You can block the phone number. Yak blocking a subscriber on Android - freeing up a subscriber

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It’s an hour for us to go to the insistent phone calls of all the advertisements, as they call their own special services and whether they do not need large numbers of smartphones.

Do some people have less food about those who have received my mobile phone number? All my personal tributes ... Yak stench has come to the mind of people, I can smell them for the first time.

Vіm, tse okreme food for okremoї statty. We will not leave the rosporoshuvatisya on the qiu topic. We are intertwined in the 21st century with the help of Volodya Information. The first large number of unscrupulous individuals (including the number of operators mobile phone call) Stop making money on the illegal distribution of bases of these smartphones. Ale, yak, that seems to be not the case.

Since then, we were hit by a short-lived spam with a phone call, and they were asked to block the phone number, so that we were no longer traveling.

Є Number of options for resolving problems. Almost in order from simple to folding.

Vikoristovuєmo for blocking the dzvinkiv menu

To block a smartphone number, you need to click on the wikliks tab and enter the phone number, whatever you want to get used to. After 1 - 2 seconds, a menu will appear on the smartphone screen, in the middle you can vibrate the option to block the number. To reach natisnut on a qiu option and an overstatement of the one that you are no longer on the phone.

Varto mean that the option is available for smartphones, which is available for android 6 version. New versions of Android firmware replace the option to block the number in the menu option to the black list. This is an analogous option, which also blocks the phone number.

Yak block the phone number in the dodatka android

Another option is to address the problem of adding unnecessary calls є blocking the number in the additional telephone. For this, it is necessary to go to the values ​​of additional data and in the settings menu for the vibration of the option for blocking wikis. Enter the contact list and select the call number to add to the blacklist.

Allowing you to see your dvinks through special android programs

If there is a lack of reinsurers' functionality, you can choose one of the programs available in Play Marketі zrobiti nalashtuvannya received a connection there.

If necessary, allow koristuvacham to block your calls, as well as SMS messages. You can also vibrate the mode of receiving signals, intervene hours and days when receiving signals and occasionally.

Most popular programs for blocking dvinks є programs LiteWhite (Anti Nuisance), Mr. Number, Blokuvalnik dzvіnkіv.

Call blocking via mobile phone operators

all operators stylish telephones make pay service by blocking dzvinkiv. Moreover, the method is the most effective, it doesn’t just skate through the reception of outgoing signals, but it’s to rob the unwilling ones to call you. When dialing your phone number, the one that is on the phone will hear the phrase "The subscriber's device is displayed, but the position is in the zone of the devil."

For your bazhannyam, the stylist operator can also change the menu of the wiki in such a rank that you will be constantly busy. It seems like a whim for your pennies.

You can block a number on MTS for 1.5 rubles for a doba. The servant is called "Black List" and with the help of USSD feed *111*442# .

An analogous service for subscribers of the Megafon operator also costs 1.5 rubles and must be connected for an additional power supply * 130 #. When the phone is activated, I feel "Wrong dialing number"

Biline nadaє the service of blocking numbers for 1 ruble for an additional one, the al chorny list is surrounded by 40 contacts. You can connect the service through USSD energized: *110*771#

If you don’t want to refer to singing subscribers' calls, you can block their phone numbers in the list of your contacts on iPhone (). However, it would be great to drink more distant and block calls from all unidentified subscribers and quiet, whose number cannot be identified.

Bagato koristuvachіv vvazhayuyut for daring not to pick up the phone, if їm phone from an unhomeful number, albeit with a lot of intrusive calls from unknowable telephones in an hour to use a smartphone normally.

As a rule, call from numbers " Ні subscriber ID " abo " nevidomy "- tse robots (vychayno, є y vyatka), the protagonists of marketing messages, as you want to sell, etc.

Below we tell you if you can block all unknown and unassigned numbers on your iPhone.

Fuck, well, it’s not a good way to get away with it, because your close ones often use other people's numbers.

UVAGA !!! Having scammed him, you will be able to remove the calls only from the subscribers' list from the list of contacts, so you must miss the important calls.

Method 1 (for iOS 13 and newer) How to block all calls from unidentified subscribers on iPhone

Method 2 (for iOS 7 - iOS 12) How to block all calls on the iPhone from unavailable and unimportant (subscriber) type "Hi subscriber ID" or "Nevidomy" number

Denmark is not a standard way of blocking subscribers on the iPhone, but we are clever about the mode "" and the list of contacts. Otzhe, yak tse pratsyuє:

  • Click on your iPhone addon « nalashtuvannya"I vibrate function" Not turbuwati».
  • Shove a remixer over the options "Do not turbuwati" in position "Included".

