How to understand that you are not a robot. ReCAPTCHA - simplest captcha I'm not a robot like Google

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I think differently.

Ale, how can we share our thoughts more human and more machines, how did you describe your way of thinking?

Pass this test, and according to your opinions, we can tell you which one is closer to a person, which one thinks like a robot.

Let's try to guess!

10+ Humanoid Robots That Look Like Humans


The model takes on the appearance of a humanoid robot, which was created for the appearance of the model itself. Deyakі yogo part pratsyyut zavdyaki vice poіtrya. The facial expressions of a face can even exactly repeat the facial expressions of a right person.

Android Kodomoroid

This communication android from Japan will be presented at a press conference at the hour of the exhibition of robots at the London Science Museum in fierce 2017.

Ibn Sina

Students from the University of the OAU are looking at the first robot, which is a kind of Arabic and building communication with people. Such robots can work as secretaries, administrators, sales assistants and consultants.

Jia Jia

This robot is collaborating with an engineer from the Science and Technology University of China. The vchenih team needed 3 fates to create Jia Jia. Voni presented their brainchild at April 2016. The robot can speak, demonstrate the least virazi guise, and also collapse with lips and body.


This robot will be presented to the Tokyo fashion design, which took place at the same time in 2017. The robot is monitored remotely by the operator, which through the camera will monitor the movement.

Robot type Toshiba

This humanoid robot will be presented at the CEATEC electronics exhibition in Chiba Prefecture, Tokyo in 2014.

Chihira Junko

Toshiba has created a robot specifically for shopping malls. Tsya car comes from the Tokyo shopping center. The presentation was made at the breast of 2015. Varto indicates that the robot can help to navitt foreign tourists, communicating with them in English and Chinese.


Seeing the humanoid robot Minami in one of the stores in Osaka in early 2013. The robot can speak with sing-song phrases such as "Did you come alone?" or "Let's take a picture together."

Mirai Madoka

Which humanoid robot was presented at the Robot Development & Application Expo in September 2017. The exhibition was held near Tokyo.

Android twins

Presentation by Yoshio Matsumoto showing twin robots at his laboratory near Tsukuba, Japan in 2014.

Han taSofia

David Hanson, CEO of Hanson Robotics, stand between Han the Robot and Sophia the Robot during the first hour of the demonstration at the RISE Technology Conference in Hong Kong at Lipny 2017.


This robot is a customer of one of the Tokyo stores. Diya looks at the quarter of 2015. Building robot smile, sleep and give fawn over shopping.


This humanoid robot mates with other robots, such as "CommU" and "Sota". Dia is featured at a press conference near Tokyo in September 2015.

Often a lot of corystuvachіv computers stick to the situation, if you try to know on the Internet whether it's the same information in your browser, you can replace the results by asking for a picture, as if to prove that the stench is not a robot. And for a little surfing on the Internet, unfortunate short-sighted people have to type a captcha, or respectfully look at the picture, swear, spend an hour, to make sure that they don’t stink, but just people who want to go to the Internet. In this article, I propagate the discussion of why you need to deal with this problem and how to deal with it.

Why so vіdbuvaetsya?

Let's take a look at what we need. In the first place, a similar problem is dealt with by those who have taken the responsibility of controlling the behavior of corylists on the Internet. Call to fight with the method of zastosuvannya zastosuvannya spetsializovanyh programs, scho іmіtuyut dії dії simple koristuvachіv Іnternet, yakі vіdvіduyut different sites.

In a friend, Siturati's Siturati canni, Karihuvachi Intrnet Nadmiru, often cigarette the provisions of the Rіzniki Anonіmaiser, VPN Klієntіv, and Torzorovyovaya Intrun Schi-Khitroshki, Shaho, docile by Introduction about Korringer Intrnet Abo Zіniti їRTUNY).

Which browsers support it?

Tse mozhe vіdbuvatisya in any browser, some vikoristovuє poshkovі system Google or Yandex. Moreover, in this food, the “shkidlivost” is shown by the Google Poshukova system. Fig.1 representations old look"show distrust" to the point of being skeptical of the "Google" search system. Figure 2 shows a similar situation with the Yandex search system.

