Zhkg scho new bude in rotsi. New federal laws in the sphere of housing and communal services

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Zmіni in living legislation The rest of the rock is directed to the higher steps of the participation of the owners and the apartments of the owners in the wake of not only the proper primacy, ale of the backwoods lane and territory. About those who themselves know the norms of the change, it is indicated in the proponated material.

What are the most significant recent changes in housing legislation?

Talking about the recent changes in the housing legislation, it is, in fact, the most significant of them. for example:

  1. On 01/01/2017, the procedure for the payment of payment for the payment of housing has been changed. Now in the її warehouse there has been no longer a party to the surrounding communal resources, which is being spent on payment for the out-of-box mine (dal - ODG) (law dated 06/29/2015 No. 176-FZ).
  2. Introduced by a vimogi until the date of approval, pay for the recruitment of residential support for the social rent agreement, or for the recruitment of a state or municipal fund (order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated 09/27/2016 No. 668 / pr). The new formula is based on the role of the social and economic situation in the region.
  3. In the Rules for the provision of communal services to the owners and koristuvachs, they are attracted to the large apartment booths and zhitlovy booths, shut. By decree of the Uryad of the Russian Federation dated 06.05.2011 No. 354, amendments were made to the gas supply (as well as the arrangement of agreements, servicing of the establishment and in.).
  4. Introduced the obligation to distribute all information about services and special rahunks welcome to Golovniy information systems ZhKG, administrative verdict and civil legal inheritance for non-repudiation.

New in living legislation: payment of resources for service of the zalnobudinkovy mine

One of the most important innovations in 2017 is a change in the size of the payment of utility bills in conjunction with the adoption of new regional standards for the development of the budget of resources, which can be used for the purpose of using the EDC (who understands utility resources) was also introduced in 2017. Its zakrіplennya legal norm was known in Art. 154 hh. 9.1-9.3, 10 Art. 156 LCD RF. There is no question about the need to pay for such resources only in the same way, since the very spore transferring the power of their vitraction.

Payment for such resources is carried out at the show:

  • zagalnobudinkovyh attached to the region;
  • automated information-visual systems and communications.

In yakosti alternative option The owners of the living can take on the out-of-town fences the solution about the development of vitrat to pay for communal resources of the vikhodyachi:

  • s standards, established in the region;
  • the most common indicators for the same period with urakhuvannya pererakhunka.

The standards for living standards start at the level of the federal subunits in order and according to the rules established by the Uryad of the Russian Federation in the decree of 23.05.2006 № 306. At the moment, all regions have already broken down their standards, but not all the stinks have emerged.

Entering of buildings to GIS ZhKG

The Law "On the introduction of changes ..." dated 12/28/2016 No. 469-FZ buv transfers to 07/01/2017 the term of binding distribution in the GIS ZhKG of houses by the owners of communal resources and organizations that manage large apartment booths.

Earlier, the GIS ZhKG was responsible for the donation, which was brought in from state and municipal information systems, and information about licenses in the area of ​​administration - management of apartment booths. Remaining boules of crops'yazani razmischuvati in GIS ZhKG vidosti about booths, which were managed from the storehouse of vidos about large apartment booths ..., shutter. by order from 09/29/2015 Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 368, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine No. 691 / ін.

From 2017 to 2017, the fate of the obligations on the introduction of properties, re-insured in Art. 6 of the law "On the state information system of housing and communal government."

From 07/01/2017, the housing control authorities had the opportunity to view the order about the distribution of any marriage information in the system, and also with the date of publication on 01/01/2018 (sheet of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 08/29/2017 No. 04838).

Z 01.01.2018 not distribution in the GIS ZhKG, the receipt is not necessary to pay off (part 8 of article 12 of the law on the GIS ZhKG), for example:

  • sub'єkt, which is guilty of the buv development of information about payment, for the administrative approval of the art. 13.19.2 Code of Administrative Law Enforcement;
  • You may not need to pay for the receipt.

In such a rank, 2017 has the right in the sphere of housing and communal services for the new concept of “communal resources”. In addition, the instruction of a new stage in the development of the GIS ZhKG: the legislator has given the subscribers, goiters, information in the given systems, the development of a new stage, and since 2018, the fate of the unpleasant inheritance for the porters.

At the sound of the beast, as it comes to the Ministry of Budget and Living and Communal Government Russian Federation from the nutritional capacity of the establishment of the obligation to liven up the communal resources with the help of the reduction of the zalny lane, lower than the standards for the provision of communal services on the zalnobudinka consumers, established by the sub''ct of the Russian Federation behind the camp on 1 leaf fall in 2016.

Subject to Part 9 of Article 12 of the Federal Law dated June 29, 2015 No. 176-FZ "On the introduction of amendments to the Living Code of the Russian Federation and amendments to the legislative acts of the Russian Federation" part 2 of article 154, part 1 of article 156 of the housing code of the Russian Federation (dal - LCD of the Russian Federation) about including before the warehouse, pay for fixing the living costs of vitrat for the payment of cold water, hot water, electricity supply, maintenance stichnyh waters from the beginning of the zagalny lane in the apartment booth will freeze from 1 June 2017.

