How to install stele light fixtures. How to install a point lamp at the stretch stele

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The constant increase in the cost of energy resources, the need for new economy, the urgency of saving the necessary middle ground have raised the people to the age of light like a fire of light. Easy to install, easy to use, so as not to give a negative impact on people and nature as a whole, the stench of the recently popular compact energy-saving lamps.

Later, in order to understand the importance of light lamps, it is necessary to understand why the stench develops that principle of work they have.

Vlastuvannya light-emitting lamp

The lamp is folded with a set of light-emitting diodes, so that they show the total intensity of the lamp, the circuits that control it, and the body with the lamp. Light-emitting lamps, designed for single-button victoria lamps, equipped with a standard base E14 or E27 for replacement extraordinary lamps roasting. The number of light sources can be different - from one to ten dozen, included in one lancet and connected to the circuit that controls, through the block of life.

So, as a light when robots see a significant amount of heat, it is necessary to cool it down. Miraculously cope with the introduction of heat radiators, to which light is attached. Consideration should be given to the fact that at the point of dotik of the light source and the radiator, special thermal grease can be used, which ensures good heat transfer. In the other case, with constant overheating of the light source, the term of service will significantly shorten.

The photo shows a deck of types of radiators for light sources.

Scheme of a light-emitting lamp

The primary scheme of lighting with light diodes at the lamp looks like this:

At the input, a resistor is installed to extinguish, and єmnіst - stench plays the role of a lowering block of life. Dali, shards of light live less post-strum, a new place is being installed, which changes the voltage at the post. In the representations of the scheme, all the light is connected sequentially, but the only way is the same way. Such "light bulbs" can be connected in parallel one to one, or in a different way, as shown below.

Parallel to the creation of light sources. Obov'yazkovo sequentially up to the skin lamp, the resistor is to blame, which surrounds the strum, to protect the light from the breakdown.

Zmіshane z'єdnanny svіtlodiodіv. In this case, the skin group of consecutively connected lamps was connected in parallel one to one.

Not a fraction of the last wedding is those who, at a time when one element of the lancet goes out of tune, the whole collection cannot be worked out, so that the lance has a shaved shave. If the light does not just burn out, but becomes one of the trials, then in such a state the lansy will not be interrupted, but the shards of tension have lost their vitality, and the number of saps has changed; The cost of the schemes of mixed order. The greatest hope in this way is the parallel scheme for connecting a light-emitting lamp, to wind half of the lamps out of harmony, you can continue to win your functions, but not to full strength. And yet such schemes are more expensive, so it is rare for them to win.

How to choose a light lamp?

Zavdyaki modern technologies and rіznomanіtnostі svіtlodіodіv, yakі are sold in elektrotehnіchnіchnyh shops and budіvelnіh supermarkets, it's not easy to choose a lamp zі svіtloіodіv. The back of the head needs to be chosen, which kind of lighting is the best for the other destination. For example, as a corridor at the front, there is no need to install dot lamps, but more aesthetically, you can mount a light line, as a whole you can install it yourself, gluing it along the perimeter of the stele.

It is sold completely ready for installation, from one side it closes with a plug, which protects contacts from oxidation, and otherwise it can see dross, as if it is connected to the block of life with additional polarity. It is necessary to choose a life block (LED-driver) to live the whole lance without re-wandering. In one meter of such a line, up to 60 light diodes can be placed. As a rule, choose a block of life, which may be 10-15% higher than the nominal tension. Such extensions are not recommended to be curved in small niches with indoor ventilation, the shards of the LED-driver can see a significant amount of heat with their robot. As an option - vikoristovuvat blocks of life with primus ventilation.

Just as for the rest of the night it’s a whole light line, then for the hall of the bedroom it’s supposed to be ineffective as the main lighting. Її at the great kіmnats zastosovuyut like a light fixture, and the main lamps are put on the walls for maximum comfort. When planning light illumination, it is necessary to protect the area of ​​the room, the height of the bed, the surface of the wall, and the intensity of the lamps. If the entire set of possessions is purchased, proceed to the selection of lamps.

For this, light is fixed on the radiator with applied thermal paste. Even though the area of ​​the radiator allows to bring in heat from a number of lamps, it is allowed to fix the nominal number of light diodes on a new one. As light fixtures are selected, articles on the Internet should be reported to describe the process. Golovnya, for which it is necessary to give respect - all the tension and reconciliation. So, one of the most popular light diode SMD. The stench may be marking smd3528/1210, smd5050/5060 and smd5070 (the most). The numbers near the marking of the light-emitting diodes mean their expansion. For example, smd5050 can be 5x5 mm, and smd5070 is 5x7 mm. Zavdyaki small roses similar to light-colored lights are practically creased: at light-colored lines and lamps, at lines and other lighting fixtures.

Light-colored lamps are visible:

  • linear,
  • stele,
  • really,
  • handicrafts,
  • spotlights,
  • underwater vikonannya (for pools and fountains),
  • light controllers (for the implementation of color dynamics, for example, in discos and concert performances).

