fathoms. A shrink-free parser for vivantage of a catalog of goods from social

Zharoznizhuvalny for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconvenient help for feverish women, if the children are in need of giving innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and constipation of fever-lowering drugs. How can you give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

Qia instruction It will be brown for customers who want to issue a replacement for their own needs. For the whole deprivation, it is necessary to vivantage our comrades to themselves in the social. I will buy it for my friends. The parser allows you to copy pictures, name, price and inventory. The article was issued as an instruction for organizers of residential purchases.

1 croc - set the "Rake" button

To vivant goods through the Grably service, you need to register on the site https://grably-parser.ru.

Now, if you've registered, you need to install the "Rake" button in your browser. On the site https://grably-parser.ru/page/button drag the button to the bookmarks bar. We go to the category of goods, as it is necessary to vivant and push the button. Enter your login and password. As soon as you have a chance to come up with a solution. The parser takes all the information about the friend and displays it on the screen.

2 croc - nalashtuvannya vivantazhennya goods

At all stages, it is necessary to make adjustments:

Rounded prices and currency- Possibility to round up the price or change it into foreign currency. The function of your nationality is to round off the price;
National- the possibility of changing the price for your application (the national market has been fixed at the official address). The goods will be vivantage to the social. fathoms with the price of the national;
Product Description- the possibility of setting up information: name, price, inventory, ordering for the product (recommended report to describe what the price is necessary), as well as comments.

3 croc - vivantage of goods with options

Tsey step is very important for the mind... Deyak_ comrade on our site_, for example, yarn can be used in goods (size / color). To that vivantage yarn and іnshі podbnі comrade, turn over, so at the same time they will be vivantated on the goods. It is also recommended to add a comment for the participants in the purchases. For example, as we have "Vibrati color is possible for posilannyam on the goods."

The participant has purchased the goods and will go to our website for information, so that the actual colors will be displayed. You do not need to edit the list of quotes for given product, as a participant in the purchase

4 croc - vibir social hem

Tse final stage. You need to vibrate social welfare For the kind of document you want to see if you want vivantage. At the end of the day, you can vibrate social networks on Vkontakte and Classmates.

When choosing a social pattern, you can turn the photo album, until you need a vivantage comrade. It is also possible to create new albums directly in the parser and transfer the function, "templates", to save all the settings for vivantation, for those who have been added.

It’s overstayed only natisnut on the button "Vivantage comrade"

5 croc - vivantage and reversal

For that, you will press the button "Vivantage comrade" to appear in the vivantage process. Obov'yazkovo daughter and end. For whom it is recommended to go to the social border and reconsider the correctness of the vivantage.

  1. Yak to add a site, which is not a parser in a parser for a vote?

    • At the site "Post a site on our base" you can vote for the additional site to the parser. For everyone to know yogo at the joke "site on the poll" and natisnit "Golosuvati". If the site has typed 20 votes, it will be sent to the parser.
    • As far as the site is not allowed to vote, after entering the address to the site in the "site for voting" joke, the button "Submit a request for additional submission" will appear.
      After giving a loan one hour, we will set up a service for a robot with a website.
  2. Do not pass a password sheet to the mail. What is the password for entering the site?

    Change the "SPAM" folder of your postal screen.
    If there is no sheet with a password in spam, or it was not necessary to stretch 10 sheets of paper, then write to the mail: [email protected] site

  3. Are the principals on your site going to change?

    We do not change the leaders, but you yourself carry the risk of robots with them. It is recommended to you before replacing goods on any site by telephone to contact a particular site and to get information about the replacement. Check it out with the inverted leaders.

  4. Why was it set up for the great exchange of photographs at the social fringes? (3000 photos)

    Have a call z tim, scho sots. VK and OK blocks block parts of the same type of koristuvachiv. You can still block your regional recording for "SPAM" when great number zavantazhen. Radically work, interrupt in the robot for the hour of pre-stocking a great number of goods.

  5. Pardon "Nemaє photos of goods on the side". How robiti?

    • Product catalog can be displayed have a good way: tile, list, squeeze list. There are many ways to switch the view of goods on the site and try again with the "BestSp" button
    • The structure of this site has changed and it is necessary to re-publish it. At this time, write to the mail: [email protected] site
      Until next day, give it to the side, de vinikak pardon.
  6. Why doesn't the parser allow you to vibrate an album from a group?

