Pikabia is hotter. Pikabu - information and development portal pikap and unique sporting goods of runet with a bagatomilyon auditor

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Privit, shanovnі reading blog site. We'll talk less and more about one of the most popular information and marketing portals - Pikabu.

In new and official groups in social framing In contact with , Facebook , Twitterі Classmates і mobile supplements for IOS and Android.

Pikabia Tsikaviy Tim, there is a great part of those who are on the new post (provided by the newcomers, pictures, etc.), which the people themselves say to the portal, as they call themselves “pikabushnikamy”, to the extent that they do not see them on the way , for there are "pluses" here, but give the post and comments a negative assessment - "minusi". On the basis of assessments of postings and comments, they are ordered and go up the hill. Ale about everything in order.

Trishki іstorії

The site itself was created on April 4, 2009 by Maxim. The name Pikabu bulo was coined as "Peek-a-boo" - call it a childish gri. Some of the portal buvs are simply reposted () from third-party social fringes, such as, and such, as koristuvachiv, as to shake up posts, the same audience, as such, did not. Already in 2010, the site has collected 5000 coristuvachiv. Infection is more than 1,600,000 people registered on Pikabia in social framing, 800 thousand people per day and 12.2 million people visit Pikabia per month.

Auditing Pikabu ru

Now let’s unpack all the content on the portal. As far as the territory is concerned, the main mass of cabbages, and the closest 30% live in Moscow, distant St. Petersburg (~ 10%), as well as Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Chelyabinsk, trochies below 5%.

It is also possible to view graphics, which can be found in the free access on the site itself in the "Advertising" section, and the development of visnovka deyakies.

The main mass of pikabushniks are choloviks, great students.

Why would you want to know about Pikabia?

Otzhe, we are on the home side of Pikabu. For a cob more beautifully, read the rules of the site right away dawn To give us the power:

  1. Dodavati novini.
  2. Spіlkuvatisya in the comments.
  3. Zberigati post.
  4. Vote for news and comments. In addition, all the posts, if you plus, will appear on the outskirts of the country.
  5. Marvel after 16+ (for the whole it is necessary to include the image of the "half-girl" in the nastuvannya of the regional record).
  6. Please post by tags, because you are not befitting.
  7. Please post on the authors, as you do not befit.
  8. Robit notes about koristuvachіv, as it will be imagined only to you.

It’s even easier to shoot - on the right є special screen, shown on the screenshot below. Kilkoma on the tab "re-strata", remember all fields and embossed the button "open account".

I’m thinking, now I’ll have a right to drink and volodya all overwhelmed by the privileges! Now let's get rid of yak with them quickly.
For the cob vivchimo interface to the site. If you were sent to the site with your new profile, then in the upper right codend you will be shown at the entrance and re-strata at the end with your data and mysterious tabs.

At the very top of the building, the icon of vyhodu. When the avatar is going to be a remix, he will be prompted for the inclusion and inclusion of material 16+, if he is inactive, your page will not have such a presence. Your Rating will be displayed right before your nickname (login). number of front-end users.

Yakshho koristuvachev Pikabu tsikaviy material, whichever vikladaet, will be written on you (if you are your front-end) and if all your posts will be backed up at the "Strichka" deposit. As you have remembered, such is the presence of you, and you can also subscribe to the news from the cikabushniks to you.

now about rating... Win form in the fallowness of the success of your comments and the posts you gave (please respect, your rating changes your rating by +/- 0.5, and the post's rating by +/- 1). Naturally, the rating of Denmark is not for nothing. Wine doesn’t have a lot of new power, as well as some relief for your own master. Pick up reports:

  1. -200 Your account will be automatically blocked
  2. -25 You can't add comments
  3. 0 Your rating when re-strata
  4. +10 you can attach the picture to the comment
  5. +150 you can give a video
  6. +1000 you can do it and redaguvati post (With a rating lower than 1000, you cannot edit the post of this publication, and also keep it up to date)
  7. +10000 you can add tags (Deyaki words or words, such as koristuvach, I will prescribe when posting a post for a wicked / formatted post, not manually for everything, so as for the tags you can know tsykavi to you, but also to put some tags in the ban, so you can not be banned line (yak tse zrobiti, I will explain more). Apparently, "Ellit", yaka scored 10,000 or more rating, we can not unify tags (coriguvati їkh for healthiness))
  1. 200 і lower 1 post
  2. 200-500 2 posts
  3. 500-1000 3 posts
  4. 1000—3000 4 posts
  5. 3000 for more than 5 posts

