Robots to suppress people: why should you talk about it at once, and what is there to be afraid of? Problems of modern robotics, for some robots (for some reason) no one needs a robot.

Zharoznizhuvalny for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconvenient help for feverish women, if the children are in need of giving innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and constipation of fever-lowering drugs. How can you give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

Do not be afraid of the fact that robots will replace people - in the nearest future there will be no such thing. The first axis to the chomu.

Robots do not exist

Robots don’t miss the idea

The price is illogical, the building is more mystical, the power is deprived of people, often additional help to take the correct decision in spite of the facts and logic. Laura Ellis, the vice-president of the Baird & Warner non-hassle agency, will explain on the butt of the robot's agent. “Buyers of boudinks often describe their wishes in a report. Vikoristovuchi technology, I can easily know їм їм їм імістковий збіг for formal criteria. If it’s possible, it’s like this: we’ll go to the booth, and it’s already in three seconds that it’s not the same. It’s not easy to know the “on the porch” booths - the piece intellect, it is easy to fit into the cim, having checked the databases of the tributes. It is more important for the buyers of the booths to know to their hearts' content. The vibe of life is strongly influenced by intuition and emotions, ”- even Laura Ellis.

"Glitches" will always be there

It is important that the majority of Americans (88%) hate cheating and stalking at the checkout. Automatic scanners could be a garnoy alternative, to protect customers and spare the hour of customers.

Just three of the respondents themselves declare that self-service is unique through possible technical problems. If you can live with people at the time of the pardon, then when the robotic cashier breaks down, the buyer appears feverish. And in order to fix the problem, all one needs to know is the man.

What people need people like robots? How to create a pot from a "smart house"? Why does the "European" project not match the Japanese?

About “Evropulse” the director of scientific studies at the National Center of Science for Science (CNSR) Abderrahmen Heddar (France).

A human-like robot yak is a way of responding to an efficient power supply

Anthropomorphic (human-like) robots are the hope of being addicted to the theory of transcendence, as it is to rotate, but human evidence can be transferred to that particular nose, and that people can be virtually immortal.

With a few words, if you will be able to see a robot, similar to a ludin, if you are interested, will you?

Then the salesmen, and behind them, the philosophers and the artists, began to be put as poor food: what does our power mean to us? Filmy "Avatar", "Surrogates" and those who were so rich before them, as for the reason - why do we need it?

Human-like robots manually in the middle

Photo: InstaWalli

We, the more recent developers, are more interested in eating "yak" - how can the robot be built in such a way, how could you win the same functions as a human being?

We took a do-it-yourself light, for whom it is comfortable for the people themselves. We have є doors that can be seen, as you pull the handle, є gatherings that walk with your feet, and so far. I would like to know that we have robots-pomichniki, who live near the same middle-class, that they smell like us.

Forgive the koristuvacham for a simple explanation to the robot, which needs to be robbed, because it smells like the processes in the middle.

To find out that you need the bank from the police by the way. You know that it’s necessary for a person to grow up (stand on a stool, stretch out your hand, and so far). Singingly, you can explain the price to the robot without any special programming tools. And yakbi you need to explain the tse of the great cube? Chim vin grabbing the bank? Who are you interested in? Chotir volumes will not work without instructions.

Do you have any threat to a human-like robot?

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

It is less often to energize, as I am put before people-like robots and before the "smart house", but for no one does not tsikavi my glasses with a kavovarka. By the way, “smart mind” is the price of smart sensors and robots. The stench around us does not wick our special emoticons, but at once it’s as if it’s threatening to come off.

The staunch to the robot changes from Europe. Three rockies to that we spent the last big thoughts in the framework of a great project, tied with robotic assistants.

I saw, for the young generation, an anthropomorphic robot, which independently accepts a solution, but does not associate because of what is terrible because of fantastic films. For young people, it's just a robot - pristіy, which is to bring cinnamon, and the development of people and the development of a robot is as cinnamon as possible.