Luminaires can be equipped with motion sensors, which significantly increase the resource of the work of the lights, so that they turn on only once, if necessary. Podіbne obladnannya vіdmіnno pratsyuє vіd'їzdakh budinkovіv, dovgiy corridors іvіsіv іnshih mіstsyakh, de postіyne illuminating is not necessary.

Іsnuyut ready luminaires, as if they had radiators, rozrahovaniy on installed svіtlodіodi. How to know for independent storage if it is not enough, then you can use ready-made solutions and add, for example, a light lamp for a booth - pick up light on radiators. They lay them in the body, which can become the color of any apartment.

Installation of a light-emitting lamp

The versatility of lamps with light-emitting diodes allows them to be used practically in any place, including the use of advanced water. ale LED lamps when you work, you see a significant amount of heat, so turn off your installation in the kitchen above the cooking stove. In the presence of additional heating and the filthy introduction of heat, the light will not last long and will be out of tune.

Light-emitting lamps have proven themselves to be light fixtures near the vats and bedrooms. The stench is miraculously mounted on the surface without any special problems. The axis is like this, for example, it is necessary to install a light-emitting lamp on the tension bed:

Keeping in mind the clumsy scheme, similarly, such lamps are installed on the suspended stele with drywall.

Albeit in a room, in which it is planned to install light lighting, a steel monolithic concrete slab, then it is necessary to choose overhead or suspended type lamps.

In such a case, the fastening of the light-emitting lamp, or the suspended structure, goes directly onto the concrete surface for additional special openings at the body of other attachments.

Connecting a light-emitting spot light

Respect! Mustaches of robots, connected with the connection of lamps to electric lights, are guilty of vikonuvatysya with a switched-on voltage, so that they can be destroyed by an electric jet!

Obviously, in order to connect a point lamp, it is necessary to lay it to the place where the strum-conducting rod is installed. If it is planned to install a suspended or tension stele, then in such a situation a plastic sleeve is stretched into a corrugated plastic sleeve, which, at its edge, is fastened with staples on the stele.

After laying all the wires and installing the LED-drivers, a suspended stele is installed manually for the maintenance of the space with the heating ventilation. Dali neatly look into the new one, which shows the diameter of the lamps and carefully leads the darts, as if they are connected to the clamps of the lamp. When the lamps are connected, they are installed in piercing openings, taking care of the precautions, so as not to break the lamp, or not to harm the spitting of the tension steel. Moreover, even though there is a stretch stele in the room, then thermal lamps are installed on the lamp, which will prevent overheating of the heater. And the axis for drywall insoles is not an obov'yazkovoy procedure.

The connection is made according to the scheme:

If the installation of luminaires and their connections is correct, then when voltage is applied to the living blocks, the lamps will light up.

How to replace a dot lamp in a lamp?

Obviously, manufacturers of light-emitting lamps declare great terms for the operation of their products, but with the wrong choice of light-emitting diodes, their term of life can significantly change and the stench will be replaced.

To replace the lamp of a spotlight, it is necessary:

  • turn on the voltage in the room or apartment;
  • carefully pull out the stop ring, as if wiping out the slope;
  • remove the lamp, which seemed to be in harmony, and replace it with a new one;
  • put the fold on the plate and fix it with a locking ring.

The replacement of the lamps should be carried out in white mittens, so as not to damage the light and not to leave fat on the surface, which is found on our fingers.

After the completion of these operations, you can apply pressure and make the results of your work.

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We guarantee vikonannya robit at the shortest term! The price for the installation of light fixtures is good for the skin client. Enlist the support of professionals!

*When you buy this lamp from us in the online store, the installation cost will change and the storage time will be 250 rubles.

** For all installed products, the company OPTELEKTROMONTAZH provides a guarantee for up to 5 years.

Correctly chosen lighting plays an unappreciated role, whether it be assigned to you. It helps to promote the promotion of practicality, knowledge of the matter and help to set the accent and zone the space and see that chi in the other area. The company "Optelectromontazh" performs the installation of light fixtures. We propose a wide selection of outbuildings for any taste. Our illumination will help to make your presence brighter and quieter. It's out to spit on the official atmosphere in the office.

Folding order

Installation bed lampsє fold tasks. Wine is added up in a number of stages. The project is being created in the beginning, the investigation of some fakhivtsi to carry out a real analysis of the object. Tse allows you to choose the most functional and most important solution. Our company promotes all kinds of services associated with the installation of lighting systems. We replace lamps, control systems, light fixtures and projectors and other. Installation of light stele luminaires - an arc in the background, which emphasizes the obviousness of the singing habits, reduce that professional knowledge. In addition, it’s right for sure that all the robots will be victorious, to lay down the security of the system. To that, the task can be trusted only to the fahivtsy high level qualification.