In Fig. 2 (div. 1 Fig. 2) the indications of the application of captcha and identification of the Internet in the search system "Yandex". In Fig. 3, the indications of the application of identification in the Google search system.

In order to fight against a similar situation, different koristuvachs stop different ways. Who cares about pronouncing the text or the picture, typing the text or clicking on the “correct” image, who wants to fight hard for help with specialized programs, and who just spit on this situation and tries to know the difference in for food, what to say.

Adzhe virishennya tsієї problems borderline simple (please, present moment).

Ways to get around the "I'm not a robot" problem

In the first place, speed up to the necessary minimum zastosuvannya different anonymizers, VPN clients too.

In a different way, as it was planned more, the problem is not to lie in the browser, but to lie only in the search system. Worth noting - just switch to another poshuk system. At the moment, the most and not engaged in the search engines are "DucDucGo" "Yahoo" and "Bing". And other poshukovі systems, yakі, porivі blocking poshukovogo spam (manual and machine), until they try to know about corystuvachіv іnternet, yakоїs reason "too hard" masquerades. If you don't want to change the salary poke systems that browser on your computer, if you have chosen it, just put it on the bookmarks bar of your favorite browsers sent on your other browser system. And if Google or Yandex needs to prove you that you are not a robot, just tell me whether it’s a good idea and re-introduce your search query in a row.

I do not give a direct request for a designated search system, because the stench (possibility) can periodically change, and it’s hard to file for changes, it’s better to guess, in some statute and in some place the force was stagnant. You can always know what is sent on the Internet.

Thirdly, if you still have a hot need to stop for an hour to search on the Internet of Google or Yandex search systems (for example, you were blocked on some site), then when searching, type out not the search phrase, but a specific URL- addresses. Google, on vіdmіnu vіd Yandex, it's better to love.

Well, and nasamkіnets, as I already said more and in the article "", not a trace supernaturally, without any need to be served by the servants of anonymizers, VPN clients, etc. and even often hovatisya in the Internet. First, it's easy to count. In a different way, without regard for those who are the servants of “anonymous surfing”, shout in unison that their servants are absolutely careless, but far from it. Who can have the impressions of the one who, installing a VPN client on his computer, do not install one of them at the same time as a Trojan? Who can be 100% convinced that anonymizers servers do not keep a log of the appearance of your activities through their server? I wondered how you misunderstood the superiority of companies, how to give the possibility of anonymous surfing?

Establish other ways to enable the identification system "I'm not a robot." I uttered one of them and, in my opinion, the simplest. I don’t know how to practice, because In the rest of the hour, most of the poke systems fell in love with “putting a hand on the pulse” (more precisely, on the throat) of their coristuvachiv and stunning them constantly registering and seeing their confidential information.

Itsenko Oleksandr Ivanovych

All the coristuvaches of the Internet stuck in the new one with the field "I'm not a robot" (I'm not a robot), on the contrary, it is necessary to put a tick in order to continue the robot on the site. The sounds of the field know that you are not really a robot and why you can

CAPTCHA means more automation of the public Turing test for recognizing computers and people. This test was found in 2003 by Roci Luis on Anom and Yogo by the team of contributors from Carnegie Mellon University. The method of creating small things in the text is a spam expansion spam automatic programs on the Internet, to buy up all tickets are sold online for their resale at a higher price. The captcha works, so that people can recognize the creations of the text and types of character sets, but the computer cannot.

If you want to upload robots, then you need to install captcha on your website. As a result, she is victorious at the same time on millions of sites and coristuvachis stick with her every day. He began to think about it, that it is not possible to victorious more effectively and put it in and out on the chain in a positive way. The rozrobniks have overcome the power of the intellect to digitize all the essential real books. Books need to be scanned, after which optical character recognition programs are used to convert words into digital text.

Useful words for recognizing the words were placed in the reCAPTCHA database. The replacement of vipadkovyh character sets of captcha began to show words from books, like a computer could not understand. If there is enough koristuvachiv on the Internet, the whole word is entered, it is considered confirmed and added to the database e-books. He An named the project reCAPTCHA.