Subject to part 10 of article 12 of the Federal Law No. 176-FZ, with the primary inclusion of vitrat in the payment for the payment of cold water, hot water, electric power, heat energy, and the cost of living expenses Utrimannya zalny lane in a large apartment booth їх size cannot change the standard of living of communal services for zalnobudinki consumer, rises by the sub'єktom of the Russian Federation for the camp on 1 leaf fall in 2016. For the initial inclusion of vitrates, as defined in part 9 of article 12 of the Federal Law No. 176-FZ, in payment for the fixing of living space, it is not necessary to fix out-of-town acquisitions in vasniks in large apartment buildings.

On the duma of the Ministry of Economy of Russia, from the literal budget of water supply rates, the cost of a vitrat for the payment of cold water, hot water, electric power, heat can be reduced to the standard for the living of communal services on zagalnobudinkov consumer services, established by the sub'ukt of the Russian Federation for the camp on 1 leaf fall in 2016. Zokrem, suitable for the situation, may be, if a person is shown to pay for cold water, hot water, electricity, heat (zagalnobudinkovy) I will attach an obliku. Vіdpovіdno, in addition vipadku if bagatokvartirny Budinok framings Collective (zagalnobudinkovih) priladit urahuvannyam included zaznachenih vitrat to warehouse pay for utrimannya zhitlovogo primіschennya Mauger Buti zdіysneno in rozmіrі nizhche norm spozhivannya communal poslug on zagalnobudinkovі require vihodyachi of factual obsyagu spozhivannya communal poslug on zagalnobudinkovі required. At my own house, the factual obsyag of living of communal services on zalnobudinki needs to be redeemed as the difference between them is shown by the collective (zagalnobudinka) I will attach an area that sums the display of indivdual utilities in the area and (after) the standard. Rejection of the factual obsyag of the living of communal services on the backbone of the city

For the inclusion of significant vitrats to the warehouse, pay for the reduction of residential services in the range lower than the standard for the living of communal services on the out-of-town offices.

At the same time, it is necessary to mean that, according to clause 2 of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine dated March 26, 2016, No. 1498 "About the provision of communal services and the maintenance of the residential property in the large apartment building of the Federal Office of the Russian Federation" to confirm the standards for the living of cold water, hot water, the introduction of sewage water, electrical energy by means of fixing the lane in a large apartment booth with the provisions of the central regulation. Vіdpovіdno to Chastain 9.2 stattі 156 Zhitlovogo Code Rosіyskoї Federatsії rozmіr vitrat gromadyan in skladі pay for utrimannya zhitlovogo primіschennya to pay holodnoї Vod, garyachoї Vod, vіdvedennya stіchnih water elektrichnoї energії, spozhivanih at vikonannі mіnіmalnogo perelіku neobhіdnih for zabezpechennya nalezhnogo utrimannya spіlnogo Lane in bagatokvartirnomu budinku the last and the least, the start is in accordance with the standards for the maintenance of all types of communal resources, the establishment of the local lane in the apartment booth, which is approved by the authorities of the state government, the sub-government bodies of the Russian Federation, the Federal Government Russian Federation in the order established by federal law.

Such a rank, sent by the state authorities of the sub'ektiv of the Russian Federation, the standards for the living of cold water, hot water, the introduction of cold water, electrical energy with the help of the the size of the relevant standard of living.

However, it is necessary to take into account that by virtue of clause 11 of the Rules for the establishment and implementation of standards for the maintenance of communal services and standards for the maintenance of communal resources with the purpose of fixing a home lane in a large apartment building, the value of standards for the living of communal services and standards for the living of communal resources, for the purpose of fixing the living lane in the large apartment building "(given - Rules No. 306), standards for the living of the communal resources for the budget for living the living quarters for the living quarters analogous constructive and technical characteristics, The steps to beautification, as well as roztasvanih in analogous climatic minds. In case of deviations in constructive and technical parameters, the steps to beautification, as well as to the rightful minds, in which there are no big buckets or bungalows, the standards are set for the living of communal services, the differentiation will be made in the future nayavnostі in sub'єkta Rosіyskoї Federatsії bagatokvartirnih budinkіv i zhitlovih budinkіv scho mayutsya konstruktivnі i tehnіchnі parameters stupіn be landscaped not peredbachenі kategorіyami zhitlovih primіschen, viznachenih at dodatku № 2 to Regulation № 306 for the category of authority rіshennyam upovnovazhenogo bagatokvartirnih budinkіv i zhitlovih budinkіv mozhut buty additions.

Besides, clause 9 of Rule No. 306 establishes standards for the maintenance of housing services and standards for the maintenance of communal resources, with the help of the installation of a private house in a large apartment booth to be carried out by the organization of supply of housing services, such as awaiting and special-purpose co-operatives, for example.

At the end of the weekend, the sub'ekts of the Russian Federation set the standards for the living of communal resources with the help of the fixing of the private lane in order to achieve the results and the energy saving visits to the apartment booth.