Japan does not have many of our ethical problems brought up to

Photo: James Pond

I didn’t lose it from France. In the power of robotics, especially in the development of anthropomorphic robots, as a leader in Japan, there I also have projects. So the axis, ethical nutrition, tied with robots and put by people and robots - is still a problem.

I think it’s tied with the release. Among Christians, Muslims, and Jews, the act of creation is in line with God; Therefore, for us, the root of similar robots has a special sense.

And in Japan, to get involved, as a soul, everything, to wind the light bulbs. Tom there, robots will be able to sleep like it’s natural - like another device, which is simpler to rob life. І for them there is no difference blowing machine that is a human-like robot, who himself accepts the solution.

Pomіchnik, before the yak is not lousy

Hello, can you see the robots feel at home - what a good thing?

I am stuck with such a problem: my mother, through a kidnapped vika, cannot fit into the household habits herself. Їy navit smoothly buvaє oversaturated at home. I don’t want ale out, but I helped my sister, who is disgustingly in front of us. І їy komfortnіshe, sob "for her following" lifeless mechanism.

I do not presume to judge the delicate emotional relationships of robots and people - who are good people get attached to robots. The price of a robot for other specialties. But I know for sure that we, technicians and humanitarians, need to be able to do it right away, robots know their place in our suspension.

Photo: James Pond

In addition, anthropomorphic robots are tricky tasks. Do not be surprised that your mother can fuck, gotuvati, pet the dog, and then, for example, make a perfect chair on the robot? So, the robot can be read in many speeches, not changing its construction. So, it’s a lot of buildings, which are the best for robotic designs (for example, for picking up a car). Ale miti pidlogu such a robot is hardly possible.

Not long ago we were working on a human-like "robot-printer" for an aviational galusa. So, through the development and technical issues, I will unfortunately raise the “call” - at this stage, the robots in the middle are bound to blame.

For example, for the electrical wiring from the middle to the fuselage, it is necessary to create a lot of hair-staples. Apply a sprinkle of demand to the wall of the armchair with staples - close to 10 khvili. And then drill through the openings at the others. People should be drilled - the result of the robot is immediately visible, before that, for the whole of the need for mastery. It stinks to hate robustness and signs on the walls - it's tedious and boring.

First, we saw an anthropomorphic robot, which could be seen near the fuselage, like a lyudin, and then, like a printer, “mint” the chair. Yoma were not deprived of the workers themselves, but the representatives of the French professional organizations, who "rub" over the skin workmanship, were welcome.

"Evropulse" dyaku international conferenceSkolkovoRoboticsV for help at the preparatory service.

Periodically, there are statistics about those, if robots replace people and stop them without a robot. On the smallest part of it, materials are published that are authoritative to overhaul the profession, such as "do not lose", and sound like the folding of the "correct resume". Would technology have been able to change the availability of robots for humans?

Nichogo new in the last week

Vvazha, for the sake of robotization - just a turn of the technological revolution. It’s a historical process that doesn’t have to be done.

The greatest fear of robots is victorious among the giants of economically rooted lands: a high technological level allows for the most automated operation. Ale global statistics show that no people are left behind. In іnshomu vypadku rіven bezrobіttya mav bi zrostati, ale all navpaki. According to the International Organization of Pratsi, the level of unemployment in economically developed countries will drop in 2018 to non-bulky 5.5% more than in 2007 (at the same time, it’s all over the place, well, it’s overwhelming to think about it).

At the earliest of the 19th century, a crew of unnumbered crews replaced hundreds of coachmen, who were doing the job at the middle of the road. At first glance - a tragedy for the coachmen. Allegedly, the population in the transport sector at that hour was less than 2%, and at the present moment it had grown to 5%. So, if you become more effective, if you become more effective, you will begin to work better and more efficiently. Advancing the quality of the services depends on the form the other will drink, and at the same time, depriving him of more occupation from the sphere, and not changing it.

