Yak vstanoviti zakritiy profile in classmates. Yak at "Odnoklassniki" to go to the profile? How can you look at the cryptic profiles in Odnoklassniki? Yak close the side in the mobile supplement

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In Odnoklassniki of the current year, you can know the greatness of a number of all the functions and the reasons of them power supply from koristuvachiv, especially from quiet ones, who only recently came to social framing... For example, sho take zakritiy profile? Do you not know? The nature of us is known to be on the power supply chain.

Zakritiy profile - the whole function, as a sprinkler allowed to close his side out outsiders... More simply, the information from the side has become available only to those who were given to friends. And what about it? Someone could make a head start to a profile without information. Vlasne, the axis itself is a side for third parties:

The current functionality of the closed profile has been significantly expanded. For help, I set up a koristuvach, who, having added a service, can do it himself, as information will be available only to friends, but to all of them. The axis of the centralization:

Before the speech, closing the profile - the servant is paid, protest the essence of the one who once paid for the service, you can immediately open and close your profile, so that you can improve your privacy (relevant at the time of writing the article). Servant party? If they were writing an article, the price of the bullet is as follows:

Zrozumіlo, the price can change, even unimportantly, if you read the article. Well, about those who have already got up to speed for an hour ago.

Bagato koristuvachiv to fill often to feed , which means in Odnoklassniki zakritiy profile... In tsіy, bezperechno, corsnіy publіkаtsііy mіdpovіmo on the chain of nutrition in a complex, in the whole world. They brought the butt of a closed profile to the lower baby. Is it mi bachimo? When you enter on some side, you can see the picture of the locked lock that is written in front of it, as if to talk about those who have all the information given regional record available for familiarization (glance) to deprive them of koristuvachs, as friends have a given oblivious record with the owner. In order for the mothers to have a lot of friends in Odnoklassniki, please substitute for the service of increasing the number of friends. Let's go through the tabs of the closed profile.

I would not have clicked on the tab, everything is closed. If you can't write a message, put a class, send your comment, be surprised at not a photograph, not a group, not a note - nothing, unless you apply for an entry before you get close. One little update. You will be able to deprive the gift of the gift, and it is not without a coward. At all the permission for "not friends" to end. Navigating the application is not a guarantor, but you will quickly see everything. And from how the application for friendship will be grabbed by the administrator of the closed profile, so you can be in the course of everything to see in the closed profile.

Do not need to think, do in Odnoklassniki close the profile from third parties koristuvachіv duzhe foldable. It's not like that. All fear is even simpler and clear. We talked to you on the site about tse, ale, prote, repeatably briefly, actions of technical moments. The first croc when the side is closed from the side eyes - the front side of your oblivious record. When you click on an avatar profile in the upper right codend, you can see it at once in two places: the first is the menu, which is clearly shown on baby 1 below. Click for be-yaky posilanny, yak you are the best.

Clicked? Not all of them. Now you can see the confirmation (div. 2 at the top). Here you can find out about the adjustment of access rights to your materials on the side. It will be necessary to press the button again, as shown. But not all of them. Get a lot of patience.

Before your eyes, you will see again at the end of the day, and you will need to pay for the inclusion of this function (picture at the top). On this day, close to your profile you will be 48 OK. Nagaduєmo, scho OK - the price of the internal currency on the Odnoklassniki website, as you can get a whole lot of real pennies. About those, like at the hedgehog Classmates improve their balance,.

Well, with the technical aspects of the food, you may have grown up. Lost a story about a couple of moments. An important moment is those with a function closed side bathe once. When you buy a whole lot of energy, at any hour you can open or close your vivid record. For all, it is not necessary to make any additional payments in the future. Another nuance is chi, vіrnіshe, nutrition, how to tweak bagatyokh frontplatniks at Odnoklassniki. Prior to the speech, you can change a number of front-end boards in Odnoklassniki, having transferred to our new and up-to-date service. Chi can be seen at the closed profile in the Odnoklassniki guests? Dino vіrna іdpovіd - nі. You will not be able to visit the guests of your party at the closed profile.