Highlights 3 tabs: Nalashtuvannya, Ignor-listі notatki... We talked about the possibility of baniti non-british tags, the "Ignor-list" contributor itself will display a list of the blocked by you koristuvachiv (so-so, you can baniti) and tags. The contribution of "my lock" will have your picks, and you can open it, for example, if you have an idea for a post, if you are not ready for it.

Now we are free from settings:

  1. Here you can change the current mailing address, avatar, remember the pidlog 🙂. Even more powerful vibrating to the lockout mode of your line (from redundant or postorinkovo). It’s topical, for example, as long as you have Internet traffic, but Pikabu doesn’t endlessly you can look at it post-mortem.
  2. If you want to bachiti just post "good luck", screw up the povzunok lower, if you do not list the minimum rating of the novelty, I would like to spend on your line.
  3. Also, manage the number of posts on your side.
  4. Give you power, if you need to "open up the news". If it’s new, it’s possible to get prikhovati, for example, if you don’t have a tsikava, or if you don’t get it. If Daniy is active, then all the news from the chat will be prikhovani.
  5. Likewise, if you want not to use the GIF-animations permanently in posts or comments, activate the checkboxes.
  6. You can still fence Pikabia shokuvati you posts with the tag "tin" or show posts with materials 16+.
  7. At the very bottom, you can remember your password and go to all attachments, if you are logged in.

Now you have guessed for yourself all the adjustments and you know that it is possible to change in any other way.

Turning to the head side and continuing to look at our window in the upper right corner.

  1. about the tab "Strichka" I have already guessed quite a bit, all the news from our beloved authors-pikabushniks and tsikavikh us tags in all the news.
  2. V "Post" we can know, for we can not know, when we have new. You can make it to the speech by pressing the green button at the bottom on that gripping green button.
  3. "Nowadays"... Here you can post all the riddles about you, see on your posts and comments.
  4. Pomiluvatisya vlastnymi earlier comments can be found at the bottom of the deposit with a general name.
  5. Be amazed at all your ratings with the "+" sign. You can post at the deposit "Estimates".
  6. First tab "Save"... You can choose to post in the way you like and make sure your mother has access to them for an additional miracle tab.
  7. I, nareshty, "green button!" "Dodati post"... The onslaught on her and it is passed to the side of the additional post.

  1. picture
  2. text
  3. Video
  4. posilannya

Likewise, beastly respect, well, you can, on the site, even those that you want to publish - Pikabia can find similar things.

Yak? Even simpler. At the same time, the post is given the same titles "Bayanometer"(From the word “button accordion”, which means an old picture or an anecdote on the Internet), if I’m going to shukati, I’ll see a picture, text, published if it’s not possible (on my screen shot of navpaki pictures there is a green check mark and write “ similar posts not known "). Your vipad may have a list of similar posts with a lot of information and information on them. Dearly, look at the whole list before publishing the post, if your post appears to be a" button accordion ", you can see it.

Navpaki sіroї buttons to add є function "In front"... So you can know how you will see your post when you publish it. For example, after looking at the bi my post from the screen shot.

And if, for example, you want to create a post with no pictures and text (on Pikabia it is "Dlinnopost"), Then it’s even simpler to start, to navigate the site itself will give you the resources you need. At the very bottom, there is a side of Pikabia є Possilannya "Zrobiti dlinnopost". There are two resources, for the help of which it is possible without the possibility of creating a long post, posilanya on them in writing.

But let’s all the theory, let’s wonder, as on practice add tags, baniti їkh, prikhovuati posti, zberigati, sortuvati і rich in іnshogo.

Poshuk, control of the keyboard, Prizi that is very rich

First of all, it’s okay to post, I’ll show you a couple of new "tricks".