  • On the screen, in the status bar (de year), there will appear a pivme, for which the attachment does not see absolutely no sounds.

  • Push on " admission wiklikiv", And you will see two options. Oberit " from people», If you want to remove contacts only from other contacts. Tsei option to go for koristuvachiv, who were given in " Vibrane»Numbers all friends and members of the family(Do not forget to add to Vibrane Required contacts) and nicholas do not receive links from other numbers.

  • Viber option " all contacts"For a group of contacts (like opening a group of contacts on an iPhone, they have been asked), you will be able to remove calls from all subscribers from the list of contacts... However, hto not having added to your address book, you cannot get through.

Persh nіzh, hurry up with this method, think carefully if you don't want to call on important food s numbers, which are not included in the list of contacts. If you are sure to sing into your own decision, shout boldly "Nalashtuvannya" And enjoy yourself quietly. Todi yak are quiet, so I will ring you in the phone and you will be "busy".

Vibir editorial

How to block the phone number, but didn’t ring 10 times? - Solution of the problem

All options, such as blocking the phone number of other subscribers, did not ring any more.

Blocking rooms- a complete list of contacts that can be set to the phone. Those numbers, which are included in the list, cannot be reached by telephone to your number, unless you list them in the black list.

Blocking in Android

In the Play Market, there is a great number of additions available for expanded robots with a black list of not required input connections.

Calls Backlist- there are such programs. The peculiarity of the pole is in the function of one-hour blocking of all numbers in one contact. Also, you can add a list of only one number.

To install the utility, you automatically start to install the system and immediately change the interface to the program in Russian, Ukrainian and so far.

You can block a contact, or you can see it later from the screen of incoming calls, SMS, and the list of contacts. Also, the option of entering the number manually is available.

As soon as you remember, use only the first digits on the phone, wiklichte option "Dodati" / "Repair from" and enter the cob digits.

All subscribers, whose phone number can be repaired from a number of digits, will not be able to call you back.

The distribution tab allows you to set the hour range, by pulling a contact, or to call an unidentified number, you cannot call.

At the "Journal" window you will be backing everything up and dialing subscribers in the black list.

At the moment of a call to your phone, there will be no occasional calls, but in the program itself you can be surprised if you call or write.

koristuvacham iOS

For help third party utilities Truecaller corystuvachi can easily set up blacklist of corystuvachіv. The supplement is available on a stand-alone basis.

The menu will increase to the Russian Federation. Available functions:

  • Blocking of uncommon subscribers;
  • Set up an hour for receiving incoming calls;
  • "Reasonable" joke on all names and numbers, which are received in telephones;
  • Revision of the history of wikis in the contacts from the black list;
  • The number identification system has been activated. If a new subscriber calls you, the number you don’t know, the program will automatically go back to the server, and you will get information about the person.

Add-ons on Windows Phone

To block contact in to finish the viconati nasty diii:

  • Go to the window to the journal wiklikiv;
  • Know the contact that you need to add to the black list and press on a new one, settle for a few seconds;
  • In the list of options, select "Blockuvati number ...";

  • The number will be automatically added to the list of unused incoming calls. For blocking of otrimannya SMS-occasionally go to the window "Besidi". Change the name of the lancet of the sheets and in the videoclib list, click on the "Vidklyuchiti" texts from a number) or "Block number" to deactivate the contact again.

bugato koristuvachiv mobile phones were stuck together with nebazhany links. There can be a very extravagant connection from companies, how to smell different servants, so it’s just a guy, you don’t want to get away with it. As soon as the calls become obtrusive, the food, who can block the phone number, doesn’t ring, and how does it stop. Vlasnikov smartphones on the Android platform have a few ways to start the black list.

How to block the phone number for the additional standard Android functions?

The inclusion of a subscriber in the list of undesirables has become possible on smartphones from the version operating systems Android vische 6. Blokuvannya zd_ysnyuєtsya on the hardware level. Algorithm for the inclusion of offensives:

  1. Go to "Nalashtuvannya". The whole item can be found in the menu with additional accessories, it is indicated by the pictogram "gear".
  2. Go to the section " System supplements"If you are dumb, then just vibrate" Dodatki ".
  3. Check out the list of Vikliki supplements.
  4. Give you need to go to the item "Black list numbers". As soon as they didn’t give anyone else, the navpaki would be the number “0”.
  5. On the screen there will be a button "Dodati" or "+".
  6. You will be prompted for two options - enter the number manually or vibrate the subscriber from the list of contacts.
  7. Enter the required number and choose the option of blocking: calls, SMS messages. You can zupiniti sv_y vibir on both options.
  8. Press the "Ok" button.