It’s not surprising that it’s logical, even if the profile was closed, outsiders couldn’t come to the new one. Guests are people who have seen your profile, so you can cheat guests from the list of your friends, as they may have the right to access your side.

Yaksho vie bazhate, schhob to your side in the social framing Classmates, did not go outside people, you need to close your profile.

No koshtovno zrobiti not viyde, the part of the given service at the time of writing the statty (the end of 2017) becomes 100 OK, so it will turn out to be generous.

You can close your profile either from your computer, or from your phone, or from a vikorist program. mobile version site, and yak tse zrobiti, marvel at the bottom.

2. Scrolling through the menu to the very bottom and go to the item "Nalashtuvannya".

3. On the side of the set, go to the item "CUSTOMIZED PROFILE".

4. Here we need to go to the lowest point "Close profile".

5. At the bottom of the page, let me tell you about those who close the profile allow you to set up access rights to your publications. Tisnemo "So".

6. As I said before, the given servant is not bezoshtovna, and if your rakhunka doesn’t have enough “OK” letters, it’s necessary to go by clicking on the “Buy” button.

For me, I’m all good luck.

At the present moment, our land has a collection of social hedgehogs, which have especially been greatly honored computer koristuvacham... One of them is Odnoklassniki, and singingly we have a lot of resources, and most of them go there regularly. Zagalom on top of it, in detail, ale the mechanism of the function of the site you know, like those who do what functions are worthless, and you will have to pay for the deeds of service.

One of the most popular services, how to get rid of the money for a singing bag, is the ability to close your side. Ale how close the profile at Odnoklassniki, does it mean, what will become of him? I wish you so much about the knowledge, meaning the whole material - for you!

Scho means close the profile in Odnoklassniki

It is not a secret for anyone that a skinny koristuvach, who has an oblivious record on Odnoklassniki, you can go to the side of the іnshoi people. If you change "on a visit" until you know, you can look at all the files of the corystuvach, so that you can see about yourself, photos, status, updates. Even more often, such a camp will not master the one to whom you have come, especially if you, say, do not know. There is a lot of people not to shrug off, but they were appreciated that they didn’t come in until the friends, because they want to stink because they want to see their side from such an entrance.

І such a god іsnuє! So, for consuming leather, you can go to the service of interconnecting access to your own oblivious record. In addition, as you turn it on, only friends can enter your side, but outsiders cannot. Obviously, if the koristuvach is not your friend, if you want to get some information, you can apply for additional information to your friends, if you can send it to your friends, if you can send it to your friends, grab the application.

Yak close the profile in Odnoklassniki

Close your side in Odnoklassniki is much simpler, but by itself:

Beastly respect, for buying a one-time service. With the help of activation, you may be able to close your profile as soon as possible. And the axis can be koshtovno-free, so it can be done manually, it can be done. social welter Naypopular.

Now, you know how to seize the data on your side from Classmates from outside the eyes. I am encouraged that the information is brown for you and you can competently speed it up at the right moment!

Most often, be it a side, in addition, it will be socially common, є huge. Be-who can know you, post photos, read the status of that newcomer on the wall. If you don’t want to know, the information is available to everyone, so this year we will talk about those, how to close the profile in Odnoklassniki and the knowledge that can be created without the need to do it.

Zakryvaєmo oblіkovy recording without kostetno і always

The function "Close profile" allows you to collect all the information on your side, from all the people in the social circle, around your friends. Price means - your side will be removed from your privacy. Ale zrobiti tse viide lishe for a penny. Leave the food in the Odnoklassniki only like that.

Schob diznatisya, how to close the page in Odnoklassniki, read our cover instructions treshki lower. If the process is completed, the third parties will not be able to marvel at your photos and videos, write whenever you see it, put your comments on the notes. All that smelly stink, tse is your avatar with writing about those who have a profile of zakritiy.

Tim koristuvacham, who are not ready to pay pennies for their privacy, we can achieve a similar result without koshtov. At the same time, you should know how to set up the publication in Odnoklassniki and not to invest a copy.