Robotizing lyakayut, as we are new and not safe. Ale Vona rested in the 70s of the last century (not earlier): the first microprocessor, the first personal computer, Persha is a mobile phone on a fancy. Show the cashier to the bank, so you can go to the box, insert a plastic card into it, and correct the receipt, win, shy for everything, maybe even thinking about it, the robot will block the robot. But for the most part, there is a cardinal change from the cashier himself: now he has to deal with the service, and all the mechanics of the robot have been transferred to the machines. Have you grown up in the quality of your services? Bezperechno.

The ATM is the whole automation of mechanical robots, and from the neuromeasure it is the whole as an intellectual system. Admittedly, neurorecording, for example, can be used to autonomously store the assets and payment documents, at the same time controlling the financial flows of all the middle companies. Todi, vlasne, accountant's profession vimre. It is possible, I will, but it is possible, I can lose the special analysis of the singing revision, which controls the type of robots.

If one of the workmanship is aware, the workmanship is new. The overflow of occupation from one sphere into the last one for the last 50 years has become very fast. І everything, right, vlasne, break up neurorezhy - it is not necessary to speed up the process. The profession of an accountant can be known, and only the specialists of the clerical education for intelligent automated accounting with the provision of corporate finances will require more and less 10-15 times of work, and it is possible for them to take a job.

Zmіna Professії

Robotisation is not a burden for itself to advance the level of security. The robot is not known to people, it just goes over to the spheres, so people can lay down an acceptable solution.

The main trend of 2018 rock. There is a change in distribution between the sectors of the branch. In the wake of the season, there is a tendency to re-emerge from the occupation of the civil government to the greed of laborious jobs in the sphere of services. There are a lot of things on the virobiztvі fall: people are less and less needed there, more mechanics are needed, you won’t need automation, or control.

The robot does not replace the people there, because it is necessary to vibrate the system and accept the control solution. The process of stimulating the systems is entirely intellectual - a computer cannot do this. An ATM can see you a pittance, or else it’s not a fault: scoring on social lines and in front of vitrates to carry out piece intelligence, but the final decision to assess the management of the bank.

In fact, the cars will not help to flood the HR sphere, but rather the sales sector. Be sure to add a variety of criteria to avoid being locked into the car. Great Dani is a system, prompted and selected by a human being, like a shukak in tandem in a tribute, but a human being was lighter than a Keruvati.

Yak robot will surely

Those who see it with light are just an accelerated transaction. 200 rocky in that sheet, three times three times, and at once from messengers it is possible to exchange information for two dollars.

As long as we are not cheeky on a massive scale, then there are sounds of information noise? Guess the social fringes: the article about light and new reality, which has changed, but not about those who have not changed around us, will be published with a lot of money.

Let the light change naturally. The ability to cross over from one sphere to the last one, and to visit the minds of the world, is always known to be a wonderful, not highly intelligent robot.

Businesses, which are engaged in the development of secure control systems, have installed hundreds of thousands of working missions in India. Tse great data-centers, de spіvrobіtniki nowadays help navchati systems and get them for as little as $ 200 per day. On the monitor, there are five images from the chambers of test cars, like a spyvrobitnik, you can name: a pozhezhny guide, a child, a tree: in fact, people are trying to get a solution, to motivate automated systems... I want it and not the best intellectual.

To navigate the capital, if we see it, how can we be built, turbulent changes, people will not lose their minds. Light of justice to develop, automation to come to virobnitstva. Ale lyudin will get lost, so he can control the car. Automatics, robots and all kinds of intelligent systems will require our challenge.

In the near future, futurologists will tell us, to do the right job of tedious robots, as they themselves start to work and repair those robots. It is early to smell the smell of being able to see yourself. Todi us and nastane kinets. People who seem to be so and will be rich - the same Ilon Mask or Steven Hawking. There is one thing about such glances: the smell of it is so little to know little about the modern robots and computers.