Vikonani roboti

The best alternative to old-fashioned lighting is the installation of Armstrong light fixtures. We create an individual solution for the skin object, having developed the optimal amount of light. Strumoprovidnі droti, yakі vikoristovuyutsya for connection to the yard, will be attached under the tension or hanging stele. Fahivtsі isolate them for the help of a corrugated sleeve. This solution allows to raise the level of reliability and security of the entire system. In order to protect the surface from overheating, special thermocouples are used. After laying the wiring and LED-drivers, the installation of stele lamps is carried out, the price of the work is paid individually, depending on the order of the stacked scheme. Before the hour of installation of new devices, the specialists of our company can install additional devices.

Advantages of light-emitting diodes:

  1. Economy. Luminaires of the new generation are the best solutions for any type. The stench mayut low energy supply.
  2. Trivaliy term of exploitation. Light can serve as a stretch for a decade, which is necessary for regular maintenance and repairs on its own.
  3. Hopefulness. Such lighting can be exploited for any weather minds. It works miraculously at low temperatures.
  4. Environmental safety. In light fixtures, there is no mercury and other unsafe conditions.
  5. Yakist. The presence of fasting merekhtinnya allows you to reduce the stiffness of the eyes.

Installation of office light fixtures Armstrong near Moscow. Installation of office lighting

Naturally see the fire, added to the production of energy, step by step they are used. Alternative energy is developing insufficiently fast and does not catch up with the shortage of electricity for the poor, which will inevitably lead to a steady increase in vartosti. Such minds need an alternative to the expensive and ineffective lighting with heating lamps.

Often the problem was solved by the so-called energy-saving lamps, which quickly gained popularity. Prote їhnya high price and lack of durability did not allow them to become a "wand" for everyone and go to the skin booth.

Not long ago, they had a good and significantly effective replacement - light. The victoriousness of victoria, ease of installation, energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, low versatility - all this allows vicoristing light fixtures for internal lighting in a skin booth.

The light-emitting diode did not have a small number of necessary parameters and vikoristovuvalis only in light-emitting devices or in low-pressure emergency systems. However, with the development of technology, the stinks have increased their capacity and now they are mass-growing in the butt and industrial applications. Variants of a variety of impersonal things: from decorative, different-colored lighting, to the main lighting of great places.

The peculiarities of the installation of light fixtures are significantly influenced by the classic lighting lamps. Possibly, to the very same pace, the width of the same is not so strimki, as if it were possible to be smart.

However, there is nothing superfluous for someone who creates light with his own hands. It is not necessary for a mother to know the singing rules of work with such lights of light. With this method, look at the pluses and minuses, the rules of the rozrahunka, the choice of the installation.

Advantages and shortcomings

The main positive qualities that a light lamp can have are:

  1. The best energy efficiency among those available on the market is light;
  2. Environmental friendliness, the frequency of seeing shkidlivyh speeches during the process of exploitation and when utilizing the used elements;
  3. Superbly trivial term of exploitation is absolutely inconspicuous with lighting lamps or luminescent lamps - 10 years and more.

Important! The great hour of the service of svіtlodіodіv without intermediary lie down in yakosti. That way, the cheapest Chinese products can be propagated for 1-2 months, and the expensive high quality ones can not burn out after 15 years.

  1. A light lamp allows even smoother adjustment of brightness, as well as the ability to change the color of illumination (!);
  2. Svіtlodіod іn ії її ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї іnoї ї bіbratsії;
  3. Knowing everything, the haircuts of the voltage in the home electric light are brought to the “flashing” of standard lighting fixtures - lightening the minus, the shards of lightness caused not by the pressure of the electric stream, but by the force of it;
  4. In the spectrum of viprominyuvannya svetlodiodіv vіdsutnє іnfrachervone and ultraviolet - farba tapestries, walls, fabrics do not burn, like under the change of lamps rozzharyuvannya.

As soon as you use technical outbuildings, it didn’t work out without a spoonful of dog. However, on today's day, one thing was revealed: to make the highest quality of the same diodes. And if you want to change the term of service, then, ymovirno, varto talk about the cost of lighting lamps and luminescent ones, and not light ones.

Galuz zastosuvannya

There are two main ways in which you can organize the connection of light sources for lighting:

  • choose a light line for a rozvіlenogo illumination of the place: s її s її s її s її s її s її s її s її s її can be created decoratively podsvіchuvannya okremih dіlyanok - it’s good to go for “attached” lighting, if the dzherelo light itself is not visible;
  • vykoristannya ready svіtlodiodnogo svіtilnya yak dzherelo svіtla - road option, accessory for spot lighting.

Important! Illumination for the help of ready-made light fixtures may have a more traditional and primal look, especially like the victors in the cases of wall sconces or like a chandelier for a wall. nothing visually looks at their great brothers and it is necessary to practice with him just like that.

The shards of a robot with light-colored lamps are practically not breathable in a similar procedure from the most famous traditional ones, then the stench is not visible to the eye. Heba varto know, how to properly open the tension for sufficient illumination of the place. Ale, oskіlki rozrahunok natuzhnosti similar to that for a light-colored line, then the same її і next vykoristovuvat.

