Kirishskaya GRES. Panorama Kirishskaya GRES

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Kirishskaya GRES was installed in Kirishi m., 150 km away on the first road to St. Petersburg. The power supply of the station was installed at 2,100 MW.

The design type of firing at the construction of a fuel oil station. By the year, the power units No. 1 - 6 of the condensing part of the station and the boiler K1T-6t of the heating part of the boule were converted to natural gas burning. At this time, natural gas is being used as the main fire at the power station. Reserve fire - fuel oil grade M-100 - supplied by Kirishskaya Refinery (TOV "KINEF"). Razpaluvalny palivo - gas, fuel oil.

The station is located in the warehouse of the OES Pivnichno-Zakhodu, where the generation of the labor force is also stored by Leningradska AES, Pskov GRES (OGK-2), HES and CHP TGK-1, Pivnichno-shuttered CHP. Before the regulating jerels of the central part of the OES, it is possible to carry, except for the Kirishskaya GRES, only close to 400 MW HES TGK-1, center. sukupna reg. The tremendous strain of these dzherel during the winter period is less than the strain of Kirishskaya GRES and not satisfied with the demands of the central part of the OES in regulation, in connection with the station, by the head frequency regulator and the strain in the system. The construction of the private blocks of Kirishskoy GRES is the main energy source for the balancing market in the region. The system operator is asked to add a high level of configuration to the station, in order to ensure the reliability of the system.

Kirishskaya GRES provides a wide range of power supply from 0.4 to 330 kV to the wholesale market and to the most respected customers. Likewise, the company is the supplier of heat energy (technical steam of industrial parameters and hot water), thanks to the supply of salty, chemically purified and technical water, sour and with good purchase - water.

With the help of the improvement of the competitiveness of Kirishskoy GRES, for the improvement of the efficiency technological process, And also for a better drink and forecasted shortage of electricity in the region of breakdowns, an investment project for the modernization of a high-powered power block of the station.

The transfer of a high power unit from an extraordinary steam-power cycle to a steam-gas cycle will make it possible to significantly improve the economic indicators of the station and the competitiveness for a reduction in the reduction of urgency, as well as to ensure that the maintenance of the term is improved.

The project will transfer overhead steam turbines to the Kirishskaya GRES unit with a capacity of 300 MW with two gas turbines, each 279 MW each for skin with two drum-type waste-heat boilers.

A steam turbine is in operation for a single power unit for reconstruction and reconstruction in a warehouse of a steam and gas plant (CCGT). During the work in the warehouse of the CCGT, the pressure of the steam turbine was installed at the warehouse of 260 MW.

Kirishskaya GRES


Put into operation
Main characteristics
Heat pressure

1234 Gcal / year

characteristics of possession
Mostly palevo
On the map

coordinates: 59 ° 29'21 "Mon. W 32 ° 03'01" E etc. /  59.489167 ° N NS. 32.050278 ° lat. etc.(G) (O) (I)59.489167 , 32.050278

Kirishskaya GRES(Officially - Filia WAT ​​"OGK-2" - Kirishskaya GRES) - the best thermal power plant of the United Energy System (OES). The power station is located in the town of Kirishi, Leningradska region.

Vlasniki and Kerіvnistvo

Country houses

Installed an electric power of 2300 MW at the KES (condensation part) and 300 MW at the CHP (heating plant). Ustatkuvannya Kirishskoy GRES are attached to a quick recruitment during the period of lack of pressure in the system, as well as to a quick reduction in the period of systemic excess of pressure, so that the station is allowed to take part in the systemic regulation.

Condensation power plant (KES)

KES Kirishskaya GRES is mainly based on the supply of electrical energy and effort to the wholesale market of electrical energy (to the energy system), as well as for system regulation in the OES Pivnichno-Zakhodu. The condensation part of Kirishskaya GRES is stored from six power units with a capacity of 300 MW leather. Three of them represent double blocks of turbines K-300-240 LMZ with boilers TGMP-114), three are monoblocks of turbine type with boilers TGMP-324A and TGMP-324.

Turbine-living pumps of the SVPT-340-1000 LMZ type were installed on power units No. 1, 2, 4, 5, and on power-block No. 6 - type PN-1135-340, and on the power unit No. 3 - PTN-1150-340-M.

