 were paid off. 3 chervnya 1942 to the fate of the liquidation of the Jewish ghetto, the stem of the occupation of the place, bulo rozstrilano close 2000 eur. Braslav has a patriotic pidpilla. On the 6th of 1944 to the rock of the bells of the 1st Baltic front before the hour of the Siauliai operation.

Miska symbolica

Forward, the coat of arms of Buv otrimaniy Braslav 2 chervnya 1792 for the privilege of the Polish king Stanislav August Poniatowski. At the Christian iconography of the eyes - at the center of sleepy promenades, or in the tricycle with a straight uphill peak є we are home to the symbol of the divine omnipresent power, or even Tricity. The eye symbolizes the care of God for the lives of people and the deeds of people, the trikutnik is the triadness of God - the Father, Sina, and the Holy Spirit. The dream of the found hours is a symbol of life, I will burn, which will cleanse my strength. "Eye of Providence" on the coat of arms of Braslav at the symbolic form conveys God’s description of the city, from the beginning of the year. The image of the human eye is widely vikoristovutsya at the refreshment in the temples and on the objects of cult signs.

The official coat of arms and ensign was created by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Bilorus No. 36 dated 20 September 2006.

From the hour of the opening of the color view of the coat of arms of the city of Braslav, the district committee of the keruvalas, with historical reconstructions of the coat of arms. Document "Certificate for the renewal of the rights and freedoms of M. Braslav" dated 2 chervnya 1792 fate does not revenge on the same characteristics kolіrnoї gami coat of arms. Proceedings of constructions from the stasis of the main colors of the coat of arms and the complete image. Artist - A. V. Levchik.

At the braslav museum of Braslav, a number of documents were selected from the images of the symbol of the city. Over the next two centuries, the insignia of the coat of arms has practically become invisible. The coat of arms of Braslav goes back to the historical-heraldic memorials of Bilorusia.


The architectural-planuval structure of the modern place is zossed on the isthmus between the lakes, the living area is divided into small quarters. The heads of the streets run across the Castle Hill and converge to the modern community center. The prospect will transfer the saving of the plan, but it was historically folded, forget the landscape freedom.

For 250 kilometers from Minsk and only 15 kilometers from the Lithuanian cordon there is a small and quiet Braslav. Reminders of the place of the same environs - a whole ancient settlement beyond the mysteries, the most beautiful church, old-fashioned cegelny mlyn and, wonderfully well, lakes.

History and heraldry

Misto Braslav from the populations of ten thousand people roamed at the party of the country. From each side of you, you will feel the foxes of the Malovnichi lakes, the zavdyaki yakim, before the speech, Bilorus is often called "blueokoy". The city is ancient, with its rich history. A lot of what youmu had to bang and worry about his life.

Already in the IX century the settlement was formed here. The first letter of the mystery about Braslav is dated 1065 by fate. In the XIV century, the city became a part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and in 1500 it rendered Magdeburg right.

The 17th and 18th centuries boules were not easy for the place of that yogo bagkans_v. For a long time, Braslav was repeatedly ruined. In 1795, the fate became a part of the Russian Empire, and in 1922, the fate of the land became known to the Lord of Poland. In 1944, the Radianskі Vіyska was changed from Braslav to nіmtsіv and occupied the place.

What can you show to every tourist of the New Year Braslav? The memorials of the place are not deprived of historical and architectural objects, but the monuments of nature.

In addition, the specialty of the settlement is the є th coat of arms, which is associated with masons among the Bagatykh. On the new fair, you can shake the image of the eye at the blue tricycle. However, vin is a symbol of "divine caution" and in this particular type of protection there is a place of protection from the old people.

The city is near the Vitebsk region on a current day, an important recreational and tourist center of Bilorus. M'yaky klimat, purer than those lakes, povni ribi, adore these thousands of choroku.