A.V. Lapwing

looking around the document

From 01/01/2017, in order to fix the residential lane in a large apartment booth to the warehouse, pay for the removal of the living room, turn on the vitrati to pay for cold, hot water, electricity, which is available when the energy lane is lost, -

When vitrate is first switched on for payment of їх size, it is not possible to change the standard of living of communal services for public services, established by the region on 11/01/2016. For the initial inclusion, the decision of the extravaganza is not required.

At the same time, on the idea of ​​the Ministry of Economy of Russia, the size of vitrate can be less than the size of the standard. Zokrema, it is worthwhile, when growing the size of the vitrate after the shown collective (zalnobudinkovy), will attach the obliku. For the inclusion of vitrate to the warehouse, pay in the size lower than the standard for the solution of extravolts of vlasniks, it is also not necessary, some of them are also included in the cob.

Rates of ZhKG in 2019 rotsi virostut dvichi. The order was also signed by the head of the Russian Federation Uryad Dmitry Medvedev.

At the same time, go to the tied with the allowances from 1 day of the rate, the tribute for the payment of the rate (PDV) is from 18 to 20%, in connection with the vitra of the communal complex, the cost is 16 billion rubles.

The minicomponent promotes the index of tariffs for ZhKG from 1 June 2019, and not from 1 day for synchronization with the increase of MPE up to 20%.

At the same time, the Ministry of Operations for the Index of Tariffs has not exceeded 4% in 2019. They talked about it in the press service of MEP.

“The Ministry of Finance promoted in 2019 to synchronize the change of taxes and tariffs for an hour - to increase the rate of tariffs [ZhKG] for 1 June 2019. Tse allow vrahuvati growth of PDV і nіvelyuvati dodatkovе growth rates from the middle of the rock. At the same time, the Ministry of the Ministry of Education has provided a preliminary estimate of the index of tariffs in 2019 in order to ensure that the change in tariffs in 2019 did not exceed the price of inflation (4%) "

The Ministry of Economic Development has guessed that, according to the adopted law, the size of the MPE will increase from 1 June 2019 from 18% to 20%. “Depending on the current regulatory and legal basis, the price will be retranslated in the payment for HCP. At the same time, in fact, an increase in tariffs, depending on the legislation, can only happen from January 1, 2019. As a result, in addition to the increase in MPE of 1.7%, according to the flow legislation, the tariff will also include vitrati on the MPE vip payment for the first time in 2019, so that it will be possible to improve the growth rate, ”they explained.

Earlier, the Izvestia newspaper reported that the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade was promoted vrahuvati to increase the maximum permissible limit for the distribution of tariffs for the services of ZhKG. Yak will explain the newspaper, the partiality of the ZhKP services in the presence of anybody will lose the same, however, the sum of money is virost for a rakhunok of the size of the tribute included in the payment. The options for compensation for resource supplying companies, including for the current changes in tariffs from the current 2019 date, are negotiable.

Pay for the services of ZhKG obmezhenii, so the inhabitants do not care to go through the inflow of the increase in the maximum permissible air force at different tariffs. The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Volodymyr Yakushev said about it, and asked for the nutrition of the journals.

Behind him, in the Danish hour, an analysis is carried out with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of food about those, like the promotion of PDV in line with the participation of communal services. “Ale if you specifically ask the food about those who tinker with the giants, then we know that the giants have stolen [the neighbors] from us pay, that if you have to pay the price, if you have to pay for the traffic, then you will be thundered. not required, ”the minister said.

Vin explained that the payment of the hucksters for the services of the housing and communal services was bounded "right by the tariff". “The price [zrostannya PDV] for the payment [for housing and communal services] is not exactly, it can be connected to the tariff. The tariff for the payment is not injected, the payment is encumbered by the law ”, - again, having paid respect to the minister, having brought up the budget.

Earlier, the Izvestia newspaper reported that the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade was promoted vrahuvati to increase the maximum permissible income when the tariffs for the services of ZhKG were raised. “The changes in tax legislation from 1 June 2019 will push the risk of receiving income from resource-supplying organizations, so, in your own house, you can lead to the collapse of your financial state. To that the Ministry of Economic Development has been promulgated vrahuvati the changes in tariffs, ”they said in the press service of the ministry.

Yak will explain the newspaper, the partiality of the ZhKP services in the presence of anybody will lose the same, however, the sum of money is virost for a rakhunok of the size of the tribute included in the payment. The options for compensation for resource supplying companies, including for the current changes in tariffs from the current 2019 date, are negotiable.

Previously, the President of Russia, Volodymyr Putin, signed a law that the transfer of a tribute for a grant from 18% to 20%, as well as new tariffs for social payments, was transferred. Document of the Buv Acceptance by the State Duma 24 Lipnotes and Confessions of the Rada of the Federation 28 Lipnotes.

President Volodymyr Putin signed the law, which transferring a tribute for a grant from 18% to 20%, as well as new tariffs for social benefits.

Behind the pidrahunks of the government, there is a novelty to allow the budget to revenues for 620 billion rubles per ric.

Who should pay MPE?

A whole tribute to rally legal individuals on all stages of virobnitstva and sale of goods or services. The sum of the rallied tribute is pledged into the price of products or services, and in fact, to pay for the living.