Until 2004, the boilers burned only M-100 fuel oil. On the 7th worm 2004, the start-up at the gas block No. 3 was successfully launched. On 16 March 2004, block No. 6 of transfers to gas firing was completed. In the end of 2011, block No. 6, buv inclusions to the warehouse of CCGT-800 with an increase in demand for 500 MW.

Heating and power plant (CHP)

The TEC is ordered for the supply of energy resources mainly to the local market and is designated for the provision of electricity and heat energy from the Kirish industrial zone and the place of Kirishi. 6 boiler units of the TGM-84 type with steam production capacity of 420 t / year were installed at the heating unit, turbine units of the type: PT-50-130 / 7 (2 units), PT-60-130 / 13 (2 units), R-40 130 (2 units) with generators of the TVF-60-2 type, 2 peak water-heating boilers of the KVGM-100 type. Parameters of cogeneration possession: vice - 130 kg / cm2, temperature - 545 C. Total pressure of turbine units - 300 MW.


The history of the TES was published in 1961, the decision was made for the sake of the Ministry of the Ukrainian RSR No. thousand of forty-three times 26, of the same date, "About the consolidation of the design establishment for the future of the Black Sea", the introduction of the first part of the zhovtnya 1965 rock. Submitted development stations:

Power block CCGT-800

Mill for 2011 rik, steam-gas power unit CCGT-800 Kirishskoy GRES є the most important unit of this type in the Russian Federation. The basis of the robot block is a cycle of three vices, which allows (within the project) to reach 55.5% of the electric CCD (the CCD of the continuous steam cycle is 34.8%).

The project will transfer overhead steam turbines to the Kirishskaya GRES unit with a capacity of 300 MW with two gas turbines, each 279 MW each for skin with two drum-type waste-heat boilers. A steam turbine is running on the power unit for reconstruction and reconstruction in the warehouse of a steam and gas plant (CCGT). When working in the warehouse of the CCGT unit, the capacity of the steam turbine of the warehouse was set to close to 260 MW.

Kirishskaya GRES roztashovana 120 km on a weekday from St. Petersburg, on the right birch of the river. Volkhov. The area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bKirish district becomes 2934 sq. km, the number of the first population is 69.1 yew. cholovik. The main hallucinations of the industrial industry are naphtha-pererobic, energetic, lisova, chemical, kharchova, light and awake.

The history of GRES has passed away from the Decree for the sake of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR No. 1022 from the 24th spring of 1960 "About the future of Kirishskaya GRES".

Kirishskaya GRES has begun for the purpose of supplying the Lenenergo system and supplying hot water, bets and electricity will be close to the Kirishskaya naftopererobny plant.

The main stage of development of Kirishskaya GRES is transferable.

At the chest in 1963, the head building of the 1st chamber GRES was laid, and on the 2nd of 1965, the first power units of the heating unit GRES were launched, the boiler unit with a productivity of 420 tons per year, as well as the turbine PT-50-130 / 7, were put into operation 50 tons. KW.

In 1967, the state of the head building of the block (condensation) part was restored. The first power block will pull 300 yew. KW at the condensation part of the GRES buv start-ups 25 chest 1969 r KW buv launches 30 March 1975, and the future of the part of GRES has been completed.

On the 27th of April 1979, the boolean was put into operation the rest of the turbine type R-50-130 No. 6. At the same time, the pressure of the GRES was installed up to 2120 MW.

In 1992, the Kirishskaya GRES energy complex was transferred to the mine warehouse transferred by the State Committee of the Russian Federation to the statutory capital of RAO "EU Russia".

From the 1st of February 1993 to the 31st of the breast 1995 the transfer of Kirish GRES to the pre-construction operation of the AT "Lenenergo" from the RAT "EU Russia" was added. U 1995-2002 rr. AT "Lenenergo" rented a mine complex of the station from RAO "US Russia".

In 2002, RAO "AES Russia" adopted the decision to bring Kirishskaya GRES to the Federal Wholesale Market of Energy and Potency (FOREM).