Mostly from the basics: all kinds of seasonal computers, "brains" of any kind of robots - all algorithmic machines. All that stink can be visonuvati algorithms. Docks and algorithms are written by people, the scope of the possibilities of computers and robots will become vuzkim. Zrozumіlo, scho navіt simple robot There can be a lot of nuances that cannot be laid down with algorithms. Tom Bouli Wigadan Neurorezі from Glybinny Nights.

A neural network is a whole program that copies the principle of biological neural framing - from living nerve cells. At the vidminu from the extravagant software protection of neuromeasure, it seems strictly, not to program, but to "start". In the process of "navchannya" їm "goduyut" bets knitted arrays of tributes. For example, the first half of the present proposition in a pair of the other half of the same proposition. It is squeaky for healthy rice, neuromeasurement is good for the appearance of folds between the members of the skin and for the benefit of the results and their "spares". If you have a successful start, you can give a detailed result at the time of the introduction of new dates, like the bullets on the day at the start of the day. For example, give the first part of the proposition, but see a friend in the same style. I can see the new proposition, stylized from the text, the basics of which have begun.

The very same systems will be used to sing for the replacement of singers and magazines. , Zamina did not give in. The neural network is not intelligence (through the visibility of the evidence), but it doesn’t come up to it, but it’s very clear. To that, the meaning of the ringing between the okremimy understands won’t vrahovuє. If їy "charge" zvdannya vіrshi, won’t vyhodі vidiє text, adding to the real sense, wanting grammatically and similar normal. It is decent to enter only for the writing of birzhovy "novins": if you write the numbers down to the rate of shares, write “a decrease in relation to the unavailability of birzhov's analytics in the prospects of the company X", there are no misconceptions. Sufficient algorithms with neuromechanics.

Often do not ask for help in physical practice. So, a robot can put a tsegla, a little more for a man, or a shrewd one, a little less neat. The results for one robotic mason are corrected by the same blunders in the same direction as the robots:

Winning nutrition: how can you build an algorithm machine - using simple "neural network" algorithms - so, how about it, how about the information itself? Theoretically - so. But in order for it to be reasonable, the program is guilty of the mother's testimony, knowing itself and knowing about it, knowing that it’s true and powerful. Yak tse zrobiti - this year is not vidomo, more, for sure, no less reasonable, like our brain. I definitely can't do it to a robot. Nykraschі neurorezhnі, like є seogodnі, - but not more recent copies of neuronal fencing. Mi b і radі copy is more beautiful, but technology is not allowed.

The most natural human project - Blue Brain. Behind the help of supercomputers, a third of a cubic millimeter has been extended to the brain of a schur. Nachebto go. Actually, the problem is that our brain is far beyond a million cubic meters, and on Blue Brain, a millionard Euro is already stained. Yak Bachimo, building a hardware copy to the brain of one people is a foldable enterprise. Vrahoyuchi, so the growth of the productivity of the processors by the rest of the rocks quickly developed, it was not seen that it was possible to develop. Until then, by itself, such a copy will not give anything. The elephant has a bigger brain, now we have less brain. For what? Strictly seeming, accurate response to the food chain is no worse than the sound. Obviously, it is still possible, apart from the neurons themselves, and the hedgehog, as it stinks. Ale scho itself is not visible.

Does it mean everything described here? We are in front of those who are happy with a piece of intellect on the current year. And those, who, see more from our intellect, lower the humov woman - from the living. Є systems, pulled on the transmission of the same type of buildings for a) using simple algorithms in them (software up to neuromechanics), b) copying algorithms from sets of data, which are embedded in them (neural networks).

Tse even, even more highly specialized programs, as there is nothing similar to the power of testimony. Behavior of a large number of creatures is foldable, but not of the most beautiful robot from those created by people. Zvychayna goosebumps, having stuck with atypical zavdannya (not embedded in it "algorithms") and not needing a set of tributes for "navchannya" (copying), it is easy to show a fold zavdannya, obviously winners of great prats. Navigate the most beautiful robots, leave them and can't get close:

Otzhe, a lucky robot is not a goose bump. More quickly, tse folding and specialization tool, analogue of a hammer. Tilki even stuck in. Lyudin with a hammer can be hammered in a shvidshe, but without a hammer. How many people have a hammer for their history without being defeated?