Svіtlodіodna Strachka Dzvollaє Shemevati "Navitonchenіshі" Shememi Olevitlennia Primіschennyhnya, p_dsvіchuvannya Rіzniki Okhanyh zones (repentance, Pіdsvіchuvannya Kitchen Fountains Abo Kontourіv Shaf), Riogiti Assumsulennia Pіd Steley Abo Pіdsvіchuvannya Stіn on the vs perimeter KIMNATI. The possibilities are less than the imagination of the designer.

The available options are significantly expanded by the possibility of victorising in lightened colors and changing them. Here, obviously, it is necessary for the nobility of the world and not to overdo it - a heap of colors can lead to a healthy result and the design of the interior is impregnable.

Attached lighting under the wall along the perimeter of the room visually increases the size of the room, which is relevant for small apartments.

In the widest way, we use light stitches and lightening in closets, mezzanines and other closed elements of the interior. The kits with automatic wiping add great functionality (especially important for kitchen cloakrooms and large wardrobes).

Rozrahunok kіlkosti diodіv

For a simple pіdrakhunku nebhіdnoї natuzhnosti svіtlodiodіv і can skoristatisya zvіnyannâ zvichnymi lamps zazharyuvannya, for tsіgo it is necessary to know the indications of the svіtlovoj flow, which are let out by tsimi dzherelami:

  • skin lamp glowing at approximately 13 lm/W (lumens per watt) of light output;
  • rіznі svіtlodіodi can see rіznі rіven і іn the borders 75-90 lm/W (average 80 lm/W)

Knowing the number of data, just drink a few light bulbs, so that you can replace the roasting lamp. For example, instead of a 100-watt light bulb, which emits 13x100 = 1300 lumens, you need 16.25 W (17 - rounded off at the big side) of light diodes. In this rank, you can beat 18 light bulbs of 1 cotton wool, or 9 pieces of 2 W, or 2 sweats of 9 W. And you can speed up with one straining dot light fixture for 20 watts.

Important! With the advent of the light of day, you should turn your respect to their stream of light. The average, vin dorivnyu 75-90 lm / W, but other copies may have significantly better characteristics. So, for example, the light-emitting diode Luminus CSM-360 can show 115 lm / W, and the Cree XLamp XHP70 model - 150 lumens per watt.

For the organization of standard spot lighting with rational and alternative light sources or light fixtures. If so, it is planned to evenly add light or walls over the whole area, it is optimal to take a lot of low-pressure lamps of light (for example, a line with light diodes).

Vibir dzherela life

It is also necessary to turn on the power supply, so as to connect the light one day to the electric light, even if the voltage of the light is not 220, but 12 or 24 volts (strings with a voltage of 36 and 48 volts, but rarely trap).

The length of the light-colored line is always standard and becomes 5 m, or you can compensate for the difference in the number of diodes from the different intensity. For the rozrahunka, a trace comes out of the total tightness of the stitched line.

In a zagalom, the next step is the foot for the child's need for tightness to the block of life for the connection of a light line:

  1. The index of tension in the sample should be indicated by one meter (for example, 6 W / m), also, to remove the total tension, it is necessary to multiply the figure by the dovzhina - in the case of the application 6x5 = 30 W .;
  2. For blocks of life, there is such an ostentation, like a reserve of tension. It is planned to turn on other lighting (for example, lighting in hats), wines are taken equal to 1.3. If you have a constant basic illumination, if you have a good time without vaping, then the stock of tension is taken equal to 1.5. The intensity of the block of life will come out as a way of multiplying the light-emitting diodes to show the reserve - in the case it will be 30x1, 5 = 45 W (as it is planned to be constantly illuminated) or 30x1, 3 = 39 W (for periodic inclusion);
  3. The operating voltage of the diodes is indicated on the line, and the block of life follows the same voltage. The current market promotes impersonal blocks of life, with which it is easy to choose the necessary parameters - in the case of a block of life for 12 V and 45 W (or 12 V and 39 W for periodic switching on).

Important! Do not be afraid to go out to get a block of life for the same rozrachunk's tightness. In such a case, a block with greater intensity should be added: in the butt, there can be blocks for 50 and 40 W, respectively.

As you can see from the above, the clothes are clumsy, and they are easy to work on the go right in the emergency store, so you need to know the lighting parameters. When buying a varto, pay attention to the variant of the hull - the stench is hermetic and not. For robots and varto, you can buy water protection, and for the main applications - no (through the price difference).

Installation of the line and connection to the hem

Before the cob, it works from the placement of the line on the recognition of the їy place, the next thing to remember is the shard of the binding rules:

The installation of a light line on a recognized place, for example, on a stele, is simple, but it takes into account the singing sequence:

If I thought about the cost of repairs at the front, then one of the first meals was food about the choice of the form of the stele and how to install the stele lamps. Mayuchi bagatorіchny dosvіd exploitation of the stretch stele near the bathrooms and the PVC vіtalnі, long time to choose the type of stele did not happen. Virishiv install a tension stele made of PVC, leading to numerous advances, in line with other types of stele finishing.