On the 29th of leaf fall, 2002, I am glad to the directors of RAO "YES Russia" having grasped the presence of RW in the capacity of one participant in the WAT "Kirishskaya GRES". The decision about falling asleep of the "Kirishskaya GRES" WAT was taken over by the head of the RAO "YES Russia" administration A.B. Chubais. legal entities(Unified State Register of Legal Entities) 10 breast 2002 r

Krim change in the main status at Kirishskaya GRES was also seen in the reconstruction of the property. So, 5 days 1999 buv commissioning start-up complex No. 1 for the transfer of the third and fourth blocks of Kirishskaya GRES to the combustion of gas firing. Through chotiri rocky, 14 leaf fall 2003 rocky, third and fourth quarters, the boiler units of the TEC switched to gas burning. And on the 16th birch 2004, the rock on the gas firing spalyuvannya was transferred to the second block. On the whole, the gasification of the station was completed.

At the birch 2004 r Kirishskaya GRES was awarded the prize "Russian National Olimp" in the nomination "Burning-energy complex".

Scho feel technical characteristics Then in the Danish hour Kirishskaya GRES є the largest thermal power station in Pivnichno-Zakhodi Russia:

- the electrical demand of 2100 MW was installed, including the demand of the condensation part of 1800 MW, the demand of the heating part of 300 MW;

- set the thermal pressure of 1234 Gcal for a year;

- heat demand in turbines 826 Gcal for a year.

The condensation part of Kirishskaya GRES is stored from six power units with a capacity of 300 MW each, and the heat production part is stored from six boilers with a capacity of 420 tons per year and six turbine generators with a total demand of 300 MW.

Gas and fuel oil are stored in the fuel at the station.

The staff of Kirishskaya GRES is 1422 people. In the last three rocks, the number of young athletes is decreasing, and a part of young sportsmen is growing. The price can be explained by the minds of the pratsi, Kar'єrny perspectives and pay salaries to adults in the halls. The management team of Kirishskoy GRES - advised by professionals. Bagato hto man, in his actives, is more than one successful project in the power industry and the economy galuzy.

The robot in the AT "Kirishskaya GRES" has become a school for bagatykh fakhivtsiv, both for ordinary services, as well as for kerivniks. Tse pidtverzhu BF Vainzikher: "I have a share for those who gave me a chance to come to power engineering, because I got to know people, who helped me to learn their power, having been struggling with the difficult and the world."

High economic potential of the WAT "Kirishskaya GRES", the station to develop. There will be internal gas pipelines designated for a new gasification station. The percentage of fire in the structure of the state of Kirishskoy GRES becomes close to 80%. Determine the ratio of vortex products to gas.

By transferring the GRES blocks to the combustion of the gas fire, the greenhouse gases were released into the atmosphere, allowing the WAT "Kirishskaya GRES" to take part in the tender for the procurement of one of the fast greenhouse gases (according to the protocol of the Convention).

WAT "Kirishskaya GRES" will supply a wide range of power supplies to the wholesale electricity market: from 0.40 to 330 kV. Buyers of electricity and power systems of the Pivnichno-Zakhidny region. Tariffs and obligations for delivery to the wholesale market of electricity are set by the Federal Energy Committee.

The main source of power for electrical energy, viroblenoe at Kirishskaya GRES, є TOV Kirishinefteorgsintez (KINEF) is one of the largest enterprises of naftopererobnoy galusi of Russia, which Surgaz should be included in the structure of VAFTOG In addition, the electricity and power supply at the station are also used by a number of great industrial enterprises, as well as for the great demands of Kirishka GRES, the industrial zone of the place of Kirish, which is one of the most suitable for women. For an hour, there was a winyklo kilka of fortunate virobnykh companies with growing energy supply services ("Penoplex", "Isoflex", Kirishsky sklyaniy zavod і in.). In the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2003, the contracts for the supply of electrical energy were laid down directly at the ZAT "Molodіzhny" and the ZAT "Penoplex-International".

WAT "Kirishskaya GRES" viroblyaє and supplies electricity and energy to FOREM and provides electricity for industrial workers in Kirishsky district. It is also possible to take care of the thermal energy of the industry, the village of Kirishi, and the communal enterprises.

In addition, Kirishskaya GRES viroblyaє and realizes the products of its auxiliary virobnits (kisin, chemically purified and technical water).