What is the decision to make a bid?

The tax tribute is tied in including the expenditure of revenues to the federal budget through a decrease in prices for naphtha in 2014, the head of the Rakhunkov Chamber, Oleksiy Kudrin, said. At the ear of 2014, prices for naphtha will be $ 110-100 per barrel, and the current stench is $ 76, so naphtha has fallen by a third, the expert explained.

In addition, “a part of the naphtha economy in our foreign economy falls, it’s faster for us to grow galusies of naftovoy, non-ruled people at a time. The first part of naphtha revenues to GDP is three times less ”, meaning win. To save the vitrate for infrastructure, for protection, for the protection of health, it is necessary to know beforehand.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine will direct the costs of the adjustment of the MPE on social consumers, the first for everything on the protection of health.

Chee to take care of the pіlgi?

So, be careful.

“As a matter of fact, the price did not fall on people, all the pilgrims from the tribute to the donation were based on the main socially significant comrades, on the basis of the service they would be saved,” said Prime Minister Dmitro Medvedev.

Infection rate of MPE 10% for foodstuffs of the first need (bread, milk, etc.), Children and medical goods.

Zero tax rate will be fixed on internal interregional transportation. From another reading room, the State Duma grabbed amendments, which will podovzhuyut the price rate up to 1 June 2025 for passengers transported to Crimea and back, and if the point of return for arriving is located on the territory of the Far-East Federal District.

The MPE rate of 10% saves one third of the standard accommodation items, received in the Ministry of Finance.

How does the rate adjustment appear on inflation?

Anton Siluanov said that the increase in MPE can accelerate the inflation in 2019 from 3% to 4-4.5%.

The head of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), Oleksandr Shokhin, encourages the Central Bank to cut inflation in the 4%.

The increase in the MPE rate can be recognized as inflation in 2019 and by itself stimulate the Central Bank to advance the key rate, say the keen director of the macroeconomic analysis and forecast of the Expert RA rating agency Anton Tabakh.

“As a result of inflation, it is practically guaranteed to move forward. With an increase in the rate of two percentage points, it is possible to increase the inflation rate by 0.5-0.75 percentage points. in 2019 roci ", - meaning the expert. For that word, in a whole lot of money, it is not guaranteed that the Central Bank has a total inflation rate of 4%, but the axis in 2019, when the PDV is adjusted, is not guaranteed. “As soon as the tariffs of natural monopolies grow, then the inflation will appear in the sky. In general, the regulator is better off for everything, if there is an incentive to move the rate, including the urahuvannya to the notice of the countries of the world, ”he said.

PDV in the first place, which is simpler than anything else, the Federal Tax Service came to the good administrator, including radically polishing the grain and the glybin of the obrob danikh, adding Tabakh.

Oleksiy Kudrin, stating that the payment of the tribute will accelerate the inflation in 2019 by 0.4 pp, and the inflation will lose 4% for the inflation.

Why change the order of the PDV?

The order of the plan for the speed of the term of conducting cameral (so in the office of the tax service, without the introduction of the enterprise) revisions during the introduction of the PDV.

Also, it will be possible to expand the number of enterprises, for example PDV will be returned in an accelerated manner. Infected by the procedure, the companies can speed up, for three times they have overreached 7 billion rubles in taxes to the budget. In the future, the threshold will be reduced to 2 billion rubles.

The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation has promoted the increase of tariffs for housing and communal services from 18 to 20% in 2019, according to Izvestia's press service.

The officials explained that through the growth of the PDV, the financial stand of resource-supplying organizations could be destroyed. Do not allow it, it is necessary to speed up the tariffs for ZhKG.

Minbudi journalists have been confirmed that they have negotiated the possibility of adjusting tariffs for 1 day. Representatives of the FAS also talked about the examination of the food index of prices on the communal services.

Nagadaєmo, 4 serpnya RF President Volodymyr Putin signed a law on the adjustment of MPE from 18 to 20%. At the same time all the rates will be saved.

Chi podorozchaє "komunalka" pislya pіdvischennya PDV?

The State Duma adopted in the first read a bill on the amendment of the MPE. From 1 June 2019, the tax rate will be increased from 18 to 20%.

About those who, as a result, have increased the price of goods and services, it seems a lot of experts. And what about the "komunalka"? Would you like to check for us even higher tariffs for ZhKG?

Svitlana Razvorotneva, the first defender of the head of the Communist Party of the Gromadskoy Chamber of the Russian Federation on housing and communal services, on the roads: - Crazy, the increase of the maximum permissible emissions is without a doubt on the tariffs. The stench will get bigger. I lie down as a prefab tractor on the gamantes of our hulks, as well as pay for the housing and communal services, as well as pay for housing and communal services. Ale nezbar everything changes. The communal sector at the center of other companies (boiler houses, small water utilities) is actively receiving concessions, which will pay the MPE in the range of 18%. And if there is a bill about an increase in the tax rate, then all 20%. Tse will be even more sensitive. Moreover, in the whole country, the whole country will move to a new system of communication with entrances. I, even before smittya, were taken to sit on the "favored" dribnі firmi, from 2018-2019 rr. There is a lot of work on the part of regional operators to pay VAT. In general, the topic of MPE for housing and communal services is very important. Galuz is chronically underfinanced. Price is added to the quality of services, and to the salaries and salaries of workers. In such minds, whether or not financial support is available, it can lead to bankruptcy of a whole number of enterprises, which are already going badly. And if there are a lot of common people in them, they need warmth, light, water, canalization ... That is why "komunalka" is a socially organized business.