I had a chance to think about the stele lamps. From one side I wanted to install modern light dot lamps for the beds, and from the other side, in the front, hung a self-contained set of lamps, a chandelier and a wall lamp, made by hand. The stench was like me, and I didn’t want to separate from the chandelier, I didn’t want to.

A compromise was found, a chandelier and a sconce at the entrance to the front, to hang on large places, and in the corridor to the front, where a single-lamp lamp is on the wall hanging, install dots of lamps, to get into the tension of the bed.

First, install the tension stele, it is necessary to lay the electrical wiring, and in order to lay the darts, it is necessary to expand wiring diagram, Vykhodyachi z mind the number of lamps, the type of light bulbs and their tightness.

Selecting the type of light bulb for a built-in stele lamp

First, lower the lamp, which will be placed in the bed, it is necessary to choose the type of light bulbs and determine the necessary quantity, which will ensure sufficient illumination of the room. At this time, for installation in the stele, lamps to wake up, zastosovuyt chotiri see lamps: heating, halogen, compact (they are also called energy-saving or daylight lamps) and light. The leather type of light bulbs may have its own advantage and nedolіki, on additions to the minimum distance between the horizon of the installation of a suspended stele and a stationary one, which in cases with low stele is the primary factor.

Having speeded up the table below, you can easily find the optimal choice for the type of light bulbs for the hanging stele, out of your own strength and borderline minds.

Table for choosing the type of light bulbs for lamps to be installed in a hanging bed.
Technical characteristics Lamp type
InjectionHalogenovaenergy savingSvіtlodiodna
Minimum distance between the main and hanging beds*, cm10-12 5-6 10-12 5-6
life pressure,220 12, 220 220 12, 220
Light sweat*, Lm/W10-15 15-20 50-70 80-120
Maximum pressure*, W40 40 40 7
Color temperature, °K2700 3000 2700, 3300, 4200, 5100, 6400 2700, 3300, 4200, 5100
Service term*, year1000 4000 8000 70000
PriceToo lowLowMiddleVisoka

The technical parameters, marked *, may vary from the larger side to the smaller side in the fall in the design of the lamp and the light bulb, the tightness of the light bulb, the chimney, the type of the hanging stele. For example, stretching PVC steles are afraid of heating more than 60 ° C, and between them, the dimming of light bulbs in lamps that are to be exposed is acceptable.

It should be noted that halogen lamps, rozrakhovan on voltage of 12, and 220 V, are more sensitive to overvoltage of life and often burn out. For 12 V halogen lamps, a step-down transformer or a living block (adapter) is required, for which you do not need to forget, at the time of installing a suspended steel without access to the space between the beds, transfer a special space on the wall.

More detailed information about the lamps for heating and halogen, energy-saving, light-emitting diodes you can see by looking at the pages specially assigned to them on the site.

Razrahunok of sweating and the number of lamps

The intensity of the lamps to lay down in view of the expansion of the premises (area, heights and shapes), the color of the walls and furniture, the recognition of the room and the master's privileges. Who wants to love brightly, but who is warm to the soul, rose light of little brightness.

It is practically impossible to accurately analyze the tightness and the number of lamps, with the correction of the necessary factors. For an estimated rose, you can speed up the data according to the lightness, presented in the tables, zavdyaky, with the improvement of the light flow, which should lie in the type of light bulb, you can choose how much and how much tension you need to put in the fixtures, fall in the form.

Table for the spread of tension and the number of lamps in the fall depending on the type of application
Type of accommodation Attenuation required for lighting 1m2 area of ​​application
in fallow type of lamp
InjectionHalogenovaenergy savingSvіtlodiodna
child40 30 10 5
Kitchen30 25 7 4
Vitalnya, bath, bathroom25 20 6 3
Bedroom, front, corridor20 15 5 2
Subsidiary accommodation10 7 2 1

We can look at the butt of the rosemary, which I timid for the corridor in front of peace. It was planned to install light stele spotlights. The shape of the corridor is є with the letter T with plot areas of 2.8 m 2 and 4.5 m 2. The total area of ​​the corridor became 7.3 m2. Calculate the required intensity of the lamps 7.3 × 2 = 15.6 W. So, as the height of the steles became 2.75 m, and the walls were planned to be dressed in the colors of creme brulee, to improve the folding shape of the corridor, then optimal solutions there will be installed several stele spotlights with light lamps installed in them with a small margin, intensity of 5.5 W, voltage of 220 V, with a GU5.3 pin base. Styrovy plinth for hanging beds is a good tim, scho may be small dimensions, which is important with a small height between the space.

On the walls near the corridor before the repair hung pictures of artists, as if it was planned after the completion of the repair, there would be more than enough places. Therefore, for the unconstructed transmission of colors, light-emitting lamps of white light, a color temperature of 4000 K, were selected.