On the other hand, I stayed up even more tightly "Control on the keyboard"... With it, you do not need to put a teddy bear + or - to posts, scroll through a line, or show comments, prikhovuvati post.

More and more quickly, everything is behind the help of the keyboard, all the “hot keys”, before the speech, numbered in the right column of Pikabu. With the button Dodati novinu bude "Comment of the day", Yakiy typing best number plus for the dob, you can also go to the post, which has a comment on the addresses, and wonder TOP 50 comments.

The descent is lower, there will be Pikabia on Facebook, then "Your agreement", In which all the posts are imagined, as if they were not commenting. It’s handy, for example, as long as you are tsikavo, as comments appeared there at the moment, as you went from the plant.

І, nareshty, dovgochіkuvana scheme of hot keys, and with it most popular tags for add.

Pivot axis diagram:

Also є corisna function pohuku tegіv and koristuvachіv... A row of pokuku roztashovana at the very top of the right-handed side.

You can know be-yaki put the tags(One or more decilcom) and okay, but not okay Pikabia.

To add a tag to the ignor-list, or to sign on to a new one, just to write on the "arrow down" on the other side, as shown on the hovering lower screen.

Even on the side of the figures of the koristuvachiv you can know the interesting statues on the golden displays - the price prizes.

Prize booby-trapped, like leather pick-ups can be recognized for reinsured lower.

And there are also individual prizes, which are seen by the winners for special merits. Such prizes are absolutely unique and they are only one lyudin. Attach such cities, I will show you on the screenshots below.

Post, comments. Hot, Beautiful and Sweet in Pikabu

From the logo to the Pikabu.ru website, at the very top of the page, we can find three tabs:

  1. Hot
  2. nicer
  3. more

There are three main lines that sort the content in their own way.

more- price of ninovish post. The first ones from them are not assessed, and you have a chance to eat by yourself, but lower. The people themselves, who sit in a fresh one, like to pour something on those who can eat in a hot one, even just 10 minutes can take a share of the post.

Hot- the most recent post, as to appreciate the great pluses.

nicer- tse Top posts, which scored the highest rating for dob.

It is also possible to look at three lines for the entire hour of Pikabia's presentation. Zrobiti is possible by squeezing on the date of your line, as shown on the screen shot. Vilize is a small calendar, for the sake of help you can easily vibrate the day. Thanks to the function of the post, the post does not come out of your sight.

Now let's start wondering at the butt of the okremogo post, as everything is in place.

Here is my bachimo of the author of the post, as for a long time post buv publications and tags. How would you put a negative or a positive assessment, reach the click on the arrow uphill or downward, apparently (or push the arrow up / down on the keyboard).

Positive rating on Pikabia is called "A plus", negative "Minus"... Buttons "plus", "minus" and "zhornuti", before the speech, in the very end of the post, only kudi more modest sizes. Go to the name of the post є comments, I will write evil from the icon of the camera, clicking on the yak and you can get the post. Let's go to the comments of the post, so that we can continue to know about the resource (you can change the price by clicking on the picture of the post).

Here I will bachimo that very posad, ale and new elements. For example, the possibility of evaluating the recording in third-party social framing. On the right є smog, which can be stored in green and orange colors. The price of the plus-minus and the minus in the given post, you can wonder at a specific number, if you move the cursor to the dark, or, more to the point, the icon, which means that you do not know the “bayanometer” of the duplicate post. There is also the possibility of providing comments by rating and by date.

What are your comments in Pikabu? If you want to know what a specific creep if you hit your comment in your pages, then you are guilty, or refer to your comment, or address your comment to you. It’s just enough to write it down. @ () Nick koristuvacha, your name.

So you yourself can wicked the privileged koristuvachiv on @Admin і @Moderator.

administrator Pikabia can be clicked, as there is, for example, proponuvav, even in the distance, at your glance, an innovation in Pikabia. In such a rank, ask him to look at it, for how many of the coristas have painted a beautiful "cookie" and if you want to, you want to go to the administrator (about the cookies trohi piznish).

moderator it is possible to wick, if you are not satisfied with the commentator's actions or the creator of the post (naturally, you can violate the rules of the site), there can be a flood (), objectifying behavior, content for grown-ups, or a button accordion (in the case of a post). Apparently, beggar before the moderator, state the reason and do not violate the rules yourself.