How can Braslav himself be a tsikavim? Visnachnі mісtsya, as obov'yazkovo varto vіdvіdati to the skin tourist, pererachovіnі below:

  • ancient settlement of Zamkovoi Gori;
  • Church of Rizdva;
  • Church of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos;
  • water mill on the cob XX century;
  • wake up Narbut's likarna;
  • kranavchiy museum;
  • Museum of Culture and Tradition;
  • Park "Belmont";
  • most dzherelo Okmenytsya;
  • old Christian tsvintar XIX-XX century.

Zamkova Gora - a place of legends and mysteries

On a low-rise 14-meter hill between the lakes Nov'yata and Driv'yati roztashovan is an ancient settlement. Here you can still paw the surpluses of the great fortunes of the IX-XII centuries. From the cim m_szm tied the name of Braslav himself.

The castle mountain is not so hostile with fragments of earthy shafts and fortification, but they were spared, but with sly views, as they are seen from the sloping summit. Here, there are small trees, altans, designed to be found in nature.

At the top of Zamkovoye Gori, a memorial to the shave was erected, which will tell you about those who have started Braslav. Not far away is the grave of Stanislav Narbut, the patron of the art and patron, marked by a high obelisk. Winning on his pennies zbuduvav and vidkriv at the place of the Pershian likarnya.

Church of the Rizdva Divi Marya

Immediately below the Castle Mountain, you can look around the memorials of Braslav. Among them is the Church of the Mother of God of the Mother of God, founded in the 1820s.

Sacral sporud originated from the neo-Romanesque style, from the traditional technique for the Baltic region of cherguvannya chervono tsegli and stone boulders near the treasure. In the middle of the temple, there is a price for the relic - the icon of the Mother of God of Braslav, as it is to demonstrate to all the saints.

Apparently, during the hours of the hitler's occupation of the place, the abbot of the church, Mechislav Akreits, was ordered to do so. In the 50s, the church was rebuilt into a grain warehouse, and even two years later it was turned to the parafіans.

Mlyn ta lykarnya Narbut

In the historical part of Braslav, there is still a sprinkle of old-fashioned Malovnichi buddies. One of them is a massive stone. Vona Bula is prompted to the ear of the XX century, and at the same time to the servants of the museums.

Another tsikava can be woken up at the place - the whole Narbut's school, about the yak that was already a thing. A talanovitiy likar Stanislav Narbut has spent a lot of time at Braslav's likarnya, as he will tell all the leaders of European medicine. There are dozens of folding operations, vivid life and grown-ups, and children. Chervona budіvlya lіkarnі is located directly under the Castle Hill and it looks like a stream, ale to finish with a glamorous decor of a wall. There is an Orthodox monasteries in the building of the house.

The cleanliness and idyll of the Braslav lakes are not confused

In the report about the tourist facilities of the Bilorussian place, it is impossible not to guess about the water source, which you can feel. Braslav Lakes - a whole group of waters and a national park with an area of ​​130 square kilometers. A more beautiful place for a fix is ​​that guard for living nature. There are 70 waters here in Zagalom. rіznіkh rozmіrіv... Naybilshi of them - tse Driv'yati, Snudi, Tsno, as well as Lake Strusto. On the last birch tree, before the speech, the dzherelo Okmenitsa was roasted with mineral water.

Braslav lakes privablyuut great number tourists and those who welcome, especially in the summer period. On the banks of the roztashovani there are modern bases for families, campsites and cottages, parkings. I can get enough of the staggering panoramas of the lakes by going up the Mayak Mountain, especially for tourists who have an oglyadovy majdanchik.

At the end

Braslav is a small place in the wilderness-western part of Bilorus, where the sides are soaked with coniferous forests and lakes with crystal clear water. The zavdyaki cim to natural resources has become a popular resort center.

At the very place of the city, it is necessary to make sure that there is a small number of memorials and memorials. In the middle of them is the Castle Hill with the remnants of ancient walls, the neo-Romanesque Church of the Rizdva Divi Marya, the water mlin and the likarnya of Stanislav Narbut, the national museum. If you look around all the buildings, you can look at one of the Braslav lakes on a birch tree.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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