It should be noted that the luminaires in the premises of the vicorist were used as a single source of illumination, do not start to full. The best result can be achieved by placing additional wall lamps and floor lamps near the work area. At this time, the dimming of the lamps in the insole lamps can be changed.

For the visibility of the lamps of local lighting, it is possible to see more of the lamps, which can be seen in the upper stele, replacing their light-emitting stele with a light-colored line. So, when the illumination of the apartment is improved, the creative fantasies will be ignited.

Selecting a wire for electrical wiring of spotlights

For the laying of electrical wiring of the living quarters, selected lamps with a total intensity of 22 W, for the installation of electrical wiring, underfloor insulation, applications for the laying of electrical wiring. It is best to fit a medium-sized bag under a safe wire, for example, type PVA 2 × 0.75. It is possible not to worry about the wire wire cut, the maximum strum oscillators do not exceed 0.1 A.

When vikoristannі in the insole lamps of halogen lamps for 12 V, the thread must be loosened up. One such light bulb of 60 W power supply 5 A. If you need ten light bulbs for lighting, then the power supply is 50 A.

Select and attach a spot light that will wake up.

The range of luminaires in any store of lighting equipment is great, but the stench is still the same and is only admired by the appearance of the bodywork and additional embellishments. In some models of budding lamps, the ability to change the light flow directly at small boundaries has been transferred.

So if it was necessary for me to see the corridor, then I fell on the simplest type of lamp, in a set of some other basement cartridge.

Whether it is in the future, the insole lamp is folded into the body, which is a figured profile ring with maidanchiks for attaching two springs with ears. Fallow according to the type and intensity of light bulbs, lamp cases of different diameters and can be used in them daily, like a lamp in the photo is more visible, or the installation of an electric cartridge, as a rule, is E14.

A special place is occupied by light-pointed lamps, in which light-emitting diodes are installed directly in the buildings on another plate.

You can’t replace a light bulb in such a lamp, and at some point in the future, you will have to change the lamp as a whole, or shukati light for replacement. It is expensive to make such lamps.

For lamps without bulges, for fixing the light bulb in the housing, serve as a spring at the sight of the ring, which is opened.

The light bulb is inserted into the body of the lamp and is fixed behind the rahunok of the spring ring, stretching, to enter into a specially grooved groove in the body. Such a lamp is suitable for installing both halogen bulbs and light ones. At the time of replacing the halogen bulbs with light bulbs, or back, do not forget to reverse it, because the stink of the life is repaid.

For fixing a stele dot luminaire, near the movable stele, independently of the same type, in a given position of the stele, there is an opening, which is smaller than the outer diameter of the flange of the luminaire body.

Vushka springs hands zvoditsya one to one flooring, so that the stench went through the opening of the steel. The vushka winds up in the opening of the steel and is let out. Spiraling on the inner surface of the hanging stele, retract the lamp until it stops with the flange into the lower surface of the stele and in this way fix the lamp.

Such a simple design of the fastening of the stele lamp allows you to hide the elements of the fastening and easily remove the lamp from time to time. It is enough to take up the basis of the lamp and pull it down.

After installing the body of the lamp on a suspended stele, a wire is stretched through it and comes for an additional terminal block to the cartridge. The cartridge is pulled onto the base of the light bulb, the light bulb is inserted into the body of the lamp and fixed with a spring.

electrical wiring diagram
for point stele lamps

Before the spatula is installed, after the choice of the type of light bulbs, the expansion of their tightness, the number of lamps and the point of their installation, the electrical wiring diagram is expanded. When developing an electrical circuit, it is necessary to repair the points and methods of connecting wires between themselves and with lamps.

So, as darts were already coming out of the walls, before the wall lamp was connected, then before these darts, the stele lamps were connected. It was planned to install a suspended PVC tension steel, and the darts came out more than the tension steel, and, later, there would be no access to the installation site after the installation of the steel. Therefore, all the connections were made in the best way, by twisting them with distant soldering tin-lead solder. Dots of rations were marked on the electric circuit.

When choosing a place for the installation of lamps and chandeliers at the premises, in which there is a TV set or a computer, a trace of memory, what will fall in exchange for light and air. For the improvement of this rule, the lamps need to be installed in areas that include their display on the monitor screen, so for choosing the installation points of the lamps, it is necessary to think about how the furniture will be arranged, where the TV or the computer monitor will be installed.

When choosing light bulbs for 220 V voltage, installation of additional outbuildings is not necessary. At the time of installation of light bulbs on a voltage of 12 V, it is necessary to provide a space for the installation of transformers or adapters for arranging them overall dimensions that can be accessed to them for technical service chi repair.

Respect! In front of the connection of point stele lamps, in order to escape the electric shock, it is necessary to carry out the electrical wiring. For this reason, turn off the automatic automatic switch at the pinky shield and check the connection for the auxiliary phase indicator.

Installation of electrical wiring
for connecting point stele lamps

After the delivery of the lamps, the appointment of the place of their installation, the purchase of materials and the complete set, it is possible to arrange the installation of electrical wiring.