    The price, shvidshe for everything, is tied to the blocking of advertisements installed in the browser. It is necessary to vimknuti її.

Earlier, you can help your friend in social welfare, organizers of spilny purchases brought vitrachati a lot of time and effort. Only to notice: add the photo from the site of the owner, add the name to Odnoklassniki or VKontakte, add a description. І so іf leather goods. Hundreds of product positions will be delivered by hand. Ale now, the assistant has appeared, who has been building information about a friend to social fences literally in two clicks. Price service Sliza.

Also for spilny purchases

Bagato hto chto chuv the term "spilny purchases", but not all reason, but also.

Spilny purchase (SP) is a whole method of organizing purchases, from which people get together with a group of necessary goods for wholesale prices and economy on delivery.

In Russia and the Spilny, the buyers began to gain envelopes in the mid-2000s. Todi are the main participants of the bully young mothers, who wanted to buy cheaper clothes and toys for their little ones. Until 2008, all the great miski forums had already rejected distributions, assignments to special purchases, and most active participants began to take on the role of organizer or coordinator of the joint venture.

Ninі spіlnі purchases are a fair phenomenon. There are hundreds of group sites, the main mass of clients is the organizer of the joint venture. We stayed with a home giver, we were going to be happy, we were re-created on the previous sellers. Smell of praise for a small comic, or take on the whole bug of the buyer: registration of the order, payment, delivery and payment.

For post-managers of joint venture organizers yak bjoli, as they collect nectar. Stock catalogs with products from social framing, stink of new buyers and increase sales. Zabdyaki їm the name of the wholesale site is constantly blinking at social media, good SEO.

More organizers go to your store, then more organizers. And what about the organizers of your site, more.

How can I get the organizers? Create it and add it to your mind. The price is available for the additional Sliza.ru widget.

Yak tse pratsyu

Sliza.ru is a service of streaming content vivantage from sites from social networks to forums (formats - CSV, XLSX). For the help of the Sliza.ru parser, you can easily and quickly "zlizat" (sound and name) all the necessary information about the product and add to your side or the group in Odnoklassniki or VKontakte. Moreover, from the recent hour, vivantazhuvati can be found on the sides, and the entire catalog is complete.

Also Sliza.ru is working with the newfangled distribution "VKontakte" - "Goods". Previously, the cards of goods were issued only from the albums, but it was not done manually. Now VK groups can open new catalogs of goods by category. Sliza.ru automation of the process.

On this day kliєntska base organizers of sleeping purchases Sliza.ru changed the sign of 60,000. On Sliza.ru there are 250,000 organizers. Today through the service vivantazhutsya ponad two million pictures and descriptions.

Widget Sliza.ru will help organizers easily and quickly vivantazhuvati comrades from social media sites, and owners of online stores can collect statistics.

The managers of the whole vidget, you know, that your customer, some people are in the field, as often your comrades appear at the same group. This can be done during marketing campaigns and e-mail messages.

To install a widget on your site, you need to submit an application to Sliza.ru and vibrate one from tariff plans... Without a month, for example, it costs less than three thousand rubles.

For payment, you can pick up the code to the widget in a special cabinet.

If the organizer of the joint venture visits your website, you can start swiftly at Sliza.ru, and you can literally in two clicks download the catalogs of your goods to Odnoklassniki or VKontakte.

The checkboxes are placed, the organizer can change the parameters of the setting. For example, you can ask for a copy of the name and price of the product without the article and description.

Likewise, the joint venture coordinator can display your own national identity. It’s still handy, so it’s not necessary for me to hand over the skin lot partiality. For a bit of hilin, a new catalog of your goods will be ready at the social fringe.

Sliza.ru - help for organizers of sleeping purchases. Servіs zvіlnyає a lot of hours and extended sales. Adzhe comrade can be zavanazhuvati not vibirkovo (well worthy of chi he will drink), but with whole catalogs. And in the nearest hour the creators of Sliza.ru will find one more trick. Tse mechanism of auto-update. He will not be able to reload information about a friend who has changed on the site of the virobnik. All of them are automatically monitored.