Yak cars "overshadowed people without robots"

Pobouvannya, how the cars are taken from the people; Already in 1811, the boules were especially blessed with specialties (Luddites), as the lamati weavers called out, by the way, they allowed one weaver to substitute dozens at once. The thought was the same: the machines change the number of necessary work, through the surplus of work force, or immediately relate to the streets. It’s logical.

The problem of the history of history is that the ruh of the Luddians was born in 1811, since there are a few robots in Britain at the time. Naymasovisha galuz is quietly rokiv - textile, and the center is Manchester, de Mayzhe all the more people inhabited the textile factories. In the first 1800s, 89,000 people lived in Manchester, then in 1820 - 180,000. Until 1851, there were 400,000 people living in them. Naygirshe: in the delivery of cars supervised ... to the sharp advances of many years of work and the great rewards of children. "Damn our system of factories at the one that in the world of polishing at the vibrating machines, the greed of the gentlemen drew the bagatokh vimagati from the working hands of the greater, but it is not due to the primacy of nature", - the opinion of the British Parliament was raised by the committee.

People were greeted with pratsyuvati for 71 years for a long time, and Britain for the first time brought the legislation to interconnect a number of years, changing them to 69 (this year - 40 in total). Half of the workers of the factories have become very young, a lot of them are at the end of the day! An obvious paradox: the cars are mali of all vignati on the street, and the number of robots grows as well? The stars of the craziness of the cork and the scarcity of the working hands of the flooring, how did the children get sick?

Supposedly, they have implemented new technologies at all textile enterprises, which have changed a number of the necessary workmanship in 10 times. What to eat? As soon as we look at the structure of a commercial commodity, it’s more likely that I’ll base the part of the warehouse of industrial robots. The change of vitrat pratsі order is brought up to the beginning of the price of goods. Those same became і in the stronger ones. Machine threshing of grain and stubble, and then the import of grain on steam melts lowered the price for the grain. "Earnings have become stable, albeit prices for promises and those of the Silk-Gospodar comrades have fallen through promislov and the Silk-Gospodar revolution", - the statement of the historian of the economy of Hartwell.

Tsіni, scho fell sharply, brought up to a colossal growth of living. In England of the 17th-18th centuries, odyag buv is simply too expensive to buy. Silska population, as it was dominated, weaved the same, in the winter evenings, the blessing of the harvest and reap of all one does not come. Already in the 19th century, it lost all sense: the factory's clothes became cheap. That same bag of land, the majority of those who became city dwellers, the narrow-minded people were not less priced, not the street. A colossal growth will have a lot of money to go to textile factories of new and new robots, and an absolute number of them have not felt so fast.

There, de such technologies were put into practice, the occupation did not fall, as they were afraid of ludditi, but grew up - even the cheapest goods were flooded with new markets. India, and sometimes China, boules were littered with Manchester textiles and clothes until the middle of the 19th century. Manchester at the moment viroblyav 40 times all textiles light. There, they didn’t get rid of the new technologies, they instructed them to follow the laws of the fall. Ale only to quiet feast, as long as the technology did not come. For the sake of the British fabrics are not visible near. And the axis China and India have become the great vyrobniks of textiles.

"Rocky sixty and sixty to that one, the whole of the land ... from the small, importantly agricultural populations. Nowadays, the land is full of colossal factory places, with industry, so that they will keep all of them from all over the world with their cars. , two-thirds of them are borrowed from the industry ", - see Engels from the" Provisional robotic class in England ".

The principle, be it a handler of the economy, can explain those who have become. The very subject of economics is the establishment of the interchange of labor and local resources with an optimal rank, so that they do not take care of the fundamentals of the maximum number of goods and services.