Installation of electrical wiring for the connection of lamps can be carried out at any stage of the repair of the premises, right up to the installation of suspended stelae. Ale, during the repair of the walls near the corridor, it turned out that the light in the lamp, what it was, was not enough. To that, the installation of the electrical wiring happened to vikonaty nasampered, and to the electrical wiring for lighting, turn on the clock cartridges with energy-saving light bulbs.

Before installing the wires, it is necessary to mark the place of installation of the lamps on the wall (circled in the photo) and the points of wire attachment. Provid, for inclusion of sagging, fallow in the form of thinness, fastened with a crop of 40-50 cm.

For fixing the wires on the stele and walls, special dowel-clamps (on the photo are evil) and colored staples (on the photo are right-handed) of various types are used. To fix the dowel with a dowel-clamp on the wall, it is necessary to drill an opening, put a dowel-clamp on the wire and hammer the dowel into the opening. To secure the dart with a flower bracket, it is necessary to press the wire to the wall and score the flowers. Suitable for installation of wires and cables on wood, plastic, plaster.

Hammered in concrete plastering, overlapping the steles of the flower brackets can be worn out and left lying on the PVC sheet. To that, this kind of reinforcement was seen. The dowel-clamp under the hand did not appear, to that, having stuck a simple one best way fastened wires on the wall, behind an additional clamp from a PVC pipe. A hole is drilled at the stele, a dowel is hammered at the new one, a screw is screwed at the dowel through the opening at the clamp. So, like a vaga drotu is scanty, then pіdіyde be a self-tapping screw and dowel of the smallest size of the world.

Harness preparation for electrical wiring.
stele point lamps

Scattered electrical wiring for stele lamps after the installation of a tension stele will be inaccessible for maintenance and repair, all wires are wired in the middle of the space, it is necessary to vikonate in the region above. Ring out for the help of the terminal blocks on the butt of Wago. Ale with the best view of the wiring and soldering, I won the way.

For minimization of obsyag work on the height under the stele, after further preparations of the harness, which will only need to be fastened on the stele and connect to the by-button electrical wiring.

To mark the wires of the harness, that soldering point behind the previously broken rosette on the stele was cut out between the wires for connecting and installing lamps. The results of the experiment were immediately applied to the electrical circuit, as if it were an electrical installation at once.

Preparation of a harness from a mid-range bagatozhny drotu with underwire insulation (the core is entwined with a suture thread and covered with polyvinylchloride). For the sake of clarity, the darts were twisted around themselves in the pussy.

After removing the insulation from the wires, the stench was irradiated with solder. At the other entrance to the corridor, spend a little rozgaluzhuvatisya. To this end, the boules were twisted in pairs and soldered with solder. To give respect, that for the purpose of increasing the reliability of the isolation of the month of the day, the wires were broken by the sound of one alone.

On the darts in front of the z'ednannyam, they were wearing insulating tubes, after the end of the soldering, they were destroyed on the day of the day. To turn off the placement of insulating tubes, the stench was fixed on two sides with cambric, so it would be easy to sit on the wires. Such a method of insulation guarantees the reliability of the electrical wiring to the well-placed area. Insulation of wires can be done even for an additional excellent insulation line. so that you don’t get lost on the cambric, you’ll have to start marking.

A small yard for the dart of the harness with a cross-beam was held lower than the level of the hanging stele. Tsya electric wiring station passed under the plaster. For extra insulation, a polyvinyl chloride tube was attached to the new dotkovo bula.

Pіslya moreover, yak zhgut buv fastenings on the stele, the hour has come to come to the apartment electrical wiring. For that dozhin of the conductor of the podvіyny dart, who went out of the wall, bula pіdrіzana zі zuvom. So, like an old bov, the insulation of yoga became rough and, so as not to live in trouble, it was taken in a thermal way for the help of a soldering iron. They lived on boulders cleaned and irradiated with solder, they were dressed with insulating tubes.

It was lost to wind the rope of the rope on the veins of the lace dart, solder it with solder and put on insulating tubes. Zavdyaki tekhnologii zsuvu mіst z'єdnán z'єdnan provіv trіbnі tubes practіbnі practіbnі practical for the safety of people and aesthetics. Vipadkovo rods of electrical wiring between themselves cannot be connected.

The space of the z'ednannya is moved behind the additional collar with a screw to the stele. The laying of electrical wiring for spotlights in the stele is completed.

Timing of electrical surges in the areas of the possible installation of spotlights for additional terminal blocks are connected, the bulbs are screwed in and repairs can be continued.

Installation of a stele light-emitting lamp
on PVC tension stele

More described is the technology of installing stele lamps, including light ones, whether on a suspended stele, hard construction, for example, on plasterboard, batten stele or Armstrong. At the time of installing a point lamp on the stele, a tension stele is made of PVC, or other plastic material needs to be installed with additional reinforcement, otherwise the stele will be under the vault of the luminaires sagging.

For which special fittings are produced. In the photo there is a universal platform (ramp) for fixing spotlights. The platform has the shape of a cone, on top of which there are gatherings.