And now, as a bonus, we will tell you about Pikabia cookies, about which I guessed casually earlier. Especially respectful could also mention, scho on the side of the post, under the comments, in the lower right corner є. The skin changes of the side of the cookie change.

If you click on her, then we will be consumed by the post with zamalovka. Її malyuvav pіkabushnіk. The price is based on the spirit of tradition. Periodically, people are smart to add to the site of the powerful cookies, and if the administrator is grabbed, then you will be in your place at the bottom of the post, as well as at the bottom of the skin page of Pikabia.


Even if you know a little not everything, you can learn about Pikabu, and now you can boldly show yourself on the whole portal, learn new things, have fun, enjoy yourself and create. All the best and before the start.

I will be eating, write in the comments. I'll help you with radium.

P.S. Danish post was written not by me, but by syn. Yogo sounds Roman and yomu 17 rocks. I myself am not familiar with Pikabu, after reading it all over the place 🙂. I will roam at once with you ...

Good luck to you! Before quick sights on the sides of the blog site

You can be tsikavo

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I'm sounding, - I said to the cholovikov.
Vin nervously clasped his eye, altogether changing and nodding.
I regretted all for that, well, the new director took a new patron for me. A lot of pishov in the sum of a visit to the settlement more hemorrhoids, ale and a little more than a penny (they called me less, but they were even more beautiful with a naked asshole in a vulik - and for someone a robot of the world), so good luck to you and all of you. A new defender (don't bless Albert), the older man of Trokha, who has appeared as a human being, will be accepted, competent, and even so in mind. Rozpisuvati zavdannya according to the project - kiva, go ... and until the designated term is not vikonu. To bring up about ten times nagaduvati about terms, as all the same is visible, as well as self-improvement, so do not remove it or bring in a deputy.
In addition, once on a glider, director Sergiy especially praised Albert for garnu the robot And having modestly moved that one, I told the director one-on-one: “I was breaking the beat of the robot, saying to Alik that I couldn’t stand up to anything else.” - “Douzhe good, you one will help you, - said Sergiy. - Tse means, shho vi command. " With the figures is a team, as one is permanently beaten up, but in return the system is not successful, the director did not explain. Send on those who are new spіvrobіtnik leave zvikє to robots. So the spyvrobіtnik і didn’t cut off any additional obscenities. Zrozumilo, what you need to sound. For three months the situation did not change, navpaki, Albert was drawn into the truth of the shortcomings on me: moving, asking me for help, I wondered and didn’t help linnyu). Director Sergiy became a special request to me to take a part of the robot on myself - having moved, you are so crazy, without you we all have a khan. Matyugnesya that zrobish.
Razumіyuchi, how on me badly go and ice do not push me down the arc, I didn’t rebel strongly for up to an hour. But I didn’t know that my defender had a salary, but I didn’t have a salary - for bonuses and extra payments (for stress, for flexibility, etc. - if I want a person who is not going to go to the standard not smart). The first axis was bombed here. Alerozmova and the director are not known viyshov. Yogo argument is beautiful:
- Vin cholovik, the new squad has another child on maternity leave, which is in need of seven utrimuvati.
I put in the social media the status of "Shukayu robot", rejected a couple of big-mens of the adjunct propositions, and wrote an application for Vlasny. I have a version of it, that Sergiy and Albert just want to see me shudder, mischievous, but I didn’t confirm (I want to know), so they thought they were offended. Albert, having called for a cup of Kawi and didn’t say so, didn’t want to be the boss, but I’m wondering about it, and if it’s possible to kill, if I’ve lost it, then I don’t want to make it work ... I don’t know, I don’t want і іtrimuvati more than the bezposednogo chief - tse are sacredly yakes. And pratsyuvati for the chief with a new job for the same pennies - tse siri gloomy everyday life.
Sergiy, having energized my heart, I am ready to lose myself on any minds. Naturally, I guessed about the unfair salary narahuvannya. Sergiy is aware that we are not able to get the maximum bonus for the effort, that flexibility is not possible: moving, centralized accounting and not missing it, and getting rid of the maximum amount of deputy chief, but only one supervisor Proponuvav varіyuvati: a month for the deputy is the maximum, for me yak squeak, a month for navpaki. For the duration of the maximum allowance for two. “I'm happy, Albert, to wait a bit,” the director added. Yakbi is not a tsy remark, I was still thinking, I shouldn’t cut it from my shoulder. The answer, the robot, in which the salary, the interest and the graphic graph, would be reduced, is not so often developed. Name the component not whistle. Firstly, salaries are very important. If the director needs Alika's blessing - thank you, I am glad to see you that love.
Zoosumіvshi, but in two days I’ll go all the same, the director, having become a request for completion, I want one of three projects, as I’m leading at a time. But I'm not interested in anything else: I will pay a lot of money for the successful delivery of a commercial project, and earlier, below the deputy, I don’t take a penny, then I don’t take it away, so I don’t take it away at the moment. And the two іnshih projects according to the state assignment, for them I, I Alik, the salary will be canceled. I don’t need to torment the power to the violation of discipline. Terms are our everything.
Naivazhche bulo will explain with my favorite designers and copywriters, who we have, really, a team. Ale then my argument was taken from reason. They guessed, as in the office I wasted on the robots, and the shvidka came and said unequivocally: overturned. The todi axis all changed. So they passed my way, the songs were spent on the same, the food from the day, the handles and the moleskini distributed.
First day of the year Dobby is vilny. Even more wondrous.