If more machines (or robots) are required to be taken through automation through automation, you need to take it, you need someone to serve you. For a rakhunok he will grow up to drink on quietly, how robotic machines, - and also quietly, who will rob metal and power boots, without which, by the way, robots will not grow up. More are needed and weekends - even factories and a lot for them can be brought to a much higher level.

In the 19th century, a number of people in Britain grew fourfold, from 10 to 40 million, a small part of robots in the middle of them grew at a faster pace. The textile industry has become less demanding for workers, and the industry axis as a whole has become larger. The number of people employed by them has grown tenfold - and it didn’t just run out of cars, but, by the way, it slowed down the growth. In the lands, de cars were not available (for example, China), the number of robots in the whole hour did not go up.

How machines create new professions

Robots can pick up crops, pick up cars or put a whole lot. The stench just can't be shifting artistic literature, writing successful books and reading children. Do not even think about robot-perukarіv or genіalnyh poets. Nareshty, a robot can be an engineer, a designer of new robots, the same be-like a new virobi. There are a lot of non-stop robotic programs and repairmen. This means that among the majestic children of the professions to visit the most vicious industrial robots is not guilty of vicious battles. We need more hands on virobnastics, we need more hands than human hands, so many programs and lagoditi.

Ale nygolovnishhe: hands-on development is the most important driver for growing professionals who cannot be found at the same time and cannot be found.

Let's turn a hundred rocks to that. In 1700, there were nine and ten working-class workers in the hands of the Silskoy government, all the more fell on the farriers, saddlers and potters. The promislovi virobi were afraid to deprive them of the overbags. The prices on them are bullets of a kind - the current pistol at a pererakhunku for a tiny penny, like a grenade launcher for a year, and a book is like a light laptop.

Yakby knew the economists of that hour and told him that the cars would give one peasant year to take 50 townspeople, through the majority of peasants go to the places, he said bi, that a disaster would come. Smell there to be hungry and rebellious: robots for them at the places are dumb.

The first axis has passed the table. The villagers have become a familiar, kind-hearted viglyad of laborers, ale, who, having gone to the place, hunger and rebelled not to sleep. The number of the hungry has changed dramatically; People who nail themselves by the scrotum to the bruise of the Chervona area, see them growing up. What happened?

If people feel their hands in satisfaction of the simplest needs - for example, viroshuvannya їzhі, - the stench will immediately know new. For example, miniati odyag, go to the village at sea (even in the 16th century, kings couldn’t be killed like that) or to get a Chergovy smartphone and a car. Fitness room nareshty. Consume our partner grow practically indefinitely. There is a simple and obvious forecast: the growth of a number of robots in a large number of people engaged in the sphere of services for the production of goods, as it is so easy for us to admit it at once, as to the participants of Ivan the Terrible, on the Black Sea coast.

Chem more robots - team more robots

Well garazd, all the theory. And what about practice? Maybe the ninish robots will stick it in, why shouldn't the robots get away with it? He, to be surprised, like the stink of picking up cars - and people don't need it:

Well, there is a simple way to reconcile. Nairobotizovanіsha krayina svitu - tse Pіvdenna Korea, de in 2014 there were 440 large industrial robots per 10,000 robots. In the middle of the day, there was a leash of 68. Did the robots of the Pivdeno-Korean nadvir beep? Not callous: 2015 will be less than 3.6 thousand of Pivdeno-Koreans will be unproblematic. The DPRK - such robots have zero, and no robots have developed. Before the speech, Russia has such robots for 10,000 robots, 1, 440 times less, and less for Pivdenny Korea. Guess what does it mean? Vіrno: without a problem in our land nabagato vishche (official - 5.8 vidsotka). Japan is on a different mission for robots, without robots, however, like in the Pivdenniy Korea, and not like in Russia and the DPRK. In zagaly, there is a great level of automation in this country, then there is no problem.