To fit the diameter of the opening of the fastening of the platform under the concrete look of the stele lamp, finish with a knife to see the entrance of the gathering from the cone.

To the main stele, the platform is fastened behind an additional steel perforated stitch. Vіdrіzоk strіchki nebhіdnoї dovzhini zmotuєtsya z roll і vіdrіzaєtsya with scissors on metal.

On the platform for fastening with a screw, there are two maidanchiks with openings. If there is no small screw, then you can screw in a long one. The part that you speak must be seen with sidebars.

The fittings for spotlights are screwed with self-tapping screws to the steel, light bulbs for reverification connected. Everything is working, you just need to take out the light bulbs and you can proceed to the installation of the tension stele.

After that, as the tension stele is installed, proceed to the installation of the lamps. In order to ensure that the PVC slab does not tear and does not heat up too much, first work in the opening of the lamp, at the place where it is installed with special glue, a special plastic thermo-insulation ring is glued.

According to the inner stake of the ring, with a host knife, the splinter is vibrated, the cartridge is pulled, and the platform is centered. The perforated stitch is easily deformed, and the stele bends, so you can easily adjust the height and space of the platform at the horizontal plane.

Installation of the lamp on the platform to ensure the proper operation of the robot, turn on the sagging of the tension stele and keep the light on through the heating lock with the replacement of halogen bulbs.

On the photo you can see the final result of the work on the installation of point stele lamps near the tension stele.

m. Novokhokhlivska

A good master, a good professional, I am satisfied with the work) Having installed the lamps in the kitchen and the corridor, we bought light and more with some kind of foldable connections) It turned out just great and to the point, not expensive, which was more important, because the budget of the room. I recommend Igor, kinda))

Promise services:

m. Orikhove

My respect to the electrician Oleksandr, I’m already satisfied with the result - it became so cool in the room with these lamps. I chose light ones, so that the light was bigger and it didn’t get too hot. We have a stela suspended from drywall, I had a chance to spread the specks, having pleased the other, not like I wanted to sprout. And for sure, if the bulo is ready, it became clear - it looked gorgeous ... beauty!

Promise services: Services of an electrician. Installation of light fixtures.

m. Holitsyn

Nareshti knew a normal electrician! It was necessary to visit your site immediately. Sergiy Viktorovich, having installed lamps in the office, I bought light ones, so that they were lighted up quickly and the light did not tremtle. I propagandized my layout, but your master її rejected, saying that the lighting would be uneven, pleasing another order. Installation by setting the key, setting it up, installing the vimikachi. For the price it became, as if they were dominating on the cob. My recommendations.

Promise services: Services of an electrician. Cable laying. Installation of light fixtures. Installed vimics.

m. Stupino

Shukala termіnovo private electrician, the front just vtіk. I bought light fixtures, I like the stink more. Yury vikonav installation ideally and smut shvidko. It's normal for the price, I definitely didn't overpay)) What a greatness!

Promise services: Services of an electrician. Installation of light fixtures.

a glance

The installation of light-emitting lamps allows you to speed up the recovery of electricity by 10 times, matched with a simple electric light bulb, and for a third - with any other fluorescent lamps. For whom such light fixtures do not heat up.

Light illuminating outbuildings can be stagnant in different minds. For the same kind of illumination, I significantly turn over the lamps of roasting. Svitlodiody is the ideal solution for decorating a house in an apartment. Many of them support the option of adjusting the brightness of the light. It is especially needed for saving electricity for a large number of lamps.

The site builds a private mastrіv, how to carry out the installation of lamps. Tse can be like a vbudovanі, so the consignment notes of the illuminating fittings.

Replacement of light fixtures - inexpensive, fast, bright

The replacement of light fixtures of various types and functionality is carried out by our maisters throughout the Moscow region. Electricians perform installation and dismantling of lighting equipment both in living quarters and in office premises.

For large squares, there is no need to decide how to optimize lighting. The specialists of our resource will help you choose the best option. After replacing the main lights, the light on light in the past will be overcome by such problems as:

  • string of light bulbs;
  • make noise that you can see by the men;
  • part of the cost for the bathhouse and the replacement of the lamps.

The robots vibrate as much as possible. The service has an insurance fund, which, if necessary, will be given to the client in some way.

Price for the installation of light fixtures

Vikonavtsi, pіdіbrаnі on maidanchik LIDER USLUG, vikonuyut the whole complex robіt at the stylist's term. The dismantling and installation of the property behind the castle's bazhanny is carried out at weekends.

The quality of the installation of light fixtures is assessed by the repairmen themselves. You won't get cheaper by 20% - 40%, lower from the company. The price for installation is left with a democratic zavdya to the fact that the maidanchik I take for mediocre services is only a small commission. Viklik electrician is able to be in the districts of Moscow and the region.

Before the project is overtaken, the retelny opinion of vikonavtsiv should be given. All specialists are instructed. The system wins automatic algorithms for the reputation of practitioners. Installation of light fixtures

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