If you want to pick up a subscriber from the black list, then just fill in his number in the list and click on the button "Vidaliti".

The whole zagalny algorithm may not be spratsyuvati, as if you are using the operating system, which is changed by the smartphone's virobnik. In general, you can add contacts to the black list directly from the list of contacts or a notebook. The most simple option is to block the subscriber by phone.

Bring the context menu to the context menu for the help of setting the rows to the contact or three points that are folded from the top of the card. Such is the power of koristuvachiv Samsung smartphones, MIUI shells, gadgets from Asus.

If you didn’t know the blocking function in your telephone, you need to be quick with all the possibilities - turn to the operator or to sign up and install a special supplement.

Yak blocking the number for the help of operators

For the student of the phone, be it a brand є the number of the unwanted spyvrozmovniks is added to the black list on the Rivne stylist operator... For tshoy enough to turn up to be-yakim affordable way... Rozpovimo, as you block the subscriber, as if you use the services of the new stylist operators.


The operator will call the service "Black List" for a fee - 1.5 rubles per day special cabinet subscriber). Isnu bezkoshtovna type of servant, you should be called “ Batkiv control»I only connect to mobile numbers, so that they can be victorious for children.

If you use a standard black list, you need to enable the service. You can do it in one of the following ways:

  • * 111 * 442 # - when you send a USSD power supply, you can use a service;
  • - after authorizing on the whole portal, you can enable the service and edit the list of numbers, which can be found in the black list;
  • go to your special MTS account through a supplement or an official website, here you can also enter the number of non-requested subscribers at once;
  • to short number 111 send povidomlennya 442 * 1.

If you want to receive SMS messages, then to number 4424, to include the subscriber in the black list, you will need to send the command: * 22 * ​​number of an unwanted contact #. The subscriber's number must be sent in the format: 7хххххххххх. Do not separate the number with spaces or hyphens.

The same mobile operator has the ability to vibrate, so the subscriber feels blocked. It can be done quickly if you will be sending the USSD power:

  • * 442 * 21 * number # - if you select the command of the one that you can hear on the phone, you will hear short beeps, so that for the new one you will start “Zainato”;
  • * 442 * 22 * ​​number # - if you choose the option of the one that is on the phone, there will be "Subscriber unavailable" every time.

You can vibrate be-like z cich statuses. Please remember that without connecting the SMS Pro service, you can send you a message if you want to see it. You can bring people from the black list at any moment. If you don’t like to use the Internet, this is the standard way for everyone:

  • * 442 * 24 * number # - USSD-supply, when you send an SMS message about subscriber's confirmation;
  • povidomlennya to short number 4424 with the text 22 * ​​number #.

Block the phone number for Megafon subscribers - just 1 ruble for a dobu. For subscribers of a stylistic operator, the connection and management of the black list is carried out by the commands:

  • empty, call to the short number 5130, the key is the service (in the case of everybody who knows the current part and the particulars of the victorian);
  • power up * 130 # - service to the asset;
  • You can add a number to the black list by sending an SMS message to him (write the coordinates in the format 7хххххххххх) to number 5130;
  • feed * 130 * number # - also add the subscriber to the black list;
  • * 130 * 3 # - review the list of blocked subscribers.

The black list of the operator also allows you to block SMS from the subscriber. So you will be able to get back to the wrong spiderman.


The whole operator is a practical piece-by-piece payment for blocking subscribers - for one number, adding to the black list, write off 3 rubles from your balance. The subscribers of Biline also have a number of numbers on the black list - no more than 40 numbers can be posted there. Blocking can be done only for additional SMS and USSD power supply.

  • * 110 * 771 # - power supply for activating the service, for connection you can go up to 24 years old, or you can use the black list earlier;
  • * 110 * 770 # - a command for attaching to options;
  • * 110 * 771 * number of the unreported sp_vrozmovnik # - add the subscriber to the black list;
  • * 110 * 772 # - seeing all blocked subscribers;
  • * 110 * 773 # - look at the black list.