The creators put out the words "Stop spam, read books." Today reCAPTCHA wins over 100 million times, definitely reading 2.5 million books on the river. At Google failed to buy reCAPTCHA and earned the price of 2009 roci. The stench began to win the power of intelligence to digitize the archive of New York Times articles dating back to the 19th century, as well as the success of Google Books. If the resources were exhausted, Google began to extract numbers from Google street view that sign google maps. However, on which the story does not end.

Got a couple of problems. For example, reCAPTCHA cannot beat blind people. For reasons why, an audio reCAPTCHA was added, where the words are spoken out loud. In addition, reCAPTCHA poses challenges for people with dyslexia. Services started to appear, they were known on reCAPTCHA automatically, naturally not cost-free. These services are victorious to spivrobitnikiv in the lands of the third world, like for a small fee to enter captcha manually and correct it back to coristuvachi.

The rest of the most important problem is related to the technologies of the computer dawn, as the floorings have become yakіsnimi, who have learned to write captchas on their own. That's why the engineers thought about it, how to make the process easier. Started victorious creation of different fonts, digital noise, advanced lines, prote technologies continued to develop and learned to do more and more complexity.

Google was wrong to take care of the data and found that people solve collapsible captchas in a total of 33% of hits, while Google's algorithms solve captchas in 99.8% of hits. It seems that computers have already become sensible for people. As a result, Google vexed in the form of different twisted characters and began to revoke the field with the inscription "I'm not a robot." This field was labeled No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA.

If you click on the checkmark, Google will correct request HTTP with various information. These include your IP address, country, time stamp, information from the browser, data about moving the cursor a second before, so you tick the box, so you scrolled the side, click first, click the time between different browser windows and faceless other changes, like Google will not speak.

Usі і parametrami obroblyaet algorithms for machine learning and analysis of risks. For the most part, the results of the analysis of the building in the form of a person are computer software. However, the analysis of the risks shows that a small number of vipadkivs have doubts, and even before the coristuvach, an additional task is put. There are pictures, yakі vіn mає rozpіznati. For example, the coristuvach is guilty of all the pictures, on which there are richly overlaid booths, road signs, shops too. As a result, you will be able to tell that you are a human, Google engine will remember the next time when you press on the "I'm not a robot" field and you will deny access without the need to press on the pictures.

Hello, new readers of the blog site. Literally, in a couple of hours I want to add a new captcha to Google (it was announced close to that time), as it came to replace the old one that was confused. Previously, there were a few bloggers who sang, as if they were rebuying in their own minds, the moment they put the brainchild of Google on their website or a blog - even more, it was already possible to solve the letters of the puzzle there. All the brilliance of the commentary was ruined.

Vlasne, in that distant hour, I coristuvavshis good pratsyyuchim. For yoga walkthrough, you just need to put tick the box "I'm not a robot" and all (from all possible). If the checkbox was not checked, then the notification fell into the cat in the WordPress admin, otherwise, when the cat was turned on (like my vape), they simply didn’t add to the base. The ideal variant, in my opinion, the commentator did not create any special unhandedness.

Let's stop working on this plugin, and I've been successful here again, and then stop working on this method after updating WordPress to version 4.4. In the course of an hour, I tried a couple of plugins, they detected spam based on the analysis of the addressee and the message (Antispam Bee and CleanTalk). The first one was a swindler (spam is not spam, but non-spam spam), and the other one didn’t lower the score, but increased the charge on the server (the same paid before).

Zagalom virishiv turn to the overridden method - installation of simple and basic captchas. DCaptcha no longer works, but the giant Google seriously asked his monstrous reCAPTCHA and called the whole recheck to the very checkbox “I'm not a robot”. Unfortunately, I'm too stupid, to understand how to get to the right side of the site without a plugin (want to try it), that happened to use the services of the No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA plugin. Ale about everything in order.

Spam mitigation methods why reCAPTCHA?

As you sing-song know spam buvaє manual and automatic. In the first place, you can protect yourself from the inclusion of language moderation of all input notes before the next publication on the blog - just like that, the "radish" won't break through.