The word is so garne, sonorous and soundless. "Pikabia" - well? At the switch to Russian, "pik" means a sneak peek. Melodiously, in the end of the 19th - the ear of the 20th century, the so-called zhіnochu zachіska - a short haircut with a long forelock, which hooks one eye. Її Vlastnitsa was astonished at the light yak bi stealthily.

Christmas "Pikabia" is one of the most requested among young development sites. And yogo koristuvachi proudly call themselves "pikabushnikami". It is seen from the bagatokh of those who have practically all been shot on the new one by themselves "Pikabia". What kind of site are you taking on the stars?

Historical statement

The site with such an innocent name was created in the 2009 rock music by the talented pre-singing period Maxim, until he had anything to do with "Pikabia" I wasn’t chuv. A collection of resources has developed from some repost only of the largest social networks. Writing original posts was simply not for anyone - the site did not have auditors. Melodiously, Maxim himself is not disgusting, but there will be 5 thousand koristuvachiv across the river near the Maidan!

I know everything about "Pikabia". As well, more than 1,600,000 people were recognized as front-end users of this site. Visit new and Russian juveniles. Today's portal, on which every day there is a minimum of 200 small pictures and many posts, more than 800,000 people are displayed.

"Pikabushnіki": who are these and the stars?

A third of the active "pikabushniks" are Muscovites, they live in St. Petersburg for about 10 times, and up to 5 people live in Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Chelyabinsk. MORE THAN 80 HUNDREDS OF THEM - CHOLOVIKI! Moreover, the young people are important. More than half of the representatives in the strong stati, which bring the whole resource, - boys from 18 to 24 years. Important is the large number of users in the site (more than 74 items!) And the most part of the "pikabushniks", as judging by the social status, are stored by students (37.4%), and it stinks for sure a pro in "Pikabia", well, I don't know a bit.

What stink is there to shy away?

At "Pikabia" post the years with only "likes" (here the stench is called "pluses"), as it is priced in some social fringes, but also "minuses". Tobto, evaluate it more and more and read є the possibility is not only from the positive side, but from the navpaki.

Registered for the youth portal may be able to independently change news, write comments, send votes for changes to the site content. Prior to the speech, the possibility of commenting is one way, for every member of the rosary spilnosty can interact one by one, as well as the format of a private show in "seemingly" on the yogo side.

Tsіkavo, wіdmіchenі "plus" post imaging on the outskirts of the country.