On one side, the uryad will get a stream of communal tariffs, introduce border indexes. And from the bottom - to make additional payments to the standard of the increase in the maximum permissible limit, as to produce up to even larger payments. Zrozumilo, on whom communalists hang their vitrati. On the population. For the power itself ... In the regions of the country, budgets compensate for the difference between real tariffs, for which the population must pay. To go, what the power is in one crawl of pennies, and from the very beginning ... I reconsidered, scho, negotiating the law on the adjustment of MPE, it is necessary to further differentiate it to go to the new halls and enterprises. It’s just that the state is set in order for the housing and communal government, because it doesn’t want a galloping increase in payments, which means that the tribute for the enterprises of ZhKG needs to be reduced.

Rosyan chekaє zrostannya tariffs in ZhKG

The bribes of the communal workers from the paid tribute for the addition of the party were paid to compensate for the rakhunok of the Peresian Russians, according to Izvestia.
For the information, the message was voiced by the association "ZhKG and Miske Sredovishche" in the sheets of the Minister of Budget Volodymyr Yakushev. In the association, the increase in MPE up to 20% will be the cause of 100 billion communal workers already in 2019, and ask for a call from the cim to increase the rate of housing and communal services by 4%.
The press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs confirmed that they would also discuss the growth of tariffs for 1 current Maybut rock, as it was voiced by the association of the fight against reality.
With colleagues, we had a wait in the Ministry of Economic Development, and the general director of the association “ZhKG that Miske Sredovishche” Oleksiy Makrushin pidkresliv, but “the servants themselves” will not rise in price, because they will not pay more money, they will need to include
Makrushin didn’t do it, but "the size of the payment" is still up to 2%, the protectors of the communal system don’t make money.

Vrahuvati in the tariffs for the services of ZhKG razmіr zbіlshennya PDV by 2 percentage points proponate Mіnekonomrozvitku. The price is necessary in order that the financial stan of resource-supplying organizations is not ruined, they called Izvestia in the press services of the ministry. At the same time, the payments for housing and communal services are unimportant for the increase in sums, the servants themselves do not rise in price, and the servants do not deny any additional costs - only the amount of the tribute included in the payment is growing. Earlier, the State Duma and the Rada of the Federation approved a draft law that would transfer the MPE from 18 to 20%.

The association "ZhKG and Miske Sredovishche" sent the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Volodymyr Yakushev a sheet with a similar proposition and information about food in the district. In the last quarter of the cost of communal services for 2019, there can be up to 100 billion rubles, and the amount of borgs in the halls grows up to 1.5 trillion rubles. At the Ministry of Finance "Izvestia" was confirmed that the food tariffs adjustment for 1 day will be discussed.

The changes of tax legislation from 1 June 2019 to the sutta of the change in income from resource-supplying organizations, which, in their own house, can lead to the collapse of their financial state. To that, the Ministry of Economic Development has been promulgated in vrahuvati the changes in tariffs, - they called Izvestia in the press service of the Ministry of Economic Development.

The association "ZhKG and Miske Sredovishche" sent a list to the head of the Ministry of Finance Volodymyr Yakushev in the end of the worm (Izvestia got acquainted with the document), which says that when the PDV was sent to the organization of ZhKG The first step is to form a straight line of 45 billion rubles. The stench will bring up to 1.5 trillion rubles to the multiplicative growth of Borgs in galuz. Reimbursement of vitrate for a rise in tariffs for 1 linen will require an additional increase in tariffs for communal services not by 2%, but by 4% more. best easy way sending problems to the author of the murder, to CEO Association Oleksiyu Makrushin, to start adjusting tariffs for the increase of the maximum permissible emissions from 1 June 2019.

At the Ministry of Finance, Izvestia was told that they were going to fight against the experts. If you do not vrahuvati grow vitrati in tariffs, resource-based companies will tolerate straight cuts. negotiate beforehand are available options Compensation for resource-supplying organizations, including for the current changes in tariffs from the current 2019 date, were given in the ministry.

Come in with energy saving, you can speed up your vitrati on the burned by 40%

The partiality of the services themselves does not change. Change only the amount of the tribute, which is included in the payment. In such a rank, the size of payment for survivors is 2 percentage points. Aleksey Makrushin explained to Izvestiya that they don’t spend a single ruble when organizing it.

As soon as the world cannot enter such a thing, for the price of capsizing resource-supplying organizations it can reach 100 billion rubles, according to the expert.

The Federal Antimonopoly Service, which has accepted a solution about the indexation of tariffs, has been given a number of comments, having sent them to those who have already agreed on a meal.