To find out if you are so loyal to your site there will be a joint venture coordinator, how can you be able to use the tool without using a tool?

Cataloza Sliza.ru has more than 2000 online stores, which are popular with organizers of retail purchases. Zbir danih from bagatokh from them bezel-less. For example, from "All for the Kish", "Noble Ladies" and іnshikh. Processing of the largest sites is available for one of the most recent rates.

Alle, there is a Sliza.ru widget on the site of the post-principal, which means that we have already added about the most-loving bdzhilki-post-principals. And the stench is sure to show you new clients and big sales from social fences.

Also, we have already discussed a lot of nuances in the display of our first social purchases from social fences: we now have a chance to draw up viable dorms, have looked at different options for opening the catalog of goods. The organizer didn’t see a robot for the organizer, because it’s smart and hard-working right, because the statistics would like to bring your respect to the tool, which can be very easy for the organizer of the joint venture.

Our current rozmova is assigned to parsers.

So also a parser?

The parser is the price of the program, as a copy of information about a friend from the site of the post-manager and vivantage in social networks ("VKontakti" and in Odnoklassniki "). .With the help of the parser, you will wipe all the product positions of your leader for a dash of hilin!

There are a lot of such programs at a time, and especially for organizers of the joint venture. Most of the time, I am fond of, as quickly as it is, and it is hard to develop directly from Russia.

Z bagatokh parsers, we are the most popular sliza.ru and it is easy to see on the yogo attachment, like a tse pratsyuє. The overwhelming of the program is not only in popularity, but because for the organizer, it’s absolutely bezel-less - it’s very important! In order for them to be able to see them quickly, on the site of your postmaster, they are guilty of setting up a vidget (button "Vivantage catalog"):

When you push the button to open it, you need to click on the big green button "Sprobuymo".

Writing, if you are citing the program for the first time, ask you to go through an easy restoration on the site https://sliza.ru

To restratsії you need to enter your e-mail, vigadati (and remember, but write it down more smartly!), Put a tick in the box "I'm not a robot" and write "Autorizuvatisya". What do you want? e-mail come a sheet from the confirmation of the restoration. Everything is much simpler. The song of awkward manipulations can be passed without prior to the unbundling of goods from your group's albums and from social fringes. Sliza is wonderful to cope with both "Classmates" and "VK".

Once again, the pressure on the button on the widget, embossed "Let's try it", I will need a social border, the pressure is on the "Vidkriti" - a list of groups is displayed, in which case the administrator and your special side are asked to send it to the catalog. that yak lead the joint venture.

When you send a selection to a group, you will see a list of all the albums that have been created from these albums, select the required ones from them. As long as the albums are not open yet, you can start writing right here: at the special window write the name of the album and print "Stvority".

The field "Zmіna prіn" can also help you set up the national (org.zbіr) you need;

"Dodatkovo" you can vibrate the required fields in the inventory of goods on the site of the owner. I respect those who have a borderline number of symbols in the inventory for photographs in "VK" and in "Odnoklassniki"! In Odnoklassniki, the nabagato is shorter, redescribe the product simply does not disappear. If you add the catalog at "OK", you will wrap only the binding fields: article, price, size and write at the "Dodatkovy text" important information(We have meant for the butt, but the price for the goods is residual for the customer - they have not been diagnosed with the food) the same for all goods. You can leave the "Description" field in the contact.

You can place Dodatkovo on the photos "Watermark" by ticking the "Activuvati" box. Yak a watermark, you can register a line for a group, or I will call it a group, etc. The whole point is not obov'yazkovim, ale as photos from your album to drink at sound systems(Yandex.pictures for example), then you can see your group on a water sign.

In addition, as all the criteria are found, the onslaught on the "Vivantage" button - that's it! Now you are transferring your group and changing albums. Fantastic! The robot, on a yaku earlier, the organizers were vitracted by a few days;

Due to the fact that the appearance of goods on the website of the owner is constantly changing: as a friend, there are new prices, promotions are being held, and you can, without special efforts, improve the relevance of your albums and take

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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