In front of the front part of the reader is already aware of something like that. China with robots viroblya products, which (without out-of-town mitts) cannot compete with Russia, there are few such robots in the world. So the British itself, by the way, allowed the English to crush the Indian inferior competitors. Already in 1834, the British Governor-General stated the fact: "Rivnini of the Indies of Bilyut with Weavers' Kists". Melodiously, so it was itself beaten with mammoths of the Eurasian Rivne in the era of the epoch. It is quite natural that in Korea there is no problem, but not in Russia: they also have robots, not with us.

Hvilyuvatisya, how Russian robots repeat the share of their Indian colleagues from 1834 to rock, not varto. The weavers died because they didn’t have a lot of cheap English products. The sovereign lands - the United States itself - simply introduced meth to the rock and preserved their textile industry. Suchasna Russia is going by the way itself. Avtovirobnik, if you come here (it’s the most robots), if you pay mito, if you’ll be in the country, the plant will bring the localization of the machine up to 65 vids.

The results of the Koreans (and those of the Earth) will inevitably bring robots to Russia, for good, of course, very good. Be amazed at the business changes of the day, it’s not very good to say that the roboticization has stuck only because of your will, you haven’t gotten away with it. Before the speech, the process is already trivial. For the establishment of soil control over the VAZ, a number of industrial robots have grown up there, wanting to leave the French and Japanese factories Renault-Nissan.Happily, as in Korea, there is no problem to pass by.

Fantasies saw robots in dozens of rockets, but even more intelligent metal people did not show up on our streets. Involvement of the world in reality is very rich. In addition, Lyudin herself

Non-universal associates

Nice stems from new plastics and alloys, on the mind of people, blame it on a tedious robot: go to the store, miti dishes, pilosity, work with children to learn about the weather with the grandmother. It’s easy to know, the smell is to bring the receipts to the bank and to take the ruler to the robot.

Skin z cich d_y by itself does not require special zusil, but all at once the stench will take away a lot of hour, then robots may be universal.

“Years in laboratories є robots, like in the presence of a virus, the plant is in parallel, alas, in the first place, the skin stench will be taken by only one of them, but in other words, the stench cannot be vibrated on its own, as it is passed from the start. Moreover, robots do not call it reasonable, which does not need to be robbed in a particular situation "- I will explain the senior lecturer of the School of Computer Science at Birmingem, fahivets at the galuzi of the piece Intellect, Nik Khoz.

To clean the apartment, the robot needs one algorithm, to go to the store - the one, and the smell is guilty, but it is registered in the electronic "brains". There is not much change of parameters, as long as the list is not specified, for example, the products of the sections in the stores were remembered as mice, to rob the company with unprecedented ones. The car is out of place by the command and cannot be "intelligent", but in the shops, by the day, everything has become invisible. “One solution to the problem is to set a similar social framing for robots, kudi the stink of engaging in the dangers, eliminating them in new situations, and those robots being able to win them in ", - Like Nik.

Obmezheniy rozum

Іnsha rice, like the scriptwriters who might ascribe to robots the order of being universal, is a fantastic rosum. Evidence of folds IBM computer Deep blue Having beaten one of the greatest shahisti in the planet Garri Kasparov, it’s worth building, but in a part of the intellectu machines have turned people over. Supercomputer and processor in mobile phones, you can see a thousand operations for a second, and you can play it. Ale for naspravd people have little to fear.

Nao possession of a processor Intel Atom, like i simple netbooks

Rozum robots are surrounded by the so-called problem of significance. “The problem of robotics is enormous, - Kazhe Hoz. - Robots are not smart, which means “quit”, “heaven”, whatever. Naygirshe, people themselves do not know what it means - the stench is just mind yo, and everything "... The machine can be vivchit, which is built on chotiroh nizhkah with sidinnyam and back - the price of style, ale the sense of understanding the style is inaccessible. To that, a designer style without legs and with a double back is hardly a good idea for a robot, while people do not have any problems because of them.