The PDV regulation is applied to uncontrolled vitrates of communal enterprises, meaning HSE professor Sergiy Sivaev. Їх investment and exploitation programs were put in place without such taxation.

Thank you, it’s not healthy, I’m sure you’ll have to pay more. Ale pidvischennya tariffs bulo ochikuvanim, - said Sergiy Sivaev.

For his words, the spheres, in which tariffs are regulated by the state, demand compensation, come in. Especially the galuzy ZhKG is especially priced. Yak was acclaimed by Izvestia, in the first quarter of the year the Borgs for housing and communal services in Russia grew by 5.3%, to 1.4 trillion rubles in the same period last year. For tribute to Rosstat, the obligation of unpaid rakhunkiv for water supply to become 86 billion rubles (+ 5.7%), water supply - 63.9 billion rubles (+ 6.6%), electricity - 247.5 billion rubles (+ 9.7%) ... Free services for living expenses increased by 14.6%, to 234.3 billion rubles, for heat - by 6.7%, to 569.3 billion rubles.

Fakhivtsi EIRKTs prepared a look at the changes in the spheres of housing and communal services, which could be inserted into the sums in the receipts of the Kostroma residents in the new rotsi. You can tell all at once that all the stinks are directed to those who stimulate the installation of extravagant and individual attachments to the field in booths and apartments, and also to activate the robot of business companies with the owners of the life.

The new procedure for paying for communal services and living in booths, which is located in the management of the Criminal Code and Homeowners' Association

For 1 day in the warehouse, pay for the fixing of the living quarters and the hiring of the living quarters will pay a fee for the colder and hotter water supply, electrical energy, which is used to fix the residential lane. Rosemir Vitrat Gromadyan will start out according to the standards of living on the ONE, which will go on 1 leaf fall in 2016. For narahuvannya the given payment, the decision of the collection of the masters is not required. The price of a penny is paid before the payment, established earlier by the zebra fees of the owners of the residence.

As soon as a receipt is needed, as the inhabitants of the region are taken to the fierce one, then below the rows of “fixing the living room” will be seen as a payment for the skin resource, which is necessary for fixing the backwoods lane, okremo. It was done with a great deal of information about the warehouse of vitrats to pay for living expenses.

There will be vicarians at their own store when the services of the out-of-town buddies are attached to the region when the companies and homeowners' associations are opened with resource-supplying organizations. As soon as the actual living of the resources changed in a normative way, then the payment for the "above-standard" liabilities to the resource will be liable to the viconavtsya services.

The number of schemes for making payments for one person, if they have been formed out of the way, have been formed from the back of the budget, in the region and summed up the indication of individual adjustments in the area, to save the power for those who have not managed

Pererakhunok in connection with the hourly view

For 1 day, the procedure for carrying out pererakhuniv for communal services during the hour (on the next 5 calendar days) during the day is often changed in a living environment, not possessed by an adjunct.

Earlier, after 30 days, when I arrived I was happy to finish the bulo, I will write about those who have not lived in the apartment for a long singing hour, and given such documents, so that I can confirm the triviality of the hour:

  • a) a copy of the update about the update or the update about the update, dependent on the robot;
  • b) a clue about the transfer to the license in the stationary license;
  • c) valid receipts, issued on the person who lives with him (if the person is willing, please refer to the given documents according to the rules of their registration), or even copies;
  • d) rakhunks for living in a hotel, a gourmet trip for an hour-long stay or a copy;
  • e) informing the body of the internal information about the hourly restoration of the person living behind the month of his hourly transfer;
  • f) a confirmation of the organization, so that I will protect the living quarters, in which case it is time to day;
  • g) іnshі documents to confirm the time of the day.

In 2017, pay for communal services during the period of the stay in the apartment, according to the new rules. There are changes in the living legislation on the turn of the united cities can only be claimed by those residents, in whose apartments there is a technical possibility of installing an individual or private (apartment) attachment. You can edit the relevant document at the visitor's office of communal services.

Rozrakhunok pay for housing and communal services for the duration of the stay permanently and for the hours of living of the hulks

It’s a hint of a zm_na stosuєtsya shvidshe quiet, who has a lot of apartments. For 1 day, when they are out, they live permanently and for hours at a time in the living quarters of the hulks, and also attached to the oblast a lot of communal services to be insured from the urahuvannya of some of the masters of such an abode.

In addition, even if earlier some of them lived for an hour, when they started at the office, if they had declared a protocol about the administrative law-enforcing authority, folded up by an important organ, then now there is enough of an act put together by the viconav’s servant.

ad hoc facilities

For those who are quiet, who don’t have a connection, from 1 June 2017, the growth rate will be stagnant to the standard of living - 1.5. Ale vinyatok: it is strictly for the standard to continue to pay, but it’s not at all technically feasible to set up an adjustment.

Well, it’s ashamed to be happy, since they don’t pass the show to the chiefs, then for them there may be inappropriate sanctions. Even earlier, for the big people, who do not transmit the display to the field, pay for the electricity and for the services of cold and hot water supply for a long time, which was carried out at the mid-millennial values, then now the deadline is soon. That is, in every three months, the subscriber will pay in the average, and then - immediately behind the standard.