Having squeezed in the nalashtuvannyah of his account on "midnight", "pikabushnіki" otmuyut the opportunity to pamper post for the grown-ups. Nagadaєmo: a large part of the house. It is necessary to respect: the help of pornography on "Pikabia" is categorically banned.

You can filter the portal to the luscious savor and post, and the authors, who didn’t fall for the soul. Bagaty is similar to the ability to write about those koristuvachіv zamіtki, as it can be seen deprived of them to the author.

Tsikavo, you can be amazed at the post you can navigate without access to the Internet. The live sports of "pikabushniks" is active і offline.

What is the rating for "pikabushniks"?

Koristuvachi site is not just razmіschuyut on new his post, give ratings and write comments, ale and get a price rating. When re-staging the winnings, it will be returned to zero. The assessment of the commentary is added to the positive or negative side of the pivball, and the assessment of the post - to one. It’s not just numbers, because of them it’s a lot to lie.

  • -200 - the account is automatically blocked;
  • -25 - to get involved in the possibility of adding comments;
  • +10 - give the right to add a picture;
  • +150 - koristuvach can change video;
  • +1000 - it is possible to add a post to a post;
  • +10000 - you can add tags.

In such a rank, "Pikabia" was built to appear on the sites of sumy and non-clerical people of self-importance and usuvati. And tsikavikh - navpaki, zahochuvati.

On the sides of the most active "pikabushniks" statuettes flaunt on golden displays. Tsi call the stench to get rid of the commenting post itself, for the short text post, more beautiful video tizhni і t. p.

There are prizes that are individual. The stench is seen for special merits alternately and unique - skin and only in one "pikabushnik". Put on such - "Artist", "Kinoman", "Yasnoved", "Midnight Expert" and t. P.

Hot. Nice. more

At the very top of the page to the site "Pikabia", under the logo, there are three tabs, the skin is of different grades, the content is in its own way:

  • Hot.
  • Nice.
  • Svіzhe.

If you changed your investment on "Pikabia" "Svizhe", you will be able to eat at the latest posts, which have never been assessed. The very same "pikabushnіki", as sitting in the "fresh", viznachayut, as you sit down to drink in "Hot" - even a share of the post can be displayed as 10 minutes.

"Pikabia" - "Hot" - the chain, the distribution on the site recently, and the main advantages. Dal and go the offensive crack.

"Pikabia" - "Beautiful" - the top of the rating. The people will do it for nothing, because they have scored a good rating for the remainder.

300 thousand arrivals per month, the highest rating in runet and the sea is happy

So, the site "Pikabia" is alive to its independent lives, and it is even stronger. And who, after all, that tamnic Maxim is a creator social framing Has it become so popular among young people? Tse 27-ichny Maxim khryaschiv. For yogo vlasnim viznannyam, lad on the admission of the opened їm resource the schomyatsya vitracha is close to a million rubles. Ale і zaroblyaє for a new 1 million 300 thousand. With the help of Maxim's account over the site, 12 sportsmen are working, their salaries will become up to a hundred unpaid minimum incomes of the community members per month.

Viewed on the portal - only positive messages. "Hanging" on "Pikabiya", smell the corny views, realize their creative health and just enjoy life.

A long time ago, and even until 2009 rock, Runet buv sirim and boring. Well, it’s not a call, but it’s not enough - Fishki.net, Yaplakal and інші projects were actively working on the fields of fun on the Internet. Ale chogos clearly did not start. Mabut, himself such a mirkuvannym keruvavsya tamnichny Maxim N, like opening the canopies 2009 to the rock website www.pikabu.ru,

Yakiy, in essence, copied all the features and ideas of the competitors in front of them: the site like that є in Maydan, similar to the content that they are engaged in, were registered on the new Internet. Tobto the same Reddit, only Russian. Well, there is no sense in the development of the website Pikabia in the plug-in - a lot of good projects have been repaired. And pikabu.ru yakraz the same і with the butt of a garnished and central information and marketing site. I would like, absolutely, more, rozvazhalny, lower information.