The SMS method is less effective, so I will not be on the new one. Prior to that, the operator would often change a short number, for which it would be necessary to send the command to control the option.

Tele 2

Tsey operator bere shodenna subscription fee for the vikoristannya of the black list in the size of 1 ruble, and for the skin insertion of the number you will need to pay 1.5 rubles one-time. Likewise, the size of the list of blocked subscribers in Tele2 coristuvachis is surrounded by 30 positions. The most operator has the best keruvati option for an additional USSD power supply. The list of commands will come:

  • * 220 * 1 # - connection services;
  • * 220 * 0 # - attachment of the victorian of the option;
  • * 220 # - recalculation of the status of the vicarious service;
  • * 220 * 1 * number in the format 8хххххххххх # - the subscriber was added to the black list;
  • * 220 * 0 * number # - visible to the contact from the list of blocked.

Zvernit respect, that the operator needs to fix the entered number from the list.

Yak diznatisya chi telephonowav you blocking a subscriber?

As soon as you speed up the blocking at the operator's level, then you will not be able to get rid of any problems about the calls. Ale bagatokh tsіkavit, chi telephoning blocking the subscriber. You can edit the information from the operator.

  1. Tele2 subscribers will find out about the number of blocked subscribers from calls for the additional command * 220 #. You will not be able to pay for the price of the property.
  2. Biline will supply the magazine with wiklikiv 5 rubles, and you can get it for an additional USSD-report * 110 * 775 #.
  3. Megaphone didn’t transmit the command for quick dismissal of the views about the need to get it out and about the call. You will need information and you can edit only on a hot line.
  4. MTS nadaє vіdomostі bezkashtovno. For їх їх їх їх ї пілімання to fill up the power supply * 442 * 61 #.

If you used system settings for blocking dvinks, then when you try to get in touch with you, you can appear in the "Phone" add-on. However, Android downloads do not transfer these options.

Yak to block the phone number for help without koshtovaya utilities "Black list"

Another simple and very simple bezel-less way do not cut off nebazhanі dzvinki - vikoristannya special supplements... Nalashtovuvati the black list of others is awkward. It is easy to understand how to block the subscriber's number for additional programs on the application with the programs "Black List".

  1. Know the supplement in the Play Market and install it.
  2. Give additional access to your contacts, calls and SMS messages.
  3. Viber, as methods of communication, you will be blocked: wikliks, SMS. It is permissible to activate an offense of an option.
  4. Press the "+" button to add the subscriber's number to the list of non-users.
  5. You will have a few options, so you know the contact: notebook smartphone, list of wikliks, list of names, entered manually. You can also put a fence on the whole group of contacts, which can be repaired from the singing combination of numbers.
  6. Press on the "Tick" to confirm your decision.

You can also put a fence on the occasion and links from non-home numbers, and try to call you in from the received numbers. To set up, fill up the menu at the top of the window.

You can see the number from the list with the help of a tricky finger. If you want to appear in a flash with the button "Vidality". All options can be remembered at any moment. Additionally, you can add people to the biliy list, so that you will definitely not miss the links, if you see them.

Top supplements

Dodatkiv, some utilities "Black list", is even more abundant, to that among them it is quite easy to know more efficiently and more efficiently for a victorian. We vibrated the middle of the most beautiful options.


The program has been downloaded by more than 100 million koristuvachiv. Vono otrimo from them a lot of estimates, so I will not only allow subscribers to be added to the lists of non-registered ones, or even to spam.

Dodatok has a database of danikh shahraivs and numbers to help prevent spam. Vaughn regularly update, how to allow you to clean up from unnecessary connections and occasional. In addition, you can vibrate with blocking modes: when one comes up, the call will appear at the viglyad, when you see it, you will not be noble about those who are talking about you.

Call blocker

Another supplement with vbudovanny black and bіli lists. Ale u nyogo є one specialty - you can customize the robot with programs for distribution. All calls in the singing period will be blocked again, but you should be quiet, but you want to know who you are at the moment and independently decide who you want to call. Blocking for the distribution is easy for the quiet, hto price of the hour of theirs, both in the afternoon and at night.

The same process allows you to block spam. The Call Blocker interface is not a lot of fun, so be it the function will be set up as easily as possible. It’s easy to find the gaps in your Android smartphone.

Call control

Stable additions, as I can help you clean up spam, robots and unnecessary contacts. You can set up a list of books and lists. Thinking and intuitive interface, setting the zoom options on the intuitive level. Vlasna database will help you to immediately mark the number as an undesirable contact.