The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade received a 2% increase in tariffs for housing and communal services due to an increase in MPE from 18% to 20%. About writing Izvestia.

It is evident that some changes are needed, that you will be able to get the “winners of the income” from the resource-supplying organizations, which can lead to the collapse of the financial state.

As a result of the information, the Ministry also confirmed that in this hour the options for compensation for resource supplying companies will be negotiated.

To clarify, with such changes, the parity of the services of the ZhKG will not change, ale the sum of money will be changed through the tribute included in the payment.

Earlier, the Russian leader Volodymyr Putin signed the law, which approved the increase in the tax rate for the date of payment from 1 June 2019 to 20% from 18%.

Tariffs for housing and communal services from 1 April 2018 to Moscow, table, official website Tver-portal.ru information.

Vlada Moskvy has been adjusting tariffs for a number of utility services for 1 month, the maximum rate for cold water supply and water supply has become 7.5%, we reported to Interfax in the administrative department.

“According to the ordinances of Moscow, the middle-aged communal services for the population are not guilty of overriding 5.5%, the protest for those who see the service did not change the tariffs,” said the agency's spokesperson.

For Muscovites, the growth in cold water supply and water supply became the maximum - by 7.5%. Now the rate of a cubic meter of cold water is 38.06 rubles, a cubic meter of water supply is 27.01 rubles. A cubic meter of hot water for residents of the "old" of Moscow has grown by 4.4% to 188.53 rubles per cubic meter. With a large increase in the tariff for scorched warehouses from 1.5% to 3.7%.

The rate of gas per cubic meter for the population grew by 3.6% to 6.63 rubles. The price of electricity at a one-rate tariff in booths with gas stoves has not changed and has been surpassed at the level of 5.38 rubles per kWh / year. The rate of 1 kWh / year at a tariff differentiated for two or three zones has not changed in the daytime either, and at night it increases by 7.3% to 1.92 rubles.

At booths with electric plates, electricity at a one-rate tariff has risen by 6.4% - up to 4.3 rubles per 1 kW / year. The rate of 1 kW / year at a tariff differentiated for two zones did not change in the daytime, and at night it grew by 7.1% - up to 1.35 rubles; with a tariff differentiated for three zones, the increase in the price of one kW / year in the middle and for the next hour has grown by 6.4% to 5.16 and 4.3 rubles, on a separate basis, at night - by 7.1% - up to 1.35 rubles ...

In addition, there are a number of tariffs for housing and communal services for residents of the "novoy" of Moscow in one line of adjustments.

At the same time, the size of outlays for the overhaul of 1 linen does not change and costs 17 rubles per 1 sq. M. m per month.

In Russia, it is customary to increase tariffs for services provided by ZhKG. The first tariffs were growing from the present, and by themselves, the inflation started to break out.

The order has shifted the adjustment of the rates of communal services for summer, if the inflation is promoted through seasonal officials, and for the economy, the increase in tariffs will be increased a lot. Yak new tariffs for housing and communal services from January 1, 2018 to the future in Moscow - as information to the official website of the measure of the city and the providers of communal services.

  • Naskilki virostut tariffs for electricity from 1 lipnya 2018 to rock in Moscow
  • Naskilki podorozchaє cold water and water supply in Moscow from 1 lipnya 2018 to rock
  • New tariffs for scorching and hot water in Moscow from April 1, 2018

Naskilki virostut tariffs for housing and communal services in Moscow for 1 linen for the population

In the middle of the service of housing and communal services in Moscow from January 1, 2018, the price will rise no more, not more by 5.5%. Accept, this figure itself will be revenged in the decision of the region of the country, as it appeared in the end of 2017. The maximum rate of growth of tariffs for all regions of Russia has a maximum rate of increase in prescriptions.

Altogether, low against the background of the earlier rates of growth in the service rates of housing and communal services, the increase in tariffs in 2018 is easy to explain. The official inflation in the last growth has dropped 2.5%, in the flow rate it has been measured at 4%.

Unimportant to those who finance from the budget, the press should pay 5.5% of the growth rate as if it were reached by the government, as a rule of thumb - to finish the great.

At the end of the day, the Prime Minister of the Country Medvedev spoke about those who are not responsible for the tariffs for communal servants, but not for the growth of inflation. For the fact in the same Moscow, the services of ZhKG from 1 April 2018 will go up in price to the top, which is changing the inflation rate.

Chi є on the official website of Moscow events novi tariffs ZhKG z 1 lipnya 2018

It's a pity, the official website of the Moscow measure of the new tariffs for ZhKG, as to celebrate the days in the capital from January 1, 2018, do not produce. Moreover, there is a lot of information about the new resolution of the Moscow district regarding the overhaul of new tariffs.

In such a rank, shukati information about those who will be kostuvati communal servants in Moscow, fixing in the middle of the fate, will be posted on the websites of servants of communal services.

For large residents of Moscow, the cost of one kilovat-year of electricity from lime is not changed. I’m talking about the inhabitants of the so-called old Moscow, such as vikoristovuyut gas stove and pay for the electricity on a single-tariff feeder without breaking for an hour. For them, one kilovat-year of electricity will cost 5.38 rubles, at a time.