Ale, manual spam, as a rule, is a small streak in the river of autospam. The rest can be generated, for example, Hrumer has simply fantastic obligations. Particularly less annoying are not those who, for the sake of getting hundreds of spam comments to come to my WordPress admin, but those who stink greedily long and are forced to scroll to the “Visuality” button. So the problem is real and more relevant, the more popular your blog will be.

With manual spam, there is no sense to fight against (through the adjective of ciєї fight and through yoga, it is not necessary), but for autospam, you need to work. Here yak bi є two main approaches:

  1. Filter already added comments to the WordPress database for spam / non-spam and posting them for valid taxes. It’s a pity, plugins that follow this principle, see a lot of stuff and just clear the Spam folder without looking at it, but you don’t see it, because you don’t want to spend dozens of meaningful comments sent by active readers to your blog.
  2. Tighten up to the form of adding a commentary to the supplementary re-verification for those who lack information - the human being is alive. The task of revealing the value of the identity is called the Turing test and is found to be more important than the others for the help of the so-called captcha (approved as a CAPTCHA, as an abbreviation for a set of intelligent words). The main problem of this method of combating spam is those that you stress commentators in resolving the “rebus” (captcha), which can be used by a new zagali bazhannya to continue learning and deleting information.

However, captchas, as already shown, can be forgiven. Google has created a serious croc for someone directly and now yoga nova reCAPTCHA it’s just a sign of simplicity and subtlety for the most important koristuvachiv who came to your site (although a small number of them can still be forced to enter symbols from the picture, so that the algorithm blames the sumniv in yoga humanness).

This is how Google's recaptcha axis will look for 99.9% of viewers of your site:

Well, it’s like that, at the time of force majeure vindication (as the algorithm after a dozen tests for human beings is still confusing):

You can judge about the stability of this zakhist from the fact that on the services of recognizing captchas (or) for recaptcha, you can take two more pennies. Even to speak a showcase.

Well, nibi vibir is broken - you need to implement it.

Registration of the site in reCAPTCHA and installation on your blog

The registration is just like an application for the name of the domain name of your site, de qiu itself captcha you plan to win:

After that, use the reCAPTCHA service for your site to the admin panel (maє sense, sing-song, add it to the browser bookmarks). Over the years, there will be statistics on robots given captcha, but for now, it’s more important that we can learn from the data - that’s it your own keys, without any "I'm not a robot" is not pracyuvatime:

Trochy below is the instruction for installation. In the field of "Integration on the client's side", everything was clear, but the simple installation of the pointed code in the destination was not enough. The captcha will be displayed, but spam will not be filtered. And in the field of "Integration on the server side" I did not understand anything. I am stupid for whom.

To that the decision was praised wikipedia plugin for integrating reCAPTCHA into WordPress, fortunately, how many options for such plug-ins can be done (read). True, three of them didn’t work for me (the captcha was not shown in the region for adding comments). After a lot of recent attempts, I had a chance to turn around for solutions to reasonable people, de and buv remarks and years of successful installations of a plug-in from a cunningly wise name (the type of olive is not oily).

Setting up the robot of the No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA plugin in WordPress

Well, okay, go to the WordPress admin panel, from the left menu, select "Plugins" - "Add new", enter in poshukovy row No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA and try installation. Don't forget to activate it, and then in the best way go to the customization (at the bottom of the left menu you will find the new No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA item).

Vlasne, here, from the previous ones, we have added the most important ones and again, the introduction of the removal of three more keys on the reCAPTCHA website:

After saving tsikh change the plug-in in a row stand up for your comments type of spammers.

And no more comments. You can save for help the captcha and the login form to the WordPress admin panel:

You can also replace the light in the patches color scheme recaptcha on the dark, and also give captcha yourself to guess the language of the koristuvach, or put it in the primus.

Vlasne everything. I haven’t cleared the cache from WordPress yet (updating only those stats, which traditionally Chrumer doesn’t like), so reCAPTCHA doesn’t appear on all sides. It's been said that the robot hasn't been flagged yet.

Good luck to you! To fast zustrіches on the sides of the blog site

You can buti tsikavo

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