Tsym dodatkom koristutsya ponad 5 mlnіv vlasnikіv gadgets on Android. He has one of the shortest databases of numbers of robots and people who spread spam. The program will grow up without koshtovno, I won’t be a gaggle system and sound for the victorian.

Before the deeds phone numbers For this reason, it is permissible to overlay textual notes. If you are not interested in business contacts, you can block not only calls, but also SMS. The interface is to provide a sufficient set of options for the dull adjustment of lists.

Call Blocker Free

One more bezel-less supplement, Yake can be set to navigate to a low-powered smartphone. Paid counterparts are not sacrificed for the number of functions of the program. At the end of the day, you will know how to handle spam, a black list, a block of SMS messages and calls. At the same time, you will know if you have been making contact with you, the additions to the list have been blocked.

When the subscriber sends his number in any hypermarket when a discount card is rejected, the subscriber often tries to remove the intrusive calls and SMS messages from the advertisement. Such spammers didn’t receive or didn’t call the phone number. Todi stench can’t make calls, send sms in the first way to call you. For all, you can vikoristovuvati kilka simple ways, I don’t pick up a lot for an hour.

Yak blocking numbers on telephones

Moving unused contacts to the ignor-list.

  • built-in functions and third-party add-ons for Android;
  • through the assistance of a stylist operator.

Blocking numbers without front in Android

The Google company did not go through the most powerful functions of the smartphone by adding numbers to the list. In the absence of any third-party programs, which, in their own capacity, often replace the regular sales of the operating system itself, Android in its development collapses alongside them. One Z Velmi brown functions- write ban-lists of non-lovers / quietly, scho to call.

Alle, such a possibility is only from version 6.0 Marshmallow, so you can switch from software to the version of the phone. Todi you can block your ad. Just follow the plan:

  1. go to Android settings.
  2. Give the command "System programs - Vikliki".
  3. Go to the management of the numbers of the "black" list, turn on the function itself
  4. Press the button for adding a number in the submenu "Numbers on the black list".
  5. Viberit item "Enter the number manually" or "Vibrati contact".
  6. Enter a phone number, vibirkovo - blocking of victories and occasionally, press “OK”.

Rivn your access for the "banned" sp_vrozmovnikov visas, you will let him - call chi write to you, or shut up those, and inshe. For a visually impaired subscriber, fix the entry with its number, then press the button to see and confirm the power on Android (like є).

Koristuvach_v Android for the rest of the rock koristyuyutsya significant drink formulated on tablets and smartphones Samsung brand Galaxy, de pratsyuє touchscreen software TouchWiz, installed by the tsim Korean giant. Open the program "Contacts" and vibrate required number... Then go to the "Menu" - "Block contact". To check the blocking of a contact, pick up his number through the wiklikiv menu.

Buvah, don't be quick to block contacts - hurry up with the same service of the operator.

Blocking wiklikiv from the assigned number

Calling out from the receiving numbers is the prerogative of creditors, advertisers, enemies, friends / cohants, etc. Happily, close dialing from prikhovanny numbers is easy. Yak butt - Android 4.x

  1. Give the command "Nalashtuvannya - Vikliki - Vidhilennya wiklikiv - Auto-deviation mode - Black list".
  2. Go to the adjustment of the "black" list and include the "Nevidomo" option.

Vikliki without a number, all of them will be seen.

As long as you have, I know, your phone is from Samsung, you can block dialing from your unknown numbers by setting up contacts. Go to the list of contacts, click on the menu icon (three specks), and then the settings. Here you can vibrate the distribution "Blocking numbers" and turn on the function "Blocking unavailable subscribers" - just translate the message.

Yak blocking the subscriber's number through the operator

"MTS"... MTS subscriber can send USSD-power * 111 * 442 # to connect to blocking numbers. You will receive an SMS with information about the activity of the service. The servant is not bezkoshtovna - for doing it, you will be known for 1.5 rubles. The service "Black list" with the "Personal control" option is connected through the "Service management" in the "special cabinet" of the subscriber (MTS website).

SMS with the text 442 * 1 to the number 111 (without a card) using the "Black list" key. Managing the "black" list in "MTS" by SMS can be done by sending the text with the number in the format "22 * 7XXXXXXXXXXX #" to the special number 4424 (all the cases are without a credit).

See the subscriber, switch on the "Black List", but you will get:

  1. Beeps mean that the number is occupied. For others, speed up the command * 442 * 21 *<номер># .
  2. Inaccessibility signal. Send command * 442 * 22 *<номер>#.