If you live quietly in the old, or the main, Moscow, who have established high tariff rates, then for them the price will not rise too high - they will change 1.79 rubles for a year of energy and will cost 1.92 rubles. For two- and three-tariff zones, there will be no tariffs for two or three tariffs.

And the axis is for quiet residents of the new Moscow, who use electric plates, a kilovat, a year to grow up to the next values:

  • For a single-tariff hospital - up to 4.30 rubles (4.04 at a time).
  • For a two-tariff feeder:
    • for the peak zone - up to 4.95 rubles (4.65 at a time),
  • For a three-rate feeder:
    • for the peak zone - up to 5.16 rubles (4.85 at a time),
    • for napіvpіkovіy zones - up to 4.30 rubles (4.04 at a time),
    • for new zones - up to 1.35 rubles (1.26 at a time).

And the axis for the inhabitants of the so-called new Moscow (Troitsky and Novomoskovsky okrugs of the capital) grows up to 100% of the skin.

For most people, they live in the cich districts of electric power, they will be so kostuvati, as for the residents of old Moscow, see the portal Therussiantimes.com. And the axis of vikoristovuvati large tariffs in the new Moscow will not be so obvious, as in the old - the tariffs for them appear to be visceral.

For those living in the Novomoskovsky and Troitsky AT of Moscow, who live in booths with gas stoves in places that are not common to those of the Silska, new tariffs are in the offensive rank:

  • For a one-tariff hospital - 5.38 rubles (5.24 at a time).
  • For a two-tariff feeder:
    • for the peak zone - 6.19 rubles (6.03 at a time),
  • For a three-rate feeder:
    • for the peak zone - 6.46 rubles (6.29 at a time),
    • for napivp_kov_y zones - 5.38 rubles (5.24 at a time),
    • for a new zone - 2.41 rubles (2.24 at a time).

For those who are quiet, who use electric stoves, new tariffs from electrics look like this:

  • For a one-rate hospital - 4.30 rubles (3.93 at a time).
  • For a two-tariff feeder:
    • for the pikovoy zone - 4.47 rubles (4.41 at a time),
  • For a three-rate feeder:
    • for the pikovoy zone - 4.93 rubles (4.59 at a time),
    • for napivpіkovіy zones - 4.11 rubles (3.83 at a time),
    • for new zones - 1.70 rubles (1.58 at a time).

Nareshti, for the residents of the new Moscow, who live in the world, natural to the Silk, the new tariffs for 1 linen are as follows:

  • For a single-tariff hospital - 3.77 rubles (3.67 at a time).
  • For a two-tariff feeder:
    • for the peak zone - 4.34 rubles (4.22 at a time),
    • for new zones - 1.70 rubles (1.58 at a time).
  • For a three-rate feeder:
    • for the pikovoy zone - 4.52 rubles (4.40 at a time),
    • for napivpіkovіy zones - 3.77 rubles (3.67 at a time),
    • for new zones - 1.70 rubles (1.58 at a time).

On the official website of Mosvodokanal, information about new tariffs for cold water and water supply in Moscow is posted.

Similarly to electricity tariffs, the rate of these services can also be adopted for residents of old and new Moscow.

At the border of old Moscow, new tariffs for the population with the maximum permissible allowance are as follows:

  • cold water - 38.06 rubles per cubic meter (35.40 at a time),
  • water supply - 27.01 rubles per cubic meter (25.12 at a time).

For the new Moskva, tariffs lie in specific districts and settlements.

Cold water
water supply

Miskyi district Shcherbinka

Settlement Moskovsky, Vnukovsky, Voskresenske, Desenovskoe, "Mosrentgen", Sosensky, filimonivska

Settlement shchapovsko, Klenivsky

Settlement Voronovskiy, Krasnopakhorskoe (behind the vignette of the village of the state minzag), Mikhailove-Yartsevskiy, Rogivske

Settlement of the general government minzaga settlement Krasnopakhorskoye

settlement Ryazanovsky

Miskyi district Troitsk

Settlement Kievsky, Pervomaiske, Novofedorivskoy, Kokoshkin, Marushkinskoe

As soon as there is a scorching and hot water, then the tariffs for the services are desirable and visible, for the common resident there is a lot of these services for the better. Tariffs are the rate of Gcal of heat, as you go to the hot water supply and to get the service of the hot water supply.

Moreover, the tariff is due to the fact that the connections are available to the heating point anyway. It is practically unrealistic to go to all of the most sinister Muscovites.

Protest, new tariffs are visible, and it is possible in them zorієntuvatisya:

  • if at a time Gcal of heat costs 1742.92 rubles for you, then new tariff- 1806.89 rubles,
  • If you pay 2199.24 rubles for Gcal of heat at a time, then the new tariff is 2279.95 rubles.

You can easily clarify the current rate and you can easily pay for scorching or hot water.

Zrostannya to the tariff in both drops - 3.67%. It’s very simple to see the rise in tariffs for hot water and heat.

dzherelo www.tver-portal.ru

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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