Yak close the side

In order to close the oblivious record in Odnoklassniki from third parties, robimo like this:

  1. Go to the site and log in to your side with an additional login and password. I’m still dumb regional record on ok.ru, read our article about.

  1. Dalі clacaєmo on the item designated by the number "1", and vibrate from the menu, scho vipadaє.

  1. Here you need to activate the "Publicity" tab and press the button, designated by the number "2".

  1. Step by step will push the button with the words "Buy". Kostu operation 50 OK. If you transfer currency on Odnoklassniki at real pennies, then in rubles we will get 50 rubles, and in Ukrainian hryvnias - 21 hryvnias.

  1. In order to pay off the service of a closed profile, you need to enter your data payment cards... Tse її number, term dії and CVV / CVC code (three digits on the card's ring). If all information will be entered, it is stamped "Pay".

  1. As a result, the payment went through, and I was informed about the successful completion of the operation.

You can also improve your rakhunok in Odnoklassniki for additional methods. For example: rakhunok mobile phone, electronic penny chi terminal.

Now, if we go to the nalashtuvannya (the tab "Publication"), then by the way, there is a changeover for connecting the service "Zakritiy profile".

We will also come to see it, in which it is said that our rakhunok has been updated and the service has been connected.

Not a skinny koristuvach ready to pay such a small sum for prikhovannya of his tributes. If you stay until the last, read the offensive section.

Yak close the profile without koshtovno

OK has a lot of publicity. Let's get rid of it, de ive shukati and how to cleanse the information from our side from outside glances.

In order to see the improvement of publicity, an onslaught on the item "Schedule" and vibrate.

For activation necessary adjustments If you have lost it, switch the interface to the Publishing tab. Here are some more functions.

Usi indicators given to razdіlu can be switched in one of three positions.

We have such points:

  • my vik;
  • my іgry that programs;
  • my group and spirit;
  • my friends;
  • my line;
  • my photos;
  • my notes;
  • my video;
  • my holy;
  • my gifts;
  • my friend's half;
  • my reach.

You can switch to the "Only me" position for the first 3 parameters.

The upcoming point of the opts_y publ_chnost_ -. It is clear, before you enter.

Visibility options are displayed, there are є 3 parameters. Tse: "Vzagali all", "Tilki to friends" and "Nikom".

There are 11 points in total, the stink axis:

  • Daruvati gifts;
  • see on photographs;
  • know you at "There There";
  • see the notes and comments;
  • lead the leaflet with me;
  • see yourself on your photo;
  • write notes to your forum;
  • click in іgri;
  • discuss photos;
  • click to groups;
  • development of your specialties of photography.

"There There" - a whole lot of additional improvements, like expanding the functional of social framing and robbing them of the skill.

We turn to look the last point adjustment of publicity.

At the top of the front there are two razdiliv, there are no changes. Functions to be activated for additional helpers. Є less than 6 parameters:

  • show me at the razdіlі "People at once on the site";
  • to revise the skin photograph, in which case it is not meant, before the publication;
  • to show the discussion, in which I am taking part, to friends, as not to be friends with the author of the discussion or not as members of the group;
  • open the side for noise systems that postal services (you can be known, for example, through mail.ru).

Now you know how to close the profile at Odnoklassniki. Lonely out of the Visconati row simple diy subject to our instructions. And if you still have a lack of food, then write it in the comments. It is also recommended to take a look at the thematic video: it is possible, you can also get out of this situation.

Zakryvaєmo profile from the phone

You can close an oblivious entry in Odnoklassniki on the phone by speeding up with a quick browser. Tsei sposib can low pass in front of the robot with a mobile dodatkom. For example, availability on all outbuildings, including telephones and without operating systems some old smartphones based on Symbian. For the rest of the Odnoklassniki program, it was simply not admitted.

Otzhe, rozpochinaєmo procedure to close the profile. Follow our cover instructions:

  1. Open your phone browser and go to your side for the address ok.ru (it seems that the gadget is guilty of connecting to the net). Enter your login and password, then press the "Log in" button.

  1. There is an open-ended menu (you can change the price by clicking on the icon or for an additional swipe). Scroll down and vibrate "Power version".

Video instructions

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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