VAT "Kirishskaya GRES" also conducts investment activities. More, less the station has contributed to the renovation and reconstruction for the rest of the three rocks in general. Make money for the offensive strains:

- transfer of the third and fourth boilers of the thermal power plant to the burning of natural gas,

- transferring the first power unit to 300 MW capacity for burning natural gas,

- vprovazhennya automated systems control of the electric power industry (ASKOE),

- Reconstruction of the heat supply circuit with the storage tank-accumulators of the hot water supply with a volume of 5000 cubic meters of leather.

Gasification of the thermal power plant allowed the speed of wikidi double oxide in carbon into the atmosphere by 62,000 tonnes of equivalents and to save in 2003 and 2004. heat tariffs for residents of GRES, adopted in 2002

Reconstruction of the heat supply scheme made it possible to turn on the heat supply in the place of Kirishi and to speed up the hour of years of hot water supply.

Investments in 2004 in 2003 grew by 61.5%, reaching 370.17 million rubles. By investments, damages of new projects:

- completion of gasification of GRES,

- Reconstruction of the third station power unit with a 300 MW capacity, with the aim of transferring it to the mode of high frequency regulation and strain,

- an ear of reconstruction of a chemical water treatment plant,

- news of news and news overhaul repair bud_vel that sporud.

At this time, an important part of the investment programs of the Kirishskaya GRES includes the provision of internal gas pipelines, which are necessary for a new gasification station.

Investment projects allow reaching the offensive results:

- Reconstruction of the power unit No. 3 to allow the adoption of European standards for the regulation of the frequency of that strain;

- Reconstruction of the chemical water treatment plant and to speed up the saline runoff reduction by 25-30% in the river. Volkhov and to provide water above the high-quality water for the new plant of high-quality oil refining KINEF.

One of the main strategic transfers of the "Kirishskaya GRES" WAT is combining thermal and electrical energy, as it will ensure the possibility of complex supplies of energy resources and complex service of living.

In addition, WAT "Kirishskaya GRES" is able to provide a unique supply of energy for the supply of power supply, sprinklers, their own key client and strategic partner of TOV "Kirishinefteorgsintez" (KINEF), which is important for the clients.

The Kirish industrial center is being developed from the other industrial zones. Itself the price of this territory is especially adorable for the distribution of energy sources.

Kirishskaya GRES the most common thermal power plant of the United Energy System and Pivnichno-call. The power station was installed in the Kirishi town of the Leningrad region.

From the 1st leaf fall in 2011, the Kirishskaya GRES will enter the warehouse of the Wholesale Generating Company No. 2 (WAT "OGK-2").

The electric power of the GRES is installed for the road 2600 MW, and the heat capacity is 1234 Gcal / year. In 2012, the virobil station has 5.988 million kWh of electric power and 2.691 yew. Gcal of heat energy. During the modernization process in 2012, within the framework of the year, a large-scale modernization was carried out to unit No. 6; a combined cycle gas turbine unit CCGT-800 was put into operation, the pitom of the vitrate of the sinkhole of the GRES furnace is 265 grams per kW ∙ year (from 233 g / kW ∙ power plant). The power unit number 6, which started in 1975, has started, then its efficiency rate has increased from 38 to 55%, and the pitoma of the vitrate of the sinkhole has changed in size by 32%. From 2009 to 2012, the rate of efficiency of the installed effort (KVVP) of the station did not exceed 31%.

Kirishskaya GRES, by the day, is stored in three power plants: heating (heat and power plant), condensation (KES, condensation power plant) and recently prompted a steam-gas cycle plant (CCGT-800).

The head of the CES Kirishskaya GRES polyagaє in the supply of electrical energy and effort to the wholesale market. The condensation part of the station is stored for 6 power units of 300 MW each (3 double units with turbine units K-300-240 LMZ and boilers TGMP-114, as well as 3 monoblocks with such turbines and boiler units TGMP-324A / TGMP).

Until 2004, all KES boilers were using only M-100 fuel oil, and on the 7th of the same month, block No. 3 was converted to natural gas. On the 16th birch 2004, the gas firing at the gas firing stage has started and the power unit No. 6 has started, after which the gasification of the Bula station has been completed. In the end of 2011, the 6th power block was turned on before the warehouse of the CCGT-800 steam-gas unit.

The heating and power plant of Kirishskaya GRES is engaged in the supply of energy mainly to the local market, as well as providing electricity and heat to the Kirishi industrial zone and the place of Kirishi. The CHP includes 6 boiler units TGM-84 (steam production 420 t / year), turbine units 2хПТ-50-130 / 7, 2хПТ-60-130 / 13 і 2хР-40-130, as well as a generator TVF-60-2 і 2 hot water boilers KVGM-100.