The reader has a link to this unprecedented name of the site: a scho means Pikabia?

On the sides of the most roving spirit of Pikabia, it is given to complete the tsikave and a mile of explanation. Singingly, everyone knows this way of grising with a little child: having established visual contact with the child (for example, having grabbed over the "nemovlyam"), the man curled up his hands. Through wrinkling your hands you climb up, and imovlyatsya "Ku-ku", to the child, call out to react radically: laugh, laugh. So the axis - "ku-ku" to say not everything, in the Anglo-modern lands the qiu "phrase" is expressed as the yak Pee-ka-boo. The axis і is based on those that mean "Pikabia": it’s just "Ku-ku" and positive emotions 🙂.

"Closed" Pikabia at the same hour is often presented with a positive side: the very authors on the site of Pikabia went. One more positive power є vіk koristuvalnitsky auditorії: the part of "pikabushnіkov" - student's wіk and older, and that means smіttєva information and humor rіvnya cob school here pidtrimki not matimut.

Pikabia rozvazhal'ne sp_vtovaristvo: a detailed look

Having described the Pikabia project in three words, let's move on to a more detailed view of all its features. For a long time, look from the point of view of the "extravagant vidviduvach", so as not to overwhelm the process of restoration. On the main side of the page, how to see the coristuvach - a banner with an advertisement. Tse is domineering to store resources. In the same way, in the case of the Pikabia site, those who show the banner with the advertisement, for the fact, and the left-hand part of the advertising content, which will happen to "survive" the advertisement. I tse characterize pikabu.ru from a positive side: it is obvious that the portal is pragmatic to win the sympathy of people, and not "grab more cash."

  • Hot;
  • nicer;
  • Svіzhe.

At the entrance to the head side, the corystuvachs are immediately consumed in the "Hot" section: here the publications for the current day are aggregated, since they have already received a positive assessment of the corystuvachi. "Hot" has є 2 type of sortuvannya:

  • For relevance (post with the highest rating for others) and for an hour.

Varianti variety "Hot"
  • If you want to give a friend a part of the filter (to activate the pressure on the words "season"), or if you vibrate for past dates, then the site will "change" the koristuvach in the distribution "Beautiful", de and vivede the top ones will sit for the next day.

Vibir "hot" by date

Immediately there is a variant of the choice of "vipadkova date": having pressed on the whole point, the koristuvach allows the site to independently show it, every day for an hour the Pikabu is shown varto see (it will be shown again "Beautiful").

Yaksho, perebuyuchi on the head party, koristuvach clap on "Krashcha", then beat the most high-rated publications for the current day.

How can you be more beautiful?

Everything has been knocked down at the “Svizhoy”, and everything has been sorted in the order of “vik on the site”: the post will be rendered better. I would like to write the sellers themselves to the Pikabia website: "The price is not endless with more than a million posts."

Crumbs to the right under the head banner are dispersed in a number of ways.

Modestly confronted with advertising

Having clicked on the "list of tags", the coristuvach should be sent to the side, de-pointing the tags to the purchase at a frequency, appear on the site:

Styles of all the delicious!

For smartness: skin news on the site of Pikabia add tags - key words, SHO open zmist publikatsii. Skin publications are assigned a minimum of 2 tags.

In such a rank, having vibrated the tag "Gra of Thrones", you will see the site go to the list of posts, linked without a single subject.

You can quickly "Push tags" (change at the upper part of the side from the list of tags), as long as you can analyze all the options presented: it is necessary to enter a word or a phrase "Enter":

Perche, you slept on a thought

Well, the results of the publication will look like this:

Abirvalg, and everything is here

Click on "negotiate" translate to the side of the posts, before such discussions were raised, in the same words - to the very comments of the news.

Well, direct nai-nai

Posilannya [Moє], the right-hander was changed from “negotiate”, redirected to the side of publications with the filter “mo” - obviously, here the authorship relies on respect for the authorship of the medium-sized publication, and not to the extent that the material is suspected from the resource.

Of the Statute Pikabia website - information and marketing portal with a warm lamp atmosphere Bula changes: Breast 4th, 2016 by the author Netobserver

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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