Command numbers should be entered in the format 7XXXXXXXXXX.

To enable the Black List, send the command * 442 * 24 * 7XXXXXXXXXXX #. Abo SMS 22 * ​​7XXXXXXXXXX # - to number 4424.

"Biline". Switch on the service "Fence of victories" by sending the command * 110 * 771 #. The service will be connected at most through the dob. Vona bezkoshtovna. Adding a number to the "black" list - 3 rubles. Vimiktsya servant command * 110 * 770 #. The additional number is validated by the command * 110 * 771 *<номер>#, View the black list - by command * 110 * 772 #.

The size of the "black" list is no more than 40 numbers. If you want to hit it, you need to speed up the command * 110 * 773 #. Review the list without koshtovny.

"Tele 2". Subscribers of "Tele2" switch on the service if they supply * 220 * 1 #, switch on the same - for the additional command * 220 * 0 #. To reconcile, the servant is active, send the command * 220 #. The servant "Black List" can be connected without koshtovno; doba. Additional numbers in the list - 1.5 rubles. Dovzhin's list - up to 30 numbers. To add the number, send power * 220 * 1 * 8XXXXXXXXXX #. Vidalennya numbers zdіysnyuєtsya by force of command * 220 * 0 * 8ХХХХХХХХХХ #.

"Megaphone". The connection of the "Black List" service to "Megafoni" is carried out:

  • With the power of an empty SMS to 5130;
  • Just command * 130 #.

To add the required number to the "black" list, send an SMS to 5130 with a number in the format 7XXXXXXXXXX, or speed up the command * 130 * 7XXXXXXXXXX #. To visualize the list, the command is * 130 * 3 #. The service "Black list" to block and SMS from subscribers from this list. Pidklyuchennya poslugi is free of charge, then the payment is only 1 p.

The lack of success of all the high-ranking teams is tied in with the winners in the instructions of the operators on the victorian service / option "Chorniy List". More information about this function can be found on the official websites mobile operators.

Blocking numbers for additional third-party supplements Android

For people who have spared the payment of services / options "Black List", send additional information, automatically receive calls and SMS, and immediately see all the information.

About those, "black" list, implementations for additional help, active, koristuvach can be deprived of guessing, if this gadget starts to be discharged as soon as possible, wants the battery in the rest to finish the "svizha".

All the rest of the programs below can be found in Google play. Android version In most cases, the value is not.

Blacklist program

The supplement is similar to the "Mr. Number-Block Calls & Spam" program, which is not available in the Russian sector of Google Play. To grow up:

  1. Go to and know the "Black List" for one change in key words.
  2. Go to the side of the "Black List" and press the "Install" button.
  3. Give dodatkom access to calls and SMS on your gadget.
  4. See (subtract up to two seconds) the contact on the SMS insert and press the button near the cross-seated gurk ("Obmezhiti").
  5. Confirm the power supply for adding a contact to the "black" list. A supplement "Black list" to the block of calls and SMS from the invitations, for those who have a substitute number (short or federal) mailing address for the site, brand, name of the state station, or the message of the message.
  6. Include in the list of unblocked editors in the list, if you don’t need to remove them from them - wiklicks, either SMS, or those, or others.
  7. To see the number from the "black" list, fix it for 1-2 seconds and press the button to see it, confirm the power supply.

Through the "Black List" add-on for Android, you can also block incoming SMS to the original phone numbers.

"Blokuvannya dzvinkiv"

To make contacts at the "black" list, add new ones:

  1. To install the programs, run it.
  2. Go to the "Black List".
  3. Click on the "Add" button and sign up, as you yourself will add the number to the Danish list.
  4. To see the number from the "black" list, fix this row for at least a second, then give the command "Menu - View".

Reshta programs from Google Play, scho work from the "black" list, copy one one. It's even easier to get into these robots. A part of such programs is implemented and the "biliy" list - subscribers from the assistant of the koristuvach nikoli and for any minds will not be blocked not only by blocking, but by other calls, but will be transferred to a silent mode.

It is possible to block a subscriber's number if you do not have a telephone number for a little something, or even a second. At such a call, you will become your spoky, as you lie down among the obstinate people of all categories and all kinds of enemies. Yakiy way of blocking vibrati - through itself Android system, Through third-party programs for someone else, for the help of a stylist operator - virishuvati to you. Good luck to you!

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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