“People create magnificent foundations, where they can write down the most possible meaning of words. But it’s just a small part of the solution: just as you say, in the base, the robot will sound you. And how many words are there dumb? It’s the best idea, if the robots work through the message. Alas, I know, the stink of viviting deprived of meaning is to understand quietly, because of which they stuck in a special way ", - rozpovіdaє Nіk Hoz.

Mayzhe, ale not call ...

Anthropomorphism- Accessible piece. As soon as the robot is very bad for a man, ale deyakі figs all the same, they see it, people fix it. I will name the phenomenon "Evil valley" (uncanny valley ). The term was invented in 1970 by the Japanese fahivets of robotics by Masahiro Mori. Some of the reactions of the trade were explained by the peculiarities of the human psyche, but in 2009, they showed how mawies behave like that. This means that the fear of nachebto of such themselves, altogether different from themselves, is from the very beginning of the serious evolution of the present. Mozok sprym cі vіdminnostі yak a sign of health and pragne to intercept contacts with a potentially insecure object.

In the photo: Cute robots are not great - їх height 58 cm

Visiting bazhan

Mabut, most people are afraid, but once the robots do not get sick of people, and the stench of light. The prospect is small-scale not only because robots do not understand the senses if they “want” and “light”. The reason for this is that the engineers did not want to see the robots in mind. The important thing is that the understanding gives people freedom to choose and bazhannya, wakefulness and light panuvannya.

“It’s not reasonable to leave, as evidence is formed in people, but also, we can’t see it in robots. On my look, at the same time, as they themselves were tied between themselves, they were sent to the brain. As soon as we go to waste it, then, you can zoom in and out of the structure of the brain so that the robots will not be protected by virtue of this ", - Vvazhaє Gosp.

More is more beautiful

Bagato dіy, as vimagayut see people zusil, for robots appear undivided. It is important for mechanical institutes to develop the power of drowning, if it stinks to squeeze a hand or to take a tendency, it stinks it is even more rotten to walk and not be able to walk around. At the robo football championship RoboCup The gravitational speed is close to 3 m / s (10.8 km / year), and the most beautiful football players have no wheels and caterpillars.

For two-legged robots, you can smoothly tune the ravine, while walking, the processor procrastinates the skin, visually, as the process itself. The newest robots in Russia have evolved with the choirma, for example, the company’s plans Boston dynamics spilno from the laboratory of the jet rocket NASA"Great dog", BigDog (on svitlinі). It walks on dull paws through the dull earth, sip, snow and shallow waters, climb up the mountains and descend from them, with a lot of pull on the "back" up to 150 kilograms of carriage. It is not so easy to knock him to the ground: on the demonstration videos of the engineer, they kick the robot with their feet, but it’s all the same to fall on the choices.

Machines that don’t have a sense of meaning and don’t conceal any evidence, don’t be able to replace people there, if they do not need a template, can navigate a foldable one. For example, if the robots want fear, the stench is not to be afraid of the pain, they can live without sour water, vitrimuvate the extreme temperatures - they are as bad as the cosmonauts. “Tu information, yaku marsokhid took three months, ludina would take away in three years, - I will explain Нік. - People from the Earth look at the telemetry and supervise the apparatus of the factory, with centimeters of progress, up to what stone is close, what an instrument is victorious by the way. Lyudina took the decision in a fraction of a second "... At the middle, the signal going from Mars to the Earth is close to 15 minutes (and backward), ale communication can not be expected through the pereshkodi. That "whip" to navigate from a short journey of people to Mars, having appeared in hundreds of times more for a few robotic missions, skin trivial rock. The record holder of the middle Mars residents, the "Oportyuniti" rover, for 10 years on the Chervony Planet has passed only 40 kilometers.

So, robots are kindly vvazhayut, the stench is strong, show-off and clean without interruption for sleep and so much. Hey, it’s not paradoxical, there’s no way to go from cars to universal neighbors until quiet times, as long as the stench doesn’t become people and doesn’t get a sense of it (or, perhaps, a soul).

Photo: Diomedia (x6), PAL Robotics SL (x2), DARPA

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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