Decree number one thousand p'yat hundred forty three about the future of the TES was adopted by the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian RSR on the 26th breast of the 1961st rock. Budivelny robots rested in the same, and the introduction into operation of the first block of the first church of the TEC was carried out on the 2nd October 1965. The business of the first Chergi of the Bula station was completed in 1967. Block No. 1 of KES was built in 1969, and block No. 6 - in 1975.

In 2006, a decision was taken about the maintenance of a combined cycle gas turbine unit with a capacity of 800 MW (CCGT-800) at the Kirish GRES. Yak gas turbines for the whole block of the bulo vikoristovuvati SGT-5-4000F Siemens (capacity 279 MW dermal). Їх was installed on block No. 6, before the warehouse for modernization, there was a steam turbine K-245-13.3 (capacity 240 MW) and 2 waste-heat boiler P-132, for which the outward pressure of the boiler was increased to 800 MW.

The start-up of the block was made on the 23rd birch of the 2012th rock. Mill for the 2013th Rik steam-gas power unit CCGT-800 Kirishskaya GRES will be the most important unit of this type in Russia.

Kirishskaya GRES (official - Filya PAT "OGK-2" - Kirishskaya GRES) - the most heat power plant OES Pivnichno-Zakhodu. Roztashovana in the Kirishi town of the Leningrad region, on the Volkhov district, 150 km to the first highway from the town of St. Petersburg.

Vlasniki and Kerіvnistvo

From 1 leaf fall in 2011, the enterprise was owned by the branch of OGK-2, previously it was included in the warehouse of OGK-6 (transferred to OGK-2). Director of the enterprise: Boris Vainzikher (2001-2004) Leonid Shesterikov (2005-April 2008) Yuriy Andrєєv (from May 2008, moved from the seat of the director of Cherepovetskaya GRES)

Country houses

The electric power of the GRES was installed at the end of 2013 to become 2595 MW (including 300 MW - heating units), heat - +1234 Gcal / year. By the design type of fuel oil firing, the boilers were transferred to natural gas burning. V the present moment fuel oil є reserve і raspaluvalny firing. Ustatkuvannya Kirishskoy GRES are attached to a quick recruitment during the period of lack of pressure in the system, as well as to a quick reduction in the period of systemic excess of pressure, so that the station is allowed to take part in the systemic regulation. GRES will provide heat supply and hotter water supply to the town of Kirishi, as well as the supply of heat energy by the industrial, alarm and industrial sector. Kirishskaya GRES supplies more than 43% of heat from the heat supply, realized by the WAT stations "OGK-2". kWh in 2013 roci.

Condensation power plant (KES)

KES Kirishskaya GRES is mainly based on the supply of electrical energy and effort to the wholesale market of electrical energy (to the energy system), as well as for system regulation in the OES Pivnichno-Zakhodu. The condensation part of Kirishskaya GRES is stored from six power units with a capacity of 300 MW leather. Three of them represent double blocks of turbines K-300-240 LMZ with boilers TGMP-114), three are monoblocks of turbine type with boilers TGMP-324A and TGMP-324. Turbine-living pumps were installed on power units No. 1,2,4,5 and type SVPT-340-1000 LMZ, on power unit No. 6 - type PN-1135-340 and on power unit No. 3 - PTN-1150-340-M. Until 2004, the boilers burned only M-100 fuel oil. On the 7th of April 2004 the start-up on the gas block No. 3 was started. 16 March 2004 the turnover of the block No. 6 to the combustion of the gas firing was completed, the gasification of the CES was completed. In the end of 2011, block No. 6, buv inclusions to the warehouse of CCGT-800 with an increase in demand for 500 MW.

Heating and power plant (CHP)

The TEC is ordered for the supply of energy resources mainly to the local market and is designated for the provision of electricity and heat energy from the Kirish industrial zone and the place of Kirishi. 6 boiler units of the TGM-84 type with steam production capacity of 420 t / year were installed at the heating unit, turbine units of the type: PT-50-130 / 7 (2 units), PT-60-130 / 13 (2 units), R-50 130 (2 od ...

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